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(122.46 KB 640x480 I wasted 2 hours on this.png)

Gaming Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 14:20:34 No. 964
Please talk about this Okekaki I made I spent a lot of time on it
Her breasts are a bit big for her body, but otherwise bery gud
>>965 I like 'em with the big bad honkers tanks
>>965 very big, very good
I want to fuck it real bad, good job!
>>964 This girl owes me sex so you did a good job
>>964 do it again
>>965 Women with big natural breasts and slim waist exist as well, so I think they fit perfectly.
(117.89 KB 733x465 8 tan.png)

wow this has more than three posts? >>1039 here you go >>1033 I cummed inside her first I should really get back to the drawabox stuff again
>>1063 nice
>>1063 Please keep training I like your style and wish to see it evolve.
(93.44 KB 733x465 8tan 2.png)

(86.85 KB 771x257 banner.png)

(21.71 KB 300x100 banner resized.png)

decided to clean it up a bit and make a banner version. kinda looks nice
>>1081 Nice!
She looks like the Reddit alien put a wig on. I'm always up to fuck Reddit sideways so I approve this message.
(109.44 KB 640x480 Reddit.png)

>>1090 How does this make you feel?
>>1137 Fuck yoU
(333.47 KB 1209x1541 gamer.png)

Have YOU received your 8chan (dot) moe™ Gamer Grub and Gaming Gear yet? It has >one EPIC red gaming stool >A bottle of NIVEA® Essentially Enriched Body Lotion (edible only once) >A can of the ORIGINAL Mtn Dew from 2004 >An oversized wiimote (bluetooth compatible) >A visitors pass for E3 2028 Order NOW!!!!
(280.99 KB 1209x1541 bikini.png)

(284.80 KB 1209x1541 technically not naked.png)

(277.49 KB 1209x1541 au naturel.png)

ok i'm done with this for real now this is the last time i'll be drawfagging for a while because holy shit this stuff is a timesink if you don't have enough practice with it
>>1081 Oh this actually got made into a banner! Thanks.
(336.12 KB 1209x1541 gamer nobg.png)

(288.98 KB 1209x1541 bikini bg.png)

(294.98 KB 1209x1541 technically not naked bg.png)

(288.21 KB 1209x1541 au naturel bg.png)

backgrounded versions for whoever wants them
>>1186 >no water
(93.81 KB 812x793 anger.png)

(74.67 KB 602x720 dookie nookie.jpg)

>>1198 She brought milk tho. Two bags, even.
Spent two hours on this oekaki please talk about it.
>>1212 Please add large heavy breasts.
>>1214 and make the waist thinner
(190.82 KB 1080x1010 8chan cutie.jpg)

She actually made it
>>1243 Big AND true
>>1187 I will have sex with her.
>>1212 >>1214 >>1237 A thin waist isn't very Reddit. A bald alien with a giant belly, on the other hand...
>>1294 That would be so funny! I would laugh very much if she was lactating too, that's definitely a very reddit thing to do. Maybe she could be pregnant with triplets and very embarrassed about it hahaha
(5.36 MB 2505x3582 DanMilkerDialog.png)

(4.78 MB 2505x3582 DanMilkerDialog2.png)

(5.87 MB 2505x3582 DanMilkerDialog3.png)

>>1296 >lactating >pregnant with triplets Coco is that you?
>>964 >>1081 >>1186 >>1187 >>1189 I can't believe I got horny enough to spend my time drawing this
>>1329 You should get horny more often
>>1329 I believe it. Moar
(992.09 KB 1102x1312 wip.png)

horny again
(5.58 MB 2868x3594 wet and well pressed.png)

here you go, an entire wasted weekend. i'm gonna go back to my drawing course for realsies this time. you ever had any image editing program take up 2 gigabytes of your memory on a single image and lag profusely?
is it bad that the only reason i'm learning how to draw is to draw smut? also any drawfags here? do you have a good clean lineart tutorial? I'll stop posting now.
>>1805 >is it bad that the only reason i'm learning how to draw is to draw smut? Maybe, but that's why a lot of artists pick up the pencil. Don't stop posting anon, we need more drawfriends. The board is just slow, people aren't ignoring you. >lineart In my opinion anatomy and perspective are far more important than clean lines, which you already seem to have down. If you really want some study materials, Fun With a Pencil is considered one of the all time greats. While I don't have that one on hand, I do have books by the same author. And lineart isn't everything, plenty of artists don't even do linework and adopt more painterly approaches.
>>1807 thanks anon >The board is just slow, people aren't ignoring you. oh no I'm not asking for attention, I was just apologizing for bumping three times in a row this thread is probably the most attention i've received for anything ever
>>1793 >>1804 can you make this an animated gif rubbing her boobs up and down against the glass or is it too much work?
>>1793 >>1804 Thank you for the tits, much appreciated!
(4.28 MB 630x800 isabelle.webm)

>>1832 handdrawn is out of the question at my current skill level. I mean, this singular frame took me two days to make. I haven't ever checked out how to do motion tweening (like picrel) but apparently you can do it in after effects or something. Not gonna buy a subscription for that.
(818.38 KB 1692x1682 exuf3l8lxtd91.png)

>>1862 >tweening
(72.74 KB 1200x1200 Dr Mario Blue Virus.gif)

>>1872 Yeah, I'm not particularly fond of it myself but I was curious about seeing how artists do it. ...now that I notice it, yeah. Isabelle's pelvis is controrting really badly. >>1866 Eh. If I have the motivation I'll pirate it myself.
(13.96 MB 640x360 Countdown.mp4)

>>1875 A lot of artists tween or puppet because actual traditional animation is absurdly inefficient and can take days of work for mere seconds of footage depending on the complexity. It's also much, much easier to tween. It doesn't require the same amount of knowledge and effective execution of animation principles, if something looks weird you can tweak it until you get it right. It's so much more flexible. People are like water, they want to take the path of least resistance. I have never liked tweening or puppeting either, but it's so prevalent because it's a more accessible form of emulating real animation.
Her hair is huge
Oh yeah, I never gave her a name. Any ideas? yeah, I'm working on something but it's going to be a while before I post it. being a wagie sucks ass
She looks like a Chloe. How about Chloe?
>>2270 Anne O'Mooney-Huws You could probably make the name work better but I think the implication she's Welsh-Irish is funny given the hair.
>>2272 Meevie Mus?
>>2270 I'd go with Phoebe. Kind of sounds like /vb/
(252.98 KB 871x907 pretty.png)

She's all dressed up for the occasion! I'll clean it up more when shes named
(253.77 KB 871x907 My Name Is!.png)

>>2278 Cute
>>2278 Plap, plap, plap, get pregnant, get pregnant, etc.
(190.21 KB 871x907 dei.png)

>>2278 not diverse and inclusive enough
>>2303 Bleaching target acquired!
(58.56 KB 208x257 BONJOUR.PNG)

>>2303 Mmmm mixed-race children
>>2270 Vanna. Vanna Vee! I'm really feeling this one.
>>2330 Vanabee.
>>2335 >>2275 Seconding Phoebe. Lou Lou Phoebe
(18.81 KB 210x403 Oekaki)

>>2337 the issue with phoebe is that this is the mental image I get when I hear the name can you give me an example of a good phoebe?
(13.16 KB 310x346 phoebe hey arnold.jpg)

>>2346 Wait a second. THIS is why I associate the name with that.
>>2346 She's adorable. Maybe she's just hiding her giant tits and becomes >>2281 when she removes her glasses.
>>2359 I like this kind of power reveal.
(603.05 KB 1730x1129 titty transformer.png)

>>2359 >>2360 Alright, you sold me on it.
left wins
>>2443 Sexcellent
>>2443 Gotta say, I think I've made more progress drawing her than I've made in an entire year. Goes to show that putting your horniness in the right place can actually do you good. I mean, trying to do cloth physics is something I would have gotten to after maybe slogging through seven chapters worth of exercises or maybe I would've kept putting it off for all of eternity. Yet here I just "did" it because I wanted to make sure that her shoving her hand through the bra made me sufficiently hard. I'll post the full body pics when I get the time.
>>2447 I often say and think that one of the most important things in art is to have fun, partly because it'll drive you to actually draw. If you have fun drawing lewds (and know it) I think that's an excellent thing.
(57.78 KB 480x321 Bueno.jpg)

>>2443 Good shit 👌
(782.82 KB 1908x1839 both.png)

(338.77 KB 813x1662 phoebe.png)

(330.29 KB 903x1749 veebee.png)

(282.35 KB 828x1734 winner.png)

>>2448 Boy do I love drawing her.
>>2485 But does she shitpost about videogames?
>>2486 she's the one behind the zelink thread on /v/
>>2487 >a nerdy woman made the shipping thread That would make complete sense actually
(413.03 KB 1920x1080 bg.png)

(351.47 KB 1920x1080 bg_full.png)

you know what? she makes for a nice desktop background
>>2485 Keep drawing her and keep improving!
>>2490 Gonna pull up to the weekly meeting in this
>>2490 Nice. Any chance to have a variant where she keeps her glasses on + full sized tiddies?
(295.66 KB 2967x603 clipboard.png)

>>2504 gimme like a week
>>2518 can't keep the glasses because that's against the rules, but i'll keep the clothes
(75.01 KB 200x234 squid.png)

>>2518 >4534 hours on Stardew Valley I see you're familiar with actual NEET girls.
>>2485 does she lactate?
is this the board tan
>>2987 She wasn't made with that in mind but it looks like she became it, yes.
Hook her up to a milk truck for infinite restore potions.
>>2448 The best masters of their craft are usually the most passionate. For video games, too. The autists who find many glitches or do well in tournaments really love their game.
>>2485 She needs to GET PREGNANT
>>3030 Heavily seconded
(533.94 KB 2946x621 comic2.png)

>>2518 Apologies for not posting anything in quite a while. I'm gonna have something up soon.
>>3172 nice.
(748.14 KB 1990x2685 phoebe transfrorm 1.png)

>>3204 MILK
>>3204 For extra comedic effect, the hair bands should go flying off.
(876.41 KB 1990x1891 phoebe transform 2.png)

>>3204 >>3212 Dayum, how'd you guess the next part?
For extra comedic effect, her top should go flying off
For extra comedic effect, she should be my gf
For extra comedic effect, she should vore Vivian.
For extra comedic effect, she should have steamy lesbian sex with Vivian.
(651.18 KB 2116x1107 phoebe transform 3.png)

meanwhile i get the last part and the lewd ready, i've got a small request: can someone else please try drawing phoebe? pretty please? I just want to see how it would look like
>>3372 Sent :) put on my backlog, no promises but I like her very much a lot
>>3371 This is quite cute.
(406.18 KB 1521x2159 Kesa Mo Yuraretemasu ch 4.jpg)

>>3381 >>3373 thanks anons >>3371 By the way does she look horrified enough? I tried to do somwthing like pic related but I don't think it came across as well. There are better examples of this from the author but I can't find them at the moment.
(76.35 KB 396x1265 CUTE.jpg)

>>3386 p.s. shirogane is cute! CUTE!!
>>3386 >By the way does she look horrified enough? Too horrified
(21.71 KB 300x100 randomBanner.png)

I got the Phoebe banner when I came to this thread (heh).
(258.91 KB 1040x1712 clipboard.png)

>>3313 have this in the meantime. sorry it's a bit rough around the edges
(108.15 KB 640x640 hor.jpg)

squilliam from the hit show spongebob squarepants
>>3467 nice.
Pretty good drawings.
Can you draw her doing the george floyd knee on commit cat?
(202.61 KB 1080x1071 commie cat.jpg)

>>3533 >commit cat You mean this thing?
>>3467 She's hotter with the glasses on
>>3537 No, he means anya the commie cat
(259.15 KB 663x700 Alunya_Redesign_3.png)

(574.47 KB 1000x1000 Alunya_character_sheet_%28alt%29.png)

>>3545 Oh. Yeah, I remember her. She was the /leftypol/ mascot, wasn't she?
>>3546 >>3533 Imagine if Paps drew Phoebe. That's be pretty cool
>>3544 Good news, I have figured out a way to show her in the ~700 millisecond window she can stay in her big titty form (BTF) with her glasses on.
>>3551 I don't think Paps has posted or wants to post on 8chan in years, he got a lot of shit for being active on /leftypol/ and eventually he left 8chan altogether. He's not the only artist who was harassed of the site, I can think of at least two others. One was shit on literally for being a woman, nothing else
>>3712 >spoiler good have any art from her saved tho?
>>3712 Shitting on women is my fetish. Right on the chest.
(2.32 MB 2285x4888 phoebe transform 4.png)

>>3371 Fun fact: she wears a special bra that can withstand the pressure applied by the near-instant expansion of her titties it's also why she's flat broke and a poorfag gamer with a shitty netbook
>>3875 Man, doing this stuff really makes you appreciate the effort manga artists put in Not practicing anatomy is really rearing its ugly head now. Once I'm done with all of this I'll get back to it. I'm not happy with the comic paneling either. Nonetheless, this is a vast improvement over whatever that I was doing before, both in terms of speed and quality, One more page to go for the comic, and after that I've got two drawings left to do.
I love her, /vb/ros
>>4673 Phoebe is great, isn't she? Hopefully the anon comes back and finishes the comic he mentioned, as well as make more art of her. Or maybe someday someone will make fanart.
(1.46 MB 2196x1603 anniversary.png)

(1.34 MB 2196x1603 anniversary white.png)

anniversary i'll start drawing more of her soon, hopefully
>>4794 Very nice, this is what I was hoping to see. I like her outfit.
>>4794 >i'll start drawing more of her soon, hopefully Please do
(909.13 KB 1960x2432 full.png)

(446.28 KB 1960x2432 fulln.png)

fullbody shots Also here's an archive of every single phoebe image I have done (which is all of them): https://files.catbox.moe/i98zkh.zip

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