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>>11557 >girls like this will go extinct in your lifetime No?
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>>11570 make hapas i dont care
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>>11575 Daughter is still hot. She's got perfect lips. Plus when she fucks a white guy she pops out a granddaughter that looks like pic related >>11581 honestly
>>11557 Natural selection, i have no say. Grateful maybe
>>11557 >White women will go extinct in your lifetime, even though there are millions of them younger than you and will outlive you, thus making it impossible for them to go extinct during your lifetime
>>11575 Who are they
>>11563 >>11575 >>11584 >Trying to pass this off as the superior product. No one wants these photoshopped mutts with nog noses and gorilla faces they have to hide behind 10 lbs of smelly afro hair to make appealing. Nothing and I mean nothing will ever beat a white woman
>>11595 >>11595 >White women use photoshop and makeup. "OMG so beautiful!" >Black women use photoshop and makeup "You're not actually that beautiful!" You can't make shit up lmao.
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>>11584 >>11581 >>11598 I just like seeing races mix in general. Seeing traits mix and match to make a person is exciting to see. They can come out hot af or ugly as hell but the process that made all of them is sexy to see.
>>11598 >>11601 If you think this is attractive then I hope you get your eyes checked soon >>11596 What's funny is white girls still look good after taking that stuff off, black girls look like shit even with them on
>>11623 >What's funny is white girls still look good after taking that stuff off When you finally manage to get a girl friend, anon, you're going to be very surprised when they take off their makeup.
>>11626 >implying i don't already And I didn't have to settle for a chimera, would you look at that?
>>11626 White girls have a natural beauty. The rest is shit unless maybe it's a white/asian mix.
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>>11632 what about Central American x White mutts?
>>11730 She looks European (typical girl you can come across in southern parts) so it's okay in my book. She's not that pretty in the face but I'll take her over any negress anytime.
>>11557 if that really was the case (which it's not) then what are you woke Tranny incels leftists nigger loving kikes going to harp on about when there are no more white girls for "black kings" to fuck but a bunch of half breed mixed mutt monkeys that you try and make white males feel inadequate by schizo-ing on about how "white bois" can't compete to the superior black man, you faggots really are the most mentally ill bunch of retards I've ever seen in my life holy sweet fucking shit, what's it like being a 5'3" midget with a weak underdeveloped body and a three inch cock?, seriously I want to know so I can try to understand why and where all of this projection is coming from.
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I'm a wizard so would never know her anyway.
I advocate for breeding camps to produce attractive white female for the purpose of being sexually available for BBC.
I advocate for breeding camps to produce attractive black men with enormous black cocks for the purpose of impregnating every attractive white female. We are not the same
>>11557 There's no need to be upset because: 1. You'll be long gone by the time whites get fully bred out 2. You live at just the right time to experience the beautiful transition. It is the journey, not the destination, that is so important
That's the kind of girl I saw on onliphans. At that time I was actively looking for a partner and so I often signed up for similar blondes or red-haired girls with beautiful legs and buttocks. After I found https://wizzlove.com/reviews/uberhorny-review I stopped sitting on such sites because this dating site opened up a new world for me where I still have fun and look for different partners with different erotic interests.
>>12428 This. Whites will not go extinct in any of our lifetimes, there are simply too many of us (depending on how strict your definition of whiteness is, perhaps between 500 million and 1 billion). They may go extinct centuries from now, but even that is doubtful IMO since the birth rates are going down globally, not just in white countries. But we are living in a time of increased racial mixing as well as the population boom that is currently ongoing in Sub-Saharan Africa, which will likely continue until at least the second half of this century. I'm only 20 and I see white families all the time, and I live in a western European country with a lot of immigration.
Whites won’t go “extinct” but are on pace to become a significant minority in a short period of time
As long as people are having sex, no matter the race, not even if they are race mixing , then white people won't go extinct. The only way to get close to that is through physical genocide and illness, and the last two groups to go through that (jews and native american indians) are still aground.
>>12579 >native american indians) are still aground. You mean there are a few thousand white people with 30% amerindian ancestry. Native Americans are "still around" about as much as Neanderthals are still around.
>>12617 Pure Amerindians still exist by the dozens of millions, just not in the territory of the US. Peru has minimal European admixture, for instance.
What are we going to masturbate to cuck bros? Gross sheboons and mutts is not something that makes my cock hard
>>13817 AI generated porn
>>12624 you're a stupid spic stop speaking english if you can't follow what native american means
>>13823 Does "white people" only mean Americans as well, retard? The subject is race, not citizenry.
>>13842 are blonde women younger than u niggerproof?
anybody want to chat on discord?
>>13889 What's your tag
>>11557 Evolution

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