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Spanking Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 05:11:18 Id: e7faa5 No. 36272
The girls need a good spanking.
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Audrey and Dot
Also, are we including spanking *during* sexual activity, or does it have to be purely spanking? I’m already assuming that clothing/underwear is irrelevant, but I just thought I’d ask if I could add in any of the spanking during sex stuff or not.
There were some pics of her getting spanked, but then they got deleted and lost.
>>37045 Either as punishment or a thrill. Also, clothing is optional.
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This snooty girl most likely deserves one.
>>37061 What's her name? I can't seemed to find her on rule 34 or did no one create pics of her yet?
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>>36662 Fucking love spanking machine stuff, that cartoon with its three fat assed pigs has a lot to answer for.
Hey, is there a Butz here? Seymour Butz? Hey, everybody! I want a Seymour Butz!
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Spanking then fucking is aways a good way to start a week, you. Guys should try
She had this coming for a long time.
Any idea what's up with Handprints, the Handprince's site?
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>>50671 Ah, update.
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>>50767 Update again
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>>52979 I'm surprised one one ever drawn or thought up an image featuring characters from a either a Medieval Fantasy, Historical Fantasy or an RPG-like piece of media (like Gawayn itself and so many others) being Birched as it was a spanking instrument in like that time period and a while afterwards

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