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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #4027: No More Benefits Edition Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 13:01:41 Id: 4fa8bc No. 504117
PETER HITCHENS: It was so easy to shut the country down and cow us all. It won't be long before it happens again... https://archive.is/vl8dp Why even Labour has realised the benefits system needs to be torn apart https://archive.is/NIdJk Cuts to welfare. Cuts to international aid. Has Labour lurched too far to the right? (answer: no) https://archive.is/PXVIy
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>>504119 He seems to have misplaced his top hat
NIGGERS, tonguing MY anus? - a voter for the Niggers Tonguing Peoples Anuses party
>>504124 keeeeek good one lad
>>504124 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>504124 Die Partei ist Kenny. Kenny aber ist Bri’ain, wie Bri’ain Kenny ist!
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T0ZSJJOGHtE?feature=share My kid when my future wife is on stage: She's used total nigger death!
>>504124 He’s the Fatt Cuntroller!
these memis will destroy hoomeland
>>504129 Kenny and friends
>>504129 He looks better with makeup tbh
>Wearing Slav rune t shirts He’s a proper wrong ‘un Errol, feed ‘im to the pigs
Dirty dirty dirty scammers >be receptionist in Poondia >migrate to Britain blag job as radiologist claiming 23 years experience >Can’t X-ray foot and get caught >get suspended on full pay for six months Absolute fucking joke https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2025/03/14/indian-radiographer-lied-on-cv-north-downs-hospital/ https://www.tern-group.com/blog/bapio-x-tern
>>504124 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Pls saar very kind I h1b visa saar Pls saar no behead me saar Pls saar mercy saar I h1b saar swear saar
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>>504135 >Smitha Johny Fuck pakis (all indians are pakis and all pakis are indians, neither is a real country that's existed for more than a single human lifetime and both only persist by the misguided altruism and mercy of naive Englishmen), fuck the NHS, and fuck anbody who dares suggest this one just "fell through the cracks" or "the rest are alright though", and that the whole rotten system isn't swarming with repeat cases of this just waiting to emerge. They'd better hope the next time I'm enter a hospital I'm literally on death's doorstep, because given a choice I will NEVER voluntarily use the services of a dirty jeet doctor for anything less than swabbing a shart sample from the skidmarks on my pants. Total currynigger death.
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Bins lad, are you going to buy Islander and scan it for us all to read without paying the lootisers?
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>>504141 >age of war music
>>504141 Kinda ack’d my peeb a little ngl
>>504140 What a devilish temptation…
>>504148 yikes he's a cavity b
>>504148 >>504150 These posts are essential to the thread tbh
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>>504151 Cool knoife. Is it legal to carry about in Norway?
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Any good books read lately?
>>504155 Fiction or non-fiction?
Recent Fiction Reads: >Quarry in the Black by Max Allan Collins >Mickey7 and its sequel, Antimatter Blues, by Edward Ashton >The Mountain Valley War by Louis L'Amour >The Devil Knows You're Dead by Lawrence Block Recent Non-Fiction Reads: >Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer >Colonialism by Nigel Biggar >Kingmaker by Sir Graham Brady >Conflict by Andrew Roberts and David Petraeus
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I read this a year or two ago but I can't recommend it highly enough.
I wonder how many 4chan refugees are gonna come here tomorrow
>>504162 what's happening tomorrow? besides nothing
>>504163 online safety act
people on the 4chan brit/pol/ are saying 4chan is getting blocked
>>504157 Chisinău looks better than London tbh
>>504158 Niggers by Nate Higgers
>>504160 >recommended by Max Hastings Can’t get more establishment than that tbh
>>504165 Nothing ever happens and x is more edgy that 4cuck nowadays. Also you can’t just fucking block shit like 4cuck anyone using that either knows how to circumvent it or will find out. All the decent posts get cross posted to normie sites as jpgs anyway Retarded politicians gonna retard
>>504165 A few fresh GCHQ bots should at least liven the thread up a bit
maybe 8chanmoe should be linked over there so they know where to go?
>ywn be stuck in the soul cairn with mummy valerica
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>>504174 Just become a communist is all
>>504174 >Let me tell you about synthol
>>504177 Old jew yells at cloud
>>504178 This was him not so long ago
didn't snee any manatees but did see a BIG and JUSTed turtlecel that was blinded in both eyes and has been swimming around the edge of the same small pool for 20 years
>>504181 Sounds like your spirit animal.
>>504182 yeah smh felt much kinship with that lad
new soyjak just dropped
yyy must blue eyes make you such a mid wit fuckin It aint fair daddolph said I wuz areolan
Oy veeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Sick of these subversive creaturas Kike that opened up Ireland to mass immigration now squealing because some women holohoaxed an Israeli soldier
>Oy vey I had to run away and hide I will never go back! Why are they so pathetic?
>>504188 Wish a yummy redhead taiglass would spit on me.
oh boy it's that time again >astronautical topic comes up over dinner for whatever reason >try to talk about the lesbian that destroyed the ISS >not in a "lol women amirite" or other kind of confrontational way >as soon as I said "female astronaut" the women's programming snapped on >aunty dismissed everything I had to say, cast doubt on it by implying I am a gullible autistic retarded manchild (at least take oiff the first part smh) and that I just took someone's word for it without evidence >applied "critical thinking" but only because it threatened her worldview >oh I don't know are you SURE? it's so hard to know the TRUTH these days! Did you VERIFY IT!? WAS IT FUCKING FACT CHECKED BY SNOPES AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH AAAUUGH etc god I hate niggercattle I'm a human being only so long as I never speak up or say anything that might reality check anyone and whenever I do it's always because I am misled or trying to be troublesome and it's always false and wrong and I just don't know any better or whatever the FUCK and then they'll say "why are you so quiet?" or wonder why I am a NEET or whatever
>>504192 smh maybe they'll listen if you start living the checkbox lifestyle
>>504192 this is classic. they always try to imply that you are getting your info from fake news
>>504195 this time with a dash of regime-approved russophobia too since I mentioned how reporting on the event was mostly from the cosmonaut side since NASA didn't want a PR problem
even THOUGH they are le peace and love and tolerance and everyone and everything is the most important (except when convenient and socially acceptable)
>>504190 based, fuck all kikes and especially fuck foreign faggots that go to ireland and act like they can do as they please hope that one day the YOO KAAAY can be full of racist hostile aggressive slags who clap their hand and summon 50 baz warriors equipped with daedric billhooks enchanted with ancient anglo saxon magic which causes shitskins to light on fire and become gay niggers who kill themselves
>>504198 Ameeen inshallah brvder
>>504192 Assert dominance chucklepiss in their dinner or something
>>504195 Tbh and then say it’s aiiiiiiii when you show them Haaretz and the Jewsalem post or Tablet
>>504203 Powerful stuff
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>>504202 He's right.
>>504202 tbh smh
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4cuck playing up for any of you lads, or is it just on my end?
>>504209 B& isn’t it as of today?
Holiday in Newcastle tomorrow, and Lando Norris won.
>>504213 have fun lad
>>504215 really have to wonder what goes on inside the mind of a philosemite
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Browsing Instagram and see people blaming austerity and leaving the EU as reasons why we are poor. How are people so fucking stupid, our economy has out competed Germany and France and we needed to cut our massive borrow as we were living on our credit card. I don't get how people are so fucking stupid and easily brainwashed by propaganda.
>>504218 they aren't called niggercattle for nothing lad they think what they're told to think
>>504217 Money
>>504217 They are just stupid gullible grifters/plain old fuckwits undermining their own for the chance to compete for a grain of salt off their table. Bezmenov summed this type up as being first to face the wall under their new masters >What is drip irrigation Stfu you retarded zogbot fucker trying to muh Israel invented everything
terrorisation by the state has reached such a level it affects me even in my sleep dreamt I was in some inner city shithole and two cunts tried to mug me but I stabbed them with a big pair of scissors then fled before the police turned up caught while onboard a train and the shock was enough to make me lucid and able to fly and noclip away to just barely escape the stasi really not fair the psychological terror and pressure they exert can even fuck up your subconcious wish I could gmod fly and noclip irl and go over to parliament and use the delete tool on them all ACK
Think we need to round up and forcibly eject via trebuchet all these limp wristed traitors >Gap Yaar Commission >not even an Short Service Commission >do the Cadetship Commission Cse/ Reserve Commission Course ( 8 weeks ) and then get shoved into a Battalion or Regt for a few months. It’s like a dei for posh boys so they can bung it on a cv and pretend they were an officer in the British Army when the older troops ( max 30 man - platoon ) would probably only allow them to fetch milk to make the tea Absolute fucking joke posh Norman version of we wuz kings an sheeeeeeeeeeeit. WALT written all over this horse faced mug tbh Attached is an example of GYC material >Radley College public school subtards Suppose they have to do something with the dimwit public schoolies but it results in them getting further unfair advantages. Wish I could have done a two month course at Sandhurst and then been teaboy in the Black Watch for five months and been able to stick it on my cv. Part one basic infantry training alone is 5 weeks longer than this Gay Year Course and the combat infantry course is just a month shorter than what Rory did We don’t hate these grifters enough tbh
>>504222 What is this revolutionary new hosepipe with some holes poked into it? >>504223 It's just chronic stress anon. Are the monkeys assaulting you now? Right now? Outside your door right this moment? No? Then you need to learn to down-clock again lad. A zebra has stress in the moment, acute stresses, but only thinks of that moment. You have the burden of aforethought. Of thinking about how your crops will do two seasons from now. Until it passes the blood-brain barrier and the stress dopes your brain something fierce. You need to return to thinking like the zebra. Or a lion if you prefer that metaphor. All that matters is this current instant of you and I. Put the future planning to some time when your head is clear and can afford it.
>>504223 smh >>504224 everything's a performance now smh
>>504226 keeeeeeeeeek haven't seen this one before
council tax bill time (the rates have increased again) joyous and wonderful
sneet lids >>504229 if you're paying more tax that can only mean you're getting more council lad good things await
>>504230 tbh tbh they'll be able to send so many more emails now
>>504226 keeeeeeeeek >>504230 shnila
>>504225 > What is this revolutionary new hosepipe with some holes poked into it? Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek This is them all over Israel is ayckshually irrigated by the government playing the Horst weasel lied at subliminal levels which makes the entire population sweat continuously Things they are known for inventing are things like that system “This call is being recorded for training purposes” - the data harvesting and eavesdropping software
>Russia must come to the peace table! >Russia already is >Everybody listen to me, chief clown! >EU and blowhard Starmfaggot not involved in the Trump-Putin-Zelensky peace talks in any way >Promised Ukraine £3 billion a year over 100 years >lolwut >inserts a guaranteed war clause in his faggot unenforceable deal >MOAR lolwut >just a big distraction from Rachel Peebs incooming disastrous April announcement >GiMmE a SeAt At ThE big BoIs TaBlE dOnAlD! Trump should send a CIA murder squad after him for this insolence tbh and do the world a favour Link to his faggotry if anyone wants https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-ukraine-100-year-partnership-declaration/uk-ukraine-100-year-partnership-declaration
>>504229 >Pajeet saarcharge added
Keeeeeeeeeekeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekeeekeeeekekeekekekeekekekekeeeek https://xcancel.com/ShieldsClips/status/1901331980870095351
>>504237 Keek but smh
What’s an antisemitight?
>>504237 I'd just use a shotgun tbh much easier
Yeah Perform attracted a few dozen wets because space was vacated by hundreds resigning from the Reform charade Verdict : Not a win
>>504240 err lass only the allies are allowed to use shotguns en masse in warfare. It's not inhumane human-sport shooting if it's the goodies.
>>504223 I had almost the same dream myself a few weeks back. Twice
>>504203 total banger tbh >>504209 It's working for me and I'm in the UK. Sure we aren't being rustled about its ban?
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>>504245 I guess it's blacks out burgers in now.
>>504245 He looks like a nigger
Thankfully glorious Auslad won't ban me for this like the tyrant and probably paki nonce SA. DO YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY AND DODGE THE DRAFT Fuck dying in a ditch in the Donbas for Blairite anarcho tyranny at home. Hang Queer Stalin from an old oak tree. Death to traitors, freedom for Britain. Online saftey act comes into force today. Offcommunists can suck a fart from my arse. Okay thank you.
>>504250 good lad
Poombs sans filter
Gyppo slag meets English lass on tube
bought a lottery ticket lads
>>504245 If Ireland ever unites, I give it maximum 3 decades before it splits into 4 different countries
>>504256 buy us a /brit/ mansion and shitposting HQ la
>>504256 Can count on one hand the number of times I've done that. Always weary of following my relatives who I know have wasted thousands over the years on gambling. Guessing for you to announce it you feel the same. Hope you win and btfo the normie race, lad.
>My current husband is black and I have two half-Nepalese children so we live in a multiracial family but not a multicultural one
>>504253 When did Pombster and Jane go so wrong?
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>>504257 not my problem sassanigga
>>504265 Swear you've been shooping him to be slightly fatter with every picture keeeek, he's going to end up massive by the end of the thread
>>504266 The single greatest weight in nationalist politics
>>504263 Pomber Harris getting his ‘arris raided every night
No one knew who Keir was until he put on the Kenny costume
>>504270 Fucking smock's about 3 sizes too big for him, looks like a child keeeeek piggy twat
Let’s be clear Queer you are an insignificant twat deflecting from the domestic chaos you creating fucking traitorous Trotskyist pig >I have pulled together world leaders Pulls together bunch of nobodies What a tosser
>>504270 >>504272 vgh... winston starmer is so inspiring
>>504271 QM donated the one they always have for the random massive cunt
>>504273 Photo op in a war torn car park surrounded by zoggies desperate to give him a kicking
>>504276 >met-police-special-constable-tesco-bishopsgate-sexual-assault-pineapple-b1213721.html >sexual-assault-pineapple Oh fucking hell what
>>504270 oh my science I can't wait to go and die for money laundering in ukraine too bad I am a pensioner and what was it i was talking about again? oh well
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sam hyde and nick rochefort are not funny and they are in fact, retarded massholes
>>504280 Nice carpet tbh
>>504281 it belonged to christopher robin
>>504280 he's a father figure for too many zoomongs
>>504285 >Bless you, Mr Finkelstein! Fucking hell, can he make his allegiances any more transparent at this point?
>>504260 >>504261 Gross old thot.
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hawk tuah spit on that skibbidi shnite lads
>>504280 they increasingly just yell into the mic now for le funny stream reaction sound
>>504280 Damn Xi looks so gangster here. The two on the left look like his accountants, and the younger lad is nervous because the older one told him "if he kills somebody in front of you don't panic."
Me? I like Sam Hyde
Why do people have children just to let them become incel
>>504295 blackmail or mental illness?
Belarus stream coming up this Friday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PULkVTl7XAg
Reprieve for Wessie
>>504296 Sounds like kompromat or bribery Men of God are not supposed to have homes everywhere and millions floating around the bank or constantly spamming social media these celebrity self proclaimed American pastor types are mostly crooks A 2.bed flat in somewhere like Tel Aviv is probably a million dollars and you need permission as a foreigner to buy there also you get to pay more in taxes and fees.
>>504298 no chance that was ever going to go ahead anyway tbh have to wonder why they even suggested it at all
>>504300 Deflection from other issues to stop people talking about more irritating things such as immigration and crime no doubt mere chaff
> The book presents a bleak picture of British and American involvement, claiming that troops failed to grasp that it was primarily a tribal civil war. "This meant that we often made the conflict worse, rather than better," Martin wrote, according to the Times. Ukraine and Russia on the other hand…. We really do produce more than our share of fucking retarded idiots tbh and there must be some nefarious forces at work pipelining them into “war colleges” and then politics Get a load of this territorial army intelligence gaylord
>Keep saying it it might happen let’s get the people used to it worked in WW1&2! Pray every night the citizenry rip these people out of their beds march them down to the cliffs and hurl them off tbh
Starmer’s going to get his bigboi army smock yanked over his head his pants pulled down and bogwashed Soon inb4 >nothing ever happens
Can’t even do the walk of shame properly and he was an MP scandalous
>>504304 I don't think this country could manage a draft and a major conflict and remain internally stable.
>>504308 They will never be able to do this again. Next war will be a civil war if they even remotely try this because ethnics will use it to riot as well and probably take over towns or cities. Retards at the top either know what they’re doing or they are so insulated and detached from reality they are actually just retarded and think the failing police and army will save them or maybe the council and civil service troons. We no longer live in a world where people respect hierarchy or authority Think a David Betz stated what all of us here think
>>504310 Tbf successive governments have planned to remove the state pension for a while now.
4cunt connection keeps timing out again smh
stop fucking posting on 4redditors then
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>>504311 It won't be removed, the state pension age will just continue to increase. It could become means tested too.
you will receive your pension once you reach the retirement age of 98 :) - mrs government
watched fallen kingdom shite tbh would post jurassicthot.png but I'm getting a "the file format is not allowed by the server" error smh not sure why
fresh frasier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORsI7e4TvA
fresh kikes getting away with it yet again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONsTbsDtxiE
apparently pngs are disabled because of the site being attacked by troons or however the USAIDs is spread
>>>/v/10103 paedotroonkikes are inserting CP onto the site in an attempt at getting it banned JANNIES please remember to lock everything except for the current general and delete any suspicious poosts
>>>/site/10103 link correction
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Death and unimaginable pain upon every jew
the troons must be on the hunt for 22st again
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forget video https://youtu.be/YzTQZrbboHE
pakidemic crisp chat
the names johnny dilders. i dild all day and a dild all night.
i dild my trade in a big dilding in dildford.
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>>504346 feel like this type of cockney deano doesn't exist anymore, extinct after 2012 at which point he was replaced by the millenial hipster
ywn form an outlaw posse with your southcuck frens and terrorise pinkertons and homesteaders before facing an insurmountable niggercattle revolt and bleeding out unrepentant on the great plains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcU0LnvaZcQ
Someone needs to found some Europe-wide anti-cringe-politics party, that I can actually vote for in the European Parliament. I sometimes wonder why the boomers have to ruin everything from 4chan. Culture War is a made-up joke... Who would be that dumb to follow Noam Chomsky?
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literally made adult level money and mummy is still bullying me for playing video games. wtf is the point of toil? wow okay mummy pls show me where to buy a house for 70k like you did
>mummy acting like I am a lazy bum when I literally started my own business and became a certified licensed builder who can build entire houses in less than 2 years during a "pandemic" FUCK BOOMERS
>>504353 You're not living up to the boomer expectation of renting your whole life to show "independence".
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>>504310 +VAT >>504353 >can build entire houses <why haven't you built yourself a house yet son?
>>504360 ave fun lad
>>504318 >means tested Which means completely removed like the winter fuel payments.
>>504352 >>504353 smh lad just hang in there and maybe you can inherit their mortgage and debt before long
>>504363 >you’re breathing, go to work!
>Jfk files unredacted but probably large parts missing What do we reckon lads?
>>504369 they've had 60 years to falsify the records anyway regardless of what censorship has recently been applied
>>504369 At least niggercattle can read through the lines that it was definitely kikes.
2 or 3 mins in >Asian people own that, that’s disgusting, I couldn’t live next door to that Had a mate from Ely as well This lads channel is a blackpill tbh. Wess should spam it at his mam and da https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A15HAjZ5ZfE
>>504376 >Complexion: Fair Fuck off pajeeta slag.
*deports b2c580 with her for his curryfever*
>>504371 tbh >>504372 tbh tbh refusing to include the israel bits sends a stronger message anyway because it's short and snappy meanwhile there's probably going to be three people on earth who'd read through it all cover to cover maybe four or five if they kept the israel bits in >>504376 no she can't she'd give you swarthy manlet sons with little soulless eyes like lumps of coal >>504378 good lad
>>504376 Yeah she can stay. In Bengalistania You are an irredeemable coomer with a scat fetish
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Shmornting lids, woken to the sounds of the neighbour who bought the house next door 6 months ago but still hasn't moved in jetwashing his 7 foot patch of concrete for an hour and counting smdh
Are pipework banging every time he lets the trigger off, don't think it's meant to do that
>>504382 poo on his concrete
>>504384 might be necessary tbh
>>504383 water hammer is normal
>>504383 thinking about it more you might want to go out and shut off your connection to the water main whenever he's out there tbh protect your pipes >>504386 true but not from the building next door it isn't
>>504387 They're 30/40s semi-detached council houses, so they probably are on a shared supply tbh.
>did they identify xeir baby as trans? >no, okay DNR that baby, the parents are bigots
Keir Starmer says he is currently watching "Adolesence" with his children
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>>504390 >soft white 13yo incel alt roight muhsogyknees a classmate >tense drama around "how is redchannit still not banned?" >PM is consooming this slop with his kids to (re)affirm his petty authoritarian tendencies >brags about being a male Karen NPC in parliament
>>504376 >showing hair westernized thot cosplay tradwife, islam edition
>>504382 Smash his fucking face in?
Thread cleansing emo thots.
>>504393 Wouldn't fancy a jetwash rammed up my arsehole tbh lad
>>504389 State mandated child abuse should begin at conception not at birth. Slacking
>>504395 Ram it up his and jet was his brain
>>504390 Noseley’s own?
>>504390 Would like to see him raped by a Rotherham rape gang while watching this documentary err err drama State brainwashing needs to end tbh
>>504397 >>504399 We'll have to make anal jetwash torture the sentence for captured state/media propagandists in the britnostate Found guilty of brainwashing? Wash their brains out from the arsehole upwards.
Launch them off the cliffs of Dover like human bottle rockets
Now taking volunteers for the Brit Inflationist Freikorps
>>504390 Also fuck this plank Stephen Graham >Swedish granddad >Jamaican granddad >married to a troon >scouser >scouser >scouser >crying because his shite film is being used to gaslight the entire nation WANKER
>>504401 HEAR! >>504402 HEAR! >>504403 HEAR!
>>504404 He's a good actor but as always people that worship actors and consider their opinions with any greater weight on anything but acting are stupid.
Nice ratio there tbh
And of course he didn't know what an incel was, it's a term that never really deserved to escape internet circles and radically disconnected academic circles.
>>504408 Most people have no idea what it is and now everyone will call everyone an incel and report them. Politicians deserve to be fucking redacted ha ha ha ha ha
Politicians are the only ones doing the inciting and radicalising tbh
>>504409 Yanks have been calling people incel for years. Usually rw men who're married with kids. Ironic that the antiwhite state ideology incites murder all the time but (You) will be the incel terrorist for pointing it out.
Doing some Doge’ing How did I do?
>>504413 Tbf you could probably audit all of it and find waste. I wouldn't be surprised if the CPS has some sort of special ethnic greivences unit.
>>504415 Would eliminate Home Office and Foreign Office entirely and replace with ai would probably get even better service than currently using illiterate Papua New Guinean cannibals tbh
Might have a cup of tea to calm down
>>504418 Good idea
Just going to have a cry to calm down *starts crying*
>>504420 Have a DD cup instead lad
why does he do the double eye brow raise
>>504423 Because no one cared who he was until he raised both
wee wee
>>504417 thanks for the seethe
>>504425 seems this is the cycle >nationalist party gets founded >denounced as extremist, censored, persecuted legally and via antifa street violence >party grows in number >waters down message, appeals to normal people >system buys in and neuters the party, making whatever electoral results it can achieve irrelevant >nationalists leave and form new party, repeat
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What is making young men do shit like this lads, reminds me a bit of the jake davison shit. Should never see the light of day again but he'll probably get the soft touch for his sob story and his autism https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/nicholas-prosper-luton-shooting-primary-school-b2716640.html
>>504432 for incels there are three paths brown/yellow breedee rape dungeon mass shooting
Want to "hold together multiculturalism"? Here's the recipe: Install censorship on social media Create and enforce narratives explaining the significant and persistent differences in outcomes between groups that rely almost entirely on moral claims rather than the best data, and align all important opinion-shaping institutions against more empirically-robust counter-narratives Create laws that fine and imprison people for expressing dissenting (although often popular) views on immigration, religion and race Make crime, welfare and academic performance data on immigrants and other "marginalized" groups unavailable, difficult to get ahold of, or too socially or legally costly to publish Bury the data and research on differences in intelligence between groups and cancel those who disseminate it, while withholding grant money and data from scientists seeking to investigate the subject Advance the interests of non-majority groups ahead of those of the majority group, and create structures and systems that provide preferential treatment of those minority groups, in order to reduce differences in outcomes and ensure social stability Relentlessly sell everyone on the idea that a multicultural society is a strength despite overwhelming evidence showing that it is both a strength and a weakness, with some groups showing themselves to be persistent social and fiscal net liabilities and others the opposite https://x.com/eyeslasho/status/1902385716119609747
>>504434 You're @eyeslasho?
>>504432 you're on the wrong board buddy
>>504436 I was just rambling a bit to flesh the post out, don't really give a shit about what this lad done, but I mostly stand by what I said. We have ethics and values to uphold and expect or we're no worse than animals lad
>George Floyd in Japan >3 gay romances >1 straight romance je keeeeeeeeeek
>>504437 the ethics and values men are expected to uphold are out of date and mismatched compared to the hedonism and obstructive presence of women in the modern world which is also why incels exist and why they snap
>>504440 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
stupid thot parroting shite about bumder monks there too albeit >can recognise that niggeruke is bullshit but can't do the same for the fagshit maybe because the person who said so is a women and that trumps "being a subversive AIDsgoblin"
>>504438 >1 straight romance erm...i dont think so *slices him in half*
day 2 water fast, heart pounding. don't think that's normal??
*bynne å gråt*
Fresh yookay whiteoid zoomie moosic.
>comes out jews are actually awful and behind a lot of nasty shit >libertarians pivot and say that the jews are just great at the free market game God I hate them so much
>>504450 awful
>>504452 Tbh but that trackie slag would get my hot milk.
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>>504438 the nippon government has made official statements about this shite game
>>504438 I haven't played an Assasin's Creed game since Black Flag and have absolutely no desire to play the new games.
>>504455 I hope it was scathing
frosh videogoom slop to have a comfy autismal seethe to 21Kiloton: Assassins Creed Shadows Is The Best Game Ever Made By Anyone Anywhere Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia-dO1TjaxU
Synthetic Man: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a GLORIFIED HUMILIATION RITUAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhIXIsJqFZQ
>>504459 Also the association of shinto priests have put out official statements of condemnation which is quite kino
its the frogs and they literally burned notre dame so they don't have respect for religions (other than islam and judaism) can't think of other games where they make religious sites destructable
frogs like to pick on the nips for some reason. its yet another reason burgerland is good to leave nato. frogs caused vietnam and constantly try to quietly maintain some micro gay empire under the umbrella of US/UK led nato
*does this in the middle of france while yelling that macrons wife is a tranny in order to protect nippon*
>>504451 >Great at the "free market" >Aggressively practice nepotism >Stranglehold on investment banking >Stranglehold on private equity and the election privilege of public companies >Front running >Insider trading >Naked Short selling >Compromised America's Securities and Exchange Commission >Cellar Boxing >Debt slavery
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did you lads see that JFK was confirmed kille by jews
>Ubisoft actively working with the Canadian government to censor negative coverage >>504467 yeah keeek saw something about the main things censored in the released documents were any mentions of "israel" or "mossad"
>Ubisoft may be targeting the Japanese for humiliation, because their Japanese presence consists only of a tiny communications office in Tokyo but a massive studio in Shanghai and the Chinese hate the Japanese even more than Ubisoft keeeeek
gotta love how they made the nigger some tall robust looking lad fed on westoid food imports rather than a 17th century skeletal bantu shitskin goober looking nigger yasuke was also a manlet compared to the samurai
>>504471 tbh tbh
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanuel_Kant >kant is a hecking scientific racismist
>>504473 Still can't get over that blacked troon replying to me on x about how nationalism is evil while his whole profile was him plapping his balls to white genocide(committed by BBC)
>>504475 does it come with negro houseboatslaves and southern gentlemen who smoke big ciagars and have guns for shooting at alligators and negroes though
>>504473 >Kant was an opponent of miscegenation, believing that whites would be "degraded" and that "fusing of races" is undesirable, for "not every race adopts the morals and customs of the Europeans". He states that "instead of assimilation, which was intended by the melting together of the various races, nature has here made a law of just the opposite". Kant was also an anti-Semite, believing that Jews were incapable of transcending material forces, which a moral order required. In this way, Jews are presented as the opposite of autonomous, rational Christians, and therefore incapable of being incorporated into an ethical Christian society. In his "Anthropology", Kant called the Jews "a nation of cheaters" and portrayed them as "a group that has followed not the path of transcendental freedom but that of enslavement to the material world". what a disgusting fucking CHUD
>>504477 tfw jewish
>>504437 it's fated. and it's not incelism as the others said but autism and probably a bit of mental illness. spergs are natural extremists, it's just that their extremism usually manifests in harmless or even "good" ways for society. it's also why they're so vulnerable to being bullied by spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine).
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Do any of our colonial kin remember their blood is Anglo-Saxon or are they just "white" mutts?
>>504480 colonials are unironically whiter than us mohammeds UK has less native people in it proportionally to any other anglo-derived nation ACK
>>504481 Na the US is lower.
>>504482 might be just on number alone then rather than proportion but I'm pretty sure I saw some doomposting about this recently
>>504483 Doesn't really matter because the US is big enough that whites can just regroup somewhere. We're just going to get flooded.
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america is terminally ill with french masonic enlightenment brotherhood of man shite
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>>504481 >NZ 67.8% (all whites) 2023 >Aus 72% (all whites) 2021 >UK 76.8% (British) 2021/2022 >USA Fuck knows, about 50% >Canada 69.8% 2021 Our colonies are worse than us lad, if not I would have left for one.
sick of seeing dogs being stand ins for children.
>>504487 Go breed some dog mummies then.
I hate jews like how kant hates jews lads
What does BWC mean?
>>504489 should I read his books or whatever now I know he hates jews and therefore is based? soychuddotpng
>>504490 >Bins is away and we can't watch this
hume seems better kant does the whole german thing
>>504492 what even is that?
>>504481 >>504486 For blanket whites, like the rest of the countires use, in UK we were 83.0% in 2021/2022
>>504494 some anti-white propaganda slop based on a true story. IRL the killer was a black kid. In the show it's a white kid
instead of trying to philosophise my way out of depression i just started taking jeet miracle pills to see if the placebo affect will do it ashwagandha
>>504497 micro dosing cowpat might just kill you lad.
>>504498 building up a tolerance is necessary to survive the multicultural future albeit
>>504499 Move to the countryside or Scotland/NI
>>504499 Just don't get takeaway and you should be safe.
>>504500 They're in the countryside already.
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xitter has been showing me so many xeets in foreign languages lately. I love browns getting the internet. And what do these browns love so much? A condom covering a shower head. Thanks Musk
northern michigan
>>504505 So that's what they do with them.
>>504502 I live in a overwhelmingly white area in the countryside, but it is slowly getting worse.
>>504485 sometimes your posts are so out there we can't even engage you lad
>>504509 that's not oneof them
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>We are the whitest Anglo nation Sad feel tbh
>>504512 was sad to see dutty talking to the troon crew too smh
>>504513 >troon crew ?
>>504514 nomos, that guy that larps as a hat and the troon that larps as a based woman
>>504515 Dont know them but grim. I hate how there are so many guys on our side that troon out, I get only weirdos only care to about politics but smh
>>504516 Poombs still fighting for the white race on xitter tbh
>>504517 If we won, I'd behead "based" troons, a freak is a freak.
>>504425 >Elon Musk tried to buy my loyalty >What a fool, he should've known your loyalty was already bought
>>504521 https://xcancel.com/kangminjlee/status/1901824366591250869#m cool roof koreans post tbh not that niggers or koreans should be in the US
>>504522 >nigger in the replies whinging that running a corner shop in a black neighbourhood is exploitation. These fuckers really have the IQ of rocks and need to be sent back to fucking liberia.
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I don't trust any women in rightwing politics, don't know how anyone could. Women should only be acted upon.
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>send niggers to antarctica >completely unforeseeable consequences occur
>>504528 shiieeeett, it be them agarthan nazis using they rayciss mind beams to make de peaceful black mon kill eachudda
>>504529 they didn't bring enough of the peaceful herb to counteract the white mans devil work smh
Sneedvening lids
jelly tots and lilt for dinner. not good
>>504534 Lilt is still sold?
In February 2023, it was announced that the Lilt brand would be discontinued, with the drink being fully absorbed into the Fanta brand as 'Fanta Pineapple & Grapefruit' in all markets.[3][4] The rebranded drink became available from 14 February.[5]
hmm, lilt was only ever sold in the uk and gibraltar. perhaps no grockle has ever tasted the pengest fizzy drink there ever was
Mindless corporate greed wins again.
>>504536 luv lilt tbh occasionally grab an overpriced can of it from the international aisle at the shops was very disappointed to see it become fanta smh
>>504539 yeah tbh, the auld design of the lilt can was especially peng, never much liked fanta but it is kind of based that hitler invented it
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>>504477 >>504477 >whites would be "degraded" and that "fusing of races" is undesirable, for "not every race adopts the morals and customs of the Europeans" >believing that Jews were incapable of transcending material forces, which a moral order required. In this way, Jews are presented as the opposite of autonomous, rational Christians, and therefore incapable of being incorporated into an ethical Christian society. In his "Anthropology", Kant called the Jews "a nation of cheaters" and portrayed them as "a group that has followed not the path of transcendental freedom but that of enslavement to the material world". This is all true though
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>>504477 >whites would be "degraded" and that "fusing of races" is undesirable, for "not every race adopts the morals and customs of the Europeans". He states that "instead of assimilation, which was intended by the melting together of the various races, nature has here made a law of just the opposite". Kant was also an anti-Semite, believing that Jews were incapable of transcending material forces, which a moral order required. In this way, Jews are presented as the opposite of autonomous, rational Christians, and therefore incapable of being incorporated into an ethical Christian society. In his "Anthropology", Kant called the Jews "a nation of cheaters" and portrayed them as "a group that has followed not the path of transcendental freedom but that of enslavement to the material world". This is all completely true if you know anything about either genetics or jews
>>504541 boring /pol/ posts >>504542
>>504543 >>504543 >stop talking about race and Jews got, that's boring >discuss goyslop soda instead
>>504544 yeah pretty much tbh
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kantbros when they find out that transgenders became a memi as a manifestation of "progress"
>>504546 Why is the unelected PM of Canada a globalist banker and hedge fund manager?
>>504547 Because he had enough money and connections to win the Liberal Party leadership contest. Give it a couple of months and he'll call a general election.
Executive order 14188
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It's mad that London was white just 30 years ago.
>>504552 same could be said for pretty much the entire west tbh decades and decades spent laying the groundwork making it so that multiculti = good is the default opinion held by the general public whilst also keeping things pretty much the same so that that view is never seriously challenged then by the time things start ramping up there's entire generations who've believed it all their lives ready and waiting to outnumber and make a pariah of anyone who does a wrongthink
>>504553 > there's entire generations who've believed it all their lives True Lilt was introduced 50 odd years ago obviously to cater for wogs and make them feel at home but now rebranded because the ads have been deemed to be racist Yet more revisionism
Sick and tired of all this catering to minority majorities
London in a nutshell If Phil “Wog Basher” Mitchell wasn’t there she’d have got battered Shout out to station response orifice Gupta for doing fuck all
>>504553 >laying the groundwork making it so that multiculti = good is the default opinion I don't think it even was, pretty sure the default opinion was complaints about it behind closed doors. Sure some people were captured by it maybe 30%, but I don't think the majority of the masses were.
>>504558 They are definitely and have always been ignoring the people We need mass mobilisation of UK Vyvyans followed by deployment to Westminster and Whitehall tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUDOeH31N14
Behold the cuckold! Hate the way he breaks into forced fake laughter to try and make people like him three seconds after being asked a question and his ‘amusing anecdotes’ Wish that German incendiary had incinerated his lying head tbh
>>504559 tbh tbh
>gay >never been in a recruiting office >probably planned atrocities here but not his fault >still commits sexual atrocities on peoples bums >thankyou for defending our interests are these interests gay interests because Britain is not your country
Shmornting lids, horrible death and murder horrible dead and murder, okay thank you.
>>504565 >that dot M-wee-4 60's a bit early for dementia smh
>>504563 We’re all in this together lad hold the line
>>504565 >4D chess >Trust the plan goys Fuck we've got our own Qtards.
>>504558 what people truly believe has never mattered tbh for all practical purposes what a person feels compelled to display to the the public as his beliefs are his genuine beliefs if people feel they can't speak their minds then one hundred percent of the population could be chuds and they'd all keep quiet about it because nobody else feels the same way >>504563 smorbius lid
>>504569 Yeah mate I agree, but playing devil's advocate same thing happened in the USSR and it collapsed.
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Parents are on holiday in India and are getting treated like the empire still exists, tempted to go tbh.
>>504571 are you rich, gullible and genteel enough to fall for basic jeet street scams? then they'll love you too
>>504571 fuuuck noooo! watch travel videos of India, it's so disgusting. the water is all contaminated with Indian shit bacteria, what would you eat? even the expensive hotels are filthy with bedbugs and stains, where would you sleep? India is the place not to go, ever
>>504573 remember that drukpa thread from last week keeeek >guy books best hotel in jeet city and takes a reputable taxi service there >taxi driver tries to scam him.... along with the hotel manager >argues with them for several hours before they fuck off >immediately hears them trying the scam on the occupants of the next room
did a 24 hour fast, food tastes great after. had omelet+sausage, now coffee, it's lush. normally I have French toast every day because I'm sick of eggs, but I enjoyed the eggs more than I normally do the French toast maybe in a few weeks or something I'll try a 72 hour fast. Andrew Anglin did a 14 day fast, which sounds crazy to me, but he's lauding the benefits. I want the autophagy
also I went to bed at night and woke up in the morning, which is huge for me because I had been going to bed at noon smh
spic detected
>>504572 >>504573 Nah, my parents aren't travelling, they are staying in the resorts.
>>504577 yeah, so? we need to fast so we can get Kazakh gfs
>chooses the minginest Kazakh thot probably from Semipalatinsk-21
>>504581 >honky honkers >sucky sucky monolids what more could you want
>>504582 Lad she’s probably highly radioactive Love from Kazakhstan
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Don’t know why he doesn’t just crack her round the skull with the mace to shut her lying mouth tbh https://xcancel.com/RupertLowe10/status/1902693117930729548
Oh fuck off you soft cunt you wouldn’t last 5 seconds in hand to hand combat with an elderly vodka and aids ridden Russian conscript >Starmer called Prince Billy donned one of his many cosplay uniforms
>>504547 They needed to install a stronger face to maintain proper kayfabe with djt
>>504557 How come niggers never tie their shoes
>>504557 What's the wog saying?
>>504552 Scotland is still 97% white. 91.8% of people identified as ‘White: Scottish’ or ‘White: Other British' 4.2% of people identified as Polish, Irish, Gypsy/Traveller or ‘White: Other’
When Americans say eggs are $5 does that mean a carton of 12 or a singular egg?
>>504590 >>504591 He’s clearly a mentally ill care in the community asketcase who’s probably up before the beaks on the daily tbh
>>504557 >female fearing for her safety Love to see it
what part of kazakhstan has the highest concentration of eurasian lasses?
watching adolescence tbh. They made a bbc officer scare the whiteboi into peeing himself
>>504598 >not streaming it for us all to hatewatch
>>504600 This is in reference to Adolescence btw
>>504599 Bins is away and I can't do anything
>>504602 LEARN TO COAD!
If I caught some scruffy mug vandalising my Tesla I'd wrap a cricket bat round his canister and kidnap the cunt
>>504605 Based
>>504603 WE AREN'T MAKING ANTI WHITE PROPAGANDA WE ARE JUST OBSESSED WITH MAKING WHITE PEOPLE LOOK EVIL t. retards who follow a jewish perversion kantism where they think that they get double plus good yum yum consumer points for hating their own race
>>504593 a dozen
>>504594 really? I figured he was a rocket scientists teaching the worthless english about british values or something like that
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>>504588 exact same energy tbh, >if I dress up like a grizzled post modern GWOT edgelord then these worthless peasants will think I am relevant
bonnie charlies facial reconstruction makes him look like a britcel
>>504611 Looks like kalspergers or w/e it's called.
imagine some german faggot looking like that comes to your potato patch and says yeah we are gonna leroy jenkins the entire english army
Fearless and heroic and just like sitting in a trench waiting to run away from a drone or endure a 20 minute hand to hand fight with bayonets before you die screaming for mummy I hate them with every fibre of my being tbh
>>504611 result of breeding with a pole smh
Top prize for getting a million fellow countrymen killed
>>504609 Same thing
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why did they kill him lads
>mummy rn with the boomershit
>>504617 the axis of evil women, jews and simpsoys
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They are insulting Finnish history and culture, their military tradition....
>>504620 Climate Covid
>>504616 Looks like his dad bred with the bubonic plague tbh
Getting PTSD from this show from when I was interviewed by the poolice smh
>>504632 jews are so smart man
>>504632 he looks so nasty keeek >Weird he chose to mention Garfield and McKinley, because they were also assassinared by Ben’s tribe. >Garfield and McKinley also went against the banks.
>I need your high heels, your estrogen pills and your dilator The Trooninator ( 2025 )
why can't you paste and post screenshots anymore fuck's sake
>>504632 >when the antisemitism overloads your shapeshifting flex
>>504637 jewtroonspies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are trying to take down 8chungus by hiding CP in pngs and then reporting their own posts to ISPs
>>504639 *screams*
the impotent incel's wish for the super power to create and lob nukes around
>>504597 probably the northern part where there are still Russians
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Oh. I knew I had seen him snomsnere
Pussy drip, d-drip, d-drip droplet Pussy sweet, sw-sweetie like chocolate Pussy drip, pussy po-po-po-poppin' Pussy drip, d-drip, d-drip droplet
>this lawyer immediately steps in to protect his client from the mean police >mine literally did nothing *screams*
>>504620 Homophobia.
>>504647 >Jamaican granddad >also Swedish granddad >scouser >no kids Cuck/10 confirmed
Wessie btfo again
>treating me like a fucking untermensch! >well I’m not! >Heil Hitler!
Daily Weird in trouble? Hope so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b41Z8HJlYU
>>504655 allegedly, Candace Owens is now bigger than Daily Wire. and she talks about the Jews
>>504656 tbh Ben fell off. When was the last time you saw anything viral from him? He used to be the big smart guy on the right and now he's smaller than Sam Hyde
>>504657 I've never seen anything viral from him, don't think I've ever watched his shit.
>>504640 webp chads...we won
>>504658 >>504659 anyone else found that they can "convert" webps now?
>>504643 more jew shit, kantist apollonic bros are cringe and bad but then the clthonic femoid who is all emotional is le good gal because jews have the camera
this is 21st century romance
>>504663 smh poor lad's getting beat if he doesn't act for the camera
>ThinkingWest >Dissident West >Inevitable West >WesternDecline
Seems the new ubisoft jap nigger game bombed
group chat snakes
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>found a breedee that keeps these kinds of dolls
>>504668 bongobros
>>504670 Grim.
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First the atrocious slop and then this *screams*
based nonces stopping the seethium flowing...i kneel
>>504677 And acking what's left of 22's peeb
>>504670 is she part woodchuck?
>>504679 Na just a bit of a munter.
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Another victim of the modern age
>>504679 Looks like she has what my cousin has. Not downs, but another one with an extra chromosnome
>>504653 honestly the people who wear crocs are nearly always the ones you have to watch out for
>>504686 >wore crocs when I worked in a school
>>504683 fuck man
so the character IRL is just a stupid nigger who nigs but in the tv series he's an incel who hates women? keeeeeeeeeek
>>504686 I have some as house shoes
>>504656 candice owens is bwc only
>>504691 broken watch creative?
always makes me keeek how russian people have some weird hatred of the beach boys, literally its like slav repellant to just turn on little deuce coupe
>>504696 better let the ukies know
>>504698 Probably because they don't have a coastline in Russia.
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kantbros, are we transcending the ahrimanic schema yet or is over? also sam hyde doesn't know what schema means
>>504699 just looked up Sochi, which is supposed to be their best beach. no sand, just rocks. no wonder they go to Thailand or Goa
>>504699 go on jewgle maps and look at any of the seaside towns on the east of the black sea looks extremely comfy, better than any beaches we have
>>504698 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
russians are also faggots for saying burgerland occupies japan by having a military base on okinawa when they literally occupied and annexed a historical island of japan proper
only ever gone surfing in lake michigan and at disney world
>>504705 I've only done boogie-boarding
orange beach alabama is an underrated tourist destination for europoors very few niggers and spics there also plenty of college lasses from auburn alabama
>>504706 yeah I never actually rode a wave like how they do it in hawaii and guam or california.
japan has good beaches too for that sort of thing
>american delivery drivers have to do the customer choice walshart dance or they won't get tipped Glad I'm a Norge nonce tbh
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>>504710 so many zoomers doing door dash these days
>>504712 gig economy is cancer. it's all fobs here.
Disgusting allowing heretics to desecrate a church deconsecrated or not Filth https://x.com/IndianInvasionN/status/1901824702353465659
>>504712 Here it’s pakis and jeets and assorted mystery meats
>>504716 jeet driller vance goons to this
>>504716 christians literally support importing non christians. also christianity is a dead religion and most of its adherants are non europeans. so many faggot liberals and satanist "athiests" are only "culturally" christian and really worship greed and the self so who cares? a godless people deserve to be defaced and destroyed. sick of the impotent rage porn. so many "conservatives" in america are like trump. godless whoremongers who love money. if you don't love your race at least have some kind of religion. i'd rather worship buddha than the vedic nonsense
>>504720 yeah it has mostly been replaced by this kind of feel good race idolatry where niggers are at the top
>>504721 the aesthetics of the building are fundamentally northern european but its not the jeets fault that white people have become coward faggot jewslaves tbh they are just doing comfy cow poo drawings. whitoids need to stop letting people walk all over them
>steiner’s been to disney NONCE
>>504720 Buddha was a jeet lad
>>504726 he had blue eyes unlike jeshua and saul of tarsus
>>504726 akshually buddhism developed out of greekoid philosophy in the farthest east city that alexander founded and buddha was a (white) greekoid
shite home support
>>504732 based amerishart cops would just kill him and like 5 other people while yelling
did you see the video of the fat redneck chud who ambushes the cops and then later gets no scoped by a wounded cop. its fucked. he was some dumbass militia larper too
the goyim claim they're 'just asking questions', but they're actually being antisemitic
>>504734 Probably would have massacred each other plus a few bystanders in a hail of 6 million bullets tbh tbh
>>504739 >"congratulaions you drank the kool aid!" to a guy complaing about illegals woodchipper with the rest
>incels mentioned in episode 3 keeeek so weird to hear a psychiatrist talk to a 13 year old boy about incelism
>>504741 good webbum very downtroddening
I miss when gaming was niche, I hate how it's gone mainstream.
2010s bros were right that women killed gaming
the only game I'm looking forward to is some shitty mildly pozzed tower defence game because the mechanics tickle my tism and it fills time while I rot zased autism guy is playing asscrapped niggers rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh9N4FhjdbE
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aQSL3UFGYQU POV you witness great britain wake up
smh so it was andrew tate incel propaganda that turned innocent mudsharts violent
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>>504756 What's Heimlad up to these days?
>>504757 boomer toiling judging by what he poost on telegram
>>504757 he lives and marches on to endsieg
>>504757 banging shingles and lot lizards in his 6.0 like a real indiana redneck
I would conquer galaxies. I would build a palace 10x bigger than the Taj Mahal. But I would never be woke. Not for one second.
For the love of America, please tell me this isn't fucking real.
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>>504762 is real
>>504762 Israel?
Bye bye Greensleeves
>6 months in a rusty tin can stinking of musty farts full of rented missiles you surface and see an effeminate Trotskyist Muslim doormat you are then made to stand to attention to What do? I would have kicked off tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2Z0Y-mFMBk
>>504698 i kind of get this sentiment, they're the smuggest people who know no suffering. i used to really hate the beach boys too but now love their music. still hate the beatles for good reason though
They really framed a 13 year old boy as an incel and pretend like they are against radicalisation
>that 18 yo brit lad who got droned to death on day one in kursk
Our military capacity is incredibly diminished even compared to the 80s and 90s. We have about 1/6 of the tanks we had in the first Gulf War and 74% less ships than we had in the Falklands War. Starmer pretending we can have any meaningful role in any conflict is a complete LARP. If the Falklands were invaded today, we couldn't defend or retake them. Increasing defence spending to 2.5% of GDP is only about 64% of the % of GDP we had in the early 90s, and at that point we had the advantage of well-trained personnel and leftover hardware from the height of the cold war, some of which was starting to be decomissioned.
>takes trans spic to film set and accidentally shoots her Maybe he was fantasising about this when he probably subconsciously deliberately accidentally shot Halyna Hutchins? Why does the mutt trans spic as well? Is it because she really is rape spic and knows she can’t get those genetics out of her
>spent two days chiselling a note to that stupid cunt over this ballsup, broke at least three letters I was so fucking angry. Wanker
Oh just fuck off you can’t even get your head round a fucking stab,e be,t >muh doctor muh engineer muh soldier Would rather not have this cunt next to me on the firing line tbh
>>504778 *stable belt
>>504783 Fed up of this noble Gurkha/Nepal meme they’re nothing but jeets and the place is a shithole just like Bharatia
>>504784 tbh, probably just way easier to wrangle than the other jeet retards
Did an IQ test, got 131, pretty surprised as I think I'd received brain damage at some point.
>>504791 people with a brain need to get kicked out of footymongism anyway tbh dead end road that provides the perfect ineffectual outlet for tribalist instinct much better for them and for everyone else that they're forced to participate in the real world instead
Footie fans are low IQ niggercattle, but they are nominally on our side and can be converted.
>>504793 tbh but first they need to be removed from that mind prison that consumes all their attention and effort don't even really understand how rivalries between teams can even still exist when players are bought and sold like commodities it's supposed to be LOCAL
>>504776 What are you trying to say here?
>>504793 First time I saw a grown man get emotional about football I was disgusted. Crying, screaming, dancing about looking simultaniously ready for a brawl and ready to crawl up in the fetal position, all because Ngubu scored a fackin goal/didn't score a fackin goal.
>>504794 Tbh >>504796 Grim, I've never seen that tbf. I go about five times a year, get some free tickets from uncles company. Worst "football fans" are women, they are fucking nasty.
Shlomornning ladbergs Someone setting off fireworks nearby
>>504777 Ea Nasir the shady copper merchant is immortalised for all time as a reddit meme
>>504795 Love from Kazakhstan
>>504796 it's very strange tbh
>>504796 Know someone who yells at the top of his lungs in a small space when his team scores a goal has nearly given me heart failure a number of times will take him with me if he manages to give me a heart attack overgrown fucking baby inexplicable overdoes it needs a clout tbh
Ahhhhh knob off FAKE NEWS Imagine confusing Scandinavian Airline Services with the Special Air Service and then expecting people to believe the accuracy of msm https://xcancel.com/disclosetv/status/1903053469923017198
All these establishment stooges need rounding up and marching off into a disused mine tbh Absolute cringe
Oh my cringe Desperate for a war with Russia that they’ll shit their pants over. Putin should just nuke us for a laugh we are never going to get rid of these idiots are we? I give up
>>504803 >scavenges news off the internet instead of doing journalism >passes it through the idiot poz filter then repackages it to publish >"why does nobody care about legacy media?" literal oxygen thieves if i wanted real news told second or third hand and then retold to me by someone who doesn't really understand or care i'd just go talk to wessie's relatives don't understand how these parasites can keep getting paid for such low quality
>>504807 passive control of the masses.
>>504807 Infuriating tbh
Nothing will change
tHeY dO tHe JoBs tHaT lAzY bRitS wOn'T dO bIgOtS!
Looks like they caught Starmer noncing
Proof London is Islamic now
>>504820 Just proves they don't work tbh if they can afford to be in a shopping mall on a week day.
Glad those benefits are going to slopshops though, very important portion of the economy that.
>>504820 >31bn to muh economy Even that sounds much less than what they take out in wellfare and cost in crime.
>>504812 Liz definitely gets the "saying the right things now, long after she had power to do the right things and didn't" award of the decade. Quite an achievement for a British politician.
>>504824 As opposed to saying to get elected and then pretending it was never said in the first place.
God squad knocked at the door but instead of blacks it was three East Asian women. Still didn't sign up but it shows they are trying harder to recruit me. Know your market.~
>>504826 So into gilfs I take it.
Britpoppers want the young to be glued to the idiot box instead, watching geriatric Hislop, rigged Question Time, some bloated vicar on the One Show, just rigmarole and mindless slop. They want Generation Z to be as fucking stupid as them. Hope this doesn't come across as intergenerational hate as there are many Basedpoppers, but they are free spirits who were never enslaved to the mind-numbing gogglebox ~
Starmer may be physically weak, but he has an admirable mental fortitude. Liz Truss was so week she resigned after a bit of trouble. Look a Starmer. If he had any honour he should've resigned a dozen times in his first few weeks as PM. He's never going to. I genuinely think he's capable of suspended the next GE to keep in power of the pretense of a national emergency too. Long marcher Starmer has worked hard for decades, being incredibly competent at achieving his goals. If his strength of will wasn't used to make Britian worse and damage our people's future as much as possible, I'd admire his mental strength.
FUCKING autocorrect aaaaaaaaaaahhhh.
>>504829 queer looks and acts like some kind of robot to smee
>>504831 Cannabis
>sister has done a DNA test thing and she's getting the results tomorrow What if I find out I have some kike or nigger in me? Not sure how I'd cope with it.
>>504820 31bn is a drop in the bucket compared to the 3t, it's 1% we have more than 1% Muslim. It means they are poor as shit.
>>504836 Convince 2 rabbi to get you aliyah, move to israel and do the needful
>>504836 seppuku
Love finding new twitter schizos
>>504841 keeek, a warrior poet in the making
>>504841 wonder what his tippler is? white lightning and a gently heated spoon of crack.
>>504836 What would make you think you have kike or nigger in you ffs?
Man that adolescence netflix show probably did a good job at showing how awful school is tbh. Kids acting awful in class. Teachers having no authority smh
Might go to this and do a bit of impromptu misogyny on him
>>504844 Mummy said she might have some blood from south Europe smh.
>>504846 I don't think these people have every seen harassment let alone been on the receiving end from anyone.
>>504847 You'll just have to cope with being Sicilian.
>>504846 Old Adam Wallace isn't transitioning too well smh,
>>504846 >The rising misogyny is caused by a class system and the state So does he think that the state and class system that includes more women is also becoming more misogynistic? How does he even square that circle? Communists are dumb as fuck, stuck in an ideology that hasn't moved on since 1900.
>>504849 Smh smh
>bbc police officer telling the whiteboi incel how he got a lot of sex when he was his age
>>504847 >might have some blood from Southern Europe
>>504853 At 13?
>b*ns the discriminator
>>504850 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>504856 Gay men's hatred of women strikes again.
Gay nations self identifying
>>504854 Ita over
>>504865 *screams*
>weekend >yay >starts crying
>>504865 https://youtu.be/bqFDRirkOog?t=140
I don't like his gayism.
Nearly tea time
done watching adolescence. Worst character was the spiteful policewoman tbh. Must be a self-insert
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>checking route across sheffield I've got to walk tomorrow >autistically crawling along on scoobgle street view, memorising the pavement >spot a sweaty swarthoid dragging a white lass by the shirt across a set of traffic lights Makes for a nice wordless summary of the place tbh
>>504874 Incellah the prophet Elliot was a man of peace. Shocking Incelophobia from the establishment. TWD is about the inner struggle of Incelmic faith.
>>504875 22st liked this post
>>504879 I don't think the EU can be fixed, they will enshrine libshitism
>>504860 went to the grocery store and this chick that worked there kept being near me, didn't seem like a coincidence. like the mummer would say, 'go get the tomato sauce' and I'd go there and that chick would be stocking the sauces. walked past me and smelled like perfume too. decent butt in jeans. why do they do this? it was more irritating than anything because I was already irritated from carsickness and the mummer smelling bad (old lady smell or something idk) and shopping (perishable stuff in the cart making you rush, browns everywhere, sometimes you see a boob or something but can't look bc mummer's right there...). I guess she just thought I was handsome and wanted attention since she's bored at work
>spig's headcannon that the female race ever notices he exists
>>504882 that's not even true though. if anything, I'm irrationally pessimistic about my prospects. I do have females liking me sometimes because I have a decent face due to subevropa chad ancestry
if I got CLL to 5'10, built some muscle, wore fashionable/well-fitting clothing, and faked confidence/normalcy, I could easily rizz females. that's just a fact
oh and got job/money also, that's important, I'm not at the age where you can get away with being a dusty basement dweller anymore, it's considered weird/ick
also consider that there are so many browns/women everywhere with most white people being old, being a decent-looking young white male is actually becoming like a rare, prized commodity. and this dynamic is only going to increase as things get worse
I miss entertaining nutcase posting. This is just sad.
>>504887 idk why you don't believe me. like that time I went to a store and I said I just did something to the hot blonde cashier and she's like "oh, I also xyz" like trying to express 'we have things in common' 'cause she wanted me to make a move or something. there's so many things like this filed away in my memory, and I rarely go out. if I went out more I'm sure there would be crazier stories
and you can ridicule that and say I'm delusional but what I left out was that she was unusually friendly about it. it wasn't like the other 99% of customers where she just goes through the motions, 'thank you, have a good day' etc... for me it was more personal/familiar
>>504888 what's stopping you from getting a breedee and saving the shite race lad
scousers now have to fight cultural mist and cultural change
>>504890 my life plan has always been >complete self-improvement goals/looksmaxxing >fornicate profusely* >then settle down and do as you suggested *idek anymore if this is even a good idea because it's a sin apparently I need to get motivated and start putting more effort in so I actually make progress. I fixed my sleep schedule, need to iron that in and start working out again as a first step but to give a more general answer... if I live in a basement and have no job/friends/hobbies... how would getting a gf even work? yeah I might get cleaned up and go out in public and some girl might think I'm handsome and if I walked up to her and were smooth then could get a number and some interest or something, then plan out a date, etc.... but eventually she will realize what a weird life I live and get icked out by that also it's like what would we even do at my house (other than shag)? all there is is a computer chair and a bed. not even like a couch with a tv as a hangout/cuddle spot, which is what I assume most people would have at a minimum so like realistically I think I need money to move out and have my own place that can be all properly set up for having a gf with couch+tv, to watch anime and cuddle/shag or whatever. I think that would work, but where I live right not would not work
path of least resistance would be a gf that already lives in an apartment or something and I'd just move into there and pay half the rent or something. maybe if I go out in public on a monthly basis, by pure chance some slit-eyed wagecuck rice girl will act all friendly towards me and I can dust off the Agarthan rizz switch and flick it on and get a sucky sucky monolid apartment mommy gf. that would be a big step for me becoming more of a functional adult
a rape dungeon must be so easy to make in America
seems Musk is going to breed Kai Trump, who I assume is one of Trump's granddaughters. she looks too much like him, I think that's weird
wish he'd stop breeding everyone tbh. Kind of disgusting ngl
>>504898 Envious cripple dick talk.
>>504899 true but also a monogamous b
>>504898 the thing that doesn't make sense is how he's genociding the white race with his pro-Jew/Pajeet censorship/migration agenda. why is he even bothering to have his own white children if he doesn't want them to have a future? or doesn't care? maybe he actually is an autist monomanaically focused on going to Mars or something and he wants high IQ sons to be his proteges as he gets old? to continue his aspergers soyence projects
>>504900 I'm pretty sure he was in a relationship in serial rather than parallel.
>>504901 The way I view it is that he is just a global natalist IQ eugenicists that wants all countries on the globe to breed high IQ people so he can import the cream of the croperino to America. He also signals against white genocide, but does nothing about it
Still he is an charismaless autist so I imagine the money does the heavy lifting for him.
jewlon musk isn't american
the life plan lists me, my busted hapa mail bride, doctor oz here, and none of you
also trumps family are all fugly as hell
>>504907 Which president do you reckon had the best looking family then?
I wish that billy harrington was still alive
>>504908 nixons youngest daughter was peng
grover cleveland proved that fatchads can get qts too
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>>504903 >he is just a global natalist IQ eugenicists that wants all countries on the globe to breed high IQ people so he can import the cream of the croperino to America him wanting to import workers is more about cutting labor costs. if they were looking for 'best and brightest', they would be looking for Chinese since I'm sure there actually is a large population of high IQ chinks that could do engineering or whatever. but they're not, they're looking for Indians specifically. Indians have 76-82 IQ on average, they are not smart but they are CHEAP. even the 'cream of the crop', let's say high caste has 82 IQ, 2 standard deviations above is only 112, which is shite and there aren't going to be many higher than that >He also signals against white genocide, but does nothing about it I'm pretty sure that every time he says something based-adjacent or replies to a based tweet or whatever, that is for the sole purpose of tricking far-right people into liking him. meanwhile, he is actually in cahoots with the Jews, coloring within the lines they make in return for having a seat at the table >>504907 Tiffany is the only decent-looking one. keep in mind this is with high-salary makeup crew though
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Roosevelt old american anglos were actual chads, just like how the grandson of george washington was photographed with custer during the civil war. literal nobles rather than these classless goober richfags
Talking about IQs what scores did you guys get?
>>504912 she is ugly as piss for an american slag just some moonface with weird teeth
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tricia nixon was peak for 20th century
>>504917 >4 hours
>>504875 keeeeeek
I, the BumBum King, am present!
>>504921 Hail, lad. Are you ready for my snace resneal?
gonna try Camembert for the first time. I like Brie a lot so maybe I will like it as well, it smells very mushroomy tried. think I like Brie better, it's milder which is important for me since I don't really like strong cheeses. also it has the right amount of softness whereas the Camembert is too soft usually people say they like Camembert better than Brie, I'm confused now. might try baking it
>>504923 Good lad
>>504878 this country is a museum
>>504922 of course
>>504920 Based and bumpilled.
>>504914 A measely 114. I am the dunce of /brit/. Smdh.
>>504928 That's above average by a significant margin, also I don't think people should feel lesser for their intelligence, everyone can do important things and play their part unless retarded.
Also some scientists estimate IQ was higher in Victorian Britain by 10-15 points. If true our people today are retards compared to back then. Imagine what we could have had.
>>504930 this makes me fearful, i would be a normie back then working on a loom in a dark factory somewhere. the inventions the victorians came up with were unbelievable, they basically had the same rate of progress in actual physical useful technology that we have today in computer frankenstein nigger tech
>>504929 Tbf. >>504930 This makes some sense. Given in the grand scheme of things we only recently removed things like the death penalty which is highly eugenic. Although that alone doesn't explain it, it's one possible factor.
>Given in the grand scheme of things we only recently removed things like the death penalty which is highly eugenic
retard, the death penalty used to be given to lads for stealing livestock or even loaves of bread or cheque fraud. it was a way of killing off anyone even remotely disobedient and rebellious. the death penalty has made us servile and was used as a form of control.
your retort c4d0eb?
>>504931 Well it's not confirmed just what some science believe they've shown. Yeah the rate of innovation and how they've achieved it was amazing and we don't do enough to lionise them. >>504932 Yeah, I mean the death rate was much higher so I guess the smarter ones survived? I don't know the causes of the higher iq tbh.
>>504928 that's pretty much a full standard deviation above average lad >>504930 probably true tbh that era was basically the high water mark for humanity
>>504934 it can do both tbh livestock stealing, poaching etc was a deportation petty theft too maybe but more likely a short prison stint or the workhouse fraud and debt were the #1 crimes in modern britain (ie 18th century on) and the punishment was imprisonment which got very bad due to overcrowding in the 19th century to the extent that debtors prisons were created out of obsolete ships so both the prison and the prisoner could slowly rot away while awaiting their family making payment of the debt
>>504938 i can imagine it was really difficult to enforce a monetary system that relied on honesty when it was first introduced
also the IQ thing is Kaczynskian as the reduction in intelligence begins to be seen in the Industrial Revolution (among the proles who actually had to do the industry not the engineers etc)
because hitherto fully involved and intelligent work for experts (cottage industry) was reduced to a series of efficient simple actions requiring little to no thought in most areas of work also part of our decline today since there is very little to make people actually think hard in work and life and therefore we lose the ability to do so
>>504941 tbh people are going around on autopilot for more and more of their lives
For a somewhat sobering example- here on /brit/, where we are philosopher-neets or byronic toilmen and veteran chuds who have essentially dedicated our lives to polfacing, I'm willing to bet nobody has actually thought through what their specific autistic ideal post-white-race-saving future looks like. Plenty of thinking about thinking about doing that, but mostly that consists of quick throwaway thoughts of "well just remove all the foreigners and kill the traitors" and such, right? No actual detail involved, to say nothing of the "how to get there" which requires even bigger, more complex thoughts. At best in the wider chudosphere there is AI-assisted Anglofuturist larping on shitter which depends entirely on visual aesthetics without substance, or "if we're elected (we'll never be elected)" half-baked manifestos from political larp parties. Please imagine a 2smart4u.png wojak image here as I am not intellectually invested enough to convert something to jpg (none of this is to denigrate fellow britcels as not being smart, but to say that intelligence is mostly unused by habit and circumstance)
>>504935 My retort? A hearty keeek.
spic was here I can see the droppings
>>504943 good post lass
even the ukranian immigrant faggots in canada are now polfaceing about muh immigrants
>>504943 If people that thought like us reformed Britain I would likely stay in a similar job as I would now, if I couldn't join our NKVD. I don't need glory or personal exceptionalism, I want to be part of a greater whole working towards a betterment of our people. What I cant stand is being trapped in the belly of this machine that is bleeding to death. And I've given up caring about specific policies about the economy or what have you, all of it is secondary to the survival of our people. About how to get there peacfully, first you remove benifits for non-citizens. Then you remove housing rights. At this point a huge amount of people and capital will flee the country. Then you do it for the non-whites while offering repatriation.
>>504951 Conor McGregor hasn't been convicted of rape, just sexual assault in civil court. The evidence against him was weak as fuck and the slag had sex with his mate after Conor "brutually raped" the slag. Also the slag lied to her boyfriend about what she was doing that night.
some good poosts this evening pood shnite though lads, sneed to be up early in the shmornting
>>504949 funniest thing about canada is they actually went so hard on immigration that even the immigrants don't want to stay anymore
>>504955 Kek, got anything to back that up? I'd love to see it.
>>504951 >no taig slag to tocfaidharla with
>>504956 yeah its very common among the better ones such as the nips and euros and upper class chinese
>>504961 Sure I know that, I got family there, cousins (2nd gen), despairing about the state of Canada.
>We tried to colonise Spain and got royally btfo end of so…it’s ours
>>504965 While David is speaking lies, we should find solace in the reconquista, as long as our people exist we can still reclaim what was ours.
>>504943 i'm all in
>>504954 shni la >>504966 tbh land can be retaken and culture can be changed ethnos is what really matters
>still no eggy stream
Monthly occurrence in most cities in the Yookay and Yoorop tbh
>>504969 smh spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) have got him scared >>504970 niggersluts will see this and just cope by saying footie mongs fight each other too
>>504963 its sort of common speak in shitagain how ontario is fucked now it used to be like a vacation spot to go to toronto because it was the only non nigged great lakes city (it was never as pretty as chicago though)
chicago would literally be heaven if it was just whites and some comfy asian people here and there
>>504972 I love how he is transforming into a combination of william luther pierce and general ripper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J67wKhddWu4
>niggers killed the detroit accent >niggers killed the chicago accent >spics are en route to kill off the yinzer accent FUCK OFF
>>504977 Same with all the ethnics killing Bri’ish accents tbh Wogs need banning from speaking are language(s)
>>504976 The bloke looks like American Psycho.
>>504976 >gamer
fascinating this is a great channel
>>504985 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
if the liberals win the canadian election in april (and they might) alberta will leave canada and a shitstorm will ensue. i know canada is boring af but this next month it might be worth paying attention to, say what you will about drumpfberg but i think he knows wht he's doing when it comes to annexing canada or at least western canada
>>504987 imho this has been something burgerlands military has wanted to do for a while because of canadas weak government becoming to close to sharticas geo political rivals while having loads of oil which shartica loves. I think they will first annex a corridor to alaska
>>504987 would be very interesting if that happened tbh >>504989 very odd way of talking
>>504988 yes, china as been raping this place for decades but i don't hate them really, it's the pajeets who think they can try it on in the same way that grinds my gears. if you were to study what's happened in canada over the last 20 years you'd be surprised america hadn't stepped in sooner. canada is a total memenation, everyone is an immigrant or descended from them. i feel sorry for mayflower canadians who have been here for generations but they are few and far between
>>504991 tbh chinese have this mentality of doing business whereas the jeets seem intent to conquer the entire anglosphere
also its beginning to come out that there are much less chinese in population than expected and the world population is mostly pajeets and niggers
>>504991 I think that american military caste has been creating a plan since the W bush admin about annexing canada and it probably accelerated during bongos presidency when it became apparent how the chinese were becoming politically powerful on the east coast so they could isolate alaska which is important to burgerland for its oil reserve
is something really going to happen this time?
canada is culturally important because it represented the loyalist or tory element of diaspora britoids who sort of rejected the masonic enlightenment but then sort of how alexander dugin noticed that shartica's weird libertarian voluntarist culture will have its own weird form of traditionalism and in many ways the sort of flyover redneck america is this bulwark ideologically from world jewry in the anglosphere (other than schofield bible zionism)
if america makes a move militarily it would be through bc to cut off that coast and connect alaska. it's hard to know why they haven't done this already. who would stop them? russia? europe? canada? lol
>>504998 maybe like in CK2 they need a cassus belli
>>504997 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHAUlbqZJ3k
this was better but it applies to leafs moreso
>>504965 Wtf I love Israel now
>>505001 leeel
>>505004 choon that
Cringe twat >Says he’s American because he’d get his face rekt if they found out he’s British because of the behaviour of Johnson and Starmer https://x.com/DD_Geopolitics/status/1903110884110860587
>can't post screenshots What?
Pretty hanoing tbh
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Sister's DNA test came back, it's fucking over.
>Hindu >touch of the tarbrush Get out
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I'm just going to cope and say it's a false positive
>woman post on xitter >it's endless bratty attitude I am so tired, lads. We were not meant to see these things smh *goes back to gooning to 3D-animated horses fucking dogs*
>>505019 Aids?
>>505021 Nah my DNA >>505014
>>505024 Could be that it's only on the x-chromosnome. You might not have the brown parts, lad
>>505026 2% is margin of error? R-right? It's the lying Jews. It must be.
>>505027 It's 53% though, isn't it
>>505028 You are saying there's 53% chance it's an error? I can accept that.
53% error plus another 3% margin for this NW Europe thing - probably French
Could be worse but not much
I'm still 75% British, I'm still one of you guys
Funny thing is dad thought he was 50% German but instead it seems to be slav, what a fucking step down
>still one of you guys!
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>>505037 Your best bet now is apply for a green card after jumping the Mexico/America border you’ll be fine They love jeets
>>505038 Western Himalayas area is more the -istans than pajeet
Here we go with we wuz Aryans an Brahmins an sheeeeeeit cope It’s hardwired into their DNA
probably isn't even poo DNA, but aryan DNA
Rather disapointed tbqh
Hope he doesn’t honour kill his sister
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>>505043 Cant even honour kill her, we both share the same blood, I'd have to cleanse my entire family line.
>>505045 such a shame what she is. In a better world she'd be a good breeding sow
imagine Sargon's child taking a DNA test in the future, after his father has saved Britain and the white race, only to find out he's part black
Felt proper angsterino watching adolescence episode 2. School really is hecking awful
>>505046 She’s fucking awful imagine the smell
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This has to be fake, right?
>>505052 This is your free strugglewank for the day
>>505052 Nah we be aliens n shit.
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I'm forever scarred by the butchered girl. She stood out immediately smh
>>505056 not really flattering clothing
>>505058 Very unislamic tbh surprised they vote for her
>>505057 Yeah it does stand out and posting it during Ramadan makes Muslims hungry
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>>505061 I've said our people are surprisingly based compared to the rest of the west.
>>505063 That's Islamic extremism.
>>505064 That’s his people so he’s right ACK
Enforced incelism
>Proof! >fiction https://bbc.in/41MXG4p
so how does a bongistani lad have 2% "Western Himalayas" ancestry anyway? that's Afghanistan/Pakistan. gypsy?
>nameless Muslim ‘nurse’ planned to detonate a pressure cooker bomb in a hospital >silence >fictional account of white kid incel >loudspeakers >healines >speeches in Parliament >clapping COUNTRY IS BEING RUN BY NONCES AND TRAITORS
>>505070 >>505068 It's margin of error! But really I have no idea. It's dad's side and he's got that slav(non Russian) blood from his mum and English from his dad, no idea how the -istan blood is there.
>>505072 they've said that they put random non-white dna into white people's dna tests "to fuck with racists", so you can't really trust anything they spit back at you anyway. if all of your great-grandparents look pure and your Y-DNA is European, you're probably good
>>505073 Yeah, pretty sure it's that. To me it doesn't make sense otherwise I'd be more mutted from the surrounding region.
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>>505074 is it Polish or Ukrainian? could be assimilated Sarmatian blood, which would be Iranian/Aryan and not jeet
>>505072 Love child of a Russian soldier and Bin? You need to prepare yourself for this news lad
More anti semitism
>>505078 Polish >>505079 I wondered about Russian blood from the red army but it's not that sort of slav apparently.
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At least there's no kike in me
All this handwringing. These people all need to be deported especially Mrs Boomer-Thot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxcrjTnVjAY
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Just found out another one of the main characters in the Netflix Witcher series was a different race and edited with CGI to look white. The one who plays Yen is a bloody jeet and she's even darker than the half-caste elf queen irl.
>>505090 morning lad.
>>505091 She always looked like a jeet lad.
Yeah? Well let's see your DNA tests
>>505097 keeeek is that first memi real because its like a memi from elizabethan england where mcgregor is depicted as the virgin gael and the other lad is the chad sassanach
>>505096 i have foreign in me as well
one race the human race remember
>>505097 Wew check the first 6 or so tweets out of this cucks twatter https://x.com/DavQuinn
/Brit/ wogged
>>505100 but of which caste in this race should we place you lad? I think we're going to have to demote you a few pegs
its amazing how the entire premise of the enlightenment was just a crock of shite because all it takes is some redneck from ohio to make all the ich bin une junker prussian ancient folded 10000 times guildermann hapsburg elector
>>505104 you what now lad?
>>505104 >une une is french, ein is german I think
word salad *hides post*
>>505106 yeah idgaf tbh why did eurotards ever think that gayto was a club where they were super special importantfags when in reality it was just them not getting BTFO by the soviets
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>americans don't understand the importance of being polished and following the latest high fashions
>>505108 I think it's more that these supernational bodies layed down by bi-lateral agreements were seen as a way of projecting common interest in a you scratch my back I scratch yours kind of way. So now the current elite is wrealing from a president that is actually acting independently of the jointly agreed supranational institutions his country basically founded and exerts it's soft and hard power from.
>>505097 >Because of this power to awaken unenlightened beings, Kunley's penis is referred to as the "Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom" and he himself is known as the "fertility saint". For this reason, women from all around the world visited his monastery to seek his blessing.
Still feeling blackpilled about not even being 50% English.
>>505113 you have enough jock to be classified as a penny pincher at least.
>poombs used to get hundreds of likes on his xeets >now the average is below 1 damn. Trannies have such a short shelf liferino
>>505113 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHANkmRHaTY
you are part asian lad you are a hapa
great now he's doing the spiccy nip posting
>>505117 gook poster did a number on him
>>505116 he's from the jeet part of asia.
>>505119 vgh at least jeets are the patriarchal type of indian, I got that longhouse chug blood
>>505120 doesn't that just make you a grandfather mongolian.
Might explain your obsession with east asian women albeit.
Damn been ripping rancid braps all day today. God damn.
rather be part chug than part jeet
yeah you two can battle it out
We only share ~50% of DNA with our siblings, there's a chance I have no Paki in me.

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