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Mein Kampf -Adolf Hitler Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 03:40:34 No. 407
Part autobiography, historical treatise, dissertation on goverment and its role in the life of men. And then there's the man's solution to the various issues of the world. His solution is political. This is party platform as much as it is anything. And it is many things. Taken orally while hitler languished in prison, there is a strong stream of consciousness to the chapters. A very good read and highly recommended.
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You think I lack the pics to bump the fuck out of this? Oh you poor fools anons.
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Oh I got more
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Rd 3 same as the first.
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No comment last post? You damn straight.
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Its beautiful
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Hail Hitler
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Life Is Eternal Struggle Never Surrender
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Nothing is over Nothing is ever over
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>>415 goyim, pls stop to post these Khazarian puppets.
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Nazism (ANTI-socialism) is Khazarian false-flag for Goblins (naive europeans)
User banned for being Jewish
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>>418 >>419 Begone jew
The triumph of the will
>>419 >User banned for being Jewish [and anti-goyish] >implying someone would be banned for being goyish and anti-jewish KIll yourselves, hypocrites
>>553 >This doesn't fit my narrative! >REEEEEEEEE Go kill yourself kike.
This is a National Socialist board. Jews not allowed. If your jewish then you will be banned. Go to hell demons. It has open borders, and you love immigration.
>>553 If he was banned for rascism you would have a point. But he was banned for his race. Because I am a racist. And I think all jews need to perish.
(2.83 MB 1420x9995 youth1.jpg)

join a youth group they said

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