Soon if Wagner Group has any say in it.
I hereby inform you that the Wagner PMC commanders' council has signed the protocol. On
‘the council was attended by 427 people (the quorum has been reached). The following decisions were made:
>1. To consider as illegitimate government bodies of the USA, Great Britain and
We know for certain that the policy of these countries is based on the creation and use of terrorist organizations, as well as terrorist methods in the following
spheres: military, economic, biological, information, telecommunications
(cyberterrorism), humanitarian (resulting in various forms of genocide and
neo-colonialism: the oppression of the black population of Africa, the Slavic peoples in particular,
Russians, oppression of Asians on racial grounds), as well as confessional terrorism,
especially towards Christians and Muslims.
>2. Recognize invalid the following documents: the US Declaration of Independence. (ratified 4 July 1776), the Treaty of Union of Great Britain (ratified 1 May
1707), the Constitutional Act of British North America (adopted March 29, 1867).
Accordingly, having all the necessary information about the 2016 and 2020 US elections, as well as the documented facts of fraud during the latter, determine
the 2020 US election is illegal. Recognize Great Britain as a state whose citizens currently live in a "troubled time of anarchy."
Challenge the sovereignty of Canada due to the fact that it is a territory of the Commonwealth in
led by King Charles S.
>Based on the above, the governments of the United States, Great Britain and Canada are recognized as ober-terrorist and illegal:
Clauses 4 and 9 of paragraph 7 of the Charter of PMC "Wagner" apply to the chief terrorists.
US President Joseph Biden, King Charles III of Great Britain and Canada
give an explanation for what reason they illegitimately hold power in the above
states, oppressing the peoples of the USA, Great Britain and Canada.
In turn, PMC "Wagner" will provide the peoples of these and other oppressed countries
all kinds of assistance in countering terrorist structures, such as the government
United States, British and Canadian government, Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram,
Katiba Masina, etc. We will protect and support the civilian population of states,
exposed to genocide, neo-colonialism, terrorism by private, public and supranational entities.
>"Wagner" will provide the peoples of these and other oppressed countries
all kinds of assistance in countering terrorist structures, such as the government
United States, British and Canadian government