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Tickling, Autism and (you) Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 20:15:44 Id: 82981b No. 31000
There's a lot of talk about it: ticklefags are, supposedly, autistic as fuck. Well let's see if the claim holds any water: 1. Go to: https://www.idrlabs.com/autism-spectrum/test.php 2. Take the test. 3. Share your results. or, alternatively: 1. Share your irl diagnosis as a certified neurodivergent person. Let's see if there's any hope for the lot us, anon. And if you have the right to call that other anon out on being an autist next time you think about doing it. Of course, allow me to go first: Honestly, scoring a moderate is not surprising at all. I've never been diagnosed, but I've always been aware (and made aware) I'm atypical in many, many different ways, specially as a child. Growing up, learning about autism and some of the characteristics that come with it, and feeling uncannily identified with some of the more specific ones has me convinced I'm probably somewhat on the spectrum, if on the light side of it. From a quick interaction or conversation you'll probably think I'm a perfectly pleasant person, but sticking around me for a while will probably make you think I'm at least 'quirky'. Also, I'm apparently a very angry boi. DISCLAIMER: Online tests are NOT accurate ways of diagnosing developmental conditions. This is entirely for fun, and maybe so we get some insight on ticklefaggotry and its supposed ties with autism. If this is something about yourself you feel you legitimately need to consider and deal with, you should seek professional help.
I've long known I wasn't autistic, I have different problems
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A year ago anxiety and depression probably would've been off the charts for me. Take a walk, go out and talk to people in your area (in a non-awkward way) You'd be fucking surprised at the results.
All this test asked me was if I didn't like loud noises or if I hated parties or some shit, which I don't, along with some shit about not looking at people's eyes when I'm talking to them. I dunno how accurate this is, I feel like if I wanna kiss a hot girl's toes, I have to be an autismo in one way or another.
being bullied as a child and being usually treated poorly by others has had reppercusions on my life that i may never overcome.
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I'm pretty high up there, but also I have other diagnosed conditions which cause poor posture and oversensitivity to light and sound, so yeah.
>>31000 Never been officially diagnosed with anything but if my doc told me "Yeah you have autism and/or ADHD" I would simply be relieved that I have a concrete explanation as to why I am the way I am
>only slightly retarded nice
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>>31000 >Anger >Social difficulty OP if you snap and decide to keep a woman as a tickle slave in your basement and force her to wear your mother's clothes, I want pics.
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>>31022 >implying I wouldn't livestream it and post a link on /tkr/ I'd be remiss, anon :) We're doing surprisingly clean I feel like, so far >>31016 and I have the highest power levels. Of course, as >>31005 points out, a regular test only goes so far in measuring our particular brand of quixotry.
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>>31000 Alright I'll bite. Here The anger portion is just when I play games usually. As for anxiety...zero clue...or maybe I don't know what Anxiety actually is. Who fucking knows.
>>31028 That being said, I would fucking hate to meet the lot of you with high autism because fuck how does one deal with an autist
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Wtf all I said is that I like Caroo.
>>31035 Lapis, plz.
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As someone who draws mostly tickling a feet this doesn't come as a surprise. Make way for the fucking autist here.
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I don't think I'm autistic, probably have some sort of low-grade depression that's making me more impulsive and careless than normal due to my apathetic nature.
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Not surprised in the slightest. I'm just depressed.
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>>31000 Nope, as expected. I just suck at eye contact. Been diagnosed with a personality disorder though, so I guess that's something.
diagnosed with adhd as a kid
autist no, plagued by paranoia and the big sad yes
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>>31000 Pretty damn autism-free, apparently. I've always been pretty decent at keeping this fetish shit under wraps unless I'm drunk as hell and around people I trust.
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Zero Aggression Gang Though I figured that zero aggression attributes to the flat affect aspect of ASD. Now I question the significance of this wheel.
>>31064 >Now I question the significance of this wheel. Very basic, potentially pertinent observations about your own behaviour, is the bottom line. Without the nuance of professional assesment, it's not reliable for anything other than providing a glimpse of how your broken pieces *might* fit into the many variable standards of neurodivergence. Take my agressivity result, for example (angery boi OP here, btw). I've never even thrown a punch, and most people I know would probably describe me as mellow guy, but I have a tendency to let inconvenience build up without realizing, and that often culminates in me flying off the handle at some minor slight and shouting profanities completely unbefit for the situation. Thus, the score. Now, does it mean I'm struggling to express my discontent and defaulting to aggresivity like an autistic person with poor communication skills? Or does it just mean I need to be more assertive and truthful about the way I feel towards those around me instead of letting stuff bottle up inside? Iunno, but I betcha a professional would.
>>31064 Btw, what cute little girl are you going to tickle-bully into submission next Asa?
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Looks like I've got some issues to work out, my friends.
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Huh...Not as bad as I thought it'd turn out...
>moderate :(
>anger problems throughout childhood (and now) >self-loathing ticklefag >absolutely no positive outlooks on life i need to end it all bros...
>>31073 proraindancer is that you
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Not a huge shocker. The posture thing is I usually sit with my knees up and arms reaching around to type when I'm really concentrated on writing. Socially I can hold my own any time at work or parties, I just don't like to. I'm hugely self aware that I'm fucked in the head so I keep my tickling and other fetishy obsessions heavily compartmentalized from my normal married with kids life, I don't slip when tickling is brought up or a scene happens on tv and I maintain multiple disparate accounts on various pockets of the Internet to satisfy my urges.
>>31000 Well.. not a huge shock, but I also know I don’t handle myself well.
this chart mostly checks out. Plus I'm a confirmed autismo myself irl. The ones I most notice online are the ones with tons of OCs, the ones who commission every artist alive, and the ones with zero social skills.
Diagnosed with major depressive disorder, nothing else. Kind of a funny thing to pair with a tickle fetish haha Also why are certain traits labeled as abnormalities/sensitivities/difficulties but lack of eye contact is “poor?” Why isn’t abnormal posture called “poor posture?” Why isn’t social difficulty called “poor social skills?” Why isn’t noise sensitivity called “poor noise tolerance?”
I think people are obsessive over being *neurotypcial* or *neurodivergent* and it makes whatever they think is wrong worse than if they never thought about it.
I got an aspergers diagnosis as a kid so I'll just post a tickling pic. I do consider myself socially functional even if I got tendencies to be a hermit in my own time.
Nothing here, op's ideas about relations between tickling and autism are the same as those who find relations between vaccines and autism
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You better be doing a 30 pages statistical analysis from these! I doubt there's any fetish at large which correlates with autism. That those who get over-invested tend to be on the spectrum, no doubt.
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>>31073 I also have high levels of anger, do you want to fight or what? 🤝
Throwing my results on the pile
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>>31073 Do not become an hero anon, just submit yourself as a tickle slave, you'll be happy and giggly all the time! >>31084 I would assume that's just because those aspects don't have to be "poor" for them to suggest signs of autism. As an example >>31079 scored high on social difficulty but seems to perfectly capable of performing well in social situations if they so desire. I also scored fairly high there and yet I've literally won awards for public speaking in highschool, like I'm not timid or unbearably awkward, I just really don't enjoy those things on a personal level and would be completely happy living alone and naked on an island or something. During COVID lockdown some of my family members stuck inside with me got depressed an anxious while I was having the absolute time of my life not having to interact with the real world, let me tell ya. Similarly I scored somewhat high on "abnormal posture" and I don't have bad posture, it's quite the opposite: I walked way too upright as a kid (curtly, like I had a stick up my ass) and people often find my natural resting positions to be a bit odd, often my feet form a 90° angle when standing, I may lay a crossed leg on a table while standing next to it like I was doing a weird stretch of sorts, and a bunch of other random shit. So you know, not "poor" or "bad" just... atypical. >>31086 That's fair, getting it into your head you're strange or you don't fit in is a surefire way of making you selfconscious and more awkward as a result. I can at least tell you from personal experience that a lot of the things in this test were pointed out about me by other people, so it isn't just me overanalyzing myself *necessarily*. >>31094 Genuinely hope you're right anon (and it's looking like you might be!). >>31105 The excel spreadsheet is getting mighty thick! And yeah, I think I agree, it's less about the amount of crazies and more about how much they make themselves stand out, maybe. >>31136 ...tickle fight?
Definitely figured anxiety was gonna be the big one Looking through the thread though it seems I’m not alone at the very least. I thought depression would’ve been more though.
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>>31172 tickle fight? It's fine, but I warn you that I like to make even the faint of heart laugh. ✨
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Normiechads we won
>>31000 Doing this is a bigger proof of autism than liking tickling as a fetish if you think about it anon
>>31094 Both are clearly symptoms of a greater disease. Most ticklefags are relatively normal sure, but you get a lot more weirdos here compared to the general population.
We probably need to see psychologists for this
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Well at the very least I do, probably
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"Your autism spectrum symptoms are moderate." Yeah, that's about right.
>>31009 >got bullied as a child gee i wonder why
>>31000 Here's some more data for the spreadsheet (%s in the filename) if you're still working on it, Anon. +1 for highlighting the caveats of such tests. Severe tinnitus so NS and SD are obvious. I'm too shy to call people names or threaten them even on the Internet so related results were obvious as well.
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Already know I have depression and some anxiety. I rarely look anyone in the eye, but usually I'm looking at their cheek or nose so no one notices. I'm rarely good in social situations. I can work through a conversation or interview, but it's stressful. I have trouble just asking for help at a grocery store to find a product. While certain noises bother me, it's in specific situations: faint random mechanical whirring computer sounds when I'm trying to use it but I can't figure out the source, a randomly clicking fan at night, etc. This is probably normal for a bunch of people. I don't like noisy crowds, but it's not because of noise (like the test specifies) but because there's just a crap ton of people all pushing in around me and there's no clear way to walk without shoving into someone or being in someone's way.
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>very low Either in complete denial or a boringly normal individual.
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The result caption is edited but the answers were not, you don't even have to fuck with the arguments (it's faster though) Literally answer like a complete autist to all 50 pseudorandom questions and this happens. NOT A SINGLE QUESTION HAD TICKLING OR FETISHES IN IT!
Never been diagnosed but my parents and grandparents are convinced I am, and pretty much every autistic person I have ever met has at some point asked me if I have a diagnosis too.
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almost everyone i've met has either assumed or asked if i had autism, almost entirely autistic friend group, autistic gf, mom smoked a fuck ton of weed when she was preggers with me i think i got autism
>>47486 Well then get vaccinated before you spread it ... wait
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Fidgeting and depression are the highest ones I got, but I feel like they'd be higher I wasn't repressing them. I love that the test is written like it's for normal people tho, it never says anything like "how often do you think about ideals or religious beliefs" type shit. It also seems to think more about what other people tell you about yourself as if your friends opinions of you are gonna necessarily be honest, questions like "How many times have you been told you talk weird?".
>>47630 >the test is written like it's for normal people That's the secret anon, you are "normal" you were just psyopped into believing you're retarded. The internet's full of subcultures believing they're "special" whether it's trannies, Qanon retards or anyone in between. The only thing that sets you apart from other "normal" people is where you decide the boundary line is.
>>47633 I never really thought I was autistic or at least that I'm really good at suppressing it (but that could basically just be called my inner child then). According to the test autism is about having every mental illness I guess, so I probably don't act very autistic. The only problem I really have is aphantasia which naturally leads to mild depression but I prefer being rational & depressed over emotional & happy/normal. I've gotten better at not fidgeting, but I am still pretty lazy tho. I'll stop monologuing now

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