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Holacaust 2.0 This time is for real Strelok 10/07/2023 (Sat) 21:43:51 No. 9450
Israeli military announces ‘state of war alert’ as Palestinian militants enter Israel from Gaza after deadly rocket attack https://archive.ph/HDUJr >Israel’s military announced a “state of war alert” on Saturday after militants from Gaza fired a deadly barrage of rockets and sent gunmen into Israeli territory in a major escalation of the long running conflict between the two sides. >The early morning rocket attack, which the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) described as “massive”, left at least one person dead and multiple wounded. >Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement that runs Gaza, claimed responsibility for the rocket attack and called for a general uprising against Israel. >“If you have a gun, get it out. This is the time to use it – get out with trucks, cars, axes, today the best and most honorable history starts,” Hamas military commander Muhammad Al-Deif said in a recorded message. >Dubbing the operation “Al-Aqsa Storm” he said that the group had “targeted the enemy positions, airports and military positions with 5,000 rockets” and that the assault on Israel was a response to attacks on women, the desecration of the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and the ongoing siege of Gaza
Breaking Israel: Israeli Civilians are now being mustered and weapons being provided as it becomes clear that the scale of attack on the Nation of Israel may be much bigger than at first thought and that secondary attacks by hostile state actors may be about to begin.
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AHAHAHAH! KILL EACH OTHER! The only good jew is a beaten down, hundreds of times raped, beaten down again and then finally burned alive jew. And the only good muslim is a skinned alive muslim, nailed into an upside down cross for all to see. Fucking butcher each other for my amusement. 11
Some bits I got out of Military Summary: >attack started with huge missile barrage followed by infantry >"surgical" drone strikes on outposts and armor >IDF caught with their pants down, most troops were asleep when Palestinian forces showed up >Palestinians have sufficient anti-armor to make Israeli tanks pull back from certain areas >dozens of armored vehicles captured, also f-16s apparently >Israeli general captured >territory currently taken is more than twice the size of the Gaza strip >IDF airstrikes now occurring, hitting Gaza apartments ect. https://www.youtube.com/embed/HrTmZfwdNnc I'm curious about how much of Palestine's army are regulars and how many are sporadic partisans. I'm guessing in the short term Israel's settlements in the area are going to get demolished. Who knows how long the Palies can keep this up?
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>30 year old German woman who was in Israel attending a festival for peace. WEW
People are saying Palestinians are pushing for the West Bank and are well on their way.
>>9463 >Who knows how long the Palies can keep this up? Not for long. https://archive.ph/IVZMS >ULTIMA HORA: Las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel han aumentado el número de reservistas llamados al servicio militar activo en 80.000 soldados y más de 150.000 reservistas acaban de recibir órdenes de presentarse al servicio activo. Israel decidido a terminar con el terrorismo. The brave men and woman of Israel will stand up and defend their land from the savages!
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>>9450 It's like one of my Biblical prophecies..
>>9466 >Send all the secular jews who don't even like the current government to fight >Keep the useless orthodox inbreds at home to bolster their numbers >>9468 >greekrefuggescelebrate The worst of the lot are those cowards celebrating in the safety of a western country.
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>yom kippur war anniversary >mossod surprised an attack would occur The Isreali intelligence is incompetent
>>9474 I'm afraid you've swalloped the blue pill strelok. The Mossad is behind this. GIBB MOAR SHEQELS GOYIM BTW, you may need to go ahead and prepare to come die for the glory of Greater Israel, too. Just so you know. :^)
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>>9458 Why are women such absolute attention-whoring retards. I'm sure she's been getting all the """attention""" she can possibly manage over the intervening hours.
>>9464 I think she was a practicing Satanist, there to do Yidsrael's 'Burning Man'. Pottery.
>>9463 >also f-16s apparently Lol. I wonder where they will show up around the world next?
So any videos posted yet between this moment: >>9483 and this moment: >>9481 ?
"We will avenge this dark day and turn Gaza into a city of ruins." t. Netanyahu
>>9450 >>9480 >Lol. I wonder where they will show up around the world next? Judging by how goat herders handled those blackhawks in Afghanistan... not too far.
>>9481 >>9483 Fucking paraglider VDV is the greatest thing I've seen this year. Has this been done before? I doubt we'll see them much in the future, only reason it worked was because of the total surprise but otherwise they are easy targets for any firearms.
>>9485 "Oy vey goyum we need to genocide!" -translated >>9458 >5th pic Was that drawn by a literal monkey or something? >>9476 We'll see anon. You can't ever be sure. >greater israel That includes egyptian land so no. Any news?
>Oy gevalt, it looks like an anti-war candidate will win! Moshe, what do we do? >That's simple Yehuda, we'll do what we always do, start a war. I hope the Samson Option is used so the world has to scramble as to why their capitols being nuked is a good thing.
>>9485 With Ukraine going on, Israel splitting apart by the seams, and now this, it only makes sense to destroy Palestine once and for all.
I'll be damned, i take it back, Hamas really did an explosive statement and did something even bigger than an intifada. Pleased to be wrong but i guess Israel will perform several 9/11's on Gaza until they raze the place or some big neighbor steps in. >>9457 That second video is from Mexico, bunch of military tore down a cartel truck savagely but later on got big heat because they also hit several civilian cars on that overpass including a trailer, you can even hear them ignoring their CO's orders to stop their fire in the longer video (they kept shooting)
>>9490 >so the world has to scramble as to why their capitols being nuked is a good thing. I'm sure there will be a fairly sizable percentage of niggercattle in the West who will actually go along with the narrative -- literally whatever it is -- as long as it has some whiff of 'Orange Man Bad, he did all this' within it.
>>9493 Ofcourse orange man "literally hitler" would be called out. Jesus 1984 feels like a paradise
Apparently there has been some exchanges between Hezbollah and the IDF, so hopefully the fun will go on. What would really add a lot more gravity to the situation is a few Iranian drone operators with their best toys showing up once the Israelis are running low on AA missiles. The whole area is so small that everything would be within their range, so they could even hit cargo airplanes after they have just landed, effectively cutting off Israel from foreign aid. Alas, I doubt we will see it happening.
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>Suddenly diversity is not our strength.
>>9468 If Greece has any braincells left, they will arm and ship every willing immigrant straight to Gaza. Two birds with 1 stone.
>>9497 >if Greece has any braincells left, lol
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>>9495 The great thing about the new FPV drones, is that they are excellent for guerilla/asymmetric warfare. They are fairly cheap, low risk to users, can inflict disproportional losses, and provide good recon. They are the ultimate form of a hit and run attack as the operating crew's location is still hidden after the hit giving a them a massive head start when running. >>9500 Last time I checked there was only 1 confirmed general capture by Hamas, wouldn't be surprised if they caught a few more though. They may also be some politicians and as well.
I've been seeing a lot of chatter in multiple places about how this is ackchually a joo plan to kill Palestinians (as if they needed an attack to justify doing that) andbthat this is all according to keikaku (tips yarmulke). Is there any merit to this stupid shit at all or is it just kikes trying to cope with the egg on their face by trying to demoralize goyim?
>>9496 Someone should force that skank to watch the dancing israelis
>>9458 >pootin did it >when they're using equipment given to Ukraine by NATO >who then proceeded to sell it on the black market >also Putin is a wall toucher that only ever pays lip service to the Arabs when it comes to pissreal Really trying hard to drum up support for WW3 here huh?
>>9476 Prove it.
I kind of want to post some ww2 footage with a filename that says it is happening in Gaza right now, but I'm sure that some retard would think that I'm being serious.
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>>9496 You just know that cunt voted to bring the mudshits into her land. I predict her passive-aggressive shit will suddenly turn into screams of terror just before the end of her travails. Pottery. >>9499 They're trained beforehand with these drones for sure. >that iron dome misfire tho Shooting blanks at the Palestine AF, I see. :^) >>9502 >Is there any merit to this stupid shit at all or is it just kikes trying to cope with the egg on their face by trying to demoralize goyim? I definitely don't think it's just the jews. The sentiment that the Mossad themselves are behind this (for at least the single you mentioned, probably several others) has come from multiple quarters unfriendly to The Jewish Plan(tm) (according to their Talmud). Certainly it's very easy to punch holes in the official narrative, even for mids. >>9506 Nevar underestimate the power of Poe's Law, strelok.
>>9501 >Hamas They killeda Lt. colonel (confirmed by the IDF) and claimed to have captured a brigadear general and colonel (both unconfirmed). That's really not a good look if all of these pan out to be true. Apparently the Colonel that got killed was trying to go to command his troops in a firefight, got "confronted" by militants and died. In other words, his ass was on the way to grab a weapon inb4 not a true combatant or he was too fat to draw a sidearm. I caught the dead Lt. colonel confirmation on the independent. His death has since been wiped from the article despite IDF confirmation https://news.yahoo.com/israeli-commander-among-500-dead-233455594.html https://ghostarchive.org/archive/SHrxr >An Israeli commander is among the 500 people killed, the country’s military has confirmed. >Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Steinberg was killed in an “encounter with a terrorist”, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said. >“It was allowed to be published that the commander of the Nahal Brigade, the late Lt Col Jonathan Steinberg, was killed today in an encounter with a terrorist near Kerem Shalom,” a spokesman said. >The 42-year-old, who was the commander of the Nahal Brigade, was on his way to “an exchange of fire” being conducted by his troops at the time he was killed, the statement continued. Zionist gov claims of casualties: https://ghostarchive.org/archive2 >100+ Kidnapped >600+ killed >2000+ wounded >Claims 400+ Hamas killed Around casualty ratio of 1:3 in favor the IDF if true in a purely military combatant number. PLO/Hamas casualty claims per BBC "source" (read: under-reported): >313 people killed >Around (but less than) 2,000 wounded Lol at the figures being "under but around" instead of going "oh it's something + an indefinite indeterminate amount!" per the above. I love how suddenly it's non-Israeli foreigner akutally (((dual))) nationals getting killed making the highlights now. >A British man serving with the Israeli army has been killed in an attack by Hamas militants, his family says. >California-born Hersh Golberg-Polin, a dual US-Israeli citizen, texted his parents "I love you" and "I'm sorry" while the attack was taking place, his father Jonathan told the Jerusalem Post. >Shani Louk, a German tourist, had been at a festival for peace when Hamas militants stormed the area. >US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been speaking to CNN about the major attack on Israel by Palestinian militants. >He says the US government has received reports that several Americans have died in Israel - and that officials are trying to verify those reports. >The US is "likely" to give details on new military assistance for Israel later today, he says. "Our first focus is to make sure Israel has what it needs." More jewish funding oy vey!
>>9508 It would be nice if someone convinced christcuck boomers that it's time to crusade so that they go there and die in droves on their own.
>>9509 >Boomers Strelok, you must be jesting, have the boomers ever acted in anthing outside their immediate self-interest?
The really question is what will happen when/if Bibi decides to shoah Gaza and how will the rest of the Arab world respond to that? Will it be a bridge too far with them? Will Iran directly attack Israel? Will the Saudis sanction Israel, which ultimately means sanction the US too? Will OPEC block oil shipments to the west? Additionally will China see this situation as an opportunity, get randy, and decide to go balls deep into some Taiwanussy?
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=beqcDruTQXE Deer friend dropped a new update, he described the situation as a complete balagan, and thinks that Hamas is not trying to take ground, but to stretch the IDF forces and ambush them whenever they think they can win, and the goal is to show the world that Israel is weak. Also, Hezbollah officially joined the chat, and there are clashes on the northern edge of the West Bank too.
>>9514 They will do nothing and watch how the kikes slowly genicide the muslims in Palestine.
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kool it niggas dey poleez be showed up
>>9517 Oh yeah, because parking your fleet next to Israel during war worked for the USS Liberty.
>>9519 That would certainly be a toppest of keks 'awkward silence' moment.
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>‘We are completely shocked by the damage’: What are ordinary people in Gaza saying about Israel's retaliation? So this is what they meant when they told us all about asymmetric warfare? https://www.rt.com/news/584328-we-are-completely-shocked/
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>>9521 >4:29 Imagine being delusional enough to think that the IDF is the stronkestest.
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Thanks to everyone here trawling through the muck to bring us good updates.
>>9518 >single rocket annihilates the building Thats a bit of a departure from commieblocs in Ukraine. >>9521 So to recap the first vid: >~70% of the IDF forces around Gaza were repositioned to the West bank before the attack due to "security concerns," leaving large stretches around Gaza undefended >ground radar placed all around the strip didn't alert anyone of an impending attack even though so much as a cat passing through would trigger a response >all this on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, where Mossad should have been expecting something And now Benji is giving the green light to completely level the strip.
>>9529 >And now Benji is giving the green light to completely level the strip. STOP NOTICING, GOYIM!
Do the CIWS on USN vessels in the mediterranean recognize paragliders as valid targets? Asking for a friend.
>>9529 >Thats a bit of a departure from commieblocs in Ukraine. Would you say they were a bit jewish with the construction? >>9529 >And now Benji is giving the green light to completely level the strip. An escalation for sure, now we just need Serbia vs. Kosovo to get things really starting, Armenia vs. Azerbaijan got cold fast and Fake China vs. Real China can get real at any second.
>>9531 You don't need that to shoot down a paraglider any idiot on the ship with an M4 or a light machine gun can take multiple down. It would be immensely hilarious if a bunch of paragliding Palis managed to take over a US warship though. I wonder how fags would spin that into a joos won scenario.
I'm getting very tired.
>>9529 >And now Benji is giving the green light to completely level the strip. Oh no Ben's actually retarded. Does he not think that will have repercussions that he may not want to deal with?
>>9529 >all this on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, where Mossad should have been expecting something LIHOP >>9534 If you're suffering from Jew Fatigue, then just unplug from Jewish media Strelok. Simple as.
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>>9534 >Just like Nazi Death Squads Stop! My dick is already about to burst from seeing your kind being butchered like cattle! If you say that this is the work of Nazism too then I'm going to... going to...!
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https://archive.ph/hv5uk Isreal's Minister for National Security has taken enough heat for civilians being totally unarmed targets in this he needed to issue a token response on concealed carry. It's a token, fruitless, gesture (basically saying stuff will be expedited) but indicates there's a good deal of domestic heat on the issue. ("necessary" and a period are all that are cut off from the screencapped translation)
>>9516 This, house of saul are cripto-kikes and the whole turk-arab world hates more the persians then the jews.
>>9540 So not even the Iranians will act?
>>9463 oy vey, anuddah shoah! >>9541 idk, maybe anons are being too cynical. Either way, Palestinian victory depends on whether Arab/Muslim states intervene or not. Obviously, Israel is too juiced up by its NATO golems for them to do this by themselves.
>>9542 I think other countries will supply but not directly intervene. Hamas does appear to have a lancet analog which I suspect comes from Iran. As for whether or not Hamas can do it on their own, it depends on how the kikes play it. There are talks of Israeli forces entering Gaza which will likely be disasterous for them. I can't see dense urban fighting going well for the Israeli's, especially if Hamas lets them push in a bit before springing ambushes. At the same time, congregating lots of troops and equipment at the border makes for prime drone targets. But Israel can't leave the Gaza strip alone, as Hamas will just use it as a safe haven to launch more raids. So they either have to run Hamas out, which will lead to massive casualties, or just level it which will probably be egregious enough to prompt other nations to push for a ceasefire.
>>9541 >So not even the Iranians will act? Like >>9543 said probably not directly, but Hezbollah seems to be entering the fray. Apparently they shot up some outposts with mortars and Israel used a patriot to shoot something down earlier, whatever it was likely came courtesy of Iran, I doubt Hamas has any toys worthwhile for a patriot.
How long can the IDF keep genociding Palestiniaryans should they decide to fight to the last man with no ceasefires? Ugraine has drained the Natto goylem of essential munitions it cannot effectively replenish due to the absolute state of western military industry beyond Lockheeb shareholder meetings and I doubt the Illegitimate Chinese would be willing to help supply the IDF.
>>9543 this makes sense. I guess it depends on how far it escalates. However, >or just level it which will probably be egregious enough to prompt other nations to push for a ceasefire. another possibility is that this blatant provocation leads to an invasion, which Israel is not guaranteed to win this time, especially with Ukraine having sapped NATO stockpiles, as >>9545 points out. Also, I believe China is firmly on the Russian/BRICS axis, although they make a pretense of neutrality; India will likely stay out of this. Thus, Israel can only rely on GAE.
>>9523 I never came around to ask, but what is the map he is using in these videos?
>>9547 According to an interview it is a custom thing they plan to release eventually. The specific user case he bought up would be using it for news about football clubs.
>>9543 >. I can't see dense urban fighting going well for the Israelis Of all the countries on this earth, Israel and probably the only one that can do ANYTHING it wants with 0 repercussions. What this means is, there is absolutely nothing about urban fighting that should worry them, because they can level the entire Gaza strip and burn every last inch with napalm and phosphorus, without any western country to tell them to stop. There's only 2 reasons urban fighting is considered difficult. Neither apply to Israel: 1. You WANT the city's infrastructure to remain at least somewhat functional (Israel doesn't care) 2. You don't want to use good urban warfare tactics because others might call you a war criminal (Nobody can say that to Israel) So if the kikes have any braincells, they will simply level the entire strip and then bombard it for 24 hours with napalm just to make sure everything is dead. Then they'll send drones to search for survivors and if they find any, repeat the whole process again until there's no sign of life left. That's how you do urban warfare.
>>9549 But what if Hamas fights them in them Israeli cities that still have civilians inside?
>>9549 I think the second reason still applies. As much leeway as the jews have been given, if they didn't care at all, Gaza would have been exterminated long ago, when more favorable conditions existed.
>>9550 Moreso what if Hezbollah invades from Lebanon once Gaza is Bakhmuted? Unless Yids use nukes it will take lots of conventional munitions to flatten the area, which Natto and the JewS can't replenish in an adequate timeframe. GAE doctrine relies on muh chair superiority as its keystone for offensive ground operations, it would be quite amusing for that to fail here not because of Belkan EMS but instead IADF F-15/16/35s not having any enough bombs to mount in the first place while the other side is more than equipped to shoot humanitarian barrel bomb-carrying helicopters out of the sky which doesn't even include sneeki breeki drone attacks from elsewhere once Iron Dome has either run out of missiles or is otherwise reduced to meme status. On another note, could Benji&co. perhaps use this anti-semitic attack on rightfully Jewish territory to enact punitive actions against neighbouring countries to make Israel greater?
>God's Chosen Ones™ get more land >West flooded with unwashed refugees >Isreal requires more monies for squashing pakistaniel I give it a hmmm out of 10 Let the semites fight it out. Nobody's gonna get on the meme train about how "we have to support Isreel" unless they glow
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If having NATO plagued by internal political struggles, inflation, a 7+ boostered (((diverse))) military and lack of materiel because Ukraine isn't enough for the arabs to call their bluff and go all in, then nothing will. At that point they're just irredeemable losers.
Hezbollah assures it won’t join fight unless ‘harassed’ by Israel, says Lebanese foreign minister https://allarab.news/hezbollah-assures-it-wont-join-fight-unless-harassed-by-israel-says-lebanese-foreign-minister/
>>9555 >Apparently they shut down both electricity and water in Gaza. They do that all the time regardless of war or not.
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>>9556 About that... From >>9555's link
I hope things don't get boring after a week like what happened in Ukraine. That would be dissapointing. https://youtube.owacon.moe/watch?v=-cjzDr2X7hI
>>9555 couple that with EU stopping "development" gibs https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2023/10/09/EU-suspends-development-aid-payments-to-Palestinians-after-Hamas-attack-on-Israel Interesting, but ultimately unsurprising, that everyone is cool with shutting off basic necessities for poor minorities because muh jews.
>>9554 Point taken Strelok. But tbh we have far worse times ahead than these simple foibles you speak of. God will orchestrate the timing, we can all be quite confident.
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>>9561 >far worse
>>9555 >animals Wow they are now more open then ever. They really do not care about any convections do they. I unirronically hope for the most death of kikes
>>9555 Great way to force people who didn't want to fight to do so just to protect their families, and just as planned by mossad to butcher them to the last.
>>9556 >Hezbollah assures it won’t join fight unless ‘harassed’ by Israel, says Lebanese foreign minister Apparently Israel heard that as "Let's fuck around and find out."
>>9562 Why does that rifle have a testicle for a trigger? >>9554 Notice the random distribution of pants and skirts, that's the very antonym of the word UNIFORM.
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>>9555 >>9563 >animals
The narrative being pushed ATM by the kikes through their corporate-controlled media networks is that the attack was a complete surprise. Complete horseshit. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-10-08/no-hamas-invasion-was-not-israeli-intelligence-failure >>9566 >that's the very antonym of the word UNIFORM. Just as stronk independynts (& negresses, to boot) are the very antithesis of SOLDIER. The absolute state of US military. China is going to have a hay day. >>9567 I wish I could convince my fellow Christian brethren to actually read their Talmud. The very difinition of (((echoes))). You can lead a horse to water...
>>9568 >I wish I could convince my fellow Christian brethren to actually read their Talmud. You don't even need that much. You just need to have them read the actual words of Jesus in the gospels: "He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.” (lk-10.16), "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (Jn 14.6), etc. And explain how that rejection of God and truth in Christ applies to jews as much as it does muslims or atheist.
For some odd reason (no one knows why) anti-semitic rhetoric is increasing online. Surely this is unprovoked hatred of Jews? https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/oct/09/governments-in-europe-bolster-security-amid-spike-in-antisemitism-online
>>9568 >>9569 >my semitic religion is the good one, totally unlike all the other nearly-identical semitic religions! OK.
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>Hezbollah's high command released a video with the title: "We are coming." The plot thickens
>>9571 Jews hate Christianity more then any other religion. More then germanic paganism or even islam. Why? The fuck do I know?
>>9566 >no Geissele SSA Testis ngmi
>>9569 >And explain how that rejection of God and truth in Christ applies to jews as much as it does muslims or atheist. As a kid I once had a youth leader tell the whole room that Jews can reject Christ and they get a do-over after death that no one else gets.
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>>9569 Yeah, that's true. Thanks for the reminder Strelok. The curse they called down on themselves is still in effect 2'000yrs later. Srsbzns shite. >>9571 >>9575 That's not at all Biblical. That's a shame he said that kind of thing to little kids, Anon. My apologies on his behalf, for your sake.
But really, what would happen if the Palestinians successfully FPV drone'd an aircraft carrier? With a bit of luck they could at least start a fire and take it out of action for a bit, but imagine the loss of face after that.
>>9576 >Hitler >Christian He certainly made it policy to reject Christianity to the point of sending allies into the hands of godless communists and angering Germans repeatedly for replacing the cross with the swastika. >>9571 Back to /fascist/ LARPagan.
>>9577 All the major players (including the US lol) have supplied Hamas and the Gaza strip with some sizeable missilery. But it would take something really big to send literally the world's largest warship to the bottom of the Med, Strelok. >>9578 Uncle Addy made many mistakes, mostly related to his choice in counselors. Perhaps he did as you suggest. But simply reading his own writings makes it clear he was both Christian, and an ardent supporter of the Church.
>IDF and Hezbollah exchanging fire other at the border >Hamas threatening to gas hostages if Jews don't stop bombing civilian infrastructure unannounced 火が上がる アサドがう巻き込まれるだろうかな、シリアにゴランを戻るからはいいみたいだよね
>>9567 Do you know what anime this is from?
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>>9581 saucenao.com
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>>9565 What is next? Attack Jordan and Syria for shit and giggles? >>9572 Lets hope, this would be very boring if the kikes just genocided the muslims without other muslims joining the fun. >>9580 >Hamas threatening to gas hostages >mfw
>>9583 >What is next? Attack Jordan and Syria for shit and giggles? Not the first time this happened.
>>9552 >once Gaza is Bakhmuted? I'd say more like Mariupol/Azovstal >once Iron Dome has either run out of missiles Didn't this happen in 2012, any analysis on how much they have stockpiled now? The initial wave seems to saturated the system successfully but I'm sure they can reload a few times. >>9564 >Great way to force people who didn't want to fight to do so just to protect their families I bet there's a lot of 'partisans' joining the fight along with Hamas proper.
>>9573 Because Christianity explicitly states that there are no chosen people and jews aren't exempt from the rules.
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The future looks more like Mad Max than I was lead to believe was possible.
>Jews have the chutzpah to be calling this Israel's 9/11 Though at least it confirms it is manufactured to invade more middle eastern countries. >>9570 They just have to completely shut off the internet to prevent [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL].
>>9573 > Why? Easy. Because in the days of Exodus, after the flight from Egypt, ancient Israel repeatedly disobeyed God in the wilderness despite personally witnessing what God does to infidel nations (i.e. Egypt,) and what God does to nations he loves (i.e. delivering Israel from Egypt's slavery.) And so part of the punishment from this disobedience God inflicts against vagabond Israel is forcing the overwhelming majority of Israel to hate God, thereby giving God an excuse to continue persecuting vagabond Israel in return forever and ever.
>>9579 >But it would take something really big to send literally the world's largest warship to the bottom of the Med, Strelok Got it, so they just need to get a hold of a cargo ship and sail it off in a straight line.
>>9594 Is the first vid some kind of cope that the Palestinians think will confuse Israeli targeting systems or something, or is this just a middle eastern birthday party?

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>>9597 Don't know, maybe it is fake or someplace else.
>>9598 >3rd mp4 I presume those are the jews who are the extreme orthodox jews. They believe that israel is a fake state and that true israel can only happen after the apocalypse.
>>9556 >>9565 >Get your christian party leader killed and get 3 depots in your ports bombed (despite only one being reported widely by mainstream media) >Unless "harassed" Did every lebanese with balls die in the 80s? Also Syria has enough problems with turks in their northern border but Golan Heights is still a critical asset stolen recently, i wish the habibis would. >>9561 >God will orchestrate the timing The problem with those timings is that it is announced that jews will persist until the end of (pre-rapture) times, so either we are at the end or they will fare this one enough to survive and do harm. >>9575 >>9576 >That's not at all Biblical The current Pope says jews can reject Jesus repeatedly and explicitly and still go to heaven. Benedict said the curse that jews made upon themselves when Jesus was handed to them as innocent to be not real despite being the climax of that chapter and the subsequent actions being a direct result from said thing, along with the "wandering" nature. I was raised catholic but i damn well know almost no one reads the Vatican journal nor their doctrinal publications around here, if they did everyone would be either protestant, animist or a merely observant "bollow the gommandmends ok? braise Jesus" kind of neutral fella, worst case scenario a holy "Death" follower but that implies people knowing it might not be the real Death and that you have to sacrifice people to be at peace. >>9598 Third web is the Neturei Karta, some jews who read and remember the part where they cannot make a jew state in Jerusalem/Mt. Zion without waiting and asking their Messiah first, hence most of them perhaps didn't get the memo that the Messiah maybe did come and formed a secret elder society in the late 19th century aka Anti-Christ aka Rogue Reptilian Overlord aka Piccolo Daimao for the smelly otakus or do not partake in their brethen's typical tricks. Ironically enough they are based in Jerusalem so it might also be a bunch of jews who got their cables crossed and are subversive towards their host which is their own state.
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Hard to even imagine all the historical contexts this venerated old building must've had. Now gone in a moment.
>>9601 fake news
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>>9600 >If people here read the Vatican publications they wouldn't be catholic. I think being catholic goes a bit further than agreeing to the heretical babblings of a corrupt leadership.
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>>9601 Jews wanted to bulldoze Bethelem's Nativity Church until Unesco had to declare it world heritage recently and the IDF half-drained and heavily mined the baptism site in Bethany, do not be surprised if they bombed an old church. In other news jews flung a missile into a big civilian market with people stocking up food, probably non-kosher: 60 dead, no explanation on why it was deemed a key target despite seemingly being an open-air table stands of canned food and old veggies unlike the other targets like high-rise buildings and mosques. >>9603 Sure, problem is the average joe or particularly jane would be dumbfounded with the constant cognitive dissonance and outright contradictions of The Word and the church, so they would rather quit or be the mentioned "just follow the 11 commandments and you will be set"... and that doesn't mention The Bible and its constant contradictions inside Itself too due to mistranslation or rectifications from Old to New Testament which are ignored due to verses being read out of linearity or context... and that doesn't include either the folk (or forgotten doctrine) beliefs like The Death as an entity that can be negotiated with, The Animas, Magic and so on. Latin American Catholicism is a big ol' can of worms that can implode at any time someone starts trying to mentally make sense all of it in the same belief system. I just try to take the elemental teachings, sometimes try to read their original words so no to believe a mistranslation (kill =/= murder, create =/= find, create =/= metamorph, etc) and hope the original meaning isn't that much changed because it can't be, it shouldn't. But there's something that still bothers me, that the earliest and most fervent Christians, the Gnostics, were pretty deep down the rabbit hole of interpreting reality akin to some shamans and ancient chinaman mystic men unlike latter "just live life bro" or "just confess once a month bro" people of nowadays; perhaps earlier followers knew something further than we have hands on. >heretical babblings of a corrupt leadership. Which have been going for half millennia by now and rewrote lots of stuff
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>>9579 >But it would take something really big to send literally the world's largest warship to the bottom of the Med, Strelok. or they let the black woman drive I wonder how long everyone is going to tolerate pic related.
>>9598 >1st vid They should have put that video of the thot doing a selfie while being captured lol.
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>>9573 Jewish theology is based on dialogue, not reverence and acceptance of a single voice. Jesus was a single voice claiming to be God (despite Jews believing God can only give statements, not interpretations, because Jews believe the word of God must be interpreted by them as a constant test to prove they're still chosen) and spoke vehemently against the established Law to the point of saying it was unnecessary. By saying it was unnecessary, he disregarded thousands of years of oral tradition (which prompted the creation of the Talmud later because Christians have their bible to convert others while Jews had their oral tradition to stay insular and force assimilation). Not only did he say it was unnecessary, he also said that Jews had been living with the wrong interpretation of their mission, to save all of Mankind through Judaism (which the Jews interpret as a right to rule over non-Jews until they become Jews because the entire Earth was promised to them, hence all of the Talmudic rules about goyim being cattle or lesser since these rules were meant to make goyim convert). On the prophetic level, Jesus was not what the Jews believe to be a prophet. Jesus's plan was spiritual liberation for more than just ethnic Jews and forcing Romans to humiliate themselves. Jews wanted holy war under a strong leader immediately or no prophet at all (so they could survive past the Romans and hope for someone else to oppress them to cause a prophet). Despite this, Jesus gained enough of a following that crackdowns against Christians would cause all Jews to suffer for some time because the Romans didn't differentiate between the two outside of when it was obvious. From here, you have the spread of Christianity and what Jews see as a hijacking of Judaism. Jews hate Christians because they believe the positions Christians have held and currently hold belongs to them and that they are the only ones who can hold the title of Jew, chosen. To the Jew, every genocide, expulsion, and lost court case is proof of them being chosen, and Christians are their biggest test. Now, I wrote that goyim are encourage to convert to Judaism through the practices of the Talmud, but conversion to Judaism is completely different from conversion to Christianity. There is no separation between culture and religion in Judaism. Jews are a people and regard themselves as ``the`` people. To convert to Judaism means to take up all of their religious practices, learn their language, marry into their families (usually as a lesser partner), live among them, eat and prepare food like them, embrace their culture, raise your children in their schools, and enforce onto your former comrades what the Jews enforced onto you since your former comrades are goyim. Every aspect of Jewish life is believed to have been handed down by God. All of it is religious; all of it is cultural.
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>>9603 There's a joke among Catholics that Napoleon threatened to conquer the Vatican and displace god, and the Catholic priest commented that they had been trying and failing for almost 2000 years. The pope isn't incorrect when he isn't mixing his politics with his religion. Jews will get a second chance the same way gentiles will get a second chance. In the case of Jews, it's only the ones who followed the OT (especially Exodus) very closely (Orthodox Jews) or who converted to Christianity after the rapture. Jews lost their status as God's chosen shortly after being freed from their bondage specifically for acting like Jews. Long story short part of the beauty of catholicism is precisely that it is a corrupt institution. If god didn't want his true church as part of the greater autocephalous patriarchate to stand, they wouldn't have been able to keep standing all this time. Something to keep in mind with Kews is that they think in the literal, not the abstract. They don't avoid a mannerism or behavior because it is "wrong" they do so because it is biblical law whether they like it or not. They don't share bread because it is right but because God commands them do so (and they'll fight god for exceptions every step of the way), etc. If the Christian way is to follow god, the Jewish way is to ask god how many miles in what direction with who's supplies on who's payroll until God tells them to shut up, and then he'll kvetch the entire way while doing it. Also janny is a tranny.
I would also note, Krautjanny being a tranny aside, that as >>9609 reminded me, Jews haven't even been faithful to their traditions to induct non-Jews. Jewish "purity" is a very real thing in Israel where the more "Jewish" (inbred) your ancestry is, the bigger spot you have at the table as compared to "round table" Judaism of the Americas or inheritance Judaism of Eastern Europe, so this whole shabat could very well be interpreted as god punishing Jews for failing to meet their obligations again. I highly encourage anon to study the OT (especially Exodus and Genesis) for a deeper understanding of the Jewish brain. There's nary a verse without some inkling of revelatory knowledge baked in and most of it applies to the collapsing world today.
Oh right, Jewish "purity" to be understood as matriarchal lineage.* Hence the inbreeding. Forgot to clarify that point.
>>9609 So do the jews view choosing not to flip light switches on Saturday, not eating pork meat, wearing useless tiny hats, being inbred and generally really ugly, having a noticeable predisposition to genetic diseases, being expelled from tons of countries, getting herpes as a baby after the rabbi that mutilates their penis gives them a blowjob and being put inside roller coasters to be incinerated in an oven as signs of being special and superior to everyone else in the universe? (I'm a semite and a pro-semite btw)
>>9614 Certain jews are known to be schizos
>>9612 If you're reading the Old Testament to understand Judaism, read it with an old edition of the Yalkut Shimoni. >>9614 >light switches on Saturday Jews are not to light fires on the Sabbath. Due to the filament within lights and the electricity necessary for using light switches, you should not turn on lights on Saturdays. Similarly, you cannot open doors because that is considered work. Doing these things on the Sabbath for Jews is the job of slaves, goyim. >not eating pork This has more to do with health standards over time, but pigs are unclean unless killed and prepared in a specific manner. It's not kosher to do so otherwise. Similarly, you cannot eat a chicken sandwich with cheese, for a mother and her child cannot be served in the same dish. This rule doesn't make sense at first glace since chickens can't produce milk, but you eat a mother and her child in your heart when you eat a chicken sandwich with cheese. It's about the intention of the act. >useless tiny hats The kippah is a reminder of God's observation and presence. Traditionally, it is intentionally made to be uncomfortable. >inbred and generally ugly >having a noticeable predisposition to genetic diseases Matrilineal inheritance and clashing inheritance laws do this. It turns out nobody but Jews want to marry Jewish girls if they have to become Jewish before or during the process. Jews actually have a coming of age practice where they'll sleep with attractive non-Jewish women as a sign of supremacy over goyim, but they are forbidden from marrying the girl unless she converts. Jews immediately subvert this practice through the hiring of prostitutes, who are inherently unclean. >being expelled from tons of countries See the Talmudic practices I mentioned earlier. As a Jew, you are to apply the Talmud always unless specified otherwise by the Talmud. This includes subversion of the goyim to further you own cause, which is inherently the Jewish cause. >getting herpes as a baby Another holdover. MBP was meant to prevent the child from bleeding out or becoming diseased. It is stated outright in the Talmud that any mohel (circumcizer) who refuses to partake in MBP must be removed from his post for allowing a Jew to potentially be stricken with sickness. While the Talmud does say "suction" must be performed, the use of the mouth is from inherited practice due to it being seen as common sense. It is only later that oral suction is implied, and this is inregards to what will be done with the blood, to spit it on the Earth. A similar holdover also exists yet isn't followed, the application of cumin after the skin is peeled (many groups have different herbs they use while some use none at all, instead taking the use of cumin as an instruction to apply an inflammatory), but it and MBP are separate subjects as MBP is for the health of the child rather than any implicitly divine reason other than preserving the life of a Jew, prevention of violation of sakanat nefashot (endangering a life). Rather than direct contact, the two most common methods are use of a sponge (not seen as kosher outside of non-religious groups) and use of a glass tube with cotton near the mohel's mouth. Despite this, oral suction is widely seen as a necessary step or else the circumcision is invalid due to rules regarding other steps of the circumcision, rendering the child nominally uncircumcised, a goyim. The requirement of a mohel and associations of religious circumcision with disease beginning in the 19th century have caused many Jews to opt for the goy tradition of medical circumcision. They aren't incorrect in doing this by common sense, many mohel are medically illiterate and think stainless steel+alcohol=sterile, but it's non-kosher. >being put inside roller coasters to be incinerated in an oven Yes, the Shoah is seen as the second greatest challenge for the Jews or is used as the ultimate proof of Christians being their greatest challenge. >being special and superior to everyone else in the universe? Yes, and this is best displayed through their understanding of Hell. Jews do not have a permanent Hell in the afterlife outside of extreme circumstances. To Jews, Hell is to live separate from God and happens in life. All goyim live in Hell, and Jews follow the Law to prevent themselves from doing so and from having to experience prolonged purification in the temporary Hell of the afterlife.
>>9616 >>9614 I read this somewhere, Judiasm is all about making rules and finding ways around them. >light switches on Saturday No problem, https://youtu.be/NdbkvJznmwU
The thing that eludes me is how the Mossad got caught flatfooted. The false flag is possible, but the other possibility is that a power that has a better intel apparatus than the Jews did it and there's a number of those you can count on one hand: Plus, the power supporting Hamas doesn't give a shit about what the US thinks of them, that leaves the following: >Russia >China >Best Korea >Turkey (I don't think so but possible) >Iran (Sometimes they catch the Mossad off guard but not on this scale). The fact that this was staged on a holiday where they took down the border grid electronically in syncro with the infiltration and then defeated the IDF in detail is not something you see goatherders do. I learn toward Best Korea, China, Russia. Mainly Korea and China because these tactics are similar to the infilitration methods they used in Vietnam and Korea I highly doubt the US jews would jew jews but that is also possible.
>>9618 You left out the JewSA. Make no mistake, this was intentional. The israelis are in a better material & regional footing than they have ever been before in history thanks to this false flag. You can expect all their Globohomo apparatus to remain in overdrive about this for the forseeable future. >tl;dr > All according to plan...
>>9618 But at the same time, why the rave? Given how systematic the rest was, with the attacks on military targets, why also shoot up a dance party? Was it deliberate, either simply to kill as many Israelis as possible or because of the Islamic aspect? Was it an intel failure and they didn't know the festival was taking place? Was it deliberately bad intel by some "ally"?
>>9618 It's entirely possible that they are legitimate attacks that mossad were aware of (which they shared with ben, who may want to remilitarize israel) but did not disclose to the IDF. This is hardly unheard of among US style governments. If it's part of a grand conspiracy between israel('s dictator), russia and the west to drop out of the ukraine gracefully then it does serve all their interests and the only losers are the mussrats and the jewish people (perhaps, especially those demographics who the top brass dislike). I just don't see what china would get out of fucking with the israelites. For all it's infirmity, I don't think china really acts as russia's lapdog to the point where they'd start this sort of proxy war that purely serves (anti-saudi-israel pipeline) interests. This is definitely something that helps russia though. >>9620 It's spooky. If you're only going to pick one civilian target (for terror purposes) then it's not a bad choice. On the other hand, if it is a conspiracy then it's a useful way to radicalize the progressive sections of the youth who probably support the state of israel/the military the least. >>9619 He literally did not, fedtron
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>>9621 >He literally did not, fedtron Lol, OK troonhead. But he didn't put it in his listicle. Doesn't change the fact he's either midwit'dly or intentionally supporting The Current Thing(tm) narrative that the world needs to send moar gibbs nao!111(C)(R) b/c mudshit le bad reasons. He may as well be a jew at that point.
>>9616 You seem to know a lot about jews and their customs. Why and how did you learn this information?
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It says here, that the arab neighbours have reportedly threaten declaration of war against Israel & USA if they go ahead with the attack on Gaza. Can anyone provide confirmation of this? https://youtube.owacon.moe/watch?v=eRo5ba6AF9Y
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>>9618 >The false flag is possible I don't think the jews would other jews, it must be Iran!
>>9538 if one of those arabs threw a grenade into that pack of kikes shaming them, they'd probably kill multiple slum lords.
>>9628 Thanks very much Strelok. I've been anxious to see any footage for this time-frame: >>9484 Please post anything further you find. Especially something that shows a good overview of the sequence involved. For example, turns out there were cops at the event. Was there a significant firefight? Did any cops escape?
>>9616 >To Jews, Hell is to live separate from God Educational. I was wondering where the Mormons got that idea. I let some missionaries warm up in my home on a blustery January day and we talked turkey
>>9623 I was raised around a few Jews. They were close family friends. Close enough to cause me to have to go through ramshackle religious circumcision without MBP (metzitzah b'peh, the final portion of the brit milah/bris) in a hospital at birth and read parts of the Torah in temple at a young age. Ironically, one of them was a kleptomaniac. >>9630 I'm glad that I could help someone. As mentioned in that post, you can read the Yalkut Shimoni, the midrash (teachings/dialogues) applied to their relevant positions in the Tanakh/Old Testament, for a better understanding. I qualified this by recommending an old edition of the book be read because the Yalkut has gone through unfortunate changes in wording over centuries of publication due to mistakes in transcription caused by messy handwriting, jealousy, and censors. Hyman's Mekorot Yalkut Shimoni (Sources of the Gatherings of Simeon) is sufficient to source each midrash as it is based on the original edition of the work and its manuscripts, which themselves included almost all of the sources (a feature lost in many later editions).
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The ‘high tide of American antisemitism’ makes Israel attacks foreboding https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-high-tide-of-american-antisemitism-makes-israel-attacks-foreboding/ar-AA1hWKOt https://archive.ph/419Nw >These signs are terrifying. And I fear they’ll just increase. >According to a spreadsheet showing hate incidents in Montgomery County in March, kids have found swastikas scrawled on desks, drawers, doors, tables and chairs. A child found one on a piece of paper stuffed into his backpack. There was a tiny one on the edge of a Jenga block. Many in bathrooms. This was just one month. hortler Jenga blocks are serious business
>>9632 fuck this was supposed to be in the Holacaust 2.0 thread
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>>9631 >cause me to have to go through ramshackle religious circumcision
Never forget the 6 millions, goy.
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'''BIG IF TRUE== Ready to go die for Israel, Ameribros? NO REFUNDS
What is the specific reason Hamas has invaded? Did they specify that this invasion was for a reason? Didn't it have something to do with Israel stopping some Muslims from visiting a mosque?
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>>9635 Day of the Rope anyone? Where the Natsocs at?
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>>9635 Carbonated beverages are a new hate symbol, take long sips while maintaining unbroken eye contact. >>9637 50th anniversary of Yom Kippur War
>>9633 gotchu fam
>>9637 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, which was waged during Yom Kippur because Jews are basically helpless during it.
>>9632 >that header image Every time.
>>9636 Link to the actual source (or rather an archive), instead of just posting a screenshot of a tweet of a repost by a low-quality third party. https://archive.ph/JZxBg >Washington and Israel have signed an agreement which would see the US come to assist Israel with missile defense in times of war and, according to Haimovitch, “I am sure once the order comes we will find here US troops on the ground to be part of our deployment and team to defend the State of Israel.” And those US troops who would be deployed to Israel, are prepared to die for the Jewish state, Clark said.
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> "Egypt does not recognize any Israeli veto over its right to provide aid to Gaza." The plot thickens. https://twitter.com/baronitaigas/status/1711768820967170322
>>9643 >>9644 Thanks Streloks.
>>9601 While >>9602 is just a meaningless shitpost, it's not wrong. The church is intact, as confirmed by their own social media.
>>9648 Ahh, thanks for that good news then Strelok. May it continue standing after the MASSIVE onslaught about to roll over the Gaza strip by the Jewish and US ground forces (probably beginning in the next few hours?)
US Chairforce is now landed on the ground in Yidsrael with cargoes of 'advanced weapons'. https://twitter.com/idfonline/status/1711847783043301847
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>>9650 Source?
While I found it unlikely they would have drafted anyone for Ukraine besides maybe in europe, I think the likely hood of a draft is now much greater because it is Israel. If a draft happens, how many soldiers would be needed to defend Israel if the other Arab nations decided to attack? Like, let's say Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Morocco, and Lebanon all attack Israel. Would it take at least 1,000,000 soldiers to defend Israel? It took a little more than roughly 460,000 soldiers from the US to invade Iraq in 2003. Also, if the US did deploy a significant portion of its military there, would China invade Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan? >>9650 I guess it's on now. Didn't Israel's enemies state that they would get involved if America helped Israel or has that been unconfirmed? >>9640 Can we have a current thing israel flag? >>9639 >50th anniversary of Yom Kippur War >>9641 >50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, which was waged during Yom Kippur because Jews are basically helpless during it. Would it be fair to say this current conflict could be called "The second Yom Kippur War?
>>9646 >The plot thickens. Not really: >source: nobody on twitter Either way sounds more like Egypt taking an opportunity to tell off jews and maybe trying to scope some geopolitical right think points. Otherwise they haven't given two fucks about the humanitarian situation in Gaza. >>9645 >hortlerite gf >doesn't finish the job
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>>9652 >Would it be fair to say this current conflict could be called "The second Yom Kippur War? You read it here first folks. >mfw ready to die for Israel
>>9652 >Can we have a current thing israel flag? Apologies, but you'll have to ask Tengu. BO thing, I'm just a hotpocket atm.
>>9640 based jannie
>>9488 >>9608 yea, really. That whole paraglide into the rave was glorious, it could easily be a kino movie scene. >>9599 In other words, Jews jewing Jews.
>>9652 >would China invade Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan? >invade >Taiwan You can't invade your own country.
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>>9652 >Can we have a current thing israel flag? Whoops! All Israel! >>9655 I do have these though.
>>9659 I like how the "offend everyone" uses the plain rainbow instead of the extra-inclusive one with the tranny pastel bands. In practice it's just a sign of age, but it actually still works because they'd still get offended at being the most conspicuous omission.
>>9660 Right? >How to deeply offend attention-whoring mental cases: IGNORE THEM
>>9632 this got cringey much faster than the ukraine invasion. locally they're asking goys to reach out to their jewish neighbors to make sure they're doing alright on the off chance they may know 1 of the 1600gorillion.
I hate how this conflict started and a man has to look again for reasonable sources, and this time it is even more politicized than ukraine.
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>>9663 Strelok do you even propaganda? This are the people who been conducting worldwide psy-ops for several centuries. If anything I'm surprised it hasn't gotten worse.
>>9663 >and this time it is even more politicized than ukraine We are literally talking about a group that would probably be unanimously voted for extermination a priori by other people they had met if those had a choice without repercussions, and said group also dominates the media AND the banking system. It doesn't get more political and ideological than that, like anon said it is particularly strange how little censoring has been done in the mainstream media other than not mentioning the conflict details at all.
>>9652 >Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Morocco, and Lebanon That's an unrealistic amount of unity. You're more likely to see Egypt, Iran, and Lebanon. Morocco is too far, Syria is too unstable, and Saudi Arabia is unthinkable. However, Syria wouldn't be out of the question for an appearance in a later portion of the war. >would China invade Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan? Taiwan is possible, but the Philippines and Japan are completely out of the question. Invasion of the Philippines is war against America, and invasion of Japan is impractical. It would be better to snuff out Taiwan and Hong Kong at once during Taiwan's elections, court the Philippines, and prop up political opposition in Japan through continuous humiliating economic hits. The best way to win the Japanese over is to make them come with their tail between their legs. >Would it be fair to say this current conflict could be called "The second Yom Kippur War? This could only officially be retroactively called the Second Yom Kippur War if a Muslim nation joined the fight, and it would likely only be called this after the end of the war as the attack was also meant to force this title, for doing so would be a propaganda victory for Palestine. If it's downplayed as "a war between Israel and Hamas that just happened to take place the day 'after' the fiftieth anniversary (that's the official spin on Wikipedia right now) of the Yom Kippur War" instead of "the Second Yom Kippur War", Arabs and other Muslims won't be as incensed to urge their leaders for a declaration of war. For contrast, the opposite of this is calling the American Intervention in Vietnam the Vietnam War. You can colloquially call this the Second Yom Kippur War, but no nation would recognize it as such unless it was to scream to the West in the event of failure (Israel) or shout to the rest of the Ummah in the event of success in their immediate goal (Palestine, the goal being to show Israel as weak and capable of downfall through the actions of a more organized and equipped force).
>>9662 That would be like someone checking on me because of the wildfires in Italy. >I heard about the fires in Italy. Are you OK? >uhhh thanks? but I'm from Toledo
>>9666 What will be also interesting to see, which a unique circumstance of the current conflict, is the possibility of crowds of angry arabs (either directly or indirectly assisted by Iranian intelligence) around the globe attacking israely embassies and anyone/anything percieved as being associated with them. If that escalates with other groups joining in the fun DOTR may have finally been memed into existence.
Egypt will never attack Israel because Egypt is a NATO ally that gets the same kind of USA military funding that Israel gets.
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Getting with the pogrom
>>9667 Point taken. But IMO it's clearly the kikes of the media and their hired golems >implying implications that literally every jew in the world is in imminent, terrible danger for their lives within their very homes, b/c Literally Hitler, The entire mudshit world, and the fact that Bad Orange Man is still out there on the loose somewhere. Just like the big gayop with the Deadly Vaxx, it's a form of social engineering where they want every.single. goyim fully in collusion with their plots & schemes.
How are Hamas and its allies going to deal with Israel's nukes? Are the juden mad enough to nuke their holy land?
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>>9676 >1st vid It's a "french" (with double nationality) like most of the Israelis. >Shots got fired, shots got fired it's crazy. [french slurs about mothers].
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lCT3CLT73qY >Tucker calling out zionist republicans for being zionists Maybe it will lead to a shift in at least parts of 'merican public opinion. Now we just need BLM to call out jews for being raycist and we have a two-pronged attack.
Reading the telegram channels, I see this is turning into a nightmarish mess of missinformation and psyops. Guess it's time to excercise restrain when considering to post something.
>>9682 >Reading the telegram channels, I see this is turning into a nightmarish mess of missinformation and psyops. Yes, I'm sure MOSSAD, JIDF, ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, all the Western Governments & NGOs, all the CIA glowniggers are all working overtime (not to mention the entire armada of Jewish-controlled media outlets) r/n keeping mill of lies running. After all lying disinformation is all these group's middle names. >Guess it's time to excercise restrain when considering to post something. Fake & gay advice. Spoken like a woman. That approach would merely play into the kike's already overwhelming majority control of the Western (((narratives))). Let's all just blunderbuss every scrap of information & let the chips fall where they may. Streloks are smart enough to find the diamonds hidden in the mounds of shite, I'm rather confident.
>>9659 >I do have these though. Nice, thanks. I'd suggest posting them in our /meta as well. >>56570 Thanks! >>56567 You first.
>>9669 Dont forget that Egypt needs to watch for Ethiopia since these niggers are stealing water from Nile
>>9684 >Nice, thanks. I'd suggest posting them in our /meta as well. I would but I don't think you can repost due to r9k.
The US is now saying the Egypt warned Israel three days in advance, and Israel didn't prepare. Israel denies it, obviously.
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Ansar Allah, better known as the Houthis, posted this online, saying "we are coming... expect surprises."
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>Hezbollah launched an invasion of Israel from the north. >Hezbollah fighters attack with attack drones, paraglider saboteurs and rocket attacks. An air raid alert has been declared in many localities. No visual confirmation of Hezbollah entry, so grain of salt untill proven or disproved.
>>9686 >I would but I don't think you can repost due to r9k. Ahh, good point I forgot about that strelok. Tell you what later on I'll see if I can delete them from the server, then repost them for you in our /meta thread. Hopefully that will work. Sound good?
>>9690 Anons should realistically edit down the flags so that they're scaled down how they want instead of possibly into a blurry or clipped mess that fails to convey anything interesting anyway. >Tell you what later on I'll see if I can delete them from the server, then repost them for you in our /meta thread. This is especially retarded and pointless though. Just link the posts in that thread. If it takes so long for BO to respond that this thread falls off the board then you've got bigger problems (and can repost the flags then anyway).
>>9689 There is massive shelling at golan heights so expect Syria to join at any moment if they haven't already yet.
>>9689 Israel's reporting that it was a false alarm.>>9689
Repeat after me: 40 BABIES 40 BABIES 40 BABIES 40 BABIES 40 BABIES
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>>9693 >israel alert system activates all over northern palestine >reports of hundreds of drones, man carrying gliders etc >panic sets in >israel tells all settlers to take immediate cover >nothing habbens >claim drones 'turned back' >some say radar was triggered by birds >some claim iran h4xx0r3d the alert system >israel now says it was 'operator error' Lol, lmao even. >>9668 >DOTR may have finally been memed into existence. That's the best outcome in this timeline. >>9673 >Are the juden mad enough to nuke their holy land? Yes but only if they can blame it on Iran. >>9694 As real as the roller coasters of death.
>>9695 >As real as the roller coasters of death. I'll see your roller coaster of death, and raise you a freezer of doom.
>>9694 Never forget the 80 headless jewish babies!
Netanyahu has officially announced a policy of no quarter, declaring that "every Hamas member is a dead man". Anyone suspected of being Hamas members will be killed, with no prisoners taken and no surrenders accepted.
These enemies of Christendom can kill each other to the last for all I care. But hey, Hamas has some really catchy music at least.
>>9672 >Pollacks in Lebanon Why??
https://t.me/disclosetv/12162 (((They))) are really pushing the atrocity propaganda.
>>9698 >inb4 The Jews yell They are coming right for me and Israel wipes Gaza off the map
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Graphic footage of the survivors of the music festival which was attacked by Palestinian fighters.
>>9704 >dismembered jewish EDM hippies packed in a bathroom Imagine the smell
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>>9706 >>9707 Can you imagine the fate of every last jew on this earth right now if the divided sharts of amerilard didn't exist?
>>9708 >if the divided sharts of amerilard didn't exist? Wouldn't have this problem to begin with. Goat herders would be killing each other anyway. >>9706 >corpses shown >blood on ground blurred Is that some rule in Islam?
>>9698 Considering that they are pissing off Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, AND Afghanistan this thing is either going to end with Israel being wiped off the map with likely the US going down chained to them OR Israel livestreaming a fucking genocide of Palestinians to the uproarious applause of the western world. Either way I don't see how the current world order can possibly continue after this. How is it that the very sunlight does not turn to blackness before this thing, the hard earth melt and boil beneath such a burden?
>Holacaust Recuerda los seis millones amigos.
>>9710 >Israel livestreaming a fucking genocide of Palestinians to the uproarious applause of the western world. >I don't see how the current world order can possibly continue after this. I don't really see the discrepancy. Israel is in "the final solution" phase, and with a prior example to learn from this time. Fuck this timeline.
>>9709 I think it has something to do with recording internal organs like brains being outside the body or some shit. I may also have that confused with another religion entirely.
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>>9710 >Either/or

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Morocco is firmly in American hands because America agreed to help genocide some ethnic minorities on their border last year. Saudi Arabia is going to stay out of this because if they attack Israel they break international treaty and they hate Iran anyways for fucking with them in Yemen, so they have no stake in the game. Egypt is not going to get involved in any meaningful way past token support in the form of transportation corridors because they have their hands full dealing with Ethiopia/Sudan and the GERD. Iraq isn't going to get involved because the Sauds will fuck with them. They may allow Iran access for transporting supplies but that's it. UAE has no stake in the game. Syria is only going to get involved if their hand is forced because they have their hands full with rebuilding and dealing with Turkey. They just achieved the closest thing to "peace" in the last decade and have to rebuild. Lebanon can't even afford gasoline and ammunition, let alone a war. Jordan? Well, all bets are off with Jordan, but how much can Jordan really do by itself? Turkey is going to sit back and relax because no matter who loses, they win. This is taking pressure off them in regards to Greece and Ukraine. Libya/Tunisia/Algeria have their own problems to deal with between their ports and their southern borders. Strelok is woefully underinformed and his information about the Middle East/North Africa is 10-20 years outdated /pol/shit I expect from 4chan (imported by your capcodefag tranny volunteer) and /fascist/ back when they were on cafe. Hamas either does this themselves long enough for Israel to sign an armistice on unfavorable terms, or gets genocided. Nobody is going to step in and save them unless Israel starts firing into neighboring countries. They all have too much to lose with the Abraham accords and their own internal problems to waste time on pissrael. That's not a blackpill since Hamas/Hezbollah could still "do it themselves" with foreign aid, and Israel "could" still act incredibly retarded (much more retarded then the accidentals they've done so far), but unless Iran is suddenly allowed to send drones/jets over Iraq/Jordan/Syria to bomb Israel, the pickings are slim. >>9690 Kill yourself.
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>>9716 I suggest all Jews around the world be conscripted and sent (permanently) to Israel to fight for their Talmudic Empire. ZION UBER ALLES!
>>9716 (checked and kill yourself) I think your analysis is correct strelok, however the smallest of actions can lead to big consequences, as seen in the ukraine war with zaluzhny getting domed directly made the counter-offensive into a massive meme and possibly being the thing that helped make ukraine dumb enough for russia to eventually win decisively. If mossad fucks up enough for extremists to take out high ranking command who know what they are doing, then those slim pickings might not be so hopeless after all.
So street word is that Pakistan likely trained the paragliding units, and Iran likely trained the amphibious units. Either or have the knowhow for training drone specialists. Weapons likely came from Ukraine either directly or indirectly through one of the various cartels in that part of the world. >>9718 In Mossad's defense, Mossad is specialized in electronic spying, and they've spent the last 6 years paying the CIA to remove everyone they disagree with from the internet. Hamas stopped using the internet regularly about 4 years ago. No internet + no radio + no cellphones + Mossad being fat and corrupt = Mossad is more worthless than a guy on the street saying "yeah they'll probably do that." I wouldn't rule out Mossad shooting themselves in the foot out of hubris/laziness on this one. You need wood to chop in order to remember to grind your axe. >>9720 >>9721 Use real outlets if you want to be taken seriously.
>>9722 >Use real outlets if you want to be taken seriously. Use Jewish media to be taken seriously, got it.
>>9723 This is why nobody wants to talk to you at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
>>9722 So what you're saying is that they discovered that the sort of people who just want to shitpost happy merchant on the internet, post "jews did 9/11", or pictures of funny mustache man are in fact NOT the people who would carry out armed incursions on your homeland and maybe they should have focused on the gobs of angry muslims that your country has been fucking with for the past several decades? Who coulda thunk it amirite?
>>9725 Mossad has been working to turn the tide against the global increase in the hatred of jews due to the internet having the truth about them. They saw that as the bigger threat. The fact everyone is cheering on hamas shows they were right but failed to prevent either types of attacks.
>>9697 I wonder what they would do with the baby heads: pickle them in jars? play a round of golf? >>9726 I'm sure there's been kvetching over the growing online influence of anti-semitism in recent years. We can see that in how they crack down on celebrities/influencers who name the jew, ie Kanye, which is done at the behest of the ADL and their higher-ups at Mossad.
Is it just me or is it funny/dissapointing to see modern militaries being a shadow of their former self. Russia literally (or what western media say) has shitty equipment and everything just sucks foe them yet ukraine is pushing so slow that a snail wouldg sooner to russian border then them (mind you they are also supported by every nato country, which drained nato stockpiles) Israel "we beat every muslim country around us in 6 days" is losing to technically bunch if hobos who live in a country worse the detroid. (Not that israel isn't a shithole too) HOW? I ask, how is it possible for the countries to be such a dissapointing mess. Can't wait for US military to lose to some noones in middle of texas. Are we again in 1914 where generals haven't adjusted to the modern equipment and strategy? This calls to question whole modern strategy, equipment, logistics and even people in charge of the whole world. Can't wait for ww3 to be ww1 all over again
>>9728 >Russia literally (or what western media say) has shitty equipment and everything just sucks foe them yet ukraine is pushing so slow that a snail wouldg sooner to russian border then them (mind you they are also supported by every nato country, which drained nato stockpiles) You have been propagandized by Western ZOG media. Russia is doing well, everything's going according to plan. Their equipment, training, logistics, morale are all fine, and only getting better. The media has created an entire simulacrum of gaslighting to deny Russian military might, and even red-pilled places like this are not fully immune apparently. The information war is one of the more interesting aspects, alongside the re-emergence of WWI tactics alongside modern tech. As for Israel, they may have grown complacent over time.
>>9729 Yes I'm not honestly suprised, USSR and USA used simmilar disinfo way back during cold war (you could say the cold war hasn't ended just has changed ideologies) >As for Israel, they may have grown complacent over time. Likely wouldn't be suprised with the rest of nato/american aligned countries
>>9730 *with the rest of nato/american aligned countries It's the same or simmilar
Something new was overdue after so much of cukrainian slog. The first rule of clown world is “show must go on”. >>9450 > fired a deadly barrage of rockets Rockets? But, but, muh iron dome can stop everything up to Godzilla? >>9529 Oh. Well, if it looks like a fish, it swims like a fish and it smells like a fish… >>9728 >yet ukraine is pushing so slow that a snail wouldg sooner to russian border then them (mind you they are also supported by every nato country, which drained nato stockpiles) Israel "we beat every muslim country around us in 6 days" is losing to technically bunch if hobos who live in a country worse the detroid. (Not that israel isn't a shithole too) HOW? Equipment does not fight on its own. And is likely to be optimized for kickbacks in many cases. >>9729 >The media has created an entire simulacrum of gaslighting to deny Russian military might Nonsense like Ghost of Kekiv and General Pavel copy-pasted everywhere is not «entire simulacrum of gaslighting», it’s glaring evidence of desperation even for utter crap. Which is only possible if lazy, stupid (and possibly drugged) incompetence became not merely dominant, but all-pervasive in everyone’s favourite illegitimate theocracy. It’s worse than USSR in 1990.
>>9728 >Everything just sucks for Russia and Ukraine is pushing. Dude, the eastern front is about to collapse when the russians take Avdivka by this month.
>>9733 C-could it be that Mossad let Hamas do their thing to distract both goyim and lesser Chosen from Ukraine's imminent defeat, hoping to avoid another debacle like the one in Afghanistan?
>>9716 >Lebanon can't even afford gasoline and ammunition, let alone a war. Do you mean the Lebanese armed forces or Hezbollah? Is Hezbollah likely to commit in earnest?
>>9691 Good point. Let's do that instead.
>>9716 I agree with the general assessment but disagree with particular reasons provided. Saudi is trying to play both sides and tries to normalize the relationship with Iran. Basically Sauds are trying to play all the sides at once and to become the regional power. Iraq was as fucked by ISIS as Syria but mentioning ISIS presents a good question: what about non-state actors, jihadis, terrorists? Shit can still get wild >>9735 Lebanon has had trouble with forming its government. Like, for a record number of times. Hezbollah allegedly already committed but according to jews it was a false alarm. It looks like it will be just a one-sided genocide of Palestinian natives while the world watches. Also Usa brought in another carrier, just in case.
>>9725 This. >>9726 Mossad (and the rest of the Jewish hegemony in the entire West) has lost control primarily b/c of two reasons. 1. The Boomer generations they had so thoroughly brainwashed with their Television/Newspaper propaganda systems are now starting to die off, removing their primary support base (and X'rs, millenials, and zoomers never filled their places). 2. They made the big mistake of letting us White men build the Internet, thinking they would pile the sheqels to the sky and no serious repercussions for them of the truth about their evil coming out would occur -- after all they managed it perfectly well with TV/papers, r-right? They were right about the sheqels (and it fashioned yet another hook for their jaws to drag them on to destruction with), but jokes on them about the continued lies part. We ourselves fashioned mechanisms to disseminate truth in an unprecedented fashion for all human history. Imageboards being one of the primary ones (and of course the Japanese were the ones who kicked this game off tbh). >tl;dr Mr. Bones Fun Ride is something the jews themselves failed to prevent, and now is their undoing.
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>>9703 normans on twitter see it coming
>>9734 Lmao imagine. I guess I just too a blackpill too seriously. But israel getting beat so easilly is funny. Did every normalfag stop caring about ukrop and stated their support for israel
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>>9728 >Are we again in 1914 where generals haven't adjusted to the modern equipment and strategy? Yes. I said this before: Arms manufacturers are better generals than actual generals. They are always up to date with the state of weapons technology. They know exactly what kind of weapons every single country has, what weapons they're planning to buy, how many weapons they're planning to buy. Who is making what, when and where. They know what the future of combat looks like and how to deal with it. Meanwhile modern generals just finish their outdated academies and then spend the rest of their lives jerking themselves off and "winning" in shitty blue vs red exervices where the good guy always wins.
>>9716 >Hamas does it long enough to ceasefire. I wonder if there are other backers out of the usual this time. Only because a big thing with the Saud-Zionist normalization was giving the sauds nuclear reactors. I don't think Turkey and Iran are too happy about that (Egypt too fucked to do anything about it) >>9621 >China as Russia's lapdog No, you're thinking of the wrong dynamic. The meeting between the US house/senate leader and the Shanghai party secretary makes me err more towards "US and China gypping the EU/Jews" compared to what I said earlier. Shanghai is a self-administered district (one of four) in China and equivalent to a state, but the real economic power-player in China is Jiangzhe-Canton cliques alliance, wheras military power-player is in Beijing. It's like if Ding Xueliang (Member of the Standing Committee) met the leaders of Texas/California and they decided to nullify US sanctions or something. Think about it, if the jews and arabs go at it again, the EU gets more rapefugees, and all the money in the middle east suddenly goes to ordering weapons instead of banging white whores in Dubai. Russia may or may not be able to fullfill those orders due to the slav slapfight, but China and the US should be able to. Bonus that Sauds don't get nuclear reactor so no radical headchoppers dirty bombing the world with Uranium. >>9620 >Venue I think it was close to a (the) major road in the region and thus more of a "oops got caught in the crossfire" moment.
>>9734 >Mossad let Hamas do their thing Has to be the case. That shit was too goofy and overt for them to not know (and I'm a guy who often pans most things as "security theater"). Right now I'm pretty much waiting for CIA/FBIniggers to let something "slip through the cracks" to function as Pearl Harbor 2. They seem to be pushing the headless babies narrative pretty hard so in keeping with that theme perhaps they'll have "Iran-linked" terror cells do something unoriginal like attack schools or Disney world (Iger would probably welcome the resulting bail out).
>>9718 >with zaluzhny getting domed directly NTA. What happened again?
>>9711 Lo siento, no recuerdo. Nada personale, muchacho
Ahvaz, Iran Miltary buildup
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Israeli air attack on the outskirts of Damascus
US officials are walking back Biden's remarks about seeing "confirmed pictures" of the 40 million beheaded babies, and are now saying Biden actually only meant he had seen the public statements, and had not received photos or any specific confirmation from the Israeli government. Also, while the Israeli PM's office and the IDF both still say it happened, other officials say the government cannot confirm whether any babies were beheaded. Meanwhile, a BBC interview with the relatives of an Israeli hostage included accusations that Hamas had gassed the Jews in at least one village.
>>9737 Damn, the Kikes get to have TWO carries?
>>9749 >Hamas had gassed the Jews in at least one village. That explains how blockaded Gaza still has soap and lampshades. Israel had to turn off the electricity to prevent the electric floor of death. When this is all over the official deathtoll in israel will be 6 million.
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Gaza and West Bank evection orders sent to the Palestinians, Anyone willing to stay will be considered part of HAMAS
>>9755 >they want to commit warcrimes without looking bad.
>>9747 Hope this turn into something more, instead of a good ol' fashion kikes purging muslims in Palestine.
>>9755 So how do you escape when walled in?
>>9750 They have to be prepared in case the first carrier gets USS Liberty'd.
>>9734 I have a finance guy on yidtube insisting it's to do with propping up the us and thus global debt market. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-cU1HFxV08
>>9753 Thots & players. >>9755 This can only end well. I hope the Arabs have arranged for plenty of bandwidth to distribute live the ensuing warcrimes urban engagements.
>>9694 First they cut off their foreskin, and I said nothing, because it is considered to be a pretty normal thing around those parts. Then they circumcised their necks, and suddenly I was deeply concerned.
>Hamas's attack on Israel was as bad as ten 9/11s t. Secretary of State Blinken
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gunfire in Jerusalem
France has now formally banned all pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
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>>9768 France has been saved.
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>>9765 I hope Hezbollah appreciates the target rich environment. >>9768 >be france >import mudslimes to replace whitey >sandniglet dindu nuffin >vibrant diversity sets france on fire >merde alors, you're not meant to riot yet >now wants mudslimes to bow for pissrael I expect the fire will rise again.
>>9755 If it wasn't Israel then I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be legal. >inb4 Russia releases a statement saying the same thing about all the Ukrainians east of the Dnieper
>>9771 You reap what you sow. It has been breathtaking to see how this event just brings together the consequences of so many evil and destructive policies against its very enactors.
>>9772 Didn't they do just that in Mariupol, that anyone staying was presumed to be Azov forces?
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>>9768 Germany promises to crack down at home on support for Hamas On Saturday, a small group handed out pastries in a Berlin street and dozens of people later demonstrated in celebration of the Hamas attack. Scholz said that Germany will issue a formal ban on activity by or in support of Hamas, which is already listed by the European Union as a terror group. He said groups such as Samidoun, which was behind the weekend pastry action, will be banned.
>>9765 They are covering the sea with ships so that the kikes don't get the same retarded idea of the USS Liberty?
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And here we go!
I'm starting to wonder, who is going to win the hearts and minds of the normalfags, the kikes or the muslims?
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>>9778 It's sort of a generational divide. It feels like the only non-jews stIcking with israel are the +60 brachets who think the world never moved on from 2003. While the youth either don't care or are on the side of the arabs (or for whatever the jews are against). My money is on the downtrodden arabs ultimately winning the P.R. war. The israelis will quickly lose all moral highground when images of (((collateral damage))) start flowing in, and they try to explain away civilian casualties with "But muh 40million babies!!". Also, >>9777 the entitlement of the zionists just commanding your support is repellent even to the most cell addicted kid.
Never forget the 60 sluts that died in the love festival.
>>9780 It was terrible, these 600 sluts. Who could even imagine the suffering of these 6000 jewish whores. Never forget the 60000 wayward women goyim!!
>>9780 How are normalfags (both in the West, and the average Jew in Israel) reconciling the hostage narrative with the "fuck collateral damage, raze Gaza to the ground and slaughter every living thing in it" approach Israel is proudly and openly taking? Given the videos coming out of Gaza of the destruction from the bombardments, they could have the most benevolent captors in the world and they still wouldn't have a chance of getting out alive.
>>9783 "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" It probably works better the less you think about it.
>>9778 I'm guessing the Palestinians just because the Jews and the neocons are pushing way too hard on the "Israel is unblemished and perfect and Palestinians are subhumans that have no right to exist" front.
>>9783 It seems the illegitimate Hamas regime wants to fight "to the last Palestinian" :^)
There is no way this isn't fake r-right?
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>>9783 >Normalfags Every leftist and immigrant supports Palestine by default. Thats a big problem for the current propaganda campaign.
>>9755 >kike landlords forcibly evict tenants from ill-gotten real estate They really are all the same no matter where they're located. >your ip range has been banned for spam This is the third site this has happened to me so some fucking asshole uses my VPN. God dammit.
>>9788 The other issue is the death of the the “Israel is our greatest ally and if you don’t support them you’re a terrorist” being replaced with meh folks and the “support Israel since the Jews can all go there to fuck off” types. Congress will still be bribed through.
Is it more likely that Hamas will legitimately attack a western country or Mossad/CIA will commit a false flag attack first? Speaking of that, would Hamas ever condone a terror attack committed against civilians in a foreign territory?
>>9791 Attacking foreign cunts when their enemy is right there beside them launching missiles into every home in their massive prison camp would not benefit them in any way, of course any "Hamas" attack is going to be glownigger horseshit used to drum up support for genocide. Even though "genocide bad 'member the 6 billion?".
>>9787 fucking based if true.
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Oh noes the golem's malfunctioning!
>>9770 >>9729 >You have been propagandized by Western ZOG media. >Now watch me deepthroat Russia's propaganda instead. WEW lad. Russia is doing OK and getting better only relative to the epic shit show that it was at the start. inb4 kiev was a feint >As for Israel, they may have grown complacent over time. And this is exactly what happened with Russia as well, and NATO (esp. EU members) and China too for that matter. we might be living in clown world but at least it's entertaining... right? Old saying is true as ever: no plan survives contact with the enemy.
>>9794 Saying the enemy isn't retarded doesn't make him any less of a zionist cocksucker. I wonder if they regret punting him out in favor of bidup now, pretty sure the only thing that would've gotten orange nigger off his fat ass and actually take some action is something like what is happening now. Maybe pissrael would've had all of the money and equipment from the past two years instead of splitting it with Ukraine. Speaking of which, now that it seems like Ukraine is probably going to be mostly abandoned by the west in favor of kike kingdom what do all the faggots who were saying Ukraine is supposed to be the new Israel have to say now? Was that ackchually not part of the epic all knowing jew plan now?
>>9796 Which presedential candidate isn't a zionist cocksucker?
>>9796 Interestingly, during the same speech, he revealed that Israel pulled out from the Soleimani assassination less than 24 hours before it went ahead, and that he was pretty butthurt with Bibi over it.
>>9732 >Nonsense like Ghost of Kekiv and General Pavel copy-pasted everywhere it's far more than that. There are all these reports of drunk conscripts with mosin-nagants doing human wave attacks, yet there's no footage of this (in the best documented war in human history no less); in fact the front line footage contradicts all these claims. If you've been around to different parts of the internet, you'll see radically different narratives and sets of "facts", especially regarding Ukraine. >>9730 pretty much >>9795 Don't get me wrong, the Russians utilize propaganda too, especially their claim of de-nazifying Ukraine. However, the West goes at least an order of magnitude further. To be fair, Russia was overconfident at the beginning, using blitzkrieg tactics that led to losses when Ukraine didn't instantly crumble, but they shifted to a more cautious strategy, relying on air/artillery power and gradual advance, which has worked much better. >inb4 kiev was a feint it wasn't so much a feint as a pinning maneuver, they were keeping the AFU divided and off-balance while they pursued objectives in the Donbass. As soon as it had fulfilled its purpose, they withdrew just as quickly. Now, for my own inb4: >Kherson It was a pragmatic withdrawal from a city across a river that would've been a liability to hold, unless they were planning an offensive there, which they weren't. >Kharkiv Russia had thin, tripwire defenses there, which is why the AFU offensive seemingly broke out, but it was constrained by geography, according to keikaku. This also allowed Russia to bombard them along the way. >Vuhledar one of those fuck-ups that happen in war, it's because Ukraine used NATO hardware to lay a new set of mines after the first were cleared. Still, Russia pulled out most of their troops & vehicles. Just because it's not a one-sided war in Ukraine's favor, doesn't mean I'm insisting on the exact opposite. Ukraine has put up a valiant fight, to be sure, but they're the ones bleeding losses. I expect the AFU to collapse in 1-2 years, then NATO will have to decide whether to fold or escalate to WWIII (which keeps getting closer anyway). >>9797 I've argued before that Trump is as based as he can be, while still operating within the power structure. He had to bend the knee to Jews in order to play the game.
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>>9800 Each bomb that dropped there is a bomb they won't be using on an actually valuable target.
>>9797 the poo https://freebeacon.com/national-security/ramaswamy-says-gop-selective-moral-outrage-on-israel-driven-by-money-lobbying-groups/ >"The selective nature of ignoring certain other conflicts—even more importantly, ignoring the interests of the U.S. right here at home—is what irritates the heck out of me," >"It is shameful. And I think that there are, frankly, financial and corrupting influences that lead them exactly to speak the way they do, that's just the hard truth," he added.
>>9797 None, and I wasn't trying to imply otherwise.
>>9796 >saying Ukraine is supposed to be the new Israel have to say now? I say the course hasn't changed. There's still ukrainians to remove. When the missiles stop flying and the Larry Finks move in, then you'll know. They'll probably have African migrants clearing UXO if they run out of ukrainians to clean up, lol.
>>9804 I still have yet to see any kind of explanation for this that wasn't either entirely conjecture or outright retarded.
>>9799 >it wasn't so much a feint as a pinning maneuver Ah, a strategic feint? No, Russia's plan really was to roll into Kiev remove the government and mop up any resistance. The armed forces prepared for a prolonged training exercise, not a war. This especially reflected in their retarded logistics in the opening weeks. Special Military Operation isn't just tongue in cheek, it's really reflects how it was teed up internally, Russia's domestic audience wouldn't have bought it two years ago. To their credit Russia did unfuck themselves eventually and are waging an actual if undeclared war now, meanwhile NATO analysts also missed the mark by waiting around for sanctions to lead to Russia's economic and military (and Putin's) collapse. In general I agree regarding Kharkiv/Kherson/Vuhledar but it was a completely different mindset driving those decisions than those of the initial days/weeks. Source: Trust me bro, I made it all up. Regarding the present tussle in the desert we're seeing unfold, hard to say who exactly is jewing who as of now but I think it does provide a convenient "off ramp" for US here, greatest ally and all. I think US wouldn't hesitate to even spice it up a little, if needed, to justify a further shift away from Ukraine.
>>9778 >>9779 I notice allot less people defending the yids on the chans than in 2006, the bulk of it back then was from cuckservatives with JIDF astroturfing if i recall. Right now it seems to be entirely JIDF. The abrupt sudden switch of propaganda to commit genocide on Palestinians is probably confusing allot of the younger far left normies as it did in the past since the stock of normies today is far less influenced by Christian zionism. Allot more people will become disillusioned and malleable to new views in the short future.
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>>9771 For this one instance i will not oppose or get in the way leftist protesters. Why the should i care about israel? Israel does jack shit to stop refugees, its better to close the border to shitskins while ending all the billions in aid to israel as the lefties demand.
>>9802 >says the needful >doesn't name (((them))) So close, yet so far. >>9803 >None Democracy, fuck yeah! >>9805 >either entirely conjecture or outright retarded. No need to settle for just one, you can have both!
>>9806 For the first 6 months, Russia prosecuted the war in a very limited manner, using only about 100k troops and sparing Ukrainian infrastructure. Only after the 6 month mark did they start mobilizing (not conscripting) and hitting harder with missile strikes. This was done to keep the Russian people on board, since at first they did not want an aggressive war against their Ukrainian cousins, but then they became much more galvanized after the West declared a fag crusade against their entire country. >sanctions NATO used a two-pronged strategy, military aid combined with a wall of sanctions. The idea was to make life difficult at the front, while undercutting their war economy at the same time. It was a perfectly sound strategy, but Putin's Russia is simply too stronk; now the Russians are gaining valuable experience with NATO tech/tactics, and pivoting to China/Iran/India while expanding alternate trade networks. Given the mess NATO is in, it makes sense to use Israel as an off-ramp, but that's an even more volatile situation. It's honestly hilarious watching their propaganda & gayops colliding over this. All the screeching over "ruzzian war crimes" only to turn around and do mental acrobatics for Israeli atrocities against Palestinians; letting in a flood of orc invaders, only for them to turn against your vested interests. The puppetmasters and NPC programmers are really starting to lose control of the narrative and its tangled threads, and I expect many more keks to come.
Mainstream media is confirming >>9755. Israel has given the 1.1 million people in the northern part of Gaza 24 hours to leave. The "or what" was not stated in MSM reports but presumably the ground offensive begins at that deadline. >>9810 Speaking of war crimes, HRW just accused Israel of using airburst white phosphorus munitions against both Gaza and Lebanon.
>>9802 He took Soros money and being a Republican he couldn't go very far without making war.
>>9807 There are far more Western glowniggers -- particularly all stripes of illegal 3-letters from Burgerland -- than there was back then. The US bureacracy is far more slow-moving to appreciate the importance of the actual network they themselves built, than Mossad was.
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>>9809 >doesn't name (((them))) Except he does. He explicitly calls out the Jewish lobby in the full-length episode. You just have the attention span of a goldfish. https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1711496189323952185 >>9812 Vivek has commented on superPACs in the past, but in regards to Soros, that was from back when he was still primarily a BioTech CEO. He's since come out against Soros in several casual-setting live interviews and has made it fairly clear that the whole thing is being used by boomer news outlets like Faux to attack him. Trump is obviously the better choice, but Vivek is a legit populist.
>>9787 I'm more interested in that shell they got from that wreckage. Is that some random ww2 destroyer, or what?
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>>9688 >USA being the passive hand in the "giving Israel some armament" post It's the small details >>9737 >what about non-state actors Now we will see if ISIS meant Israeli Secret Intelligence Services or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. >>9745 Got shrapnel in the head after something went boom near him, underwent a major surgery and is now recovering in unknown health conditions. Russia claimed he got clapped hard but Ukraine obviously said it was fake news but truth be told he disappeared from the spotlight since the former claimed such thing. Western media says his now low profile is due to the differences between him and the jew clown so if they really have to admit that it means the poor fella is not walking a lot nowadays and eating soup everyday. >>9748 >Israeli air attack on the outskirts of Damascus They bomb Damascus every month, particularly the airport. I hope Syria does something... Aaand >>9752 there it is, and >>9753 there we go >>9783 How are normalfags reconciling the hostage narrative with the "fuck collateral damage, raze it to the ground and slaughter every living thing in it" approach Same way as Waco: They don't think about it. In other trivial news everyone in town is vastly more radicalized against jews than one year ago which was already somewhat widespread in the computer-minded population and some oldfags because our vocal catholic priests do not like jews very much due to "recent" historical reasons but now even taco vendors openly say jews should swim away to another land that wants them and some days ago people, kids included, posed a lot in front of a Volkswagen with Hitler as passenger and a NatSoc flag at a car show, proving to be a main event car lol. Because the analogy between colonists and natives has been used, perhaps accidentally, i think many latin americans side with palestinians by default even when many do not like muslims, then again there's plenty of christian palestinian immigrants in several countries around here so there's a precedent in seeing them kinda like we see the lebanese aka Christian Arabs. tl;dr Israel probably already lost the PR war in non-anglo America.
>>9818 >due to "recent" historical reasons Fucking everywhere they go it is the same story.
Why does the IDF need to do a ground invasion? Why can't they just cut off Gaza and shell/bomb it heavily?
>>9820 I'm assuming they want to be very thorough. You can kill a lot of people with bombs but you can't kill everyone. If you could, America would have "won" Afghanistan. Another reason they might be doing this fear tactics. Having the IDF enter Gaza and execute Palestinians might be useful to spread terror among the people of Gaza. Perhaps it's not even for the purpose of winning a battle in the conventional sense of the word but instead sending a message.
>>9821 I really hope they get torn apart advancing into the miles of bombed out city.
>>9822 I hope those Iranian drones will make a guest appearance and destroy a few F-35s on the ground.
>>9822 >bombed out city Do you think the ground invasion of Gaza will be like the battle of Berlin? >>9823 If Iran gets involved, that might actually lead to WW3.
>>9820 >Why does the IDF need to do a ground invasion? You can't widely abduct people to harvest their organs with only air forces yet publicly
>>9768 Hungary too, because baste Orbán is baste.
>>9820 >>9824 >Why a ground invasion? Isn't it because Hamas forces (((allegedly))) operate in a massive underground complex that connects all the way to Egipt?
I can see it already: >first they will say that there is no palestinian genocide >then they will switch to it being justified self defense >then they will say that it really was palestinians genociding jews and after Gaza does not exist anymore: >there were never any Palestinians here this land has been jewish forever. I want to see how the west will try to retain moral high ground while taking part in genocide filmed in 4k full ultra hd
The ammount of shuffling of narratives going on live before our eyes is astonishing. "Netanyahu Says Muslim Leader Convinced Hitler To Kill Jewish People" https://www.huffpost.com/entry/netanyahu-holocaust-muslims_n_56276ea5e4b02f6a900ea795
>>9829 >hitler didn't do nuffin >from a kike
>>9830 He just needed mo' Mefo bills for dem rearmament programs.
>>9831 Imagine if they turn into "Hitler was the good guy. Stern supported him. The holocaust doesn't matter!"
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Apparently this was posted by some leftist organization.
>>9833 More specifically it was posted by BLM.
>>9833 >not painting the chute One job.
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HAMAS claimed they've shot down Isreali Shekel-16 with MANPADS
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HAMAS gained some Jewish Settlements in west bank , fighting in Jenin
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SAFED, northern district
>>9837 I hope the shooting will start up in earnest at Jerusalem. Although it would have been much more amusing if they managed to link up Gaza and the West Bank, and then started a roller coast southward.
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1) Eyal checkpoint 2) How some people escaped the music festival. 3-4) IDF says border fence with Lebanon damaged after explosion
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Have they started the fire?
A Chechen went headchopping in France. Pretty funny how the media suddenly has no qualms about making the "Allahu Akbar" one of the first things they report. A month ago they'd have waited to report it was Islam, and sometimes even made vague reference to it being "right wing extremism" without specifying it's the Islamic right, and probably emphasized the Russian origin too. But this time, the news reported an Islamic motive about as fast as they'd report a white supremacist one.
>>9842 > the news reported an Islamic motive about as fast as they'd report a white supremacist one. You know the normalfags will probably notice such an overt change that perhaps they might see the jews are sweating bullets right now. Also Putin has officially disavowed Israel's offensive by saying it's just like Germany in Leningrad and that munching 2 million Palestine is unacceptable, almost borderline "it's a genocide". Israel has officially shot a civilian protest with over 100+ injured due to live ammo and hospitals along with schools have been classified as depots so all cards are out with the elimination of the natives. America's role has been vindicated as past leaders like Saddam or Gaddafi would've already moved into this mess by now. Jews will have a field decade trying to clean and scrub all this conflict's data
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=NtUvodNbRW8 >Blinken visits Bibi, says Israel will exists as long as there is America, and points out that he too is one of the chosen >and yet even he says that Hamas is not equivalent with Palestine, and they should stop the bombings >the president of Iran was about to meet with Assad, but the airport of Damascus was bombed while he was en route, so his plane had to turn back >Poutine says East Jerusalem should be the capital of Palestine, so he at least gives lip support to one side >rockets fly, bombs fall, the usual business >IDF says they have blockaded Gaza, yet Hamas keeps sending raiders to Israeli cities, although these are much smaller than what they had during the first day >IDF wants 1 million people to go from the north of Gaza to the south, which is pretty unrealistic >Dima thinks they want to find the final solution to the Palestinian question before Moslem countries form a coalition against them >he also repeats his claim that Musselmen already warned everyone that they will not tolerate a ground operation against Gaza, but gives no sources
>>9816 >they wore israeli uniforms and learned hebrew to penetrate the bases before attacking. Well damn. This really was a well organized assault.
>>9844 >>IDF says they have blockaded Gaza, yet Hamas keeps sending raiders to Israeli cities, although these are much smaller than what they had during the first day >>IDF wants 1 million people to go from the north of Gaza to the south, which is pretty unrealistic The important part of the blockade isn't Hamas. Minor Hamas attacks are beneficial to keeping anger stoked. The blockade is to stop Palestinians escaping. It's the same reason they're forcing the Egyptian border crossing to stay closed with missile strikes, and the same reason they are, at the same time as the border closures, demanding a mass exodus that everyone knows is impossible.
>>9845 That's no new shit. It's a well known Hamas and lone wolf Palestinian fighter tactic.
>>9847 Also corporate VPN gives me the Israeli flag. t. not affiliated with them. please IDF no partyvan
>>9847 I don't recall the last time a group that small completely took over an IDF military base. Do you? I wasn't commenting on that only tactic, but everything combined. The tunnels, the destruction of communication equipment, the barricades. The drones and rockets as a smoke screen, and a 2nd wave as an actual threat for the ground forces. The entire operation is impressive. Requires extensive communication and planning. And the fact they kept the entire thing out of the eyes of jew intelligence is pretty impressive. This attack is definitely not typical for hamas.
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>>9843 >Also Putin has officially disavowed Israel's offensive by saying it's just like Germany in Leningrad and that munching 2 million Palestine is unacceptable, almost borderline "it's a genocide". >Israel has officially shot a civilian protest with over 100+ injured due to live ammo and hospitals along with schools have been classified as depots so all cards are out with the elimination of the natives. Oh SHIT! Links?
>>9850 >hamas vid I have to admit they use a very catchy tune.
>>9849 >The entire operation is impressive. Requires extensive communication and planning. And the fact they kept the entire thing out of the eyes of jew intelligence is pretty impressive. Yes, can't disagree with you on the overall situation.
>>9699 >These enemies of Christendom can kill each other to the last for all I care. Atleast kikes and mudslimes are putting up a good fight what are you christcucks doing? too busy with Blacked.com i assume?
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>>9854 >what are you christcucks doing? Fighting a holy war against the demonically possessed that will decide the fate of the earth for the next 20-150 years.
>>9856 >Fighting a holy war against the demonically possessed that will decide the fate of the earth for the next 20-150 years. Legit schizo. https://www.ladbible.com/news/christian-onlyfans-model-god-wants-keep-going-until-70s-20220526 Christian OnlyFans Model Says God Wants Her To Keep Making Content Until She’s In Her 70s
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>>9857 >Legit schizo Don't you have a banana to shove up your asshole? The death of America and birth of a multipolar world under Russia will spell the resurgence of religion, especially Christianity. China is dead in the water and the masses will need Christ when they are weak and realize their sins, not some LARPagan religion or heresy that turns their very, admittedly distorted over the years, concepts of justice (rooted in Christianity) on its head.
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“We targeted the sites of Al-Abad, Misqaf Aam, Ramiyah, and Jal Al-Alam with direct and appropriate weapons and achieving accurate hits.” t. Hezbollah I see no Hezbollah flag so I will use this
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US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was seen with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi at the military's underground command center.
>>9841 You can see in the 4th video that the fire rises: >>9850
>tell civilians to flee south >bomb them when they flee south Gee kikes it really is a mystery why everyone fucking hates you.
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>>9858 >Christfag >____ up your asshole Like clockwork.
>>9864 Thanks for telling everyone your age, zoomer.
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>"Israeli President Says There Are No Innocent Civilians In Gaza" They're not even trying at this point. To think of the people who has tried for decades to cut through the gaslighting and open people's eyes to what the jew really thinks, and then they just come out and straight up say it themselves.
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Unhinged kike Benocide Shapiro did a video in which he threatens the Arab world with nukes. Some are calling it the Sampson Option. If such a thing were to occur what would the ZOGs in nuclear powers like Britain and France do? >nothing? >try to blame ruzzia? >join in? If the zionists actually did try to take the world with them would the ZOGs >retaliate as per MAD? >nuke their own cities?
>>9867 Ultimately these people are cowards. So none of the above is likely to happen. Probably they'll just get a phonecall from Vlad telling them not to fuck around (Iran and Syria are his allies afterall), so the leadership will simply grab all the money they can get their hands on and just slither back to Europe, likely leaving the lesser chosen behind so they may become the Second Holocaust™ and spend the next 70 years grifting off that. At the end of the day, you can't make money when you (or your golems) are dead, so suicidal plans like that are out of the question.
>>9863 The dog looks more fake than the charred mess.
>>9863 >ai'd the rest I'm surprised this hasn't been more wide spread in the Ukraine conflict unless it has been and largely passed the test unnoticed? >>9865 >damage control
>>9863 The dog picture was a fake too from what I've read. It was made to show how easy it is to fake an image like that.
>>9870 Why would they be using passable AI for Ukraine and then use shittier pics for Israel? That's stupid.
Going back to the initial attack in the settlements, there's something I've been wondering: >Be jew >Go live in settlement 1 mile away from Gaza. >The only thing between Hamas and you is a fence. >"Oy vey what could possibly go wrong?" >Suddendly the bad people show up and proceed to kill everyone in sight. >Oy vey! This is Imposiburu! >Run and hide in bunker until army shows up. I mean, Israel allows its citizens set up shop right next to the people who wants them dead, and there's no contingency plan if Hamas ever got to the settlements? Did none of this people had training and protocols in case of an emergency like this to at least stall the enemy until backup arrived??? Are they this retarded/arrogant or were the settlers meant to be invasion triggers?
>>9873 >Israel allows its citizens set up shop right next to the people who wants them dead Yeah weird, it's almost as if they actually want settlers to get attacked so that they have an excuse to genocide more of the natives
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>>9873 >Are they this retarded/arrogant
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>>9866 You know, my antisemitism cooled down quite the bit in the last half-a-decade or so. I was still holding the opinion that jews are parasites that should be barred from holding any power in society, but ultimately their numbers were constantly dwindling anyway due to low birth rates and younger ones leaving behind their culture. But these last few days they managed to reignite the old flame, and now I want to see this filth purged from the face of this planet once more.
>>9870 >I'm surprised this hasn't been more wide spread in the Ukraine conflict unless it has been and largely passed the test unnoticed? My theory is that a part of photos of destroyed tanks is just that, on real, easy to geolocate background.
>Both factions are lead by people with obvious genocidal intent. >The Arab leadership know that their people are too few in number to do this themselves, thus requiring the intervention of other Arabs to attain this win condition. >The Jewish leadership intends to slowly take the Gaza strip piece by piece either by killing its inhabitants or forcing them to move away. Aka: "slow genocide". My cynicism tells me that the Jews will attain their win-condition. What do you guys think? I'm quite demoralized on this issue.
How long before the masses realise that western politicians are freaking out x1000 times more about this little attack in Israel than the actual, 1st in 70 years serious war that has been going on in Ukraine? Personally, I don't think they'll notice at all.
>>9873 >Are they this retarded/arrogant or were the settlers meant to be invasion triggers? Both. Jews are the most arrogant people on the planet to the point of delusion, and they're perfectly willing to have lesser kikes offed as an excuse to commit atrocities. Though they haven't even needed an excuse for awhile now they frequently go out and harass Palestinians for the hell of it. There's a reason they've been kicked out of over 100 nations/empires over the past millennium, sooner or later this behavior catches up to them and they repeat the cycle because they're smart enough to subvert and destroy things but apparently not smart enough to learn lesson.
>>9878 My opinion is stay sads joos win 4evew and evew :^{
>>9878 >Jews will attain their win-condition. I think in part they will, but this will trigger neighbours intervention that will result in a lot more dead jews and probably the dissolution of Israel. So in short I think both sides elminate each other.
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Hezbollah attacking Kafr Shuba hills and Shebaa Farms,
>>9882 it all depends on whether the rest of the Islamic world declares jihad and invades Israel over this.
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>>9836 allegedly this was the result
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>>9885 That's a heli not a f-16, and apparently it's from a much earlier engagement.
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Somehow the clips from this conflict are absolutly shit tier.
>>9878 The kikes have been winning in Palestine for 70 years, I doubt they will lose all their gains. >>9889 Yeah, there is barely anything.
>>9877 >My theory is that a part of photos of destroyed tanks is just that, on real, easy to geolocate background. Definitely some of that has been going on, but that's just 'ole copy/paste photoshop tricks, and they've both been caught multiple times. most recently a destroyed M1 that turned out to be from an Iraq photo I was talking about generative AI to make up scenes wholesale, obvious benefits are that they can't be geolocated or reverse-image searched or recognized by someone. Another popular ruse by hohols was to 1) find disabled/abandoned vehicle 2) take photos from multiple angles 3) blow up or set fire to vehicle 4) take photos from multiple angles 5) take photos from multiple angles of burned out frame.
>>9890 >Yeah, there is barely anything. The quantity is satisfactory, quality is rather shit.
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>>9878 Jews will win until they don't. Will this be the time they lose? Seems like their best attempt yet and seems to be great timing, so i hope they do. Dont confuse palestinian arabs with being like a seperate sect that requires intervention of "other" arabs. They're muslim arabs. They are not in short supply and combined are much more numerous and more powerful than israel. This is why Israel requires help from EU and USA. Removing the few arabs from palestine will not be a final victory for israel because israel wants to expand across the entire middle east and ukraine. And removing the few arabs from palestine will not be a final loss for the arabs because the goal of those arabs is to eradicate jews from palestine. As "anti semetism" expands in the USA and the EU, as well as arabs becoming more and more enraged at the jews, i can't see this charade going on forever. I think the jews understand this which is why they are trying to replace the USA with China, but it doesnt seem to be working quite as well. The EU i think they take for granted because of the holocaust. Either way i hope the jews get exterminated. Every. Last. One.
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The ground operation is said to start tonight. It's going to be awesome.
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>>9894 I wish them the best of luck.
>>9876 A lot of people are seeing what's going on and questioning why a regional conflict thousands of miles away has their "democratic" governments foaming at the mouth with genocidal zeal. Opinions and memes we could only share on 8/pol/ are now disseminated on Twitter. Even the 'woke' golem is turning on its master and calling out zionism. The vibrant diversity in the west is vocal in its support of Palestine and smart enough to couch it in terms of resisting genocide. Their voices influence the indigenous people they were sent to replace. Only the moribund boomers believe the chosen people hasbara while they live in luxury. For others, seeing their economies tank and their futures increasingly precarious, trust in government is low so they are receptive to alternative thinking. The zionist shills in government and media are rabid, shrieking lunatics calling for mass slaughter in Gaza and for similar things to befall anyone who disagrees with them. The Palestinian side (not Hamas) looks reasonable (please stop killing us) and people notice the difference. The kikes' hubris is catching up with them. >antisemitism Arabs are Semites including the Palestinians. If you also hate arabs that's fair enough but do not let the kikes' neuro-linguistic programming deceive you into conflating ME natives with Khazarian colonizers. >>9878 The niggerpill is also hasbara. The world has changed since the Bush wars. Unipolarity is collapsing. Russia is back, Iran is stronger than ever (thanks, Obama). The USA is held in contempt everywhere outside its empire due to its promotion of perversion. Things are not as certain as they were twenty years ago. The zionists' arrogance in trying to zergrush the genocide of Palestinians is more likely to trigger a united arab response than anything since 1948. I can't say who would win if things get tasty. The only thing you can be sure of is that the price of oil will double.
>>9894 So they are making their own tandem warhead HEAT grenades for the RPG-7, and they have GLA levels of tunneling. I just hope these work as well as advertised in the second video.
Iran has allegedly sent a warning message to Israel through the UN saying that Iran will have to intervene if the IDF launches a ground operation in Gaza. Unofficial source, so the validity of the news is unknown.
>>9889 I like the first one in >>9596
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>>9901 Thanks strelok, that helps fill in a small part of the gaps. There seemed small chance that the Paragliders for Change could have so easily managed the Kike Burning Man crowd so easily. Motorbikes helped out a lot.
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Kikes increasingly BTFO in the north.
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>Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) also announces to send volunteers to fight in Gaza against Israel if given safe passage. >"We are ready to do Jihad in Gaza, i’ll send my own sons and we’ll manage everything through our own finances, just open the borders and allow us to be there." - says senior party leader Zaheer ul Hasan. https://t.me/BellumActaNews/106395
>>9904 Damn, this new season has some really promising shows.
>>9904 >just open the borders and allow us to be there Is there a route through Europe?
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>In Qatar, Iran's Foreign Minister meets with Hamas leader. Alright, time to consider dumping my savings and investing in oil industry.
Any one who Supports the terrorist state of palishit is an agent of Satan and deserves to be partyvanned, All fit white men must be sent to fight against the Demonic mudslime terror and sacrifice our lives for the only True Democracy in the Middle East. Fight For Christ and Christendom, Democracy and the LGBT and most importantly the freedom for our Women.
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>>9903 >Pearl Harbour attack-scene music
>>9896 >orc invaders turning against their vested interests >screeching about imaginary "ruzzian war crimes" only to turn 180° on a dime and cheerlead actual Israeli atrocities >NPCs torn between supporting the current thing vs the cute oppressed brown people yes, hubris is always punished, and their narrative threads are coming unwound in real time. I expect more keks to come. >The zionists' arrogance in trying to zergrush the genocide of Palestinians is more likely to trigger a united arab response than anything since 1948. I can't say who would win if things get tasty. The only thing you can be sure of is that the price of oil will double. That's what I've been saying, it all hinges on whether they go all in on jihad. I think they would have a real chance of winning, especially since the technology gap has narrowed, which was Israel's main advantage thus far. Already we've seen the impacts of integrated drone warfare, a field which GAE has neglected. >>9907 >memri tv this is a backfired Israeli psy-op. It was supposed to portray the Arabs as unhinged extremists, instead it made them endearing af.
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>>9909 >Fight For Christ and Christendom Have Amerilard "christians" ever actually read any Christian text ever? Here, let me give you just 1 taste of what Christians thought of the jews: >The Jews sacrifice their children to Satan… They are worse than wild beasts. The synagogue is a brothel, a den of scoundrels, the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults, a criminal assembly of Jews, a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, a gulf and abyss of perdition…> The synagogue is a curse. Obstinate in her error, she refuses to see or hear; she has deliberately perverted her judgment; she has extinguished within herself the light of the Holy Spirit… >[The Jews] have fallen into a condition lower than the vilest animals. Debauchery and drunkenness have brought them to the level of the lusty goat and the pig. They know only one thing: to satisfy their stomachs, to get drunk, to kill and beat each other up like stage villains and coachmen… >I hate the Jews because they violate the Law. I hate the Synagogue because it hates the Law and the Prophets. It is the duty of all Christians to hate the Jews.” With love, by John Chrysostom (meaning literally the one with a golden-mouth), one of the greatest archbishops of Constantinople.
>>9913 That post is clearly just baiting or trolling or what is the currently fashionable term for this.
>>9915 I didn't mean it as a reply to that anon, but more to the pacifist, jew-supporting SHITE that has plagued this religion in modern times.
>>9913 >Have Amerilard "christians" ever actually read any Christian text ever? They haven't even read the Bible. I'm a fucking fedora and even I can tell that much. >Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. [...] You are severed from Christ, [...] you have fallen away from grace. Galatians 5:2–4.
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Footage of Israeli airstrikes on Aleppo Airport in Syria.
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>>9882 >>9884 >but this will trigger neighbours intervention that will result in a lot more dead jews and probably the dissolution of Israel. >the rest of the Islamic world declares jihad and invades Israel over this. Will the other Arabs be able to scrounge up enough political support to even start a jihad if the Israeli government plays the "do it slow" game well enough? >>9896 >The zionists' arrogance in trying to zergrush the genocide of Palestinians >trying to zergrush the genocide of Palestinians The Israeli soldiers clearly want this, but is that the Israeli leadership's actual goal? Do you really think the Zionist leadership are going to commit the mistake of committing their genocide plan too quickly? It seems to me that you might be underestimating the Jewish government's capability for patience. >>9890 >The kikes have been winning in Palestine for 70 years Is this because the Arabs are just to stupid to fight every front of this war (physical, political, memetic, logistical, ect) effectively? >>9893 >Arabs are not in short supply and combined are much more numerous and more powerful than israel. >And removing arabs from palestine will not be a final loss for the arabs because their goal is to eradicate jews from palestine. Oh, I didn't even consider the possibility that arabs getting kicked out of Palestine wouldn't necessarily be a loose-condtion for all arabs. Thank you!
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1)Armed clashes in Nablus 2) flood has engulfed some streets of Tel Aviv.
Haven't read the last day of posts but got local info that the few yids in town cancelled all their upcoming events like coffee meetings and assorted money laundering schemes like food collecting for ape immigrants. This is quite puzzling taking into consideration we don't have a considerable/vocal population of jews nor muslims and the few actual christians are anabaptist-tier in terms of pacifism so the local nose knows for sure something we don't know that they have to bunker down despite being the middle of nowhere here without any actual threats but people who harass them with South Park jokes. That or they take the jewish gazette very seriously.
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>>9921 >Israel may succeed if going at it slow. Yeah, because prolonged operations in urban sprawl always work out so well... But regardless, morale in the israeli side will tank if they don't start piling up dead Hamas bodies within the next week. They got a black eye, an unpopular leader and a failing propaganda operation that has the world turning against them, they have every incentive in the universe to get a win as fast as possible.
>>9916 >Attaching pacifism to jew-loving Fuck off. Protestants are jew-lovers but they are most certainly not pacifists following Christ's message of martyrdom. Protestants love nothing more than to go to war for stupid reasons.
>>9914 That's incredibly moderate of Iran. They're not saying they'll join the fight, they're saying if Israel doesn't cut the shit there will be a chain reaction. That's Iran saying they want peace in the middle east.
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>>9927 >They're not saying they'll join the fight Seems like they are saying it privately.
>>9753 I likewise am inclined to categorize invocations of International Humanitarian Law under «the Press Release Office was obligated to emit some noise, no matter how little sense it makes under the circumstances or at all». >>9754 < our new pronoun dog tags. A-ahaha. >>9758 As an old joke goes, that is another question. >>9768 >>9775 >>9826 So, no mistake: the chorus switched to a new song. Interesting. A sharp turn to the entire new Narrative or the circus bosses simply want to disavow and purge the most unruly puppets (plus a traditional distraction)? >>9776 Hmm. Maybe. Double-dealing in the peace process is more obvious, after those strange dances with ISIS etc. While NATO seems on the decline. Both teams will be more tempted to cheat. >>9799 > all these reports of drunk conscripts with mosin-nagants doing human wave attacks, yet there's no footage of this Yes. At least those cases were less low-effort. Someone bothered to find a photo of a fat retired Russian officer in uniform, even if anyone who also bothered quickly found out he is not a General, not of Army, not in Moscow, not Pavel, and not un-retired. I mean, some retards slap together a stupid fake all the time. What matters is that now this crap is among the best, while the average level is rubber-stamped trash, even in unofficially official press, never mind adjacent parrots.
>>9920 >get houses marked in 1930s for being shitty cunts to everyone >oy vey destroy da jurrrrrminnnnnns >decades later you've flooded yurup with pisslam followers >get your houses marked in the 2020s for being shitty cunts to everyone >most likely by the brown pisslams that you imported If there isn't a god then the universe itself has a great sense of humor.
>>9921 >the "do it slow" game well enough? > Do you really think the Zionist leadership are going to commit the mistake of committing their genocide plan too quickly? It seems to me that you might be underestimating the Jewish government's capability for patience. You seem to be unaware of the demographic crisis in occupied Palestine. The Arabs have something like two to three times the birth rate of the kikes, whose birthrates are about as low as they are in the west which is already abysmal. Play the slow game and get swamped by Arab children, play the quick game and commit an undeniable act of genocide in front of the whole planet. Maybe they'll still come out the other end of this but it won't be unscathed, and considering the waning support and general governmental stability in the USA (courtesy of their own zionist meddling btw), they may not even have any allies that are worth a shit afterwards in which case they'll be fucked both logistically and politically.
>+6 million Palestinians facing genocide >Hezbollah threatening to escalate even further if Gaza is invaded >Iran and its militias in Syria and Iraq >Syria being attacked >Protests in Jordan >Houthis to fire missiles and drones if the US intervenes >Talichads wanting to join the Jihad >Massive protests in favor of Palestine throughout the muslim world and Europe >Those pakis from a few posts ago willing to fund Hamas and fight >Tunisian uni calling for a jihad against Israel >Support from Russia and China >Anti-zionist jews VS <7 million jews counting women, children, the elderly and haredi wimps <Billions worth of military equipment gone to Ukraine <SJW-troon-dragqueen-faggotaids-xe/xir-niggerlicious-femalesoldiers-interraciallesbianrecruitmentad-antiwhite-vaccinated-iwanttoundestandwhiterage-millenial-zoomer US military with serious recruitment problems <A demoralized and impoverished American population, sick of foreign wars and hostile to its goverment <Cucksevatives and pajeets on xitter
>>9932 ><SJW-troon-dragqueen-faggotaids-xe/xir-niggerlicious-femalesoldiers-interraciallesbianrecruitmentad-antiwhite-vaccinated-iwanttoundestandwhiterage-millenial-zoomer US military with serious recruitment problems Those whom God wishes to destroy he first makes mad.
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>>9920 >star of rephan marked in berlin I would kek heartily if this were true but I suspect it's just another 'whatcha doin, rabbi?' hasbara moment.
>>9935 If it was in the US I'd agree, but there I wouldn't be so sure, there's a lot of muslims in German cities that openly hate kikes and do not care about negative PR.
>>9933 Mad as in crazy or mad as in angry?
>>9901 >>9902 Slightly longer video, without news stuff
>>9938 (no Indians were harmed during the making of this video)
>>9937 As in crazy.
>>9939 Of course not, they don't use toilets.
>>9931 >demographic crisis Not to mention that forcing its entire population to take Pfizer's sterilizing gene-altering injection didn't help with that problem either. Yet another example of the jews doing themselves in. As it is Written: "He who digs a pit for his neighbor shall fall into it, And he who rolls a stone rolls it upon himself." (Prv. 26, 28)
>>9942 Damn time-travelling vaccines, causing a decades-long trend of decreasing fertility around the world despite only being developed and administered within the past three years.
>>9943 >The vaxx have caused a decades-long trend of decreasing fertility around the world. My post didn't say nor imply that, fuck off with your low effort strawmen farmanigger.
>>9933 Come up with your own line faggot It isn't even contextually coherent. >>9937 lit. mad as in 'demented'
>>9944 >My post didn't say nor imply that <In 82 countries, the fertility rate has dropped below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman. ObGyn specialist Dr James Thorp blames the COVID-19 vaccines. Learn to read, schizo.
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>>9946 The headline doesn't mention any "decade old trend" nor its relation to the vaxx. Try harder for your corporate masters nigger. Also: >Leaf defending the vax. Who else coulda been???
>>9947 >defending the vax. Point out blatant nonsense isn't "defending" anything. >The headline doesn't mention any "decade old trend" nor its relation to the vaxx >In 82 countries, the fertility rate has dropped below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman. This is a decades-old trend. >ObGyn specialist Dr James Thorp blames the COVID-19 vaccines. This is an allegation that that trend is related to the vaccine. There's no way you're not just pretending to be retarded. Last (You); no sense letting you keep shitting up the thread with your efforts to distract from the real topic.
>>9851 >Links? I haven't achieved something for so long that i forgot, fancy a screenshot from the article at Reuters? it was a speech so perhaps there's also video somewhere. >>9866 New video that will be reposted for years to come
>>9924 You have to do your part, purge those kikes, anónimo.
>>9944 >>9946 >>9947 >>9948 for fucks sake Not even normalniggers care about covid hysteria anymore fuck off with this.
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>>9934 This teasing should be illegal. >>9923 The kikes wouldn't dare to sink a carrier, right?
>>9952 How would they manage that? How would they manage that and convincingly blame one of their neighbors for it?
>>9913 So why did christian kings keep court jews for so long, giving them not only the benefit of taking care of the finances but allowing them to exercise political power and accumulate knowledge that was often forbidden to christians, such as occultism (almost all medieval grimoires were written by rabbis but the knowledge was of Greek/Egyptian/Arab origin)? Why then did the "based" church never even try to exterminate these demons? They ended up protecting the jews during the peasant pogroms rather than helping to continue them, placing the rats in protected ghettos and allowing them a stable base from which to continue their antics, sometimes forcing them to convertion, a situation which created the whole phenomenon of crypto-kikes.
>>9924 How influential are the jews in Mexico?
>>9953 Don't know, maybe the carrier is full of kikes and muslims, the kikes blow up the carrier and blame the muslims, with the help of the niggers that glow in the dark. >>9955 It is so bad, that a candiate for the presidency is a womyn kike as far as I know.
>>9954 Because the higher up christian nobility and church weren't diffrent from nowadays "nobility" and "church" and as a catholic I despise the pope. He's not a even a pope but a faggot loving loser. Despite the fact that jews despite christainity to it's core. But we should be fine with jews, but because jesus was a jew (and likely doesn't have anything to do with them and the modern jews might be the synagogue of satan he was talking about or in other words kikes are "pretender semites" but jews hated him back them so who knows)
>>9930 >the universe itself has a great sense of humor Or simply clowns doing clown things. >>9932 >impoverished American population That's the key, it makes the military option seem all the more appealing.
>>9938 This just feels like it ought be a war crime.
>>9949 >New video that will be reposted for years to come Video? What video? There is no video. Cease this antisemitic fake news propaganda. |>
>>9959 The whole attack was a war crime. It was a music festival, a purely civilian target. I don't think anyone has disputed that the original Hamas offensive included war crimes; the difference in treatment between Hamas's war crimes and Israel's war crimes is what has led to the "antisemitic" backlash.>>9959
>>9961 Can you call it a war crime if they're not an army? It's civilians rebelling against their own oppressive government. IDF forces were at the concert. They were just overwhelmed.
>>9954 >So why did christian kings keep court jews for so long What >>9957 said, and it's always convenient to have someone to do the dirty work. >>9961 >It was a music festival, a purely civilian target. I mean violating sanctity of the loo in this manner is haram. Once the door flings open it's fair game.
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>>9962 >Can you call it a war crime if they're not an army? Reminds me of Star Trek's classic "how could there be war crimes when there hasn't been a war?" between the Cardassians and the BaJewrans.
>>9964 Israel has formally declared war. In Russia/Ukraine however as far as I can tell neither one has officially declared a war up till now (not that it would make any difference).
>>9958 >it makes the military option seem all the more appealing That only works when your money is worth enough that selling years of your life to go fight goy wars is no big deal. It's really hard to recruit people when they can just go and work some shitty food job and make the same amount of money without having to go to some desert shithole and get shot at.
Actually, now that I think about it there are pizza delivery drivers that make way more than most soldiers from tips alone. Why the fuck would you go to war when you can just drive around and give idiots their pizzas and avoid having rockets shot at you?
Is there any proof at all that Hamas has killed babies in this current conflict? A family member told me that Hannity from Fox News said that he saw the video and it was extremely graphic and they would not show it.
>>9968 No, which is pretty funny because they've been pretty brutal otherwise. It's almost like the kikes know they deserve what they're getting so they're pulling the babby narrative out of their asses because kike babies are probably the only innocent kikes on the planet. >A family member told me that Hannity from Fox News said that he saw the video and it was extremely graphic and they would not show it If your family member is stupid enough to take talking head statements at face value without proof then maybe you should beat said family member until they realize journalists of any stripe are fucking liars.
>>9969 >No, which is pretty funny because they've been pretty brutal otherwise. Yeah that's probably the part that confuses me the most. Muslims are well known for their barbarism, many have the same mindset from 700 AD. I am quite surprised they haven't killed any babies. Do you think Hamas killed any babies like the IDF has said they have? >If your family member is stupid enough to take talking head statements at face value without proof then maybe you should beat said family member until they realize journalists of any stripe are fucking liars. I don't think they believed it, they just merely ask me what I thought. I told them I wasn't entirely ruling it out since Muslims are extremely barbaric but the part that confuses me is the lack of video evidence. I referenced how ISIS practically showed the entire world whenever they executed someone. I found it strange that hamas hasn't posted any videos of their members doing the actions the IDF said they were. I also believe the IDF has made very over exaggerated claims about Palestinians and in some cases, straight up lied.
>>9779 Israel is a traditional neocon pet. Of course, neocons are not an independent entity… >>9779 > My money is on the downtrodden arabs ultimately winning the P.R. war. What «arabs»? What PR did the actual Arabs produce that anyone outside the region have seen (beside the edited Memri TV screenshots)? >> How I stopped believing in democracy by Mencius Moldbug. > In fact, in a substantial percentage of postwar conflicts, Georgetownists have been rooting for one side and Arlingtonists rooting for the other. Sometimes rooting isn’t all they do, since the Arlingtonist specialty is, after all, war. So quite a few of these little events could be described, by a malicious and negative person, as civil wars by proxy. Now we have a hypothesis: it was always USA Outer Party vs Inner Party, or Pentagon vs State Department, or Georgetown vs Arlington, if you prefer. In this setup both Israel and Palestine (mostly via thin layer of intermediaries) can be USA clients at the same time, just like they appear to be. This naturally includes PR. Thus, the tumblr mob led by Soyjak and Trigglypuff was «winning the PR war» within the tumblr mob on Palestine, just like on electing a glass of water with letter D and so on. Now let’s search for "Students for Palestine" and "Palestine Solidarity Committee". Yup, it fits. So the entire peace process is intrinsically rigged. And controlled, in that somehow this mess never ends, unlike e.g. Korean war (not quite proper peace, but indefinite truce counts). This can only happen for the same reason why civil war by proxy in general was absurdly stable: the higher powers yanking the leashes of both sides to this very purpose. Seeing how US civil war did not get hot a few years ago only because neither side is really up to it, this control may be lost now. Which could be one of the reasons: powers-that-be in Israel want to finish this by hook or crook while NATO still exists, if only because peace process without stabilization plus economy hiccups from redistribution of power (or plain blockade) can feasibly lead to full Balkan style mess. So they will cheat and try to end this at any cost. USA will not attack them directly, and they won’t give a damn about anything less after «sanctions» on Russia proved worthless. It’s not unsound: the rest of neighbors will not like them anyway, but removal of one big instigator and show of force now could deter them from joining free-for-all later. Of course, it’s still almost as risky. >>9788 > Every leftist and immigrant supports Palestine by default. Thats a big problem for the current propaganda campaign. Like it was with the lolcoup? The good parrots repeat what they are told. Resistance good. Insurrection bad. We never were at war with Oceania. Recommended reading: An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives by Moldbug, Chapter 5: The Shortest Way to World Peace (covers Whig theory of revolution vs the Whig theory of rebellion vs Tory theory of revolution, note the quote from Woodrow Wilson). >>9882 > but this will trigger neighbours intervention that will result in a lot more dead jews and probably the dissolution of Israel. So in short I think both sides elminate each other. You forgot what was deterring local MAD so far. An elephant in the room. That was how the peace process worked before. Of course, back then NATO forces were not stuffed with drag queens and ordered around by petty thieves and junkies…
>>9970 >Do you think Hamas killed any babies like the IDF has said they have? No, with the lack of pictures being the only reason. Every other time mudslimes have murdered children in the past no one has ever hesitated to post the pictures for the world to see. Yet I'm supposed to believe there's no pics of this because it's "too horrific" when Mexicans are literally flaying each other alive and eating still beating hearts among other Aztec tier shit and those videos have no problem cropping up? To top this off why would Hamas be committed to filming other acts of barbarism and then suddenly feel shame for killing babies? Why be so proud of savagery and then suddenly decide to draw the line at babies? It's fucking stupid Hollywood tier lying. There were also multiple videos of ISIS beheading kids posted online back in those glory days and only now when it's big nose babies supposedly being mutilated that the rest of us are supposed to care. Fucking stupid, stupid stupid stupid. And people will fall for it and use that as a justification for zogfaggotry. >I don't think they believed it, they just merely ask me what I thought. I told them I wasn't entirely ruling it out since Muslims are extremely barbaric but the part that confuses me is the lack of video evidence. I referenced how ISIS practically showed the entire world whenever they executed someone. I found it strange that hamas hasn't posted any videos of their members doing the actions the IDF said they were. I also believe the IDF has made very over exaggerated claims about Palestinians and in some cases, straight up lied. Oh well you both should keep that attitude of skepticism then, because when shit doesn't line up like this then someone is trying to manipulate you.
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>Hezbollah special forces occupied and planted their flag at an Israeli military outpost in the Rahab area, on the border with Lebanon.
>>9971 >Trigglypuff Kek. That's a name I haven't heard for a long time and can be grateful for that.
Where are the FPV drones at? There was some footage of IDF soldiers and positions getting grenades, at the very beginning, but since then I haven't seen anything. I though we'd see Iron Dome radars and batteries getting blown up by drones from Alibaba, maybe even F-16s and F-35s too, but so far there is nothing like that.
>>9971 >Leftist support Palestine by default Pic related. >Nato deterrent If that existed, at least at the level it used to, I don't think Hamas would have step to the jews like they did and risk all this. >In before "mossad controlled" Then this whole scene its just desperate flailing by a people who know their days are short. >>9948 >Paper claims sudden slump is a decades-old trend. I'll explain for any non-shills that may read this. The paper claims the birthrates REACHED below 2.1 levels, something that hasn't ocurred before. Births may have been steadily decreasing for decades, but they have never gotten so low so quick (as you can see in the last three years of the second pic). The ObGyn claims that sudden slump (the recent trend) is related to the vaxx, which is true. Your attempt to link that claim with the old trend is a pathetic attempt at misdirection. >Last (You) Good, run to get BTFO'd another day.
>>9976 >Births may have been steadily decreasing for decades, but they have never gotten so low so quick (as you can see in the last three years of the second pic). >The ObGyn claims that sudden slump (the recent trend) is related to the vaxx, which is true. Yes, because shutting down society alongside most of the economy is clearly not the kind of thing that would make a whole lot of people shy away from making babies until the situation is stabilized.
>>9971 Mencius Moldbug/Curtis Yarvin is quite based for a mischling. I got red-pilled in response to the Culture War, realizing that modern liberalism simply wasn't working, that it's slowly collapsing under the weight of its contradictions, and he was one of those thinkers who helped me fill in the gaps and get re-oriented. Politics make far more sense when you realize that GAE is a Jewish-led successor to the British Empire, and they're trying to take over the world under the guise of rights & freedom. He also drew connections I intuited, such as the wokelings being a secular religion that is directly descended from Puritans & Quakers. >>9933 I'd go with, "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad". My wording clears up the ambiguity. Also, plural gods fits with the possible Greek origins of this, although the best-known quote is Latin and uses Deus. >>9929 Yes, at least they put some effort into those fictitious stories, others are even more obvious as you said. >fat officer he was a border guard, and they couldn't even be bothered to photoshop the uniform. It was also funny seeing them wildly contradicting their "fat-shaming" concept. >rubber-stamped trash The latest "proof" I saw on twitter took drone footage of a Russian bombardment on Ukrainian lines with thermobaric weapons, then simply put fake voice-over & subtitles claiming that the Russians were shooting themselves. It was obvious, but the tards believed it. Awhile ago, there was a video of a missile strike on a Ukrainian city, where they cut the video to the beginning of the missile looping around, then made up a story about how it was a backfire (even though there's no ignition, it hits a building, and the camera is a mile away which makes no sense for a launch). Even with suspension of disbelief, the laziness and gullibility on display is just remarkable. >>9893 >i can't see this charade going on forever. I think the jews understand this which is why they are trying to replace the USA with China, but it doesnt seem to be working quite as well. As I've said elsewhere, Jews are parasites who specialize in infecting high-trust, honorable societies (ie Aryan). China is a relatively low-trust society, which makes it difficult for them to operate, kind of like a freshwater leech in brackish water. They seem to have underestimated this difficulty, maybe that's why they've been panicked and heavy-handed in recent years.
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>>9973 35th Israeli airborne brigade Hezbollah's flag is yellow and green
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1) Hezbollah observation tower destroyed 2) GAZA before and after power cutoff 3) The satellite image shows that Egyptian army forces have gathered on the border with the Gaza Strip. 4) Palestine will be free” Poland 5)An IDF soldier near Gaza poses with an LGBTQ+ flag mixed with the Israeli flag
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ATGM was launched towards Shtula by Hezbollah injuring Israel solders in the process
>>9980 >LGBTQ+ flag It amazes me how the kikes drunk their own kool-aid.
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The Lebanese and Northern Israeli border is heating up
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>>9979 Shit, my bad then. Thanks for the correction.
Hezbollah is hammering the Northern district with arty, Isreal is sending more reinforcements to the area. here are reports of a sabotage and reconnaissance group infiltrating from the territory of Lebanon
>>9976 >The paper claims the birthrates REACHED below 2.1 levels, something that hasn't ocurred before It has occurred before. The only reason it looked any different was because the low-fertility nations were importing replacement population from third-world nations where people bred like rabbits. In Canada it's at the point where a quarter of the entire population for a given city might be immigrants. If you only look at the fertility rate for people born in a given country, which is what actually matters for considering such trends, it's been below replacement for a very long time. The effects of the pandemic were a reduction in international travel, which helped expose a trend that had always been there by reducing the means that disguised it, and as >>9977 points out, economic and social disincentives, both due to the instability and the simple fact that if everywhere's closed people aren't meeting and fucking. >for any non-shills Says the one shilling these retarded claims about sterilization to discredit opposition to the vaccine based on legitimate reasons of medical consent, and making absurd and false claims to drown out the real, usually minor but rarely severe, side effects. You might as well let me know the updated estimate for when the 5G rays are going to activate the graphene nanobots injected with the vaccine. It's nearly a year overdue now.
>>56993 Anon don't tell me you are blackedfaggot. Because then you have zero reason to insult a mudslime
>>9989 Or well to put it simply if you try to insult someone as mudslime yet you participate in racial cuckoldry you have zero credibility to anyone else
>>56993 Based and Christpilled >blacked.png Patrician taste
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>>56993 What an incredibly unchristian image. There are hundreds of hot nun and knight pictures if you must be lascivious, Strelok.
>>9991 >>57011 Damn what a bunch faggots around here
>>9993 The JIDF shills are trying to subvert the thread. Don't let them get to you.
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>>9993 It's kike shills from 8shitted Report and hide.
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>Israel allegedly used the Iron Beam laser missile defense system for the first time to intercept missiles from Gaza. >Israeli resources that publish videos write about this. The authenticity of the statement has not been confirmed. Neat
>>9997 Keep in mind it could be some sort of optical aberration or light reflection of the lense.
Nvm it's glare. IDF denies using Iron Beam
>>9992 >>9993 Do not respond to the JIDF, report it and move on.
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>>9955 Depends on the region but they are quite crafty nationally with the corporations like Coca Cola (lobbying for stricter fruit product controls while selling Coke cheaper than bottled water due to weird subsidies) or the hundreds of sweatshops that manufacture things that can be deemed as "Made in USA", politically speaking they are hidden and have normal spaniard surnames but many can be identified because of the lack of different names and some being french or arab in nature (Gortari is an example) historically those who know or read history identify jewish mandates as being some of the worst in our history, last one was Carlos Salinas and he was a game changer because of the brutal economical crash that made tons of monies devaluate and disappear that also made a domino effect that buttfucked other countries, known as the Tequila Effect, among other things like sanctioning media for reporting, express privatization of infrastructure and the very highly controversial topic of US airstrikes in civilian centers that mostly killed civilians and the whole covering for it. Dude went to live in Frankfurt after his rule and is still known (and proven by some journalists who got killed) to pull some moves to this day but his influence has been highly diminished by communists jews who got into power recently, for example the current president's wife is his handler and it's a jew, his picked candidate for the presidency is a not really popular kikess and the other guy who was forecast to be the next guy got rightfully angry at it because of his admittingly good role in Mexico's foreign policy which consists of not doing anything for brownie points and trying to amend shit the president says or did which was considered retarded and outside his role, like Peru's incident in which our ruling party meddled with their commie president like protection and "specialists" or trying to curtail cuban spies, then the party recently made an internal vote to decide the next candidate that the foreign minister in question lost but the results were published among some circles before the voting even started hence his disgust and current turmoil in the party. Our current party is the typical Sao Paulo Forum commie jews, the easiest way to see it is their poorfag appeasement against the middle and upper class with folk sayings and mo' money fo' dem programs alongside the clown distraction tactics, like an airport and some touristic railway being investigated for massive money laundering until the president said there were goblins in the trees at the construction sites (with photo included), then recently the internal party vote result fiasco being obfuscated with inviting a famous jew to present some alien mummies in congress, so on and so forth. The lebanese and some syrian immigrants who became top merchants are the jew's biggest rivals around here but recently, in terms of business, they have made a truce with them (see Carlos Slim) but Mexico is also one of the countries in which Mossad agents keep getting killed publicly to this day so perhaps they are still battling some kind of war underground, those killings usually happen in the capital city and they are publicized a lot to the chagrin of the jew, like two dudes who had IDF tattoos and got killed in the airport by a hitmen while the cameras were coincidentally rotated away from the scene, or the other one where two dudes got butchered in a coffee shop by a hitwoman in disguise. Our government, both sides, usually don't cover for Mossad nor protect some of their ventures because i suspect they are still butthurt about those couple of IDF/Mossad guys who were caught at haste with Paki passports a month after 9/11 with a bunch of explosives and ammo inside our national congress, the jew and american ambassadors went for them at the heavily-guarded procurator's office and got them out of the country via private jet; subsequently the president back then was so mad that he declared (again) that all of it was a farce and we needed to get out of all treaties, previously he had said they were silly and we should have a defense system among latin american countries, accentuated when some british military commandos were caught in a random cave in southern Mexico for some reason and had to be rescued by the gov only for them to flee the country ASAP. Obviously that congress attack was scrubbed hard but some remains appear in some small newspapers, locally i've wanted to dig some archives to get at it. Still there's some high-level operators like the Odebrecht guys who locally were jewish and escaped to Israel (alongside other countries in which their operators were also jewish) then a local politician named Zeron also going to Israel to escape some shit he did like using the Pegasus spyware to check on everyone including other politicians, stealing 100 mirrion dorrar from federal bolice funds and supposedly used the feds as supporting hitmen for well-paying cartel units (one case being near our locality in which a dozen civilian passersbys died in a single go) there's plenty more, a common thing to do is escape to Israel when something happens like that other guy who had a medical transport helicopter parked in his backyard and had to stay in his Israeli vacations when the news got out or that one dude who was investigated for being a serial rapist. In terms of social programs they have been somewhat successful in the central part of the country due to academics and social workers but those people are very resentful towards that, southern monkeys do not care at all, Yucatan peninsula and surrounding areas are hard boiled against that and in the northern parts the usual custom makes it somewhat more resistant towards their approaches although they have stuck in our weakest social fiber which is women, for the most part this has been controlled because of the hermetic nature of doing business around here so women don't get much of a chance to be cunts and get money with it alongside dudes preferring to eat rice and beans everyday than be handled around by a woman not his partner or mom even if the pay is excellent. tl;dr Influential but not that much nowadays compared to the Atlacomulco Cabal, the Lebanese port merchant masters, the Monterrey Industrialists or the Badiraguato Ranchers. I say this because they may move influences to change the course but so do others and they also have immunity for the most part which the jews do not have nowadays not the current party jews at least >>9950 Don't think so but even if i wanted to do something about it forcefully in a planned way that i may or may not know already and donate their belongings to the folk in need, like abandoned old people and the disabled with dumb/inexistent families alongside orphaned and rehabilitated christian converts, i would not announce it to you guys which i consider safe enough and friendly towards me and the cause, not like i want to do it already or something i am not a violent person with any ulterior motives towards the betterment of my local kin :^) >>9977 >shutting down society alongside most of the economy is clearly not the kind of thing that would make a whole lot of people shy away from making babies Call us crazy but shit ton of people around here started banging like crazy and having mostly premature families in the plandemic, bunch of friends just randomly decided to get married and/or get a kid (mostly by accident) out of boredom and fear of world ending as we know it and getting with someone. Most of the single girls i knew had that Fear Of Missing Out/Train Passed By syndrome and started marrying and having kids out of nowhere, imagine a girl hitting the wall and looking to settle down but in a massive scale and starting since they are 18yo, that's what mostly happened here. The dating game is worse than it ever will at this moment, girls are either academic spinster birdos, independent money shark cunts or assorted girls with kids and pot-smoking exes. Seriously considering buying a slav girl via cartel vendors.
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IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi to troops in south: "Our responsibility now is to enter Gaza, to go to the places where Hamas is preparing, acting, planning, launching. Attack them everywhere, every commander, every operative, destroy infrastructure. In one word, to win." Also some photos of Gaza airstrikes
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The Israeli army released photos of weapons used by Hamas inside Israel near the Gaza border.
>>10001 Thanks! So it seems that jews in Brazil are way more influential, strange since the jewish population in Mexico is around 100k and in Brazil 120k, if you take into account the total population of the two countries things get even uglier for us. Brazil is also the country with the second largest number of Freemasons (220k), so maybe this explains a few things.
>>10001 Very interesting high effort post, strelok.
>>9988 >Said he wouldn't respond anymore. >Didn't kept his word. Stopped reading there.
>>10009 Given the time gap I thought I was responding to a different anon. It was only after I had the more serious first half of the post written that I realized it was the same guy after all, and at that point I decided I may as well finish.
>>9997 >>9999 I see the glare but I don't know. That first shot looked like it might could be a beam weapon of some type. Or at least I got that as my first impression.
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>>9997 lmao did a poor innocent bird get wiped out by the jewish space laser?
>>10012 There is no innocent wildlife in Gaza. t. Israel, probably.
>>10010 I apologize for calling you a nigger and a shill, that was hasty and inappropiate for the discussion. Though I still hold that you are wrong and should do more research regarding the vaxx effects on fertility.
>>9954 Because human kings are a heresy, for God is the King already. And so where is the wonder when rich liars and hypocrites cherry pick the Bible for personal gain? It is no different than today's so-called Christian nations when they court Judaists. Any king which is simultaneously able to keep God's laws is an exception that does not disprove the rule. As for ancient Israel, their kings were given by God by temporary permission, and not by commandment, as a back handed appeasement of sorts after one of Israel's rebellions against God. A back handed appeasement that led to internal political struggles, up to and including civil wars, and general niggerdom among the majority population. Internal struggles and niggerdom which also slowly, but surely, led to the dissolution of the state of Israel by foreign military conquest.
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> Likely the very 1st CIS White Male recruitment poster created in several years You ready to sign up & ROLL, Strelok?
>>9997 Wouldn't DEW AA be piss easy to locate and highly immobile?
If I was a Hamas commander I would put some captives on rooftops and dare the IDF to bomb those buildings.
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>>10007 >Brazil is also the country with the second largest number of Freemasons (220k) Now that's a bigger can of worms right there you have just opened, excuse me for writing this then, perhaps it is not complete but it might broaden the perspective of the situation if a bit roughly: Historically the masons were pretty strong in the country's history with many abrupt changes in our history happening after our presidents had important reunions in lodges, like the papers signed to sell half of Northern Mexico happening with Santa Anna being "prisoner" in an american lodge alongside doing it again while visiting the ambassador Gadsden. Benito Juarez also being a pretty high ranking mason and doing the first war against Christians (despite history denying it) so on and so on but in context with these posts the lodges had pretty strong control since the 70's again and an important point i want to make is that they are also colloquially part of the gay mafia stereotype, with the aforementioned Atlacomulco Cabal (or Group as called by the PC media) being a close-knit group of high-ranking politicians and heavy-duty industrialists who all come from a relatively small town with a big lodge in it in which they presumably had pretty precise meetings about what to do on how to do it. From that small group they went on to be a president, bunch of governors, head of senate and CEOs of several big ass corporations like Goga Gola, Bimbo and several national others which manufacture shit in Ecatepec which is basically the industrial satellite settlement of Mexico City. You might imagine the monetary power these dudes hold and also connections, its important founder Carlos Hank (the city's middle & high school history teacher) was the son of a german mercenary called Jurgen who became compadre/blood bother of prolific italian mercenary and hustler Garibaldi II and a lebanese port master and presumably smuggler called Khalil Salim aka Julian Slim aka Carlos Slim's father, their riches and biz knowledge came from exploiting the voids happening in the middle of the Revolutionary War and some even mention a union between classic Scottish Rite and Shriners but i think those are bogus because the latter are mostly US centric while Khalil was just a seasoned merchant with massive amounts of contacts in the gulf ports... then again his company was called Company of the Eastern Star. Point is most of these guys had contacts up the wazoo since birth and proceeded to cultivate these later on to the point of making a compact net of contacts and personal deals to jump the ladder inside their small lodge, Hank even had the CIA as direct contact because he was allegedly in charge of the laundering operation and USA landing deals of the Guadalajara Cartel which was in charge of the majority of the drug smuggling from Mexico, opposite and sometimes partnering with the Cali Cartel. His sons also went on to be bent, one of the prolific ones being Jorge Hank Rhon, a governor of a northern state and actual owner of casinos, betting companies and oddly enough (and illegally with the blessing of FIFA) a football club, also previous owner of an executive airline with Salinas that specialized in flying near-scrapyard small jets for very low prices and allegedly one of the ways some cartels smuggled drugs to the US, trafficked people from central america and was also supposedly used by high-ranking cartel members when shit hit the fan and needed a quick escape to the airport, one famous case being an armed cartel member brandishing a fed badge and boarding a plane of said airline like it was a public bus to escape a shootout outside the airport. To keep going with the mason thing in the 70's other rivalling lodges (at this point not even seeking occult knowledge but playing a massive biz contact notebook game) seemed to partner up a bit with them and made themselves known, these capital city guys were successors of old bureucrats with their own secrets (aka old timey sodomites) alongside gommie spaniards and wandering jews who got into politics. From then on Mr. Hank and the pupils of the capital city lodges started their own game: Getting the political permits for their legit international branches' operations and Guadalajara cartel operators to smuggle stuff (grown by the Badiraguato ranchers) and pay tributes to them so they could get quick money and prop their bribe game for their legit biz operations so they could get influence and thus power and later on presidencies to get more power to get more permits and deals to get more quick money and so on. So the point i wanted to make is that this old game going on since the 60's had its strong backstory and specifics, investigated seriously by a bunch of journalists who were close or even inside the system at some point, pointing that these people were the kind of lodge that not only had its power struggle game on point but also were a bunch of homosexuals who did themselves in for both pleasure and blackmailing reasons. I don't think i need to explain these because i think most anons here know what i am talking about, contextually it needs to be mentioned that in Mexico being a recurrent homo is exponentially worse than being a teen hunter (as most of our ancestors married teens as young adults) and the only thing worse is being a children kidnapper, and not that much to begin with because back in the day being a faggot and being a pederast who lured 6yos with candy or an easy job was the same thing. So then a famous writer commented that in his father's experience and also his own (both were part-time politicians who got somewhat big while also being journalists in recess) made several writings with names, dates, presumed hierarchies and hypothesis on how the political system in central Mexico (de facto the most important one since the 60's due to rampant and unapologetic federal centralism) is a royal-esque hierarchy based on how many contacts you can manage with ease and how good you can gobble your buddy's knobble, such early details being published in the mid-80's that rendered this writer's father jump from a cliff in his armored sedan with no brakes and sudden paint job transplant in one of the car's side. This system was then published in more detail around the early 00's when the ruling party back then seemingly lost tons of its power thus no more accidental cliff stuntmanship, such hypothesis being controversially called by the writer as "La Cofradia de la Mano Caida" or roughly translated as The Guild of the Limp Wrist, a fancy way of saying Faggot Fraternity. In America, among the afro-american community aka niggers and by some hobby enthusiasts such as porn and pop music this kind of organization is commonly referred as Gay Mafia (pavement apes sometimes referring to someone inducted or controlled by them as "wearing the dress/having worn the dress") such term referencing loose small groups that do things using buttsecks as dialogue while here in Mexico they are (or were) a state institution... or so it seems, doesn't help it is also seemingly centennial. Let's explain that: Presumably many of the 70's fellas who retook power had their notable ancestors (dads, grandpas), notable as in youths and young adults related to the high-ranks in the socialite elite of both the Maximilian days and the Porfiriato (Mexico's euro-style military dictatorship in the late 19th and early 20th century, original antagonists of the Revolutionary War) and these guys were your usual juniors and playboys hanging around the big streets in their fancy clothes and their emerald glasses filled with absinthe... problem is these dudes rarely hanged around with girls and they were notable for only partying with the bros. Nothing bad with hanging out with only your trusty assortment of buddies but these fellas were something else, dandies was the most polite way of describing them, usually they were called chickens for their feathery, pompous way of dressing and walking double meaning was that they always had balls in their chins and while the underground talk in the capital city and other important cities was that they were a tad gay and put their close friends in positions of relative power it seems no one was ready for what would happen one day in 1901: At midnight a police squad in the decency department raided a classy house which was allegedly denounced by neighbors for having too much ruckus going on, when the police first politely knocked on the door to see what happened they did not expect a manly dude with mustache opening the door dressed as a fine elegant middle-aged lady, seeing such picture they tackled this outcast and found a scene that is still to this day debated what it exactly was, officially the authorities said they found several dance routines going on with a big one happening center stage in the big living room, the dancers were counted as 21 dudes and 21 other dudes pretending to be women. This marked what would be Mexico's Ram Ranch event, a shameful date that was doubly so when the cops were booking these fellas and realized among them were former royalty kids, sons of ministers and most importantly the Dictator's nephew, purported organizatore and bum pirate extraordinaire, alongside a couple of actual small time vice ministers and secretaries. Because no cop wanted to get into massive trouble they let the nephew go but without using the front door so an even bigger hall of shame happened when he had to run dressed in long dress with scrawny hairy legs above the roofs of the otherwise working-class neighborhood with everyone seeing the scene and later on, in much fame, recognizing many of the detainees on the streets walking with fancy manly clothes. Such was the controversy and ruthless gossip that the military police had to intervene later and purge most of the attendees who couldn't pay a hefty bribe, exiling them to an isolated military post in Yucatan while the capital city authorities sieged several newspapers agencies and placing a blackout of news for a couple of days, effectively covering it up but making people wonder and laugh how 41 people disappeared from the streets with several government head honchos being among them. The "critics" against the homo discrimination mostly argued that because the 41 detainees were let go easily anyways by just doing menial public service while crossdressing (before being exiled later on when the jokes became national) they as non-dancing members of society could not hang out with friends too much before being called dancers, dancing becoming old timey slang for gay sex (with the theory that "dancing" was actually used by the media to avoid saying the police walked into a massive gay orgy) and most political detainees alongside secret political gatherings being declared immoral dance halls to justify any measures taken against them. Later in the Revolutionary days it became a propaganda piece that the previous political clique was degenerate, so they also used the dancing party as justification for all the countermeasures for loyalist political gatherings and so on, such was the impact that the number 41 was banned from public life (along with the old 13) until the 70's lol and "dancing" stopped being used in society to justify a party or hang out until the 90's when the joke became somewhat lost in time, still the old stereotype in the caribbean and many central and upper southern american countries that mexicans don't dance at parties probably came from this posterior reaction; americans also note that a mexican party consists of a cooler with beer and two chairs because that's the only thing we do: Sit drink and eat shit while exchanging jokes or stories while sometimes listening to music.
>>10007 >>10019 [Reader you can jump this: Context between 1901's 41 Dancers Demise and 1970's Elite Rise] This stigma in the 1910's and 20's against the old regime was used by the winning party of the Revolutionary War, the emergent Northern Division commanded by the Sonoran Brotherhood who spearheaded its way into the main seat by taking advantage of the chaotic aftermath of the leaderless old opposition and the newly reformed old guard headed by U.S.-propped military head Huerta who got into temporal power by purging all the diplomatic elements of the opposition in a coup, but somewhat soon after winning the conflict the successor of the main caudillo Obregon, Elias Calles, got himself into a controversy among his brotherly peers by showing his true colours (or being convinced by the US) after becoming president by waging war against the church on grounds of being assholes, mafiosi and harboring communists (The second war against Christians, the Cristero War, first one according to Juarez apologists) and winning himself the nickname of "The Jew" and "The Turk" by even his old allies after he started attending the lodge; funny that it wasn't his first civilian/ethnic war as some years before he famously expelled the chinese from the northern rebellious states for being too much of eastern jews by not giving jobs to locals and not giving service to anyone not speaking chinese, for this he is still considered a polarizing figure for he waged war against a pest but also to the clergy despite this group being already considered corrupted since the mid-19th century. Only Obregon tried to defend him and subsequently had him serve his only term quickly so he could resolve the conflicts, he re-elected himself to much controversy because the Revolution's anthem was simply "No Re-election", so after serving a short while but still enacting an end to the Cristero War, exonerating all sides with the majority of its participants other than the really tough ones like child killers or rapists alongside finally legitimizing his ruling party in the international scene with the remaining members of the brotherhood, he was shot dead by a catholic gunman via orders of a lone wolfess nun yes, really, that's the official story in a public party after giving him a couple of coins to have himself drawn by the shooter disguised as an artist. The dude got executed and the nun got lifetime, after that the Brotherhood now headed loosely by Calles put various of their members as presidents until they elected a very close associate but ultimately non-sonoran outsider Lazaro Cardenas who was not that anti-clerical, with a reserved attitude but also good at taking orders. Despite some of the brotherhood claiming he was too reserved in his ideals thus probably an agent, alongside him being the commander of a massacre happening in the brotherhood's home state and center of operations in the civil war, Calles dismissed them as paranoid because he was the same and put him as candidate. When Cardenas won he persecuted Calles, made a political and administrative war against the church (again but without the killings) an ideological war against the natives (his former major supporters) but also helping them with agrarian reforms because, io and behold, Cardenas was actually a sleeper communist trained in Veracruz but also bribed by the US to be the controlled opposition against the commies (as per US intelligence papers, Calles was also on the pay but only for neutrality reasons) so he legalized and forced interracial culture mix up (Cosmic Race ideology aka La Raza Cosmica, most of where the Aztlan commie chicano thinking comes from other than the original conservative and hierarchical native-centric chicano who hate not the native genes nor the spaniard ones) which included segregation of well-standing but majorly euro or native populations like truckloads of jungle monkeys to the Mennonite northern town alongside renaming it the southern nonsensical name of Cuauhtemoc, putting ranching monkeys in the german towns of the Soconusco area, putting truckloads of jungle monkeys into the rebellious native state of Yucatan then dividing it and naming it Quintana Roo along with separating its second big city of Cancun and the island of Cozumel, truckloads of peasants into the northern state of Baja California and division of the southern part for foreign investment (Los Cabos, Loreto) and subsequently a failed attempt to make it Israel in WWII per american and our central mexican-dominated congress until the next president stopped it and the british pulled Palestine out of their property holdings. Also banned non-mexica native-origin names in the birth registry and of settlement names while also banning race catalogue in papers but still segregating when too much whiteys or natives appeared via inspectors' notes, in terms of injun towns the government just decided they would not get agragarian reforms so they had to work in the cities to eat. Also funded the country's cinema industry for propaganda purposes (straight from Hollywood notebook) and famously stopped the pseudo-neutrality of the Sonoran Brotherhood, who were actually heavily leaning towards NatSoc Germany and Japan due to partying with their ambassadors alongside many germans and japanese residing in their state (due to whaling, fishing and in the case of germans due to old Maximilian germanics taking refuge there and Himmler doing his esoteric expeditions in the Sonoran Desert for some reason also probably one of the reasons some german SS married injuns and natives from the area and made political moves in Germany to declare them honorary Aryans hence why the Mexico gov out of nowhere went from being Germanophile both in the old regime who loved Europe to pissed-off northern ranchers who intermarried old germans to hating the germans because the ruling party was now usurped by both working-class and champagne gommies (none actual natives who worked the land) paid by the US to avoid the really radical kind of gommies from taking power (like the Emiliano Zapata kind or the Marx Rabbies-ridden injuns kind) nor NatSocs or NatSoc sympathizers who would accept an offer to get back some land like Hitler supposedly implied. Despite the neutrality Cardenas persecuted ,without a previous declaration of war, the germans, the japanese and the very few italians that were left around (and identifying and such) and surrendered them to the US until Germany attacked some tankers in response and then Mexico played the victim and declared war, US requested oil (nationalized by Cardenas but then given loose concessions due to the war itself) and a few soldiers, the country send some airborne forces who were tricked into always bombing civilian targets in the Pacific Front and hence their subsequent vilification in our society that makes the US treatment of the Vietnam vets look like child's play All in all Cardenas' rule made the little guy have more political power to work harder and get paid more alongside a robust non-religious education system (plagued with communism tho) but took back the middle class, upper class, native culture, euro customs and european diplomatic relations several decades back to the point we recovered somewhat culturally until the 2000's but got fucked economically otherwise in the 90's due to the Tequila Effect. He had his opposition like the few remaining members of the brotherhood having control as governors of some northern states and giving both old germans/japanese refuge while also giving it to newer ones like disillusioned war vets by making a couple of ports neutral ones despite the feds seething (Guaymas Neutrality Controversy), such was the opposition that one of the governors got a royal order from Japan despite being illegal to receive them per our constitution. Lazaro paid back (or settled an old score with the commies) by publicly freeing the nun who plotted the killing of Obregon and exiling the governors after their mandates, or otherwise downright trying to arrest them but ordering the state's head of security do it himself but maybe ignoring those guys were part of the Brotherhood and them telling the persecuted about their bureaucratic plans a day or two before executing the orders. So was this that Lazaro made mandatory again the old rule that no head of military and security zones be a native of his area, something that both makes it hard for him to get loyalty ties in his workplace nor commit secession from the federal union, later expanding with an imposition that no member of the military be from the region they are stationed in in turn it also made the military be rootless and alien to their zone, making them commit more abuses due to lack of personal ties in all aspects and thus more corrupted and thus the whole shebang of the cartels recruiting soldiers in their free time to make extra money by extorting, torturing and handling around their areas with no moral repercussions... and thus the universal and permanent distrust the civilian population has for the military Cardenas made a mistake in that he chose a candidate, Aleman, that would not really betray him but undo a lot of his politics (sadly not all) and try to transition the state from being a caudillo-in-turn to an actual executive system that chose the most level-headed and competent in theory, in practice the next presidents would be lawyers with some acting skills who usually got bribed by the US to do some dirty laundry work and kill commies once in a while, shit got bad when to the surprise of few the old guard of lawyers who still lived the war and knew how social dynamics work gave way to the propaganda-read "neoliberal" wave descendants of prominent families in the business circles of the central part of the country... sounds familiar? yeah it's those guys again, they worked as underlings of the lawyers who snatched the void left by a ballsy president who wanted to stop all the shit-flinging from the old generals of the civil war and slap most of the outsider interventionists that wanted the country join the Warsaw, the NATO or gift two entire states to jewish refugees via British ambassadors with a small fleet in our eastern coast just because those states were besides California. The 1968 Olympics and the 1970 World Cup were probably a bureaucratic game changer with many doctrines, attitudes and moves being changed to appease the international scene while also catching someone off-guard after a shitty move and purging them, something which happened in the '67 and '68 student movements perpetrated by the international young communist students but extinguished somewhat abruptly and clumsily by the armed forces. [Extra context stops here] That whole "41 dancers" story, its heyday national Lewinski Scandal in terms of magnitude, is the most notorious example of gay shit happening amongst the elite and in the 70's it purportedly happened again once in a while and with many participants being descendants of such elite members who were exiled to Merida, Chetumal and who came back into the capital city after the civil war was over circa 1919 to 1921. The Mexico State System (Capital City elite, Atlacomulco Group) were supposedly fans of doing this for mutual assurance of self-destruction alongside liking meat in tube but other groups were also suspected of doing the same; regionally in Northwestern Mexico we had the Yugoslav Connection, mostly Montenegrin descendants with prominent roles in ranching, politics and a couple of construction-related industry businesses alongside mining ventures, they took a bit of power due to the pissed-off ranchers-turned-generals left a bit of a void in some areas and went to be prominent politics (including a governor), no gay shit was suspected until a rumor in the 70's happened when some journalists mentioned they had seen and probably were in possession of a set of photographs showing a sexual gathering within the state's premises, secretaries and governor included, with one particular famed picture being of a train ran by the governor himself in a wood-paneled office with a massive camera flash illuminating the mannschaft moving among the leather sofas and carpets. Such dantesque but oddly specific and consistent description by several different figures made people believe it probably existed... but for what reason we don't know, perhaps if someone tolled away from the scripted line they would be scratched out via cropping the large-format picture to show him being ran and running through hairy men but i think there's better and easier ways to knock someone out the story with this and things get suspicious when the journalists themselves were forasterii aka outsiders from the state. It makes me believe it was a hit job against the governor, particularly because he was indeed knocked off by the Central System due to his utopic profile in politics (and thus being a projected presidential candidate by the ruling party's non-capital headquarters) and him having no seeming controversy under his belt other than the shit they pulled on him regarding a massacre ordered by the president himself and who he admitted doing so via his prominent wife bragging about it on media although i have good data and connections that mention the governor charging tribute in silver and gold from the foreign mining companies in exchange for easy permits his cousin managed So after this quick recount of our central politics in the last century with a bit of an extra regarding the winner group of the revolution and their demise via an outsider who was a political triple agent, in recent memory a common insult is to call any politician with an unlikely rise into power a faggot but such insult has a massive connotation and backstory to it that the nigger cattle already forgot so they just take it into face value, but calling a politician a faggot means he's colluded with the freemason old boy buddy club which isn't used to the betterment of man via occult/universal knowledge but to have secret places outside the law to have buttsecks, sign secret treaties via paper or salutes and do some ritual shit we may not know but probably include polishing someone's wood or hiding someone's bologna. The list of presumed gay politicians is pretty big but one thing for sure is that they all have confirmed links with lodges or people high ranked in one: You have the jew kingpin Salinas who seems suspiciously camp and effeminate but with a massive amount of connections and companies under his direct and indirect control, Beltrones the master diplomat who could've been a decent president but who has been linked with gay escorts since his very early days and became somewhat of an enemy with the northern industrialists despite being from there, Garcia Luna the turncoat expert in charge of security in two presidential cabinets (but who was actually one of the biggest security providers for the Sinaloa Cartel) who has been massively portrayed as gay by both the media and the cartel lore, the latter who also don't help by mentioning he was a protege of Salinas, Alito the recently disgraced old party head who was outed as having his butt did with surgeries alongside a naked dude in leather statue on his living room, that other governor guy who was a fan of surgeries along with his wife who had his helicopter's rotor blow up suddenly, so on and so forth. Although let's be aware of lodges and their rivalries, freemasonry is not a monolithic organization but a bunch of connecting houses that may find themselves at odds with others, for example the current president being a mason but part of another lodge (and with their connections lying somewhere else) against the previous established one and waging a media war against them but not so much to persecute them, it's mostly like a sports rivalry rather than a blood feud that other groups like the Badiraguato Ranchers or the Sonoran Brotherhood had; notable exception being probably Salinas who actually had lots of people die mysteriously in his rule. For example the current president had a famous trolling attempt by making himself a statue in a plaza of the Atlacomulco town, something seemingly quite random but symbolically pretty powerful and immensely rash, akin to a fraternity vandalizing their rival's frat house using college funds and signed permits. tl;dr almost half of the politicians in national power from the 60's to 2018 are part or very close to business lodges and/or dungeon master homo diplomats who were in turn descendants of dude-only dance hall parties with man raffles that paid with teens in baby dolls inside the main room of the rented house/premise. I would say that the Guild of the Limp Wrist has been more powerful than the orthodox jews tailoring individuals to disrupt the system, but make no mistake, the jews play inside that Guild and one of its biggest members was a jew trained in the Frankfurt School and who served as an economical hitman in his presidency, man even jewed his own brother to death and put a hit on a cardinal so we are talking about the real kind of ruthless and cold smart tactician jew behind the shadows kind of fella right here, but as some anons have well said this kind of operators usually do not train someone to be their successor or if they do they do not train them to suppress their personal antics or subtlety in scheming, burning all their lives in the media before reaching the top. Mexico is probably one of the first countries in which the masons are portrayed as deviant butt stabbers by the common folk yet, as we know it, the popular voice usually doesn't reach the mainstream media although some attempts have been made, one that i know of despite its seeming ambiguousness was 1962's The Exterminating Angel directed by the awkwardly gommie catalan Luis Buñuel, because the mexican cinema industry was de-facto controlled by the state he got kicked out of the country (again) after making it but returned years later (for him to be kicked out again). Movie is a drag at times but its plot points seem pretty obvious once we have read a bit about what people say about masons, for example the fact many of them are actually jewish and return to it in times of need, the passive-aggressiveness of the double-meanings and hidden intentions, seemingly not very christian at all despite posing as such in the public life and the major plot point of their very strict ritual procedures (referenced in the climax i think in a very contrasting comedic tone compared to the rest of the movie) alongside the bizarre, or le surreal by critics who don't want to see, happening with the sheep. I still need to read completely what that Cofradia writer said because i haven't found the physical book, his son went on to be a popular journalist but one that always tolls the mainstream line so we could compare the situation, morally speaking, to Ron Paul with his son Rand riding on his surname and while sometimes doing interesting things he ends up being one more clog in the ZOG machine while the father was a seemingly outsider politician watching his surroundings burn slowly.
>outed as having his butt did with surgeries alongside a naked dude in leather statue on his living room, that other governor guy who was a fan of surgeries along with his wife who had his helicopter's rotor blow up suddenly, so on and so forth. "Surgeries"?
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Tinfoil theory coming through: >The leaders of the USA, Iran, Israel, the EU, Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and China are all working together behind the scenes; where all supposed animosity is illusory. >Iran's task was to fund Hamas's newest attack which was immediately refunded by the USA with that 6 mil. >Soon the USA and maybe Iran will be pulled into this conflict; building on the global elite's previous first stage of thier WW3 plan. (The Russua-Ukraine conflict.) >The goal of their WW3 is to bring about a "great reset" in a geopolitical sense; where the global population will be reduced dramatically. >The intended end result being a small, immortal, global elite ruling over a slave-caste of nigger-cattle. Seeing malicious intent behind everything that is currently happening is fun.
>a small, immortal, global elite Globohomo research into longevity or graceful aging is almost nonexistant, though.
>>10023 They're satisfied with their adreno drugs. Collecting them requires raping little children, so for (them) the fact it extends their life a little is icing on the cake.
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>>9942 Isn't the only type of kike in Israel that is above replacement-level is also the type of kike that refuses to fight in any war? Also, new thread when? Are we waiting until page 10 or something? I hope this thread doesn't take too-long to load 200-300 posts from now!
>>10025 Use last 100 option you dummynigger. >>10001 >>10019 >>10020 Sog.
>>10017 I'm not sure with jew laser ,but I think the current iteration is immobile. Obviously saturation strike with PGM by near peer or peer opponent should easily get trough it, but against low intensity sporadic primitive rocket attacks, it should be OK, since it probably has Iron Dome to act as a creen
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>>9517 So, the usual carrier + cruiser +3 destroyers… And another 4 ships thrown in for reinforcement. It’s almost like they have learned something from Millennium Challenge and want to pack a lot more CIWS. Whether this will actually suffice is another question. >>9519 An interesting issue. The objective of NATO most likely is the usual: removal of some entity plus return to the eternal peace process. The objective of Israel this time most likely is to end peace process for good, that is actually win and get stable peace. At some point their interests will certainly diverge. Will NATO be double-dealing this time? Probably yes, but not before Israel did most of the required dirty jobs for them. Will Israel misbehave to go off script? Probably not before the point where they will need this to actually win. Which may never happen, depending on the situation. >>9776 Maybe, but also see Millennium Challenge. (links here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220816014335/www.imetatronink.com/2022/07/lessons-never-learned.html ) Short version: an OPFOR commander instead of sucking his thumbs tried to saturate defenses of a basic carrier group . Which demonstrated that while said unit is great for bombing peasants, a competent and actually armed force can wipe it out in 10 minutes or less even without submarines, at least while near a coast (that is in range for all sorts of missiles >>10004 plus drone boats ). The rest is just a story of bureaucratic thimble-riggery in Pentagon. Now we finally see they are not complete idiots. Their solution: uhh, let’s just throw another handful of CIWS platforms into the cauldron, the more the merrier. >>10017 Fixed high performance defenses have their niche. Still more of a gimmick than proper military hardware, as the only weapon hindered by things like smoke bombs and confetti. I mean, as much as a cloud of soot get sprayed on the aperture and it’s out.
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>>10028 > I mean, as much as a cloud of soot get sprayed on the aperture and it’s out. Isnt it selfcleaning? as in, dirt on the lenses is burned by laser.
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>>10029 >It is not the first time his work has been accused of anti-Semitism. In 2020, the cartoonist came under fire for a drawing of Keir Starmer offering Jeremy Corbyn's decapitated head on a platter. The image was likened to Italian painter Caravaggio’s work, Salome with the Head of John the Baptist. It portrays a story in the New Testament in which Salome, the Jewish daughter of King Herod, asks for the head of John – seen as a forerunner of Jesus Christ – and is later presented with it.
>>10029 How dare that goy attack G-d's choosen people!
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>>10029 Political cartoons aren't what they used to be.
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Odds of kikes using nukes?
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>>10019 >>10020 Reading these posts made me somewhat supportive of the ZOG depopulation plan, but not in the way it was intended.
>>10035 launching themselves? low-to-no chance; They've sufficiently demonstrated they have goyim to do their heavy lifting. Hell, grandma Yellen was just saying "we" can absolutely afford a two-front war (ukraine and israel), they're moving 2 carriers to the med, and DoD just activated 2k troops. If you have a problem with it, your best recourse is to opt out, get small, and have enough reserves to minimize the impact on your life - I guarantee Yellen and her clique will want for nothing during the hard times ahead. I'm expecting the pressure campaign to make Covid's look tame
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>>10020 >like truckloads of jungle monkeys to the Mennonite northern town alongside renaming it the southern nonsensical name of Cuauhtemoc, putting ranching monkeys in the german towns of the Soconusco area, putting truckloads of jungle monkeys into the rebellious native state of Yucatan then dividing it and naming it Quintana Roo along with separating its second big city of Cancun and the island of Cozumel, truckloads of peasants into the northern state of Baja California I find all of that bizarre, do you have a book I can read about that?
>>10020 Amazing! Thanks again! It seems brazilian freemasons are way more united after all. >>10039 Why bizarre? They have done the same with Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, freemasons, jews and libanese families flooded those two states with a massive influx of mutts from northeastern states from 20s and beyond and now they are using the same tactic against small germans, dutch, ukranian and north italians towns here in south brazil, but these time they added new fellas to the party: northern mutts, haitians and venezuelans. The funny thing about this story is that until the 1960s these migrations were justified in the media and sociologists with the excuse that they were due to the growth of metropolises and opportunities in the construction sector, as well as fleeing the droughts that have always hit the northeast, but now here in the south it's something completely open and cynical, I'll use 2010 as an example; If I'm not mistaken Brazil received the largest number of Haitians after the earthquake (and we still receive them every year even without earthquakes, kek), and guess where most of them were relocated? At the time we were still using orkut and a leaked video of a woman linked to the PT (labor party, in power at the time and today also with Lula) appeared in the communities of this social network where she commanded the public agents in charge of relocating the Haitians to send them specifically to the south, mainly paraná and santa catarina.
>>9954 Jews could use their networks with other Jews, perform work deemed dirty in Christianity (i.e. loans/usury), and were traditionally well educated, many times from Middle Eastern universities.
>>10038 >pressure campaign that will make covid look tame If people in the west haven't become ultra-radicalized against their govs for killing their families during covid, poisoning them under threat of loss of livelyhood during covid, destroying their economies and future outside of slavery in real time under biden, then we absolutely deserve to lose and get fucked by the jews. If we can't even fight at this point and keep running away, we never fucking will. >>57104 >don't need to move jungle monkeys anywhere Stop being retarded, there is always dumber more godless people out there, and looking at the modern generation of western zoomers I'd say we aren't really in a position to criticize all spics so harshly anymore. If it wasn't for the blatant immorality and laissez-faire ethics there, the only quality white zoomers seem to have gained up here compared to boomers or millenials with a surprising divide between mentally ill and actually moral behavior and intention compared to boomer and sons fake muh morality. Same reason there is such a different reaction up here to pissrael, hard times make strong men even if some take the mentally ill route (mostly unwillingly), can't support meme wars like your parents did if you've suffered enough from economic/social and political persecution to the point of instinctively hating the gov.
>>10041 These are rhetorical questions to show how christianity helped create the modern jew. They gave to the most perfidious demons on this planet the privilege of the finances, gene stealing, education and protection for centuries, it was obvious that it would end this way, just observe that the most successful kikes are ashkenazis(german/slav blood) and during the age of exploration the sephardim were practically omnipresent in the Portuguese and Spanish empires. Christians love kikes, not only jesus.
>>10042 I believe it will devolve into "fight for us or starve". Covid was tame because even if they completely fucked up your livelihood and turned Grammy's assisted living facility into a Covid ward while some distant urban shithole was burning, you and your kids weren't at risk of freezing or starving to death... They were throwing out an unbelievable amount of gibs to the point that the Covid-era EBT work waivers in my state only just expired two weeks ago. What's coming next isn't going to be like >oh darn! I just drove to a few stores in hopes of buying some off-brand toilet paper.
>>10042 Aside from the odd one out like Timothy McVeigh, everyone else is too afraid for now. Remember that the revolution only really kicked off in earnest one the Britbongs tried to confiscate weapons. We’lol likely have to see more suffering until people decide that the lives they are living now are worse than being dead. And depending on how bad that bootlicking tendency is, there’s a long way to go possibly strelok.
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Lol. Lmao, even. The deranged pro-Israel response from governments around the world has been the best thing to happen for antisemitism in decades.
>>10042 >Stop being retarded No you.
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Based on what has happened so far, what will the battle for The Gaza Strip look like? Are there any battles that have happened previously in history to compare it to? Could it be compared to the battle of Leningrad from WW2?
>>10054 Did Leningrad have hundreds of miles of booby trapped tunnels?
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>>10055 I wasn't at Leningrad so I don't know, that's why I'm asking. The Soviet Union and Germany both equipped their soldiers with shovels and entrenching tools so I would it's certainly possible.
>>10056 There were a lot of bare bear titties to distract the Germans in the booby trapped tunnels of Leningrad. t. WW2 veterinarian
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>>10028 Add a 3rd carrier to the list strelok.
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>>9795 >inb4 kiev was a feint >>9806 > No, Russia's plan really was Well, if you say so. Do you happen to be… I’m sorry… a journalist? > The armed forces prepared for a prolonged training exercise, not a war. > This especially reflected in their retarded logistics in the opening weeks. > To their credit Russia did unfuck themselves eventually It’s called training. It comes from exercise. :>
Does anyone know of any good write-ups about predictions for how an Israeli invasion of Gaza would go?
>>10036 Well, if you depopulate you will end with less people but the same amount of gays butt fundling themselves in fancy rooms posing as museums to avoid paying taxes. >>10021 Silicone cups in your butt, in theory no man should need that >>10026 Wanted to be complete with the data and leave no loose ends with the names ironically enough my cellphone glitched and stopped working today, damn feds >>10039 >I find all of that bizarre Cosmic Race ideology is a book itself which launches that proposal of eliminating race and making everyone blanda up if forcefully, somewhat worked but sometimes it didn't: The Mennonites are more isolated than ever despite being solidary and friendly towards the neighbor states back in the day in terms of market as they introduced some goods still popular to this day, Cancun & Cozumel are degenerate settlements rebuild on tourism since its federal reincorporation and yucatecs/mayans have their folk belief that they were invaded and the one way to fix it is to throw people into the sea (along with being a closed society as backlash with their own language and "ice laws") the Soconusco economy collapsed and most of the germans in it stopped making chocolate and smoked goods so to redirect their efforts to Venezuela's cacao industry (building the Savoy-Nestle brand and some Kinder products), Bajas became a hellhole full of landless immigrants improvising but also a degenerate sector rebuild on touristic standards, Cabos doesn't even have spanish as its first language in the downtown and marina per county rulings, most of the natives from San Jose de los Cabos had to flee to La Paz which is the actual native city there and the servant class of Cabos is a bunch of people who cannot tell you anything about the state or its culture because they don't know anything but speak english and spend 2 dollars on a can of Coke. Along with Cosmic Race you can check most books about Cardenas' actions and ideologies, called in general Cardenismo, even when they want to speak good of it you will see the obvious ill intentions of replacing or eliminating cultures that weren't "Mexican", that's the point of Cardenas, the destruction of the many cultures to replace it with a plastic fake Mexican identity which is a mixture of certain things in the central part of the country, and imposed on the people, this to avoid another civil war that would end up with what we call nowadays balkanization. Day of the Dead for example wasn't celebrated at all by most of the country until recently because at school they gave us the day free and its activities were subject to grades, this replaces many subjects like local history and civil skirmishes that weren't the actual Civil War (which isn't taught very well because majority of people don't understand Zapata being at war with Carranza out of nowhere and Villa summarily executing all the males in civilian settlements) the mexican film industry was about hamfisting mariachis and tequila along with "every part of the country is the same and with the same accent thing" and the directors who wanted to do their own thing were exiled or left without a job if done with state funds, many other examples appear but we digressed a lot. >>57104 >Because they don't need to move jungle monkeys anywhere The point is to break the social fiber and economy, for example a well-to-do coastal town filled with a northern sedentary tribe of 10,000 people, you add 2000 nomad injuns over 5 years who barely speak spanish to start a new crop investment via giving them land by the ejidal system despite those dudes being natives from a town 1000km away and not knowing how to even grow corn, you will practically make a race war that gets tougher when those migrants are also protected by the army and the previous settlement has its name changed to a generic mexican one along with many of their customs, sooner or later that town will migrate to a bigger town or make a new settlement somewhere else, disrupting an independent economy while propitiating a move to the urban spheres which had their denizens depleted in the civil war. A famous example is the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, it made the gov relocate tons of its workers to other states in well-to-do towns but the trick here is that they were too obvious with it and put those "people" in relatively high administrative roles overriding many hierarchies previously established in those places. By 1988 several states' representatives were openly advocating for ethnic cleansing of capital city people, in classic mexican comedic tone of "not really but really, nah not really... unless" but the normal denizens did take it seriously and in the early 90's we had the story of cops having to check on elementary schools in working-class areas to avoid kids lynching foreign kids, kinda like the U.S. forced segregation of schools in the '50's except not that serious, on a much smaller scale and with the cops also making fun of foreign kids. By the late 90's it wasn't needed at all and the normal procedure of heavy banter by the kids (called "bullying" by the weak) made it natural for foreigners to adapt but always on the supposition the victim was to be identified as a foreigner even if considered a distinguished member of the friend group. The topic of different ethnic groups among mexicans and their mutual animosity is extremely controversial in Mexico's mainstream media due to being against the old state's wishes since the '40s, on the same level as calling some politician a homo, so books about this are very regional or scarce but a common theme among street talks. Capital City fags did successfully appropriate their most common slur, Chilango, so that one can be found referenced easily... just don't call them by the other slurs because they might pop a vein and done on TV you get a hefty fine up to a media license revocation. Their slurs against the rest of the country are official use words so they get the upper hand, we get angry and they get to say it everyday on TV but it's okay because it educates the newer generations on never trusting anyone from down south nor their snake tongues. >like a drop of white paint dropped on a bucket of brown paint. Thing is most towns respected colour because races usually stuck with their own ventures, like 3 buckets of paint near each other that may mix a bit over the spawn of several decades or a couple of centuries, these policies made it so that the government wanted all paintings inside the same bucket after a single generation. Do not underestimate how mad some industrialists might get when seeing 500 german/italian/dutch immigrants at peace making mechanical parts, export-grade goods like food or general supplies and training some individuals for political representation; adding 100 nomad injuns (hunter gatherer culture, read: killing & robbing) will make them not at peace, their goods will get consumed on the spot due to lack of surplus and the sole representation role will be fought within the town rather than by a representative at the state's congress. It's about disrupting small ventures to consolidate the big ones by eliminating opposing potentialities. In Communism something like that happens because the state defends its own venture which is itself by renaming and relocating everything under your control via nationalizing for the people's betterment, here the same kinda happened except they stayed private but heavily associated with the state and its rulers to the point of making rules themselves disguised as public servants... that's kinda what corporativism does, many confuse it with capitalism but the free market here is not free. >>10040 >Public agents in charge of relocating the Haitians to send them specifically to the south Kinda the same here, all of those bastards get relocated to the northern cities for no reason but at least we are near the border so it acts as an incentive for them to GTFO sooner or later. Our biggest problem right now is the cuban menace secretly moving to the cities under the guise of government workers and "humanitarian" roles, they are spies but i do not know what exactly are they spying or perhaps ritual-related entities. >>10046 >the odd one out like Timothy McVeigh I don't think he was a civilian while doing it, wasn't he accidentally caught still in the army in a documentary on a date in which he supposedly was already discharged?
>>10060 It will be one of three scenarios: A) Iran gets involved and this turns into WWIV (outcome America wants). B) Israel genocides some more Palestinians and the anti-war faction ignores their atrocities because Jews. C) Hamas manages to fight to attrition and loses land but wins the PR war showing America as weak and making everything worse without any real changes strategically (most likely outcome). I think intuitively it will be B based on Hamas' performance all week, but C is the most logical outcome.
>Biden to visit Israel They're gonna kill him so they can launch a war.
>>10058 The kikes get to have 3 carriers? >>10063 They would never dare to kill our beloved president.
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5 Hezbollah fighters killed today DF says Hezbollah activity increased
>>10064 >The kikes get to have 3 carriers? Yes. 2 strike groups, with 3 carriers (one an amphibious assault). That's just the US puppet's deployment. I imagine the British puppet's will also deploy at least one strike group as well. >>9517 >>9923 >>10058
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>>10054 >what will the battle for The Gaza Strip look like? That depends on how they will fight it. >Smart mode: Israel covers every last inch of the strip with napalm and thermobaric bombs. Then goes in with specialised heavy infantry checking every corner and window with small nano drones before going in themselves. APCs and tanks covered to the brim with Trophy systems and add-on armor. >Retard mode Israel keeps on dropping regular bombs, then invades the ruins with regular infantry. Their soldiers get ambushed in every street and the KD ratio is horrendous. You know they'll go with the second option.
>>10065 Two of those look downright White. Presumably a CIA Glownigger/MOSSAD gayop?
>>10068 >the existence of the Lebanese is a CIA Glownigger/MOSSAD gayop This board has really gone down the shitter lately.
>>10067 If the kikes in fact begin the Operation Mow-Down the Strip, then the Aryans will send in their operatives and mudshit soldiers from Lebanon, Syria, & Jordan. Jerusalem will be their target of course. Things will quickly get very spicy all over if you're correct in your predictions, Strelok. The kikes have stately rather overtly in the press for decades now that the nukes will fly if Jerusalem is overrun. Unless God steps in to prevent such an occurance at this phase in human history (ie, it's not yet the end of the age, Biblically-speaking), then I'd suggest that Netanyahu et al are certainly crazy enough to push the big red button.
>>10069 There's always at least one "its always a joo plan" retard in threads like this, they are defeatists to the core and ironically probably benefit kikes with their kike worship.
>>10068 Lebanese were Phoenicians before the Islamic and ottoman conquest that is why you see some light and some dark skin, the Levantine is almost like America where you see every shade skin color under the sun.
>>10073 >the carrier group's crew is overdue for the end of their deployment Damn, now there's death flag. That's one step below the protagonist saying he's going to get married or retire once the mission ends. They're definitely going to get Liberty'd at this rate.
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German Chancellor Scholz in Tel Aviv
>>10078 Real alarm or just for the pictures? >>10075 Really did a number on their PR, now Arab states have to do something, at least it increases the likelihood
>>10049 >cries and sobs <shoots >... Got to me, not gonna lie
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>>10079 >Real alarm or just for the pictures? Don't know >Really did a number on their PR, now Arab states have to do something, at least it increases the likelihood Jews are blaming HAMAS for this one somehow. Picture related
>>10081 HAMAS does use civilians as human shields, let's not kid ourselves, it is a stretch to call it their fault though.
>>10081 They seem to be sending mixed messages. At first they were saying "when we see a Hamas target, we will go after it", then the story changed to it being a Hamas rocket that went off course, and there are also some Israeli officials suggesting it's a false flag, because Hamas propaganda claims Israel has been killing civilians but there is (the officials claim) no evidence that Israel has.
>>10082 Yeah but if someone is using a human shield you can't just shoot through them and go "Not my fault LOL." That wouldn't hold up in a court of law on an individual basis and it shouldn't hold up on a national level either.
>>10082 Gaza is was, once the kikes have their way the third most densely populated country* in the world. It's hard for the military to NOT to be near civilians even if they try. But on top of that, and >>10084's point, I haven't seen much indication that Israel is even pretending their strikes are aimed at Hamas with the civilians as mere collateral. By all appearances they're just bombing anything. When Russia hit that theatre in Mariupol, before the strike there were Telegram posts from civilians sheltering there saying they were worried that Azov's activities in the basement might make them a target. This time, I haven't been seeing that.
>>10080 Really? It didn't for me since it is just 3DPD getting killed dying.
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>>10075 >>10083 People are speculating that was some species of JDAM based on the sound of the incoming ordnance. It obviously wasn't a Hamas rocket which typically have the explosive power of an APL. Also pic related thickens the plot.
>>10086 Guess I'm not a sociopath
>>10088 Very cool moralfag
>>10087 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=A_uwzugvv-g Similar whistle before impact compared to the second video in >>10075
>>10088 I hope my kids grow up to be just like you, anon.
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>>10090 >>10091 Gentilemen, we present the 'magic rocket fragment' hypothesis. >RWA presses X to doubt. >video OSINT refers to conveniently has no sound...
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>>10075 >>10079 >>10081 >>10087 >>10091 I strongly believe that it was the IDF who attacked the hospital. They did so that Hamas did not have an area to heal their wounded and because they also intend on genociding the local population. However, I have a few family members who believe it was either Hamas or another group aligned with Hamas. Is there any other evidence that the IDF did this? Because while I can certainly see Hamas using human shields as other anons have said, I find it very hard to believe they'd bomb their own hospitals. Could the rocket in question have been a Spice bomb? Also, I don't know how big the hospital was but how large of a rocket would you need to bring it down? 1,000 pounds? 2,000 pounds?
>>10080 ngl, me to. >>10088 This.
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>>10063 Lol, Usurper-in-Chief was just handed his hat. The kikes really f*cked up JDAM'g the Baptist hospital, I think.
>Palestinians get genocided right in front of the world >showing anyone who isn't a total retard exactly what kikes are >at the very least antisemitism will become fully mainstream within years instead of decades Go on kikes, do it.
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Cornpop has not blamed Hamas for the explosion
>>10094 There's a lot of fuckery going on and not enough info. Wait for the dust to settle.
>>10099 500+ people were killed, it's absurd to think that Hamas has anything capable of doing that much damage, stray rocket or no. The israelis have the means, motive and temperament. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
>>10094 It pretty clearly was the kikes even disregarding the immediate damage control. They've been basically carpet bombing Gaza for days now, crying hummus over this one building is fucking stupid.
>>10096 >>10100 It takes a special kind of idiot to fuck up the optics of the response to a massive terrorist attack with hundreds of civilian casualties in only a couple of weeks but it looks like Israel was up for the job.
>>10088 >sociopath I have seen a lot of videos of people dying, got used to it, also she is someone I don't give a fuck about, and to top it all off she is a kike.
>>10093 >the 'magic rocket fragment' Since you mention it, a couple months ago one of the Secret Service agents who was guarding Kennedy admitted in his memoir that he planted the "magic bullet" on the stretcher.
>>10086 >>10103 >t. edgelord
>>10105 Strelok may be just a little bit of an edgelord, but on the other hand, where do you think you are?
>>10102 >a couple of weeks It hasn't even been two full weeks since Hamas attacked.
>>10106 On an imageboard throwing out low effort b8 for dopamine hits from fags like (you).
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>>10075 I can feel the tides of opinion turning against Isreal right after this. Even my Dad who is ambivalent towards the Jews now wants them wiped off the map after hearing about this strike. Just you wait till even the US changes their 'unconditional support' into a mere 'positive relations' for a few months atleast, because you and i know they're controlled by the Greater Zion since supporting Israel means supporting hospital bombings (and caught on video to boot). The sympathies the world has for Isreal have dried up, and the longer the siege goes, the worse this looks for Israel.
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>>10098 I find the 2nd part of his statement to be down right hilarious considering his presidency and his accidental bombing of the water worker back in the Afghanistan withdraw. Not to mention his entire presidency under Obama.
>>10096 >>10098 Biden is fucked. He's either got to condemn Israel for the bombing or he's got to support them on it and neither choice is politically tenable for an American politician. Of course the GOP is fucked too because the entire primary ticket has confirmed themselves for being lifetime Zionists.
>>10102 >It takes a special kind of idiot to fuck up the optics of the response to a massive terrorist attack with hundreds of civilian casualties in only a couple of weeks Yes, but if you described that situation to me and asked me to guess which country it was, my two main guesses would be either Israel, or the US (in service of Israel). I mean, it took the US at least a year after 9/11 before the rest of the world started walking back on the GWOT, such as rejecting the Iraq War. The US may have described this attack as being literally ten times worse than 9/11, but Israel managed to blow their optics twenty or thirty times faster.
>>10111 Are there any donkeys or elephants that aren't zog puppets? Even AOC's stupid juicy beaner ass is full on zog despite her pretenses to the contrary.
>>10086 Conscripts dying is never fun, though I do agree that its not so harrowing just because of whamen-protect animal brain compared to the shit seen from conscripts of the ukraine conflict. Its just so desensitizing after a certain point.
>>10080 I only thought about how bad the camera work was. The Palestinians need dedicated camera guys for these. The stupid Arabs aimed above the line of fire.
>>10110 >I don't know shit, ask Putin about gas prices Typical.
Would it be accurate to characterize HAMAS's forces as all-volunteer?
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>>10113 >Are there any donkeys or elephants that aren't zog puppets? Ilhan Omar is perhaps the most uppity on this subject but of course doesn't rule her out as controlled opposition.
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>>10119 >hohol flag Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug.
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>>10068 >Two of those look downright White Lebanese still have some old pre-arab semitic genes which means ancient caucasoids, it is normal to see white-ish lebs >>10096 Like anon said i think there's really no doubt who bombed the hospital but trying to cover for it seems like a retarded move by the mainstream media, Israel has already bombed civilian refuges, schools and even other hospitals although of smaller scale, even so before the hospital it seems they bombed a school and shelter administered by the United Nations with 4000+ civilians around. Doesn't help the jews got caught officially trying to present a video about the "intercepted missile mishit" narrative that got proven to be from a different place at a different hour. There's tons of data and events happening everyday, if a normalfag with a small amount of processing power gets to read all the shenanigans the jews have perpetrated since the start of this they will turn into mini Goebbels by the end of the month. After all many interweb denizens back in the day got radicalized with 9/11 and the second Intifada, this is now the contemporary Overton Window event in terms of the JQ. >Baptist hospital Aaand it was a christian hospital, colour me surprised, back in the /new/ days i remember some screencapped thread about a yid who reported back to his superiors that a hospital his group investigated was purely civilian and they still bombed it. Jews' hate boner for anything Christian is downright comedic at this point, like Oppenheimer deciding to make the church in Hiroshima the target for the atom bomb, or when he armed the second bomb with the full core despite objections to it, or all the jews in the Manhattan Project deciding for civilian christian centers rather than military ports or rail junctions near depot complexes. >>10121 Jews kept being asked about proofs of the dead babies, there it is i guess
>>10122 >yid who reported back to his superiors that a hospital his group investigated was purely civilian There was an Israeli soldier on 4/pol/ around 2013 or 2014 who said he'd investigated a Palestinian hospital and that there were no Hamas fighters there but the IAF was going to bomb it anyway. He named it and said he'd desert to an unspecified neighbouring country. Sure enough the hospital got bombed and an Israeli solider went missing. Never heard any more about that. We might be thinking of the same story.
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>>10124 All I can think of when washing that webm is >Bidup gets lost wandering around Jerusalem >Hamas intelligence agents open an ice cream stand >Bidet sees ice cream >IDF orders the USN carrier strike groups in the med to fire a Tomahawk at the terrorist gathering >Dup sentenced to death for his anti-semitic support of Israel while the IDF liberties the carriers in retaliation, Kameharamis suspends the US constitution due to Ukrainian Nazi muslim infiltrators in voting machine companies and names Netanyahu the nominal head of state as a reparation for the 40 trillion jewish christian babies beheaded at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital by a false flagging missile fragment from Hamas >greater Israel achieved
>>10080 eh, if the last couple years have shown anything to be true it's that horrible things happen to conscripts (so don't become one).
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What gets me thinking about the whole thing is how the mainstream media that is owned by Jews as far as we know is still largely anti-Israel, at the very least there's no shortage of showing the Israeli response as what it is, which you'd think would be the opposite, you'd think if the media was fully the kikes tool they'd be as pro-Israel as possible... so what gives? This is the same media that is all for Jewish "progressive" projects such as BLM, feminism, etc
>>10127 Mainstream media is owned by a small number of scum, sure, but where they coordinate it's because they've had some "what is the ethical thing to do" little illuminati meeting. This shit is all happening in real time, it isn't premeditated. These are monolithic organizations, any sort of strategy meeting (even without cross-company collusion) is going to take months. The official playbook for "how do we market the israeli war" will come out but it probably doesn't exist yet. >This is the same media that is all for Jewish "progressive" projects such as BLM, feminism, etc Woh it's almost like there isn't some kind of magical jewish hivemind that's behind all the world's evils. If I had to guess I'd say that midlevel mainstream media jews like the reporter there and whoever's writing his teleprompter are probably anti-benji/anti-military and with the administration trying to pull a hortler and turn israel back into a military dictatorship, they're probably going to bail on the country if they are on-site and denounce his actions.
https://www.ft.com/content/9f1b190d-c955-4381-a6f5-ab4a2bf1c32c https://archive.ph/We1Hv >We write as Jews, many of us with family and friends directly affected by the tragedy that has befallen Israel. Like so many others, the vile crimes perpetrated by Hamas in Israel have shaken us to our core. >We also write in our capacity as lawyers. We do so because, instilled with our Jewish values, we believe that law, and the adherence to the rule of law, provide an invaluable guide to begin to make sense of what we are witnessing and to provide a path to govern responses to it. In these darkest of days, we write to emphasise the importance of international law as a guide to all. And so on and on. The interesting part is that it was written by British jews.
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>>10122 >like Oppenheimer deciding to make the church in Hiroshima the target for the atom bomb Are all Japanese Christian churches so oddly designed? That is sarcasm; the bullshit you're making up doesn't make any sense at all.
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some reserves are being called to fight the information war.
>>10124 I know the US backed Israel's story after things like the Liberty, and Palestinian lives are even cheaper than American ones, but it's still fucking insane than the US is actually supporting the "we dindu nuffin" this time.
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security forces are deployed to the US embassy to contain protests in the middle east 4) Us base in Al-Asad got hit
more videos of riots in the middle east
>>10125 israeli's are suggesting biden's visit was to buy time/cockblock the ground invasion. If I were to guess, everyone in the region is behaving extra poorly in order to extract more gibs...for "peace" or whatever (probably to spend before the 1/24 divestment). I'm anxious to see how "our" greatest $weapon$ fares. because if it flops things are going to get way worse stateside.
>>10131 hah, quite the pitch! >there is no other option (I'd sooner throw in with gypsy driveway sealers than that clown)
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>>10127 As >>10128 says, that's happening in real time. Compare that analysis to the more recent article also published by the BBC, which insists that "weapons experts" say the hospital blast was too small to be an Israeli bomb. This is the photo they offer of the damage to "prove" the explosion wasn't actually that bad. I notice something conspicuously missing (i.e. the actual fucking hospital).
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>>10128 Sure, but this isn't the first time there's conflict in the area, the playbook for Israeli-Palestinian conflict could have been written years ago. Compare with the war in Ukraine, where all the media immediately went to paint Russians as literally Hitler and prop up nonsense about Ukraine like the Ghost of Kiev. Why aren't we getting some 40 CGId decapitated babies and stories about a brave Somali-Israeli trans lesbian IDF soldier that gave xer life to try and save them? >Woh it's almost like there isn't some kind of magical jewish hivemind that's behind all the world's evils. I agree completely, but it seems then the western kikes are quite at odds with the Zionists ones. >If I had to guess... Maybe >>10137 I see, i still find it odd is not much more one sided, like all the other "projects"
>>10138 >Sure, but this isn't the first time there's conflict in the area, the playbook for Israeli-Palestinian conflict could have been written years ago Pretty sure the playbook for israel-palestine was to not report on IDF actions basically at all. You can't just not run big stories though, at least not unless you've made some sort of cartel decision to do so.
>>10129 >We write as Jews >We also write in our capacity as lawyers You don't even need comedians anymore when the jokes just write themselves.
>>10133 >>10134 The fire rises.
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>>10127 Remember the war in Yugoslavia? For weeks the MSM reported atrocities on all sides until the narrative was written. On that day it was as though a switch was flipped. Suddenly the media reported only Serbian atrocities and the Boznian muslims were only portrayed as innocent victims. Every Boznian war crime they had reported even the day before was memory-holed as the MSM manufactured consent for NATO 'intervention'. Western legacy media, although owned and directed by jews, is almost exclusively staffed by 'leftists' as described by Uncle Ted. All leftism is top-down and the leftists wait for their thought leaders to determine the 'acceptable' position on any topic. That takes time, as >>10128 says. In the meantime they rely on their programming. Keith Woods describes this succinctly in pic related (from KeithWoodsYT/status/1713979808957296682). Western leftists have always been pro-Palestinian, partly because Palestinians are noticeably browner than Khazarian colonists with +50% European admixture. This is a real problem for the jew since a lifetime of programming is hardly undone by a single narrative, no matter how forceful or pervasive. They will try as they have no choice. I expect the cognitive dissonance amongst leftists will be severe.
>>10138 >i still find it odd is not much more one sided Years of drinking the koolaid made the goys think that muslims are bigger victims than jews.
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It's over.
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>>10142 > I expect the cognitive dissonance amongst leftists will be severe. And that's a good thing.
>>10144 > Purely esoteric & organic
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>>10147 what function is this gagglefuck 'of the willing' going to serve? bait?
>>10148 It's just vassals signalling fealty to their master. Probably hoping their capital cities will be spared when the Sampson Option kicks in.
>>10075 >>10121 >Jewish bloodlust against the Gentiles knows no bounds. >But nowadays there is a not insignificant chance of said bloodlust being captured on film and broadcast to the world. Jewish tricks backfiring on the merchants before an international audience is more spicy than any Muslim military victory, I think. I look forward to seeing the attempts at keeping this "Black vs. White" narrative alive while Israel simultaneously genocides the Palestinians before a 'live' audience.
>>10133 >3rd video I'm glad the McDonald's seems mostly ok.
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>>10151 But not in Turkey. >kebabs > burgers
>>10150 They're just blaming their own attacks on the hummus, I'm curious to see how many people buy it this time around. It seems like they get fewer and fewer people each go round, soon all they'll have left is their impotent boomerniggers that are at death's door and maybe a handful of particularly fucking stupid millennials. I don't know if the younger generations even give a shit about zionism in the first place.
>>10152 >shouting allahu ackbar while attacking a McDonalds This is straight out of a flash cartoon you'd see on Newgrounds in the 00s.
>>10127 >What gets me thinking about the whole thing is how the mainstream media that is owned by Jews as far as we know is still largely anti-Israel >anons still fall for this The media isn't and has never been anti-israel, they just pretend to be to trick idiots(mostly in burgerland) to support anything israel does to spite the other side. Same thing the left in the US does with the antiwar narrative.
I wish I had archived the early news articles mentioning that there had actually been significantly more people at that hospital a few days ago, but that many had left because of previous Israeli strikes in the area. It didn't seem significant at the time, but obviously it would be significant now that Israel's denying it, and the denial means it's been scrubbed from the reports. Or maybe I'm thinking of that UN school Israel bombed, not the hospital? It's so hard to keep track of the kikes' various war crimes.
If the conflict were to spread, how would the ongoing circus in the US concerning the Speaker position affect America's ability to respond? I know Congressional approval is necessary for a formal declaration of war, but does that have any practical effect or does can the military do anything as long as it's just a special military operation instead of a war? How much can Biden's handlers do simply by giving him a script to mumble, without needing Congress at all? And how paralyzed is Congress in the first place?
Purported footage of the combat jet dropping flares, while exiting the JDAM bombing run on the Baptist hospital in Gaza. https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1714735570889691297
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>>10137 I refuse to believe that a bomb with a crater that small that could cause a explosion that big and kill 500+ people. I don't believe it. Also, wasn't most of the hospital leveled? >Compare that analysis to the more recent article also published by the BBC, which insists that "weapons experts" say the hospital blast was too small to be an Israeli bomb. I wonder who the weapons expert is, a member of the IDF? >I notice something conspicuously missing (i.e. the actual fucking hospital). I don't believe the image is an accurate representation of the bombing at the hospital. While I do think it's from the area around it, I don't think it's actual impact site of the bomb. >>10158 Good lord in heaven, thank you for showing me this. I had a family member who was kind of believing the IDF side of the story but now I can show them this. In my honest opinion, this undoubtedly looks like a jet shooting a missile at a hospital. It's disgusting too because isn't that one of the most accurate ways to bomb something, using a fast moving, agile jet? Wasn't this tactic used by the US in vietnam against the VC when the VC got anti air craft missiles? When will we see Bernie Gores die in this current conflict?
>>10159 >I refuse to believe that a bomb with a crater that small that could cause a explosion that big and kill 500+ people Some media outlets have pivoted from reporting "500 dead" to "local authorities say 500 dead", so that's their implicit explanation for how disproportionate it seems. That particular BBC article is full of contradictions. It insists that most of the damage was the subsequent fuel fire rather than the "small" explosion, yet reports that the injuries observed (including the fact that a lot of the bodies are completely dismembered) are consistent with explosion and shrapnel, but they also say no shrapnel has been found and that that also proves it wasn't Israeli.
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>>10158 An even more damning angle.
>>10157 Short term, it probably wouldn't affect the ability to respond as the acting president can send military forces into foreign territories for up to two months (60 days) + an addition month (30 days) for withdrawing and must notify the Congress he is doing so within 48 hours. This would not be a formal declaration of war, but given there are no limits on how often this act can be utilized, a president could utilize this every two months to ensure a non-formal military engagement continues to occur on foreign soil. On the other hand however, this Act is questionably constitutional despite multiple years of administrations bowing to it, as the President of the United States of America is considered to be the Commander in Chief of the US military by constitutional authority (Article 2; Section 2) and the passage of the relevant act (50 U.S. Code Chapter 33 - WAR POWERS RESOLUTION Section 1544b) was not a constitutional amendment, it is possible for a president to essentially at any time decide to ignore it. That could be blocked by a federal judge, but said judicial decision would not necessarily stop actual mobilization. Regarding the Speaker situation, there is currently an unelected, temporary speaker in place but going by the current house rules, said temporary speaker can: >"(3)(A) In the case of a vacancy in the Office of Speaker, the next Member on the list described in subdivision (B) shall act as Speaker pro tempore until the election of a Speaker or a Speaker pro tempore. Pending such election the Member acting as Speaker pro tempore may exercise such authorities of the Office of Speaker as may be necessary and appropriate to that end." Basically this means yes, the US House and Senate could manage to pass a formal declaration of war regardless an elected speaker having been removed. If you want to read more into it, check the following Links for Constitution: >constitution.congress.gov/constitution/article-2/#article-2-section-2 >https://archive.ph/c7gOg Links for 50 U.S. Code Chapter 33: >https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/chapter-33 >https://web.archive.org/web/20230411223716/https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/chapter-33 I'd honestly be more worried about Israel false flagging another naval vessel, which would almost guarantee we get pulled into this shitfest, no matter how blatant it is that Israel did it.
>>10162 Forgot to post links for house rules. >cha.house.gov/_cache/files/5/3/5361f9f8-24bc-4fbc-ac97-3d79fd689602/1F09ADA16E45C9E7B67F147DCF176D95.118-rules-01102023.pdf >https://web.archive.org/web/20231004193740/https://cha.house.gov/_cache/files/5/3/5361f9f8-24bc-4fbc-ac97-3d79fd689602/1F09ADA16E45C9E7B67F147DCF176D95.118-rules-01102023.pdf
>>10159 >thank you for showing me this. Sure nprb. >a jet shooting a missile at a hospital I've seen lots of mis-informed talking heads calling JDAM a missle. It's not and never was. It's a gravity bomb with a quidance conversion-kit slapped on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Direct_Attack_Munition What the Israelis probably used was 1 or 2 of the 2'000lb variant of the Mk-84 gravity bombs, likely from one of their f15I fighter jets that night. https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Mark_84_bomb https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/05/the-thunder-why-israels-f-15i-fighter-jet-is-a-masterpiece/ >but now I can show them this. Here's a set of good audio clips comparing the explosion of a HAMAS rocket more like a big bottle-rocket to a JDAM's incoming whine + boom. > https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1714399005399011406
>>10161 Yeah, thanks Strelok. Much clearer footage and good commentary diagramming.
>>10160 >That particular BBC article is full of contradictions. It insists that most of the damage was the subsequent fuel fire rather than the "small" explosion, yet reports that the injuries observed (including the fact that a lot of the bodies are completely dismembered) are consistent with explosion and shrapnel, but they also say no shrapnel has been found and that that also proves it wasn't Israeli.
>>10159 >I refuse to believe that a bomb with a crater that small that could cause a explosion that big Suppose we accept that crater is all the explosion left. Regardless of the crater's size, there is also an upside-down car, so the explosion must have been powerful enough to completely flip a car. For the explosion to be able to flip a car, but also do relatively little damage to the ground, suggests to my amateur eye that whatever exploded did so above the ground, not on it. A fuel explosion from a wayward sewer-pipe rocket would surely occur when the rocket crashed into the ground. If the explosion was indeed an airburst, it seems to me that it must have come from an explosive configured to detonate in an airburst, which would be Israeli.
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One of these is a fragment of a shot down Hamas rocket detonating an oxygen tank in a hospital full of terrorist weapons fired by PIJ from the cemetery next door located in a book depository 5km away an hour before the event. The other is an IAF JDAM. Know the difference. It could save your life.
>>10168 Haven't spotted one of these for this war yet. Maybe your post can serve as the guide.
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This season's salt is premium.
>>10170 >This season's salt is premium. True indeed. I predict it will mount much, much higher before all is said and done. However, both parties are full of shit. The kike, b/c well, kikes lol. The woman b/c there are no 'versions' of the truth. There's just the Truth. Simple as.
>>10170 If it's her grandmother's sari, it might actually be older than Israel is.
>>10172 And likely to last longer.
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>>10171 Every time I see someone from Israel speaking to someone who is neutral and not pro Israel they always become hostile. You'd think they'd want as much positive press as possible but instead they act high and mighty. Ironically this proves the narrative of Israel being a racial supremacist colonizer as he's basically telling someone else in another country to dress differently because it offends him. What a bunch of laughing joking numb nuts. >>10172 That probably is the case. What country is the host from? i want to say India because the woman isn't covered and probably is a Hindu but please correct me if I'm wrong. >>10173 Yes, undoubtedly. When the 2nd yom kippur war started, I was politically neutral. I didn't support either and had kind of hoped it didn't spark up into a war that would get the US or anyone else involved. However, as time has gone on, I've become more and more disgruntled with Israel and their representatives. At least Hamas doesn't have a problem executing enemy soldiers who have surrendered and posting it. Similar to the hospital air strike, their repeated denial despite evidence being mounted against them is frustrating. It's funny because I wouldn't even be talking about the airstrike had they not lied. If they just said "fuck yeah we hate muzzies, bomb all plebstines". But instead, they've denied it despite overwhelming evidence they airstriked that hospital, either by accident or on purpose.
>>10127 Here's an example of your primary point Strelok. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/16/middleeast/israel-palestinian-evacuation-orders-invs/index.html As to why? I think what this strelok has to say about it probably the right take: >"Pretty sure the playbook for israel-palestine was to not report on IDF actions basically at all. You can't just not run big stories though, at least not unless you've made some sort of cartel decision to do so." >>10139 OTOH, I also agree that the official Jewnited Snakes/Globohomo coordinated media position: >"is going to take months. The official playbook for "how do we market the israeli war" will come out but it probably doesn't exist yet." >>10128
>>10174 >What country is the host from? The sari is a garment from the Indian subcontinent, there's a bindi dot on her forehead, she has an Indian accent, and the runner at the bottom mentions Bengal in the other headlines.
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>>10174 >Ironically this proves the narrative of Israel being a racial supremacist colonizer as he's basically telling someone else in another country to dress differently because it offends him. True.
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>>10176 Thanks for clearing it up, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting the origin of her country wrong. Telling lies is for the Federal Government and the IDF. >>10177 It's like they just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.
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>>10178 >It's like they just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot. Hubris is a helluva delusional drug.
>>10164 I've been so angry about the mental gymnastics the fence-sitters have gone through today trying to go >lol it was hummus that bombed the hospital >lol hummus bombed the parking lot and it was a fire, Israel never did this While ignoring that the victims have shrapnel wounds consistent with explosives, the type of explosion it was. It's not even them being wrong, it's them being smug about being wrong while talking to an audience of a million+ people as some kind of authority. I expect that shit from the televised media, not from alt-media.
>>9459 >Gee golly citizens, sorry for trying to disarm you. Now please be good cannon fodder for the political class hiding in their bunkers. Note I'm indifferent to both sides of this conflict, I just hate gun control obviously since I'm here...
>>10178 >but 52 years 2023 - 52 = 1971 What did he mean by this?
>>10180 >it's them being smug about being wrong while talking to an audience of a million+ people as some kind of authority. Literally (((hasbara)))
>>10161 You're second clip reveals there were two aircraft on that run. Note the navigational lights? That explains why the 2nd explosion is both a) offset in space (further away), and b) offset in time (later). >tl;dr Two jets dropped two bombs nearly simultaneously during the same run. Find the 2nd explosion site (near, but not on the hospital site) and you've confirmed that IAF did the deed that night. Good hunting strelok!
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>>10184 Maybe this is one of the two explosions, right ouside the hospital?
>>10184 Note that even some pro-Israel reports, like the BBC article I keep bringing up, do mention a second explosion some distance from the first in their confirmed and geolocated videos. So that video's pair is at least somewhat consistent with "accepted facts".
>>10185 So possibly the rookie pilot only landed a near-miss, but the ace got a direct hit? That would explain why there were even any civilian survivors at all.
>>10185 >>10187 No, that would be the one that hit "the hospital". The other would be quite a distance away. I think the disconnect between the relatively low level of visible building damage and the massive casualty count is the result of an airburst and shrapnel, and sheer crowding.
>>10188 >I think the disconnect between the relatively low level of visible building damage and the massive casualty count is the result of an airburst and shrapnel, and sheer crowding. I've never really stuided military bombs but from what I understand, you use shrapnel based bombs for infantry and then HEAT, and various other specialized rounds for taking out buildings and heavy armor. The problem I have with this is if it was a shrapnel bomb, that means they were targeting infantry or at the very least people in the street because none of the buildings look leveled. Damaged certainly, but not completely destroyed. Strelok, based on the bomb they used, do you think they were intentionally targeting civilians? Or perhaps there were Hamas fighters in that area where they dropped the bombs? Because I think it's extremely telling that the bomb in question wasn't intended for a heavily fortified building/bunker since it was a shrapnel based bomb. I apologize if I got anything wrong or misunderstood something, Military explosives are not my specialty.
>>10188 So what? Are you saying 500+ women & children were crowded together in the parking lot? There would be visible blood & gore everywhere, even after a couple of days of body removals. BTW, any strelok know of any aerial views of the demolished hospital itself being revealed? Both sides could produce near-field drone shots of the attack site itself? Why just the parking lot/burned cars only?
>>10186 Yeah I think now it's clearly two aircraft + two bomb drops. Not sure if it was 2x1=2, or 2x2=4 bombs. Could be either, if they were F15-I's as the strike platforms.
>>10191 Either way, if it's proven there were two distinct, nearly-identical explosion sites, very close in space & time that night, then it unequivocally establishes the IAF is the culprit. No other group would have the capability + the imperative & proximity.
>>10123 > 4/pol/ around 2013 or 2014 Thought it was older hence /new/ >said he'd desert to an unspecified neighbouring country Yeah same story, i think he even posted ID like his passports or mil clearance? i recall that thread along with the infinite AWM cartoon edits from 4chon posted every hour. Good times. >>10130 >Doesn't make any sense at all What doesn't? the bombs went to the cities with the most christians in Japan due to being the traditional centers for the faith (and arguably some of the biggest pilgrimage spots for East Asia), in Hiroshima the main targets were a clothing depot and food supplies which are fairly irrelevant compared to the real industrial sectors that were already knocked around by the incendiary raids or even the junctions you posted that could be instagibbed by a conventional raid. Hiroshima's ground zero was the river crossings with the domed church. Nagasaki had its zero in Urakami, site of the cathedral and the parish with the most christians in Japan away from military facilities other than a prison for service dodgers. In the latter around 9000 to 10000 christians died while in the former i could not get decent precise-ish numbers but 140k got dusted and it was the second biggest christian center around there so perhaps the same number as Nagasaki or with a couple thousand less. Also the scientist committee, due to knowing the bomb's capabilities, was responsible for picking the targets allegedly. By knowing how symbolic and fairly read these jews were i have little doubt they used religion bias for their picks, after all Kyoto, Yahata and Osaka were more important targets and mostly spared from the bombs although i think some of them were bombed (again) when Americans did the finishing raids pre-surrender. >>10131 >Good vs Evil >Right side of history >"Blind" hate >No other option Funny, it's all the same buzzwords and phrases from the american media, it's like they are the same or something
>>10193 >posted ID like his passports or mil clearance Timestamped passport and dogtags from what I remember. I am pretty sure it wasn't /new/ as I was never on /new/ but was there for the thread but those times blur together pretty hard for me. I am not even sure if it was on 4/pol/ or 8/pol/. I hope he made it.
>>10153 After covid plandemic i can assure to you that the cattle will always buy the stupid narratives that the jews throws, at least here in brazil theres a massive support to israel and all the channels only interview brazilian-israeli "specialists".
>>10193 >What doesn't Your claim of "Oppenheimer deciding to make the church in Hiroshima the target for the atom bomb" is simply outright false. The aiming point was the bridge, not a church. The aiming point would need to be something prominent and easily recognizable, and a unique T-shaped bridge in the middle of the city is the clear choice. As for the attribution of the target choice, whatever it was, to Oppenheimer, that sounds ridiculous. The choice of aiming point would surely be made by people who actually have some knowledge of how to aim a bomb. And Oppenheimer wasn't even on the target committee to select cities anyway. >in Hiroshima the main targets were a clothing depot and food supplies Hiroshima was chosen because it was a significant port, had several important military targets, had river crossing that would have contained fires from conventional bombing, and had hills they hoped would focus the blast to make the bomb more effective. The relevant documents containing their reasoning have been released. The idea that they came up with a bunch of real, valid reasons to target Hiroshima to hide they fact that didn't have a valid reason to target Hiroshima is nonsense. >the river crossings with the domed church What domed church? The most prominent domed building near that site wasn't a church. >Nagasaki had its zero in Urakami Nagasaki wasn't the target they set out to bomb that day. It was a backup. They bombed the city they were able to see enough of through clouds and smoke to actually aim at. Which is also why your argument about the zero is also absurd. The actual ground zero in Urakami was miles away from the designated aiming point. The Jews were not magically controlling the clouds to guide the bombers closer to the church. And despite being off-target, the bomb still managed to destroy various major arsenals, munitions plants, steels works, and so on, which were the sort of military targets that made the city a candidate in the first place. And in general, we're talking about nukes. They're city-busters. The idea of targeting an individual building in any capacity beyond it being easy to aim at (like the bridge) simply doesn't make sense. They had to consider the cities as a whole, which is why they picked ones with extensive war-related industry. >Also the scientist committee, due to knowing the bomb's capabilities, was responsible for picking the targets It was a mixed committee of mostly military and some scientists, and of the scientists only one was Jewish, and he was a Christian. So there was nobody on the committee that your supposed anti-Christian Jewish motives can even be attributed to. >Kyoto That was a candidate target put forward by the committee. It was rejected by the government side.
>>10196 Yeah that's why there was zero blowback and no one ever questions anything especially now when all evidence points to no one saying anything at alllllll time to worship our jewish god kings and embrace the boo hoos :( fuckin faggot
>>10128 >These are monolithic organizations, any sort of strategy meeting (even without cross-company collusion) is going to take months. I guess the memes are already starting to write themselves now in this matter. https://nypost.com/2023/10/18/several-bbc-reporters-taken-off-air-for-alleged-pro-hamas-posts/ https://twitter.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1714434996549702015
>>10197 >only one was Jewish, and he was a Christian Literally impossible. What are you trying to say here, Strelok?
>>10200 >Literally impossible. What are you trying to say here, Strelok? He was a Christian of Jewish ethnicity. I'm not sure what has you so confused about that, given that Christianity is a Jewish religion to begin with.
>>10200 Even kikes can find salvation, anonkun.
>>10201 Christianity isn't a Jewish religion. A Jewish religion is satanism or being a Canaanite. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you've been huffing larppaganism and not one of those Khazars that was deployed to fight ebil white people.
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Al-Abad Israeli military site.
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Anyone have the archives of the kikes tweets?
>>10203 >the cult of Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef isn't Jewish
>>10203 If you believe the Old Testament i.e. the Jewish Tanakh is satanist, then I'm not sure what religion that makes you but it isn't Christian.
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>>10201 >ethnicity >religion Make up your mind there, Strelok. >>10202 >Even kikes can find salvation, anonkun. Obviously. At which point they are no longer Jewish, but Christian. Never the twain shall meet. >>10207 Jews a) revere their man-made writings, the Talmud, above all else. When God sent the very Messiah that His writings prophesied, they rejected and murdered Him. Even after He resurrected Himself, they still rejected Him. >tl;dr Christianity != Judaism. Not sure what's hard to understand about that. Jesus fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets. Having completed it, He put it away and revealed a new and better way. When the Holy Spirit of God came fully back into the Earth on the Day of Pentecost, Christianity was the open sign from God that the New Covenant was now in effect -- and would be forever more. >ttl;dr Please stop trying to conflate the old with the new. The Jews who tried to do that back in the day brought yet more condemnation on themselves, trying to be justified again by the Law.
>yemeni groups fire missiles at israel and/or us warship >drones and missiles strike us al-asad base in iraq >drone attack on us al-tanf base in syria >iran moving long range ballistic missiles about >might have switched to chinese gps >resistance making threatening noises from behind the golan heights >jewropean cuntries advising citizens to flee lebanon Looks like happenings are about to habben.
>>10210 >Looks like happenings are about to habben. LET THE HABBENINGS BEGIN Well look at that, just in time for a new bread too. :^) OP YOU STILL HERE? PROBABLY ABOUT TIME TO BAKE #2, happening boogaloo
>>10209 >Christians worship the god of the Jews, share their holy text with the Jews, and believe that he sent among the Jews a "messiah" (to use the Jewish term) that was prophesied in Jewish writings >this means Christianity is not a Jewish religion You're making leftists' "not true Communism" look almost rational in comparison.
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>>10210 The U.S. State Department issued a unprecedented worldwide level 2 travel advisory warning if you don't count the COVID scare due to the conflict
>>10213 >unprecedented A worldwide level 2 warning was also issued last years after the US assassinated an al-Qa'ida leader.
>>10203 Don't respond to jews trying to shit up the thread with anti-christian spam. Just report and hide.
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>>10209 >Jews a) revere their man-made writings, the Talmud, above all else. Rabbinic Jews do, but they're not the only form of Judaism to ever exist. Even today there are Karaite Jews, who revere the man-made writings known as the Hebrew Bible. >Christianity != Judaism. Christianity has Jewish roots. It's an offshoot of Second Temple Judaism. >Jesus fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets. One thing Rabbinic Jews are right about is that he didn't. If he was actually the Messiah, he would have ruled as a king and ushered in an era of peace and prosperity. The whole Second Coming idea is just desperate grasping at straws from people who had the self-awareness to see this problem, and Jesus sure doesn't seem to have returned in the lifetimes of any of his disciples like the Bible says he would if you're ruling out full preterism. And if you're willing to accept full preterism, what changed? This world definitely doesn't look like a paradise to me. He didn't even fulfill the criterion of being a descendant of David if you believe he was the son of God, since that rules out patrilineal descent.
>>10217 >Christianity has Jewish roots Christianity is older than "judaism" as a religion. Judaism in the bible is referring to a bloodline and tribe. They don't follow the torah or the old testament as was the center of the religion the jewish people followed. Their main holy books now are the talmud, which are books written to oppose the old and new laws. This would be like saying Christianity stems from satanism. Like them calling their nation founded in the 1940s "Israel" and then claiming that it's whats referred to as Isarel in the bible. This is no different. They play with words to deceive themselves and others.
>>10218 >Christianity is older than "judaism" as a religion Only if you're playing word games and defining Judaism as purely Rabbinic Judaism. >They don't follow the torah or the old testament as was the center of the religion the jewish people followed. Their main holy books now are the talmud, which are books written to oppose the old and new laws. Karaites don't, and they're still Jews.
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Currently, does there exist any other video footage of the hospital airstrike? It would only make sense for the hospital to have a security camera operating at the time so is there any footage from that? One more thing, how do I go about convincing a family member to watch the videos on here to show that the hospital airstrike was Israel's doing? I don't personally believe my family member is stupid, I think they're just scared of the view they've been presented being shattered by something else.
>>10215 >anti-christian spam You just gonna go and be a hyocrite and ignore the christian spam though huh?
>>10220 I think everything public has been posted ITT already so far. > It would only make sense for the hospital to have a security camera operating at the time so is there any footage from that Is it so easy for security footage to survive that? >I don't personally believe my family member is stupid, I think they're just scared of the view they've been presented being shattered by something else. It's very hard for most people to question what they've been taught their whole lives, if they're not being a histrionic dumbass about it right out the gate then on some level they've probably already started questioning things themselves.
>>10122 Man, kikes really have the biggest hate boner for christianity out of anything huh? Guess I'd feel the same if a fork of my religion that stems entirely in rejection of my religion's ideology does better than every other philosophy or theology in the world, taking a bunch of illiterate sub-100 iq barbarian snow apes and turns them into objectively the best empires, nations and people in all of history.
>>10215 The problem is the christ-schizos.
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>>57357 >To be Abrahamic is to believe in the moral codes that shaped society for greatness, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Persians did just fine without it. Christianity owes a lot to pagan thinkers like Aristotle and Plotinus anyway. >"ass-fucking 'shroom-devouring individual-is-god materialistic hedonists masquerading as organized religion") Sounds like you're completely uninformed about non-Abrahamic religions and spiritual ideas. >Abrahamic rights What are "Abrahamic rights"?
>>10215 >"anons" falling for obvious forum-shilling/COINTELPRO tactics >in CY+8 This is all bullshit to distract from the topic at hand and you know it. I'll put in my $0.02, though: online Christians have yet to actually win any real fight against modernity - in fact, they can be openly degenerate at times - and are only interested in effortless moral posturing on dead imageboards, while online pagans are perpetually butthurt about Christianity, without providing a worthy alternative to that dying religion. I highly doubt most of you even believe in any form of divinity; you whine about politics and hide behind the Aegis of God.
>>57357 What the fuck is an "ethnic religion"? Ethnicity is biological. Religion is a belief in a particular cosmology. One is innate and immutable. The other is a choice. Even in your retarded worldview it must be a choice because otherwise it makes no sense for there to be a "chance at redemption". >If you do not subscribe to Abrahamic groupthink (i.e. Judaism and its direct derivatives like Christianity) you must subscribe to Cihinese groupthink >collectivists should be shot Start with yourself.
>>10170 The jews just keep alienating themselves from normal people with all of the botched media appearances they've been making.
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In any case the Jews will lose because they have no spines. Israel has the capability to win against Palestine, but it would be a pyrrhic victory in the sense that: A) The IDF is casualty-conscious and is incredibly scared as soon as numbers enter the triple digits. Hamas has been training their entire existence for urban warfare against the Jew. B) The casualty rates Israel will experience purging Palestine (the highest in their history, both modern and possibly biblical), pales in comparison to the casualties they will experience when a weakened Israel is attacked by foreign powers following the genocide of Palestine. Israel has neither the balls nor the guts to follow up on their genocide which is why they've gotten cold feet before the operations have even started and have called up half a million Jews for the invasion (current conscripts + 300k reservists). They'll likely go into Gaza, "win" in terms of K:D ratio, but get overwhelmed by the roughly 400k-800k combatants (read: people who can't flee) in an urban environment with extensive tunnels leading to casualty numbers that are far too unpalatable for a government already on the brink of civil war. Hamas acting like the sandniggers they are is the best thing for Bibi since gaining power. Strelok should stop pretending this is one-sided. This isn't an age-old feud between Arabs and Jews but it's certainly also not a recent issue. Hamas are terrorists but the terrorists feed and clothe their own so they have the hearts and minds of Palestine. The IDF are blood-hungry hounds, but they are there at the command of the Jewish regime in control of Israel's Executive and Judicial branch that have a genocidal slant, not because your average kike gives a shit about greater Israel or genociding Arabs. It's one big shit show that mimics every other Western "Imperialist" nation (and China). This is a secular conflict over land and the religious extremists are just foaming at the mouth to hop on-board the genocide train. Unfortunately when there is a fight there has to be a winner and a loser so no matter how evil both sides are, someone will win and rewrite history. Maybe not today, maybe not ten years from now, but eventually.
>>10222 >if they're not being a histrionic dumbass about it right out the gate then on some level they've probably already started questioning things themselves. This. I'd say just try to take the time to explain things that are objective to your family, Strelok, then simply let the chips fall where they may. Unless & until the Jewnited Snakes drafts you or your siblings/cousins' asses to go die for Greater Israel, then it hardly bears any significant difference to your family what the reality of the kikes killing women & children en masse, regardless.
>>10105 >nooo not the poor jewish women larping as soldiers! Noooo! Get used to it, you'll be seeing a lot more of it very soon.
>>57341 >one thing i've tried that does help is to print off a calendar and mark off each day you avoid porn. that way you can keep a streak going and get a visual aid of how far you've come. my record right now is about 50, which is still kinda pathetic Good idea Anon. One day at a time. Keep moving forward!
>>10232 Pretty badass to have a teammate standing directly next to the target. True gun control.
>>57363 >Closest thing to a functioning society in ancient times but they were far from the pinnacles needed to expand beyond their local regions and in fact turned on each other before their technologies could spread. It's hard to overstate the influence of the Greeks. They were the foundation for everything that followed in Western culture. Greek philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and mathematicians like Euclid and Archimedes are among the most influential of all time. Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine. The Greeks had the first modern occidental alphabet. Among other things, Western theater is also derived from the theater of the ancient Greeks. You're completely underselling them. >Literally LARPers who only had strict military culture to fall back on prior to Christianity overthrowing them. Their philosophy, literature, engineering and architecture, calendar, and legal system are all influential to this day. They weren't as interested in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake as the Greek intellectuals were, but they were much more practical. >Go read Genesis (for understanding of why the Israelites purged the heathens) and then Exodus. The entirety of Exodus not just the plagues and leaving Egypt part. Deuteronomy provides deeper insight into Exodus. I don't recall a single thing about "Abrahamic rights" in any of those books. >Exodus specifically tells the Israelites (and by extension Christians) not to shun bagan teachings outright but to put them in the lens of god first and then decide whether they are useful or bullshit. Most of the good parts of the Abrahamic religions came from pagan influence anyway. >>57366 >No, He, Christ, is actually the fulfillment of all the Law and the Prophets. As such -- and as God Himself -- he has all authority. Within and by that authority -- having raised Himself up from the dead as testimony of such -- He Himself did away with the Old Covenant & and established the New Covenant. I've already pointed out problems with that. All Christian apologists can do is make up excuses as to why their rabbi had little in common with what a messiah was supposed to be and ineffectually cling to the hope of the parousia where he'll actually do the things a messiah is supposed to do. It's been almost 2,000 since he supposedly claimed he was going to be coming back soon, and we're still waiting. There's also no evidence he ever came back from the dead in the first place. >When you're cloistered inside a small little room, then you open the door and walk out into the great unknown -- closing the door forever behind you -- you're no longer within the little room, you're outside under the vast sky & heavens. Either or, one or the other, not both. When Christ said 'It is Finished!', he meant that for all mankind. All are welcome to the gift of salvation Anon, but the only door to God is Jesus Christ. What is there to be saved from? >>10228 I'm not going to back either side in this fight, but I like seeing the sheenies go into overdrive with the kvetching and take the mask off in front of normalfags. I understand their desire to get rid of the dune coons, but the bloodthirsty rhetoric coming from them should be ringing alarm bells considering their moralistic posturing and pretending that they're merely oppressed victims who just want to be left in peace. I'd hate to be in the Middle East right now though. I feel bad for the people on both sides who get caught up in it, but they're also not my people either.
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>>10235 >You're completely underselling them. Those are only the greats we know about because of early cultures and later Christians preserving their works. Most of the Greek Greats were forgotten because their works were not preserved. We're rediscovering them to this day, primarily in Hebraic script because the Hebrews were the only ones who preserved their works. >Romans are influential to this day Because of Christian Irish monks who archived their shit back in the 700s. Roman technology and philosophy/literature would have been almost entirely lost if not for the Irish. >I don't recall a single thing about "Abrahamic rights" in any of those books. They are derived from God's demands. Most of the foundations of Western philosophy derive from Exodus and Deuteronomy outside of the Hellenistic schools of thought which were preserved by the early Jews/later Christians.
>>10197 >The aiming point was the bridge, not a church. I think the US wasn't that silly to say that but it was clear that the bomb was used for explicit psychological reasons to force the Japanese to surrender hence why the military targets were as important as the symbolic ones. >The choice of aiming point would surely be made by people who actually have some knowledge of how to aim a bomb Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi were scientific advisors of the "Interim Committee of top officials charged with recommending the proper use of atomic weapons in wartime" Also a passage to note from the source, the U.S. Department of Energy: "Oppenheimer, Fermi, Compton, and Lawrence (the Scientific Panel) disagreed with the Franck Report, however, and concluded that no technical test would convince Japan to surrender" Originally the U.S. gov idea was to invite some nip representatives and show them a bomb test, with everything and the little houses and cars included to stand as civilian props, and tell them if they didn't comply they would drop it and they could do nothing about it; The Scientists argued that nothing could convince the japanese to surrender despite their goal being to drop it in a target to have them surrender. Even the military panel argued for letting them know first the capabilities to avoid bloodshed, something the scientists disagreed and considering the previous talks Oppenheimer and Fermi had this was of no surprise as they wanted fully punitive intentions towards civilians, said previous talks for example showcased in the letter from both parties declassified around 1985 that explicitly mention the poisoning of food supplies and purportedly the hydrological catchment areas aka water basins via drop charges with strontium, "sufficiently to kill half a million men". Let's also note this part from the source: "In late May, the committee of scientists and Army Air Force officers listed Kokura Arsenal, Hiroshima, Niigata, and Kyoto as the four best targets, believing that attacks on these cities would make a profound psychological impression on the Japanese and weaken military resistance" "profound psychological impression", here it is implied that the impression would be towards everyone in Japan as the target was them. Purportedly "In a effort headed by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Kyoto which was one of Japan's most cherished cultural centers, was vetoed and Nagasaki replaced it on the target list. The pretense of military priorities is out of window considering the logic of "cherished cultural center", Nagasaki was then chosen although its main cultural and symbolic value was being one of the biggest christian hubs in East Asia along with Hiroshima, Xian and Wenzhou, certainly the most famous one at least. >The relevant documents containing their reasoning have been released. They have indeed and they cite psychological reasons as important as military ones >nonsense Is it? the relevant documents prove they weren't the only focus nor the main one. Your points coming from the documents are completely valid but they are nothing a normal raid or one like Dolittle's could've not done. Clothing depots and being one of the food supplies does seem important but they aren't a heavy duty industrial factory hub like Yahata nor a bureucratic center like Kyoto. Perhaps i should read those documents further. >The most prominent domed building near that site wasn't a church. I take it back, my dummy ass thought the Domed Exhibition Center was the Church of Our Lady’s Assumption which was roughly 500m away from the center. Both are near each other but seems to be the case with most things in downtowns except military depots. >It was a backup. Sure thing bro >Clouds This is often mentioned and there's no reason to believe it wasn't the case, all proofs are out there suggesting bad weather around those days but the funny thing is the US already knew the Soviet Union would invade Manchuria by the 9th and the second bomb was planned for the 11th. Japan could've not possibly fight those two fronts and would've probably announced surrender talk intentions soon or so was the thinking of the US military men... yet they rushed the bomb arming for the 9th and went for it anyways. >your argument about the zero is also absurd >The actual ground zero in Urakami was miles away from the designated aiming point How does that make my argument absurd? you well said that targets should be easily recognizable and the most notorious thing from the actual zero point was the tall cathedral, unless under massive duress i think the pilots were pro enough not to confuse a romanesque brick building with towers with a pragmatically designed horizontal depot lineup. Coincidences can happen but that series of events opens spaces for malicious behavior suspicions. >and of the scientists only one was Jewish, and he was a Christian lol >anti-Christian Jewish motives Oxymoron >>10212 You are stating starting line positions from the religion which is downright silly as we ignore the finishing acts, saying Christianity doesn't share origins with jewish stuff is also silly but not stating the religion itself heavily condemned jewry, or also called Phariseeism which went on to become Judaism, doesn't help your case. >>57357 Do not forget chinamen were christians for hundreds of years until they hid it from persecution and it got bent over the centuries like probably most denominations out there everyone gets the chance but that doesn't mean they shouldn't respect others which means leaving them alone to their own devices and plans. >Yids posting loli porn and implying most christians are interracial porn advocates Sad!
[Expand Post]>>57364 >pagan North American religions >They're all ethnic religions Not really, the spirits appear to anyone, the set of behavior and societal rules apply to most people (depends on social class too) and while foreigners were suspected of being disruptors they could ally and even get into the ways of many tribes. Also many north american injuns had "father" tribes like tons of people, namely the Cahitan, seeing the original Hohokams as their forerunners and associating with other enclaves once in a while to the point of creating the prototype sign languages of them when shit got too confusing or what's called today as "Plain Indian Sign Language" >genocidal tribes like the Comanche Comanches went mad but their original ethnic objective wasn't nomadic destruction unlike the Apache. Obviously some tribes became batshit insane and asked to get killed because they lived in a quasi-Mad Max reality, not justifying them as they asked for trouble, but they weren't societally designed to make trouble as they would've not survived the pan-american injun purges like the Apache didn't or allegedlly the giant Mount Builder culture.
>>10237 >Oxymoron Did you mean "tautology"? An oxymoron is where the words of a term are held to be mutually exclusive, but a tautology is where all words of a compound term re-state each other in such a way that they add no significant new information, which I think is what you meant. >Even the military panel argued for letting them know first the capabilities to avoid bloodshed, something the scientists disagreed and considering the previous talks Oppenheimer and Fermi had this was of no surprise as they wanted fully punitive intentions towards civilians That sure puts Oppenheimer's later "I am become Death" hand-wringing in a new light.
>>10232 No amount of music can make skiing soldiers skitching behind a snowmobile not hilarious.
>>10239 >>10232 they're like snowtroopers from star wars, based imo >>10236 Even with those monks, our texts from the ancient world are fragmentary. There's tons of stuff that we know existed, but is lost to the sands of time. >>10237 I don't blame those native tribes for going Mad Max mode, personally. It was an existential, apocalyptic war for them, so naturally that would push some to the extreme. After all, I wouldn't want to live on reservations for white english speakers surrounded by foreign browns.
So is nobody going to make a new thread? Are we all going down with the ship?
>>10219 No. Judaism as a religion is not an ancient religion. It is newer than Christianity because it is a rejection of Christianity. The religion that jews practiced prior to Christianity no longer exists. You're confusing yourself by calling their religions the same thing as their people. Karaites are a rejection of talmudism, which makes it even newer than rabbinic judaism (talmudism)
>>10237 >Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi were scientific advisors of the "Interim Committee of top officials charged with recommending the proper use of atomic weapons in wartime" That was not the same committee choosing which specific cities to target. >"Oppenheimer, Fermi, Compton, and Lawrence (the Scientific Panel) disagreed with the Franck Report, however, and concluded that no technical test would convince Japan to surrender" A reasonable belief and very possibly a correct one. It would have been a massive gamble: spend extremely valuable fissile material on another test detonation, in a context that gives Japan far more ability to deny it than actual use, in the hopes that the delegates they deigned to send (if Japan even agreed in the first place) would be able to, or even in a hierarchical position to, actually convince anyone back in Japan of anything. >Purportedly "In a effort headed by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Kyoto which was one of Japan's most cherished cultural centers, was vetoed and Nagasaki replaced it on the target list. You're undermining your own argument. The people you're accusing of targeting Christians suggested a different target, which was then vetoed externally. >the funny thing is the US already knew the Soviet Union would invade Manchuria by the 9th and the second bomb was planned for the 11th. Japan could've not possibly fight those two fronts and would've probably announced surrender talk intentions soon And in the European theatre, even while the Soviets were making advances towards defeating Germany, the other Allies nevertheless kept pressing, spending their own men's lives instead of letting the Red Army's lives do the job for them. Because surrender is one thing, but it also matters which victors have which fingers in the pie post-war. Surrendering because of US bombing and surrendering because of a Soviet invasion are significantly different outcomes. You can certainly argue whether or not killing a hundred thousand Nips was a worthwhile trade-off to make sure Japan ended up firmly in the US sphere instead of being split like Germany. >Your points coming from the documents are completely valid but they are nothing a normal raid or one like Dolittle's could've not done >"In late May, the committee of scientists and Army Air Force officers listed Kokura Arsenal, Hiroshima, Niigata, and Kyoto as the four best targets, believing that attacks on these cities would make a profound psychological impression on the Japanese and weaken military resistance" The point is that with the nukes, they could do what a large-scale campaign of many "normal raids" could do, but from a single plane. The destruction from the nukes wasn't unprecedented (see Tokyo). What was unprecedented, and what would have the psychological effect, is being able to do it in a single blow. It's the difference between seeing a bomber flying overhead and knowing it's merely one of hundreds in a drawn-out campaign, versus seeing a bomber flying overhead and knowing that it alone might be capable of effortlessly obliterating your city if they decided it was a target. >you well said that targets should be easily recognizable and the most notorious thing from the actual zero point was the tall cathedral, unless under massive duress i think the pilots were pro enough not to confuse a romanesque brick building with towers with a pragmatically designed horizontal depot lineup As we both agreed, there was bad weather. It's not a matter of confusing one building for another but of what they could actually see. As far as the bomber crew was concerned, dropping it on the right city but a couple miles off target is way better than giving up, heading home, and dumping the incredibly expensive bomb in the ocean because landing with it would have been too dangerous. Fundamentally, there hasn't been any more substance to your argument than "the cities they bombed had a Christian minority so that Christian minority must have been the target". None of the debate about what would cause Japan to surrender, what the psychological effect on the Japanese people would be, and so on is actual support for the Christian part. >loli is Jewish Come the fuck on.
>>10242 >Christianity as a religion is not an ancient religion. It is newer than Mormonism because it is a rejection of Mormonism
>>10241 Make one but don't link it here, so that the followers of these various semitic death cults stay here instead of shitting up the new thread with their drivel about kike religions.
>>10244 I get what you're trying to say, but Christianity did not change anything when mormonism became a religion. It's the same religion it was before. That is not the case for judaism. The talmud, their main book was written in 70AD. Even rabbinic jews dont claim to be the same exact sect as the Pharisees.
>>10245 >Make one no u
>>10235 Quite the opposite in fact. Show me any clearly prophetic passage regarding the coming Messiah in the Old Testament scriptures, and I'll show you fulfillment of that prophesy in the life of the incarnate Messiah Himself, Jesus Christ, in the New Testament scriptures. Apart from the (many) other evidences for the Son of God, that alone is sufficient evidence for His life & divinity.
>>10241 It's traditional for the OP of a serial thread (as this clearly is turning into) to serve as the ongoing OP, assuming he's still present. >>10242 >Karaites are a rejection of talmudism Very interesting. Are they clearly in the genetic lineage (father to father, not the perverted & demonic matrilineal Juden system) back to Abraham? Please tell me more, Strelok.
>>10241 Inshallah we shall have a new thread when the time is right, brother.
>>10249 > Are they clearly in the genetic lineage There is no genetic lineage to a religion. Youre falling for the jewish race=religion meme. Also you're ignoring one important fact; Abraham was not a jew. He was hebrew. The father of the jews is Judah. Jews claim a lineage back to Judah. But there are many jews that have 0 lineage back to judah and their only claim to the jewish race, is through the religion; but this is a modern result of the jewish religion=race trickery which isnt unlike the "That owner of that bank isnt jewish because his mother isnt jewish" trickery.
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Zioncels, it's over.
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https://nitter.net/Tendar/status/1715091278759637078#m First one of them spergs out on Indian news, now this one straight up threatens Russia with war. I can't wait for one of them to also piss off Shina in an interview.
>>10252 One day im going to marry her. And cum in her.
>>10252 >presumes opposing the kikes openly comes with no repercussions The retarded little extra-chromosome, FAS goblin has a wake up call coming.
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>>10255 She's cucking already.
>>10252 >>10256 >cute stuffed octopuses are hate speech I must be out of the loop. What do they kikes have against takos?
>>10257 Everything is an antisemitic hate symbol. Even making a picture without any visible antisemitic hate symbols is an antisemitic hate symbol.
>>10258 >Even making a picture without any visible antisemitic hate symbols is an antisemitic hate symbol. Obviously. Making a picture without any antisemitic symbols proves you have a good knowledge of antisemitic symbols, in order for you to have known what to avoid. And what kind of person is involved with antisemitic symbolism often enough to have such good knowledge? Only antisemites, and the Jews who call you out on it.
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Letter from 2,000 actors and musicians slammed for accusing Israel of ‘war crimes’ while ignoring Hamas terrorist slaughter https://archive.ph/Aef5k >“Our governments are not only tolerating war crimes but aiding and abetting them,” said the letter, also signed by “Game of Thrones” star Charles Dance and actress Miriam Margolyes, who was Professor Sprout in “Harry Potter.” >“We demand that our governments end their military and political support for Israel’s actions. >“We call for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of Gaza’s crossings to allow humanitarian aid to enter unhindered.” The muslims are saved! Here come the hollywood actors!
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>>10257 That one is pretty obvious, the plushies obviously did nothing wrong though.
>>9976 > >Nato deterrent If that existed, at least at the level it used to, I don't think Hamas would have step to the jews like they did and risk all this. It was never supposed to deter HAMAS or all sorts of “moderate rebels” as a rule (until they misbehave too much and cannot be put on a leash). They were necessary for maintaining the eternal peace process and thus allowed in reasonable quantities. NATO had to deter the rest of region from backing any operation that could finally burn that fat finger out of their pie and make future intervention more troublesome. Israel was likewise deterred from actually winning, but by other means (International Community™ and economy threats). All participants capable of seeing the big picture have learned that “Uncle Sam will pull everyone’s leashes, we all are strangled half dead and dragged to square 1” is by far the most likely variant. But now this breaks… or it seems so. Organs of the Cathedral which did it became quite rotten and dysfunctional. Thus one way or another the peace process is likely to end soon. So this time is different because players see the real stakes to be won or lost. >>10221 I habitually assume in cases of obvious shit-stirring that one glowing samefag does concern-trolling as both pro-skub and anti-skub. Call me jaded if you want. But it happens at least sometimes when someone’s objective is to drown everything in retarded bullshit, so why not every time? >>10252 Some feeble anti-skub. >>10256 And, of course, some feeble pro-skub. [ shill ]Gosh golly! Should St.Greta be shrill pro-skub or shrill anti-skub?! Let’s discuss, fellow kidz! [ /shill ] Now let’s remember that brain damaged child in question is tightly managed. Her handler was identified, and is from Team Soros. Which is where her “opinions”, such as they are, come from. Even random retarded bullshit is not random at all.
>>10253 >"WE" They keep saying that, but all the heavy lifting is done by goys.
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>>10257 >What do they kikes have against takos? Hitler loved octopuses.
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>>10262 Ah, right, that.
>>10249 >It's traditional for the OP of a serial thread to serve as the ongoing OP What? No it isn't. The Russo-Ukrainian threads were a result of the old BO making new threads because nobody would make a new one when he asked them to. "Rule" was always 700ish posts or page 3 to encourage using other threads, but at that point it's fair game.
>>10246 The Talmud was just the Jews documenting their verbal traditions because they realized Christianity was going to take over. It's more akin to the first seven Ecumenical councils (+ extras depending on your sect).
>>10251 >race=religion Meme It's not a meme. There are secular Jews, but the religion of Judaism requires you to either be born a Jew or adopted into the family of a Jew in such a way that your genetics will be majority Jewish anyways in 2-3 generations. The only two groups who argue otherwise are Zionist Jews when it suits them, and one-drop-rule untermenschen, and both get the rope.
>>10253 When has threatening Russia like that ever gone well for anyone but the Mongols?
>>10269 Could you please define 'Zionism' anon? Why is it evil (if so), and how did it become that way (if it didn't start out so).
>>9729 >You have been propagandized by Western ZOG media. Russia is doing well, everything's going according to plan. Russia is holding the line now and steadily making advancements but the first few months of their operation was an absolute shit show, whole columns of trucks and armored vehicles got wiped out by cheap Amazon and Alibaba drones. Granted it was a muddy season for both sides so there weren't a lot of off roading options that wouldn't quickly turn into an open air death trap in it's own right, that's also one of the many reasons Ukraine's counter offensive hasn't been very impressive. The Russians have clearly learned their lesson on not being so condensed in one spot though it would seem and even if they didn't their logistical support is far more reliable, clearly they in this for the long hull and Ukraine doesn't have that luxury of raging a war of attrition especially against a major oil exporter. Still I feel sorry for both nations, the after math of the Soviet Unions border gore is clearly still not death with, neither in Europe or in the Caucasus for that matter. >As for Israel, they may have grown complacent over time. No kidding, their automated turrets, drones, and iron dome systems are impressive but that doesn't account for much when guards, engineers, and competent commanders aren't around to man the towers, checkpoints, and trenches. No it just becomes a lot of expensive tech that's fun to destroy and steal at that point. Hamas did a lot of impressive things with little resources at their disposal. >>9730 >Yes I'm not honestly suprised, USSR and USA used simmilar disinfo way back during cold war (you could say the cold war hasn't ended just has changed ideologies) It's always been like that, whenever you hear 'X is weak and incompetent' well it might be true or a half truth but it could also be bullshit.
>>10229 >Hamas acting like the sandniggers they are is the best thing for Bibi since gaining power Why do you think mossad tolerated, hell PERMITTED hamas to get into power in palestine? Never though it was suspicious that the best intel organization in the world and most powerful nation in the world somehow did that oopsie in regard to their primary enemy? That's why I always hate the /pol/ack crowd acting like they are ultra racist against other races, when they aren't anything like the evil that wants for true genocide. If they really hated american blacks for being black and not for acting like niggers, they'd love organizations like blm or black panthers since It allows them to radicalize innocents of both ethnicity to into thinking they need to kill the other to survive. Thus allowing realistic genocide with the advantage on their side granting likely victory, like isreal is doing to palestine. >Unfortunately when there is a fight there has to be a winner and a loser Unfortunately? The world isn't so black and white that there is always the outcome of 1 or 0 (eg stuff like the syria war), and with how chaotic things are getting recently its a bit presumptuous to say anything for certain. >>10240 >I don't blame those native tribes for going Mad Max mode, personally It wasn't that black and white, with most tribes mistaking the whole smallpox thing as being intentional with the spanish gov almost certainly doing so as well as being the initial no mercy invaders that fucked off when stuff got too heavy to make the poor dumb settlers take all the bad rep, and most tribes having some variety of mad max tier culture already with how they treated women and prisoners. >After all, I wouldn't want to live on reservations for white english speakers surrounded by foreign browns. Reservations were literally started after the civil war as the first act of the modern jewsa empire under their first tyrant, with the express purpose of crippling the natives forever through intentionally shit forced education to make them opposed to "education" to keep them dumb, insidious business regulation ontop of small reservation size to cripple internal trade and development, as well as federal "benefits" like no tax to keep them trapped in their cage and not think of actually developing with real business and industry. If the natives had left all reservations all at once in order to make their own tribal towns or sections of cities, integrating without losing their culture, you'd never even think they could be related to the kind of trailer trash they are today. Gotta love old american (((evil))) being rebranded as being all done by the average right-winger, every fucking time. >>10263 >I habitually assume in cases of obvious shit-stirring that one glowing samefag does concern-trolling as both pro-skub and anti-skub The ultra-rabid anti-christian attitude with no sign of usual pagan or atheist origin mixed perfectly with "christian" blacked shit, its not like they were being very discrete about it. Though it did bring about some interesting discussion about christianity and judaism, even if off-topic >>10270 (dubs ccc-checked) The jews, before starting ww1.
>>9743 >(Egypt too fucked to do anything about it) Egypt bros are caught behind a rough and a hard place with that one, they don't exactly love the Saudi Kingdom but need it propped up to keep the Muslim Brotherhood from building up at their borders. Yeah Sisi is obviously an American and Saudi puppet but you also have to keep in mind Egypt has a pretty sizable Orthodox Christian population of whom probably begrudgingly tolerates some glowniggery and OPEC influence ironically. And the Saudi's clearly don't want a build up of an anti monarchy party to build up in Egypt either so their 'alliance' was inevitable. >the Saud-Zionist normalization was giving the sauds nuclear reactors. I don't think Turkey and Iran are too happy about that I'd be nervous about that too honestly, all this parroting by retarded boomers about how >it's been decades but THIS TIME Iran is actually just hours away from building an atomic bomb ...nonsense, meanwhile they seem quite comfortable with allowing a war mongering slavery state that's been bombing Yemeni civilians for decades now to have nuclear power, god boomers are fucking insufferable sometimes. I mean what could possibly be wrong with that?
>>10273 >with no sign of usual pagan or atheist origin The rabid /christian/ side preemptively dismissed any pagan stuff. And in these sorts of discussions, bringing up irreligiousness tends to lead to particularly deranged claims like "atheism is a jewish invention" so it'd be pointless to even bother. It's no surprise neither was brought up.
>>10262 So the usual projection (pic related). I shall not bother faking a surprise. >>10273 >with no sign of usual pagan or atheist origin What «sign»? The “conflict”, even in the rare moments when it’s sincere, is entirely between the Puritans of various generations and levels of bullshit. Pretentious LARPers and retro-Puritans are alike because they are the exactly same thing, under several layers of different paint. But with airdrop >>9976 of obvious Students for Palestine crowd ongoing, the simplest assumption is that everyone involved in poo-slinging does it simply for concern trolling. There may be genuine fools, but they are lost in the sea of fakes. Just like with the wehraboo and other fake opposition.
>>9799 >It was a pragmatic withdrawal from a city across a river that would've been a liability to hold, unless they were planning an offensive there, which they weren't. Or they simply canceled an offensive there after seeing the righting on the wall, either way they made the right decision to not turn that city into a pointless blood alter.
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>>57451 >Christ and his actions on Earth has date-verified corroborative evidences Not that I've seen. Please feel free to share your sources tho. >pious eunuch >cutting your balls off >castrati lol, lmao even, where the fuck did you get that association from. cleanse your mind Tell me which one of these is more likely: a) immaculate conception b) the bitch lied
>>57449 >1. Jesus Christ is a character recycled from old pagan/hindu mythology - equally made up. Except for the mountain of evidence that he was real and that both bibles are historical accounts, not just books of faith. Fuggin teens.
>>10278 Geez, quit the heresy, anon. Mary was a perpetual virgin all her life. God impregnated her, Jesus miraculously phased through her intact hymen, Joseph's dick was too tiny to tear it when he fucked her and impregnated her with the brothers of Jesus that the Bible mentions, and when those brothers were born they also miraculously phased through her hymen despite not being God like Jesus was. This is actual Christian doctrine in some branches.
>>9932 >>Tunisian uni calling for a jihad against Israel That one caught me off guard given how generally relaxed they are compared to the rest of North Africa anyway. I'm not surprised by their support but rather the bluntness of their statement.... That said sauce/links/archives? Because I'd like to read it myself.
So at this point, the war consists of Israel turning Gaza to rubble with air strikes, while everyone else is just sitting around waiting for someone else to make a move?
>>9975 IDF using electronic warfare/jammers maybe? Can't upload videos if your entire town or city goes dark and I doubt skylink is an option for them. Whoever wins this conflict I'm sure the remainder of said war footage will be posted months after in some Egyptian cafe off an SD card in their smartphone or gopro.
.>>10282 No, actually it's the kikes dehydrating/starving the median 14yo Palestinian peoples to death. They have cut off everything: water, food, medicine, fuel, electricity, Internet. I expect they are saving their bombs now for the 1.5 Billion strong Moslem horde to overrun them inside their bunkers.
>>9980 >5)An IDF soldier near Gaza poses with an LGBTQ+ flag mixed with the Israeli flag I thought rainbows had a different meaning in Judaism compared to le LGBTQ+ flag. Something about the great flood or whatever. Could be a homo flag too but I'm not 100% convinced personally unless proven otherwise.
Just to further elaborate on my skepticism, pic related is the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia. So I doubt it's a fag flag. Ironic given Tel Aviv was flooded recently though...
>>56993 I may be a degenerate BUT this weird cringy race bait fetish shit goes to far in my opinion. I apply the same with 'Bleached' edits too. I don't understand how anyone wank off to this honestly. >>57011 Shouldn't you be moderating 8Cake's /v/ board Acidman? >>9995 Black'd™ porn is always a dead giveaway, acid can't help but inject his fetishes into all his posts thus making himself look like an idiot.
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>>10288 Seems that raging homos don't want to go die for Israel. Color me surprised.
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>>10236 >Those are only the greats we know about because of early cultures and later Christians preserving their works. Most of the Greek Greats were forgotten because their works were not preserved. We're rediscovering them to this day, primarily in Hebraic script because the Hebrews were the only ones who preserved their works. >Because of Christian Irish monks who archived their shit back in the 700s. Roman technology and philosophy/literature would have been almost entirely lost if not for the Irish. So what? The Mudslimes preserved ancient Greek works too. That doesn't mean the Greeks don't deserve credit for what they did. Their works were preserved because they were considered important. Scholasticism was all about trying to harmonize the ideas of philosophers like Aristotle with Christian theology, so clearly they valued the ancient pagan Greeks. >They are derived from God's demands. Like what? >Most of the foundations of Western philosophy derive from Exodus and Deuteronomy outside of the Hellenistic schools of thought That's a massive exception considering that the roots of Western thought ultimately go back to the Greeks. And if Russell Gmirkin's work has validity, even the Old Testament is Hellenistically influenced. >>10248 >Quite the opposite in fact. Show me any clearly prophetic passage regarding the coming Messiah in the Old Testament scriptures, and I'll show you fulfillment of that prophesy in the life of the incarnate Messiah Himself, Jesus Christ, in the New Testament scriptures. Jeremiah 33:14-18, Micah 4:1-4, and Isaiah 2 and 11:9 are ones that are used to support the idea of a messiah. I don’t really know how much of this was written with the later idea of a messiah in mind and how much was later prooftexting from people reading into passages like these what they want regardless of the context of the passage. Christians are really guilty of this (like with the suffering servant in Isaiah), but the kikes seem to do it too. Either way, it seems evident that people had a great earthly king descended from David in mind and not an obscure backwoods preacher who was killed by the authorities. And if Mark 7:14-19 means what it’s usually taken to mean, the writer makes it seem like he didn’t even care about a basic parts of Jewish law like keeping kosher. >Apart from the (many) other evidences for the Son of God, that alone is sufficient evidence for His life & divinity. Why believe the Bible is an accurate record of events that actually happened? >>10253 Their chutzpah knows no bounds. >>10279 The Gospels are tools of proselytization, not works of history. Pic related is from the taken from the fourth edition of the Oxford Annotated Bible. The Old Testament seems to also be largely ahistorical. Even actual histories written at that time aren't what we'd consider reliable today. >>57458 The pickings are very slim when it comes to first-century sources, and whether or not there was some guy named Yeshua who people based stories on doesn't mean he was walking on water or bringing back the dead. The assertion that there's more evidence for a magic rabbi in a backwater section of the Roman Empire in the 1st century than events that had actual eyewitness accounts written down is laughable. There’s very little we can be confident about regarding a historical Jesus. I hate to post anything from this slimy prick’s channel, but this is a good video on the topic: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SILsNiqZEY8 >>10285 I know the Noahides use it. I can't tell what's going on with that flag though.
>>10279 >both bibles are historical accounts, not just books of faith. >>57458 All those sources prove is that some story caught on and was repeated by some people decades and centuries later. Again story of Jesus is a rehash the same old themes seen centuries and even millennia before "year 0". >Alexamenos Graffito Donkey on a stick?? Really?? Memeticus dankius maximus roughly translates from latin as "ancient shitpost", I would think a fellow imageboard scholar should recognize it for what it is.
>>10291 >All those sources prove is that some story caught on and was repeated by some people decades and centuries later Like the majority of ancient history as we understand it today. Nigger.
>>10291 I'd tell you to see >>10292 but clearly you're also a VPN user.
>>10292 >Like the majority of ancient history as we understand it today. Right, and the rational conclusion is to accept that there are fundamental limits to what we can know about the past rather than making up shit about sky faeries and immaculate conception.
>>10294 Nigger.
>>10295 Solid argument, glownigger.
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Now that they've given the SHUT IT DOWN to the goyim media/Internet access, the full-blown genocide by the Israeli murders seems to have begun during the last few hours. I assume the US is assisting/standing by holding the cloaks.
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>>10285 >>10286 Not interested in debating you on the topic, but are you jew new here? Tel Aviv is literally the gayest city on the planet; the modern Sodom & Gomorrah. There are many reasons the fake jews in Palestine are reviled by moslems around the world. This character of their nature is considered one of their most egregious.
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>>10300 >>10298 >>10284 Who's going to make the new thread? Il make a low effort one tomorrow if no one else is stepping up.
>>10301 Could you please make sure to briefly go over what has happened so far in the war? Like mention the chimp outs in culturally diverse cities and the hospital airstrike.
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>>10238 >Did you mean "tautology"? I meant that i am a dumbass, yeah i confused the two you are correct >>10243 >suggested a different target, which was then vetoed externally. How is that against the argument? the vetoing was done without considering the military objectives but the cultural/symbolical ones as some people, namely Stimson, named in Kyoto but didn't mind dusting Nagasaki although purportedly according to sources it was replaced by said city despite being "the backup" of another. >That was not the same committee References, at least from the U.S. Department of Energy, do use "Scientific Advisors" in all committees without referencing who are they each time, same with Military Advisors. The way it is written implies they are the same so perhaps a mistake was made in their papers. There were other arguments going around but without explicit sources so i guess we are being led to believe something or it's the case of not posting sources because "books are meant to be written so no references will be given"-kind of writers. >You can certainly argue whether or not killing a hundred thousand Nips was a worthwhile trade-off to make sure Japan ended up firmly in the US sphere What is true is that it did work, Japan was/is squarely in U.S. hands but i highly doubt the second bomb was necessary, even before the Soviet Blitzkrieg into China their own committees were already heavily divided about going on as America had already demolished a ton of their infrastructure and were still planning an obvious raid on the mainland around Fall season. Even when justifying the first bombing it seems the second one was a hard sell in all aspects. >knowing that it alone might be capable of effortlessly destroying No doubt but i am still vexxed about their final target election as it seems counter intuitive >but of what they could actually see Which is another factor i get doubts, i understand bad weather screwing the flight plan due to maneuverability reasons but if we are led to believe in the official footage from the second bombing despite the weather being indeed cloudy we cannot see it being bad enough for them to not see, and to be fair americans were pretty ace at getting particular places bombed at night while being peppered with AA munition without carpet bombing the whole thing, perhaps i need more knowledge to recognize both are different kind of operations or that bad weather also implies very strong winds in the upper 20k altitudes but Nagasaki also had previous reconnaissance flights over it and this coupled with there being no cumulonimbus tower clouds formations around the footage but a bunch of small time clouds with some Alto cumulus and Alto stratus shit around makes me believe the pilots were either extremely reserved to not drop it in an empty-ish pad of land but lax enough to drop it wildly off target because it's a big bomb radius anyway which doesn't seem convincing to me due to the church being outside the valley formation center aka near the empty patches. I am not trained to be a bomber so perhaps this comes as pedestrian and naive for a real bomber operator using a magnifying lens under the plane with some maps beside him to quickly identify something. >there hasn't been any more substance than "the cities they bombed had a Christian minority so that Christian minority must have been the target" My argument is that the two cities bombed were the two only major christian centers in Japan, one zero being specifically a neighborhood that had biggest concentration of them in the entire country, and that the election for these had questionable factors as others had more military relevance or deeper symbolic value (for the japanese). The evidence and argument against show no particular explicit reason for the invalidation of other targets in the planning stages and that one drop was a circumstantial backup thing with notable coincidences happening when having to drop the thing in the city. Too many coincidences and a couple of voids in the reasoning makes me highly doubtful, this with jews being around the advisors and them having shown malicious plans against civilians along with their well-read knowledge to not know what the targets meant and full explicit intent of a psychological bombing operation against the country's morale, which is frankly a fancy way of saying terrorism, all makes for a soup hard to digest with reasonable doubt for me for a merely military op and without bias against just bombing a normal random jap chunk of land with important depots on it. The factors are there and they as circumstantial as the U.S. having dropped syphilis into nigger populations but only because they were conveniently there and not because they were niggers and nobody would've cared very few care to this day to be fair >None of the debate about what would cause Japan to surrender >What the psychological effect on the Japanese people would be Sure as hell they would've resented Kyoto being bombed way more than Nagasaki and with tons of bureaucratic leaders being scared to death to boot, that's for sure. >Come the fuck on. I am not that crazy, meant to say some elements here are using it for no reason but for disrupting. It's all drawings and highly stylized enough to not be photorealistic. >>10273 >you'd never even think they could be related to the kind of trailer trash they are today Well said, american injuns have every single tool at their disposal to not be trash with plenty more assets to advance faster yet they are trashy because part of their macro culture already is having most essential things handed to them as birth right and many of them do not know the value of working to survive ironically or the value of working itself to begin with, they are an indolent people in general and those who want to try hard are left mostly alone in their efforts, and many who succeed end up being very jaded to the point even our local mexican injuns like the Hiaki consider them hard asses for not sharing anything despite organizing events for cultural sharing, like the interinjunal powwows. >>10278 >Not that I've seen. There's plenty but that's even more off-topic than discussing the atom bombs Pro-tip: The Jews have been militarizing and confiscating those things since the brits let them have a piece of pie in excavations, most of what we know was already discovered before or someone not jewish reported the discoveries and forced their hand to acknowledge something was found. Bible had some secular witnesses that were implemented into The Book and got too embellished over the years but they are there. inb4 it's a fabrication, there's still other marks from the era like the confirmation of the Pilate address stone. >>10299 >Tel Aviv is literally the gayest city on the planet I find it hard to imagine given that i visited San Francisco and it was a small piece of hell on earth and that's without visiting any public bathrooms or bar backdoors.
I don't care to ascribe anything positive to the bloodthirsty kikes, but IMO this whole set of evil shenanigans is a 4D ruse on their part to set their Western puppets like the Jewnited Snakes & Natto on a course to -- in the kike's minds -- destroy Iran. 1. Mossad created Hamas, to destroy PLO (and an ace in their pocket). 2. Oopsie! The golem has 'turned' on it's master and broken out of it's open-air prison! 3. Let's just incite global rage by Moslems by bombing a hospital housing a 1,000 women + children + injured. 4. Said Moslems begin a jihad against Western military enclaves around the world. 5. Globohomo kikes rabble-rouse mudshits to riot in major European-descended cities around the world, as per the standard Soros, et al, MO. 6. AHA! Turns out, (((according to experts))), that Tehran was behind it all! 7. PLEASE HELP US GO...G-GUYS!111 IT'S ANNUDAH SHOAH!!!! Very thin line of reasoning I'll admit. OTOH, I'd also wager that every bit of it is true. The kikes are trying to sic their attack dogs on their most steadfast enemies, and using their best shabbos goyim to do their dirty work. Typical with these people, to be honest.å
>>10304 Yeah jew arrogance never bites them in the ass because they are literally gods that know everything they even predicted my last shit and sent me a note telling me to die for Israel via a rat crawling up the drain pipe. Needless to say I immediately was sad forever.
>>10305 Lol, eat shit niggerpill. Time alone will tell if I'm right. Regardless, even if we glass the Aryans for them, the entire world will still turn against them -- sooner or later -- just as prophesied.
>>10304 >4. Said Moslems begin a jihad against Western military enclaves around the world. No doubt assisted by many surreptitious, embedded (((advisers))).
>>10306 He was pretty clearly mocking your "joos did tha planaroo for alla dis" angle you autistic faggot.
>>10301 I can't be low effort if you post a qt terrorist girl and resuming what has happened so far to get everyone up to date.
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>a week passed >so called "christian" kikeshill niggerlovers haven't been perma b& yet Christ. This is exactly why you never let your board be run by tengukike
>>10257 Is that a FAMAS?
>>10303 >References, at least from the U.S. Department of Energy, do use "Scientific Advisors" in all committees without referencing who are they each time, same with Military Advisors. The way it is written implies they are the same so perhaps a mistake was made in their papers. What I mean is that the Interim Committee was a higher-level one with people like Oppenheimer and Stimson, discussing overall use of the bomb. The target recommendations came from a lower-level committee, with people like von Neumann (the previously-mentioned Christian convert). I may actually have been wrong about whether Oppenheimer was "on" the committee; I see sources omit him but I also see him mentioned in relevant documents, and it's not clear whether he and Groves were actually on that committee, or whether they were named on those documents because they were in charge of the project and the committee presented its conclusions to them, without their involvement in reaching those conclusions. >some people, namely Stimson, named in Kyoto but didn't mind dusting Nagasaki Kyoto is objectively more culturally and historically important than Nagasaki. It doesn't matter how much significance you place on the Christian minority, that's just a fact, and in the arithmetic of what to bomb and what to avoid, Kyoto would have been a greater loss. Truman's words in his diary lay that out: "Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless, and fanatic, we [...] cannot drop this terrible bomb on the old Capitol or the new." Also, one of the factors that was mentioned to recommend Kyoto in the first place, which was its status as an intellectual centre, seems more like an argument against it; yes, having academics witness the blast and be able to accurately report on it to leadership could be useful, but only if they don't die themselves because they just got nuked. Better to keep them alive, and have them able to recognize and confirm what happened from the aftermath instead. >although purportedly according to sources it was replaced by said city despite being "the backup" of another. That is to say, they had a list of target cities, from which they'd select a primary target and then choose another from the list as a backup. Given that, it makes sense that the late substitute (Nagasaki) would have ended up as a backup, while the primary target would be one they'd considered a good candidate the whole time. >Even when justifying the first bombing it seems the second one was a hard sell in all aspects. Oh, I agree entirely, it's a hard sell. But while they were "divided" there was certainly a significant faction that still favoured going on. I just think that the motivation you ascribe to it is extremely dubious. Even if there was prejudicial motivation, rather than genuine belief in it being necessary, I'd assume anti-Nip views like Truman's above would have been more widespread among the decision-makers and more of a contributing factor than opposing a particular minority within them. >the official footage I can't tell enough about the scale, geography, and city limits from that to judge much. but it does look to me like the bomb was dropped at the point farthest from the cloud cover (aside from a few minor wisps) while still being in the city. Given that it was still a very novel weapon and it was, to an extent, a practical test as well as a military use, I really don't think it's a stretch to suggest that if clouds obscured the main drop site they would drop it in the clearest area of the city they could, for the sake of observation. Again though, it's hard to judge. >to be fair americans were pretty ace at getting particular places bombed at night I have no idea of the credibility but I've seen it mentioned that radar-guided night raids on Nagasaki in particular were difficult. I'm not sure if it was the geography, the architecture which I've read was relatively old fashioned (and I do know that wood-and-paper construction is less radar-reflective than more modern building materials, since that is also mentioned for aircraft, such as the RAF's Mosquito), or something else. As an aside, if true that would be not only an explanation for the aiming issue, but also the choice of Nagasaki as a backup target at all. Since, again, the bombs were partly practical tests, the Air Force had been instructed to avoid conventional bombing raids on the candidate cities, so that the damage from the nuclear bombs could be more accurately observed. If it's true that night raids on Nagasaki were difficult, then it stands to reason that it was relatively intact, and thus a suitable test-bed (note that Hiroshima was also relatively intact, even before it was off-limits). And of course it would mean that striking the military targets in the city would be of more importance, if they were harder to hit with night raids. >and full explicit intent of a psychological bombing operation against the country's morale Attacking the Christian minority in particular would not be an exceptional blow to the non-Christian majority's morale. I really do not think Christianity had anything at all to do with it, and I don't think it's a conclusion that could ever be reasonably reached from the evidence, as opposed to starting out assuming it's true and then looking for proof otherwise. There's just nothing here that stands out to me as abnormal. The coincidences that led to the outcome we got don't look like anything but coincidences, and I don't see any way there could have been some sort of secret scheme where Nagasaki was the "real" target without the obvious problem of "why not just come up with reasons to recommend it as the real target, and avoid needing a cover-up?". When you consider the backup thing suspicious I can't even tell what you're really suggesting or who was supposedly involved, other than the vague "Jews being around". >which is frankly a fancy way of saying terrorism You're not wrong. That's exactly what "strategic bombing" is. I won't deny it's rather ridiculous to debate the specific reasons for dropping a nuke that killed 100,000 people, while in the same thread we're also treating as unjustifiable the killing of 0.5% that number by bombing the hospital.
>>10311 I think its the battle rifle from halo
>>10308 No, actually he was mocking me for his (misinterpreted) view that I was somehow claiming the 4D vampires would always win in the end. Quite the opposite, I think the entire world will work to destroy them, and the Lord alone can possibly save them from us all. It may even be that the current corrupt kike government will in fact be toppled and removed. Not at all unreasonable to assume, given the current circumstances IMO. The evil flowing from them (like many nation's evil) is primarily from their corrupt governments. The kikes also have the added dimension of evil from their Talmudic Judaism cult, which makes things at least 10x worse in their case. >>57512 Lol. I already told you glownigger niggerpills to eat shit. The kikes will not win against the entire world. Heh the US will probably go down first, so enjoy your rat's nest, golem-filled hellhole. May Saint Terry steer in your general direction. :^)
>>57512 the struggle is just getting started
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Jewish fragility.
>>10314 Nah he's right, you assign so much competence to kikes as to practically view them as gods when pretty much everything points to the contrary. I'm never going to even pretend they're that infallible, they fuck up all the time and have fags like you to swoop in and claim trust the plan it's part if the zog agenda. Fuckin marvelnigger tier soy logic as far as I'm concerned.
>>10310 Just like take it easy lol lmao so what if the thread is being blatantly shat up lol like just do the easy bro lmao be easy like tengu guy and let boards be shit up you're not taking it easy if you stop blatant spammers and shitters lol lmao hahahhaha FUCK
>>57512 I remember posting about the anabaptists some months ago when i was in a bad streak, most obvious way of "salvation" a man can do and can be compared to the buddhist monks who do "nothing" to avoid doing bad deeds and karma. I am fond of the ideology and it's sad the church put them completely under the table but one thing for sure is that it is extremely hard to adhere to it if you are constantly seeing bad shit happening all the time, that moral dilemma is basis of tons of chinaman media about monks perfecting their physical vessels but not being able to use it for any good deeds. Also somewhat related to the /x/ thread, the ideology can also be compared to what some people claim the tall whites/nordic aliens believe but with the added extra of technicalities and lawyerese shit jews pull out all the time. >>10312 >Kyoto is objectively more culturally and historically important than Nagasaki No doubt about it, hence why not dropping it there but in the other place is to me silly and suspicious >we [...] cannot drop this terrible bomb on the old Capitol or the new. Yet they carpet fire bombed Tokyo, the logic seems interesting and to be fair many politicians used the post-factum logic like "we saved more people with the atom bombings" which is highly debatable like most other things. >intellectual centre The political class was more of my intention to point, headless cabinet makes things even harder and coupled with the destruction of the old capital you end up with not only demoralized people but also uncertain of what will happen next, which is something the japs hate more according to history, not knowing where to go. >extremely dubious It is dubious but i am using a logic that has been proven correct very often by many others despite here being a bit harder to apply but the factors are there, enough to make me believe a bias. > for the sake of observation in a partly practical test That's a good point if a bit crude and overly pragmatical from the standpoint of a test rather than a bombing. >would not be an exceptional blow to the non-Christian majority's morale. If we are to believe old media and supposed bias from the standard jap pre-80's i think they considered a christian japanese as just another normal japanese hence why i think they would've seen it as any other attack, the japs are somewhat vocal against minorities and do not hide it in the media, particularly the Dosanko natives and the famous Okinawans with their tans and rude/country pumpkin behavior yet the christians are seen as normal or in more recent times portrayed in media as people with erratic morale systems, often seen as degenerates, killers and/or people herders yet with a bizarre knack to do or preach the opposite. I don't think the japs would've seen it differently other than maybe realizing the westerners bombing the people with their same religion and beliefs anyways so they could do it to anyone. >There's just nothing here that stands out to me as abnormal To me it's the deciding factors not being consistent in a group of people known to be consistent and disciplined. >without the obvious problem of "why not just come up with reasons to recommend it as the real target, and avoid needing a cover-up?" I don't think it was that covered up but they did bring up reasons to recommend it, reasons i think were even more valid in other targets, hence my confusion and suspicion. >I won't deny it's rather ridiculous to debate the specific reasons for dropping a nuke I guess you are right in that regard, perhaps in further lectures i might get a bit clearer leaning on what happened but my conditioned mind is always seeing the ideological aspect behind actions from people i assume had time to spare to think it. Posting it here to not muddy the next thread.
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>>10254 She's too old for that now

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