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What makes Western lolis much more appealing than Japanese/Eastern lolis?
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Hard to say objectively, but for me it just reflects my tastes in media in general. I was never really raised with anime, so it's still foreign and gimmicky to me, and that extends to most eastern lolis, barring a few cartoony exceptions like Arale. Guess western lolis just feel less derpy overall, like they have more going for them than "uguu me onahole for big bro." That being said, I wish we had more high quality smut artists/animators like they do over there...or at the very least that some of them turn out to be westaboos.
>>20313 (OP) Also does anyone knows why I can't access /delicious/ directly from my browser? I have to go to /co/ and then /delicious/ inside the site or I'd just get a 404 - Error page.
>>20315 It's a defemsive meassure to prevent the board ending up on the pages of search engines and then the entire site being threatend by the host to be taken down due to that. Atleast that's how i remember the issue being.
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Alright, I think is loli stuff?
>>20313 (OP) eastern cake already has tons of fanservice by their shows and have tons of content out there, western cake, on the other hand, is quite rare, with few artists making any quality content it increases in value
>>20313 (OP) If it is then how come western loli is so much rarer to find?
>>20349 I actually have the same question too. Why?
nothing, japanese lolis are perfect XD
>>20337 What series?
Don't know if I speak for anyone else, but I just assume it's what most people grown up/more use to it.
>>20313 (OP) It isn't.
>>20354 Because most Western loli is shit.
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>>20349 >>20354 Because westerners are insane and fear that a drawing could drive them into going in a raping spree. This is why they have been advocating for the prohibition of all forms of pornography, with loli/shota being the spear of the cause because "muh children".
>>20480 Bingo.
Western loli feels more "real" in a weird way. Eastern loli tries to be too perfect, with perfect faces and personalities. Western artists are not afraid of flawed characteristics, and flawed personalities. It's a minor thing but it does a lot.
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>>20313 (OP) Because, they look more cuter
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>>20519 You're refering to a time before extremely simple art-styles became the norm
>>20313 (OP) More rounded personalities and character quirks. >>20349 Anime being insanely more popular in fandom spaces combined with moral panics and content purges.
>>20313 (OP) Maybe it's because we actually grew up with them before discovering the likes of Anime, hentai, the internet in greater detail and Japanese Culture in general later on in our lives
>>20349 >>20354 CP is a well protected industry. CP is valuable in both the sense of the product itself and as blackmail material. Western Loli/Shota, if it even somewhat realistic, devalues CP, and so it is fought viciously. Eastern Loli/shota is starting to be fought more vigorously these days as well, though it started a few years ago when Pixiv started to crack down on it. Coincidentally, Fanbox and other paywall services appeared right at the same time.
>>22554 What now? Pixiv has not cracked down on anything. That is a lie. They have cracked down on uncensored porn in general on their website due to getting warned by the authorities because of uncensored works on the site.
>>20313 (OP) Like >>20499 with flaws but I'd also say that they have more features. Eastern loli are just tiny anime characters and anime characters are pretty by-the-numbers with features and expressions. They don't resemble real people, western loli are exaggerated more uniquely and I think that personal aspect makes them more attractive and real. Her smiling face isn't the same as every other loli the way eastern loli all look the same.
>>20313 (OP) Personally it is the differing art styles for me
>>20313 (OP) In my personal opinion... nothing. Japanese/Eastern or Western loli, it depends on the quality of the drawing or 3DCG in question whether X drawing is better than Y drawing. I've seen Western drawings that are top-tier God class and I have seen Eastern drawings that are top-tier God class... I have also seen the inverse for both.

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