/delicious/ - Cake

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Sofia The First Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 13:59:30 Id: 21ee7b No. 15942 >>15950 >>28283 >>40005
I know this thread was in the old 8chan back in 2018. Any cake from the series.
>>15942 (OP) Yes, with some of it being quiet good imo.
>>15953 Who's the artist behind the cheerleader and ballet images? That's really high quality
>>15964 That’d be 14-bis. Goes by Fern on Patreon, really great stuff.
>>15965 They look like they're by different artists. You sure?
>>16066 It really is the same artist, it's just his drawings are of inconsistent quality sometimes, especially commissions.
I have several cake that does not exist on paheal
(48.60 KB 536x829 Sof.jpg)

GR's comic that taken down from paheal

(326.33 KB 1570x1044 4e04a437dc8d93e3.jpeg)

(316.58 KB 1570x1044 39248afd04375ffd.jpeg)

(263.07 KB 1046x1566 779973c517e3035c.jpeg)

another GR's work that taken down in paheal. not sure about the Frozen Festival, but I never see it on paheal
(92.65 KB 800x1280 f595d9b0d3b6207a.jpg)

(1.17 MB 1182x1754 245c009e14730dfa.png)

(1.24 MB 1182x1754 8e30b1eee892cd10.png)

(113.05 KB 800x1280 9508ea4751af5ad1.jpg)

(140.14 KB 803x1231 16c5718a5079b745.jpg)

Pookie Art's work
(377.90 KB 829x1200 86292672_p0_master1200.jpg)

(322.70 KB 829x1200 86963566_p0_master1200.jpg)

(382.74 KB 825x1200 77677736_p0_master1200.jpg)

(538.74 KB 724x1023 87189224_p0_master1200.jpg)

(432.68 KB 790x1173 84746418_p0_master1200.jpg)

Random Pixiv discovery
joy from "Sofia the second"
Why is Sofia The First relatively popular for cake content? There's more of this than say, Hat Kid and I'd imagine more people into cake would care about A Hat In Time than STF. I think Sofia's cute but I wouldn't have heard of this series if it wasn't for the cake stuff. I don't imagine it would have as much appeal to adults since STF is mainly for preschoolers, whether as say MLP or Inside Out for instance might have with older children. I also don't imagine anyone old enough to be into cake stuff grew up with STF since it is relatively recent. I'm just curious about the relative popularity. I like the cake content but don't give a damn about the series at all. Never watched it and probably never will.
(634.62 KB 1295x1601 a77a8ad14f1b288b.png)

(1.02 MB 1011x2050 e453e3c641935058.png)

(1.08 MB 1195x1218 fd571f28f86f6f97.png)

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(61.76 KB 740x829 20210917_103359.jpg)

(1.15 MB 1279x1621 a686643ed45e2eb1.png)

>>18082 Because Disney.
>>18092 Adult Sofia fans here, the story is fine, way better than the other Disney Junior shows, so getting the cake is a huge bonus for me. Idk, maybe because she is humble and responsible girl? I mean, she is the epidemy of little girl imagination. She is a humble girl, became a princess, has magic in her possession, can talk to animals, athletic, smart and everything, she is too perfect to be human being the show itself always airing at least 3 to 4 hours a day on Disney junior network. so a lot of people knows about it or at least stumble upon t. She it so perfect, so people fantasize about her and a lot of cute girl on secondary or background character? I don't know, I enjoy the cake anyway.
(541.91 KB 849x1200 92683248_p0_master1200.jpg)

(242.10 KB 1080x1920 5d76378a8c9455f0.jpeg)

>>18402 It's Lucinda
Anybody else tired of all the Sofia/Cedric stuff?

(886.17 KB 1200x900 93910455_p0_master1200.jpg)

(381.18 KB 2000x1500 FEm8IdjX0AkLuhy.jpg)

(524.80 KB 1728x1200 5423d43852589849.png)

(873.00 KB 1162x1200 94929623_p2_master1200.jpg)

(1.36 MB 2016x2941 4820480 - Sofia_the_First.jpg)

From VSdrawfag #3
(422.89 KB 1417x1464 ce26ecc918d6a6e2.jpg)

(420.90 KB 1417x1464 c23700fdc4b188f1.jpg)

(3.98 MB 1581x1633 Sofia Color 2A.png)

(421.09 KB 1417x1464 2db070cb98bb43b4.jpg)

She's an underrated little loli
Here's some I got from paheal. Posting in case they take it down
rare Sofia cake, if someone can upload it to paheal would be appreciated
found another cake
(2.03 MB 4724x3508 96877774_p2.png)

(698.25 KB 724x1023 1cee6f86cc0e5d7a.png)

>>24474 Sofia is so passionate, she has to be fall in love to Hugo
Anyone have an uncensored version
(2.10 MB 1663x1247 d3edd146f57aecc0.png)

(2.04 MB 1663x1247 e3d72c2a46b77b95.png)

>>25086 here you go
(1.11 MB 1181x1755 f7564a0ffe323502.png)

>>25148 this is so cute.
>>25147 >>25147 Thanks for finding them for me, be well
(158.53 KB 907x906 99063042_p0.jpg)

(948.40 KB 585x926 sofiathethicc.png)

One does not notice it when she's wearing the dress, but daaamn Sofia's thicc!
>>27094 She has a pretty hot body for being like... How old is she?
>>27113 She's eleven in this season.
>>27115 I thought she was younger but well, I guess that explains some things
(644.97 KB 1400x1800 Simon 71.jpg)

>>27127 i always liked her better than sofia. she has the right amount of smugness, like, she acts like royalty, but she isn't the cliché evil sister disney loves so much.
>>27094 Are there anymore screen caps of Sofia in her griffin suit?
>>27188 I didn't make anymore, but you can check her out in season 4 episode 12 "Too Cute to Spook" where I made this one from.
>>27115 well, they do start getting curvy at that age
>>27127 This artist have done several things with Sofia and Amber love it all.
Some sofia love
(175.48 KB 720x1340 1659418024684.png)

When I heard that Sofia is 11, I only thought on making this
>>27776 thank for making the Sofia drawing, hopefully you will do more. This thread needs more Sofia and Amber.
(222.77 KB 720x1340 1659668345384.png)

>>27858 Also thanks for your reply. It definetly does.
(235.77 KB 1961x1057 sofia licked.jpeg)

super hot image with Sofia and Amber
>>27194 Do you know a good online site to see STFirst?
>>28423 I know it's on Netflix--don't know if/when it'll move to Disney+ (but they got their own adorable loli-centric shows like Alice's Wonderland Bakery and Fancy Nancy)--but I'm pretty sure you can just use any dedicated cartoon streaming site like KissCartoon, KimCartoon, WCO Stream, it's a pretty mainstream show, fam. It's not like you're trying to track down some obscure 80's pilot episode or Lost Media.
>>27194 Do you know a good online site to see STFirst? >>28431 Thanks for the reply will look into those options, be well.
(1.07 MB 1920x2215 Sofia Final-1 - Copy.jpg)

Just finished this, been meaning to do something of Sofia for years, but life's busy and I draw slow. Here's a little background story to go with this: Sofia seems to be smiling but you can see some uneasiness in her expression caused by the peculiar dress her father, the king, chose for her for tonight and the amount of wine everyone has been offering her. At least she's glad everyone around her is happy, because her father told her that it's very important to keep tonight's royal guests entertained. Soon she'll found out what kind of entertainment daddy's friends are looking to get from her. Political favors require sacrifices.
>>28632 Very nice work, thanks for sharing.
A nice new picture of Sofia enjoying herself, artist name is in the file name
(257.97 KB 1120x1463 bed sofia.jpeg)

Looking for this GR pic, this is the small version of this picture, there is a larger picture but its censored pretty sure there was one that wasn't Please and thanks.
Found on Rule 34
(1022.77 KB 979x2118 Sofia_the_First anibaruthecat.png)

A nice selfie found on R34
(175.92 KB 1280x2123 sofia super hero.jpeg)

A nice selfie she looks like a super hero
>>30322 God, Sofia is the cutest loli out there
Love this artist http://baraag.net/@Tlacuicani/109604663693123383 Not sure if there are any more versions since I cannot access the Barraag server
(2.89 MB 1401x1479 94daa8e50fa93eeb.png)

>>31943 Just this one.
>>31947 Hi, thank you very much it is appreciated. Love Sofia pictures by this artist.
Seems Amber likes to watch
Sofia is hot, this one is her older and still hot
Princess Amber a so hot princess that we don't see enough of. Sorry I don't know the artist but I give credit to them...definitely not me.
(976.51 KB 1264x1556 Sofia_xmas Sofia_the_First.png)

Posted here so we can all see it. Sorry I don't know the artist but I give credit to them...definitely not me.
(61.14 KB 881x1132 4c56c40232d11c66.jpg)

Seems Elsa and Sofia love anal play.
(1.19 MB 968x1456 Amber swimsuit.png)

I don't know who did this, I know its an AI creation but its smoking hot. I hope the person does more Amber
(1.61 MB 1024x1536 Amber sexy dress.png)

Another hot one
>>37547 >>37548 Big tits are truly peak /delicious/
(2.10 MB 1200x1600 00009-2235199728.png)

(2.04 MB 1200x1600 00012-2235199737.png)

(1.98 MB 1200x1600 00016-2235199749.png)

(2.14 MB 1200x1600 00015-2235199746.png)

(2.16 MB 1200x1600 00018-2235199755.png)

A little more AI?
>>37627 Thank you very much, it is really appreciated. Its hard to find anything new with Sofia and the group
(2.06 MB 1200x1600 00023-2235199770.png)

(1.99 MB 1200x1600 00021-2235199764.png)

(1.97 MB 1200x1600 00026-2235199779.png)

(2.24 MB 1200x1600 00024-2235199773.png)

(2.12 MB 1200x1600 00041-2235199824.png)

Sure thing! Glad to drop some in here.
>>37627 >>37630 Wow very awesome images. Thank you very much for sharing these. Not exactly sure if you have found these are making them. If you are the creator may I make a personal request. Id love to see Princess Amber in some one piece racing swimwear, my fetish it seems. If you just found them again many thanks for sharing.
(42.33 KB 512x512 Secret lovers.jpg)

OOh some nice Sofia and Amber
(555.91 KB 1384x992 Sofia family get together.jpg)

as said image was deleted from r34 lucky i got it. Its not a great image but still has Sofi and the gang
Please AI artists out there more Amber ...please.
>>38331 Thanks for the uploads.
>>39509 Honey a robot made those
>>39531 Prompting ain't easy, anon.
>>39509 seriously you don´t see that is a AI pics?
>>39538 Yes i am well aware that it is an AI creation, however I have tried to use stable diffusion and prompting is not easy....I came up with nothing like what is displayed here...not even close. So i appreciate the person behind the AI inventing these.
>>39536 You are so right I tried to use SD and came up with nothing like these beauties....I don't know how they did it. Would love to see the prompt that made these.
(282.70 KB 1280x1778 1aaaaa.jpg)

A story that i wish the artist had finished
(539.64 KB 512x768 Amber swim buff one RD.png)

This image was done by Pixai systems and prompts by me. I have a swimsuit fetish so seeing Amber like this is awesome, hopefully for others too.
(599.51 KB 512x768 Sofia swim B4.png)

This image was done by Pixai systems and prompts by me. I love swimsuitsso seeing Sofia in a one piece is like.... awesome, Comments welcome.
>>39900 Thank you for the sexy loli. Please make more big boob loli girls like this.
(514.33 KB 512x768 sofia camel.png)

Since my last upload was deleted due to the fact I think it didn't quite look like Sofia, this one does she is in tight swimsuit this time. Plus she is older.
>>39915 Sorry my picture was taken down, due to i suspect it didnt quite look like Sofia
>>40003 UUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH. Sofia erotic! Sexy adult loli erotic!
(289.06 KB 512x768 sofia hotness repaired.png)

Seems Sofia wants to show off....nice
>>40009 Glad you liked.
(561.83 KB 512x768 sofia teen2.png)

This nice and tame pic was deleted from DA due to it being to suggestive. I see nothing that implies that, sure its a tight swimsuit but it shows no signs of genitalia or pose that implies a sexual nature. So here you folks enjoy
>>37945 >deleted Because it sucks
(288.93 KB 1547x1547 Fp_9WY3akAAzHkt.jpeg)

(217.33 KB 1412x1542 FqUcZw4akAIriMa.jpeg)

(364.46 KB 2048x1530 F5JdBXwWcAAK_qI.jpeg)

(173.93 KB 1182x1133 F-XTud-agAAgxQr.jpeg)

(172.43 KB 1570x1021 GGgQINuacAAOHhq.jpeg)

>>37897 Gorgeous >>37945 Haven’t you tried using this kitbash in ControlNet for StableDiffusion? Granted, I’ve only seen models for Sofia (which are awesome), but it shouldn’t be too difficult to craft models for James, Amber and the rest—the full series is readily available on several cartoon streaming sites, you could probably just use the screencaps from Once Upon a Princess or Curse of Princess Ivy and train the AI on that. Or, if you don’t have the graphics card for training the models directly, there’s ways around that either online or through a virtual desktop with a way stronger RAM.
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(362.99 KB 2048x1480 GJU79ILawAA7FkD.jpeg)

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(1.08 MB 896x1080 Amber (8).png)

(1.24 MB 896x1080 Sofia (20).png)

(1.20 MB 896x1080 Together Clothed (6).png)

(1.23 MB 896x1080 Together Clothed (8).png)

(1.16 MB 896x1080 Naked Together (9).png)

Sofia AND Amber
(152.06 KB 2048x1395 GOnPLllWgAAm6-f.jpg)

(10.91 KB 370x320 GOmEnxnWUAAsjfl.jpg)

(1.39 MB 1222x1200 8f09e3c08671262e.png)

Uncensored version?

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