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Jack-O Challenge VHSEPHI 08/27/2021 (Fri) 07:41:30 Id: 392a48 No. 16740
Two days... and this meme become very famous So bad on loli is still very light
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She failed
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the closest thing for that pose
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If you're familiar with Hana-chan and her merch, you get this one.
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>>16953 >celes i watch her streams on pomf sometimes, not exactly high quality entertainment but she's nice to look at and listen to
Is this one OK to post here?
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Here's my contribution.
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>>17072 yeah i saw it, it is a funny one!
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>Jack-O I don't get it. I feel like I am turning into a old man or something and unable to keep up with all the new things that come out.
>>17223 Jack O is a fighting game character. Just pretend its called the Ken pose.
>>17223 it is just a meme, like Usagi from Sailor Moon or leg up
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>>16917 my goddess uuuuoh
Bad overall drawing skills aside, this is one pose that really shouldn't be drawn by people who have yet to gain a good grasp of anatomy.
>>16917 please don't whore yourself out, Tanya!
>>31294 It's for the fatherland to attract new recruits

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