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Titty loli/shortcakes Speedy05 05/12/2020 (Tue) 21:16:50 Id: 98d536 No. 242 >>29738
Little girls with not so little breasts. AKA oppai loli, loli kyounyuu/ロリ巨乳, kids with tits, "shit taste". (oppai loli edits are also allowed)
(90.46 KB 1025x1080 7YGAdeCx.jpg)

(89.76 KB 1025x1080 ow6i5paT.jpg)

(97.14 KB 1028x715 y-dkZNsi.jpg)

It's been a long ass time since I posted any oppai loli/busty smol edits. So let's have a few. (Lilo and Chevron) Artist is a good fellow called MrWeirdoEdits on Twitter.
(163.46 KB 2048x1317 lR7kVjQh.jpg large.jfif)

(163.55 KB 2048x1317 rL7QlGoX.jpg large.jfif)

Well well well. It's about time for another saucy oppai loli edit commission. (Busty Brianna as usual) Artist is https://twitter.com/Nerota02 as a cheap edit commission (he's well worth your money)
(91.95 KB 853x480 brianna.jpg)

(128.99 KB 853x480 pe.jpg)

(49.83 KB 720x480 riv.jpg)

Alright, folks. It's time for even more oppai loli edits. This time, it involves Brianna & Penelope (both from Kick Buttowski) and Lalavava (Dexter's Lab) All done by https://baraag.net/@i_am_fartnutz as edit commissions.
(49.32 KB 600x776 BigTittiedTeens51.jpg)

(71.13 KB 600x776 BigTittiedTeens149.jpg)

(81.10 KB 600x776 BigTittiedTeens154.jpg)

(86.06 KB 776x599 BigTittiedTeens06.jpg)

These are more 'Jailbait' than Oppai Loli, but they are my favority pictures from Randy Dave ^_^
(105.47 KB 1024x1024 Katie.jpg)

I like that even with godalmite gone, oppai loli Mabel still lives on
>>2664 >Randy Dave Didn't he also do non oppai loli as well?
Sucks that Godalmite just disappeared off the face of the Earth. But I was able to make a sad panda gallery with most of his art preserved. https://exhentai.org/g/1643201/afdd668917/
>>3895 Exhentai showing up as a blank page for anyone else?
>>3910 No, it's working fine for me.
>>5755 fuck yes
>>5755 >godalmite is back he ever left? either way im glad, his megatitty lolis are the hottest shit.
>>5910 he purged all his accounts a couple months ago
>>5942 he couldn't stay off the big tiddy cunny huh? can hardly blame him.
(82.18 KB 1267x1125 1.jpg)

(362.78 KB 1060x1458 Laura.png)

(437.85 KB 1562x1952 Laura Sleeping.png)

(373.35 KB 2369x2230 Laura Spead.png)

(551.51 KB 1485x2692 Laura Thank You.png)

(283.36 KB 1401x1464 Laura Makes A Friend.png)

(284.55 KB 1500x2592 Laura Close Up.png)

(193.38 KB 1704x972 Laura Mating Press.png)

(186.61 KB 1394x1264 Laura Titfuck.png)

>>9287 Awesome work, my mate. Do you have a baraag/pixiv page?
>>9288 Maintaining an art gallery has always stressed me out so every time I make an account on an art site I delete it a few months later. Been that way since I first made a Tumblr blog in 2012.
>>9289 I see. If you ever decide to take suggestions/commissions, let me know
>>9290 Im always open commissions but a few days ago Discord logged me out and wants me to verify via phone, only to send me this nonsense instead of the actual verification code.
>>9291 Fair enough. Make sure you post your info/sheet here: >>173
(578.98 KB 1200x849 86501070_p0_master1200.jpg)

(166.68 KB 1110x1366 Laura Posing.png)

>>9332 >>9287 >>9285 dam nigga you're pretty good. what should we tag this in boorus? its gonna need an artist name or something
>>9335 Thank you! My short lived Baraag was called Poppy O Doppy. Also the first picture on >>9285, with the chalky lineart, was made by Kirisuto. I gave him her awful old design and he polished her to perfection and now she's my go to girl!
>>9291 I just noticed I didn't include the screenshot of the buggy messages Discord was sending me. RIP. >>9292 Discord bullshit got fixed so here you go >>9361 (173)
Back to the front page with you!
(173.83 KB 833x1362 Bride Laura 1.png)

The return.
>>11054 You're stuff is really good. You open for a commission? I tried reaching you via the discord username in the Commission thread but it didn't work.
>>11098 I got rid of it a few days after making that post. Did the same thing last time I made an ad. Commission someone more reliable.
>>11102 That sucks to hear. Hope you're willing to do it in the future though.
(738.42 KB 1208x1022 Oppai Gothorita.png)

From the drawthread. >>11127 (10517)
(201.63 KB 1000x1400 59710.jpg)

(248.77 KB 1694x1806 Laura From Below.png)

You're napping on the beach and you wake up to this standing above you.
I think it's about that time for edit-topia. All from demonster77 via pixiv.
This paticular edit was done by @troskc (as a freebie) who's currently needs cash to fix his old, broken down laptop. It's a long story involving bad luck, but he's currently open for commissions, and needs whatever he could get. And to prove it, I actually got a few com slots, so expect more edits soon.
(548.52 KB 855x479 ClipboardImage.png)

(669.68 KB 641x942 ClipboardImage.png)

(691.64 KB 660x748 ClipboardImage.png)

I know this is for little lolis with big tits, but... I really like when the crew pays attention to breasts development in canon. Obviously, this would mostly happen to hebes.
(8.92 KB 128x128 8bit Laura.gif)

Gonna commission a 3D model of my gurl. Will show it off here when it's done.
(39.89 KB 348x493 maxresdefault.jpg)

The only canon western oppai loli. And she's from an Adult Swim shitpost. https://www.adultswim.com/videos/king-star-king/chunkles-and-smear
>>11857 God I love that show. Not for the plot or characters but because almost every chick has massive floppy juggs, including the chick you posted.
Here's the oppai edit commissions I got from troskc. His pages: https://baraag.net/@troskc https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/56393791
Edited last time by speedy05 on 03/13/2021 (Sat) 23:36:09.
(477.89 KB 466x525 00003_The.Loud.House.S05.png)

(1.29 MB 1080x1080 00004_The.Loud.House.S05.png)

(1.52 MB 1920x1080 00006_The.Loud.House.S04.png)

>>11986 Hope you guys enjoy!
(126.59 KB 560x1281 Laura In A Hoodie.png)

(120.76 KB 560x1281 Laura In A Hoodie No Glasses.png)

(154.61 KB 356x796 Skyla.png)

Drawing her in different clothes was harder than I expected.
>>11785 Update: The 3D artist I found really likes her and she's the #1 priority in his commissions list now!
(145.59 KB 911x1120 ExfFoQPVgAMmrys.jpeg)

(1.37 MB 1736x2625 1617150731611.jpg)

(1.36 MB 1737x1851 1616987282311.png)

>>12177 >>12250 i'll make her white iykwim
(13.80 KB 661x624 Yes This Is Stupid.png)

(103.47 KB 914x948 Screen Shot.png)

(1.19 MB 2048x2048 zuaIPMa.mp4)

More random oppai edits from both troskc and Xardu
>>12909 Just saw this on their twitter lmao, it's perfect
>>12915 I know! As soon as I saw their models I knew they would be perfect for my girl. Now I have no excuse to not learn how the hell Blender works.
(749.15 KB 1666x1531 Laura Split.png)

>>12950 Squishy
(1.27 MB 2048x2048 Pose.png)

Camera trickery. (Gonna post some actual drawings soon don't worry.)
(243.67 KB 1270x2251 Winter Laura.png)

I've always been drawing her in a summer get up so here she is in her winter bikini. Gonna draw autumn and spring outfits too. This model is gonna help me pump out art of her faster.
(157.10 KB 900x900 maggie0.png)

(236.25 KB 900x900 maggie1.png)

(318.75 KB 900x900 maggie2.png)

(394.81 KB 1600x1000 maggie3.png)

(396.77 KB 1600x1000 maggie4.png)

Here's a comm of my OC, Maggie from Godalmite himself. He never publicly released it. Spoiler marking later parts since it gets to pretty absurdly large sizes.
(447.53 KB 1600x1000 maggie5.png)

(422.04 KB 1600x1000 maggie6.png)

(478.98 KB 1600x1000 maggie7.png)

>>13041 Nice girl. I might draw her in between my playing around with the 3D model. Also here's a random Chara.
>>13064 Always appreciate art of her if you're willing.
(97.76 KB 722x1349 Maggie.png)

>>13067 Here ya go.
(816.16 KB 2048x2048 ubUBmJg.mp4)

>Check this out! I can clap without using my hands! Part of this guy's commissions is a free idle animation. I can't believe Im seeing my girl in motion. I love it.
>>13072 Cute
(228.20 KB 2087x2509 Spring Laura.png)

I wonder if the 3 guys that follow this thread appreciate my contributions or are annoyed to see the same girl being posted over and over.
>>13118 I like it! You really ought to have a site or something to post on though so its all in one place
>>13143 That's the guy I commissioned for the model. Anon was asking for my site. (Which I do not have)
>>13144 Ah, my mistake lol
(210.76 KB 657x548 01.png)

(405.94 KB 1277x715 03.png)

(408.71 KB 1273x715 02.png)

Its oppai loli edit time yet again. This time, we have an edit of Kiki (Big city greens) and Penelope Patterson (Kick Buttowski) Art are by Oredoj as edit commissions.
>>13229 And finally an edit from Xardu
>>13229 >>13235 Always appreciate these, speedy~
(2.23 MB 2048x2048 R1.png)

(2.22 MB 2048x2048 R2.png)

Gonna use these poses to draw someone else but I figured I could post them as filler because I still don't know what to make her wear as an autumn outfit.
>>13441 cute
(10.11 MB 2205x3100 22557575.png)

>>12177 >>12499 >>12887 >>12909 >>12950 >>13016 >>13021 >>13073 >>13118 >>13441 Hey I remember you from the bleached thread on 4chan good to see you again how and where have you been
>>13531 pretty nice, artist name?
>>13537 Been chilling here all this time.
(325.57 KB 1582x2048 1619928303036.jpg)

>>13578 Well it good to see you and your art again I was sad when you stop posting on the thread but besides that what have you been working on besides the stuff you already posted on here
(168.39 KB 1262x2048 20210512_065604.jpg)

(190.03 KB 1200x1003 IMG_20210513_211553.jpg)

>>13958 i get every refference in this picture and i love it.
(276.75 KB 667x631 546273.png)

>>14087 Sauce?
(86.94 KB 1300x1300 l6Ho4ykZ.jpg)

Commission from godalmite. You guys are really missing out if you haven't taken the Myrtlepill yet.
(980.76 KB 1147x2000 64336719_p1.png)

>>14098 sorry for the late response thats something i did
>>15252 You drew it or you took the "Myrtlepill?"
(406.32 KB 1057x1349 Big Think.png)

Welp 4chan got a new captcha that's somehow worse than the one on this site so I guess I'll post here again and hope I don't have to wait a day per post.
>>15421 I don't get what so bad about the new captcha I can do it with out a problem what so bad about it not as bad here were I type it in perfectly and I can't post for a day also nice new pose for her I like it
>>15252 >>15253 Whoops, I thought you quoted a my other post lel Got a baraag, twitter, etc.?
(3.38 MB 1280x720 She runs.mp4)

I can't figure out how to fix the bikini clipping and it's making me mad.
(263.87 KB 1378x2074 Oppai Nene.png)

(478.48 KB 352x413 NeneAnim.gif)

>>15570 Son of a bitch I forgot her noose and I dont wanna deal with my tablet's mostly dead cord anymore. I'll have to wait till the replacement arrives to fix this.
(5.93 MB 1280x720 She runs.mp4)

(377.66 KB 747x921 boobs_lol.png)

My girl got some fanart!
(185.43 KB 742x1154 89762647_p14.png)

(276.71 KB 1378x2074 Oppai Nene.png)

Oppai edit update time! (characters are Lola Loud and Penelope Patterson) Edits are by the_last_song via pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/users/14895382)
(1.38 MB 1606x1651 90796840_p0.png)

(832.71 KB 2171x1221 90837766_p0.jpg)

(533.55 KB 1402x1316 90952968_p0.jpg)

(1.44 MB 2171x1221 91043893_p0.jpg)

(804.91 KB 2117x1253 91288051_p0.jpg)

>>15757 more of the_last_song's works. (just to showcase)
>>15758 pretty good. i'd like the first picture a lot more if it wasn't south park style. lilo one probably my favorite here.
>>15763 Fat tit Lilo is the patrician's choice.
(367.29 KB 1032x944 paci.png)

I have some big plans for her.
(3.24 MB 3000x3600 goldiebig.png)

Recently finished a commission for Speedy, hope he's doin' alright...
>>16428 Show some of the wip of your plan
>>16724 You're looking at one.
>>16795 first time i look at this character without immediately feeling angry/disgusted.
(1.57 MB 3000x4382 You know what this means.png)

(363.96 KB 722x908 1630382838503.png)

(647.18 KB 1131x1420 1630377697725.png)

(224.47 KB 747x1099 1630387555305.png)

(115.27 KB 850x846 1630387868419.jpg)

(527.45 KB 1000x1000 1630387970215.png)

(190.08 KB 907x1261 1630388037248.jpg)

(168.29 KB 850x1388 1630389058973.jpg)

(1.27 MB 1081x1949 1631166184219.png)

>>17153 this guys pixiv doesnt exist anymore. sad.
(1.32 MB 1700x1600 20210909_062810.jpg)

>>17156 You're not talking about Gara right? Because I can look at his Pixiv without problem. I hope at least it's not a glitch.
>>17157 thats not garabatoz art is it? i looked it up on saucenao and it redirected me to a dead page of some other guy
(84.94 KB 1280x718 EIEqNGwXYAcH7n9.jpg)

>>17158 Oh yea. Nogen or something. Their styles looked really similar so I thought it was Gara. Looked up on sadpanda and they have a decently sized gallery. Nothing too amazing, but he made pic related. Might've been banned from Pixiv though since there was some ToT stuff on there as well. But Pixiv doesn't really seem like a place that'd care too much about that. But I never posted to the site, so I have no idea.
>>17159 wonder if he still posts somewhere, there's some really nice pics in his exh gallery (specially the hyper toddler cub ones). the planetsize ones are just silly though
>>17160 Probably Twitter like everyone else right now. I still can't be bothered to make one lol
>>17161 twitter still requires you to use a phone to register right? fuck that.
(890.50 KB 1200x1600 R4R020.png)

(1.32 MB 1200x1600 R4R021.png)

I said I was going to make this a while ago, so here it is.
>>17163 Cute! What's her name?
>>17164 It's Cake I think, idk who created her but I skimmed the OC thread here and figured she'd be a good char to draw.
>>17165 Freckled lolis are hot as fuck! good choice.
(34.85 KB 524x183 Untitled.png)

>>17156 From cuckchan /co/
(1.28 MB 1000x796 F9onMISjL.png)

>>17184 Why would you ever use 5 different fucking names? Artists are braindead I swear to god.
(121.37 KB 1280x960 768764325.jpg)

(844.45 KB 1076x1522 4f5a08da21b6e05d.png)

>>17167 >>17165 the art is clearly godalmite just in case you guys dont know
>>17200 Really? You sure about that? What clued you in to that fact?
(96.34 KB 488x376 idea.png)

>>15694 While showering I brainstormed like crazy about making an oppai Nene comic. Sadly Im extremely incompetent and such a project would take me 2 years to do.
(515.23 KB 452x493 452.png)

>>17184 Welp, faggot deleted his twitter and his FA now.
(1.20 MB 1270x1805 20210606_085614.jpg)

>>17220 Are you really surprised? Artists always fucking do this. Almost any decent artist I find that consistently draw good shit, without much political stuff clogging up their page, they always sperg out and delete everything.
(297.21 KB 1280x1314 20210311_100921.jpg)

(106.67 KB 1109x751 20210311102417.jpg)

(119.86 KB 1000x1000 20200225032456.jpg)

(2.11 MB 1280x1336 10.png)

(353.01 KB 1570x2355 Oppai Cassandra.png)

(406.69 KB 1200x1200 60717291_p9_master1200.png)

(415.07 KB 1200x1200 60717291_p14_master1200.png)

(310.63 KB 1200x941 61464582_p3_master1200.png)

>>17311 Who are these characters? I think one looks like Mabel, but I can't identify the others.
>>17323 Second one is Mabel and probably Ronnie Anne from Loud House next to her, but I'm not entirely sure. The last one, I have no idea, sorry.

(162.07 KB 1283x1120 Loonette Split.png)

This meme inspired me.
(41.61 KB 1200x1200 60717291_p14_master1200_edit.png)

>>17311 >>17324 Thanks. Was able to dig up some references for colors.
>>17345 thats a clever way to get a tittyfuck from two hyper breasted lolis at the same time
(602.16 KB 1671x1333 Laura the Velma.png)

Velma moment.
(1.57 MB 3000x4382 Funky Laura.png)

Finally got assed to fix the clipping on the up pose. >>16900 Who's made this?
I am also interested in who made that
(163.29 KB 1719x966 blueyhoot.jpg)

(185.20 KB 1647x1215 blueyruin.jpg)

(715.18 KB 3000x1800 blueystare.jpg)

(84.73 KB 1028x851 20201021_151231.jpg)

>>17709 Bustyboy or is that a girl in the show?
(202.56 KB 1300x866 blueycurves.jpg)

(284.16 KB 2560x1440 Illustration2.jpg)

(341.26 KB 2262x1256 blueyicecream.jpg)

>>17726 Girl in show. She's really cute.
(191.15 KB 878x1675 Cassandra V2.png)

Every time I draw her she looks different.
(306.28 KB 654x666 C.png)

>>17841 So Ramen is quitting FNF modding due to harassment so the Cassandra mod is being scrapped. Which means that I don't have to try to figure out my own design for her anymore and can just copy this one.
(606.03 KB 1990x1447 Cassandra Test.png)

>>17850 Sweater > Bandana.
(66.09 KB 615x601 E5m6-IqXMAArMEx.png)

(115.14 KB 1047x585 E8KXI93WQAQkBwu.jpeg)

(230.95 KB 1529x2230 Ekk5tzZWkAABZkB.jpeg)

(572.04 KB 744x1052 93698447_p0.jpg)

(861.58 KB 750x1000 Vintage Laura.png)

(644.48 KB 1256x2048 Slightly More Polished.png)

The first Laura drawing from way back.
(58.30 KB 977x1816 0048.png)

Now available in DKC vision. (I'll have some real art to show soon)
(3.26 MB 1972x1284 Shepherd.png)

(269.78 KB 1649x2099 Oppai Shepherd.png)

Here's Picasso's cat.
(272.50 KB 1649x2099 Oppai Shepherd.png)

>>19061 Now with the outline l put on aII my pictures removed. l noticed it didn't look good on this one.
(64.19 KB 526x436 Mary And Lamb 2.png)

(38.58 KB 426x409 Mary And Lamb 1.png)

>>19198 Whoops.
(1.10 MB 1328x1368 jn.png)

(1.66 MB 2480x1508 broom.png)

>>16899 Neat to see art I did up here.
(1.08 MB 1336x1624 Laurita.png)

l dreamed l sold a buncha NFTs of her.
>>19215 Randomly generated oppai loli NFTs. They'll become a more valuable collectible than those ugly lions.
(22.80 KB 1520x637 FFgPZt6VUAEZLph.png)

(248.75 KB 543x564 Really makes you think.jpg)

(113.65 KB 549x647 Ec54z0rXkAEmRxH.png)

>>19206 Damn dude I like your work. Got anywhere you post your stuff?
(184.28 KB 479x838 FHD2ebSaUAAGoUj.png)

(558.58 KB 938x1232 dbbuWr3z.png)

Commission of Bridget Fitzsimmons by godalmite
I knew an oppai loli in middle school. Biggest tits but also the most baby faced girl in school. She was the first girI l ever wanted to fuck and she forever ruined my perception on females since IRL oppai lolis are so rare. I wonder how she's like now.
(779.26 KB 1708x1480 jjh.png)

(1.78 MB 1440x1080 meng.png)

I thought it would fun to imagine if the characters, especially the cow, were human. Also an edit just cause. >>19630 I glad you like it, I don't really upload to a specific place since I'm always changing things up.
>>21596 I forgot to post the scene that inspired me to draw those characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H1j3gAvvME
>>21596 good shit
>>19199 Anon, did you make these? If so, is there anywhere we could follow you? I love this art!
(2.34 MB 1338x999 23456.png)

(123.36 KB 500x704 mabel.png)

Why does big tiddy Mabel works so well?
>>22214 It's her overconfident demeanor I think, like she just hasn't grown into her assets yet. In her own mind she's a hottie and she knows it, this is just making her fantasy of being irresistible to men a physical reality.
(148.38 KB 1280x720 3465768.jpg)

(1.30 MB 1157x1816 Busty Little Nene.png)

(3.27 MB 1870x2738 Busty Nene Bust.png)

(1.33 MB 1305x1288 QT From Below.png)

>>22921 There's gonna be more where those came from.
(56.61 KB 330x262 preview.png)

I commissioned something...
>>22943 congrats
>>22943 care to share owo
>>22963 It's not done yet!
(8.10 MB 2101x1746 Nene On The Beach.png)

My favorite artist for 'Oppai Loli' was Randy Dave, and his series 'Big Titted Teens'. While his style was not 'realistic', it certainly wasn't anime/cartoony either, so I don't know if its appropriate to post any examples here.
>>23061 Post em, I love the guy's stuff and karmagik's parody OC of him.
(81.10 KB 600x776 69.jpg)

(57.32 KB 600x776 26.jpg)

(85.00 KB 600x776 169.jpg)

(66.63 KB 600x776 60.jpg)

>>23063 First, this is Da Rule I was talking about: 2: CP is strictly prohibited. Including traces/recreations of photographic depiction of real children Since his work is not 'photorealistic', I don't think the rule applies to his work. Second: I also don't think his Big Tit Teens images are true 'Oppai Loli', since the girls all seem a little bit older than generally accepted 'Loli'. Third: I won't spam here with a lot of his stuff, you can go to this link to find more: https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/22807/
>>17610 DizzyTizzy (me!)
(1.18 MB 1062x1718 Oppai Priya.png)

>>23167 Good shit
(1.17 MB 1046x2000 Oppai Chara.png)

>>23173 Thank you thank you.
>>23167 Where do you post your art
>>23200 https://baraag.net/@NiceLikeACat There's nothing I haven't already posted here.
(302.28 KB 624x864 dr.png)

(589.41 KB 1014x570 h.png)

(1.30 MB 954x1050 dau.png)

A few quick edits I did of penny.
>>26051 Nice
>>26051 Great edits for great cake
Never knew of this character before I saw these images, but the art of the actual character (from the books, according to a google image search) kind of reminds me of the work of Randy Dave, who was posted above.
>>26051 Do you have more edits like this?
>>23177 Do you still happen to have a Discord I can contact you at? I have a friend who likes your Froggy girl and wants something similar, I'd like to commission you if that were okay.
(789.88 KB 766x772 cat on boots.png)

>>26628 Fortunately for you Mastodon doesn't let us close our accounts anymore so you can still message me on my Baraag up there.
>>26644 I see, have to go digging then!
>>26649 By up there he really meant up there >>23218
(4.63 MB 1400x2000 Undercover - Wig Boobs.png)

(4.60 MB 1400x2000 Undercover - Normal Boobs.png)

(1.36 MB 2943x2207 100696323_p0.png)

(2.11 MB 1024x1536 101916360_p0.png)

(2.20 MB 1024x1536 101917154_p0.png)

(2.15 MB 1024x1536 101954804_p0.png)

(2.05 MB 1024x1536 101796290_p0.png)

It's over
>>29720 About time AI was used for something rightous like this.
>>242 (OP) >Little girls Just fucking say loli
(25.18 KB 160x120 165806291929710.gif)

>>29720 Holy shit where'd you find these?
(1.50 MB 1024x1536 101688276_p0.png)

(481.52 KB 800x1200 101691049.jpg)

>>29837 Thank you
(875.97 KB 2000x2829 102157741_p18.jpg)

(382.00 KB 1007x955 2b04a2b0a9778132.png)

Who do I gotta bribe to draw my oppai lolis?
>>29952 I wish Denizen did more oppai lolis, but now he solely draws futas sounding each other What characters would you commission?

(265.41 KB 1290x1821 Carlie HD.png)

>>29996 My dumb OC's.
>>29999 Carlie’s a cutie, hope we see more of her some time
>>29999 I agree with this >>30008 anon
(990.49 KB 996x1699 Carlie And Her Hat.png)

>>29999 >>30072 Had a go a doing Carlie with AI art. Took a few iterations with img2img and inpainting, but I think the result came out well (didn't try to match the hair style though).
>>30176 Haha that's awesome!
(1.15 MB 3267x2178 Carlie Commission.png)

(1.64 MB 2768x3591 Carlie And Winnie Commission.png)

(512.95 KB 1200x1400 paula1.png)

(536.17 KB 1200x1400 paula2.png)

some paula tiddy i commissioned from godalmite
>>31206 Thanks for posting!
(5.04 MB 4000x3071 Carlie Banana Commission.png)

(718.98 KB 1400x1400 meryl1.png)

(799.25 KB 1400x1400 meryl2.png)

>>31206 also just commissioned this meryl from him
(505.45 KB 996x1028 p_pippi.png)

(260.30 KB 536x800 power_pippi.png)

An pubescent power girl and Pippi
>>31686 Very nice
(233.71 KB 1280x1556 Cb40.jpg)

(231.68 KB 1280x1556 C02.jpg)

(87.52 KB 356x459 1656755641431.gif)

Does anyone now the source on this?
(120.57 KB 800x800 Lisa_Tiddy.png)

(122.08 KB 800x800 Lisa_Topless.png)

(44.29 KB 356x459 1648603399144.gif)

>>31832 air-strip angel by Timoteo_buktu
(849.91 KB 2000x2000 Jumping Carlie Commission.png)

>>31868 Did you commission this from SB?
>>32425 neat!
Does anyone know what happened to Godalmite? They deleted the dropbox and their twitter page is gone or private.
>>32583 >>32585 His new twitter: afroditeinstead
>>32612 >Tweening pixel art
>>32613 Blame Toby Fox
(867.36 KB 509x1062 da girl.png)

(194.12 KB 967x1200 FrmFhDDaQAAZOmS.jpg)

Trigger Warning: Furry
>>33836 >Trigger Warning kys faggot
>>33836 fuck thats hot, whats the sauce? saucenao gave me nothing
(486.09 KB 1400x1300 egg1.png)

(532.23 KB 1400x1300 egg2.png)

>>31206 the king is back and i commed some Rolly Roll from him
>>34028 Not everyday you see Billy Hatcher porn. Good choice, she's cute.
(132.58 KB 1100x1100 89c7f1d997b32019.png)

(1.82 MB 1640x2360 105760230_p1.png)

(2.01 MB 1509x963 1677692829199461.png)

(83.20 KB 585x1000 9d6595e0ed329d27.jpg)

(85.48 KB 585x1000 0389a96507200b75.jpg)

(75.40 KB 800x1150 3a93bc76d6b7bf83.jpg)

(236.88 KB 1600x1030 b90625aafba1f9a2.jpg)

(898.89 KB 1800x1400 sally01.png)

(952.76 KB 1800x1400 sally02.png)

>>31206 it's the great cumshot, charlie brown
>>31347 Where is she from?
>>34332 Mother 4/Oddity
>>33069 The world needs more Laura
>>34776 I do not draw anymore and these days I've mostly been commissioning stuff with a SFW OC that definitely does not belong here so you'll have to wait a while for the next Laurita picture.
>>3747 The irl news article is not actually sad :( >>16899 >>19206 >>21596 >>22214 ayyyy nice to see more of your stuff not getting drowned out by cAI or TavernAI :D
Anyone got the sauce on an animation I've been trying to find? It's a pixel animation a little longer than 7 minutes and it has a blue haired skinny Oppai
(449.43 KB 1400x1400 paularemake.png)

(661.84 KB 1400x1400 paularemake2.png)

>>31206 more paula tiddy
(96.49 KB 780x710 113849063_p0.jpg)

(346.75 KB 1499x1500 113849063_p1.jpg)

>>40472 pixiv?
(3.03 MB 1280x1856 aojm2m.png)

Am I having a stroke or did we lose a bunch of stuff between the last 3 months between 38219 and 40472? Noticed a couple of pictures and posts missing.
>>40592 Posting has slowed down here completely, plus oppai loli is a specific niche. It's not a matter of missing posts as it is nobody wanting tiddy loli.
>>40592 You're having a stroke.
>>40622 They may not be the only one having a stroke, cause wasn't someone mentioning about knowing the origin of what the pic at >>3747 is based on, then a few others started asking as they didn't give details?
>>40625 almost like talking about real girls is against the rules or something
>>40632 Nah, it's just been a pain in the ass trying to find sauce since it's been a while.
>>40658 I won't say much but if you reverse image search, you'll find a /d/ thread that has the context.
>>40673 Cool, saved me the hassle.
What's a good reverse image search for boards anyways? A lot of times when trying to search for origins of other pictures, it doesn't cover those or archives.
>>40717 google usually works for me
>>40717 Google, Yandex, and Saucenao are my go-to
>>40732 Do any of those cover chan sites, cause I've been trying to find this one /v/ thread but the only thing I had on hand was a draw edit someone did.
>>40778 If the thing youre looking for has only been posted very few times reverse search wont help you
>>40784 Hopefully technology in the future will be able to be more precise.
(810.01 KB 1200x1615 IMG_9269.png)

>>40778 Your best bet is to use an archive site like arch.b4k for gaming boards
>>41306 Do other boards have their own archives?
>>41300 kyoot :3
>>40673 Do you know who was the artist?
Damn, this thread dried up completely.....
>>46187 Unless you're fine with AI art, oppai loli's just too niche on a loli-loving board.
>>46187 And loli is already pretty damn niche, if not illegal in many places; said illegality making it even more niche, even for the places where it isn't.
Here is some Poppy
>>46204 check out the recent works of eb110ss. oppai loli is strong in her h-manga.
(221.39 KB 1215x615 1719201529435368.png)

>>40732 None of which result in said /d/ thread
(820.28 KB 1240x1754 05_9.1.jpg)

(703.02 KB 1240x1754 06_10.jpg)

(922.58 KB 1240x1754 07_11.jpg)

(901.10 KB 1240x1754 08_12.jpg)

Can anybody translate these?

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