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Lily Hops Anonymous 07/01/2021 (Thu) 15:35:45 Id: 119a3c No. 15161 >>19271
Lily Hops is a based and poggers Vtuber
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Wait...... this be 2D loli art of a real person? Just asking.
>>15182 The real person is a middle aged man with a voice modifier.
>>15182 It sounds like it's 2D loli art of a person's avatar. Like gura the shark or the dog one. They don't look like their avatars
>>15182 Vtubers are real people using 3D anime-like avatars to stream themselves chatting and playing games. Posting porn of the anime avatars doesn't suppose any problem.
>>15182 How do you not know what a vtuber is grandpa
>>15182 man/women... you really need a hobby
>>15225 I do not indulge in disgusting things just because they are new and fashionable.
I'm pleasantly surprised to see Limlum Mushbrain here.
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>>15416 'tis the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>15161 (OP) >grown woman acting like little girl, reaping in money because of it >she keeps getting older and uglier but because of her digital avatar staying the same, and voice filters improving over time, she could keep raking in money well into her 60s if she can keep up the act (or just hire others to do it, if not an AI can automate everything). pisses me off to be honest.
>>19271 The voice of your favorite lolis are also from grown women, dumbass.
>>19271 I can't believe that actors can make money from acting.
>>19271 Voice changers are a meme and they work like shit. I’ve purchased a few such as Morphvox pro and after tweaking forever it still sounds like crap when making both a grown man’s and woman’s voice sound like a loli. I doubt the hags who do this for paid work use voice changers.

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