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Fear & Hunger pictures and modding thread Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 12:25:33 Id: 9613a2 No. 46463
Have any of you heard of Fear & Hunger? It's an RPG where you have to go into a dungeon filled with dangerous foes to save a prisoner before he dies. You can recruit various allies to help you, in particular a loli prisoner. She doesn't have a name, she's just "the girl." A mechanic in the game is that you can have sex with some of your allies in order to get a heal old injuries and get a new character. In the vanilla game, you can't do this with the girl but luckily a modder made a mod that lets you include the girl in on the fun too. The mod also added an option to make the girl herself playable as the main character, however they never finished it and the mod hasn't been updated for years now, so I want to continue his work and I thought /delicious/ would be a good place to share progress and feedback. The mod: "Back up your game, just to be safe. Your saves should still work. Decrypt F&H with - https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/rpgmv-decryptor/src/master/ Overwrite files with - >Save and Continue Mod https://www.mediafire.com/file/v3rbe87x8racgse/save_and_quit.zip/file and then apply the mod: https://files.catbox.moe/ztzpbx.zip To use both together open System.json in the save and continue mod with notepad and change "hasEncryptedImages" and "hasEncryptedAudio", both to false *You can grab everything from the bottom of this post too in case the links expire / get taken down the mod adds: >the ability to have sex with the girl (rape or consensual; neither will turn you into a Marriage) >the ability to fuck off out of the Dungeon after killing the God of the Depths (with endings based on how you treat the girl) >the ability to play as Le'garde (with his own endings) >general bug fixes >unfinished playable girl mod, where you start off in her cage, but have no weapons or armor To play as Le'garde, you have to rescue him and then it should ask if you want to switch over to him. The girl is a chooseable option, but as mentioned before it's unfinished **post taken from /v/ for archival purposes, I did not make this mod. if you encounter any issues during the installation I won't be able to help you." I haven't uploaded my version of the mod, but here is stuff I've added so far: Fleshed out the new escape ending to change depending on which character you are playing as and whether or not you raped the girl or had sex with her consent. You can have sex with the girl in the various beds spread throughout the game (normally you can only use the ritual circles to love the girl.) An NPC hides in a room with a bed in the vanilla game, and if you have sex with the girl while he is hiding in the room the NPC will react to it. Girl (and Kid Demon) are easier to feed. "Small" and "medium" food provide twice as much nourishment since they are smaller than their adult counterparts. If you rape the girl, it will set her affection to zero and stay there permanently. This will also be reflected in dialogue if you try to talk to her. There girl will always refuse to have sex with Le'garde if you're playing as him, but you can still force her. Tweaked sanity gains for the main character when loving the girl. Forced love and consensual love both lowers the girl's sanity, but forced gives a net loss of 20 sanity, while consensual gives a net gain of 20 sanity. Changed girl loving mechanics so you can love the girl as often as you want provided your sanity is low enough. Just make sure the girl's doesn't dip too low! Changed Le'garde's dialogue tree with the girl slightly. Fixed some bugs from the vanilla game. You get a special message if you have consenting love with the girl on a ritual circle for the first time. Do it on all five ritual circles for a surprise that alters the modded ending slightly. In a special ending from the vanilla game, a boss will skip turns if you treated the girl nicely by giving her a couple of special presents. If you raped the girl, the boss will not skip her turns even with the presents. Re-positioned girl loving sprites so they take place on the center of the ritual circle like the other love options from the vanilla game.
[Expand Post] Challenges with the girl modding: There is a mechanic for talking to enemies, but the girl speaks very little. In the entire game, she only has one line of dialogue she will speak and even then it's after she is comfortable with you and it's only a single world. The modder had planned to change dialogue options to reflect that. Others have suggested adding an "illiteracy" mechanic where the girl cannot read or write in books and scrolls unless she has a party member or access to a friendly NPC who can do it for her. I'll continue working on the mod and drop it when I think it's "done" but in the meantime I'll drop some pics of the girl. Feel free to play through the mod already available and share you thoughts and wishes for the mod fork I'm working on.
Update: Playable Le'garde and Girl Marriage Mod 2.0 FORK Back up your game, just to be safe. Your saves should still work. Decrypt F&H with - https://files.catbox.moe/qi6rdn.zip Overwrite files with - https://files.catbox.moe/c24m6b.zip Save and Continue Mod https://www.mediafire.com/file/v3rbe87x8racgse/save_and_quit.zip/file To use both together open System.json in the save and continue mod with notepad and change "hasEncryptedImages" and "hasEncryptedAudio", both to false Feel free to post feedback here and please screenshot any bugs you find.
>>50013 It dosen't work, it says you shake your head from the thought when you try to do either marriage or bed
I always wanted to play this game. Think I'll give it a try as soon as other users test the mod.
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>>50030 You need to get a lower sanity to access the option.
Testing out some new sprites. After the next update, most placeholder sprites should be replaced by proper sprites with the girl or Le'garde. >>50030 I often see people get confused by the characters refusing to marry the girl. It's due to your sanity being too high. Since this comes up so often, I think I should rewrite the refusal dialogue to something like "your mind is too clear to consider something so depraved," to give more of a hint as to what the character needs to do it.
>>51286 Looking great! Just a question. I managed to get a consensual love with Girl with mostly characters, but when I played as Legard, she always refused. Is this intentional?
Yes, when I first started work on JasAnon's mod, I noticed that there was no option for the girl to consent if you're playing as Le'garde. Generally I am trying to add onto this mod instead of remove or alter things, so I left it the way it is in respect to the original modder's vision. However I did nerf the sanity hit the girl takes if Le'garde forces her. Originally Le'garde forcing the girl would inflict 80 damage to her mind, now it does 60 damage.
>>51292 I think its cuz legarde is her dad

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