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Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 04:59:26 Id: 39563c No. 3145
How many of you are having troubles keeping their libertarianism together with all this blm bullshit going on?
Just like learn how to hate retarded people. It's the purest form of centrism known to mankind.
>>3146 I don't understand
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Why do you fagscists always assume the nigger argument is some kind of libertarian kryptonite? Is this some kind of projection on their part? Just shoot niggers. It's as simple as that. If niggers or low IQ whites (fascists) start acting like niggers and low IQ whites to you, then just shoot them and you don't have a problem anymore. (Obviously this will only be possible in an ancap society and not in today's statist shithole)
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>>3145 The government is the obstacle between the problem and the solution.
>>3150 >>3149 you're boring. You're always "when we will live in ancap utopia, everything will be utopia". Yeah, I know that, I'm not retarded. But how about the way we get there? How about all big business giving money to marxists and destroyers of civilizations? We never study or discuss what's the libertarian way to get to the final stage, therefore we're a bunch of wankers.
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>>3155 >We never study or discuss what's the libertarian way to get to the final stage, therefore we're a bunch of wankers. Hoppe wrote about this at some length in his primer "Getting Libertarianism Right". You can get the book free on the Mises website: https://mises.org/library/getting-libertarianism-right Also, see pic related. I'm still working on the theoretical portion, so I haven't checked them out myself, but they're there if you're interested.
Not all black people are retarded you know. The ones who grow up in civilized white neighborhoods can blend in just fine.
>>3158 I don't understand how Ayn Rand is in this chart. She clearly rejected affiliation with libertarians groups and parties; said that they are the worst form of pragmatism and when Rothbard tried join The Collective (first objectivist association, formed by Rand, Greenspan, Branden and Peikoff) he was chilled out -- he related what he experienced in the group after in an essay and a comedy play. Read "Libertarianism: The enemy of the liberty" by Peter Schwarz, which is an objectivist philosopher to understand how objectivism and libertarianism are incompatible.
>>3155 We should combine agorism with secession. The state will have to fight both the agorists and the newly independent states until it dissolves. Then the agorists will dissolve the newly independent states shortly after.
>>3183 Agreed, agorism and secession seem like the best routes to go.
>>3159 It's a cultural problem and specific to USA, I think not even Africans are as retarded. I'm actually really hopeful due to everything that is happening in CHOP/CHAZ, seeing that the left is making a joke of themselves and fascist ideologies already made themselves seem violent to the normalfags, so maybe people will turn to libertarianism instead.
>>3145 The only position with the blm protesters with which one could agree on, is for the defunding of the police. Where we would disagree is on what should come after the police are defunded. BLM is a marxist organization, and I feel they have no intention to turn over the duties of enforcing law and order to volunteer private neighborhood watch/militias or private security companies. What happened in CHAZ is a perfect example. They formed a peoples committee of their own inner circle and handed out guns to brainlets who wouldn't question their authority. Violence continued in Chaz with no arrests of any criminal as far as I know. Yet anyone who voiced dissent in Chaz was swiftly escorted out. So absolutely I agree with defunding the police, but there better be something in place that comes after. A lot also depends upon the ideology of the people with the demands. In rural USA where most people have a "liberty" mindset, you could take away the police and people would hardly blink.
>>3199 So there were multiple people with guns? I thought it was that one soundcloud rapper who was pushing his weight around the place. The one thing that worries me about the defund the police rhetoric is that a lot of progressives are using it to implement their pet project of replacing cops with social workers. The problem with this is that the state has a monopoly on violence and the social workers will abuse their power as they have done in the past. The only way to truly stop the police brutality is to weaken the power of the state and decentralize that power amongst the people with their own militias or whatever solution they want to use for their own communities.
>>3209 >So there were multiple people with guns? Here is a video of Raz arming a few. There are few other videos showing multiple armed people. https://youtu.be/gSAecJTjvlI >The only way to truly stop the police brutality is to weaken the power of the state and decentralize that power among the people with their own militias or whatever solution they want to use for their own communities. I absolutely agree. I think another problem with the use of social workers is that the more violent crime will remain or increase substantially as there is no way social workers can handle that. These are primarily Democrat run areas where the average joe faces severe gun restrictions. The street gangs could potentially become the main force of street justice if the cops pull all the way out. That sure is not going to be a pretty picture.
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>>3145 kill everyone with IQ bellow 142 tbh no point in civilize/enslave them, it only makes them stronger
>>3149 soyboy
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>>3197 >so maybe people will turn to libertarianism instead. I can't tell you how many normalfags I know who think "libertarianism" is just another word for "centrism".
What's even the logic of the OP? Why would libertarianism have trouble with all the BLM shit going on?
>>3244 they think capitalism can't happen with people that are low IQ.
>>3244 While witnessing cultural monuments being destroyed and multicultural shitholes going planet of the apes, one might awaken to higher ideals and start thinking that in order to achieve a more graceful existence, exterminating jews and niggers takes a higher priority over purely personal gain.
>>3259 >libertarianism is about personal gain
>>3261 It is. What did you thought it's about? Freedom?
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>>3263 Empowering Jews and corporations.
Americans are so dead and degraded now that if the US Army liquidates Fargo tomorrow, no one would even shrug.
>>3263 >>3264 Classical liberalism was invented by Englishmen such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke in the 17th Century. Jews plagiarized their work and renamed it "libertarian" centuries later.
>>3256 Capitalism, communism and fascism are all viable when you have a moral population. Authoritarianism is no guarantee of anything. Right now we already have fascism, it's just run by degenerates.
>>3223 >I can't tell you how many normalfags I know who think "libertarianism" is just another word for "centrism". Normies think it means socially liberal and fiscally conservative. That's why NatSocs think all libertarians are just degenerate hedonists, despite John Locke being a literal Puritan
>>3155 >But how about the way we get there? Anon literally showed you a picture of how to get there, retard.

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