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Rape thread Anonymous 07/22/2020 (Wed) 15:49:42 Id: fa5661 No. 4359 >>21566 >>21568
No need to beat around the bush (Except for the girl). This is for the girl in a serious pain.
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>>4375 god i wish MOSSA would post more
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>>4512 Who's the gal in the fez?
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>>4578 Source on the first and especially the Reimu one? Teen/adult-futa-on-loli rape is so rare. Source for the second image if anyone else is curious: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85049574 Also, does anyone know if nov21iggy really did an hero or if he just stopped making art?
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>>7338 Sorry, I was pretty sure I found that futa Reimu on a random booru, but seems like that was not the case, so probably got it from an imageboard which it makes it hard to get the source. The first one with Kuroko is from this artist https://twitter.com/chi_wa13/status/1285554004710158337 >nov21iggy I think I saw him on another korean artist server (Mangamaster's, probably) a few months ago. Probably went into hiding like many other Korean artists because shit Korean laws
>>7357 Thanks a lot, anon! >nov21iggy That's great to hear. Is the server public or patron only?
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>>7376 >spoiler yep, they're behind paywalls
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>>4359 (OP) hurtcore kikes should be raped to death tbh
>>7338 Translation?
>>9610 holy shit what are the first two from?
>>21568 Unfortunately for you, I have an axe that will lop your fucking head clear off your shoulders. Then no one will suffer another unsolicited, dumbass opinion from you. You won't have to think about "kikes" anymore, as you won't be thinking of anything anymore, and I don't have to put up with your shit anymore. Works for both of us, fucktard.
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Little demon
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Little demon

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