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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kept You Waiting (35 Years), Huh? Edition Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 20:20:13 Id: cb18a5 No. 201501
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page >Japan just elected Akamatsu Ken to the national diet. https://archive.ph/4fdKd >Legal action threatened as Hideo Kojima falsely linked to Shinzo Abe assassination https://archive.ph/4n1lS >Elon Musk backs out of the twitter deal: https://archive.ph/TwHhU - so twitter takes legal action against Musk: https://archive.ph/A85hj >Gamebanana forced to take down nazi Whip skin by SJWs https://archive.ph/nKiQ3 >Shooter Payton Gerndon links 8chan.moe, among other sites, in his manifesto. Site Administrator Acid Man denies the shooter having any posts and/or affiliation with the site. (Everyone on site is getting v& regardless, RIP again.) https://archive.is/26ng7 >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike: https://archive.ph/pyYJg * >*Update GMG Union secured a deal: https://archive.ph/vcUET >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>201501 Hideo Kojima's a hack who absolutely needs someone to rein him in. If he doesn't have someone to tell him "no" then he goes completely over budget or does things that actively bog down a game. Case in point, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain, & Death Stranding. All want to be movies more than games. Phantom Pain got Kojima fired partially because he was too ambitious for a game he didn't even want to make nor were Konami willing to put up with him anymore. Say what you will about Konami's decisions but Kojima's no innocent saint. The dude just wants to make movies & rub elbows with Hollywood actors.
>>201504 >Say what you will about Konami's decisions but Kojima's no innocent saint. The dude just wants to make movies & rub elbows with Hollywood actors. Isn't it the same with Yu Suzuki at Sega?
>>201504 >The dude just wants to make movies & rub elbows with Hollywood actors. Him and GRRM should get together.
>>201506 GRRM just wants to do anything but write his book.
>>201502 >It's late, but how did the previous ones forget this franchise's anniversary? I was raising the fire, (but we did talk about metal gear a bit in the last two threads I think)
>>201505 >Kojima's no innocent saint. The dude just wants to make movies & rub elbows with Hollywood actors. outside of him being a cuck for Hollywood what else has he done that's really fucked up?
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Massive mammaries
>>201509 Praised Che Guevara through Big Boss in Metal Gear Peace Walker. Though some make the argument that, since Big Boss is literally a villain building up his military force, you're not supposed to agree with what he's saying.
>>201512 Ocelot mentions marxism at one point in MGSV during his codec calls but then again Ocelot is a commie.
>>201513 Ocelot's even more of a villain.
/polarchive/ Anon here to remind you for the (n+1)th time to come over to the board and contribute what files you may have. Decided to create a second thread for the great reset thread to commemorate 1000 posts in the thread considering 4705 files is a bit bloated when trying to open it.
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>>201513 >Ocelot is a commie. I thought he was a globalist pretending to be a commie in order to get the Philosopher's Legacy from Volgin? Globalist is a bit vague, but I don't remember exactly how it all fit in because of all the retconing between MGS2 and MGS3. Were there a kind of "proto-Patriots" before Zero formed the real Patriots? GW said it basically had been around since the founding of the nation as an ideal and set of values specifically within the White House. IDFK, but Ocelot was working with someone in the US government during MGS3 while pretending to be a CIA agent who was pretending to be KGB who was pretending to be working with the CIA... or some shit. This shit is almost Kingdom Hearts level convoluted. But at the very least it's clear he was working for neither the US or Russia - but some other interest which eventually got replaced or consumed by the Patriots.
>>201516 >Were there a kind of "proto-Patriots" before Zero formed the real Patriots? There was the Wiseman's Committee, of which we have confirmation was real because we know both Volgin and the Boss are children of members. So that would posit that it was at least a Russo-American joint organization.
>>201504 Why does Kojima suck off Hollywood so much? Shouldn't hanging out with their actors all the time give him a first-hand look at the degeneracy and prima-donnaism that dominates it? Only thing that makes sense is he's taking part in their pedo bullshit.
>>201517 Oh, I forgot that China was a part of it, since Eva was spying for the chinks. >>201518 You have to remember that Kojima is the guy who said he's 70% movies or something to that effect. You also have to remember that the average joe is prone to being starstruck, another reason celebrity is cancer.
>>201518 He's a westaboo. Dude loves movies too much.
>>201519 >>201520 I get that, but I just thought having to meet his (((heroes))) (and work with them at that) would do something to temper his rampant fanboyism with the reality most of them are arrogant shitty people or jews.
>>201521 He should have met John Carpenter instead of (((JJ Abrahams))) and none of this would have happened. Imagine a Halloween game by Kojima.
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>>201505 Rumor going around is that Toshihiro Nagoshi was wined and dined by Sony which was among one of the many reasons Sega was upset with him before his expulsion.
>>201521 The japanese are very prone to blind fanaticism. The language barrier & not seeing the real hollywood lifestyle probably keeps him ignorant.
>>201517 Hadn't the Wiseman's Committee already disbanded after WWII, causing the schism between East and West and the fight over the Philosopher's Legacy being a major underpinning to the Cold War? So if they were already gone, and the Patriots wouldn't appear until after MGS3, then who was Revolver really working for? Or did they not disband, and just split - with Revolver working for the Western Wiseman member remenants before turning on them to join the Patriots?
>>201524 Literally what is hollywood/music-obsessed culture in the west, we're no different in that regard I thought people's interests in celebrities was waning but young people still devote so much of their time and life to these random people just because they can sing a song or act in a film >>201504 I have seen people say the exact opposite about MGS V, that it's the most "game" out of them all, and it seems that way with how sandbox-y it looks.
How hard would it be to /agdg/ my own MGS3 style game as a first project? I need something to work on and it would seem like a fun project, I really just want to bring MGO and Co-ops to PC and play with some of you fags. The PSP games had fantastic multiplayer but the controls were way too jank. Am I aiming to high for a first project or should I scale back and make a clone of MGS1 but with multiplayer/coop and VR missions? Suggestions? I don't have a story in mind, but I do want to have it set somewhere in an active battlefield like with MGS4. No idea how stealth AI works either, I assumed it was just cones of vision and if you enter their cone you get an alert but I don't know how MGS3 does it with the camo index, neat idea but I hate to have people constantly going in and out of menus just to get 5% increase on their blackface impressions.
>>201526 Celebrity culture is a disease. Vapid obsession with actors is bad all across the board.
after a long month of working and getting some stuff done, I'm back. new comics will be out starting next monday
>>201529 Glad to see you back m8
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>>201501 The ways things were last night. I thought the next thread would’ve been a tiny toons adventures theme. For those who don’t know HBO MAX retconning Bobs and busters to be brother and sister. Despite reminding every they were not related in the original tiny toons adventure because they were dating a running gag. Also Fifi the skunk is probably a lesbian and babs might be bisexual in the reboot that suppose to be a sequel to the original show.
>>201525 I think that was the idea, Ocelot was working for the American remnants through the CIA, but eventually switched to working with Big Boss to create the Patriots. In MGS2 it's even a plot point that all the members of "the Patriots" that are on the list that Solid gets his hands on are actually members of the Philosophers who all died nearly a century ago. After that, Ocelot ping ponged between working with Big Boss and Cypher/Major Zero while really serving his own ends. Case in point, going out of his way to kill Sigint/the DARPA chief at Shadow Moses, thus taking out a founding Patriots member.
>>201527 >How hard would it be to /agdg/ my own MGS3 style game as a first project? Hard, as you're doing the job of 100 people yourself. You can cut out much of the work by using a pre-packed engine like Unreal, Unity, or Godot; but you will still be required to supply the assets and programming. Also, according to one of the Anons in the /agdg/ thread, he advised that you first build something simple like Pong before you actually set out to develop a real game.
>>201529 God, I want to lick Duddetes navel
How Electronic Arts Tries to Make Diverse Video Games >(((WIRED))) spoke with (((EA)))'s director of inclusive design about the business case for diversity, and how they rolled out Battlefield 2042's first nonbinary character. >TÜLAY MCNALLY, DIRECTOR of inclusive design at Electronic Arts, chooses her words carefully as we chat about creating diverse characters for video games. Raised in Germany, McNally is no stranger to the international video game industry. >She worked at Square Enix, Sega, and Bioware before joining EA. McNally’s team at EA assists with the development of characters from underrepresented groups and with public communication. >Her caution is warranted—Activision Blizzard was ripped to shreds a month before our interview for its reductive approach to video game diversity, one which assigned numerical scores to marginalization, turning identity into a kind of scorecard that developers could use to determine who they should include (or exclude) from character rosters. >McNally remains excited to talk about EA’s inclusive design framework, although she is quick to emphasize that the company is not taking a legalistic approach to diversity. >It's really a loose framework of guiding principles and design philosophies that we customize to our engagements with each game team,” says McNally. She points to Maxis Studios, the team behind The Sims 4 (which recently added the ability for players to customize their Sims’ pronouns), as part of the company already seeing success creating content with a diverse player base in mind and not needing as much assistance. >Some other game teams may be more at the beginning. They may need a bit more support, education, and hand holding,” she says. Released in 2018, EA’s Battlefield V received backlash for putting women in World War II combat. Despite this, a foundation for the company’s approach to inclusive design at scale was laid through collaborations between the Pacific expansion development team and the company’s Asian and Pacific Islander employee resource group. >An intensive review process for this Battlefield V downloadable content covered everything from initial trailers and storyboards to tiny weapon charms and player skins. In addition to its employee resource group, EA reached out to geopolitical consultants for contextual authenticity. >After helping lead the volunteer initiative on Battlefield V, McNally crafted a business case for continued use of an inclusive design framework and presented it to EA’s chief operating officer, Laura Miele. >The company created a new position for McNally as a result of that meeting: director of inclusive design. Talking about her current team of four at EA, she says, “Two of them are focusing on game accessibility. >The other two focus more on the cultural sensitivity and representation side, and also working with game teams.” Volunteer employees and a new internal team supplement the work of outside, professional consultants. >We know that we need that guidance,” McNally says. It’s a fight against hubris, not a trade-off. Although some conservative consumers might react negatively to the prospect of inclusive character design, the case for approaching video game storytelling from multiple perspectives is not only concerned with equity. >Inclusivity is also good for business. One goal of the inclusive design framework at EA is to spark discussions with developers throughout a game’s creation. >It doesn’t make financial sense to wait till the later stages of development to start asking questions that could require time and resource-intensive fixes. >For McNally, involvement with a game’s creation is just the start. Developers could spend years perfecting a project only to have everything go up in flames if the marketing team bungles a rollout. >When Battlefield 2042 added its first nonbinary character, Sundance, McNally’s team assisted in the announcement. She says, “I really appreciated that the producers and the community manager reached out and said, ‘We want to make sure we have a proper communication plan in place when we are revealing the character.’” >Members of the community team were trained on how to respond to anticipated questions on social media. Following internal discussions, the announcement of the Sundance character emphasized their enticing coolness, not their gender identity. >McNally hopes this approach avoids alienating marginalized people and makes characters with diverse backgrounds feel normal to players. “What really matters is that we have a strong character design and a meaningful story to tell to make it authentic, cool, and accepted,” she says. >The work McNally does is a big part of EA’s effort to connect with the next generation of players. “They play differently,” she says, speaking about Gen Z. “They want different things from companies. >They want companies to be good to their developers, and they want companies to take a stance on social issues, for example.” McNally also sees connecting with video game communities around the world as critical. >I think there are opportunities to do more research in different regions and different languages,” she says. According to McNally, it requires more than training programs and workshops for a AAA developer to create successful video games featuring a wide range of authentic characters. Businesses need to dedicate resources and hire a diverse workforce to achieve meaningful impact. >Right now, McNally’s focus is on the future and letting developers learn from their mistakes. She says, “Without safe spaces where we can learn, where we can fail, and learn from it to improve, none of the practices and processes are really going to make a difference.” https://archive.ph/fkDeS
Call of Duty Mobile is Crossing Over with Ghost in the Shell >Originally released in 2019, Call of Duty: Mobile is a game that Activision continues to regularly support. Like many other online games, Call of Duty: Mobile comes out with new content on a seasonal basis in order to keep players engaged. The latest season of the game will feature a crossover with the popular Japanese franchise, Ghost in the Shell. >Ghost in the Shell is a long-running Japanese cyberpunk media franchise that started with a Manga series of the same name. Originally running from 1989-1991, the series had two sequel series published throughout the 90s. >In addition, the Manga has had three separate animated film adaptations, one live-action version titled Ghost in the Shell, two different television series, and one video game based on its setting and characters. >The story primarily focuses on a character known as Major Motoko Kusanagi as she investigates a cyber criminal known as the Puppeteer who hacks people's brains in order to make them commit crimes. Now the long-running franchise will have a crossover with Call of Duty. >In a recent press release, Activision revealed that the latest season of Call of Duty: Mobile would be a crossover with Ghost in the Shell. Specifically, it will be based on the controversial (((Netflix))) series Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. >The new season will involve taking on the post-humans in the battle royal map. It will allow players the opportunity to earn 50 new tiers of Battle Pass rewards and a new supply of free and premium content. This new season called, New Vision City, will be available on August 3 at 5 PM PST. >While Season 6 of Call of Duty: Mobile allowed players to engage in aerial battles, the latest season will allow players to engage in cyberpunk warfare. >The new battle royal map will be known as New Vision City and was inspired by the Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 setting. The city itself will be covered in perpetual darkness and only illumined by cyber-themed neon lights covering the high-rise buildings. >The season will also feature new abilities known as Cyberware Abilities and allow players to earn one per match. There will also be at least one new themed event involving a mystery with the series protagonist Motoko. >Battle royal crossovers such as these are not at all uncommon. Fortnite, arguably the most popular battle royale game on the market, has contained a ton of similar crossovers. Last year, for example, Fortnite revealed that it was including Spider-Man, giving players brand new ways to play the game. >Call of Duty: Mobile trying something similar with another big franchise, in this case, Ghost in the Shell, was a natural evolution for the game to take. Whether it ultimately pays off, however, remains to be seen. https://archive.ph/ImUhz Ubisoft First-Quarter Report Reveals Avatar Delay and A Secret Project >Ubisoft has released their first quarter sales report for the financial year 2022-23, which emphasizes the outstanding performance of Assassin’s Creed and Rainbow Six, the signing of new partnerships, and delays of certain titles such as the ambitious: Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora into the next fiscal year. >A new Ubisoft Forward direct will also be held on September 10, covering updates and news on multiple games, particularly the future of the Assassin’s Creed series. >Both Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope and Skull & Bones are still slated for release on their respective announced dates: October 20 and November 8, respectively. Roller Champions and Rainbow Six continue to do well and garner positive feedback and revenue. >As for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, one of Ubisoft’s most anticipated titles, it will now release sometime between 2023 and 2024. The team is committed to delivering an experience that will take full advantage of next-gen technology for maximum immersion. >According to Axios Reporter Stephen Totilo, Ubisoft has canceled the development of Splinter Cell VR and Ghost Recon Frontline (and two other unannounced games). In addition, Ubisoft has decided to delay the release of another unannounced premium game into the next fiscal year with Avatar. >The report clarifies that this additional development time is a reflection of the current ongoing constraints on production across the industry, and that the company is working hard to ensure the best possible working conditions for its developers, in order to deliver the best possible experiences to players Calude France, The managing director of Worldline France, and Head of MTS, Worldline’s digital services has been appointed as independent director after an approval rate of over 95% across all company resolutions on the General Meeting Agenda. >She will bring her experience in technology, both in cloud and online, as well as her experience working in international multi-cultural environments. The company also reiterates on its environmental commitment and confirms its goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2030. >Free-to-play games such as XDefiant, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Mobile, and The Division Heartland, continue to receive supportive feedback, along with the recently announced Tom Clancy’s The Division: Resurgence. >Ubisoft’s goal is to continue building on the success of these brands and eventually deliver them to a wider audience in the coming years. >The next round of news will be in September, when Ubisoft will be revealing the future of the Assassin’s Creed series in a very special event. Ubisoft Forward will also be returning in September, with updates and news on multiple projects from worldwide Ubisoft Teams. https://archive.ph/WL9Hs
>>201536 Aren't they working on a new Black Panther video game?
>>201538 I thought the only marvel vidya in development at the moment was midnight suns.
>>201538 me personally, I can't wait for the video games based on Avengers Kangz that was recently announced.
>>201537 > Call of Duty Mobile is Crossing Over with Ghost in the Shell. just checked out a video clip, looks like zombies are involved (somehow). what even is this game? and how does it work? is it just CoD with Gacha spins?
>>201541 Essentially everyone is trying to copy Fortnite. Fortnite makes money hand over fist and has lots of weird tie ins with movies, comics, anime, fucking books sometimes. So PUBG and CoD and anyone else trying to compete go looking for whatever cheap licenses they can find to try and compete.
>>201539 Nah, I read something online where Jeb Grubhub basically says that "EA is making a Black Panther game" or some shit. https://archive.ph/6JNtj
>>201542 >all these crossovers >still no arena shooter like samsara but for FPS protagonists It would be killer to have gordon freeman, duke, caleb, master chief,etc all in one big arena shooter with their own quirks and abilities. but not like quake champions, that game sucked ass
>>201543 Cant wait for journos to cream their pants at the way he walks with swag, then.
>>201544 >Super FPS Bros Why the fuck hasn't this been done, you're right.
>>201546 idea too good for the goyim to handle, also you can't milk skins from characters that don't have any alternate costumes or weapons. samsara is good but something 3D needs to happen even if unofficially, can't we mod some existing game like unreal tournament to achieve this or no?
>>652857 >not because it will be "woke", but because the writing and animation will be mediocre at best. That is often a side-effect of it being woke moralizing media that puts a message before entertainment value, rather than having a message in addition to entertainment value.
>>201544 >>201546 Digits confirm my interest in this idea. Nothing in an official capacity would ever be good, but an anon/fan made game mash up could be funny. Even if it only reached a proof of concept stage.
>>201549 Could be done with something like megaman deathmatch, although i think build engine would be better.
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>>652822 >>652828 I never watched Tiny Toons. Isn't this like a PG-10 show at worst? Why is there Jessica Rabbit levels of cheesecake everywhere? >>652875 I say controversial opinions about loli of my own free will. I don't need GAYOPs to do so. Also, aren't 99% of the loli derails by that one pedonigger autist that's always in the meta thread? I don't think he waits for /cow/tards to give him a signal either.
>>201549 >anon/fanmade game Who would you pick for the roster? >>201550 >build engine I was hoping to use a 3D engine to represent the 3D characters unreal would be a good fit because it already is an arena shooter. >Megaman deathmatch samsara is already a thing where multiple FPS protagonists duke it out in arenas but its only for 2.5D protagonists
>>201551 >Why is there Jessica Rabbit levels of cheesecake everywhere? For the parents maybe? I know lots of shows back then liked to have content that would fly over a kids head that the parents might enjoy. Alternatively, maybe it is just a Totally Spies situation where the creator/writers just couldn't help themselves.
>>201544 >>201546 >>201549 >>201552 Am I the only one who's tired of crossovers? It USED TO be a neat thing, but now they feel more like requirements because the base game lacks any content outside of that.
>>201551 >I never watched Tiny Toons. Isn't this like a PG-10 show at worst? Why is there Jessica Rabbit levels of cheesecake everywhere? For some reason, burger rating systems let cartoon studios get away with explicit violence and sexual scenes if the characters involved are not human. Thanks to this, Babs was able to be depicted as a minislut.
>>201551 >Why is there Jessica Rabbit levels of cheesecake everywhere? Because they were written by adults who wanted to have fun with their work, and didn't have Marxist Child Psychology / Child Development degrees that tell them that exposing children to innuendo that they don't understand will make them intellectually curious and ultimately too smart to be factory workers.
>>201555 >Thanks to this, Babs was able to be depicted as a minislut. >>201556 I think giant shaking titties is a little more than just "innuendo".
>>201551 It was an amazing time known as the late 80's-early 90's. It was an era where the makers of children's cartoons bragged about how much they could slip by the censors (example: in Rocko's Modern Life, there's an episode where Rocko has a part time job as a phone sex operator, and we know this through a poster near him that says, "Be Hot, Be Naughty, and Be Courteous"). Other great children's shows of the era with some mature themes include: Animaniacs - just look up the character Hello Nurse, also a scene where a teacher mentions conjugating verbs and a character replies "ma'am, I've never even kissed a girl." Darkwing Duck - MC adopts a little girl whose only blood relative was murdered by a supervillain, and MC himself has lost a wife, also some episodes that are about the girl going to the future and finding out the MC went full Punisher because he thought she had been killed by a villain. Gargoyles - the whole fucking show.
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>>201537 > Call of Duty Mobile is Crossing Over with Ghost in the Shell I think I vomited in my mouth a little.
HAHAHAHA Sadly I don't know exactly which Xenoblade 3 leak ResetERA thread this disclaimer was posted, so forgive me for no archives
>>201559 I don't get it?
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>>201558 >Gargoyles - the whole fucking show. Indeed. But that was more like SPAWN being for adults, in that, as you say, it's the whole show that's PG-13. Not just a few bits slipped into what is otherwise a kids show. Still though, there are times when it felt they pushed the envelope, vids related. And then suits interfered and fucked up the whole last season and the show ended.
>>201562 That's because half of this retards comics are completely schizophrenic nonsense.
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>>201562 Climate change guy stupid, and will end up flipping burgers. The first part is true, but not funny. The second part isn't true because these climate change grifters that get on the news and talk shows are at the very least upper middle class.
Would you smell your video game waifu's feet?
>>201567 What do i get out of it? Is she asking me to do that for her?
>>201567 No but I would smell her belly and armpits and butt in a heartbeat. Footfags should be gassed. Almost as obnoxious as furries.
>>201565 I always have to wonder how much of this is genuine fetishism from the artists/writers, and how much is "we can do this sexual thing because it's weird cartoons neither we nor anyone else will take seriously as a sexual titillation."
>>201568 i assumed only footfags would reply, or would want to smell her feet. >>201569 >Almost as obnoxious as furries. That is what i love about footfaggortry.
>>201563 Reminder the creator is bringing it back with a comic continuation. Monkey's paw catch is this is the same man who approved of Young Justice going full woke in the 3rd & 4th seasons.
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>>201557 >>201565 It certainly added the my rabbit fetish that has been growing throughout my entire life. >>201567 Regu pls
>>201537 >the Manga has had three separate animated film adaptations There's 4. >two different television series, Also 4, if you include the netflix one. >>201541 >Motoko pics They've gone with the 'live-action Motoko' look haven't they? >Batou Wider!
>>201571 >i assumed only footfags would reply, or would want to smell her feet. See heres the thing, i appreciate the entire female body, but wouldnt go out of my way to do feet stuff since there are more interesting parts to enjoy. Homever, if for some reason my vidya waifu wanted me to do stuff like that to her then i would because shes my wife and we love each other, faggot.
>>201566 That's got to be it. The problem with Climate Change is that there are too many humans on the Earth. We are eating it to our own death. But, what do you do about such a problem? Kill people? Who, and who decides who? Limit births? Who gets to decide who has children? Sadly, we have a group in society who has their answer: people like them. We see how they applaud China's reaction to bat flu. We can only assume that they applaud the One Child Policy. In addition, if THEY get the short shrift of their authoritarian scams, then they can live out their Post-Apocalyptic Young Adult fantasies of being on the run from an authoritarian government. Sometimes, you're so privileged in life that you have to invent your own problems.
>>201537 >>201551 >>201553 >>201558 As kid I didn't even notice the jiggly boobs, I was too busy laughing at all the silly jokes and over the top slapstick style comedy. another thing to remember is that most of these shows were animated by "asians" the the masters of jiggly boobs. a good number of these same shows were also popular in japan and other asian countries.
>>201577 What's #5, Gerontophilia? I don't think granny fucking is on the same level as the other four, honestly
>>201579 it was the closest depiction of hyper I could find without going on hyper
>>201577 Correct. All of the stuff you posted is confined in the NSFW parts of internet due to their explicit nature, but because feet aren't seen as a sexual part of the body by most people footfaggotry can run rampant on every corner of the web and in multiple other media. Same with furry/anthro characters, fart fetishism and body inflation (all of which coincidentally are quite common in cartoon and games aimed at children).
>>201578 It's a tragedy.
>>201567 depends on what kind of job she has and how secure we are in our relationship...

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>>201574 >They've gone with the 'live-action Motoko' look haven't they? Isn't that the same art direction as the failed GITS tacticool shooter that was on Steam a few years ago? Are they actually going to cross over with a dead game, or did they just sign a license agreement and then cheap out by re-using existing assets of an aborted game?
>>201515 >1000 posts in the thread >4705 files is a bit bloated when trying to open it. Maybe start a new thread at 500 or 1000 images, anon. Some of us only have old toasters. Don't care how it works for mobilefags.
>>201585 At least Batou looks a bit more like Batou in those pics from that game. For Motoko it's like some suit said 'Make her look like Scarlett from the movie.'
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>>201588 forgot pic
>>201541 >>201542 Not going to lie, I appreciate these collabs because for some reason my normalfag peers chimp out whenever I point out there's anoomay garbage in their abortnites and cawadooties. Instead of just moving on to a slightly less popular shooter they swear up and down they aren't soulless drones who follow the advertising money.
>>201541 Can I blame adult swim for kickstarting this?
>>201529 I can(t) wait
>>201588 >Make her look like Scarlett from the movie I don't see it.
I heard they're going to shut down the MGSV servers this year. I suppose some fans will make a revival like they do for every defunct online game. Anyone here play it? And most importantly, will nuclear disarmament be achieved before the shutdown?
>>201586 >Some of us only have old toasters. So do I. But you know what I also have? 4705 files that need to be put somewhere. There is a second thread already at least, but really since the point of the board is to store information indefinitely, huge filecount numbers are inevitable. So either I make a fuckton of threads to improve the clarity inside the individual threads at the cost of the catalog or I delay making a new thread as long as possible to improve the clarity of the catalog at the cost of individual threads.
>>201593 It looks to me more like that cancer Netflix is producing.
>>201594 Couldn't it not be done legitimately?
>>201597 People used bots to build so many nukes that the address holding the global nuke number rolled over to -1, triggering the cutscene already.
>>201598 So yes.
>>201598 Plus whenever someone got banned their bases were kept on the server inaccessible by other players, and subsequently their nukes were inaccessible. These have been labeled as 'phantom nukes' and the only way to remove them is through hacking.
>>201596 I didn't realize that they got a certain meme artist to do the character designs.
>>201600 >got banned Wait, that actually ever happened? I had so much fun using a trainer against real people in FOB matches (and had the same thing happen to me in turn) and no one EVER got banned that I saw. No matter how they were cheating. Maybe in the direct PVP part that I never played at all, sure, but FOBs were an open casket.
anyone here want to play some MGO? PPSSPP would be the best option as its easier to emulate and the hosting is easier too, you dont have to abide by the saveMG fags gay rules either. one of you fags would need to host though >>201594 >MGO3 revival maybe they'll make the game actually playable this time, fucking faggots hacking and glitching inside walls and other cuhrazy shit ruining the game. I would love to play MGO3 with a pirated copy
is Metal Gear Surviva canon?
>>201604 yes, it explains how they have all the advanced technology despite it being in the 80s, some nigger kid is the big brain behind all of your tech.
>>201594 >I heard they're going to shut down the MGSV servers this year. What will be affected in the game if they do that?
>>201606 >what will be affected Everything connected to the online parts of the game, so FOBs and MGO
Jackbox is live, but pretty small start night.
>>201608 >Jackbox is live streaming on 8chan tv?
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>>201608 I literally couldn't care less even if I tried.
>>201611 what if i told you it has special guest mark mann
>>201609 The Jackbox1 cytube
>>201607 >>201606 Does this mean that all the gatekept gear you can only use in PvP will be made available for singleplayer, and at an in-game discount? What about the absolutely fucking retarded "buying FOBs" to get enough staff to get a high enough level to even UNLOCK half that gear for researching? Or will they just tell us to fuck ourselves and lock it all away forever?
>>201615 Oh, for reference, I have never paid one penny for DLC or microtransactions in any game, and after seven years of relatively sporadic gathering, I was able to scrape together the in-game currency for... two more FOBs. I'm halfway to a 4th, which will let me unlock half of what's left to unlock in the R&D tab. This stuff physically cannot be gotten without paying extra for it, despite being in the game.
>>201612 Even less so.
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>>201617 then i have pushed you past your limits of indifference
>>201562 Prince Harry threw away royalty because his bitch wife is a bitch.
>>201618 Eat shit.
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>>201563 >ywn have a threesome with nighttime Demona and daytime Demona
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>>201621 >then they'll just complain about the gay white men and the straight men of every other color. Pass me some money first bitches! >>201623 lol!
>>201621 This obsessive hatred of the left against whites should come to the point that they're going to get mugged on the streets for doing this shit.
>>201564 >>201566 Why are you doubleposting, faggot? Also, the point of the comic is about making fun of Prince Harry.
>>201621 What power is there to give?
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>>201629 yeah, (((white)))
>>201631 The book distinguishes between Jewish elite and whites. Even in another elite study book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" the majority of the elite are not Jews.
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>>201523 It will always be funny that Yakuza 6 is the only game that had Kiryu using the Xperia after getting out of jail which I have no clue how he got a hold of, add to him being tech illiterate.
>>201596 >netflix Ah that explains why it looks nothing like her. >>201621 Alright, well who wants the power to be blamed for all that is wrong in the world while also being expected to take care of everything and everyone?
>>201634 >Alright, well who wants the power to be blamed for all that is wrong in the world while also being expected to take care of everything and everyone? It all comes back to the White Man's Burden, doesn't it?
>>201505 >Isn't it the same with Yu Suzuki at Sega? He'd be better off courting Ferrari. I want a Outrun 2006 2 and Tessarosas to come back to the M2 ports.
>>201632 still sounds like bullshit since those are individuals and not a group working together like blackrock to achieve a common goal.
>>201632 The Jews can fuck over Musk or Gates or Bezos any time they could possibly want through denying them access to the secured lines of credit they base their wealth on. Normalfags keep falsely conflating muh net worth with power when that couldn't be the closest thing to reality by a long shot. Yes, the Jews could place themselves as the public-facing elites, but why do that when you could just keep their pursestrings in check? It's a central tenet of Kabbalism, which by the way is where "cabal" as a term even originates from. People don't understand that stereotypes about evil chancellors and court eunuchs didn't just spring out of nowhere.
>>201637 What makes you think they're not working together? >>201638 >the Jews are in control of the elite Can you prove that?
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>>201621 Threadly reminder that Jews are not only white but ur-whites for the browns of the world.
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>>201621 Everytime I see someone ranting about white men, I always have the feeling that there's something personal behind this, like some black dude is still mad about getting cucked by a white man.
>>201641 I guess you could say he's now Buck Brokn.
>>201641 There IS something personal behind it, but it's not about being cucked. Blacks have been raised to have a massive victim complex and go through almost 20 years of indoctrination to believe that slavery and white people are the reason the black community is so shit. That sign might as well read "White people are the reason I read at a 2nd grade level and can't add 1+1, not the fact that I've never opened a book in my life or that my math classes were about how numbers are white, colonial oppression."
>>201578 >third pic Oh shit that's the Little Red Hot Riding Hood gal >>201633 Xperia phones are unironically great. Mine lasted like six years before showing signs of breaking down (admittedly I don't install shit like vidya or keep processes running with full permissions all the time). Also surprisingly great audio feedback.
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>>201570 It's 100% fetishism. I can tell because originally cartoons were aimed at young adults, especially those inter-war shit and even moreso with Bugs Bunny (his shtick of talking shit to anyone was a jab at how other cartoons had very mediocre plots of funny animals doing things animals aren't supposed to do). Plus you gotta remember that most of the artists who worked on these 80s shows were likely coached by people who drew this shit from the 40s onwards. I'd be more surprised to find a cartoon where the sexy bits were unintentional.
>>201645 Im pretty sure that part of animation history was very specific because the goverment paid animation studies to produce stuff for the GIs and for the young men back home to join the army, the same with all the cheap pulp novels and comics of the 40s. IIRC, producing wartime propaganda was considered a patriotic duty amongst animators like walt disney.
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>>201645 >Plus you gotta remember that most of the artists who worked on these 80s shows were likely coached by people who drew this shit from the 40s onwards. You just reminded me of the fact that people who actually know how to draw in any sort of way besides Flash-shit are dying out and the schools don't even have classical drawing lessons anymore. How the hell are future generations supposed to innovate the industry if they don't even know what they're doing? Like, fuck even Cuphead had to take shortcuts (and the actual cartoon they made of it was, you guessed it, flash-shit).
>>201647 Ah right daily reminder to check out >>>/loomis/, anon.cafe/loomis/ and their Artgain imageboard >Like, fuck even Cuphead had to take shortcuts (and the actual cartoon they made of it was, you guessed it, flash-shit). I thought that the Cuphead cartoon was surprisingly well animated for flash. Does not hold a candle to traditional animation but I was fully expecting some GoAnimate shit. Humor is absolutely negative points of IQ tier and the only voice actor worth a damn is the Devil's (who is incidentally the most insufferable character as well).
>>201648 Fuck /loomis/. It's a group of entitled know it alls that will provide you with nothing but cookie cutter responses to any question you have. Anyone interested in drawing should only leech their art books/tutorial mega collections and seek advice from actual artists they like. What /loomis/ told me to do was bullshit compared to the advice I got from actually dming artists directly on baraag.
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>>201649 Unironically /arte/ is a good board to ask questions about art, if you atleast use a translator.
>>201649 Absolutely this, /loomis/ is a glorified circlejerk.
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>>201649 what did they do you?
>>201649 Who could be behind this post?
>>201649 I don't see it lad
Hideki Kamiya: Nintendo Hasn't Ever Asked Platinum To Cover Up Bayonetta https://archive.ph/DagzZ >Earlier this month, Bayonetta 3 caused a bit of a stir - revealing the inclusion of a "Naive Angel Mode", which allows players to toggle between more or less revealing character outfits. It's led to some speculation and theories that Nintendo might have had a say in this decision, but apparently not. >According to Bayonetta's creator Hideki Kamiya, Nintendo didn't make any specific requests to include a mode like this, and the only time it did supposedly provide feedback related to the amount of skin on display, was when it thought Bayonetta's Legend of Zelda Link themed outfit should have actually been a little more revealing. >“I see a lot of people bring up Nintendo when discussing the nudity in Bayonetta, but during our time with the Bayonetta 1 port, Bayonetta 2 and Bayonetta 3, the only suggestion we received was regarding the Link costume in Bayonetta 1 and 2, and how it should have been a little bit more revealing. No bias influenced that aspect of the game, and I think players can enjoy the game without worrying that it may have been...after working with them [Nintendo] for such a long time, I get the impression that although there are times where we may butt heads, they’re surprisingly open to direct discussions around development and sales.” The story of Nintendo asking Bayonetta's Link costume to be more revealing is old news, but looks like the tale resurfaced again after the Naive Angel Mode was shown off.
>>201656 Fags overreacting to literal streamer mode because the platforms most commonly used would instantly ban without hesitation otherwise.
>>201657 Streaming platforms better stop being complete fucking fags then.
>>201658 Yeah, that's going to happen. They'd rather put all their shares into a Dollar Store bargain bin than stop sucking cocks for even a minute.
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>>201578 >As kid I didn't even notice the jiggly boobs
>>201659 Pandering to their desire to censor by using what is going to be an effectively mandatory setting if you wish to stream isn't going to make them stop. In fact, it is going to encourage this type of censorship even further.
>>201663 Stonetoss should grow some balls and make a comic about NFT's getting stolen, pussy ass bitch.
>>201662 Where is among us? >>201660 >>201661 Sad that peg treated as non canon. But a blessing at the same time. She is semi-safe from Disney.
>>201664 How has the crash been treating him?
>>201661 You got the episode number for that last .gif, I feel like the lines of cleavage there were emphasized in that compared to a .webm I saw of the same scene before. I remember the .webm had sounds and she was talking about getting Pete a big boat.
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>>201656 Question - who in the fuck would play bayonetta 3 in a living room? who would play a less sexy bayonetta? Unless the clothes are a different style of "still sexy but less skin" this is just a PG13 mode.
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>>201668 >who in the fuck would play bayonetta 3 in a living room? people who aren't afraid of being seen as not gay.
>>201668 What's the issue with playing Bayonetta on the living room? Your mother and sister are probably watching some tranny arguing about his delusions on a talk show and your father is likely watching some Crime drama where people die horribly.
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So is lol thread gonna be a regular occurrence now?
>>201671 I wouldn't mind, they happened often enough to be kind of a fixture on the old /v/, quality of the material better improve though. Actually, was LOL a /v/ thing or a /co/ thing? I remember shitty webcomics being a big part of it...
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>>201667 Can't seem to nail it down, but it's possibly from "Where there's a Will, there's a goof".
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>>201572 Actually it was already done. >Brooklyn who got cucked all the time got lost in a temporal vortex >came back 5 minutes later, having spent 40 years in a different timeline >lost an eye but got a wife and two kids
>>201672 I remember it being also a /v/ thing that focused mostly on vidya related comics.
>>201674 That's pretty based. So you know that's gonna be erased.
>>201646 >IIRC, producing wartime propaganda was considered a patriotic duty amongst animators like walt disney. No, it wasn't. In fact, Disney didn't want to produce ANY wartime cartoons, but the FDR administration kept twisting his arm about it, so he compromised by making Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros for the purposes of courting the Brazilians onto the side of the Allies.
>>201544 >all in one big arena shooter with their own quirks and abilities. but not like quake champions What else would you add/change? The Doom QC Edition on Zandronum is basically what you described.
>>201657 >Fags overreacting They censored the fucking game of their own volition!
>>201673 I want Peg to peg my ass
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy
>>201673 Well that at least confirms my memory is not completely shot. Though looking over that episode you mentioned I didn't see the scene there. Probably not worth pursuing any further by this point though I do wonder which of these is edited and by who?
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>>201657 Don't you mean Family-Friendly mode? Or "we waint the mainstream crowd" mode? Don't be disingenuous, unlike your lies, there is literally statements from them to basically reach a larger crowd with this move, and so you can "leave it on in your living room without worrying". Also: Nintendo fucking hates streamers and YTers, they would never throw them a bone like that.
>>201685 Nintendo only hates streamers who don't follow their streaming rules, kill yourself you disingenuous retard.
>>201685 >Don't you mean Family-Friendly mode? I've said this before and I'll say it again: It is NOT a "family friendly" mode. It's a mode specifically made for the purposes of pleasing the baizuo who demand that all sexual content that appeals to men is erased. If it WAS as "family friendly" mode, then they would also be censoring the gore and the game's script, because those aspects also play a factor in WHY Bayonetta is an M rated series.
>>201687 yes anon, people are going to pay attention to that long string of words, I get what you're going for but let's be honest here, its easier to show proof for the"family-friendly"/ mode based on the face value of their own statements, even though we know what you're saying is likely the real truth behind it, especially when combined with the ugly new characters they introduced with it. Obviously they aren't going to censor everything immediately, but the rest of that shit is eventually going to get to the chopping block regardless because they are retards who have mistaken their audiences and demographics.
>>201686 is this some kind of bad joke, as if you couldn't make yourself look even more like a literal shill? What's next? >those people deserved it anyways >Nintendo has a right to protect their intellectual property you faggot >supporting communism
>>201621 No. Better to just kill the ones demanding it.
>>201688 To be fair, you also have politicians and faggot actors like Ryan Reynolds demanding that G-rated films be reclassified as "R" rated because of some stupid things like depictions of smoking or heterosexual romance.
>>201623 Way better.
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>>201689 As a writer, the suggestion that me having rights to the product of my own labor is communism... I think I should have the right to choose who distributes my work, and contract for how much of each sale I receive, and possibly even have a say in how it's advertised, if at all. I don't think asking for those things is communistic in the least.
>>201621 >literally asking for "power" >inadvertently shows their whole thing is just a way to feel powerful over others
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>>201693 Obviously giving everyone everything for free is anti-communism.
You niggers woke up (((Niggerciano))), I hope you are happy.
>>201572 >Monkey's paw catch is this is the same man who approved of Young Justice going full woke in the 3rd & 4th seasons. speaking of monkeys. Reset era users are catching Monkeypox like the common cold and it hilarious. Thank you Monkeypox-Chan https://archive.ph/1G9n3
>>201697 See i dont get what the fuck is going on. In spain we had a couple cases when that shit begun and since then nothing happened and now everyone forgot about it. Now apparently in the US that shit is going rampant, are you really such fucking faggots?
>>201698 >Now apparently in the US that shit is going rampant, are you really such fucking faggots? America makes Sweden look straight at this point. Monkeypox could become AIDs 2.0 and it will be homophobic to point out majority of Monkeypox infected were fags.
>>201698 Gays in particular are just that degenerate there. Doesn't matter how many PSA's and shit they do warning about it, casual hookup culture within the gay community is out of control. Which is then why this monkeypox crap is spreading like wildfire amongst them.
>>201700 Hookup culture in general is a big problem in the US. Why do you think so many women freaked out over abortions not being federally funded anymore?
Can someone post the most recent recommended software/website list?
>>201700 Also from reading the thread there, the fag doesn't use protection and had sex with 3 different people that month. I also like how the takeaway for them is to get vaccinated and not just practice safer sex and avoid these issues altogether. >>201701 True. I hear ya anon, but from what my gay friends tell me, it seems a lot worse in that specific community.
>>201703 It feels like it, sometimes. The gay community, aka the faggiest fags in california, is heavily focused on hedonistic sex disguised as pride.
>>201704 Basing so much of their identity in a sexual preference was a mistake to begin with.
>>201697 LOL >>201705 That's even a problem with straight women too in the US.
>>201702 Threads have been going by so fast that I haven't had the chance to post it over the past few days. However, here's the most posting of it: https://archive.ph/nl8yF#650330
>>201656 I wonder how much the chinks asked for.
>>201697 >I haven't been in orgies >I had sex with 3 people in one month And is now full of monkey poz inside his ass
>>201621 >TheGallery dot org dot uk >signed with the name 'Nadina Ali' So this is the work of some "Asian" British student activist who enjoys being a charicature of herself? btw, British student activists are a special kind of awful. You will not find a more toxic kind of leftist anywhere. Not even in fucking Portland. These British types may not be as flashy or spastic as American alphabet people or antifa goons, but they're far more determined.
>>201697 >Reset era users are catching Monkeypox like the common cold and it hilarious you can catch the common cold from sucking dick?
>>201712 Ask your mother
>>201714 That's a cute fucking loli.
>>201714 For fuck's sake. Does this faggot even have any clear political ideology or he just switch with the wind?
>>201716 >Does this faggot even have any clear political ideology or he just switch with the wind? He is just a feminist that went TERF.
>>201714 These are so fucking bad
>>201716 Which artist are you talking about? This isn't GPrime85.
>>201715 if he was grooming her for SRS but minus the RS then it'd be the setup of a loli doujin.
>>201717 Well, does he enjoy being treated as subhuman? At least with the new trans feminism he could wear a wig and be in the eyes of the law a better woman than a woman.
>>201720 I never said anything about sex.
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>>201719 Sinfest, his webcomics had been a staple of LOL threads for years, though in the past several years, he hasnțt been posted as much. >>201721 :Well, does he enjoy being treated as subhuman I guess so. Though to some extent TERFs are somewhat of an ally against the trannies. Think of it like this, whatever damage trannies do to women, they also do to men when they groom men into becoming like them, or the enemy of my enemy is my ally.
>>201722 oh my mistake I must've gotten you mixed up with all the people who refer to little girls as lolis who don't want to have sex with them.
>>201724 I am simply a weeb who uses weeb words, not a chronic onanist.
>>201723 >5.gif Unironically that was the southern cavalier definition of liberty, the gentleman's liberty not to be told what to do except by god and king.
>>201725 a weeb who definitely has no interest in lolicon I'm sure.
>>201723 The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy. Only your friend is your friend. Besides, the ones calling themselves TERFs are responsibles of all this shit happening, so let them cry a river when men can be better women than then.
>>201727 is tomoko a loli?
>>201729 Not really, she's just flat-chested Maybe in some contexts she counts
>>201729 She's asian.
>>201730 >>201731 Oh then there's anon's answer.
>>201729 depends if you're talking about the canonical version with hairy pits or the lolified versions you see in some of her porn. to put it in perspective tomoko tagged as a loli has 2 pages of results on gelbooru compared to the 71 pages she has where she isn't tagged as one.
>>201728 This, it lends validation and gives credit to them to acknowledge them. It would be better served to blame women for legally paving the way for trannies, so they rewire their brains into never letting it happen again.
>>201663 second panel, lower right corner; not even all that well hidden this time
Can i make a thread about video game creepy pastas?
>>201736 This isn't the meta thread, but yes. I don't see why not.
>>201734 >so they rewire their brains into never letting it happen again Why would they? In fact, there was one Roman caesar who was an absolute twink, that was manipulated by his mother for all of her nefarious purposes, but he didn't care just as long as he was getting pounded by his husbando.
>>201738 Those women probably didn't like it too good when roman civilization eventually collapsed to barbarians who fucked them into sows. You're starting to see the same fears now from TERFs, who are starting to view them as a threat to female hegemony. Gays were acceptable because they didn't have the cultural and legal status of woman.
How did dubstep become so popular with call of duty normalfaggots besides skirllex making it mainstream in 2010? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BvqbyydDGuE[Embed]
>>201740 Speaking of videogame music, has anyone else noticed that Keep the Groovin' by Yuzo Koshiro from Streets of Rage blatantly plagiarizes the opening riff from Layla by Eric Clapton?
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>even the pics of Alex got deleted OK
>>201742 they have to go scorched earth or else the thread will look like swiss cheese by the end.
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>>201744 >inb4 deleted again
>>201740 >besides skirllex making it mainstream in 2010? That's literally it, Skrillex had daddies money and proceeded to advertise his garbage ad nauseum to break the normalcattle mind.
>>201723 Is Terf slowly evolving into a radical centerism movement people joked about for years? >>201729 Wasn’t there was a short lived Watamote prequel?
>>201748 >Is Terf slowly evolving into a radical centerism movement people joked about for years? As someone who lurks an imageboard for women only(they ban any tranny or male poster, as well as the people who reply to them), I would say there is still a lot of misandry, that they are pink-pilled as they like to say it. Though if they would be the equivalent of our /pol/, normal TERFs are just regular women, whose daughters get beaten in sport competition by men in dresses, or whose daughters who are brainwashed into going trans. For the second category, it's so bad, that the only platform that will even let them speak are Republican conventions, such as the Heritage Foundation. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bnP_WoeNuwA https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GOniPhuyXeY They are still feminist and fight for woman rights, they just see trans as males invading their spaces(women's bathroom, or women sports league, or women hobby groups).
Another shitshattered pedophile dramafagging over mods again?
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>>201748 >Is Terf slowly evolving into a radical centerism movement people joked about for years? Already is anon, that's how fucked USA politics are nowadays.
>>201749 Did you go to crystal cafe? I kinda want to go there and post just to see how long it goes until I get banned.
>>201748 Terf is just another mutation of feminism, which is just stupid women and brainwashed men yelling "what about us"; if it seems centrist now it's not because the movement itself has shifted so much as society has fallen to such depths of liberalism hat they start to seem conservative by comparison.
>>201724 That's as crazy as thinking it only refers to a character in a book written by a Russian pervert who needed to go all the way to France to get published by French perverts! >>201753 >Terf is just another mutation of feminism Useless pedantry, but the "roots" of feminism is that women do not have different brains from men and should not be treated differently. Or at least, that's the cover story to sell a supremacist movement, but eh. TERF is the original, and the TERFs were the ones bright enough to realize that trans ideology explicitly requires men and women having different brains. Intersectionality is the actual mutation, TERF is the traditional.
>>201754 If the root of feminism is that we don't have different brains then how does it follow that "TERF" is the original form of feminism? The original feminist ideology was based on the blatant lie that men and women have the same kinds of brains. Which is why it's so incoherent and aimless.
>>201755 For brevity, Feminism will be 1 (human brain) and trans ideology will be 2 (for the infinite amount of bullshit sexes and genders and pronouns. Feminism, 1. TERF, 1 - still recognizing human brain as 1 thing. Trans, 2. Intersectionality, 2. 1 is 1 and 2 is 2. I don't know how to break it down further for you, anon.
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>>201754 The essence of traditionalism fifty/sixty years ago was "bitches stay in the kitchen" and feminism flew in the face of that; back then being able to transition genders wasn't a liberal position but rather mad fucking science and you'd be put into a fucking nuthouse for openly attempting it. As i just said, we've fallen to such depths in modern society that you have either the deep confusion or bold-faced audacity to claim and possibly even genuinely believe that feminism is in any way conservative. Men and women definitely have different brains and nobody sensible half a century ago would have doubted that, but the conservative position was 'women are inferior' and the central position was 'women are inferior but they can still do their part to keep house, raise children, and generally contribute to society'. Feminism is liberal, and it's still as liberal as it had been, it's just society that's hard shifted.
>>201756 >I don't know how to break it down further for you, anon. You've made it very clear that you don't know how to covey your thoughts.
>>201757 Jesus Christ, I meant traditional as defined within the ideology, not traditional as defined within all of human civilization. Because I was talking about permutations of the ideology, not permutations of all of human civilization. Context, anon. Also, it has never and will never be liberal, because it's an authoritarian ideology and entirely out of step with the principles of liberty, which is what liberal means, even if most people are okay throwing that word away and letting commies turn it into its antonym.
>>201755 OG feminists and trans-exclusionary (radical) feminists: men and women have the same "chipset" and are capable of thinking and doing the same things (besides impregnating and getting pregnant). Trannies: men and women have different "chipsets", and a man can be born with the chipset of a woman (gender dysphoria). This contradicts the beliefs of OG feminists and TERFs and is one of the reasons they hate trannies (the other one being the presence of biological males in their "female spaces").
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https://archive.ph/GQmZl Some good news today. This is as good as a cancellation in my book.
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>>201761 >jason I mean I hope its true but im not holding my breath.
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>>201761 I have no dancing gif, so this is the best I have.
>>201760 Oh I see. I was operating under the current understanding of tranny discourse, which is that gender is whatever you want it to be in any given moment. There appear to be two camps, "trans medicalists" that hold the position of dysphoria being a required component of being trans, and I guess you would call them gender abolitionists which don't believe anything is required to be trans but the desire to be trans. The latter being significantly more popular as it is ultimately inclusive. Also even among feminists the notion that men and women have the same brains has been falling out of fashion a lot over the last decade. There is an insurmountable amount of evidence against it that it's increasingly impossible to deny.
>>201763 Oh Jason is a faggot no doubt. But it's true people do give him information. If he reports something like this it's probably true. It's just anything that has an ounce of his opinion in it that's meaningless.
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>>201761 >KOTOR might be safe (for now) Nice. Here's some extra good news I learned about 30 minutes ago: Persona 2 Eternal Punishment's PSP remake finally got an English patch.
>>201768 Can you link it to me, anon?
>>201765 I think non-intersectional feminists only supported the same-brain arguments because they perceived the alternative as women being lesser brained. They absolutely believe women should have protected jobs that men shouldn't invade. Think of it from the mindset that half the male industrial workers 100 years ago decided to become secretaries and paper pushers, and women got edged out into blue-collar work.
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>>201770 It's in the Persona thread, but: https://github.com/sayucchin/P2-EP-PSP
>>201770 Just poster it in the Purse Owner thread. I just learned it while I was checking CDromance.
>>201765 (checked) >which is that gender is whatever you want it to be in any given moment That's the discourse of another subgroup of feminists, the non-binary/third gender/genderfluid/agender ones. They also reject trannies because they reinforce the idea that only 2 genders (masculine and feminine) exist, which goes against everything the "gender-something" people represent. Truth is, most of the groups under the LGBTQAC++ collective hate each other's guts, and the only thing keeping them together is their desire to be represented/pandered to and maybe their hatred for straight people.
>>201748 >Is Terf slowly evolving into a radical centerism movement people joked about for years? There's all kinds of old political groups that are slowly transforming into radical centrism as countries get shittier and shittier by the day. The sad part is most of these people aren't actually very political at all, and really just want things to go back to the way they were in like the 90s when a lot of them were kids or teenagers.
>>201773 >poster *posted >just learned it *just learned about it Man, do I got to start double checking my posts.
>>201765 >There is an insurmountable amount of evidence against it that it's increasingly impossible to deny. Such as? Last time I took a look at that stuff was five years ago.
>>201771 It was a reaction to being told they couldn't enter university because they have less physical brain matter and other stupid shit. But it is a debunked concept, both being more stupid based on brain size and that men and women have the same kinds of brains.
>>201629 >jews are white Don't care what you have to say. Go away.
>>201778 I think the irony is men see women as less attractive post-menopause because of androgyny, and there was some study I saw that said menopausal women think slightly closer to how men do, when you discount the years they did have periods or for the ones who never had a period thanks to puberty blockers. So ironically trannies are actually leveling the mental playing field in a way.
>>201647 >people who actually know how to draw in any sort of way besides Flash-shit are dying out and the schools don't even have classical drawing lessons anymore. When I took an introductory art class as an elective early on in college 7 or 8 years ago, the teacher was an old lady that repeatedly beat into everyone's head that "art is a product of the times, not the skill of the artist." Being the south, she used old flat medieval Christian art to beat this point home.
>>201621 If I could give away the power to be actively and proudly discriminated against by every institution in society, I gladly would. If these "people," and I use that term loosely, had even the slightest bit of empathy, they would kill themselves for the things they've done.
>>201657 Regardless of the original intent of the mode, it required a lot of dev time, money, and resources do all the naughty bits twice with one being SFW. In future releases, they may opt to just be less naughty in the first place so they can get that streamer audience, playing in front of family audience, et cetera, and save a fuckton of development time and money. Just because people, understandably, misattributed the mode to Nintendo meddling does not change the direction it shows things are going.
>>201757 >The essence of traditionalism fifty/sixty years ago was "bitches stay in the kitchen" >the conservative position was 'women are inferior' I see you've also fallen for the communists' historical revisionism.
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>>201656 Meanwhile Samurai Warriors 4 allows you to toggle the presence of women.
>>201786 Samurai Warriors 5 Empires not being shit when?
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>>201784 For fuck's sake, there were trannies in Weimar Germany and their prevalence were a portent of the NSDAP's rise. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was an early example of a transgender lunatic and his mental illness as a Roman emperor got him turned into a rare external 41% or whatever the percentage is now. His reign was also a warning of Roman decadence that was the basis of works like the Satyricon, one of the original works of satire. When you don't gatekeep and you instead oblige in spoonfeeding you end up with cuckchanners thinking they should be accepted.
>>201790 Exactly.
>>201694 Yep, that's literally it. They don't want to be equal, they just want the power, and are projecting their desire for it by bitching at Straight, White Men™. If they wanted to actually go after shitty power structures, then they'd give networking in general a good, hard, apprehensive look. But that would require them to abolish the power that they have, and that's something they won't let go of without a fight.
>>201749 >normal TERFs are just regular women, whose daughters get beaten in sport competition by men in dresses, or whose daughters who are brainwashed into going trans. Mind you this before the whole Karen and left attacking white women. Give it a few years we start to see all the attacks on white women backfiring.
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>>201790 >Marcus Aurelius I can't believe Gladiator lied to me.
>>201794 Yeah anon, no roman emperor died at the colysseum. One did homever dress up as hercules and beat up retards to death with a club on the weekends though, for the enjoyement of all romans.
GameStop 9/11 NFT Pulled After Selling Dozens Of Times >Shortly after GameStop launched its NFT marketplace earlier this month, one creator started selling an NFT called “Falling Man” mimicking the infamous photograph from September 11, 2001. >It changed hands dozens of times, eventually fetching hundreds of dollars, until GameStop quietly removed it sometime over the weekend. >GameStop launched its NFT marketplace just days after the latest round of mass layoffs at its corporate offices. Users can mint and trade autographed JPEGs, with GameStop taking a small cut of each transaction. >Since it went live, the platform has earned the ailing gaming retailer over $200,000 in estimated commissions. At least $100 of that seems to have come from a 9/11-inspired NFT. >Created by a user called Jules and seemingly uploaded to the GameStop NFT platform within a day of its debut, the “Falling Man” NFT displays an astronaut between two sets of vertical white and black columns. “This one probably fell from the MIR station,” reads a caption, referencing a low orbit Russian space station. >While GameStop’s NFT marketplace mascot is an astronaut, the “Falling Man” NFT is otherwise a ripoff of “The Falling Man” photo. Taken by the Associated Press’ Richard Drew on the morning two planes were flown into the World Trade Towers killing 2,753 people and injuring thousands of others, it shows an unidentified man falling from one of the buildings. >The 9/11 NFT was first sold on July 12 for 0.02 Ethereum or $29.97, according to the Web Archive copy of the listing. Over a dozen more were sold after that, with some users eventually reselling it for over $100. By July 22 one had sold for as much as $749, while the price listed on Jule’s creator page for two of the remaining unsold 9/11 NFTs had gone up to $7,492. >The NFT got picked up by the blog Web3 is going great on July 23, and soon after GameStop appeared to nuke it from orbit. The listing for “Falling Man” is now gone, including the cached page. >Creator Jules, meanwhile, still has a number of other astronaut NFTs for sale that don’t try to profit off of 9/11. >It’s not clear how GameStop vets the creators it hosts, the NFTs they mint, or whether any actions have been taken besides simply delisting the one in question only after it began to be criticized online. GameStop did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Jules could not immediately be reached. https://archive.ph/aP0Dr Russian Teams Won't Be In FIFA 23 >In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year, publisher Electronic Arts decided to remove all Russian sides from FIFA 22. They won’t have to do the same for FIFA 23, because those teams are never making it into the game in the first place. >Previously, FIFA games featured the Russian national team and a handful of club sides, while more recent titles have featured the entire Russian Premier League. >Their removal and subsequent absence from the game entirely won’t exactly be a huge deal for anyone outside Russia, especially anyone interested in recreating actual tournaments, because the country’s domestic club sides have already been barred from competing in European-wide competitions after the invasion, while the national team was booted from the World Cup qualification process. >They’re not being missed in those tournaments, and they won’t be missed in this game, either. You might remember that Russia hosted the last World Cup, which took place nine years ago in 2018, and as such were given star billing in both the actual tournament and its accompanying video game. >Putin had the time of his life presiding over this soft power triumph, while FIFA’s awarding of the finals to the country was seen as an extremely dodgy move. >Things are surely better now, right? No. The upcoming Qatar World Cup was awarded in even more corrupt circumstances, to a country that was too hot to host in Summer, can’t offer even the faintest protections for gay fans and built its stadiums on the bodies of thousands of dead slave workers. Ah well! https://archive.ph/PxdBS
>>201795 Oh I know Commodus didn't die in the arena. He was supposedly assassinated by a hired Gladiator though, which is probably where they got the idea.
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>>201765 >There is an insurmountable amount of evidence against it that it's increasingly impossible to deny. Source?
>>201749 >>201729 Tomoko would be cutter if she was. High school senior Tomoko boring and overshadowed by nagatoro. Epic boss says NFT games won't be banned on the Epic Games Store >Yesterday Mojang drew a line in the sand, saying that NFT integration is "generally not something we will support or allow (opens in new tab)." This was prompted by a slew of unofficial Minecraft-adjacent NFTs alongside the appearance of play-to-earn servers for the game, which Mojang puts down to bad actors exploiting the gaps in official policy. >Given that NFTs generally seem a bit skeezy and that Minecraft's audience remains overwhelmingly young, this has to go down as A Good Thing. >A Twitter user commented on the Minecraft decision, tagging in Epic CEO Tim Sweeney and saying (opens in new tab): "hey Epic Games, it’d be really nice to see the same opinion from the Epic Games Store. Please get rid of every last one of those games on the store " >Sweeney is an interesting guy because, alongside his obvious technical brilliance and understanding, he's deeply invested in fighting for certain principles of openness and what the role of platform holders should be (particularly when it comes to revenue splits). >Sweeney responded to the call to ban NFTs on the Epic Game Store by re-stating some of the principles he believes should underlie such a store. >He has been consistent about where he stands, and it's not the first time (opens in new tab) he's addressed the topic. "Developers should be free to decide how to build their games, and you are free to decide whether to play them," Sweeney wrote in response (opens in new tab). >"I believe stores and operating system makers shouldn’t interfere by forcing their views onto others. We definitely won’t." Somewhat predictably, this went down like a cup of cold sick. >Sweeney's comment was met by a barrage of counter-points alongside more general complaints about the nature of NFTs themselves, such as their environmental impact. He responded to one asking why this stance was different to, for example, banning discriminatory or hateful content. >These are all editorial and brand judgments," responded Sweeney (opens in new tab). "A store could choose to make no such judgments and host anything that's legal, or choose to draw the line at mainstream acceptable norms as we do, or accept only games that conform to the owner's personal beliefs." >The main competitor to the Epic Games Store is of course Steam, which has already banned NFTs. The technology and 'web3' in general remain unpopular with the general online audience, even if there are plenty of ape-loving acolytes, and giving them a bit of a kicking is always going to be a crowd-pleaser (just look at the response to Mojang's announcement). Sweeney does have a point though, inasmuch as he doesn't see it as Epic's role to go around telling developers not to use blockchain tech, and nor does he believe Epic should use its position to restrict their sale. >The counter is that many of these projects are at the moment scammy, and that Mojang was arguably forced into action: to pick one example, the unofficial Minecraft NFT game Blockverse (opens in new tab) disappeared with more than $1.2 million in January. And there's no shortage of wider examples of NFT-related malfeasance (opens in new tab) or even outright criminality (opens in new tab). >The fact remains that just because this is where the tech is now does not mean that this is how it will be forever. Whether Epic's stance will remain consistent in the face of the general audience disdain for the tech remains to be seen. https://archive.ph/Bss7i
>>201796 >Russian Teams Won't Be In FIFA 23 Oh no. I don't know what's worse between this and being expelled from Eurovision. Putler will pay for these horrors.
>If you’ve felt uncomfortable about the rice paddy hats in Stray, you aren’t the only one. Stray lifts Asian aesthetics to evoke exoticism and danger, but it doesn’t engage with the history of the city it appropriates. >This is especially problematic because its real-world setting carries painful historical baggage that can’t be reduced to neon signs and cramped apartments. >With more than three million people per square mile (which is 47 times more densely populated than Manhattan), the Walled City was the most densely packed city in world history. The streets were lit by neon signs because the buildings didn’t allow much natural light to filter in from above. The developers of Stray told USA Today that the Walled City of Hong Kong was “the perfect playground for a cat.” >The artists at BlueTwelve Studios were inspired by how the real-life city was “organically constructed and was filled with details and interesting points of view,” such as the air conditioning units and exposed pipes. And they weren’t the only ones who admired the environment. >Photographers and architects lauded the ingenuity in the ways people lived without safety codes or a centralised government. But that organic construction came about for painful historical reasons. >The Walled City was originally a Qing dynasty era military base. It became a separate enclave from British-controlled Hong Kong after China was weakened by the Sino-Japanese War. Japan, China, and Britain all tried to lay claim to the Walled City throughout its history. >To ease international tensions, both China and Great Britain eventually gave up trying to govern the Walled City after the end of World War II. The ensuing lawlessness fermented organised crime and opium dens. The Triad gangs turned the enclave into “the epicentre of Hong Kong’s narcotics trade.” >None of this context is particularly apparent when you explore the dusty streets of Walled City 99. Jessie Lam, a video game concept artist whose family originates from Hong Kong, explains, “[The Walled City] was this super packed city block full of crime and destitution — thanks triads — -that it took decades until it was finally demolished. >We don’t talk about the highrise coffin sized apartment rooms these days…There is a muted anger there.” The history of the Walled City is inextricably tied to colonial rivalries, but none of it is represented in Stray. >In the game, the city was a shelter built to protect humans from the plague. The only sentient beings left are self-aware robot “Companions” who have built their own society in humanity’s absence. >I later appreciated their charming personalities, but when I first met these robots, my first thought was: “Why are they wearing rice paddy hats?” >Conical rice hats have a troubled history within the Asian diaspora community. They’re used as a racial shorthand to indicate Asian origins, regardless of the actual context. >Clothing retailer Abercrombie and Fitch, for example, once used images of Chinese men in rice paddy hats in its product line. While the existence of farmer hats is not offensive by itself, it becomes astoundingly racist when used in unrelated imagery, such as a racist parody of a laundry business. >Protests and angry letters forced Abercrombie and Fitch to pull the offensive t-shirts from their stores. Thankfully, Stray meets the bare minimum of not racist language to describe the robots (even if its gratuitous use of the Japanese language in fictional Hong Kong is a bit eyebrow-raising). >But the game’s rampant appropriation of Asian history and culture needs to be supported by care in design and implementation. Singapore-based Alexis Ong wrote an excellent Polygon article about Stray’s accuracy to Hong Kong, while others like Lam are less impressed by how the game portrayed the Walled City. >The graffiti and signage is a huge question mark. Anything in English is clearly player facing but [in-game], who would those tags be for?” >Lam told Kotaku. “It’s one thing if it’s robots passing messages to each other but some overlap each other instead of being written around each other. >Which calls into question if said developers also understand graffiti culture and the etiquette. But also…Why deliberately make some robots wear rice hats? >When there’s clearly no way to go outside or anywhere in game to farm?” Headwear such as baseball hats have become ubiquitous to urban fashion, which could explain the companions copying this style, but rice hats have not. >These conical hats have been used to denote Asianness in western media, and Stray cannot separate itself from this history. Since this comes up every time I write a blog about Asian representation: No, I don’t believe that BlueTwelve Studios is intentionally racist. >Nor do I think that the resulting game is the worst offender when it comes to cultural appropriation. Its foibles are typical of the cyberpunk genre as a whole. >Cyberpunk originates from America’s anxieties about Japan’s economic dominance, but cyberpunk media is often reluctant to populate their cities with Asian characters. I felt the same sense of alienation while I played Stray. >I’m sure that the developers weren’t gleefully rubbing their hands together when they decided not to implement any human characters. >But Walled City 99 was yet another cyberpunk city in which people like me weren’t welcome. Not unless I was a robot in a conical hat. And that doesn’t sit well with me either. >Asian Robot” is a Hollywood troupe that frequently dehumanizes Asian people (Ex Machina, Cloud Atlas, The Matrix). There’s even a genre name for it: Techno-orientalism. In these works, Asia is expressed through “an aesthetic sensibility rather than by representing or centering actual Asian characters.” Stray falls squarely within this genre. >I just wanted to play a cute cat game without the techno-orientalism. Unfortunately, Stray does not interrogate its creative influences at all. >And from the moment that the developers decided to base their game off an enclave that was created by British colonialism, they had a responsibility to grapple with its history. Stray takes so much care in how it represents cats. I just wish it was as consistent about real humans’ legacies. https://archive.ph/LWCaq
>>201801 >Which calls into question if said developers also understand graffiti culture and the etiquette. I'm not shocked to learn that graffiti culture exists, but I am shocked anyone gives a shit.
>>201800 Putin is finished and Ukraine will become a LGBT paradise! I bet Russia will ban from America hot dog eating championship next! Or even the ugliest dog contest. >>201801 Stray Falls Into The Usual Orientalism Pitfalls Of The Cyberpunk Genre Oops forgot the article title.
>>201796 > Russian Teams Won't Be In FIFA 23 Didn't they lose the license?
>>201798 Trannies aren't real, you subhuman faggot.
>>201805 I wanted sources to quote when telling people male and female brains are different. Are you just a posturing faggot or do you have anything to back up your claims?
>>201757 >the conservative position was 'women are inferior' No, the conservative position would be 'women are inferior but they can still do their part to keep house, raise children, and generally contribute to society' and even then I think you're conflating having a different role with inferiority. I guess it depends on what you mean by inferiority though.
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>>201801 It's name is Kowloon.
>>201808 Literal bugmen living in an antfarm.
>>201808 Imagine being one of the first plebians in there and people build more shit on top of you as the walls start to crack.
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>>201801 It's a game about a cat in a funky cyberpunk world filled with TV head robots. NOTHING FUCKING MORE. Stupid idiots.
>>201807 >>201757 Ironically, you're pushing a feminist meme by saying the conservative position is "women are worthless and only good for making babies", as that ignores the lionization of motherhood by many societies in those days. Case in point, many people would consider Hitler's Germany to be "socially conservative" and there was plenty of praise for "Aryan Motherhood" in the Reich. The whole "barefoot and pregnant" shit is just feminist strawmanning.
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>>201812 But it's true, both that women are shit but also that women are best left to raising kids and maintaining a home. I have no problem with the idea that SOME women, as much as any man, may be good or great at any profession or skill, but just as most men are dumb as shit and so we stick them in the coal mines or on farms, so too are most women dumb as shit and so we stick them in the fucking kitchen. The problem is nowadays most work is less strenuous so women can do it and also we let them think they deserve to express an opinion and have a paycheck. Woman is the nigger of the world, and i mean that as a negative to them.
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Square Enix Heavily Censors Sexualized Artwork From Various Series For English Release Of Manga UP! App https://archive.ph/pIVt7 https://archive.ph/WyTtk THEY CENSORED A FUCKING KNEE
>>201814 Why is there a dark square over a knee?
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>>201814 >>201815 They're using a machine algorithm to derive what needs to be censored.
>>201814 >censoring shota knees This witch hunt has gone too far... >>201816 Probably. Or maybe the fag in charge of revising the manga is pulling a prank on SE.
>>201815 Someone might see it and we could have a ruckus on the shop for 2 weeks, do you want more kissing lincolns?
>>201814 Guess I won't keep reading Soul Eater. Tired of giving Square Enix money. Especially when they fucked up Ragna Crimson by putting 'simp' in the english release.
>>201819 Since when does Squeenix localize manga?
>>201819 >paying besides comiket
>>201820 They've had a manga division for a while.
>>201822 Since when does that manga division localize?
>>201823 Since they started publishing manga.
>>201824 What are you talking about? Soul Eater was localized by Yen Press, not Square Enix, and that was as late as 2009.
>>201825 And they're the ones publishing it now.
>>201757 >The essence of traditionalism fifty/sixty years ago was "bitches stay in the kitchen" and feminism flew in the face of that In the 60's and 70's, wives were entering the workplaces. First to provide more spending money, and then to curb inflation.
>>201826 That would mean that Square Enix started localizing 2010 at the earliest then. Not >>201822 since having a manga division.
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>not reading your mangos on mangadex or manga4life
>>201829 Mangadex doesn't show manga that has official translation.
>>201828 2010 was over a decade ago.
>>201829 batoto is also back but might be cucked
>>201831 Was the manga division created a decade ago then?
>>201833 Iunno.
> The company has a manga publishing division in Japan (originally from Enix) called Gangan Comics, which publishes content for the Japanese market only.[173] In 2010, however, Square Enix launched a digital manga store for North American audiences via its Members services, which contains several notable series published in Gangan anthologies.[179] Titles published by Gangan Comics include Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Eater, and many others.[179] Other titles include manga adaptations of various Square Enix games, like Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts and Star Ocean.[180][181][182] Some of these titles have also been adapted into anime series.[183] Fullmetal Alchemist is the most successful title of Square Enix's manga branch, with more than 64 million volumes sold worldwide.[184] It is licensed in North America by Viz Media, while its two anime adaptations were licensed by Funimation Entertainment in the United States.[185][186] >Starting in Q4 2019, Square Enix began publishing some of its manga series in English.[187] https://infogalactic.com/info/Square_Enix#Manga
>>201835 Okay, now >>201820 has an answer. Since 2010.
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I just want to read mangos about crazy girls
>>201837 smut tag
>>201808 Imagine a show set in an imperial hive city's underhive which would be exactly like Kowloon except 1000 times bigger and 1000 times worse
>>201839 Drainage City?
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>>201839 God i cant wait to play an all guardsman party (or maybe in the future, arbites) with anons on darktide.
>>201801 There some reason they're not calling it Kowloon? >While the existence of farmer hats is not offensive by itself, it becomes astoundingly racist when used in unrelated imagery Imagine a chinaman getting pissed because an american is wearing a cowboy hat but isn't actually a cowboy. >Asian Robot” is a Hollywood troupe that frequently dehumanizes Asian people Those are robots, not people, so I'm not sure how anyone is dehumanized, since they weren't human to begin with. Is it dehumanizing to Americans when robots display American characteristics and culture, or do we just think that's totally okay because we're American? If Stray is sold in Asia, why does that standard not hold? >>201815 Women have been known to swoon and faint at the sight of a man's knee. This is why wizards wear long robes.
>>201842 My guess is that he wants to be offended, but doesn't actually know the historical origin of the name and doesn't want to make an ass of himself (and can't be assed to look it up).
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>>201547 >can't we mod some existing game like unreal tournament to achieve this or no? Yes. In UT 2K4, there are mods of Caleb (no screenshots of him but he does exist), Duke, Gordon Freeman, Master Chief, DOOMguy, Ranger, etc. Voice packs could made for the characters right down to the sounds they make of them jumping or dying.
>>201841 What factions can you play in Darktide?
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>>201837 What is with Japans obsession with women that have Borderline Personality Disorder? Gambles, yanderes, tsunderes, etc I wonder if that's why SJWeebs are attracted to that kind of content like flies on shit, because it feeds their dysfunction in a romanticized manner and makes them reflect on their own damage without actively acknowledging it.
>>201846 The sexual thrill.
>>201845 Factions? You have classes and ten you can customize your space nigs. You can play an IG veteran, a psyker, or a zealot, then you can also play an ogryn but the ogryn can only be male.
>>201586 >Some of us only have old toasters. What would be considered old toasters? Pentiums? Core 2 Duo?
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>>201847 Definetly one of the biggest factors. BPD's are known to slut it the fuck up, even when they have a partner, awful stuff man.
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>>201846 I wouldn't say it's an obsession with psycho-bitches as much as anything else japan loves, like ara, but i assume it's whimpy, passive guys who want female attention, and the only way they think they can get it is by having obnoxious, demanding whores harassing them constantly. Actually the mamacon is probably a bit of that too, just less abuse and more love.
>>201845 I think it's just Imperial Guard and an ogryn. 40k version of Vermintide, basically. Same dev. >>201846 I grew up with a significantly older sister who was cluster b. Parts of my psyche respond to girls like that with "yeah, that's our brand of abuse, the kind we had when we were a kid. Let's go make ourselves a target she can't resist!" Eventually I learned that I needed to tell that part of my brain to shut up. Mostly I avoid fiction with that, but... Well, for example, I don't enjoy watching "It's Always Sunny", but dat Sweet Dee...
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>>201846 Cookie cutter character archetypes surving as basic character templates that appear in media I suppose. I heard Eva's responsible for Tsundere and Kuudere's being a thing. >>201851 That seems way to deep for something that frequently appears in media as a standard that isn't motivate by political or ideological interest.
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>>201817 Squeenix went on my eternal shitlist the moment they censored the rerelease of Chrono Cross. I hope they get fucked.
>>201814 Back of the knee, maybe?
>>201814 They didn't want to offend George Floyd.
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>>201814 >a knee is censored
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>>201860 Expected this to be a trap, or tranny lol
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>>201814 Fucking bastards at SE's ethics department.
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>>201848 Factions? I mean like Guard, Arbites, Ministorum, Inquisition, etc. Hopefully something fun like Redemptionists? >>201852 Oh. Well I guess I'll just sit here and play with my orgyn.
>>201863 Well then guard, ministorum and astra telepathica, and youre all penal units under the command of the inquisition.
>>201852 >cluster b. Care to explain for the ignorant?
>>201871 Combine all 3 and you get the romanian flag and romanian people.
>>201871 Why does this look like a load of bullshit?
>>201850 I think he means Japan sexualizes BPD; "crazy in the streets, crazy in the sheets".
>>201873 What about it is bullshit? It's just grouping commonly shared traits of people into categories. It isn't prescriptive.
>>201873 It's basically just grouping all the various personality disorders into 3 crown disorders because there is so much overlap and because the boundaries of the disorders are are fuzzy. You hear a lot about cluster b because that's the dark triad crown group. They are mor likely to hurt you intentionally and knowingly than the other two and so they're seen as much more of a threat.
>>201875 > It's just grouping commonly shared traits of people into categories And, if you have traits that belong to all three categories? >>201876 >It's basically just grouping all the various personality disorders into 3 crown disorders because there is so much overlap and because the boundaries of the disorders are are fuzzy. At that point, why even make the chart and breakdown? Hell, based on your description, possible that everyone suffers from some degree of every single disorder listed there, but they struggle with some "disorders" more than other.
>>201878 >And, if you have traits that belong to all three categories? Then you have traits that belong to all three categories. It's psychology, it's not a hard science. It's just a lot of generalizations and tools used to analyze and attempt to improve individuals lives. >Hell, based on your description, possible that everyone suffers from some degree of every single disorder listed there, but they struggle with some "disorders" more than other. That's because everyone does. We don't call them disorderly until they reach a certain threshold. All of the human experience exists on a spectrum, this is commonly understood.
>>201878 It's only a disorder if it's debilitating from normal function. You don't start reinforcing the walls of your home with tinfoil and sandbags on a whim.
>>201526 There are literally almost no cutscenes in phantom pain. It's the furthest from a movie game. It's like the polar opposite of MGSIV.
>>201881 You're full of shit, anon.
>>201816 Probably, considering the bottom cleavage is uncensored in the manga page.
>>201685 Just call it what it is: Anita mode. Feminist Frequency mode. Woke mode.
>>201885 Your popular culture references are out of date.
>>201886 It's not a pop culture reference. It's a reality check. There wouldn't be a "naive angel mode" if not for Feminist Frequency.
>>201787 Whenever it exists, if ever given the game's smaller scope.
>>201685 Family friendly mode is flat out wrong. You can play that one faggot game with the flopping cocks on twitch no problem. Just no "unrealistic" depictions sexualized womyn allowed.
This is the very post that I do when people try to justify the "naive angel mode" in Bayonetta 3, saying that censorship is okay as long as it's "optional". Fucking retards, I'm telling you.
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>>201885 anita won't be happy until all female vidya characters are wearing burkas
>>201887 Considering the name it sounds more like it's mocking you for using it.
Marge what the hell happened to this place? Did the board reset? Why is it only at 650,000 posts?
>>201889 Again, Twitch has nothing to do with this shit at all. The only people bringing up Twitch are disingenuous retards desperate to find an excuse for Nintendo who shuts down everyone they don't like on Twitch anyways with DMCAs. There is no proof of this relating to streamers, calling it a "streamer mode" is doing PR and damage control for it. They literally made it to appeal to more people and make it more acceptable to play at home with others in a house and said as much. Its a censorship mode to pander to a larger audience and make it more socially acceptable, plain and simple.
>>201814 They mistook it for a thigh.
>>201510 Getting some heavy Revengeance vibes from that video.
>>201812 >Ironically, you're pushing a feminist meme by saying the conservative position <and even then I think you're conflating having a different role with inferiority. Huh?
>>201898 >Disney >Star Wars who?
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>>201890 Good post anon
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>>201898 I was about to ask myself why these people would always alter or insert a non-heterosexual sexuality into a well-known character from a family-friendly series that children can watch, only to realise it was a rhetorical question.
>>201898 (checked) >disney >bisexual >asexual >planet of unsupervised teens >written by young adult fiction writer >star wars in current year+ Throw in some fart fetish stuff too. I mean this is the disney star wars brand now. Also this is beating a dead horse, but how fucking pathetic does your book have to be where the "big" talking point is just making a character bisexual.
>>201902 What fucking book is this.
>>201898 >Obi-Wan might be bisexual or asexual Let's just conveniently ignore the fact that he was in love with a Mandalorian woman in the Clone Wars cartoon.
Could someone help me with something potential offtopic? I'm writing some erotica, and there's a section where a scientist is testing how the human body would be able digest and convert a certain substance, effectively finding the substance to be a "wonder drug". And, I'm trying to find how real scientists (To at least make it believable) test which foods are more nutritional for the body than others, and all I'm finding is everything BUT how tests are conducted, with the closest being just some studies where one group eats something like glutton while another does not for three weeks. Is the ENTIRE basis for nutritional studies just based off quacks having people eat random things and see what the result is?
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>>201906 i assume scientists boil shit down in test tubes and isolate vitamins and shit to find out what has what but fuck if i know beyond that; why not just make it an elaborate taste testing regimen?
>>201906 >I'm writing some erotica >it's just drugs and eating That sounds either like lore from a dystopian setting, or the mandatory 3 minutes of fetish fuel from a Totally Spies episode.
>>201909 It reminds me of 40k writers when they do the mandatory "Slaanesh isn't just about sex, you guys." segment in any novel about Chaos Space Marines.
>>201908 >why not just make it an elaborate taste testing regimen? Because, in the context of the story, the scientist is effectively trying the drug on themselves. >>201909 >or the mandatory 3 minutes of fetish fuel from a Totally Spies episode. Might as well spoil it, see if that sprouts ideas, the drug is cum from a test subject. And, I'm trying to find an excuse for why the scientist would start consuming it as food (Anything that ISN'T addiction, that is) when the scientist is already is sort-of a health-nut that makes their own nutrition drinks.
>>201911 Is the scientist, female?
>>201911 Scientist wants to bulk up but has no other available source of protein besides semen. Alternative scientist is making a point that ancient doctors used to diagnose people by tasting their bodily fluids, namely urine, and that drinking semen is totally scientific and totally absolutely not just a gay fetish thing I swear.
>>201911 Hold on I had another idea. She's so fucking broke she can't afford pH paper and resorts to tasting the semen to see if it is alkaline or acidic.
>>201914 >Scientist wants to bulk up but has no other available source of protein besides semen. Not that type of health nut. >Alternative scientist is making a point that ancient doctors used to diagnose people by tasting their bodily fluids, namely urine, and that drinking semen is totally scientific and totally absolutely not just a gay fetish thing I swear. Could try something related to that. >She's so fucking broke she can't afford pH paper and resorts to tasting the semen to see if it is alkaline or acidic. What?
>>201916 Your tongue can detect when something is basic (pH greater than 7) and when something is acidic (pH lower than 7). If she needs to check if some substance is acidic, basic or neutral--and she can't afford pH strips or some other pH measuring tool--she could resort to tasting the fucking thing provided she has no reason to believe the substance can burn through flesh.
>>201723 >5th pic I love how that Mortal Online picture continually shows up everywhere. >>201829 I use tachiyomi and pull from a few sources.
>>201627 Die nigger.
>>201893 What do you mean?
>>201911 I'm sure some hentai manga has already solved this problem. (probably over 10+ years ago
>>201909 Or something I'll see posted on /vore1/ while browsing the overboard.
>>201898 >>201901 >>201902 >>201905 >Obi-wan wants to sneak some penis-anus bumbum time while Quigon is hungover! >Obi-wan ends up killing more Jedi than the empire by spreading Wookiepox while taking in the dark side up his pooper This will surely save Star Wars
>>201790 >>201757 Jews created trannys and use them as a weapon against white civilization. I am starting to suspect that eunuchs were an invention of jews as well. If you have ever encountered a tranny online all of them seek to disrupt a community and take control of it through moderation and generally be an evil tyrant that is obsessed with making the lives of everyone beneath him as miserable as possible, just like the eunuchs of ancient times. I think something about castrated men just makes them that way intrinsically. Jews know this and exploit it. The reason they are creating so many trannys is to have a managerial class that will crack down on anyone who opposes the jewish agenda 2030 takeover. Recently a white girl named Jupiter Paulson was randomly murdered by a rampaging nigger and the compromised courts wanted to set him free on an insanity charge so some white people gathered to protest and then antifa staged a counter protest except the counter protesters were literally all trannys. It's very telling since there are so few trannys and yet seemingly every single one of them in North Dakota would want something as horrible as a murdering nigger that killed a white girl to go free, exactly what a jew would want. The jews tried to create trannys as far back as the 1920's in Wiemar Germany but that scheme fell apart for obvious reasons so that tribe has obviously been concocting this strategy for a very long time now.
>>201801 >The developers of Stray told USA Today that the Walled City of Hong Kong was “the perfect playground for a cat.” No cat could last 10 minutes among that many chinks.
>>201911 The serum being literally cum is not very subtle, why not something like >Scientist/health nutritionist finds out new chemical that help bulking up n shit >Makes revolutionary shake about it, but the delicate synthesis process makes it a rare and expensive product >The rare female customers experience massive arousal after drinking it, leading to all sorts of lewd, erotic events featuring athletic women >Also some scientist/test subject erotica because obviously they're gonna also try it
>>201924 >>201790 Trannies co-opted the way jews infiltrate society with their damaging ideals but the way the go about it is obnoxious and ineffective, being "in-your-fave" to people gets you nowhere, and a lot of them crave validation, which is different from tolerance. They WANT you to WANT them because they don't want themselves, it's not about being left alone by others, it's the opposite! It's not about respecting existence or what the fuck ever, but histrionic gay men that crave attention and decide to crank it one step further, transtrenders if you will. It pisses people off and backfires spectacularly, knowing how most non-corporate people shit on them gleefully. This ironically hurts them, and continues hurting them, perception of trannies is worse now than it's been in 10 years! How you manage that regression is fucking beyond me!
>>201927 >bugs and daffy are in a canon gay relationship What a fucking world, Tails gets Trolled is canon now.
>a one word twitter post and cuckchan thread >proof of anything other than the poster needing to go the fuck back
>>201927 >Bugs and Daffy duking it out most of the time >Suddenly they fuckin That's fucking annoying, there must be around 10% of non-hetero people in the world yet you hear about them half the time. Reminds me of another unrelated statistic.
>>201930 They're enabling that shit, look at the content, don't be daft. You should know better using that AJ Styles pic.
Fall Guys Leaks: Sonic the Hedgehog Levels are Coming >A new Fall Guys leak reveals upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog levels that will soon become the new obstacle courses in Fall Guys. >A Fall Guys leaks YouTube channel posted a short video of what appears to be a Sonic the Hedgehog level. Back in 2020 when Fall Guys was still a paid game, Sonic the Hedgehog made his way into the game. >He was one of the first of the many skin collaborations that came after him. After 2 years of having the jelly bean version of the hedgehog, The Blue Blur will finally have a dedicated level in Fall Guys. >This leak came from a YouTube channel called Krxnky – Fall Guys Leaks which contains a plethora of Fall Guys leaked content. >One of these leaks so happens to be a Sonic the Hedgehog level that could potentially launch come Season 2. The level design is very reminiscent of the classic Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hill Zone filled with boosts a jump pads. >Another leaker YouTube channel leaker Pancake – Fall Guys Leaks showcased some gameplay of Bean Hill Zone. Apparently, the level will have the classic gold rings scattered around the area for players to collect. >We’re assuming that the goal of this stage is to collect a certain amount of rings to qualify for the next round. If not, then it could be a squad game wherein the team with the most rings when the time expires wins. >Whatever the case may be, we’ll just have to wait for an official announcement from Mediatonic. Fall Guys is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. >With so many platforms to play the game on, you might be wondering if you can take your save data and play it across multiple platforms. The good news is yes, you can do that. To find out how, click here. https://archive.ph/iVpu7 EA's last FIFA game is finally making women's soccer a priority >After revealing Chelsea star Sam Kerr on its cover earlier this week, EA has unveiled the first trailer for FIFA 23 showing that women's soccer will finally be a key part of the game. It will include women's club teams from the top leagues in England and France, along with both the women's and men's competitions in both the 2022 Qatar World Cup and 2023 Australia/New Zealand World Cup. >International women's teams have been available in EA FIFA games since 2016, but this will be the first edition with club teams. The women's game has climbed in popularity thanks in part to the Olympics and other international competitions, and the 2022 World Cup will provide another huge boost. >Two leagues is far short from the dozens available for men's soccer, but it looks like EA plans to add more via future updates. "We’re committed to building an equitable experience and aspire to help grow women’s football," said FIFA 23's Matt Lafreniere. >International women's teams have been available in EA FIFA games since 2016, but this will be the first edition with club teams. The women's game has climbed in popularity thanks in part to the Olympics and other international competitions, and the 2022 World Cup will provide another huge boost. >Two leagues is far short from the dozens available for men's soccer, but it looks like EA plans to add more via future updates. "We’re committed to building an equitable experience and aspire to help grow women’s football," said FIFA 23's Matt Lafreniere. >FIFA 23 also introduces cross-play functionality and more "realistic" gameplay via its latest evolution of HyperMotion2 technology, EA said. That feature applies machine learning to motion capture data to create smoother player movements during gameplay. >FIFA 23 will be EA's last version of the game with the FIFA name, as it failed to come to terms with FIFA over financial and exclusivity issues. >However, EA still holds licenses for more than 300 soccer partners and has exclusive agreements with the likes of the Premier League, MLS, La Liga, Bundesliga and Serie A. The series will be rebranded as EA Sports FC in its future versions. https://archive.ph/rPnmx
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>>201932 >niggerpill claims the account spent the WHOLE DAY swearing up and down Bugs and Daffy are gay >only a single one word post in that archive from the account
>>201926 That still bounces back to the original question I had of how tests are conducted to see is any solution (Even something like a "miracle drug") will actually have any effect on a person when it's created almost out of thin air or they just happen to arrive upon it. The closest I've heard of was how some POWs at a Japanese camp all survived the abysmal conditions due to a tea they drank that used some of the local wild fauna and rusty nails.
>>201934 Its worse than niggerpill, its the newsposter and hes gonna post something about pokemon cards and huggy wuggy
Netflix Reveals First Look At New Castlevania Series Starring Richter Belmont >We finally got a glimpse of the legendary vampire hunter, Richter Belmont, in the upcoming Castlevania spin-off series, Castlevania: Nocturne during Netflix Geeked Week. >Castlevania: Nocturne, which takes place long after the fourth season of Castlevania, follows Richter, the great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson of Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades. >While Nocturne’s announcement trailer was quicker than a hiccup, we did see Richter do a cool hero-pose with the iconic Vampire Killer whip in hand before dramatically smoldering towards the camera. >Yeah, that boy is a Belmont alright. Despite only having four episodes in its first season, Castlevania ranked number seven in the most popular streaming shows in 2017, according to IndieWire. >Castlevaina subsequent seasons garnered positive critical reception, with its third season earning a 95% Tomatometer score on Rotten Tomatoes and its second and fourth season earning a 100% Tomatometer score. >The series director Samuel Deats will be returning to guide the fang-filled spin-off into vamp fans’ eyes, alongside the familiar hands of Kevin Kolde, the executive producer for multiple episodes of the Castlevania anime, as well as Castlevania writer Clive Bradley. >Castlevania: Nocturne is currently in production by Powerhouse Animation and Project 51 Productions. For those who only know Castlevania through the Netflix series and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, no shame, just know that Richter is kind of a big deal. >Though Sypha and Trevor were a tour de force in their own right, Richter is described as “one of the most powerful in the family.” Outside of being the protagonist in the PC Engine classic Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Richter serves as an important character in the series’ mythos. >Given that Richter’s appearances span multiple titles in Castlevania games, I’d say he’s as hearty as he is powerful. https://archive.ph/enux3 Lady Dimitrescu is coming to Resident Evil Village's Mercenaries mode >There’s so many dodgy things I could say about Resident Evil Village’s upcoming DLC’s The Mercenaries Additional Orders mode and its inclusion of a playable Lady Dimitrescu, along with magnetic Nic Cage wannabe Karl Heisenberg and perennial favourite Chris Redfield. Instead, I’ll be a nice lad and keep shtum. >Aside from the extra characters, Additional Orders brings more stages and some other improvements to Mercenaries that Capcom haven’t elaborated on. Watch the trailer for it below and imagine being inside Lady D. Oh crap. >More variety is always good news for a Resident Evil Mercenaries mode, and that's what you'll get with the Additional Orders DLC. >Playing as Dimitrescu means building your Thrill meter by slashing away at lycans and other enemies, which enables special moves such as slamming down other bad guys or just outright summoning her trio of daughters to tear up shop for her. It’s a cool addition to become the extremely tall and dominating vampire. >Lady D’s still so popular that she might even end up in the Netflix Resident Evil live-action TV show, if its showrunner gets his way, too. >Heisenberg and good ol’ Chris have their own special abilities in Mercenaries Additional Orders as well. Karl – can I call you Karl? – can beat down enemies with his hammer and magnetic attacks, but he can also chuck saw blades and gets the chance to summon his Soldat Jet creations from his factory. >The elder Redfield sibling, meanwhile, can use his staggeringly effective punch to knock back baddies and fill his Onslaught gauge. >This lets Chris move and reload much quicker. He has the option to call in missile strikes by his buddies in the Hound Wolf Squad as well. >Ed reckoned the base game lost sight of itself in his Resident Evil Village review when it launched last year. “Just when I thought Resident Evil Village couldn't become any more chaotic, it proved me wrong,” he said. >It went berserk, with sequences plucked straight out of Call Of Duty. I fended off hordes of enemies like a supersoldier; at one point I fully expected Covenant dropships from Halo to warp in.” He’s not wrong, it does lose it towards the end. >Resident Evil Village Gold Edition is out on October 28th for PC and consoles, and includes the extra content for Mercenaries. >If you own the base game then you can nab the Winters’ Expansion on Steam for £16/$20/€20, which includes The Mercenaries Additional Orders along with Third Person Mode for the main campaign and the Shadows Of Rose scenario announced in June. https://archive.ph/hOcEu
>>201928 > perception of trannies is worse now than it's been in 10 years! It's not really much harder to be worse than "non-existent except for like that time South Park made Mr. Garrison a tranny for a joke for a while then undid it".
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>>201934 Have there been other companies being this buddy-buddy with properties shipping their characters? It's so freaky to me that they'd be okay responding and almost encouraging it with their biggest IP. I do agree that making the claim they are genuinely in LOVE is fucking stupid, but there's definetly freaks eating this up, and I would say they need to stop throwing unironic fujoshits a bone because it gives the wrong idea. >post deleted Was that actually niggerpill!? Well god damn. I suppose it did have the same aura as "XENOBLADE 3 CHARACTER IS NON-DAIRY!" or whatever
>>201501 >>201936 What the fuck is huggy wuggy? >>201934 I don’t think you know what nigger pill is. WB social media worse than Disney when it comes to using looney tunes and DC characters for SJW points. From what I look up. Looney tunes offices twitter account endorsing bugs and daffy shipping. That doesn’t sound like nigger pill. Explain how it nigger pill to report news?
>>201940 >single word social media post replying to fanart is "news" >a fucking cuckchan thread is "news"
>>201928 >Trannies co-opted the way jews infiltrate society with their damaging ideals Similar to how you starting to see Hollywood make China the bad guys. I think you starting see some corporate woke purging not because entertainment industry losing money. Tranny bullshit effected Jews more than anyone else. SJWs shit in general harms Jews more than anyone else because younger Jews believe the propaganda meant for the goys.
>>201940 >What the fuck is huggy wuggy? Villain of some toy theme first person horror, Poppy Playtime. There's some (minor and irrelevant) rattling from boomers about muh chilluns being exposed to horror like how they did with FNAF.
>>201928 >>201941 Was the Cuckchan archive a thread archiving WB social media confirming bugs bunny and Daffy Duck gay? If so. It is news related. >>201902 Jedi shouldn’t be trusted around children. This is long before obi-wan now lust after li boys.
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>>201761 Why is this a good thing? Have the devs been doing bad things? Two directors were fired? WHY? What did they do? What did they NOT do? I have literally no idea whast this is about, who the players involved are, or why this is a good/bad thing.
>>201945 >Why is this a good thing? It's a remake. >Two directors were fired? WHY? What did they do? What did they NOT do? Who cares?
>>201945 One of the people involved with it was Sam Maggs, who is also another one of the people not involved anymore. https://archive.ph/PkOcu
>>201943 For a while, I thought huggy Wuggy was a pre-existing toy they made into an FNAF clone. >>201942 >Similar to how you starting to see Hollywood make China the bad guys. Is China a politically correct villain now? I don’t recall any new Hollywood movie or video game with China as bad guys. White supremacists, Russians, North Koreans and Iranians still go to bad guys. At most maybe Muslims terrorists making a come back as bad guys.
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>>201898 He was a fucking space wizard! Just the fact that he wanted to benis in bagina that mandalorian princess was already kind of upsetting because it would make him an hypocrite, now they also made him a bottom bitch! God dammit.
>>201949 benis in bagina is allowed for Jedi though, or was at least not expressly forbidden and permitted. Rey was supposed to be the daughter of Satine's "nephew" but Ruin Johnson decided the middle movie of a trilogy was the perfect place to deconstruct and subvert the entire franchise because he's a fucking brainlet.
>>201950 >benis in bagina is allowed for Jedi though, or was at least not expressly forbidden and permitted. Unless you mean to imply they were all fine and dandy with hookups and casual sex then i call bullshit, because anakin's entire fall was because he impregnated a space princess.
>>201950 It entirely depends on the order at the time, during the fall of the Republic (prequel era) the Jedi had sort of stagnated and adopted a rather restrictive ruleset in terms of relationships to avoid "muh temptation", Anakin kinda proved it was a bad idea. Luke's order was a bit more relaxed in that regard as it incorporated more Grey Jedi rather than trying to stay as far on the light side as possible.
>>201951 >>201951 >Unless you mean to imply they were all fine and dandy with hookups and casual sex Yeah I did. Anakin's fall was his attachment to Padme, not the fact of his rumpy pumpy. If you follow the Satine sub-text it's that Obi Wan ghosted her after a time probably because he began to feel an attachment and he knew he had to cut her off, and her being left with a bastard child was a stain on her honour that made her bitter as fuck but they still clearly have feelings for each other. >>201952 Speaking of, was there ever a time in canon when lightsaber colours actually denoted a Jedi's role (blue guardian, green peacekeeper) etc?
>>201950 That's Disney's fault for letting a fraud not even interested in Star Wars to direct the movie nor have a plan for the trilogy. Also, he must eat mad pussy like crazy to have the bitch in Disney have so much favoritism for such a failure.
>>201950 >Rey was supposed to be I'm going to call bullshit there because it's far funnier to assume Disney went ass-first into a new star wars trilogy without any planning ahead.
>>201953 Honestly that whole arc with sabine was really sad, poor obi wan just wanted to fuck off with his mandalorian girlfriend but then qui gon died, he had to take care of anakin and the whole clone wars started. In a better world qui gon would have survived his fight in naboo and obi wan could have fucked off with his space girlfriend and have a happy life, instead he had to live with the fact he raised the space anti-christ.
>>201955 They went to the effort of naming the character "Rey" because they could use a soundbite from Alec Guinness (followed by Ewan McGregor talking to her) when she picks up the lightsaber for the first time. And Daisy herself said she was told Rey was planned to be related to Obi Wan in the beginning, before the plans changed thanks to KK and her ilk.
>>201945 >Why is this a good thing? It's a current year remake of a classic game people like. Of course people don't want it. >Have the devs been doing bad things? They hired an SJW to write it. Write a game that already has a full script.. It wasn't a good sign. >Two directors were fired? WHY? What did they do? What did they NOT do? We don't know what happened exactly. We do know they prepared a vertical slice demo to present. After they showed it off they were fired and the project was put on indefinite hold. Honestly I'm morbidly curious to see just how much they fucked up to get such a violent response from the higher ups.
>>201958 Bastila shan pegs glorius revan for 30 minutes while carth yells "BLACK LIVES MATTER!" on the background?
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>>201814 >>201853 >>CENSOR A GODDAMN KNEE To be fair, it wouldn't be the first time I mistakenly masturbated to a knee or elbow.
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>>201953 Probably, originally there was only going to be blue and red until Luke got his green in the third film, then other colors started to flow in and eventually Samuel Jackson demanded a purple lightsaber if he was going to do the prequels. I'm honestly quite fond of Imperial Knight white.
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>>201961 Probably not I mean, I forgot some of the question at the start of my post.
>>201961 >>201962 Don't worry. Also, Star Wars wasn't that good to begin with.
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>>201671 Disney Princess Putin kind of reminds me of Guybrush Threepwood.
>>201955 Disney didn't have any plans but JewJew Abrahams probably had a rough idea of what he wanted to do with the sequel trilogy but then Ruin Johnson came along and decided to torpedo those plans, just so he could have a bunch of shitty gotcha moments in TLJ.
>>201958 Probably has princess leah getting CHEWBACCAD every 20 minutes and whenever you save, you have to play through it, all of it. You have to make chewbacca cum inside her as yoda watches in the closet and the game will ask you to register the sex sounds, but you lose points if yoda is allowed an orgasm. You eventually move onto jarjarbinks, banging leah, and the sound cues become more difficult depending on how low or high jarjarbinks is moaning. You have to be aware of it. You have to constantly do this or the game shuts itself off and your save data deletess.
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>>201911 >>201921 >>201926 I tried to picture in my head how a conversation like that would work in a typical "erotica" setting... this is what I came (pun not intend) up with.
>>201965 Isn't JewJew infamous for making loose-ended "mystery box" hooks that he expects other writers to fill in the blanks for him?
>>201668 >who in the fuck would play bayonetta 3 in a living room? i played the first one, in front of my mother, and brothers girlfriend and i would do it again.
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Would you the Emperor's guards? Source is an empire strips back video that's 40% quick shots of these ladies and 60% shots of some guy drumming in a stormtrooper costume, some guy with a guitar in a darth vader costume and two fucking children mugging for the camera, what a terrible waste of some nice legs.
>>201974 The feminist one? Not sure if it was cancelled or released and nobody noticed.
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>>201974 What happened to 4? are we just skipping numbers now?
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>>201976 It's probably in the gamerga-- WAIT A MINUTE! This is the geisergape thread! >>201973
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>>201974 >Yeah, but what about indiana jones 5? any news on THAT dumpster fire? Last I heard the two Bobs personally axed it internally after seeing what had been made. Which is fitting because Indy 5 was KK's consolation prize after Star Wars was taken away from her after it had been run into the ground with no survivors. It's been a decade and Disney still hasn't turned a profit on what was once the most valuable IP on the planet.
>>201968 True, at this point it's conjecture whether JewJew had plans and Ruin sabotaged them or not.
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>>201973 <-- >>201977 >geisergape thread!
>>201972 a full video for that Star Wars Burlesque thing? (is it any good)
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>>201980 There was never a movie about a crystal skull you double nigger.
>>201984 Being in denial doesn't change the fact that there was a crystal skull movie.
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Then consider this. If there wasn't a Indiana Jones 4, then why are they talking about making a fifth movie?
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>>201987 Why did they make a Postal 4?
>>201990 Chudposting finally makes its way into this site.
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>>201987 Counter point.
>>201994 It's commiespeak for non-commies, likening their enemies to cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers.
>>201976 >>201974 >>201987 >Indiana Jones 5 he's looking really bad, plus they have those stupid tracking dots allover his face. should have just gone with the ending to the TV show and give him a beard and a cool eye patch. that would look so much better. from what I've seen of plot leeks its going to be just the same as soy ways and shitty nu-james bond where Indiana dies and hands over his hat, his whip, and even his damn name to some fucking mary sue bitch that didn't do anything to deserve it.
>>201994 >>201995 Apparently it's a movie reference.
>>201796 >FIFA 23 I thought they lost the rights to the name? >Things are surely better now, right? No. The upcoming Qatar World Cup was awarded in even more corrupt circumstances, to a country that was too hot to host in Summer Are there even stipulations that it has to be played in the Summer? AFAIK they only do that cause Europe and Asia have off seasons during that period so they can get the highest viewership possible. >can’t offer even the faintest protections for gay fans Ah yes, all twenty of them >and built its stadiums on the bodies of thousands of dead slave workers Brazil and South Africa did that and no one but in those countries bat an eye. Heck I'm sure that if you go far back to Mexico and France you'd see something even worse.
>>201998 No shit, was your first clue me spelling out the subtitle of the movie?
>>202000 I never heard of the b-flick before, so I was curious. I wonder if it's any good.
>>202001 The first one is a horror movie, the sequel is a horror comedy like Texas Chainsaw 2.
>>201998 >>202001 >>202002 referenced in the simpsons (a few times)
>>202002 Sounds about right. Maybe I'll give it a watch later, maybe there'll be some irony the leftists missed due to not actually watching shit.
Great, the faggot is back with the Q posting nonsense.
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>>201987 >Then consider this. If there wasn't a Indiana Jones 4, then why are they talking about making a fifth movie? I dunno, ask Leisure Suit Larry.
>>201998 I doubt they actually know what a CHUD is, nor do most of them probably know what a CHODE is. It's all just silly words that are fun to say to them, which roughly have the analogous meaning to "loser". Sort of like how they keep using the term fascist, without actually knowing what the fuck the word means, but assume it's some synonym for authoritarian or "bully".
>>202006 >>201993 >>201989 You are only hurting yourselves.
>>202006 >Leisure Suit Larry. all these damn monkey pox island reboots, remakes and sequels... but we can't get an uncensored HD remake of Leisure Suit Larry 7 Love for Sail! what the fuck?
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>>202009 You realize that by asking for competent engaging gameplay and cute girls, we're like the Leisure Suit Larry's to the next generation of twitch streamers and male feminists... and the people that Larry was parodying are all dying off and culturally extinct. Part of the reason why I haven't, and probably never will try the "Wet Dreams Don't Die" series. I don't trust modern devs who don't get the joke to do him justice, especially not in indie-game space which is infested with hipsters and male feminists. It's a recipe for Cargo Cult design. Maybe I'm wrong, but I guess I'll never know because the other part is that I just don't feel right playing a Larry game which isn't written, advised, or directed by Al Lowe. In a weird way, Kazuma Kiryu is kind of like the modern day Leisure Suit Larry.
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>>201933 > EA's last FIFA game is finally making women's soccer a priority LOL https://archive.ph/lrIL2
>>202013 >Expectations: Mai Ball >Reality: that US female soccer team that does nothing but bitch online
>>202013 Bitches want to get paid as much as men and receive as much media attention, but they dont have even a fraction of the audience male football has, doesnt help that their top teams cant even beat 3rd division male teams that arent even taking it seriusly, for real, they suck.
>>202015 Their top teams can't beat children, get it right.
>>202016 Wait, they were sub-17? Dear lord, also reminder that technically any woman can join male teams since tehy arent barred for entry, they just dont even try because they cant fucking compete with anyone trying to get in.
>>202017 There was some incident where a boys highschool soccer team beat a professional womans team. I don't remember much about it other than it was funny.
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>>202012 >Women's football >Features the lesbian who thinks that its fame rivals Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Robert Lewandowski combined They should've invested in making a women's volleyball game, that'll make people "play" women's sports. LOL
>>201902 Is it just me or is this horribly written even for a faggy Star Wars novel?
>>201962 What happened to Ronnie?
>>202018 Yup, just checked, a 15 yo football division beat the US female national team. Now i know the US isnt good at football, but their male team atleast tries and they always have good matches with teams such a the netherlands, but this is beyond pathetic.
>>202021 He's been doing an alien comic for awhile now, probably burnt through all the material he could use for Whomp that he felt was funny enough.
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>>202009 >>202006 Masturbation jokes and sexy ladies aside is Leisure Suit Larry any good? I recall people slamming the one with his son/nephew. >>202012 Absolutely no one gives a shit about Women's Soccer. Why do these and Women's Basketball get all the media attention when Women's Volleyball, Fencing and Softball are not only much more enjoyable to watch, they've got much prettier girls and much more competitive scenes? They fixate on the two sports that Women either give the least shit about or are the absolute worst at. Heck, make some good Olympics Gymnastics game that isn't just a button masher or a rhythm game. >>202013 It's just the next thing that progressives have not touched or haven't been able to fully control. Not only is the average soccer fan completely apathetic to diversity (yes NGUBU MY SON playing for Norf FC is an issue but generally speaking the average fan is rather racist as long as it's directed to other teams and their fans or players) but they're really against homos taking over their fun and unlike with American sports like American Football and Basketball (whose teams are mainly privately owned by Tycoons and G-D Chosen), most soccer in the world is practiced by amateurs and a sizable chunk of the teams are either owned by the fans, the city or are so regional that it makes no sense for them to look for faggots to pander to. >>202016 Yes, they lost to a team of High Schoolers and hand waved it as an unofficial match where people weren't really trying, also they had a tie or something some time earlier and paraded it as a great victory for women. The Williams Brothers lost to some like 400th ranked guy and another man who was half drunk. https://invidious.osi.kr/watch?v=QY9Gz_IMn_k It's not even that women are bad or even worse at sports. There's just some sports that are male dominated, others that are female dominated and other that are interdisciplinary. Socjus don't give a shit about competition, they just want to make sure they control the opinion of everything.
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>>201994 Chud is the tranny breadtuber safe space version of "subhuman", but it sounds like one of those made up words like mogumbos so it doesn't really have any offensive weight to it because it's entirely based on pop culture and has no scathing or perojative interpretation.
>>202025 You do realize you're accusing most anons here of being feminized soyboys with that spread of fetishes (except for the tranny bit), right?
>>202028 You do realize you're stating the obvious here, don't you?
>>202025 >tfw into muscular amazons or toned/athletic girls but dominating them or making them feel womanly which is rare as fuck compared to the far more common femdom rip my dick off shit
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>>202025 >why are all the popular recent fetishes manifestations of men becoming weaker... I think you forgot to ask somebody!
>>201997 >where Indiana dies and hands over his hat, his whip, and even his damn name to some fucking mary sue bitch that didn't do anything to deserve it. I'm sorry, WHAT?!? What about the part where LaBeouf was revealed to be his son?
The faggotry on the Q lyric posts and the White Boy Summer shit is getting really annoying. Where are the fucking mods?
>>202034 haven't herd anything about 5 having any major connections to 4. they might just ignore it completely. also 5 is supposed to have wacky time travel nonsense. who knows how they will fuck up all the previous movies... not looking forward to it. that lady is Phoebe Waller-Bridge and supposedly she's the one taking over for indiana jones in the movie. she was also the feminist slut droid fucking lando in that star-wars solo movie prequel
>>202035 complaining about it gets their little spammer dicks hard. they're trying to piss people off. letting them know that it's working will embolden them. hide, filter and ignore. don't even report, if their posts get deleted they'll know someone reported. make them feel as alone here as they are in real life.
>>202038 Take a look at that (((snout)))!
>>202040 I know, right? daniel craig also begged her to work on the script for his last garbage james bound movie (no time to die) so it could be updated for the “me too” era...
>>202038 Honestly I'd like to see her in the leading role if only if she gets gangbanged by the antagonists.
>>202024 >Masturbation jokes and sexy ladies aside is Leisure Suit Larry any good? They're basically visual novels with explorable environments, inventory-based puzzles, and a bad habit of killing you for seemingly no reason and then laughing at you for being a low-IQ retarded nigger monkey for dying. The puzzles also are generally designed with an extra dose of anti-logic purely for the sake of getting you to buy hint books or pay .75 cents a minute for their call-in hint line. "Good" is pretty subjective for Sierra games, it really depends on if the humor clicks with you. Should be easy enough to find a copy of LSL VGA Remake floating around the net for free. Try it and see for yourself. If you like it, jump right into Shape Up or Slip Out and Love for Sail. LSL 2 and 3 tried to tell a longer convoluted story and it doesn't really work. Aside from Passionate Patty, you're not missing much. LSL 4 doesn't exist (unless you count the office utility suite), and LSL5 is pretty bad all around. 6 and 7 are a return to LSL1's superior formula of just trying to get laid. Avoid MCL & BOB, and I couldn't give you advise on the Wet Dreams series. Never played them.
>>202041 >Da Joooz are the reason why my benis is small! when they poison the food, water and air with Endocrine disruptors, it actually might be the reason. check out the documentary called "the diapering male"
>>202043 check! then I hope the antagonists are multi fanged lovecraftian monsters with tentacles bitch could use a challenge!
>>202038 >also 5 is supposed to have wacky time travel nonsense. <Spielberg said that the problem with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is that is DIDN'T want to do another aliens film, but Lucas roped him in <Meanwhile, he's willing to let another time travel film happen
>>202048 Spielberg was willing to make Ready Player One too. The man's a jew through and through. No integrity. Only what will make a quick buck.
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Just like in my doujin [https://archive.ph/3H6q8/] https://www.bfmed.org/assets/Gender%20Inclusive%20Statement.pdf
>>202053 That's retarded, breast milk is breast milk, even if you're a dude if you lactate it's still breast milk, though I can tell you from experience that lactating is fucking unpleasant and I wouldn't wanna have that shit happen ever again, also yes you can lactate as a male, it's an hormonal problem though but it can happen especially coupled with gynecomastia (aka actual manboobs).
>>202055 >breast milk is breast milk Today, a lot of people associate the word "breast" with women, despite the face that "breast" and "chest" as basically synonymous regardless of sex. >though I can tell you from experience that lactating is fucking unpleasant What? How? When? Why?
>>202056 >What? >How? When? Why? He doesnt know One of the weird quirks on the male body, we can lactate under special circumstances.
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>>202057 I KNOW that men can lactate, but I've only heard it happening to guys who try really hard to grow breasts or consume soy because they're lactose intolerant.
>>202058 Nah, it doesnt even need to be a hormonal disorder thing, thres cases of males suddenly lactating when they have babies if somehow the body detects that the female cant provide, its very rare and seems to act at random.
>>202059 Aren't there some males who experience labor pains the same time their females go through the same pain?
>>202060 Yeah ive read that too.
The Sandy Hook Alex Jones trial is going on right now
>>202062 Alex Jones in on trial? What did I miss?
>>202066 >>202064 But what relation does Alex Jone have with Sandy Hook?
Grand Theft Auto VI(ce city) has saved gaming!! >Rockstar Games has spent the last four years overhauling its culture and working to become a kinder, more progressive company. >With a new tone at the company and a change in creative direction, GTA VI will probably feel very different from its predecessor >Rockstar's overhaul started in 2018, when staff called out its culture of crunch, bullying, and frat-house antics. The company has ousted managers accused of abuse and promised to cut down on overtime. One employee calls it “a boys’ club transformed into a real company.” >Rockstar removed transphobic jokes from the most recent re-release of GTAV and quietly canceled an online mode called Cops 'n' Crooks after the George Floyd protests. >This was one of several politically sensitive actions Rockstar, a division of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., has taken in recent years. >Production on Grand Theft Auto VI has been slower than expected, largely due to the pandemic but also due to these changes, as new employees grow accustomed to working at this new Rockstar but many say morale is higher than ever and that the cultural changes are well worth it. >Some workers say they’re still trying to figure out how to make games and wonder even what a Grand Theft Auto game looks like in today’s environment and several Rockstar employees pointed out that you can't really satirize today's America — it's already a satire of itself. >A new policy called “flexitime” allows staff to immediately take time off for every extra hour they work. And for the past four years, management has promised that excessive overtime won’t be required for Grand Theft Auto VI >Industry analysts anticipate that the next Grand Theft Auto will be out sometime in Take-Two’s 2024 fiscal year, which runs from April 2023 through March 2024, but developers are skeptical since the game has been in development in some form since 2014, same same year as GamerGate. >Overhauling Rockstar’s culture could help with employee retention and diverse recruitment as well as lead to games that are “better for everyone”. >Grand Theft Auto VI will have a female Latina protagonist — the first playable woman in modern Rockstar history https://archive.ph/vpG7D https://archive.ph/GN1nP
>>202072 >Overhauling Rockstar’s culture could help with employee retention and diverse recruitment as well as lead to games that are “better for everyone”. Yeah screw just making fun games. Not like the series has always been popular regardless of the races of players or the characters.
>>202072 >“a boys’ club transformed into a real company.” Good to know the next game is going to be a soulless, corporate, piece of trash. >>202077 You want me to go and lie? Eat a dick. I should have you banned you shit stirrer.
>>202089 Ah yeah, the slav/spic didn't hill his parents.
>>202062 I thought that shit was quietly cancelled, or maybe I'm mistaking it for another trial regarding sandy hoax.
>>202094 >>202096 Well then it shouldn't be too hard to provide a link and archive stating that then. Should it? I'm calling bullshit because there's a very short list of things in the US that can qualify you for a life sentence, and saying a school shooting didn't happen ain't one of them.
Why the fuck is cakechan causing constant double posts now?
>>202069 >he said that it didn't happen Wrong, he actually said that it did happen, reasoning that since they did kill kids at Waco and the OKC bombing. Just that he invited guests on his show who claimed otherwise and are trying to somehow pass those off as his own claims. The courts even made bold-faced lies, stating that he built his whole career off of Sandy Hook and had all these book deals on it. Say what you will about "muh filters" man but I really haven't seen anything conclusive enough to suggest that he is indeed "controlled opposition".
>>202105 POST A FUCKING LINK stating they are seeking one billion in damages and a life sentence.
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Is the site bork'd again? I can't post and there are multiple double posts. >MangaUp service apologizes for ‘unavoidable’ censorship https://nicchiban.nichegamer.com/mangaup-apologizes-unavoidable-censorship/ https://archive.ph/eYi4H >Users of the app were quick to point out censorship on the app, with awkward black boxes covering cleavage, fully-clothed hips, and in at least one instance an exposed knee (the horror). After a swift and intense backlash from fans which went relatively viral earlier this week, MangaUp made this announcement. >Regarding Censorship on the MANGA UP! app: In consideration of each mobile platform’s policies, some modifications were unavoidable to release the app to the whole world outside of Japan (this is not limited to only English-speaking countries). >We are still in the early exploratory stages and will strive to improve while listening to your feedback. In the meanwhile, some of the content is available uncensored through other official streams, so please continue supporting the artists. Thank you for your patience. -MANGA UP! Global Team
So I'm guessing we're being spammed or raided or something. Again.
>>202112 Either more cyber-warfare in moldova or whomever is spamming got frustrated and decided to DDoS.
>>202012 >Dyke that cost us the Olympics because muh blm and lgbt >Silent on Middle East and China playing at the Olympics >Ended costing subway money and had Franchise owners begging to remove her as spokeswoman >caused Victoria secret to go woke and ended losing half their stock value >US women Olympic team ended up exposing her as abusive and racist This dyke is cursed.
>>202123 <you paid shill piece of shit >>202077 <We should make sockpuppet posts on leftist websites >calls others paid shills and controlled ops >precedes to post like a paid shill controlled op Glass houses and black kettles and all.
>>202123 >As a casus belli to confiscate the nation's guns, you paid shill piece of shit. >They also fake the shootings. But faking a shooting Wag the Dog or Capricorn One style is the most risky, overly complex, and unnecessary means to an end that I could possibly think of. Especially when because of mental illness, social decay drug abuse, and psychiatric meds you have a ready supply of people who are 9/10th of the way to school shooters already. Why would they fake killing kids? They didn't fake Ruby Ridge. They didn't fake Waco. They don't fake drone striking untold numbers of brown kids every year. Why would they go to the fucking extra trouble and risk being revealed?
>>202128 >Are you accusing multicultural societies of being competent? They destroyed all the evidence and are litigating anyone who dares to question them. There's no threat here whatsoever. But why the fuck would they fake doing it when they have no moral compunction against doing the actual thing? Even you admitted that they take almost mass shooters and turn them into full mass shooters. I used Wag the Dog as an example before because it's perfect contrast between fiction and reality. <fiction <glowniggers orchestrate a fake war to distract from the presidents infidelity scandal >reality >Bill Clinton just had the military bomb real people to distract from his infidelity scandal It's so much simpler for them to just do the thing instead of pretend to do the thing in some byzantine scheme.
>>202044 I knew of the LSL4 joke, I think I might have seen a couple of people playing bits of them, but thanks for the info.
Can't believe the FBI would stage a mass shooting just so they can distract anons from talking about video games. Truly their evil knows no bounds.
>>202129 >But why It doesn't have to make sense. That's not how these things work, anon. Communists do ludicrous things and force you to accept them or die. It's how a population is controlled. > “Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts–not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines.’” >~ George Orwell; Looking Back on the Spanish War; 1943
You know these Q posts are reminding me, remember back in the HWNDU/Trump election days one of the faggot eceleb aspirants was this wigger who made these absolutely embarrassing rap songs about how "trump is my president" and "I love the cops and the military", embarrassing in the sense that the lyrics were on the level of a 4th grader. Anyone reminder what that guy was called?
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>>202045 >"the diapering male" /adbl/ pls go
What is the latest normalfag video game related fad?
>>202146 Uh Stray I guess?
>>202128 <hurr durr, yeah, anons should totally go false fagging on leftist sites, while knowing full well leftist Twitter used to screenshot threads to setup anons for future false flags! Not much point when you make it too easy. >>lol you're a shill because you don't support anything shills support And when it figures you're just that fucking weasel again.
>>202146 Do you mean what's the current favorite normalfag game or what is the newest trend in gaming in general? Like the anons said Stay is being talked about a lot. It's the middle of summer and if you aren't a weeb it's really the only thing to talk about. If you mean trends in general I can't think of any major new trends in normalfag gaming since Battle Royale and Battle Passes and those are already getting close to five years old in terms of the trend kicking off. I guess everyone will be trying to copy Elden Ring soon. That's about all I can think of.
>>202150 >never show displeasure, just accept everything I fucking love dragging you out of the woodwork, you slimy piece of shit. Get the fuck out of here.
Feels appropriate with all the bait lately.
>>202154 Sexy kids?
>>202152 A cat is fine too.
>>202154 If this is the promised "julay raid" they aren't sending their best. Though going by Luciano I'd say the don't really have a "best."
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>>202159 Rockstar has said they make millions from microtransactions in GTA online alone.
>>202160 which is surprising considering the amount of hackers that hand out free in game money. I must have made like over 50 million from hackers handing that shit out alone when i still played.
>>202162 I blame console kiddies with their parents credit card.
https://archive.ph/Bu4nd >Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City. Some locals want them to go home
>>202166 I mean it fell on it's face before even having a chance to have the market judge it.
>>201807 >women ever being able to generally contribute to society' That is the betas and simps' biggest mistake.
>>201958 Like for a game that definitely was gonna flop sales wise and shit on everything it was known for but hyped to hell and back from game journos and jackass streamers for being rewritten for "society" standards, they must have done something really fucking bad that just made the suits in charge to just outright fire them. I mean it cant even be the game being SJW shit since that what the suits want to push in this brave new age, I'm very curious to know why.
>>201812 >women are worthless and only good for making babies That is what they are though.
>>201813 >farmers are dumb Found the dumb urbanite.
>>202164 >>202165 Would you Spics mind telling us how much it will cost to keep them there? >>202167 Don't respond to the autist. He's been spamming "Get wok, go broke" every other post in a few threads.
>>202171 >i have three college degrees and a 140 IQ >and thats why i grow potatoes in idaho if farmers were real smart, theyd be farm MANAGERS and not farm WORKERS, QED
>>202174 Or maybe they just want to be farmers. Not letting people pick their profession is socialism.
>>202176 i dont disagree but if you were smart why would you WANT to be a farmer specifically rather than finding stupid people and paying THEM to do it? did you like harvest moon THAT much? 'cause even then you could be a farmer on the side but only after having a farm business established
>>202177 There is a certain joy to be had when raising your own crops and eventually preparing a worthy dish from them. It all comes from your own hard labor and you couldn't possibly feel more accomplished than then and only then.
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>>202153 (You) pretty much outed yourself all on your own with that post anyway, you nutjob.
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>>201904 >See (Deleted)
>>202180 >Here’s a bad news to cancel it out! >Obi-wan wants to sneak some penis-anus bumbum time while Quigon is hungover! https://archive.ph/jeGX4
>>202072 While I believe this to an extent, this same rumor has been circulating for years at this point. Weird that it resurfaced again. >>202110 Damn, why so harsh?
>>201937 > Netflix Reveals First Look At New Castlevania Series Why. Didn't they already bomb the last one when they went full pozz in the final stretch? Why has God forsaken us so?
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>>202174 >>202177 There was a Roman emperor who retired to be a farmer, then when he was asked to come back he said flat out that he preferred growing cabbage to being Emperor.
>>202183 Do you really think Konami has any meaningful respect for the series except for how they can squeeze a few extra bucks out of selling its likeness to others? Did you already forget they spent the franchise anniversary making fucking NFTs?
>>202178 That's called a garden, not a farm; farming implies you're growing them in sizable quantities in order to sell them. Anybody with a yard can garden, unless they have an HOA in which case they should probably fucking move. >>202184 sounds like a shitty emperor tbh; maybe he was just sick of people, which is entirely reasonable
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>>202184 Guess there was more than one emperor who just wanted to farm. The one I was familiar with was Cincinnatus. >became a tyrant not once but twice, dragged to the throne both times >fucks off immediately back to farming the second he solves the crisis he was called for >Cincinnatus became a legend to the Romans. Twice granted supreme power, he held on to it for not a day longer than absolutely necessary. wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius_Quinctius_Cincinnatus#Legend
>>202164 >Imagine filling up your shining city on the hill with so much used needles, authoritarianism, taxes, and human feces that it's residents flock to what they used to mock as a poverty ridden shithole. Mexico has my full permission to just throw them into the Gulf and tell them to swim their asses home.
>>202024 >They fixate on the two sports that Women either give the least shit about or are the absolute worst at. Because they want to normalize mediocrity, remember? Striving for quality in all things is ableist.
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>>202184 The memes...
>>202045 >check out the documentary called "the diapering male" >>>/abdl/
>>202164 >>202165 >>Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City. Some locals want them to go home Reminds of that crackhead that posts on old 8chan /k/ that prophecies about America invading Mexico to get rid of white supremacy Mexican cartels which lead Mexican reincarnation of Hitler rising to power to form the fourth Reich or taco reich as you will.
>>202072 >and a change in creative direction Gee. wonder which direction that will be? >Some workers say they’re still trying to figure out how to make games Why the fuck are they employing idiots who haven't got the skills to do the job?
>>202195 Equity and Social Justice, anon. That's now the barometer of the hiring process in AAA companies in North America. Hell, look at Ubisoft, they're all composed of feminists who have ZERO knowledge and experience in video games and just there to express their hatred towards the West, heterosexuals, whites and men then get paid for it in huge sums per annum.
>>202196 Apply for a job at Rockstar: >Have you worked on any games before? <I have a social justice degree. >Do you know about game design? <I'm wearing a rainbow T-shirt. >Can you code? <My pronouns are zim and zey.
>>202072 Automatically shit and a flop.
>>202198 Is rumor.
>>202153 You control no one and nobody obeys your demands.
>>202154 It should end with the faggot being burned alive. It is funnier.
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>>202197 Reminds me of that story where a guy on 4/biz/ last September sent two resumes to CuckCuckGo, first his actual resume and then one as a gay sheboon. Only the second got a response back.
>>202160 They always say that they are profiting. Then they go broke anyways.
>>202203 I wish I could believe Rockstar actually was.
Did you have those parents who called every games system "nintendo" or something?
Hey if youre gonna delete niggerpill's shit, then might aswell delete his luciano phase of the day, dont want anons to find the thread filled with his crap when they finish playing wurm.
>>202202 Cuckcuck goes even more censored than Bing. I don’t know libertarians shill for that gay site. Smart people get jobs with Asian companies and ignore American big tech. Silicon Valley on the brink of collapse.
>>202181 >rumors indicated he might want to fuck everyone or no one at all This is an AI generated article designed by a government agency to generate white noise and nothing you say will convince me otherwise. I'm sick and tired of seeing these meaningless articles that convey literally nothing of substance. The internet is nothing but bots now. None of you retards are real.
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>>202212 Says the bot.
>>202211 It was also bought by Microshit, if I'm not mistaken.
>>202177 >if you were smart why would you WANT to be a farmer specifically rather than finding stupid people and paying THEM to do it? You'd do that too, but you'd also be in the field managing the fields and would likely have your own private garden that you specifically maintain. Most of the best bosses I've ever had were just floor plebs who worked their way up, got the education required for a new position when needed, and could come down to the production floor and liked to work the floor in order to keep tabs on how the production flow was working as well as answering questions, bullshitting with the crew, and making educated calls on how to troubleshoot problems. The worst bosses were all overly educated shitheads who couldn't get their dream position and had no interest in actually knowing how to keep production flowing smoothly, or they were nepotists who hired in because they knew somebody and advanced to positions they had no qualification for - rarely left the office, and then blamed the production crew if anything went wrong.
>>202045 >>202145 >>202192 >get way more responses because of a typo. >effort posting yields no further decisions.
>>202072 >Company who's entire identity is based around being crass is working to become a kinder, more progressive company. They're going to be like every other washed up has-been who bends over backwards for every modern institution and societal normal while still pretending they're rebellious free-thinkers.
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>niggerpill admitting in the GTA thread he likes an extraterrestrial my fucking sides hurt
>>202219 I wonder if some days he doesn't do his normal Shtick and shitposts normally and we just don't recognize him.
>>202221 Has no style?
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>>202219 >>202220 That's because he used to fedpost, and some anon decided to respond to all his posts calling him "gay" with a Anya Taylor Joy photo. I guess he got enamored with that actress as a result. https://archive.ph/Zd1Tg
>>202219 >Nigger pill getting sloppy in the GTA thread >Nigger pill now forgetting to change IP >New posts spamming leftists buzzword popular with Reddit soon as people speculate nigger pill from Turkey or even imkamfy himself I think there is more than one nigger pill poster. Lucario is one of them. But could one of them be imkamfy?
>>202224 >27 Oct 2019 This fucking nigger has been doing this for almost three years. Holy shit.
>>202226 Longer. There were niggerpills spamming the GG breads even on Ye Olde H8Chan.
>>202217 Effortposting gets deleted and banned, anon. The cost benefit analysis doesn't support it.
>>202072 GTA 3 was such an overrated game when it came out. everything after that has pretty much been the same shit just with better graphics. the vast majority of missions are repetitive busy work. the real fun was finding was to beat missions in ways the game never intend or just challenging yourself by setting your own goals fucking around in the world and pissing off the AI. each game post GTA3 has made it harder and harder to break missions and make you own fun inside its rigid structure. the controls suck. the input delay of most tittles in the series is bad even on sub 1ms displays. and what the fuck were those ugly motion blur filters about? who thought that looked good? "but you get to fuck hookers and then take your money back by killing them ha ha!!!" fuck every single normal fag that popularized stupid shit like that.
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I want to thank that anon who mentioned Kiana's Flex Appeal in the last bread
>>202072 GTA 3 was such an overrated game when it came out. everything after that has pretty much been the same shit just with better graphics. the vast majority of missions are repetitive busy work. the real fun was finding ways to beat missions in ways the game never intend or just challenging yourself by setting your own goals fucking around in the world and pissing off the AI. each game post GTA3 has made it harder and harder to break missions and make you own fun inside its rigid structure. the controls suck. the input delay of most tittles in the series is bad even on sub 1ms displays. and what the fuck were those ugly motion blur filters about? who thought that looked good? "but you get to fuck hookers and then take your money back by killing them ha ha!!!" fuck every single normal fag that popularized stupid shit like that. >>202228 Michael Moorcock was right! don't post on image boards (or the internet in general) to communicate ideas. just shitpost to entertain yourself because its all just anons screaming into the void anyway.
>>202187 >sisi Time for fap to my chinese traps again
>>202067 >>202063 >>202062 Alex Jones openly called sandy a hoax and got his ass dragged to court
>>202174 >>202232 farming is a pretty intense job, I've never met a stupid (modern) farmer. most of them have real college degrees. nothing like those useless lefty daycare educations. a good farmer has to know a great deal about science and economics among many other things.
>>202235 Crazy how a micromanaging business requires a lot of knowledge & skill put into it just to run it. Even more to be successful.
>>202230 >Kiana's Flex Appeal. who is Kiana? >>202236 that's right! yet everything in the media about farmers is a caricature of some unsophisticated, violent or mentally ill rube.
>>202235 You know, producers like farmers and food processors should get tax incentives or even exemptions since they're one of the most important sector in any society. The fact that farmers are mostly being in the shortest end of the stick really pisses me off.
>>202238 >producers like farmers and food processors should get tax incentives or even exemptions They already do.
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>>202223 Luckily one can do both. If you don't go for one of the two redheads then you are an irredeemable degenerate.A Krobus is fine too.
>>202238 that's because our government is ownd by fucked up corporation and foreign interest that want to kill our ability to produce food independently. just like how they fucked up our energy independence.
>>202238 >>202240 <producers like farmers and food processors should get tax incentives or even exemptions >They already do. And this the huge Oliphaunts in the room about the whole systems too. It queers the whole setup and incentivizes all the wrong things.
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>>202237 >who is Kiana? A /fit/ american businesswoman from hawaii wikijew says she's part chink, irish, and hawaiian who created her own fitness program Kiana's Flex Appeal in 1995. Prior to that, she was a regular on ESPN's BodyShaping program. Last thread had a mini discussion on bodybuilding programs being softcore porn & some anons fetish of working out.
>>202241 is that star-jew valley? any mods yet that make the game less gay and insufferable?
>>202245 I know there are at least a few nice portrait mods.
>>202244 just checked some videos on that. very nice and thanks anon. >>202246 any you can recommend? just want it all to look attractive/acceptable.
>>202241 What if I made my char a cute girl and romanced Shane? Poor bastard deserves it the most.
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>>202247 Anytime, the other anons who brought it up deserve as much credit I have looked everywhere for Body Electric from PBS to download & had no luck. Their website hides videos behind a paywall At least Kiana's nice enough to have uploaded her videos, despite them being up on youtube. Nonetheless, they've been downloaded for prosperity.
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>>202247 These three look nice. I'm not sure if the first two are up to date but I'm pretty sure the third one is. >>202248 I still don't know why the game doesn't allow you to adopt Jas when you marry Shane.
>>202249 >website hides videos behind a paywall. that sucks, I remember those ciso system commercials from the 2000s talking about how every movie, video, book, game, song or image in human history would be digitized and available on demand from your internet service provider. that never fucking happened thanks to all the DMCA laws and prices big corpo wants to charge for content that might only be access once every few years. >>202250 thanks anon, I'll check those out! (they all look much much better then the stock ones in the game)
>>202250 Jas doesn't really seem to have a bad life or major problems at Marnie's and Shane is "just" her cousin. Actually I don't think there are any real trainwreck characters in SV apart from Shane and Pam (by extension Penny) are there? Linus doesn't count, hobo could get a job at either of the 2 farms at any time if he wanted to and has a massive victim complex even though nobody in town actually hates him
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BAKER? Yes, I'm impatient, I'm adding yeast.
>>202254 Natalie Mars doesn't look a fucking thing like Bayo! delusional fucking troon whore! that bucktooth fat-ass Kson looks a million times more like bayo https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vezLR9hrBbM
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>>202256 in the fucking video games thread!
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>>202256 I've been playing Xenoblade 3.
>>202256 im here but im definitely focusing my attention elsewhere tell you what
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>>202256 I'm just playing rimworld.
>>202259 need to add my own "special hand-made" lotion to the mix!
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>>202253 another LOL because I have insomnia
When was the anniversary of gamergate?
>>202264 August 28.
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>>202263 Is that the tranny that alex jacked it too? Also ew lol, should've stuck with the first picture. >>202260 Saved. >>202261 What do you do in rimworld, aside from eating ass? >>202259 Anon are you fapping...? >>202258 Me too, I just started it though, can't decide if I want to dedicate myself to it or wait for a 60fps patch.
>>202267 >>202258 emulation or hacked switch?
>>202268 Emulation, ever since the Wii days I've emulated because I can't stand nintendos cost cutting measures affect framerate in non-mario titles. >>202266 Needs more meat on the bones, congrats on having the biggest cock of auschwitz though.
>>202267 not actively no >>202269 oh shit is that you doodles
>>202269 >ever since the Wii days I've emulated because I can't stand nintendos cost cutting measures affect framerate in non-mario titles. but it took a long while before a good Wii emulator was available, right? >Needs more meat on the bones, yeah, he's a skinny knock-kneed little fuck with a big dick. crazy
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>>202266 The pic with the monster cock can was censored. >>202267 >Is that the tranny that alex jacked it too? Dunno, I found that pic when I searched "Astolfo cosplay" on Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=kotomitako >Also ew lol, should've stuck with the first picture. You can have it along with these pics I found while searching for a funneh image for my edit.
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>>202268 Emulation. At this stage hacked switch might be more stable, but I'm incredibly stubborn about wanting it to look better even if I have to deal with some emulator jank. Ryujinx Vulkan is working decently for me at the moment. If Yuzu could get Vulkan working that would be best, but it still crashes for now.
>>202272 check! >that fucking womb tatoo >that DCF! what are you trying to do to my dick anon!!!!!
>>202273 makes sense, what type of CPU+GPU are you rolling with? (locked frame rate?)
>>202267 Aside from rimjobs, its like a more casual dorf fort. Manage a colony of stranded people and survive random events and enslave people.
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>>202241 Penny is arguably best girl and just wants to raise multiple children with you, a shame shes terrible at cooking. >>202250 2 and 3 make the museum curator look like ian mccollum. >>202252 Eh, although pam is a wreck penny has it mostly figured out, shes just too poor to move out of the trailer and being a teacher in a town with only 2 kids isnt paying a new house anytime soon.
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>>202254 >Natalie Mars >I'm often told I look like Bayonetta Behold... Kamiya's future wife. Bayonetta.
>>202278 >cancer patient in a wig
>>202276 Theres more stuff to do now. For example, i like playing space hotel.
>>202274 >what are you trying to do to my dick anon!!!!! Make it gay I guess. I was expecting a more negative reaction to be honest. Last homopost from my part because I'm finally sleepy (and because I don't want to have all of my posts deleted for "dumping porn"). Here's this fag's Gelbooru page and Twitter account, in case you want to continue being gay in your own: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=velvetchann https://nitter.net/Velvetchann/media
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>>202275 i7-11700f, NVIDIA geForce RTX 3060 ti. And I usually can get 30 pretty stable, though some external factors can muck it up. One of which is my res mods. I probably could be stable all the time if I didn't use those, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of it being emulated. 60 is probably off the table for a while until the emulators themselves are improved for the game. There's no telling how long that will take.
>>202272 >those clammy veiny man hands I can't.
>>202281 was getting me aroused part of your master plan?
>>202284 I still cum harder from gachimuchi.
>>202186 >sounds like a shitty emperor tbh Yeah, so shitty they begged him to come back to solve their crisis.
>>202285 too gay for me anon. but you keep on trucking >>202282 >RTX 3060 ti. I'm still rolling with a 4770k and 1060ti (been waiting to upgrade and just buying ssds whenever a sale hits)
Large Bee Swarms Moving into Swarm Box 24APR2021 https://odysee.com/@SealBees-ch:b/Large-Swarm-24APR2021_VIDEO0244:d XBOX DRM... ALWAYS ONLINE REVISITED? | News Swarm https://odysee.com/@CHRILLCAST:5/xbox-drm...-always-online-revisited-news:6 >>202266 >>202272 >>202263 >>202253 LOL LOOK GUYS IT'S AN EFFEMINATE CROSSDRESSER COSPLAYING AS FRENCH ASS-TRO-BLOW MAN POSING WITH A SHITTY UNHEALTHY ENERGY DRINK!!!! I hate this meme and the caffeine addicted subhuman corn syrup drinker who invented it. Fuck if you want caffeine drink something that isn't shit like black tea or coffee. It's even worse than "femboy hooters" which is a walking Juxtaposition.
>>202164 >>Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City. Some locals want them to go home Now they know how Americans feel.
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>>202288 Yeah, femboys are glorified twinks with a weeb coat of paint on them. If I was a 15 year old still experimenting with my sexuality I'd understand the appeal but as you get older you start wanting men and women with more proportion to them. my dream is still going to japan and fucking different kind of japanese men raw, from idols, to working men, to middle aged office men, to scrawny mangakas, I don't give a fuck westeners are filthy, but I wouldn't mind being a sex hound in countries where STD rates are very low.
>>202288 >like black tea or coffee. I do drink that. outside of enjoying the meme I wold never put that monster stuff in my mouth. fuck that shit! >even worse than "femboy hooters" damn anon, I bet you even hate goth ihop and milf dennys!
>>202256 Your mom's house, lmao.
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>>202292 Finally, I've been wanting to have a threeway.
>>202290 femboys are a western invention, like fortune cookies. They look Chinese. They sound... Chinese. But they're actually an American invention. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth! the same is true of "femboys". traps on the other hand... while not real they are an "ideal meme". that's why astolfo is so popular. It is an inborn instinct that drives the fans to like him. It's almost primal. His smile can change a person forever as it has changed many already. Think about it, Astolfo has the ability to win a Holy Grail War through perseverance of character alone.
>>202290 >>202294 I genuinely don't know what femboys are supposed to be and what makes them different from twinks and traps. Depending on who I ask, femboys are twinks with hips and ass bigger than usual, men with trap-tier bodies but without the girly clothes, men who were "sissified" and turned into sluts, or an exaggerated version of traps that is practically indistinguishable from a real girl except for a tiny useless dick. >>202295 Is still NTR if you are taking part in the action?
>>202296 The solution is that they are all faggots.
>>202296 >trap-tier bodies that's not a real thing with femboys (unless they've been chemically and surgically enhanced). >Is it still NTR if you are taking part in the action? depends on the pecking-order and relationships with the other people involved. along with the actions you're able to take during the event.
>>202290 Kill yourself you fucking aids ridden waste of meatspace.
>>202266 The guy posting this is a mod
Civilization 6 Is "Unplayable" On Xbox Series X Due To Crashing https://archive.ph/RbUBz o Ubisoft https://odysee.com/@OOww:1/o-ubisoft:9 >>202290 Not sure why you wrote your giant faggot blog for but when I said Femboy Hooters is a juxtaposition name I meant literally because Hooters is some retarded word for tits that boomers used to use despite sounding more appropriate for owls and unless you can find me a woman who can turn her head nearly 360 degrees without her neck snapping it's just not appropriate. Also please keep your fantasies in your head and don't go giving people in Nippon land Monkey pox. >>202291 >I do drink that. outside of enjoying the meme I wold never put that monster stuff in my mouth. fuck that shit! Here's the sad thing though, Americunt land is filled with brain dead consumers so when they see le ebin astro-blow trap comparing their cock to a monster energy drink™ their first though is to actually go and consume that shit. It's quite tragic. >I bet you even hate goth ihop I went to iHop once, their pancakes taste like shit so I ended up getting a slightly less disappointing omelet instead. >milf dennys! No comment but I assume it's also shit as most of these (insert shitty food chain + fetish) meme's are. >>202294 Fate is a shit series
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But yeah serves them right for giving the Microcock corporation their money like the fools they are.
>>202301 >The guy posting this is a mod are talking about me? I'm not a mod. >>202302 >their first though is to actually go and consume that shit. It's quite tragic. I don't have that problem, tried one at a potluck for work and I spat that shit out immediately >I went to iHop once, their pancakes taste like shit. yes, don't actually eat at any of these meme places (wendy's is "ok" they have good chicken) >No comment but I assume it's also shit as most of these. yes, denny's is a last resort kinda of place as they are sometimes open 24/7 >Fate is a shit series yes, but some of the fan-art and other stuff can be nice.
>>202304 >are talking about me? I'm not a mod. Are you sure? Because you act like a total faggot.
>>202305 heh, nice one. no I'm not a mod or a "total" faggot. just another random anon.
>>202306 That sounds exactly like something a mod would say.
>>202307 eh, ok then... why haven't I used my mod powers to make you way less lame and be more cool (like me)?
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>>202308 The Mod is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, parasite, swindler, neet, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Mod and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out".
>>202298 >Is it still NTR if you are taking part in the action? It is still NTR, just not Netorare. Netorase is where the man has full knowledge and even gives his approval of his wife fucking other men, basically what we would understand as "being a cuck"
>>202241 I went for the mulatto to help speed the process of breeding the nig blood out of the town.
>>202309 >Civilization 6 when was the last time this game was any good? >>202309 it didn't bother me that much anon, but I still don't have a clue why somebody would mistake me from being a mod. >>202310 >NTR, just not Netorare. NTR is Netorare, that's what the acronym stands for. cuck stuff (and more) also falls under that umbrella.
>>202313 NTR has multiple definitions. Netorare is just the most common and (rightfully) reviled. Since it focuses on the man being cucked, having his life ruined and his happiness taken away. Netori is the second definition, it focuses on the man doing the cucking. If anyone says "NTR isn't bad, you just need to self insert as the cucker" they're talking about Netori. Netorase is the third definition, and as I explained it's garden variety "husband sits in the corner jerking off watching another man fuck his wife" cuckoldry. I think there's a fourth one, but I can't remember right now.
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>>201510 >"You"Tube/Goolag/Alphabet .Inc direct link Please use one of the Invidious instances anon. Preferable Yew since that seems to be the industry standard for 8Chan dot moe. >>202313 >when was the last time this game was any good? Never? >it didn't bother me that much anon, but I still don't have a clue why somebody would mistake me from being a mod. I didn't think you were actually a mod. Just poking some fun at ya non the less.
>>202314 all of this still falls under the NTR and Netorare tags. Netori and Netorase are like sub-tags to NTR/Netorare. mostly used for "Visual Novels" last I checked. I get were you're coming from (no pun intended) but I think you're just arguing for semantics. outside of telling me what kind of game-play I should expect from a VN, why would I need to use the sub tags in most hentai? >>202315 cool... and >>202308 I got trips+dubs and nobody checked them!!!
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>>202317 I know how that feels.
Anyway, when is the new bread coming out of the oven?
>>202302 >Ubisoft I think the last game I enjoyed anything with the Ubisoft logo on it was the first farcry. the one on the island, not the malaria one, or the power-suit one... or the one about the definition of insanity. >>202316 >Just poking some fun at ya I had a feeling. >>202316 >Never? thought I heard good things about the Wii version? too long ago to remember clearly. >>202318 its a familiar pain... far too many numbers left unchecked!
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>>202251 >I remember those ciso system commercials from the 2000s talking about how every movie, video, book, game, song or image in human history would be digitized and available on demand from your internet service provider. that never fucking happened By 'ciso' you mean cisco? While I could not find that commercial either way, I'm not sure what to really make of that since it was from an earlier time period & I'm looking at it in today's context where you mention the DMCA laws. I mean, if you told someone from that time period that disney was going to buy fox & take the simpsons with them and also ban the michael jackson episode, they would find it hard to believe. On the same related /fit/ note, I found some videos of BodyShaping on jewtube but it's all so scattered & incomplete. There's not even a complete episode listing you can cross-reference with. amazon has some videos, but like Body Electric, they're hidden behind Bozo's paywall. Who knew such media would be a pain in the ass to find?
>>202321 I had the company name incorrect, it was "quest communications", I'm sure cisco or sun did a black & white ad with the same type of idea. anyway here are the quest commercials that I found. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FkU5X3QNnyA https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Bdq_kH9mgS4 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=LRX4s8C9518
>>202323 >keeps posting gay shit >unspoilered >(1)
>>202322 >>202321 on the third link you might want to skip past the repeats of the first two commercials. to see the book one. >I'm not sure what to really make of that since it was from an earlier time period & I'm looking at it in today's context. its just a disappointing thing. because I bet these advertisements technically could come true. but the way our would and copyright law is structured it prevents the sum of all human knowledge from being at out finger tips. everything ever would be pretty cool. especially if it was just part of your basic internet package. not all these fucking online stores and streaming channels to access a small controlled selection of content. or they should more or less have everything up to 2010s and then whatever lame "exclusives" they want to shill. also, I'm going to be really upset if the internet archive has to shut down because of that shitty lawsuit! >>202323 fuck off with that deranged cuck shit. (and stop watching sissy hypnosis trash, its beyond gay!)
I miss mombot.
>>202326 didn't they just get kicked from twitter? aren't they on anything else?
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>>202299 Give me a reason to kill myself BEFORE I mash the man rice. >>202297 Kek. This is the answer.
>>202323 See, Dog? This is what you enabled by being a faggot.
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Video games?
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>>202332 this is Dog
>>202327 Came back to Twitter this year following Elon eyeing the site: https://twitter.com/mombot/ >>202319 I wanted to do it since I'm the OP but something is wrong with my router equipment again so my main connection has been dropped.
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Hope the OP text wasn't screwed up badly in any way. Doing this shit on mobile is almost as painful as seeing you niggers go on and on about FAGGOT SHIT. Speaking of, NEW THREAD: >>655542 >>655542 >>655542 >>655542 >>655542 >>655542
>>201647 My favorite part of that pic is that the immediate next paragraph starts with Richard Williams optimistic. I love cherry-picked quotes.

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