/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Source Filmmaker (SFM) Thread PART 3 Lincoln Board volunteer 09/03/2022 (Sat) 03:52:09 Id: f40b17 No. 28646 >>29375 >>37641 >>37873 >>43784 >>45735
Post renders of SFM/Blender girls from your favorite games. Preferably Hi-Res JPEG, PNG, Webm, MP4, etc. If generous, share models and tips too. No realistic OC models. Boards have been taken down for this. The only OC allowed are custom Sims/Skyrim, etc or repurposed established characters. Please do not flood new thread with old images Previous threads: PART 2 >>14943 PART 1 >>184 DO NOT POST THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS: >Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil 2: Remake) >Natalia Korda (Resident Evil: Revelations 2) >Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human) >Emma Phillips (Detroit: Become Human) Posting them will result in a post deletion and a possible ban. Any concerns/complaints should be taken up in >>>/site/ Resource Croix3D Leftovers - https://mega.nz/#F!4JJi1L6J!l12lCN8ZlsaF2D727ny5Ug >Clementine - Walking Dead Season 1 & 2 >Rachel - Wold Among Us >Little Sister - BioShock >Sarah Miller - "The Last of US" >Sunny - Metal Gear Solid 4 Online 3D Convertor - https://3d-convert.com/en/ Known Artist/Animators SelfDrillingSMS / Drills3Dhttps://twitter.com/Drills3Dhttps://www.patreon.com/m/Drills3D Lesdias-NSFW / SPICYdiashttps://twitter.com/spicydiashttps://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=15079627https://baraag.net/@lesdias KDE - Kawaii Detective Enthusiasthttps://twitter.com/KDEsfmhttp://www.kawaiidetective.com/https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22083497https://gumroad.com/kawaiidetective Xenthohttps://twitter.com/xenthosfmhttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/24837908https://pawoo.net/@xentho
[Expand Post]Zixhhttps://twitter.com/zixh10https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2880720https://pawoo.net/@zixaphir IncredibleChrishttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/27147509https://twitter.com/IncredibleChriz Venom Saucehttps://twitter.com/Venom_Saucehttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14468105 Sfmlottiehttps://twitter.com/sfmlottiehttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/44811311 Uncaged - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/60262271 superweb - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/46101559 SourceryFM - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32977093 Ozzy3D - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/16466729 irispoplar - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/25423811 JollyLolly - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28216148 Firefly - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3841474
Edited last time by Lincoln on 09/03/2022 (Sat) 04:07:10.
>>28660 One day someone will update the kemonoparty for sfmlottie...
(11.96 MB 1920x1080 BEST 214957.webm)

How do I get in source filmaking, any tips? please accept this sacrifice, I think is from Xentho Ps, tried using croix3d in SFM steam but it crashed :(
How did Sarah become the go to SFM girl?
>>29078 She's the most attractive SFM-ready loli in all of vidya.
>>29080 What about Ciri? She's pretty cute.
(73.57 KB 1280x720 child ciri.jpg)

>>29081 K. You can have her.
>>29082 There really does need to be more stuff of her.
>>29080 Any chance for some father-daughter action with Joel & Sarah. I like their relationship. They're a great pair
where does Slimdog post his stuff?
Sarah by Lolifiedtrap
>>29100 Heard that he got arrested for possession of "reference material" on his computer.
Don't know if this is the right place to ask, but where can I download this, of course, if "not buying" is an option. Store. I don't know if there's more videos of 3D CGI lolisho manga adaptations, but at least this is the first time I've seen them. https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/list/=/article=maker/id=75198/
Does anyone have the get wasted hmv series somewhere?
>>29257 there is illegal shit in them dont
>>29308 Only in number ten. And that has a safe version. The series was kino, good music.
(20.03 MB 1920x1080 sarahelliegun.mp4)

>>29361 Trigger discipline, gurl. Look it up some time. Much as the barrel might make a good dildo, one slip of the finger, and everyone's in for a VERY bad time!
>>29357 from what I recall on 4/h/ it was in every one past 3 hidden in the eyes
>>29357 Someone's gotta have some of them saved somewhere.
>>29257 >>29308 >>29357 >>29367 >>29397 This conversation glows in the dark. There's a damn good reason the hmv community (rightfully) shuns Wasted and his many alt accounts. Dude is a connoisseur of 3dpd little girls and sneaks in cheese pizza in his videos (Primarily through his 'Get Wasted' series but some of his non-loli themed videos like 'workout slaughter' have been found to have CP sneaked in).
I saw a loli version of this a couple years ago on a wizchan last fap thread but haven't been able to find it since, I think it had Joel in it instead of random bald guy too, and the book she was holding was some 'for dummies' book. I think SelfDrillingSMS tried to shift to a more normie audience or just got scared as he got more recognised so went around deleting his old loli stuff and reuploading adult versions. fucking sucks. Anyone have the original? https://rule34hentai.net/post/view/326874#search=Animated%20SelfDrillingSMS%20sarah
>>29357 How are you even comfortable with watching his shit after that?
(18.56 MB 1280x720 cummiesfordummies.webm)

/delicious/ is not the place to discuss Democrat activismography and its effects. Use a different board for that. Global staff already deleted various posts for their own reasons, but since these posts were arguing about CP too they won't be restored. Regarding the alleged HMVs containing CP, I have not seen any of them and cannot confirm whether they do indeed contain illegal content. If the videos are free of CP or other illegal material then there should be no problem posting them here. >>29462 This video was posted as a response to your post. Maybe it's the thing you were looking for.
>>29488 >/leftypol/ and /tv/.webm
>>29488 there is no different board as its been explicitly stated on /site/ that you can only discuss it on /b/ where they've made someone BO that will ban you for discussing it. if you want to play the role of useful idiot in their censorship campaign thats your right but I can guarantee you aren't winning over any anons by doing that. my advice would be to set up a containment thread for such a discussion so that theres actually a place on this site in which its allowed to be discussed and then restore any posts in it that the globals delete for wrongthink. I'm telling you it will help the board as a whole to be the one bastion of free speech in this censorious hellscape and if you don't believe me just remember how much of an impact /b2/ had by standing up in opposition to jims rulecuckery.
>>29462 It's still on the site: https://rule34hentai.net/post/view/328207 However, many things on the site are hidden if you are not logged in.
Is there any impregnation/fertilization stuff?
>>29082 Loli Ciri made my dick very happy during Witcher 3, shame the rest of the game is 30% as good as people claimed.
>>29488 >use a different board /site/ legit says use /b/, then they banned you.
(870.25 KB 750x1080 The_Painter_-_01.png)

Has no one ever done anything with the Painter or the temple girl from Sekiro? Preferably something tasteful. >>29523 Another thing, does anyone have anymore lolis with masks?
>>29441 He sounds based
I don't understand why most videos are made in very dark room/situation. It's so stupid
>>29829 people often have sex in low lighting, it's romantic also, from an animation perspective, darkness helps hide any flaws in the model
>>29846 Fucking in a dark junkyard is romantic?
>>29879 Don't knock it until you've tried it, broh.
(180.53 KB 1920x1080 m8eki8.mp4_snapshot_03.30.821.jpg)

Sarah +4 min animation: https://files.catbox.moe/m8eki8.mp4 Another animation: https://uploadir.com/u/dlr99r7o
>>30197 >needs correcting 💢💢💢
>>29257 Why does this get posted every thread with like the same responses Is it one person?
>>30921 >>30924 >>30925 None of your videos work.
>>30928 Sorry, found out only now that h.265 is so badly supported in browsers: https://caniuse.com/hevc Download it, it will (probably) play in a video player.
>Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil 2: Remake) >Natalia Korda (Resident Evil: Revelations 2) >Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human) >Emma Phillips (Detroit: Become Human) Why are these not allowed? Don't tell me it's because their model is based on a real person or anything retarded like that.
>>30969 Natalia's model apparently is. Sherry's seems not to be but it was believed that she was when the rule was made. I honestly have no clue about the truth of the matter on the other two characters.
>>30713 Does anyone have the one of her model repurposed as a Juon type ghost?
>>30931 virus
>>30979 Stop being a fucking idiot.
>>30988 it's a virus
>>30931 Fuck that, remake them with a cooler codec.
>>30921 Damn does that bad belle upload these edits anywhere else? That gameliberty page has been taken down.
(226.05 KB 960x540 scene_v6Gvtj7.png)

Ruki Nonaka avaiable to the program: https://sfmlab.com/project/34899/
>>31055 I think he is gone for good.
Curious to know what 3d loli that hasn't been ripped or used as often.
>>31237 I've never seen a rip of Sunny from MGR.
>>31237 young rose winters
>>31480 Wow this is fucking terrible.
(8.71 KB 672x131 badbelle-pa-63.png)

>>31055 apparently you can go to their atf forum profile and find a zip folder with their stuff on it I don't have an account and I can't be assed to check
>>31480 I like the ending more than the porn itself. 7/10
>>31538 She apparently goes by tempuraworks now but I can't get access to her profiles.
Does anyone have anything from the user densosard?
(27.57 MB 1920x1080 1f4tbq.mp4)

>>30969 7chan i think allows them, but the entire site only has a few hundred users, so i dont think anyone made a SFM thread over on their /cake/ board
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>resource link Anyone have another link?
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Video of Clementine by KDE: https://files.catbox.moe/1lgc65.mp4
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I may have missed this, because between the three threads there's a LOT of images, but does anyone have an imageset of a bunch of cake in a dungeon in various bondage equipment getting fucked by otherworldly creatures? I think there were orcs and some minotaurs, stuff like that. I remember them floating around the web like 5 years ago but haven't seen them since.
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>>32638 is it this, from [SPAM] ?
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>>30969 can't imagine why a real person might not want pornography made of them, hm.
>>32960 We in the business of caring what celebrities want, now?
>>32963 Not all actors and models are celebrities, you goddamned twit.
>>32960 thats been happening literally since the beginning of the internet. I remember seeing yovo fakes in like 2003, and shittier ones in the mid 90s. its never going to stop, youll never make people feel bad about doing it. complaining about it wont do anything except galvanize the people who make the content in the first place. the only way to make people stop generating fake porn of you is to capitalize on the opportunity and make real porn of you. take away the desire. theres a reason youre not seeing anyone make fakes of Sara Jay or Kay Parker.
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>>33288 Looks like Uploadir's finally gone full retard
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We really need a place to foster the models. SFMlab manages to have a few but I'm guessing if we started uploading naked sarah and shit itd get deleted. People over on ATF don't seem to care about SFM either so I've never seen a good place to collect and collaborate on models. I've been trying to find young Lara Croft and get dark elf Raeza ported for like a year or two
Eveline long video by KDE: https://files.catbox.moe/k2lo17.mp4
>>33554 cheek prodding is a sexual fetish now?
(8.35 MB 1280x720 pockyinsfm.webm)

Does anyone have the full 6-7 minute version that pockyin did? 2x girls and a dude...? It's not THIS one but its similar, and I'm pretty sure it's pockyin.
>>33828 full version of this?
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>>33932 get that shit out of here, not sfm
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anyone got a dump of the blender model file used in these? like young ellie.
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(3.84 MB 640x720 mckvj7.gif)

We need more Young Jodie Holmes, more Clementine, and more Rachel (The Wolf Among Us)!
>>33551 it kills not a loli but the RE4make ash takedowns are pissing me off. can't find it at all. we really need a site for uploading and archiving models that doesn't give a fuck about copyright, moral, or post permission. I can't buy to port them all and I know people have some of the stuff Im looking for.
>>34114 >>34100 Where did he post these? They're not anywhere on his baraag/fanbox/subscribestar.
>>34610 rule34hentai
>>34617 I get that, but is there any more "official" place?
>>34618 I mean, it's not advertised on any of his socials. Vid unrelated.
(1.77 MB 1280x720 b57e98ab80246ec2.mp4)

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>>32624 [SPAM] is now 1teengirl . c o m
(102.42 KB 1280x720 c7w4sn.jpg)

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Don't suppose anyone has rainbowbrite's current archive password?
(3.05 MB 1792x1157 22608640588767f7.png)

(3.29 MB 1134x1828 d17fee2ec305a4e8.png)

(3.12 MB 1825x1136 4f65127e3c78d057.png)

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Any other imageboards with a thread/board dedicated to SFM?
(117.64 KB 1280x720 0.jpg)

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>>35473 Yeah, Loli Aloy!
>>35503 Sherry, my beloved!
(3.00 MB 1080x1920 62ff51f1ea7aab7c.png)

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(30.14 MB 1920x1080 z3nbml.mp4)

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(8.61 MB 2160x3246 qe4189.png)

(8.37 MB 1920x1080 HermioneAddams.webm)

Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108874829 Hermione and Wednesday is something we don't see that much together.
(148.87 KB 1080x1920 Eveline_01_Succ_Text.jpg)

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(6.74 MB 1920x1080 MinaBillieRound1WeB.webm)

(8.77 MB 1920x1080 MoonGirlToyWeB.webm)

(5.33 MB 1920x1080 WindWakerWeB.webm)

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(3.04 MB 1920x1080 ButtercupDWeB.webm)

(4.34 MB 1920x1080 BlossomAWeB.webm)

>>29257 >>28660 Any luck tracking this down
(2.62 MB 1440x1440 dfb43d346dd6a404.png)

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>>36485 Hehe, I was wondering if I'd see my work here. If you like the previews, you can get the comic here: https:// thanusdestroyer . gumroad.com /l/ xpogq
(42.59 KB 1915x1071 sn.png)

>>36529 That's amazing. For those unfamiliar with Anonfiles - you may have to press the 'download' button 3 or more times until it actually gives you the actual link. Lots of spam.
>>36552 if you use Adblock you only need one clic
(30.64 MB 1920x1080 om22jj.mp4)

Desperately need content of all kinds of Haruka/Kiryu. It's a match made in heaven.
Anyone got the Lily Castellanos vid “gamer brother” from purity ring? Genius put full 3D Loli anims on patreon and surprise surprise it didn’t last a month.
(9.08 KB 471x132 img-2023-07-14-18-07-38.png)

Anybody got those long lost Croix3D models somewhere? Mega wiped em
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So question. The more realistic models make me feel bad, who does more cartoony stuff?
(29.32 MB 1920x1080 xao6vs.mp4)

(20.22 MB 1920x1080 q2lple.mp4)

Does anyone know where I can find the model of teen lunafreya that lazyprocrastinator uses in their animations? I've been searching for a while and turned up nothing.
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>>37253 Is there a version of the first one without the 2 males?
is there a way to toggle the thread so only the webm/mp4 files show?
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>>37328 Just use ctrl + F, then type mp4 to find them
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>>36529 please reup
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>>37754 Finally, someone says something about it.
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>>37741 Spike4379 retiring. So few top tier creators left. JollyLolly, JuiceSFM, Bayernsfm, Lesdias, SelfDrilling, Rastafarian and now Spike all either stopped creating loli content or just dissapeared of the face of the Earth. KawaiiDetectiveEnthusiast, Irispoplar and TheIncredibleChris are the only 3 talented creators that come to mind that are still producing.
>>37788 Well you have 4erenik, kirelic, red_l, morphz or ratounador
>>37790 Don't know much about Red_L or Ratounador but it seems they don't do any video content so that might be why. Kirelic and Morphz I wouldn't put on the same level as those mentioned before and they also Morpz isn't really loli focused. 4erenik is good actually, did forget about him, even though his style isn't my favourite he's commited to pumping out content.
(27.09 KB 401x717 sshot-744.jpg)

>>37625 thanks
(14.14 MB 1920x1080 HermiLunaWeB.webm)

(4.98 MB 1920x1080 UnderyuriWeB.webm)

(18.79 MB 1920x1080 Robin5minWeB.webm)

>>37796 KDE will stop of making loli content https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111262677
>>37838 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I literally saw the post on Baraag and came here to say but you beat me to it. I'm so fucking sad man. I know there's a chance that some new artists could pick up the mantle but it genuinely seems like the end of an era. Think the old masters are all too scared to continue and therefore any new talented prospects will probably be too scared to give it a go. KDE was a top 3 creator too. What a fucking shame... If either Irispoplar or TheIncredibleChris also quit soon I'm gonna be devastated. It would also mean that there's probably a behind the scenes reason so many are quitting at the same time.
>>37843 >any new talented prospects will probably be too scared to give it a go. Nah that won't happen. As long as there's money to be made, people will find a way to keep doing it. It's not like it's the first time something similar happened.
>>37844 And it's not the first time an artist quits because of family and friends.
>>37844 >Nah that won't happen. I really hope so. But I just can't fathom how all these GOATs can be replaced. Maybe you're right and I just don't get how the conveyor belt like nature of this content is regarding the artists coming and going but it's the first time I've seen such an exodus.
>>37843 >>37838 Wait what has baraag done now?
>>37847 Nothing. This was just a personal choice by him.
>>37848 O the other hand, things like this make me distrust baraag completely https://baraag.net/@datalx
>>37849 Datalx makes you distrust Baraag?
Feel like this is about the only place that even has a 1% chance of providing any help. If anyone has any of BDKMV's old stuff especially this one "Project 20 - Sarah's Machinima" I would be eternally grateful if you could post it or direct me to somewhere I can find it because it seems to just be gone.
(4.08 KB 575x243 dsd.png)

>>37851 They're silencing certain accounts, so only the followers can see them.
>>37852 Scratch that I'm retarded, it's almost laughably easy to find. I just went in expecting it to be difficult so trying all the niche places when it's in the first place you'd think to look.
>>37854 Shit that is bad. Anyone else effected? I love Datalx's stuff which might be why I didn't notice the silencing but the thought of me missing out on some other content creators because I never found/followed them before they were blocked is unsettling.
>>37856 There are more, mostly 3d artists, but i remember a 2d artist with a silenced account. Shit is totally arbitrary. Here's what they say "Limit Previously known as “silencing”. A limited account is hidden to all other users on that instance, except for its followers. All of the content is still there, and it can still be found via search, mentions, and following, but the content is invisible publicly. At this moment, limit does not affect federation. A locally limited account is not limited automatically on other servers. Account limitations are reversible."
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>>28646 (OP) >If generous, share models Spike released his Sarah model. https://baraag.net/@spike4379/110959307738036844 files.catbox.moe/22zufm.7z pw = spike4379
>>37854 They've already said that they're only doing this to account to profiles that post 3D and AI content without hashtagging their posts as such
>>37852 >>37855 Is she suppose to be an android in this?
>>37885 Nah just janky animation. The preview gif looked interesting to me but the rest was pretty poor and awful sound design.
>>37891 I asked because she has very conspicuous glowing blue eyes.
>>37885 >>37900 Reminds me of AS109's cyborg lolis.
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New incrediblechris animation: https://files.catbox.moe/fhjpwo.mp4
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Does anyone have a link to densosard’s stuff?
>>37873 I don't suppose he also released any of his other models? He had a younger version of Sarah he used in some of his videos
>>38013 Nah don't believe so. afaik the model released was the only one he ever used? Can you show/link an example of the other model?
>>38015 Yeah its a model he hasn't used much. You can see it on Sankaku on some of his earlier works. Been trying to find it but it seems impossible to find anywhere online.
>>38020 Where can I find more of this please? I tried looking up spike4379 on baraag but theres nothing on his profile. Looking for the blackedjr content
(6.82 MB 1920x1080 248b6b82f0007a99.mp4)

>>38026 I literally say where to find it in the post you are replying to. Use your eyes
>>38028 Fuck thats hot, some of the best sfm animation ive seen. Hope this artist makes more content
>>38020 That's not a Sarah model. I can't remember who he got it from or the name of the girl (Alice coomes to mind for some reason) but it was a model he was lent to make that content. Not Sarah though.
>>38031 He's asking for BLACKED, and you're posting BLACKED. I don't think he has a high enough IQ to read your posts, nor do you to realize this.
KDE compilation files: https://gofile.io/d/RGQjx5
>>38035 Model was made by drbee who quit early in the year
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The return of 4erenik
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>>38181 QR code to what?
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>>38251 link that doesnt require login, plese?
>>38060 Did he share it before he left?
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Another free model from Spike (Sherry this time) https://baraag.net/@spike4379/111075072828326943 files.catbox.moe/j7k1n2.zip pw - spike4379
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>>38115 >>38422 Sweet Sunny, I wish she got more content these days. I understand why she doesn't with her model being so dated, but she's one of my fav lolis from games. She's such a sweetheart
Spike4379 works I was going to post here or rule34hentai but cannot https://gofile.io/d/12jRJQ pw spike4379
(15.13 MB 1280x720 c7d0f580421462ef.mp4)

looks like baraag now requires an account but stopped account creating last year. So here is a vam model if you want to try out vam. https://gofile.io/d/UIqoc4
>>38566 The retarded admin only accepts 2d artists, 3d artists can't create accounts there anymore. and now pawoo is dead, That place is a fucking mess
>>38599 Allowing 3D art is unsustainable because the files are HUEG. 30 drawings can fit in the same space as some MLP SFM test video that uses TF2 content. Look at >>28670 . 21mb for 11 seconds. Even compressing and converting files for faster delivery chews up graphical processing power, and that's what these "cloud based" service providers charge a lot for. Furthermore, CP spammers were using 3DCG to advertise their real jews via HTTP qr codes, and it was always a plagiarized 3D. Finally, if you didn't make like 3 backup accounts in the 3 years that you were able to, you're probably a newfriend and need to lurk moar.
>>38600 >Allowing 3D art is unsustainable because the files are HUEG. If a nigger has decent equipment, a hand-made drawing is also HUEG. Shit, a rasterized vector drawing with good gradients will be HUEG at the right size. I don't understand why every nigger and their she-boon insists on making 8K images for tiny-ass HD phone screens, where your eyes are physically incapable of telling the difference between HD and SD content. Make some VGA-sized images and blow them up, no one will notice the difference.
>>38612 >I don't understand why every nigger and their she-boon insists on making 8K images for tiny-ass HD phone screens It's the people that have RTX4090s + 500Hz Monitors + 75''TVs with HDR that can afford Patreons/Subscribestars of the artists. When artists ask their paying customers what they want they seldom hear the term VGA. Whats so hard to understand?
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Any of you guys familiar with an artist named NMH/NMH2/Namoohboi? Been trying to track his stuff down. All the kemono links are broken and it seems he fell off the face of the earth.
>>39147 yeah pixiv purged most loli 3d animators he personally uploads his stuff to rule34hentai https://rule34hentai.net/post/list/user=nomoohboi/1
Looks like we're getting ready for a new thread
How do you guys view catbox links? looking at them through a vpn or tor results in an endless verification link.
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I like how stopping loli hentai has become impossible due to AI generation. You can train models off anything you can find and get your fill. Win win.
Is it safe to assume the DNP characters are postable again?
>>39448 It is safe to assume that rules aren't very well enforced and that the mods have a life outside of 8chan.
>>39457 >It is safe to assume that the mods have a life It is very dangerous to assume this
>>39457 There's some DNP characters still up from last month so IDK. >>39484 lel
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>>39457 >>39484 If we had active mods, there wouldn't be an inflation thread on the front page right now.
>>39537 how bold of you to assume that you are the only normal person left on this planet
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It looks like it's time for a new thread!!
Anyone got that Wednesday Addams vid with her standing and playing at the same time?
>>39837 The very one. Thank you anon.
(6.13 MB 4320x7680 Esd3PS.001.jpg)

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>>40597 >3D loli patreon fucking how, patreon hates that shit
>>40599 just checked their kemeno. they rar'd up the links so I guess it sort of works out.
(3.85 MB 1280x720 d1cbcf7df60c3b79.mp4)

>>40610 Good animation and good models, wasted by the ugly rendering abilities of SFM. it's not even like SFM is more accessible or easier to use than Blender
Looks like we broke 600 again! You know what that means?
>>40635 The thread will still be there, but when it exceeds 600 entries, a new one must be created. They are the rules.
woah, jannies actually cleaned up the thread?
>>41232 nvm I'm retarded
new mega link ?
>>36791 Holy shit this is phenomenam who made this!?
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Any good alternatives to Rule34hentai? It used to be my go to, but the tags aren't working properly now
>>42388 baraag
>>42388 Just replace spaces with %20 like a non-faggot.

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Could anyone reup Croix3D’s models on catbox?
Man, it's really hard to beat Uncaged.
>>42659 Are the Alice ones from his fanbox? I don't see them on his baraag.
>>42669 i don´t think so... i find them on Rule34hentai And fanbox don´t let publish loli 3D pics.
good to know we're not allowed to have opinions anymore
>>42904 Not that I don't appreciate your efforts but why keep adding to thread part 3 and not part 4?
>>42916 Might be because part 3 hasn't been locked yet and part 4 has two separate threads.
Can anyone help me find this particular artist? I've had no luck finding their other content other than this one image another anon shared. Their Pixiv account was banned but they have a baraag account, however I've not been able to find it nor source it.
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>>34035 god i need these videos
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Since it was posted in 2022, and no one wrote the source, I wanted to ask here if someone knew the artist that made this video. Thanks
>>43574 testered
>>43575 Thanks, only thing managed to trace back is the author's baraag. Inactive for a year. I welcome any information about archives etc of the guy's work. Thank you very much for your help!
>>43446 sauce on the sherry pics?
>>43647 i think the artist is Incredible Crisis, he have a baraag and pixiv account
>>28646 (OP) >>43776 artist of the first 4?
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Does anyone have the original source of the video in the background of this? Sarah giving a blowjob in the hallway, not the compilation the screenshot is from. I've tried searching sarah+video+oral/blowjob/etc on sankaku & rule34 (maybe I've blind) but I haven't seen it.
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could work?
I saw the website name "Naughty Kids" recently, but it had no other context or links. What is it and does anyone have a link?
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>>44708 Lol, nice censor. Fucking love it.
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>>45120 sauce on the alice one?
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