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King of Shitposting

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Smackdown Live - 7/24/18 Boliever 07/24/2018 (Tue) 19:46:08 Id: 3f6e22 No. 123246
Summerslam buildup Edition Who will challenge WWE Champion AJ Styles at SummerSlam? >After WWE Champion AJ Styles defeated Rusev at WWE Extreme Rules to retain his title, SmackDown General Manager Paige revealed that she will name The Phenomenal’ One’s SummerSlam opponent on SmackDown LIVE tonight. >Which blue brand Superstar will step into the spotlight to challenge arguably the greatest competitor working today at The Biggest Event of the Summer? Will Becky Lynch earn a SmackDown Women's Title Match at SummerSlam? >After Becky Lynch continued her winning streak with another impressive victory last week on SmackDown LIVE against Mandy Rose, The Irish Lass Kicker made an impassioned post-show warning that Straight Fire is coming after the SmackDown Women’s Championship. >General Manager Paige was definitely listening, as she declared that Lynch will square off against The Princess of Staten Island this week. If Becky losses, Paige will throw the titleholder the Mellabration of all Mellabrations. But if Becky emerges victorious, she will earn a SmackDown Women's Title opportunity at SummerSlam! Paige reveals tonight's First Round SmackDown Tag Team Title Tournament Match: The New Day vs. SAnitY >SmackDown LIVE General Manager Paige took to Twitter on Saturday evening to announce that over the next three weeks, four of the blue brand's best tag teams will battle it out in a tournament to see who will earn the opportunity to challenge The Bludgeon Brothers for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles at SummerSlam. https://twitter.com/RealPaigeWWE/status/1020794734930026497 >On Sunday, Paige announced the teams that will compete in the tournament, announcing The New Day, SAnitY, The Usos and The Bar will battle it out to determine who will face off against The Bludgeon Brothers for the titles at SummerSlam. https://twitter.com/RealPaigeWWE/status/1021099041659195392 >Then, from the airport, en route to SmackDown LIVE, Paige revealed that tonight's First Round tournament match will pit The New Day against SAnitY! >Keep with WWE.com and WWE's social channels for all the latest on this exciting development. And don't miss SmackDown LIVE, tonight at 8/7 C on USA Network. SanityLosesLOL Why is The Viper targeting Hardy? >Last week, Randy Orton emerged out of nowhere to cost Jeff Hardy his opportunity to reclaim the United States Title from Shinsuke Nakamura before brutally assaulting The Charismatic Enigma, even ruthlessly tugging at Hardy’s pierced ear. >Will we finally find out why WWE’s Apex Predator has been targeting Hardy? And will his plans be turned update down by a Twist of Fate? Are Daniel Bryan and The Miz destined to collide? >Long before Daniel Bryan was cleared to compete again in a WWE ring, a war of words between him and longtime adversary The Miz left the WWE Universe craving a showdown between the two Superstars. >And after WWE’s “Yes!” Man crashed The A-Lister’s mock funeral for Team Hell No last week, the highly-anticipated conflict could be closer than we think
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Tonight on WWE 205 Live, Mustafa Ali, TJP, Hideo Itami and Drew Gulak will battle in a Fatal 4-Way Match to determine who will challenge Cedric Alexander for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. High-stakes Fatal 4-Way showdown >WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander has proven himself to be a fighting titleholder and has successfully defended the gold against Buddy Murphy and Hideo Itami in recent weeks. However, he is determined to keep The Age of Alexander alive and is hungry for his next challenger. >After asking WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick who his next challenger would be, Alexander discovered that a Fatal 4-Way Match would determine his opponent. Mustafa Ali, Hideo Itami, TJP and Drew Gulak have all made compelling cases for an opportunity and will clash to determine who will challenge Alexander. Ali impressed in a brutal battle with Buddy Murphy; Itami pushed the champion to the limit in their recent contest; TJP decimated a returning Noam Dar to prove he is prepared for the highest level of competition; and Drew Gulak destroyed his latest opponent to send a clear message to The Soul of WWE 205 Live. >Who will face Cedric Alexander for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship? Find out tonight at 10/9 C on WWE 205 Live on the award-winning WWE Network! When did TJ Perkins lose his last name?
>four of the blue brand's best tag teams Aka the only four teams. >>123247 I think he's been TJP since before losing the title.
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I can't wait for this to somehow be worse than the three hour show whose only highlight was the Bo Team defending their titles.
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>Still bringing up the top ten list
Are they just stapling Dolph's recent gimmick to Orton now?
>they're completely reusing the Ziggler storyline for Orton FIVE FUCKING YEARS
>RK R. Kelly?
>Brian Cage silhouette
>HISTORIC >meanwhile 25 years ago
>Orton reuses Ziggler's gimmick >emotional replay of the wymyn's revolushun announcement What a great start. I can't wait for Rusev coming out to be ruined by having him job out to some loser.
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>>123263 >Calling El Idolo some loser
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>>123265 She gets the rope.
>>123265 >muh career So that gives this women's revolution bullshit a death toll of at least one so far.
Yep, there we go, Rusev is forced to job to some loser again.
>R Truth and Tye Dillenger still work at the wwe
>Ron Killings vs Samoa Joe
>Feed cuts off for 2 seconds Nice one Dunn
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>R. Truth is singing along to his theme again Oh shit, is he finally getting a push again after his disastrous feud with Goldust that went nowhere?
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>R Truth is finally allowed to pull off some fancy moves and look good >the crowd really gets into it >magic comeback from Joe and the match ends in 40 seconds FIVE YEARS
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Billie gonna squash Asuka
>>123276 That's a funny way to spell "job to"
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>>123277 Asuka is literally local talent tier after losing to Carmella and memesworth
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So much for those "30 second matches" right Stephanie?
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>tight leather jacket
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This is the fifth time tonight at least that they've brought up this shitty PPV.
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>run the P1 ace
>even AJ is shilling for it
>Making AJ shill it
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When everyone shills for this damn PPV it comes off as forced and not really genuine. What's next? Taker comes out just to tell us all how amazing it is?
>memesworth has his own theme now
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>Memesworth won't leave
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>Paige is getting BULLIED
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>it's a "you hurt my feelings so you're fired" episode No wonder this thread is dead. This is terrible. If I wasn't doing other things I'd have switched to something more interesting to watch an hour ago.
>>123293 Too bad he's not fired in real life, and that unfunny, unlikable faggot will be back very soon. >>123278 >>123276 That is one ugly bitch >Needs makeup to look good <Instead of blowing it off to wrestle with some competence MUH WYMZ RVLCCN MAGGLE I LUV IT
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>>123294 Looks good with or without makeup
>sacrifice child to moloch >talk about it on the news ahead of wymyn's revolution ppv >get a win over the champion
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>>123298 It's the abortion that keeps on giving.
get your puke bags ready
Are you ready for Sanity to job out to new gay?
>>123297 Not really >>123298 win.jpeg
Nude gay sucks
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Yep, they did it. They jobbed out NXT callups for their pet negroes. >everyone that gets forced to job out is white >nonwhites are the ones that go over them
>The Bar exists
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>Nu Gay vs Usos again
>not putting the baby through a table
>>123308 Miz isn't that desperate for the title.
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Are they fucking?
>>123303 Yes, really.
>>123311 >chemical spray tan >obvious plastic surgery >looks like a whore
>>123310 El Idolo stole Cuckstin Aries woman
>>123310 maybe, honestly totally fine with it if they are almas is a cool dude outside the ring apparently so she could pick way worse.
>fake baby
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>>123312 >chemical spray tan I'll give you that one >obvious plastic surgery Like every woman in WWE >looks like a whore >Cosplay is looking like a whore now
>>123316 >being fooled by the thot
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>doing a bit with a baby doll >right in the middle of the Dan Harmon controversy
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>>123317 You sound like a MGTOW, is that what you are?
>>123320 >not being fooled by the average vapid whore makes you a follower of schlomo's "never marry or reproduce" scheme
>Gallagher vs Tozawa >Gallagher jobs out
>main event is a fatal four way >the promos filmed for it are traditional style and not the "pretend you're holding a phone in front of you like a millenial faggot
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>luchafags kalisto and lince dorado (no gran metalik walking out with them) vs local jobbers >even 205 has time wasters One of the local talents looks like a complete homosexual.
Lots of fancy back and forth between TJP and Gulak.
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Main Event time. Match one >Main Event Jose vs Curt Hawkins Same shit as always, but Hawkins got a lot more offense in than usual. I wonder how much longer they're going to keep this gimmick running.
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Match two >Heath Slater & Rhyno plus Chad Gable vs The Jobvival and Mike Kanellis Yeah, apparently he still exists in the company. >Jobvival wins because ECW guy isn't allowed to win >the only think Mike did in the entire match was interrupt what would have been the winning pinfall from rhyno
>>123265 >>123266 >>123267 >No source Fake news
>>123329 >Heath Slater & Rhyno plus Chad Gable vs The Jobvival and Mike Kanellis I feel sad for all of them, they deserve better
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>>123335 Too on the nose there WWE.
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