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Screenshot Nude Edit #5 Superior_Dragon 01/19/2025 (Sun) 22:34:48 Id: 7145a2 No. 52283 >>52453
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well. Rules 1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited. 2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request. [Mostly characters, but using different series is never a bad idea] 3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful. 4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed. Previous thread >>42678
Postscript notice: Apologies for the long delay here; this probably should’ve been updated about 300 posts ago. But I *am* still alive, I’ve just been dealing with a lot of things AFK and, once I get settled in my new place, maybe things can pick back up.
Requesting 2 nude edit screenshots of Poppy
>>52284 Thank god, you are still alive!
requesting chibiusa and usagi nude edit note I know this is a lot of images (practically 2 requests together) but consider that 1) I want to give artists more choice 2) some images that had been made (like the op in the old thread) were low res these are high quality 3 this is the whole scene I would also appreciate Usagi (especially the scenes with Chibiusa)
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Please edit these Bob's burgers pics
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Request nude edit of Kalinka.
>>52311 Here we go again…
>>52312 not paying attention to him is what he wants... there is no Peter Mullin in this thread we can't do anything about his posts until Superior_dragon changes the op but we can ignore him and sooner or later he will go away
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Please remove the girls towels
>>52317 Oh well, let’s wait
>>52333 Yeah, same bro.
waiting for a photo of completely nude of her but the hat or something should not be removed. make sure the background is gray or black which is better for the eyes. the middle one is optional
A new thread arrived yesterday
>>52349 And this along with Drawthread P is gonna rock
(I)don't know if this matters, but I forgot +Request >>52301 >>52302
Could you make a futanari out of Mallow please.
Requesting nude edits.
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Requesting Nude edits.
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Requesting Pokemon Nude Edits.

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Requesting Beyblade nude edits.
>>52376 >>52377 >>52378 >Every time someone offers up new edit requests you spam the board with new pokeshit before the constant older ones are even looked at.. 21 pics, you greedy pomp.
>>52379 I think i have to agree, spamming annoys me
Requesting someone edit this clip from Harvey Beaks https://files.catbox.moe/jlfe9i.mp4 and make Fee naked (it makes sense in the context of the episode)
>>52384 >There your go i did deleted posted. But the good news is I moved something new. https://8chan.moe/rule34/res/7212.html
>>52395 Thank you I hope you've understand now and we can now wait for the others being edit.
>>52395 Thank you, peter! Now we can finally wait in peace
>>52398 Yeah i know. I'm sorry for mess it up for these Pokémon Beyblade and the rest of it Anime but it is only my favourite nude edit.
>>52400 And i'm sorry i posted like edit nude and uncut like Diantha same Screenshot Edit 3 & 4 I moved a new rule34 https://8chan.moe/rule34/res/7212.html
>>52398 >>52400 >>52401 >Now is perfectly save move to rule34 screenshots edit https://8chan.moe/rule34/res/7212.html
(235.79 KB 1920x1080 Ginger_Scarred.jpg)

Requesting an edit of this screenshot of Ginger Hirano (one of the Fireside Girls) from the Phineas and Ferb episode, At the Car Wash with her scarred clothes and shoes removed and having her being in her Vest, Socks and Panties looking like she has been scarred to her underwear.
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Request nude edit of Sarah and Harper.
(926.71 KB 2556x1179 IMG_2110.png)

(2.12 MB 2556x1179 IMG_1159.png)

Requesting nude edits of Yumi from Apocalypse of Devilman.
>>52436 Thank you!
(247.15 KB 1536x864 Foto 2025-01-09 05 55 43.jpg)

I'll be waiting for completely nude version of her. Make sure the background is gray or black. Good luck editing
>>52444 No worries then
>>52442 i forgot to mention that pan's hat or something should not be removed
>>52449 i forgot about that word. good that u told me
edit this pls
>>52442 sometimes i check to see if anyone replies, willing to edit it, cuz i feel like i'm being ignored
Requesting nude edits of Laura La Mer please
>>52454 Where are these shots from?
I'll throw some Sari here cuz why not? Thanks in advance
Anyone else want to see nudes of Charlie from "That Christmas"? I haven't seen anything of her, even though I went looking after watching the movie on Netflix. Instantly fell in love with her and found out that Rule34 has its limits.
>>52534 >>52534 >Oh wow, these are delicious, thank you!
(388.37 KB 1280x720 6c10e20c.png)

>>52565 if you behave like this you only lower your chances (note I am not him I am also waiting for a request)
>>52573 I also have a request and I know how you feel. >If only there was a rule for the editors not the skip any requests even if it's not there interest. partially agree. they do it for free and are not obliged to do so, but knowing whether they will make the request or skip it so as to request something else would be helpful if a request is skipped it would also be interesting to know why (too difficult bad resolution etc)
>>52573 You are not entitled to an edit. If you want something that badly, learn a skill or pay somebody.
>>52592 not him. that's not the point. you can also skip the request or ignore it but clarify why, and clarify the order in which you go about making requests you like, so when a requester asks you for a request they try to post more in-thread and get less-ignored this doesn't mean the request has to be made, you can be angry, sad, pissed off, and still ignore the request but at least explain or give general criteria notes i don't know if this is relevant but my request is anime edit i thought they were ignored but then i saw this. >>52563
(1.05 MB 955x720 Screenshot20240113205105.png)

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Please They might try to do a full body edit of these Izumi/Zoe (Digimon Frontier) screenshots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOWw2MR3K9k&pp=ygUHS2F6ZW1vbg%3D%3D
>>52563 Thank you so much ^^
(61.33 KB 1080x864 IMG_6223.webp)

Can someone please edit both Anne and Luz to be completely nude?
>>52593 Thank you!
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Requesting full nude edits on Sparkle Cadet
>>52695 Do what? What you taking about?
>>52609 Thank you so much!.
(84.52 KB 709x1200 9qe5f9qp96fd1.jpeg)

Request nude edit of Mimo
>>52807 The girls in these images wear flashy dresses and clothes that do not reveal their body shapes. The backgrounds are complex patterns, and even the Vanguard logo is superimposed, making it full of elements that editors would not want to edit out.
I’m waiting for completely nude version of her. Make sure the background is gray or black. The middle one is optional. Good luck editing 🍀
(716.21 KB 1077x606 Commission Edit - Slime 6.png)

>>52844 Could you put a spoiler on it?
>>52380 Why not Peter Mullin.
>>52867 Thank you for the edit
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Requesting nude edits please
>>52874 >Thanx but already been done >>52438 >>52534
Nude edits please
>>52892 The size is too small for a picture of four girls. I think it needs to be twice the size of this one.
Gonna throw this two one last time. Thanks in advance.
>>52910 >>52915 Thank you for the edits
Blacklist Eoghan Montgomery & Peter Mullin.
(79.48 KB 834x470 IMG_0307.jpeg)

Requesting an edit of Emma without her uniform
>>52933 Please don't blacklist us.
>>52989 Peter, i thought you stopped doing that!
(283.06 KB 1179x1131 Foto 2024-10-04 11 28 06.jpg)

Can someone please edit Mai to be completely nude? Flat design will be fine
>>52992 That image is fan art, not a screenshot or official picture, so it will be ignored in this thread.
Request nude edits of Bonnie please.
>>52996 It’s me again and I’m using my phone rn. Where should I request it then?
>>53005 You've already requested the draw thread.
>>53006 In the other thread, I feel like I’m being ignored
>>52996 I'm not him. and why was my request ignored? is it because the anime or the quality is too high or something else. it's not “bumping” or anything but it's the only request for anime other than pokemon. (if it's because I posted so many images it wasn't my intention to be greedy, I did it to give a wide choice, then the editor, edit what he wants (editor), but I don't understand if the request is good if it's ignored or if it's not liked, and if it's not liked why
>>53022 I only said that image would be ignored because it was fan art. I have no idea why any other post would be ignored.
Completely all naked please, i don't wanna ever see a single clothes
(72.59 KB 460x908 Tama che crea un dango.jpg)

if we can, even this?
(67.96 KB 355x900 Tama con una mela.jpg)

and this,xd
(1.45 MB 1024x1024 Tama_BR.png)

and if someone can even this...
It’s sad to see these requesters not getting a chance for their delivery due to these ungrateful spamers these days…
>>53120 True dat.
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Requesting nude edits of Arisu Tachibana (Idolmaster Cinderella Girls) please.
>>52301 >>52302 I second that.
Requesting a completely nude edit of her. All of her clothes should be removed besides her bandana. Make sure the background is gray or black. The middle one is optional. Good luck editing 🍀
>>53178 I forgot to mention that flat design will be fine
(1.23 MB 880x1500 Serena_Dance_Party.png)

>>53219 is easy... you are a pain in the ass and anybody wants to do your request so... can you stop bumping the same request each day?
(1.97 MB 1100x1222 Iris_Champion.png)

>>53219 >>53228 Hey, one of the former editors here. It's quite simple really... I quit delivering requests several months ago. Too many ungrateful asswipes who kept on posting requests instead of being properly thankful... 20-30 requests for every one delivery made, it became unbearable. These now notorious and insufferable spammers: Peter Mullin, Eoghan Montgomery, etc... you morons know exactly who you are. I don't know about any of the other editors, but I assume they gave up as well, and I don't blame them. All I can say is, you brought this on yourselves.
>>53232 Man I really felt bad for you
>>53233 Could have been worse. Honestly, I was okay with doing requests if they were simple enough or if I genuinely wanted to do it, but these idiots just do not take 'no' for an answer.
>>53232 >>53233 >>53234 I think BO is going to have to start banning those guys. They've gotten to and continue to be extremely obnoxious. In the drawthread too as well.
>>53235 They've gotten to the Drawthread too?! Yikes... this is just sad and painful to see. In the span of several months, these threads have been completely poisoned by these nishums. I don't think there is currently any kind of ban system in place, but we desperately need one. And fast. Because soon, the editors might stop delivering on requests altogether.
>>53236 >>53235 >>53232 Yeah! It’s sad to see people waiting for so long due to these fucking impatient spammers!
>>53236 We must ban these spammers before it’s too late!
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>>52920 I'm bumping this, only do 3 bumps and then I stop Thanks in advance.
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>>52318 First step
>>53251 I know what you thinking men But could have you some requested edit nude please and thank you
>>53252 >Its not going to work because the editors choose to quit this thread for good. >>53251 and this beacuse you turbofucking retard spam a lot >>53232 I know this feeling. I come from 4chan and as an editor of /e/ even there there are retards who spam the same request for months (or the same character) I was here to “spam” (by spam I meant scenes like the one above) mother/daughter or sister daughter but never would I dream of asking for 10 lmao edits or re-spam those that were not done like the turbo-retards, as I said at the end of the previous thread superior should put a rule (in the OP) like not posting for a week after requesting, or something like that. If someone spams, you spam them the rule without even talking to them.
>>53253 Thanks! Have a nice day.

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Can someone please nude edit these photos
New from the loud house. It's like they want people to make lewds of the show
>>52365 >>52368 >>52370 >>52377 >>52378 You can do it Peter Mullin.
>>53312 You got then >>53210 >>53229
>>53301 all I can do is Imagine these pics done, no pun intent.
>>53302 Oh, this one's just asking for it
>>53338 How so?
nude request please, take your time <3
(594.63 KB 1920x1080 usagi01.png)

(585.32 KB 1920x1080 chibiusa01.png)

>>53344 That was fast
>>53344 Thanks!
Could you requested removed Korrina's pyjamas and shoes edit nude please
>>53360 but a picture just like that was already done.
>>53342 Original requester here,thank you very much, I had no more hope, don't listen to this scumbag. as I said here,>>53263 I never asked for more (of course I would like to have the others too but spam and begging are the things I hate most in the world) And the editors, they have to do what they like, they do it for free in their spare time these last line are for you ungratefull shit >>53357
>>53362 I knew it.
>>53365 I mean your just like the other who hate too many requests no offence.
>>53366 >>53366 >I mean your just like the other who hate too many requests no offence sure because even though I'm a requester here. elsewhere I'm an editor. now imagine this ask for 5 images (assuming you find someone to edit all 5) ask for 5 more images who is it that makes the other 5 images someone who previously dedicated their free time for you,and you just ask and ask, and disrespect to the editor in this way, plus the fact that there are many reasons for NOT to make an image.
(153.47 KB 709x1200 Mimo01.jpg)

thanks!! now we can try to the others three?
sorry idk how to reply
I have a question if a loli has adult body is it possible to post it here? (bonney one piece 10 years old) black lady (evil chibi usa) and so on
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all naked please
>>53421 and make them futa
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>>53127 Spoiler for creampie >>53414 The fourth image in your request is an illustration. It's not a screenshot, and it's hard to edit this picture. (I can't paint in this style.)
>>53409 Thank you so much. ^^
>>53440 These edits look great, thank you.
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Request all nude edits
how many times are going to go through this these pics are not for this site because they are mature woman.
>>53419 That's just a mature woman to someone who doesn't know the story. It would be possible to look like Frieren, who is an adult in age but only looks like a loli.
>>53456 >That's just a mature woman to someone who doesn't know the story. It would be possible to look like Frieren, who is an adult in age but only looks like a loli I understand rule 34 maybe a better board, but it is full of spammers and trolls right now. what about instead if the loli is with an adult for example Kanna Kamui and Lucoa do I have a chance to have both edited? i apologize if these may seem like “obvious” questions but a lot of images (where there is a loli) that i would like to post there is also an adult character, like mother is daughter (but not necessarily they can also be friends or sorta like that)
>>53479 Wait, Goldielocks, lol
>>53459 I've had adult women and loli in the same image in the past. (Also shota and loli.) But it was up to the editor to edit both.
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Request nude edits of Nami Nico robin please
>>53511 Not loli doesn't belong here
>>53421 >>53454 >>53511 what's with this guy in his old ass requests
>>53514 He pulls this bullshit anytime someone looks for non Pokeshit edits
>>53421 >>53454 >>53511 Someone better delete these now before things get out of hands again.
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>>53536 I'm not an OR, but you're doing a good job.
(891.43 KB 1280x720 UhhDunnoWhoEdit.png)

>>53541 Thank you so much!.
>>53541 buddy don't feed the troll, every time you make a request from him, he will always ask you for more as you can see from >>53544
>>53549 >>53550 you always say the same thing, even in the rule34 thread, yours is just a way to get more quickly, when there are users like Moldovan or Lincylover waiting patiently. unlike you or Peter Mullin who begs/spams every post
>>53553 oh just a note, deleting posts doesn't help you moderators can read them, you know that right?
>>53556 And you write it on a Public board?
>>53558 >>53560 Stop pretending to be a different person, I know it's still you.
>>53562 Are you now going to delete this comment as well?
>>53564 >YOU DON'T KNOW ME YOU BITCH!!! this is you, take your medz
oh boy, here we go again…
>LOOK WE CAN ARGUE ABOUT THIS ALL DAY this is called flooding >LOOK WE CAN ARGUE ABOUT THIS ALL DAY this is called flooding we are flooding the thread because you are not able to wait for your requests, and when someone points it out to you you act like this the result of this discussion is that the editors and other requesters, will be pissed off at both of you, but they MUST know that you PRAISE under every request that is made all the images you post, you peter muller and Eoghan Montgomery have ruined the thread EVERYONE needs to know especially the editors who post few images.
>>53572 >>53572 keep asking for more images, or requesting those already posted will surely come back
Damn, I just wanted one normal thread here…
>>53578 me too but imagine posting something and waiting,(and I'm not just talking about me but also others like Moldovan or Lincylover) when there is someone who begs/spams every day after a while it gets annoying. not to mention that requests at the beginning of the thread can get ignored more easily because you (user dosen't matter if editor or requester) tend to see the last posts.
>>53579 That would be so crazy! I wish that the next screenshot edit thread would not allow beggers and spammers!
Requesting nude edits for Nana Aster & Momo Belia Deviluke (To Love-Ru) please
>>53570 We're very very sorry.
Requesting a follow up (sequel) image of my Ginger Hirano from Phineas and Ferb edit request, with this screenshot of the Rest of the Fireside Girls from the episode, Bee Story by having the Ray/Laser looking like it's disintegrating they're clothes and reducing them into they're hats, socks and underwear (Vests or Training Bras and Panties) rather than turning them into Bees like in the episode this screenshot is from?
>>53582 not my job, found this on net
>>53598 Thank you, I've seen the 2nd pic but the 1st pic is new to me.
>>53609 look if you allow me just one more chance to be patchiness I promise I will never try to be greedy again please.
>>53610 >>53552 >>53555 >>53557 >>53561 >>53563 >>53565 >>53567 >>53570 >>53574 >>53579 Please Please Please, I know it's sounds like I'm begging again but I'm very sorry can you forgive me.
>>53611 That's alright Anonymous but look i was totally mess it up myself about the Pokémon Screenshot edits. But the big news is i moved to the rule34, https://8chan.moe/rule34/res/11240.html
>>53536 Thank you so much ^^
>>53599 glad to have been helpful >>53612 not or but good job >>53536 damn i hate Bonney. But i like your art good job man >>53622 >using websites like novel a full nude doesn't work on that kind of image you post
>>52302 as or I post this low quality pics found in an old thread hoping someone will use it(as reference) for high quality image
https://8chan.moe/delicious/res/52283.html#53440 thanks, ok now we can go for these two for now...
>>53091 >>53092 i mean these, then if someone can do even this >>53093 , would be appreciated, (i dont want exactly the perfect style graphics...)
>>53592 why you are replying to your own posts? why you keep spamming and then deleting posts when peope point that out? Are you really mentally challenged? Can you leave already?
>>53616 >omg, thank you so much!!!
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requesting Full naked in these screenshots of Lola Loud
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Request nude edits of Serena and Bonnie please
>>53660 No more trolling no more begging I'll just wait because I need to wait for a new computer first, no joke.
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>>53582 The second one was already edited, but I had started working on it before I saw it, so I finished it. >>53624 Thank you. I was wondering what her belly looks like when she is in the forward bending position.
>>53670 Don't take this the wrong way I like your work that is all okay.
>>53670 Thank you for the edits
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I guess it's true no one can get everything they want especially when people get older and they only way to cure boredom is to except what you already have.
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Requesting nude edit
>>53738 FUCK OFF!!!
>>53738 How many times are you gonna make everyone angry!
>>53730 >>53738 And besides no one going to except Pokémon or Digimon requests anymore.
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Request nude edit of Kuki and Mushi.
>>53612 thank you so much!!!
(592.52 KB 960x720 240px-Cf-water53.png)

Can someone edit this. Just imagine he's naked and has a boner while she's naked too
>>53692 tried, ok i said only without any single clothes, but thanks, i guess i will edit myself the rest..
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Requesting nude edits of Serena may misty please
>>53816 Except some of these have already been nude edit before.
>>53813 Alright Anonymous i'm sorry. I deleted all bad for your post to rule34, but i'm also bad posted myself.
(401.18 KB 1915x1080 20240519_173116.jpg)

(284.50 KB 1904x1080 VideoCapture_20240724-225604.jpg)

Requesting nude edits please.
Since when this community got so hostile
>>53826 Finally, a normal request!
(112.68 KB 597x1024 serena01.png)

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>>53816 The image of Misty with the ball and no background had not yet been posted.
>>53660 If only these where given one more chance.

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