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GamerGate Radio

(350.67 KB 784x793 1441921729546.png)

Danielle and Freya Thread Leader 09/11/2015 (Fri) 22:01:52 Id: 64e826 No. 269029
Old thread: >>156244 Post any Danielle/Freya related artwork here qpeodsndkfrfffffffffffsjndvsvlewef9ewf82w37r2yrhbwefmefkewpfweflefmwefefuwef98f32r763ry3hr23r232323o23r923r3ru3rh23glefo0efifjwef God damn characters
(198.75 KB 587x554 1441847155316.png)

(253.85 KB 550x640 1438042454695.jpg)

(323.32 KB 823x1059 1439544936863.jpg)

(578.01 KB 1600x818 1434061432203.png)

(166.76 KB 480x835 1434546341767.png)

(973.93 KB 972x1536 1438328048711.png)

(249.13 KB 824x1200 1438832714486.jpeg)

(535.37 KB 1000x936 1437461612525.png)

(581.29 KB 1323x1225 1439759383046.jpg)

(215.10 KB 800x800 1441538315408.png)

(361.55 KB 1020x602 1437296795096.png)

>>269029 Archive of old thread incase it gets pushed of the catalog https://archive.is/54BqO
>>269033 I want to see Freya and Erika in tanks. (With Freya beating Erika).
(1002.02 KB 250x251 indie happy meal.gif)

If someone can tell me who Danielle is and what the hell she does that's related to deepfreeze or GG, I'll draw her. Spoonfeeding required.
>>269033 Just gonna say with the third pic the box is supposed to be the Ramiel gem
>>269931 Deep Freeze-tans, basically. Freya is the blonde one, Danielle is the blue-haired one.
>>269931 Danielle is the blue haired one She's the digger/archiver/shy girl with wicked tits thighs and ass
(322.03 KB 1221x720 1441204032365.png)

(377.27 KB 624x807 1441226947701.png)

(134.28 KB 572x614 1440891962460.png)

(315.18 KB 1000x697 1440386129516.jpg)

(1.17 MB 1275x1225 1433452037754-0.png)

>>269931 Danielle is best portrayed as a milf who goes "ara ara".
(782.08 KB 1267x2089 1442201654877-1.png)

(228.40 KB 720x1280 1442398065459.png)

(252.06 KB 720x1280 1442446431437.jpg)

We have two colored versions
(967.60 KB 1200x1200 deepfreya.png)

some very fresh oc for you guys it was only supposed to be a doodle contribution but oops
>>274313 It's gorgeous anon thank you very much
(136.45 KB 900x593 1442725079122.png)

(577.15 KB 2017x1687 1442737302642.png)

(386.84 KB 1981x1657 1442739272732.png)

(204.93 KB 900x593 1442786864122.png)

(663.74 KB 1981x1657 freezer.png)

(547.50 KB 1981x1657 1442985489940.png)

>>276280 heh, someone else also did this one
(192.11 KB 859x784 1443042965531.png)

URAAAAAAA it's just a toy gun, relax
(682.69 KB 1000x1000 1432743999192-0.png)

(680.12 KB 1000x1000 df-tan-blonde.png)

(113.52 KB 300x700 danielle-gp2.png)

(126.25 KB 350x650 freya-gp2.png)

(966.25 KB 960x1440 1440706906888-2.png)

>>278612 god damn those Freya hips
(358.77 KB 850x737 MILLAR_and_the_FIDDLE.png)

>>276444 I know mines was just a recolor >>276280 but fuck do I feel shameful now..
(324.26 KB 1209x759 1443319446028.png)

*unsheathes Shashka*
(329.76 KB 634x1104 1443498257519.png)

(5.09 MB 600x453 Rideneverends.gif)

(1.77 MB 1250x1618 1443753549652.png)

(274.96 KB 1209x759 1443990644657.png)

The time to die is now
Is there a Danielle breast expansion?
>>282934 >breast expansion Are we talking about downloadable content or a scheme to get Danielle Tits?
>>282934 Not yet from what I can tell. Why would you want that? breast expansion worst fetish
(284.52 KB 413x1078 track suit (tbg).png)

(287.88 KB 784x793 1441915467802 (Anime Ace).png)

(628.51 KB 823x1059 Adorable Danielle (tbg).png)

(1.19 MB 1070x1135 1444635402136.png)

(213.43 KB 2284x2800 1433067546468.jpg)

(1.74 MB 2187x3283 1433047446854.jpg)

(616.81 KB 1457x2064 1433027010478.jpg)

>>270110 Such an accurate description of Danielle. All of those things (along with her comfy fashion sense) make her irresistibly adorable and hot at the same time. >>270224 Since when?
>>287430 Love that artist work
>>287443 The first one's style seems to be a bit different from that of the second and third–were they drawn by the same hand? Whatever the case, I definitely agree with you when it comes to the first. The second and third's good too, of course.
>>287430 I don't know if I want to cuddle her or fuck her
(163.54 KB 1024x1024 1444099381920.jpg)

(57.67 KB 257x409 1444786702817.png)

>>287630 The first picture is definitely a different artist from the second and third one.
(2.97 MB 2875x5911 1445045666705.png)

(37.94 KB 420x712 1444790017082-0.jpg)

(290.70 KB 1500x1102 1440455260349-0.jpg)

(352.00 KB 1500x1114 1440455260358-1.jpg)

(282.59 KB 1500x1115 1440455260359-2.jpg)

>>288853 Wide butts yes.
(658.54 KB 859x784 1445192534910-1.png)

don't worry, it's just a toy gun
>>289342 Excellent, been waiting for this one for a while.
(890.05 KB 1908x1836 1445147038671.png)

(990.27 KB 1756x1724 1445056073701-0.png)

(1.50 MB 3000x3000 1445404734686.png)

(1.08 MB 877x620 1445449020928-0.png)

>>290128 >That last one Where did you find that? I only had the cropped version for so long. >tfw it will never be finished >>290204 Even a year later drawfags still pull out great work
>>290215 The artist posted that in the /v/ thread last night. He apparently got busy with life and shit I'll probably ask if any of the /v/ drawfags can finish it up and color it
>>290204 look at this ugly pakc of retards
(217.07 KB 800x800 1442285524037.png)

(58.16 KB 599x427 CSC_MUfUAAANryN.jpg)

Image 1 + Image 2 = ???
(286.40 KB 958x900 1445730804855.png)

Ukerere mitaina
(520.91 KB 1441x1776 1445905336140.png)

(732.39 KB 1466x2340 1446079612225-1.png)

(793.08 KB 1448x1028 1446089077066.jpg)

Danielle and Freya, Halloween Edition I would actually like more Halloween D/F
(834.29 KB 2096x2477 1446150651982.png)

(850.36 KB 1441x1776 1446176773434.png)

(1.05 MB 1489x2856 1446324098570.png)

Danielle might end up being Gilda's stepmom
(1.26 MB 1528x1926 Freya_005_002_coloured.png)

(1.23 MB 1528x1926 Freya_005_001_coloured.png)

From >>>/v/6869627
Freya is such a cutey more please
>>295706 Beautiful
This one got slid so far down. I get that there's the OC thread too but damn.
>>299031 It's over, Danielle and Freya are dead
>>299255 That's what they want you to think~
>>299255 To you.
(402.98 KB 1333x640 image.png)

(371.82 KB 1333x640 image.png)

(173.43 KB 441x642 1449203974624.png)

>>30700 Oh Shit niggers. You guys work fast. 10/10 to whoever made this
>>307002 fugged up the reply damn keyboard
(290.70 KB 1500x1102 1440455260349-0.jpg)

(352.00 KB 1500x1114 1440455260358-1.jpg)

(282.59 KB 1500x1115 1440455260359-2.jpg)

(494.45 KB 480x700 1437965345574.png)

(188.22 KB 1000x862 1448126995112.png)

(54.88 KB 512x512 1412226692218.jpg)

(40.84 KB 448x448 1413817667580.jpg)

(167.68 KB 600x800 1431393112323.png)

(336.53 KB 1500x1500 1432429573812.png)

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(970.05 KB 3000x3000 1437077651691.png)

(495.97 KB 1041x1000 1432471849959.jpg)

(394.77 KB 2163x1989 1433145414429-0.jpg)

(603.63 KB 1190x1274 1433145414429-1.png)

(10.62 KB 361x255 1434233014694.png)

(1.15 MB 1457x2064 1444000444922-0.jpg)

(141.04 KB 846x846 1439111640337.jpg)

(93.97 KB 527x796 1440021706889.jpg)

(388.59 KB 1024x1324 1440192013412.jpg)

(290.99 KB 500x556 1440192188498.png)

(443.29 KB 1018x1212 1444152633818-1.png)

(191.96 KB 1600x818 1444273724720.png)

(1.45 MB 1275x1650 14337150146961.png)

(644.26 KB 1013x844 CHEtMBvWoAAaCBc.png large.png)

(475.48 KB 1000x1200 image.png)

(757.21 KB 1333x640 image.png)

>>307002 >>307311 Praise be drawfags. Awesome edit of that one picture. Jesus that Danielle
(108.24 KB 352x338 1447733573086.jpg)

>>307311 Perfect. Just perfect
Fuck I got this damn tablet and i still haven't found the time to learn how to draw. Really want to since these girls are cute as fuck
>>307459 How could you, anon. You'll make them sad if you don't learn to draw
(122.02 KB 1022x721 1421675242948-1.jpg)

(143.59 KB 1023x754 1421675242948-2.jpg)

(5.00 MB 4000x6000 1449288553313-0.jpg)

oh boy more shitty art for shit-tier characters give me more pls oh god yes
(986.03 KB 2764x2060 1450724253100-0.png)

(1.22 MB 2764x2060 1450819335946-0.png)

(193.64 KB 860x644 1452753692793.png)

(548.80 KB 1034x1082 1452759380485.png)

>>312248 >>312254 bump Cause its been a while i've seen new freya and danielle art
(319.43 KB 1240x925 1453395096487.png)

(22.43 KB 684x623 1453429764315.png)

(38.60 KB 1326x1056 1453871921870.png)

(4.29 MB 3510x2490 1456882931984-0.jpg)

(3.08 MB 3510x2490 1456882931985-1.jpg)

It's almost their birthday Sometime in May I believe
>>317888 These are amazingly good the artist who drew these has mad talent yo
>>307696 >>307117 Where can I find those Vivian James comics?
(434.48 KB 1132x1295 1457307621611.jpg)

(191.92 KB 504x900 Danielle loli.png)

(276.00 KB 504x900 1457414978240.png)

(246.30 KB 867x569 1457825704195.png)

(310.02 KB 850x575 1457839441226.png)

(394.22 KB 824x824 bread ssmol.png)

>>318927 fresh bread! *goddangit let me post*
>>319931 how cute thanks anon
(7.45 MB 1280x720 my feel when.webm)

(270.14 KB 781x500 1459008443373.png)

(276.17 KB 504x900 1459128973841.png)

Finished version. Eyes are colored in here
(4.31 MB 4263x2730 1459126845273.png)

(320.56 KB 1024x1325 1459138327610.png)

(4.36 MB 4263x2730 1459129626428.png)

Version with colored line art
(41.32 KB 600x450 1199260138180.jpg)

>>290204 I don't recognize two people: 1. The guy on the left in the blue hoodie 2. The guy on the right pulling down his yellow ski mask. Help, anyone?
>>320925 Fuck if I know Maybe they're your parents
(137.85 KB 600x800 I hurt myself today.png)

(372.39 KB 824x912 1460523052908.png)

(245.40 KB 600x454 1459166984037.webm)

(1.03 MB 2500x1805 1446327920844-1.png)

(319.50 KB 960x544 wUoCDYf.jpg)

(372.39 KB 824x912 1460523052908.png)

>>322090 >beat you to the last one by 2 seconds SCRUB
(64.62 KB 438x261 1440455901788-0.png)

>>322090 Probably needs KYM-tan in there.
>>322066 >>322089 I love new OC
(1.55 MB 2024x2024 1462604540597.png)

(1.37 MB 1573x2220 1462831015553-0.png)

I hope you're ready for that job interview
(401.31 KB 1024x784 danielle01.png)

Danielle power.
(225.78 KB 1280x720 1463156790568.png)

>>323664 >Short haired MILF Danielle I can get behind that if you know what I mean
(320.96 KB 1414x1870 1463336955555.png)

(889.35 KB 1753x2227 1463293391389-1.png)

(82.70 KB 475x550 1463415501083.png)

(754.68 KB 1745x1792 1463381815534.png)

(1.85 MB 3608x2023 1463432005727.png)

(69.71 KB 1230x765 1463434400220.png)

(244.69 KB 713x825 1463435243320.png)

WIP (possibly)
(1.11 MB 2160x1440 1463461869116.jpg)

You guys are seriously amazing so much OC being created up to celebrate their birthdays.
(660.52 KB 994x1414 1463473487087.png)

I want to protect her smile
(877.14 KB 950x1150 1463502034434.png)

(881.40 KB 950x1150 1463503249030.png)

(74.04 KB 1280x720 1462657229313.png)

(1.65 MB 2266x1822 1463508597988.png)

>>323827 Nice! Blue with gold trim looks good.
(349.80 KB 1926x1600 1463517113313.jpg)

(142.58 KB 1366x768 1463764361417.png)

(1.49 MB 2045x2976 1463787420657.png)

(80.18 KB 500x421 fSSh7df.png)

>tfw you will never break the barrier separating you from Freya & Daniel. >you will never sniff Freya's hair and bury your face in Danielle's chest >You will never see their angry faces when you mix their names up Why even bother getting up.
(644.28 KB 900x1858 1464916963371.png)

(612.11 KB 747x1024 1465415868395.png)

(534.87 KB 662x1024 after dig.png)

>>324932 Sweet! Thanks anon
>>269029 Jesus Christ, Valkenburger had to become a board tan to become remotely attractive?
(149.11 KB 1280x720 danielle despair.png)

(572.86 KB 3000x3000 1466356090603.png)

(406.99 KB 1280x720 1466411536478.png)

(250.69 KB 1280x720 1466422855324.png)

(3.22 MB 4024x4501 1466902718633.png)

(655.55 KB 1360x768 image009.jpg)

(596.42 KB 1360x768 image004.jpg)

(764.58 KB 1360x768 image016.jpg)

>>325462 what have you done
(694.60 KB 1380x2130 1454186207833.png)

(52.04 KB 332x561 1467486825535.png)

(616.98 KB 1360x768 Screenshot-66.jpg)

>>325471 Let the game run with only a minor nudge here and there.
(364.56 KB 1125x2000 1468793918826.jpg)

This topic… seems to be missing a few, like the 3D model one.
(1.27 MB 1680x1050 1470630828362-0.png)

>>326645 I only got this one
(37.44 KB 612x717 1471634291012.png)

(47.78 KB 809x858 1471656264148.png)

(1.29 MB 2560x1440 1471801615669.png)

(563.37 KB 2428x1879 1471895914697.png)

(384.88 KB 589x1050 Danielle HST 1 (1).png)

(149.76 KB 252x352 lkdimHh_opt.png)

(175.62 KB 252x352 lkdimHh.png)

(246.29 KB 498x1043 WIP Danielle 2.png)

(572.89 KB 1200x978 WIP Danielle .png)

(1.54 MB 1680x1050 20160714141404922.png)

(1.26 MB 825x1050 Danielle HST 1 (5).png)

(886.17 KB 1295x932 Danielle HST 1 (4).png)

(757.97 KB 1680x1050 Danielle HST 1 (3).png)

(517.71 KB 848x1025 Danielle HST 1 (2).png)

(151.57 KB 252x352 R81TL8t_opt.png)

(1.79 MB 1680x1050 20160714125229546.png)

(1005.01 KB 1680x1050 20160714125115469.png)

(1.39 MB 1680x1050 20160714125020717.png)

(867.99 KB 1639x1050 Danielle HST 1 (10).png)

(995.27 KB 916x1680 Danielle HST 1 (9).png)

(1.17 MB 1039x1661 Danielle HST 1 (8).png)

(989.31 KB 1012x1680 Danielle HST 1 (6).png)

(334.93 KB 566x1050 4 - w8nL63u.png)

(136.64 KB 252x352 8Zxwyjz_opt.png)

(538.35 KB 878x1050 WIP Freya 3.png)

(598.31 KB 1680x641 WIP Freya 2.png)

(564.16 KB 1578x608 WIP Freya.png)

(338.85 KB 625x1050 1 - BgUWTC2.png)

(538.35 KB 878x1050 2 - icest90.png)

(735.03 KB 1063x1050 3 - oOeZM17.png)

(2.15 MB 1680x1050 Gamergate Lewd edition.png)

(2.06 MB 1680x1050 Gamergate Summer edition.png)

(30.40 KB 200x200 DeepFreeze-twins-pic.png)

Here's mine. :) I'm a bit slow in drawing art.
>>326670 >>326947 >>326948 >>326949 >>326950 >>326951 >>326952 I can't believe someone actually saved my stuff. I'm flattered. Anyway, I'm not entirely happy with my Freya, will re-touch that model once the full game is out, hopefully, there will be more facial outlines to play around with, as of now, getting to the point where her face is somewhat similar to that of Danielle but a bit sharper (which is my idea of the characters) is proving to be difficult. People also found out that the skin textures are wrongly compressed and shit can be made to look significantly better now with very little effort. I'm also missing wavy hair for my Vivian(s) and I'm yet to bother porting some accessories to make them look right (mainly: Ushanska, crystal pendant and maybe recolorable track-suit).
>>327590 That's fucking great.
This was meant to be a cute request for Freya riding a toy horse I'm so sorry it turned out like this But I'm also not sorry
(1.83 MB 1680x1050 20160803225047565.png)

>>327690 I didn't know I wanted loli Gilda this much. Fug, another character to make. I guess it isn't so bad, I was going to make a Gilda anyway, lolifying isn't that hard. >That tummy MMMNNNGGGH!
>>327976 nice work!
(1.67 MB 1680x1050 20160915231126865.png)

>>327976 This is most excellent. Thanks for coloring the pic that finally convinced me of making a Gilda on HS. Have some sisterly love in return. Will post some Gilda bullying in the near future.
Never lose an art thread.
Mega late.
>>328839 You should probably kill yourself
>>330000 The Quads have spoken. Meme sweaters are a miracle of the universe.
(2.06 MB 3507x4480 danielle.png)

Since the hack ate some of the fucking files
Happy Birthday
>>330596 When GamerGate turns three we should have Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu, and Zoe Quinn as three body inflated balloons.
(3.04 MB 2129x2919 freyanekad.png)

(1.43 MB 2085x2919 freyatracksuit.png)

Here my take on Freya, some anon request her to wear tracksuit and naked or something.
>>330790 That was me Glad to see it finally happened
>>330813 well, i hope you like it. sorry for taking it too long
(1.76 MB 2255x2679 daniellbustoffice.png)

(1.89 MB 2846x2610 freyaofficepose.png)

(1.41 MB 2085x2919 Freya.png)

(524.37 KB 1200x1200 1.png)

(586.45 KB 1200x1200 2.png)

(628.90 KB 1200x1200 3.png)

(622.68 KB 1200x1200 4.png)

>>331012 that was fucking beautiful anon
(2.84 MB 1979x1587 danlayingatbeach.png)

(2.95 MB 1979x1587 danlayingatbeachtan.png)

New Danielle art. i wish i was better at background
>>331060 Sweet motherfucking Jesus
>>331060 wew lad
(12.01 KB 359x239 31.jpg)

>>330473 >>331060 >>331010 >>330790 >all this depraved shit As if associating these soulless OC donut steels with Vivian wasn't bad enough.
>>331158 Go be a virgin elsewhere m8.
>>331160 >finding abominable chimeras disgusting makes you a virgin Go be a sexual deviant somewhere else, m8.
>>331161 >Check images again >Legitimately nothing wrong with them other than this guy replying to them like a fucking cuck Nice to see you're salty, you're a landwhale irl aren't you?
>>331162 >one literally has a dick >"Legitimately nothing wrong with them"
(69.43 KB 400x236 YAMAXANADU.png)

>>331163 if you can't take the joke you'll get backpack cucked too, faggot.
(24.35 KB 419x398 DJ4DyynVAAAoD-6.jpg)

>>331164 >I-it's just a joke, bro I want the ironybros to leave
(131.92 KB 560x491 b1a7b2f98e.png)

>>331165 >ironybros
>>331166 >downloads tranny porn >dude, don't worry, it's just a joke
(30.38 KB 720x480 1440988727499.jpg)

>>331167 Are you avoiding my last post because you don't know what's wrong with being afraid to say faggot? I mean with all those dicks up your ass I'd think you'd be fine with homosexuality.
(36.25 KB 500x465 1498746129461.jpg)

>>331168 >Are you avoiding my last post because you don't know what's wrong with being afraid to say faggot? The term is ironybro though, not ironyfag. It predates the use of the "-fag" suffix. And tbqh, if you're posting tranny porn, it's already implied that you're a faggot.
>>331169 >The term is ironybro though For FAGGOTS and QUEERS >And tbqh, if you're posting tranny porn, it's already implied that you're a faggot. I think you should get the fuck down. Is >>330473 also netorare porn? Oh wait it isn't because its not porn, you're not fapping to it.
I just realized how badly I want a vivian XNALara model with removable clothes…
(1.01 MB 2130x2383 IMG_0727.png)

(438.06 KB 1251x1506 IMG_0771.png)

(361.86 KB 1074x1425 IMG_0772.png)

(436.00 KB 2150x972 IMG_0773.png)

(310.19 KB 1022x1386 IMG_0788.png)

(4.51 MB 3537x2373 christdeepfreeze.png)

Happy Super Late Christmas /gg/! I'm so sorry, very busy last Christmas and New Year. But here new art! The Sisters want to celebrate Christmas with you on bed!
>>331360 >>331365 >>331375 >https://parangsakti.deviantart.com/ >No latex Polina or Gilda well that surely is depressing
(517.56 KB 1758x1800 freya dani HNK.png)

(235.28 KB 988x1078 dani hueg.png)

(445.61 KB 748x778 dani nice digs.png)

(230.41 KB 978x716 danielle wheres the benis.png)

>>331536 Polina is anti-degenerate, so no Gilda is too young, so no either
(2.82 MB 2011x3121 Dani apron redraw.png)

(605.62 KB 1042x663 pleasedontbullymevivian.png)

(97.35 KB 300x300 moar.png)

>>331884 ummm, more?
(2.56 MB 1920x1080 20180825121640067.png)

(484.83 KB 808x1724 polinaswimV2.png)

(391.29 KB 808x1724 polinaswim.png)

(224.12 KB 615x617 deepfreezesheet.png)

(371.46 KB 524x985 danschoolUn.png)

by hehesillycomics
(168.72 KB 1038x756 danielle think.png)

(546.43 KB 960x1378 17GG(nodialog).png)

(628.23 KB 960x1378 Archive or fuck off.png)

(1.38 MB 1439x1931 freya cyka blyat.png)

(96.50 KB 775x795 so-untrus.png)

(1.97 MB 2000x2397 dani milk.png)

(679.95 KB 1060x1496 danie ara.png)

(105.91 KB 910x1090 freya-halfN.png)

(187.01 KB 1800x589 WejustDontknowFreya.png)

(75.70 KB 1063x882 GG manga.png)

(1.85 MB 1900x1267 df christmas.png)

(914.73 KB 1481x961 DF merry christmas.png)

(478.16 KB 1920x1378 2019 shrine visit.png)

(1.03 MB 2600x1950 freyalaytan.png)

(1.04 MB 2600x1950 freyalaytanBUSH.png)

(322.23 KB 1094x1460 danielle CNY.png)

(224.23 KB 1240x1754 danny.png)

(712.91 KB 1256x2132 Freya CNY.png)

(2.69 MB 2000x3200 daniK.png)

(339.20 KB 2036x1390 loli tracksuits.png)

(276.54 KB 600x900 comic1.png)

(467.44 KB 2400x800 comic2.png)

(178.15 KB 692x600 comic3.png)

(1011.62 KB 1200x3100 Freya valentines.png)

(146.33 KB 2036x1390 tracksuit greyscale.png)

(592.09 KB 1600x2133 freya gains 3.png)

(1.09 MB 1439x1931 freya squat.png)

>>332246 > A Polina edit NOPE.jpg
(217.02 KB 1125x1449 casual dani.png)

(126.08 KB 600x600 danielle.png)

(135.85 KB 600x600 freya.png)

(259.81 KB 771x686 jii.png)

(108.71 KB 888x510 dani good boy.png)

(57.10 KB 1200x1605 QvIOkf2L.png)

(171.73 KB 1372x2047 doodle281.png)

(382.63 KB 1447x2012 dani hime cut.png)

(2.56 MB 2012x2861 dani scarf.png)

I would let GG mascots sexually humiliate me, tbh.
(282.11 KB 1040x1155 shirt.png)

(880.85 KB 2024x1202 df baby.png)

(2.25 MB 1712x3126 dani negligeé.png)

(136.11 KB 851x500 Freya fun fact.png)

I've been updating this thread since 2015 and I'm not stopping now
(1.12 MB 2025x1240 df valentines.png)

(418.62 KB 1240x1754 comFre.png)

(378.74 KB 1240x1754 comDan.png)

>>332829 part 1.5
(2.24 MB 2504x1202 dani_steely_dan.png)

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