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(34.11 KB 400x400 shadbase.jpg)

Shadbase Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 01:22:48 Id: fd833b No. 199 >>232 >>233 >>4955
Love him or hate him; he has his batch of loli content being buried. Keep them on the surface.
>>199 (OP) i like that drawing
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Does anyone have the rest of these?
The last time I checked, they were still openly on his website. He just elminated the smoli tag, making them harder to find unless you manually sift through all his old shit, but his loli shit is still there.
(237.62 KB 1797x162 Shad quitting loli.png)

Just a reminder
>>923 >I want to appeal my normie fanbase and stay out of trouble I can't blame him
>>946 I'll miss his hat kid set tho
>>923 And thar's why fan-art exists >Also Damn norms, they like huge dicks. and every kink but "loli is baaaad" I mean, is not like Shad works look like Alex's....
>>923 Depression time.
>>923 ...which is fucking retarded, because he'll still draw shota.
>>2251 He still loves loli, making shadbase itself and the website was to skirt ad and anti loli rules so he could post it without risk of being taken down. Hes just being a pussy now because a couple """"freinds"""" he has dont like it and he stupidly took his own E persona seriously and apologized instead of just not being a fuckin idiot and drawing someones real daughter as loli. You can't have your whole mantra be "Art school told me what to draw, art is whatever I want to be, freedom of expression and sexuality" and then also wuss out of that when you get a little flak from your fake fans who just suck your dick for drawing gay shit, cuck, or futa. That kind of easily dropped core belief system is what we call just being edgy and not having any real core values to begin with.
>>2251 straight shota is normalfag-tier, it's well accepted. >>2275 Well you could've been his cool pedo friend who sways him into drawing more loli, but this world works differently and pedos are silent minority so of course people who surround him have more chances of being judgemental normies. They shamed and changed him, and all it's left for you is to complain in a low-activity hidden loli board about how unfair society is.
>>2251 Little pps are funny. A straight line between legs is a big no-no
>>2275 The loli personally didn't bother me. I've only been interested in the humor aspect of his content, which you tell most of it is there just for that. The Marco Diaz had me laughing with tears. He may of had no choice, as those overly righteous fans or friends may have been threatening to turn him in.
>>2275 >"Muh real life connections to pedohiliaaaa!" People like you are also the issue, fucking /nu/pedos. You'd probably also want artists to stop drawing and deleting loli of comic book characters once that character is portrayed by a real underage actress in theaters. Shadman officially stopping loli is a bigger deal than just not getting any new art from him. He has become a meme to hold up against people complaining. He was elevated by the community as a champion aspiring new artists wanting to draw loli but being afraid could look up to, particularly because he was such a public icon. The number of somewhat high profile western artists that draw everything, including pedo stuff, is already low, and keeps shrinking. Who's left? John Doe? Polyle? Are they even from the West?
Speaking of artists getting pressured into censoring themselves: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srb4l1?new_post=true If you want to backup any of his draws, better do it now.
>>4147 It's all already gone. >I was given the choice to either be thrown out of my house, without the possibility to attend university, or stop drawing loli and completely dissociate from my fanbase. >Since they are monitoring my social network accounts >I’m not economically independent yet and I need to finish my studies. This is not going to end well for all of them. They will just grow to hate each other now. In the long run he would have just been better off leaving home.
>>4189 >This is not going to end well for all of them. No, but the best course of action they have is working as long as they can towards a functional independence, not immediately burning the bridge and wage slaving paycheck to paycheck for the rest of their life for the sake of some drawings.
>>4190 He just needs to get independent and then get out as quickly as possible in a way that's financially stable. His mom will never be OK with him after this and is liable to go off on him eventually.
>>4147 Shame, he drew a really Good Star butterfly.
>>4199 Do we have any of his art?
(637.81 KB 1095x1496 8d1738a3a6248a46.png)

>>4222 His Baraag still exists, but I'm not sure for how much longer BananaLamp@baraag.net
>>4225 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22019976 He'll purge it all, so if any of you don't want to loose the art forever, back it up.
>>4265 There's no exhentai gallery of him btw.
>>4189 I'm guessing he deleted them because there were people advertising cp in his comment section
Sad as it is to lose yet another loli artist, how stupid must one be to draw that while under their parents' roof?
>>4323 Damn.... the Twitter gang really goes out of their way to make you look like the bad guy. Anyways, he made an archive. https://mega.nz/folder/RY5yya4C#JOLN4sEVn1y8dWsjxxFASw The .clip files requires an art program called Clip Studio (or photoshop) btw
>>4334 I mean, unless you have a convenient group of likeminded friends to room up with, not many have the luxury of being fully independent and on their own in their 20s
>>4343 Pretty much. By that logic, if you draw loli you should lead your life like an antisocial criminal would to minimize any potential trouble.
>>199 (OP) I cant support the guy who actually tried to be Edgy and made art of actual people.
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>>4147 Some could wonder about what was never posted. Gaturo stealth burned all his stuff and there was clearly more then what was on his blog. Now all he's going to post is the occasional furshit. >>4369 I never leave my room without putting the computer to sleep and I don't stay logged in to anything, got any more tips?
>>10662 I followed Gaturo when he was really active and saved basically everything he posted on his Tumblr blogs. Where can I find stuff that he didn't post there?
>>10687 On mexican konachan of course :) I really can't find it anymore but I saved a decent bit in case he requested those to be taken down too. Want them? they're mostly fur.
>>5672 the series that broke his entire career
>>10755 Sure, you can upload them in a zip somewhere?
>>10799 password is zarathustra motherfucker https://litter.catbox.moe/0n341b.zip
>>10812 Damn, it appears to 404.
>>10812 >>10817 litterbox.catbox.moe is a temporary file hosting service, which means that any link will expire after a couple of days. catbox.moe (without litterbox at the beginning) is the one whose links stay up for indefinite time.
>>10820 Yeah, but it seems to have been set to expire after less than 6 hours.
(559.02 KB 1280x1019 013.png)

>>10821 >>10820 >>10817 Ah shit, I thought I set it for 24 hours https://files.catbox.moe/6dlc0o.zip Also if you have the sequel to this pic saved I would be beyond greatful, I want to see how close it is to my copy
>>10823 Thank you. Is it this one?
>>10823 Noticed that most of the images in your collection are much lower resolution than mine and often jpg-compressed for some reason. Here's my Gaturo collection. Same password you used. https://litter.catbox.moe/t3m0cb.zip
>>5672 Arya stark getting assraped and knoted by dogs was way worse in that sense
>>10828 Fapped to it. Fat knots are one of my favorites. I don't like shad anymore because of all the blacked shit but before he went full niggerdick he was pretty cool.

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>>10823 >>10826 I combined both collections and removed duplicated elements (although there may be some left, I didn't do an exhaustive check). https://pomf.lain.la/f/i8qs96ar.7z No pass because that's for faggots. Winfags need 7Zip or Peazip to open this, macfags can use Keka or The Unarchiver, and most Linuxfags should already have something to extract this kind of files. Enjoy your chibi furry cunny.
>>10831 >>10831 and none of these are in any booru? what a pain, not being in a booru means no tags. all of his explicit pictures are [DELETED] on e621
>>10831 That needs a EXH gallery the panda will preserve it thank you so much for this!
>>10856 Check this instead: >>10831
(910.58 KB 1186x1600 Marieupskirt.png)

>>10825 Ah fuck yeah it is! Hell I tried to make my own copy from memory, but it looks like I don't have his sense of balance. >>10826 >>10831 throughdickunity but yeah I didn't think there were enough people interested in his stuff
Does anyone even know if Shäd is still drawing? I mean, I know he’s not dead—I’ve seen he’s still kicking around Twitter—but he hasn’t updated the actual site in, what, 7 months?
>>10881 I saw him say he's doing freelance work for a real client. Idk if that means game company or animation or what. I check in on him once in a while even though his work has stopped giving me boners.
>>10874 >but yeah I didn't think there were enough people interested in his stuff I really like his chibi furry stuff, it's always so cute that it doesn't even feel that lewd when it gets sexual.
>>10881 He got a real job.
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>>10884 >it doesn't even feel that lewd when it gets sexual That IS a neat quality. It might be because he seems to put character design over sex appeal. Can you think of any others that give off that feeling?
>>4143 don't be a melodramatic faggot, hees not somem champion ofm rights hes an edgelord that everyone gave too much attention to and a brainlet for drawing things specifically to upset people.n You say "ne-pedo" but Im not even sure you know what the fuck your talking about, your just an actual pedo who reminisces when actual CP was posted and honestly the community is better off without him and you
>>4143 Like, are you actually fuckin retarded? did you even read what I had said? he drew real human people and got himself in trouble, the fuck are you even bringing up "real life pedophilia" Fuckin mental illness is the loli community is so fucking prevalent and it's people like YOU who justify every time I see some thread and physically cringe and sympathize with cleansing boards like this. Normies arn't nearly as unbearable as mental basket cases like you
>2: CP is strictly prohibited. Including traces/recreations of photographic depiction of real children. Serious topics of pedophilia is also prohibited. >4: Do try to stay on topic. Stay on topic, lads. Go to /b/ to talk and shitpost about pedophilia and similar topics.
Some Shad stuff he probably scrubbed to get us back on topic.
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(689.36 KB 992x1403 2017-03-05-tastes-like-switch.jpg)

(833.69 KB 1000x1376 2017-06-19-kys.jpg)

Shad Daddy came back. But he might start purging again. Don't know if futas are allowed so had to delete and repost without the pregnant one.
>>12284 wasn't this the one that made shad stop doing loli?
>>12463 I believe so.
>>12463 If you call that loli
>>12472 Yes you can. Even a 17 year old with just a day before she turns 18 is technically still loli.
>>12485 Maybe hundreds of years ago when there was still a remote possibility of a 17 year old being prepubescent.

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>>12472 You probably don't consider either of these loli. But they are.
>>12523 the thing that annoys me the most about this guy is his fixation with buttholes/smelly buttholes
>>12530 At least anal makes more sense than trying to fit an 8" dick into a 3" prepubescent vagina.
>>12550 i don't have any issue with loli's anus, it's the other anuses that annoy me, he wastes too much time with dudes anuses, dogs anuses, smelly anuses...
>>12530 Winking cheesy buttholes are probably what made him sick.
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>>923 NOBODY FUCKING ASKED HIM TO BASE ART ON REAL KIDS. He was absolutely wrong for that, and its all on him.
>>13157 >NOBODY FUCKING ASKED HIM TO BASE ART ON REAL KIDS eh, if you're a public figure it's going to happen, child or not
(519.85 KB 892x583 Harley_Trap_Disclaim.png)

>>13157 It's people like you that keep grinding on the dead horsey's bones. The man has moved on to Belle Delphine things now. But knowing the details behind the actual Harley Trap picture. I'd rather question what's REAL rather than the rendition.
>>13157 Wow that was definitely new information nobody knew before that was absolutely worth bumping an obsolete thread for.
>>13160 >knowing the details behind the actual Harley Trap picture. I'd rather question what's REAL rather than the rendition. What does that even mean?
>>13164 Not to go into detail because Da Rules. But a certain celebrity's 7-year old son dressed up as Harley Quinn for a comic con convention. Complete with shots and fishnet stockings I guess Shad Daddy got inspired to base said picture on said kid.
I don't really think its brought up that much, but isn't Shadman also mocking autism in children from some of his comics? Knowing how a lot of these are for shock value, doesn't this kind of irk someone the wrong way if they're in that disability as well?
>>12587 The last one breaks my heart Why we dont have lewd fan art of shad"s style?
>>13171 Indeed, but since rules are rules, posting anything involving irl kids is a pretty risky move. Since there's not really anything sexual happening here, I've decided to spoiler it for the time being. If you guys thing I should have deleted it, let me know. Edit: decided to delete it
Edited last time by speedy05 on 04/24/2021 (Sat) 22:19:34.
Anyway I think it's weird that media was like "yay a boy dressed like a slutty clown"
>>13182 Cringe.
(982.03 KB 500x371 stand_in_drag.gif)

>>13183 >trannycringe
(868.52 KB 559x887 Screenshot_285.png)

Anybody knows If Shadman ever made drawings tutorial, shared kits with brushes for the programms he used or anything? I'm interested of replicating his style and doing look a like ilustrations, like the ones that are based on CGI characters. I don't want to copy him but, rather learn from it, I specially want to do drawing of Giulia Marcovaldo from the next Pixar film Luca.
>>13520 Shadman learned how to draw by learning and practicing anatomy, though he gave up at some point because his work stopped improving. You won't learn from studying him. Inspiration can be gleaned but you need to buckle down and learn from real masters. Once you do THEN you can go back and recreate his work effortlessly, probably better than he could.
>>13520 Wanting to learn art from Shadman is like wanting to learn cooking from Chef Boyardee.
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>>13547 Don't bad mouth Hector Boiardi. You swine!
(762.87 KB 700x1246 2017-04-30-smol-wendys.png)

>>13635 Yeah, Boiardi is far better than Wendy's.
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Don't know if this one was actually drawn by shadman or someone else.
Discussion of /delicious/ rules belongs in >>144 Discussion of the global rules belongs in >>>/site/ Subsequent derailment of this thread will be sanctioned with a ban.
I honestly wish Shad would come back to his senses and continue drawing more loli, or for the very least someone could imitate his art style and continue what was left over. I hope when i get good at art i will do exactly that, imitate his style and draw more lolis.
>>16307 Shads style is >people that look like they're made of rubber
>>16307 Gross. You might as well have Chris Chan as your art inspiration.
>>2286 love the oyakodon ryona
>>16310 And that's a bad thing because...?
>>12550 >he doesn't know
>>16315 Woah sensitive? I never said it was a bad thing. His style is objectively people that look like rubber. If you feel attacked or ashamed that's on you.
>>10856 Hey if you still check the thread, there's one pic that I remember being good and it's not in your EXH collection. It's of de-aged Bubblegum giving a blowjob to Fin under the table; for some reason I never saved it.
SHÄD has been having a schizo melt breakdown on Twitter for the past few days what do you guy's think?
>>18100 Elaborate?
he had a meltdown on twitter
>>18100 >>18109 if he andheroes western loli art dies
>>18110 Nah. He's far from that notable
>>18110 You greatly overestimate the importance of an underwhelming artist.
>>18110 He doesn't even draw loli anymore
>>18110 We still have lilandy who I hope blows up in popularity because he/she doesn't blogpost like an edgy faggot like shad and isn't obsessed with black penises.
https://twitter.com/Shadbase/status/1451003289768583168 Looks like he gave up on pretending to not like loli.
>>18110 Fuchur/Snuckypuck literally had a bigger impact on western loli art than fucking Shadman.
>>18808 HOLY SHIT!! While I'm not a huge fan of his art but what the actual fuck!
given the recent events, someone better archive http://www.shadbase.com/ lest it be lost
>>18833 This is such a weird high horse when we are all loli lovers, no need to disrespect others, thats what normies do to us dude.
if anyone checks this thread does anyone have that old mega with all of shads art and even his psd files and brushes basically all his patreon shit
>>26536 I don't a 100% trust it, but no one else has complained about this Torrent having anything bad on it, it has about 5G of stuff on it. I assume you know how a magnet link works? 9e63abd3
>>26537 i don't lol how do i use it bro?
>>26537 >>26539 side note is this just all his art or his psds as well?(cause i've downloaded all his stuff before but i'm looking for his wips and psds)
>>26539 Paste link into a torrent client (I use qBittorrent) and download, if you don't know what a torrent is... look it up on google. >>26540 >side note is this just all his art or his psds as well?(cause i've downloaded all his stuff before but I'm looking for his wips and psds) I've downloaded it and it seems to be a site rip, not sure if he ever posted his sketches on Shadbase but all of his stuff and the stuff from other artist are on this.
>>26541 ah thanks bro but yeah I got a site rip around the time he first started gettin rid of his older content then when he got arrested but i'm really look for those psds i remember seeing a mega for his psds and brushes and wips a while back but by the time i found it it was lost but thanks anyway bro
I'd love to have a "final" collection of Shad, but yeah, anyone scan or filter the magnet link? Torrents aren't as fun as they used to be
>>12521 Those aren't lolis, just sluts with small bodies
>>26572 i don't knw man, lolis are kind of slutty
>>12578 There we more of these pics with the daughter's and their moms asses, right? I swear I remember one of them getting sat on, or imminent facesitting being implied
>>12577 It seems that the internet (with they're killing Bin Laden & Saddam games, flash cartoons that featured cartoons versions of Bin Laden, Saddam and terrorists) and possibly South Park, Team America and even some of Shadbase's artwork like the Muslim girl shown here must've been very very efficient morale boosters and Propaganda during the War on Terror than what the US Government gave out to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and to US Civilians
>>30285 I might be telling the truth as I sorta sensed it after being on the internet for so many years and yet many/some people on the internet (or in mainstream media) don't even notice or realise
Does any of you have the full archive of all loli art of Shadman? i remember he did a lot more of hat Kid for example.
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i believe these where his "patreon Exclusive" before it got shut down
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Word is he's out and has a new name. Can anyone confirm?
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>>35719 How long until he ragequits again?
>>35719 Is he going to come back? I'm down bad, he was my inspiration to art drawing loli and I miss him. He asked for comissions 4 days ago, I think it could be scam but still I'm not losing all my hope.
>>35905 >old photo >never did commissions, no matter the price 110% scam.
>>35719 unless his webpage goes up again, it is a scam 100%
Back for real this time https://twitter.com/Shadbase
>>36360 Prove it.
>>36366 I did
>>36371 How does the existence of a twatter profile, which I can't even see without making a shitter myself, prove anything?
>>36381 Quite simple. That's been one of his main places to post for ages now. Not to mention his actual site is still down. And add to the fact he's actually posted 3 drawn images within the past 2 days. You don't have to like "shitter" to view it some times. Just find the stuff you like and ignore the bullshit.
>>36381 >which I can't even see without making a shitter myself And thats why you cant see the proof
>>36381 >i cant be assed to look at the proof so it doesnt prove anything
>>36389 >That's been one of his main places to post for ages now. Twitter is the main place for half the normalfag internet to congregate for ages now. >Not to mention his actual site is still down That's further argument against it being him. >And add to the fact he's actually posted 3 drawn images within the past 2 days. I've seen one, the Scooby Doo ass one. It lacked anything stylistically that would make me vomit or any edgy subject matter, his two signature motifs. It was practically vanilla if you didn't know the girl was actually Dastardly Dick in disguise. If there hadn't been a shadbase watermark, I wouldn't have even considered he may have drawn it. >You don't have to like "shitter" to view it some times. Nigger, I actively dislike shitter, and being neutral would be just as bad. Where do you think you are? Next you'll tell me there's nothing wrong with going to cuckchan. I'm not making a twatter account.
>>36413 Thats literally his account hes been using since 2013
>>36416 Right you are. After using nitter.privacydev, the other art he posted feels more like him. Still I feel something's off without a triumphant edgy art piece to commemorate his return.
>>36446 That's true, everyone is cheering and celebrating about his return but he remains silent, as if nothing had happened, as if he was a nobody...
>>12284 Is there a complete gallery with Shad's art? The ones I keep finding are short an image or two.
>>36518 He's probably forbidden as part of whatever deal got him released
>>30267 The one with RIley He also did a whole coraline comic (or as much of a comic as shad could ever complete) and I believe face sitting appears in a couple panels
When the world needed him the most, he disappeared...

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