/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Cake/Loli Latinas Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 02:26:20 Id: 4fa863 No. 40998 >>41000 >>41015
Thread dedicated to Latin American lolis
Julia (Detective de Animales)
>>40998 (OP) Carmina Frufru from Turma da Mônica
Like this?
>>41002 mmm... the girl of the left is spanish, not latina.
>>41000 maldita niña sabrosa
>>40998 (OP) Lara (¡Irmão do Jorel/Hermano de Jorel/Jorel Brother)
>>41012 Any nation where Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese are Latin, including Europeans. This should include Canada.
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This cake, in the next year, there will be a second movie for Condorito, and better make her appear instead of cutting her from the first movie
>>41015 I love Lara, my little GF
>>41000 Carminha Frufru does things to me since i was a child

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