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I'm Giving You A Nightcall. Esquizo 08/04/2023 (Fri) 21:22:23 No. 7421
Just got my Valentines Gift. Did anyone else get theirs?
>>7421 I'm too poor for buying one
>>7422 Sorry Man.
what does it say?
>>7427 she want to fook
(68.79 KB 212x201 1667156177467039.png)

>>7421 I ordered Suisei's 5th anniversary set and 2nd solo live but shit doesn't get released til late-August The pain bros
>>7428 Wait. If Gura is, like, half shark or some shit, ¿Does that mean she has a higher level of moisture than the average human? Just, think about it, you have a tiny girl that you can easily lift, no need for that much training or muscle, she probably can't really fight back and is, by logic, always ready for some hardcore "ground-pound". And, if what i'm saying is somewhat true or has some logic behind, then, we can suppose that she needs to be constanstly hydrated too. So, basically, she's always moist/wet and ready to be used. In other words, she's literally a biologically onahola that doesn't need foreplay or some pre-shit to function. You only need to shove your dick inside her and start moving and that's it. And if we consider that she's "stinky", then, that means that it has an olfatory function included and i'm not counting that she can moan and other shits Being a onahole by nature is quite the talent to have. Or at least thats what i belive. And sorry if my english sucks
>>7433 Sharks are fantastic creatures

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