/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Delicious vs loli/Dicussion thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 06:53:26 Id: 1c8188 No. 13330 >>13335 >>13348
Sooooo, what the difference between this board and /loli/? Is this board a variation of /cake/? Also, what are your favorite media for this type of thing? Do you have a notable example of it? (Like, a book series?) What the MVP for each media/art for this? :)
>>13330 (OP) /delicious/ = Western (aka cartoon aesthetics) lolis. Allows anime lolis, but cartoon ones are the main focus. /loli/ = Eastern (aka anime aesthetics) lolis. Allows cartoon lolis if they have an anime aesthetic.
/loli/ got co-opted by a weeb on 8chan who proceeded to enforce an eastern art only rule and destroyed the active and popular drawthreads in the process because its not like there were any japanese artists using the board. As a result the board died and everyone moved to /delicious/ and its become the defacto loli board ever since. The only reason /loli/ has managed to still cling to some semblance of relevance even here is due to its status as a legacy board which makes it more recognizable to those who had no idea what happened. Of course this board has had its own share of fuck ups since then like threatening to ban all unteralterbach threads because people dared to continually reference the blatant connection its characters have to real life people. Considering the unteralterbach threads were such a big hit and them being banned from /loli/ for being western was a contributing factor to /delicious/ rising to prominence threatening to ban it as well was a very shit take. Personally I think people are just tired of the porn boards they visit being headed by people who think they're the arbiters of what should be talked about or posted regardless of whether or not its on topic, so thats why this board too has lost a lot of its former userbase. When you don't take into account that the entirety of 8chans userbase was only there because it was a free platform and act in a way counter to that you're going to lose that userbase, both jim and the owners of this site fail to understand this which is why jim's 8chan lost all its users and this site hasn't managed to pick almost any of them up.
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More cunny plz
Bruh the first sticky thread answers your question in literally the first sentence.
>>13335 >>13339 Informative. Thanks. >>13343 um, no it doesn't? It addressed the the second question, kind of, but I already knew what the term cake meant.
>>13339 >When you don't take into account that the entirety of 8chans userbase was only there because it was a free platform and act in a way counter to that you're going to lose that userbase, both jim and the owners of this site fail to understand this which is why jim's 8chan lost all its users and this site hasn't managed to pick almost any of them up. Seems like most alternative chans always die sooner or later, but it seems like since the last "exodus" from halfchan, these new Chan's are dying comparatively quickly.
>>13330 (OP) Same stuff represented with pretty or silly desings some more accurate than others <be too accurate and you get fucked up by kiwi forums or Russia and tormented by zealots or suddenly taking it as "wrong" and nuking yer old stuff without warning The best stuff? 60% western 40% cute japanese style
>>13348 >The best stuff? 60% western 40% cute japanese style Let me phrase it better: What do you think is the MVP of this sort of thing per genre? For example: Someone could say "Ruby Gloom" for western animation, or even more specifically, Canadian animation because the art style is cutesy, the characters are lovable, and actual age/maturity of the characters is ambiguous on several levels. I kind of want to hear how people got started with this kink and what the boards general taste. I predict the ages here are wildly different. Something to promote discussion. :)
I find it telling that /loli/ has no active discussion going for any related anime series. That's how you know when a community's fucking dead. >>13339 >this site hasn't managed to pick almost any of them up. Nevermind that there are those who still haven't found the new site from when the site was kicked off the old webring.
/loli/ does admit western content if its drawn in manga style or in semi-realistic styles, what it does not allow is on model-porn, or styles that clearly resemble the OG cartoon style.
More this cute and funny pls?

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