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Cripple Cake Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 02:31:14 Id: 724b0a No. 23199
Disabled lolis. Wheelchair, deaf, whatever.
Wheelchair cake? The best one is Clara Sesemann, by far. And the best Clara Sesemann is, no doubt, the 1974 anime version. This isn't even a debate. There can be no debate.
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Maybe such a Loli like this?
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And of course "The Godmother of the crippled Lolies", Peacock from the Skullgirls.
>artist loves blind rabbit girl from Arthur >draws so much art of her that a good chunk of all art of her is from him >commissions and gets fanart done of the two of them together Based
More wheelchair lolis
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I can't believe how hard it is to find lewds of Clara Sesemann, given that she's from one of the most famouts and celebrated animes ever created, and she's a total hottie. Not to mention, objectively the cutest crippled in all of fiction.
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Would be kind if funny to be with a wheelchair girl who feels nothing from the waist down. She's sure that you are doing a great job of pleasuring her, but she couldn't really tell.
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>>23387 Call it a challenge. You have to get creative and think fast. Punch her in the face, so she feels something. That's my solution at this moment.
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Blind Loli you say? Well... What about Toph Bei Fong?
>>23478 Using them as reference or making the real person as the main piece of a NSFW drawing I think is an almost sure sign you are unhinged, especially if the real person in question is underage. Artists like shadman and whoever drew that "assigned male" comic will always be prime examples on what kind of people that try putting real things where there shouldn't be anything real at all are actually like. But enough about that, more cute blind bunny.
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also,I kept it tasteful and artistic. it's not like I drew her deepthroating horsecock
>A team of little girls. >Each are disabled in some way. >Each possess an extraordinary power that somehow compliments their disability. >The blind girl is invisible, which helps because invisibility would blind you anyway. >The deaf-mute girl is a telepath, which helps because she does not confuse the thoughts she hears for voices. >The legless girl can fly, perhaps she also has some limited form of telekinetic abilities (like the girl in elfen lied), perhaps she is also armless. >A girl with scars might also have control over the elements - fire, ice, both, whatever. >more exotic bizarre traits might exist that grant powers yet also place the girl outside of normal humanity, a girl that looks like the fresh bloodless corpse of a hairless albino, she possesses powers associated with the undead, but also the weaknesses, a girl who is the mythical "aquatic ape" form of humanity, like any marine mammal she can't live on land for too long but is insane in the water, a girl who is unusually tall and strong for her age, se manages to still be cute even though she's a hypertrophic giantess who is also fated to become very well-endowed in all ways with a killer hourglass figure when she grows up (though she will be head and shoulders above all the men even when barefoot), a girl who can temporarily take the form of anyone or anything she consumes a DNA sample from, the amount of it she takes in determines how long she can hold the form, she can also partially shift into her acquired form by taking on only specific traits from her sample, and this consumes less of it, also she can mix and match traits from various genetic samples to become a combination of them, her weakness being that her true form is little more than a puddle of goo, she's a goo-girl. IDK, maybe someone more creative than me could work out something better?
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why not call it crumble cake?
>>51362 Good one.
>>32718 whos she

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