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Charlie e Lola GENERAL Thread Anonymous 02/06/2022 (Sun) 06:02:25 Id: a8c05f No. 21972 >>22388 >>52854
Only this. I need moar.
>>21972 (OP) Look for works of Exton, he has a lot of her.
>>22388 Does he have a Baraag, Pixiv, etc. where he uploads his work?
I know he has a booru. You can start there. Just look for Exton Booru.
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>>22415 I found the booru, but it seems to have been deleted.
Would have to search and bring.
in ATF there is still a lot of exton material, just don't put futa content in the thread, he hates that. (https://booru.allthefallen.moe/posts?tags=etn)
>>21972 (OP) Do you think we shall start a petition to bring back the EXTON Booru?
Boru was removed for loli content, new material and requests can currently be found at https://8chan.moe/sc/

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