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All Waifus are beautiful

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Waifu fantasies Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 01:24:53 No. 70695 [Reply]
Post a fantasy about doing something with waifu. Free-form and personalized posts are encouraged! No word minimum or limit, make it however detailed you want :> Alternatively, read a fantasy and get inspired to write one and post it here :>!
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Spending every single weekend in a countryside villa, doing nothing but sleeping, reading nice books, listening to some comfy music, enjoying good food, taking pleasant strolls and long baths together, and cuddling. If it's not summer, the fireplace should be constantly lit
Necroing this thread because I like this concept too much and I love my escapism. >There's a storm going on, rain is pouring down, it feels like the wind could lift you off your feet at any point >Finally arrive home from lessons, stressed out, soaking wet >Open the door >Finally get inside, taking off my jacket as the warmth from the heaters hits me >It's not enough, but just enough to be a little more comfortable >See her sitting on the couch, asleep under a blanket while Suspiria plays on TV >I crawl under the blanket, trying to not wake her up as I gently get on top of her >Wrap my arms around her waist, placing my head on her chest >She suddenly notices I've come back, getting startled for a moment before recognizing it's me >I can feel her heartbeat next to me >I can feel her warmth >Close my eyes >Feel her hand going over my head, gently comforting me >Fall asleep, hugging each other like this

Issues with religion and waifuism? Anonymous 12/25/2022 (Sun) 05:35:32 No. 71270 [Reply]
Hello, I'm new to this board and found it within the youtube video 16Crystals uploaded onto his youtube channel, and I think I'll probably be frequenting here from now on. I think it's good to suround myself with people who have a similar situation to myself. So I'll start by telling you who my Waifu is, my waifu is Kaguya Shinomiya from the show Kaguya Sama: Love Is War! Honestly, she wasn't my first "waifu" I suppose my "first" was Sakuya Izayoi from Touhou, but over time I realized that I didn't necessarily love her, I just found her attractive. I'm not saying that the situation is 100% different with my current waifu, but I think I truly love her, anyway I digress. Is there anyone on here who is religious and also has a waifu? I'm talking about mainly the Abrahamic Religions, I myself am a practicing Muslim, this puts me in a really strange situation. I for one have trouble relating to other waifuists, since Islam is very strict when it comes to marriage and interaction with people outside of marriage (not like I have a problem with the latter lol) Other waifuists simply don't face this issue, but at the same time I can not go to other Muslims, they will most certainly think there is something wrong with me. So yeah, I was just wondering if anyone else on here faces issues similar to mine. PS: Also I can already see someone making the joke of "God is fictional so why do you have a problem lol" or something along those lines, very funny mate.
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>>71270 it is my (very) limited understanding that in general Muslims place more emphasis on the Quran than even Christians do on the Bible if that is the case, and you suspect some kind of conflict either because of your religious community or Islam itself, then it is your responsibility to study the literature and reassess either your spiritual beliefs, your relationship with Kaguya, or both also, I doubt that one will struggle to find at least some common ground with those whose religious beliefs differ from their own if they at least try. Remember that waifuist relationships are considered strange by the vast majority of society be it Muslim, Christian, secular, etc.
>>71270 Well, I'm not familiar with Islam but in my religion only having sex outside of marriage it's sinful. Having sexual thoughts about your waifu or about any woman/man for that matter is just a test that you pass by not fornicating. Basically waifu = okay, masturbating while thinking about waifu = not okay.
>>71309 get married to your waifu. problem solved, is it a sin to have magnanimous consensual sex with our own spouse? Hebrews 13:4 Mark 10:6-9 Proverbs 5:15-19 you only have one life, enjoy it when you still have it

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Happy holidays to all /mai/dens!! 16crystals 01/01/2023 (Sun) 05:26:37 No. 71303 [Reply]
Here's a video of some of us celebrating the holidays with our lovely waifus! Thanks to our friend TooManyToasters for producing it, and to all of those who provided a picture! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYs4rglaBdY

HAPPY NEW YEAR 12/26/2022 (Mon) 18:37:51 No. 71287 [Reply]
post a pic of your waifu with fireworks
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my New Year's resolution is to spend more time with waifu
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Mai Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 10:45:58 No. 71174 [Reply]
All Waifus are beautiful
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>>71174 You really did a great job! It's beautiful! I should put it as a banner. I should also ask the community for waifu-specific banners (as there can be many banners). But yours is great to represent the whole community!
>>71174 Someone has waifu'd Hana from GuP? That's cute

Christmas! Anonymous 12/24/2022 (Sat) 08:51:23 No. 71268 [Reply]
How do you and your waifu celebrate the holidays? Any special experiences or traditions you both like to share?
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>>71268 >How do you and your waifu celebrate the holidays? I listen to Auld Lang Syne and some classical music, enjoy some wine or a modest quantity of whisky and weigh up the soon-to-be-over year and think how I could make the next one a bit better. It's not really a time of merriness, more like of melancholy mixed with a very humble spark of hope. It's also the only time of the year I am guaranteed to be on /a/, the rest of the year I would talk about anime and the likes only on Discord
i like to watch the movie Hogfather you can find it on Youtube
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Try to hold a """special""" dinner with her, although I work over the holiday so we always spend time together a bit later than others. It's not much, but we have each other so it's all worth it.

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 04:21:24 No. 71138 [Reply]
What predisposes a person to be attracted to fictional characters: genetic or environmental factors? If both, is it an even split or is one side favored? In other words, are waifuists born or are they made?
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>>71281 I have had a few such situations. What about them?
>>71284 Now you know that you have a free will to make decisions with
>>71273 >literally do nothing to achieve a certain outcome accepting that you are only responsible for doing the leg work and not the outcome. you are defined by the actions that you make. not the blood that makes you

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mods are asleep Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 00:32:01 No. 70655 [Reply]
post waifus
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Don't tell the mods I'm posting wife in every post already
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how do you imagine your waifu's scent? Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 21:57:45 No. 71196 [Reply]
fruity, or like a flower? closer to a perfume, or 'normal' body odor (however you define that)? or something else entirely?
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Probably vanilla-like, but I won't try to make too many guesses. If one day we are finally together (in the afterlife), I'll find out what her scent is
i mean like idk it dosent matter what it is really if its my waifus the smell no matter how bad or good will be associated with her so it will become the best smell i can/cant even imagine and in general my nose is pretty dead so im not really creative with smells and stuff if i had to chose a scent from the ones i know though it would be the smell of summer at nightime in belgrade that scent is prolly my favorite since it has a lot of positive emotions tied to it so that would be it
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whatever this smells like

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MARRY CHRISTMAS 12/20/2022 (Tue) 03:18:55 No. 71257 [Reply]
All Waifus are beautiful
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>>71257 Merry Christmas to all /mai/dens! And thanks once more for the collages; you did a great job! >>71259 >Except for the ones that are shared among multiple anons. Whores are not beautiful I could be wrong, but I guess that you are you referring to cases in which multiple waifuists have the same character as their waifu. If so, know that many waifuists (if not most) go by the object-oriented perspective of waifuism, which happens to be the dominant perspective among our members here. Even if many waifuists love the same character, each of them has a unique relationship with a unique incarnation of this character (i.e., their waifu).
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>>71262 >>71259 have 1 waifu have 2 waifiu s/o ctrl+c ctrl+v have 2 waifus have 2 waifiu s/o problem solved
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Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 18:04:04 No. 71065 [Reply]
Suppose you have a waifu, and you find out that someone in your internet corner has the same waifu as you. Would you feel cheated? If yes, do you think this would grant you the right to have more than one waifu, as a form of compensation?
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>>71241 We could also just stop being super aggressive towards each other NO! fight me over the internet
im just saying completely true and honest facts and people are being jerks and disagreeing with me : ' (
>>71241 >I think being insecure is normal. I don't think anybody out there is 100% confident about everything they do >Jealousy is a legitimate feeling, too. People are human. Simple facts

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MARRY CHRISTMAS 11/25/2022 (Fri) 06:48:15 No. 71189 [Reply]
post a padoru picture of your waifu https://adalvalle.itch.io/padoru-maker
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>>71232 This meme was already around back in 2017, did you only discover the internet after that year?
>>71234 Why does it have to be a meme, can't people just like cute chibi pics of their waifu's?
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look at this cute meme i found

Find a pic challenge! 16crystals 11/22/2017 (Wed) 07:29:27 No. 65207 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure how well this game will turn out to be but here we go Post a pic of your waifu in which she is in a specific context and challenge other /mai/dens to find a pic of their own waifu in the same context. This is meant to be a challenge so try not to choose something too easy like ‘’Find a pic of your waifu wearing a swimsuit’’, but don’t get absurdly too specific either. You are free to take someone else’s challenge and/or challenge others. Type your challenges in red so they can be easily spotted in the thread. Here's my challenge: Can you find a pic of your waifu wearing boxing gloves?
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>>70772 yeah >>70923 >>70932 >>71022 i tried to combine all these 3 but it turns out it's harder than i thought... and i don't really like this image since i can't read and its context is difficult to read well. unfortunately there are no pictures of her with me, but have this anyway.
repost of >>71228 post a pic of your waifu wearing pigtails
>>71230 Sorry, got none. She wouldn't look good with them anyway

picture challenge 12/09/2022 (Fri) 06:34:35 No. 71228 [Reply]
post a pic of your waifu wearing pigtails
>>71228 I've reposted your post here ( >>71230 ) as we already have a find a picture challenge thread. Please avoid duplicating threads.

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Altar thread Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 21:03:08 No. 70859 [Reply]
Valentine's Day is only a week away, and at least some of us will go to 4/a/ to post waifu date photos. Let us have a thread dedicated to altars specifically: 1) Do you have a permanent altar or do you just erect it for special occasions? 2) In your opinion, what should an altar contain? 3) Aside from taking a photo of the altar, how are you going to spend the fateful evening?
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Well, Valentine's Day is over. Some tips I have collected for the 2022 Christmas /a/ thread: 1) Flowers are a nice touch 2) Framed pictures look better than a computer screen due to lack of glare 3) I should buy a card if I can find a nice one 4) I should try to cook something yummy rather than just rely on store-bought chocolate Apart from this, I have gotten slightly better over the years at making shrine pics. It's a stressful activity, but a meaningful one as well
>>70865 4) I should try to cook something yummy rather than just rely on store-bought chocolate My advice: 1. Leave cleaned and fully edible fruit in a jar filled with the spirit of your choice 2. Wait a month, then take out the fruit 3. Coat the fruit with chocolate 4. Eat
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Remember it's never too early to think about your Christmas altar

Strawpoll Anonymous 10/08/2022 (Sat) 08:43:54 No. 71123 [Reply]
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>>71165 i asked him, he said it is ok
>>71172 why is he a cuck
>>71164 >then why are you on the internet? To chat with friends and enjoy SFW art

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