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Operation Paul Revere Anonymous 11/08/2020 (Sun) 01:27:49 Id: b45726 No. 4016
TL;DR: PRINT PICTURE AND SPREAD THE PASTA AROUND IRL AS POSTERS EVERYWHERE ON THE 11TH Hello everyone. I have been watching the current events with terrible dread and heartache. I never expected to see the USA reduced to such Banana Republic antics of ballot stuffing in such absurd scale, much less such a wide reaching effort by so much of the deep state, media and big tech to align this well. However I refuse to go down like this. We have not only enough proof of election quackery to fight court battles, the SCOTUS is aligned with more conservatives leanings and a large part of the population is ready to make a stand. We have until December 8th to fight legally and till December 14th to get the Electoral College to properly contest these phony results. Thus I had the idea for operation Paul Revere. No violence, no uprisings or militias. None of that is needed for now. Simply spread the word. A symbol, something to make it clear that we will not take to being lied and cheated like this. I took a page off the It's Ok To Be White operation and the amazing results it got, and we shall use that. In the OP you can see what I suggest we use. A simple symbol of what has come to signify the shady nature of this election, the mysterious straight line of thousands and thousands of Biden only ballots that were delivered to the counting centers in Wisconsin at 4am on the 4th. Simple, elegant, poignant. I was gonna post this on 4chan's /pol/, but the place has become a complete fuck fest of shills. I trust you here to be a better audience. However, this is big. This isn't just a stand against Critical Race Theory, this is more. The fundamental institution of the Republic is being attacked, which demands a bigger crowd than dedicated shitposters. As such we need to make a alliance with the normies. Reach out to your IRL friends, that one boomer Trump supporting uncle, discord and IRC friends, that cousin you speak with, those local Facebook groups of Trump supporters, everyone. Tell them about it and get them to help. From sea to shining sea the message must be spread. We have to work to make ourselves heard, because the media sure as shit is not interested in helping us, big tech wants us gone, and even the Republican party which is supposed to help their president has been taken over by spineless Neocons and RINOs who will be all too happy to go back to the status quo of 2015. Due to the normie nature of these extra sets of hands keep redpills to a minimum. No happy merchants, no NATSOC shit, no edgy racial humor. We need to spread this far and wide, and restraining ourselves for a moment is a small price to pay to ensure justice and block the interests of these people who want to go back to endless wars in the ME and selling out everything for scraps of profit at the cost of our souls. Given the involvement of normies in the operation we also need to accommodate the time table to account for that. As such I suggest we make it so the posters go up on the 11th to give them all of Monday to go print and the weekend plus Monday to spread the world on their social circles. Alongside the posters a call for unity and cooperation in the form of a link to local telegram groups of normies read to communicate and organize. I am not gonna create any of these myself, instead we should rely on the boomers and normies themselves to crystallize around their social circles. To spread the message we will use the call for action image there. Godspeed everyone, and good luck.
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Can you guys just give it up already and ride with Biden? Trump was more harmful for the Libertarian movement than anyone else. At least people are going to be talking about government spending/the fed again instead of cheering it on from both sides.
>>4018 1 - Why bother with voting or caring at elections at all after this debacle? 2 - Your argument sounds incredibly similar to all the friends I had saying, "Well, maybe we'll get back the antiwar left if Trump is elected," only to see the left doubledown on war. 3 - Speaking of which, war is the health of the state, and as fucky as it is, Trump is the peace candidate in this mess. 4 - I don't want to live in lockdowns like the rest of the world. 5 - I fear the critical race theory is going to have a humongous ratchet effect that we're not going to be able to pull back from.
>>4016 2020 IS TRULY THE YEAR OF HAPPENINGS >>4018 >>4021 <harmful for the Libertarian movement <Libertarian movement You smug autists have no movement, the average normalfag either doesn't know or give shit about Libertarianism
>>4018 Because if there was actual mass voter fraud than this is a huge voilation of everyone who voted individual liberties? >Trump was more harmful for the Libertarian movement than anyone else What the hell made you think that? No matter what a republican president does or doesn't do at least they aren't apart of the party who is universally and completely hellbent on taking away your right to free speech, to bear arms and wants to adopt more socialist programs that tax the individual even more up the ass. >>4022 The "Liberterian Party" as it runs now in elections is way too general because right and left liberterians have vastly different views. There needs to be someone who runs who isn't just a huge pushover pansy and is someone already well known to draw attention, I guarantee you if Trump loses this election despite the investigations he will be coming back next election as a third party, it could be right wing libertarianism or it could be something else.
>>4022 Why was the response to >>4018 and >>4021 lumped together?
I'm not a simp for either president but Trump was obviously the better choice of the two. He may have banned bump stocks, implemented red flag laws, and printed trillions of dollars, but at least he was good at evading wars and was supportive of ending the lock downs. That could've all been an act, but honestly, I've never in my entire life seen a president have a smear campaign against them this bad. Like yeah everyone made fun of Bush, but like, being a Bush supporter wouldn't make you lose your job and have a lynch mob of leftists on twitter doxing and tearing apart your entire life and destroying any chance you could have at having a future. This leads me to believe Trump was at least a little bit too hard to control and was a threat to the status quo. That's my theory anyways. Biden is the run of the mill, cookie cutter, textbook example of a neo-liberal, exactly the type of candidate billionaire globohomo Jews want. Someone they can easily control to have an unfair advantage over everyone else by restricting the market, but only restricting it for the small businesses. That's what I think we're gonna get with Joe Biden, more of what we're used to.
>>4018 My big problem with this election is that it's clear that there was a massive concerted effort by the political/media/tech establishment, for whatever reason, to unseat a guy that they didn't like--and the same will likely apply to any other anti-establishment candidates we see in the future. The Democrats pretty much did everything short of explicitly praising politically motivated violence (aka terrorism) by so-called "antifascists" and given that it seems to have achieved the desired ends, that behavior is probably what we're going to see more of in the future (see: "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions" proposed by Robert Reich, and AOC's Trump supporter shitlist).
>>4033 This. While Trump is far from ideal, post a pro-gold person to the fed, ending the wars, and Patriot Act, compared to Biden he is ok in my book. The Shelton rumors are what put me over the eddge for Trump.
I guess I always sort of held the illusion in my mind that I lived in a Democracy, and it's sad to see it all go. I don't have a lot of hope for the future now.
One of the reasons the US is collapsing now is that Americans think that decay will be stopped by becoming Fascists and Communists. Americans think the US will be improved by expanding wars, increasing the debt, and adding more tyranny when the reason the USA is crashing is because the US has wars, is in debt, and has a police state. Americans used to say that they love freedom, but now they turn around and say they need the government to give them free Obamacare, build a wall, protect the US from Yemen, wiretap their phones, arrest people for feeding the homeless, stop farmers from plowing fields, force people to get rid of dogs, ban vaping, and torture suspects. Every country has the government it deserves.

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