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Book Sales, Book Stores and Book Hauls Scribe 07/03/2023 (Mon) 00:24:50 No. 587
How often do you guys head out to library book fairs, estate sales and the like looking for stuff to read? When was the last time you picked something up? Anything good, bad, a pleasant surprise? Do you ever bother going to bookstores anymore, or is just a waste of time and money to do anything but browse? For a good couple years in a row I kept stopping in at my library's yearly book fair and managed to grab some copies of older Michael Chrichton books (Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Sphere) along with some books on design and a few "(Year)'s Best Sci Fi/Fantasy." Haven't gone too often since 2020 though for the obvious reasons but also because I don't have as much free time to read now. Around that time I was also looking for some Sector General books because I wanted to get into the series and found an eBay listing for almost the entire collection secondhand for like 20 bucks but didn't get it. I'm still kicking myself over not grabbing that.
>>587 Not in like... 27 years? I still have a fairly complete library of the classics. But I am also cheap as shit. So I get all my books as epubs from Z-Library these days. Grab 10 a day. Read about 1 a day. Worked through all of the black library shit from games workshop, Not bad pulp tbh. Warhammer 40k is fun. But the more you invest into it the more you realise when an author fucks up the lore. So have I read anything good lately? Well I reread sphere for like the hundredth time last week cuz of the sub thing. It still holds up, and "The Lion: Son of the Forest" is probably the best recent book from BL. Grabbed a dozen histories of the barbary corsairs and the US Marine campaign to wipe them out I plan to get to tomorrow and on the 4th. Should be fun.
>>589 Damn, son. I only wish I was that productive with reading. Feels like I have less and less time to read more and more often.
>>640 Yeah. Its hard to find time, but worth it. Man we fucked them pirates up yo. Thomas Jefferson was such a badass.
>>587 I stopped reading paper books years ago now its all pdfs on my computers and I can clik to increase font size whew :)

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