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Re...Return of the loli Cyoa Game Aston LeClover 09/20/2023 (Wed) 19:22:10 Id: c7ea0b No. 38582 >>38938 >>46338
Been awhile... but in a new style
>>38582 (OP) Remove the trannyshit. Yotsuba is canonically 4-6 years old. Brazilgirl is cute, but would be cuter if she were canonically a Half-Japanese raised in Brazil but now living in Japan.
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>>38582 (OP) Looks good to me. Any chance of height differences as well?
>>38938 >Remove the trannyshit. >Yotsuba is canonically 4-6 years old. yes >Brazilgirl is cute, but would be cuter if she were canonically a Half-Japanese raised in Brazil but now living in Japan. no
I'm fine with the trap as long as it's acknowledged he's actually a boy.
>>46438 >I'm fine with sodomy as long as it doesnt use the wrong word lol lmao
>>46462 Weird post, and we're the loli board.
>>46468 Ok homo

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