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GamerGate Radio

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ICUP III Pre-planning. Shamelessly edited edition. ICUP 01/09/2016 (Sat) 02:48:34 Id: 1458b6 No. 311877
>>>/icup/534 This thread is being repurposed from last season's game thread Edited from >>321761 : Gentlemen, soon we will begin our 3rd season of the /icup/. What we'll need is an updated team roster and a board rep for each team. Previous team rosters have been backed up on the wiki so just see if any changes need to be made. Once you've finalized your team make a post to >>>/icup/ What is /icup/? It's a AI vs AI soccer league played among 8chan boards. Click here to see more of how it works: http://www.dailymotion.com/icupofficial Link to the wiki: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page We look forward to making memeball great again.
30 minutes until start time
You're not doing so hot. 1-0 sp leads by.
Pull your weight! You lost 2-0!
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>>311877 >iCup An Apple-branded nutsack protector? Which would be an oxymoron as Apple fanboys have no nuts to protect
>>311951 No as in /I see you pee/
>>311877 I totally missed the first one looks like im going to miss this one because of timezones and IRL shit
schedule for tomorrows matches. starts at 15:30 UTC. GROUP E: /argentina/ vs /r9k/ /furry/ vs /starwars/ GROUP F: /bane/ vs /b/ /cuteboys/ vs /senran/ GROUP G: /sp/ vs /n/ /gamergate/ vs /kind/ GROUP H: /christian/ vs /just/ /monster/ vs /his/
Games start in about 2 hours, 17:30 UTC. fug floooooooood
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pre-planning the /icup/ 3 gentlemen, soon we will begin our 3rd season of the /icup/. what we'll need is an updated team roster and a board rep for each team. previous team rosters have been backed up on the wiki [linky] so just see if any changes need to be made. once you've finalized your team make a post to >>>/icup/ what is /icup/? it's a ai vs. ai soccer league played amongs 8chan boards. click here to see more of how it works http://www.dailymotion.com/icupofficial we look forward to making memeball great again.
>>321761 Just edited the thread. Cheers m8
>>321776 awesome! thank you that's increadably helpful. I would just like to point out that this thread is being repurposed from last season's game thread so anons dont get confused and think it's starting that soon. also i fucked up the link to the wiki http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page
>>321761 So are we just reusing the same shit from last time?
>/ggrevolt/ has better team >absolutely no work being put in here Yep this board may as well be dead.
>>323073 We already have a team, it's the same as last year.
>>323073 The catalog's been frozen for over a week so half of the base is dead from that alone.
>>323079 gghq didn't have a team last round, it was /gamergate/
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Just reuse all the othershit from last year no one will be able to tell the diff anyway
https://8ch.net/icup/res/534.html#4377 Just reuse stuff from here. Does anyone even have PES installed?
i have the badges somewhere on my hardrive gimme a sec
Do we have a manager/rep? Asking out of potentially morbid curiousity.
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>>323579 >>323632 #88: GK - Uncle /pol/ #99: LB - Anime Avatars #10: CB - Ten Bux #4 : CB - Danielle #8 : RB - Full McIntosh #69: DMF - Rape Colours #29: DMF - 29 YEARS #2 : CMF - Gilda Mars #3 : AMF - Freya (Silver) #1 : CF - Vivian James (Gold) #0 : CF - Punished /v/ (Gold) Subs: #14: GK - And N #16: LB - Right Wing Harassment Campaign #39: RB - Aposematism #11: CB - >(1) #12: CB - Digging Autist #15: CMF - Localization Apologist #28: AMF - Drawfag OC #42: DMF - Betanodder #19: CMF - Based Gamer Jesus #5 : SS - Basement Misogynerd (Silver) #6 : ST - SockPuppets
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Anyone on this ded board know how to work the modding tools on PES and/or is interested in learning/giving it a shot? I forgot to fucking log in
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>>323686 >>323663 that looks horrid (I HAVE LOST CONTROL OF MY LIFE)
>>323690 >one kit What's the matter, not enough collective brainpower to design more than one? :^)
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>>323691 nah, they said our kit was unique enough that we didn't need to have an alternate kit. I brought up the issue when I noticed other teams had home and away kits.
>>323686 Oh, and someone on the thread on >>>/icup/ linked the 4chan guide. I guess we have to install the game and do all sorts of shit that I can't comprehend. I don't even know if the icup is going to happen anymore with the site changes and many bailing on Jimchan. I still own https://endchan.xyz/endcup and told the /icup/ BO I'll transfer ownership to him if he shifts off of 8chan.
>>323693 Traditionally football teams always have home and away kits, so yours is incomplete but don't worry merely recolouring is good enough
>>323695 >I'll transfer ownership to him if he shifts off of 8chan. >shifting to a site that's browsed by the same clique >still coming here because there's nothing going on there kek
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>>323695 >I don't even know if the icup is going to happen anymore with the site changes and many bailing on Jimchan. >Checks board ranking looks exactly the same Taking the rantings of shills,8chn is dead shitposters and ass mad pedo fuckers seriously. I'm still here and i ain't budging come what may it would be a shame to me to let those idiots run me out of my home
>>323695 >>323697 I've actually finally gotten the editor working, so I can start assembling the squad properly. If need be, fuck it, I'll do other teams as well just to make ICUP III happen.
>>323699 That really won't be necessary. Teams are talking to the BO, it's small but not much is needed to get this running. It's not hard to find hosts who will stream this or comment on it too.
>>323699 Yeah, if you don't mind helping me, I'd be more than thankful. >>323698 Board rankings are different on endchan. PPH is done hourly, UID is once every 24 hours, and only tracks the last 24 hours, not the last 72 hours. >>323697 Is it illegal to post/lurk multiple image boards? Dude, I've got like 5 different boards from multiple sites open in my tabs right now.
>>323701 Which board do you rep?
>>323702 Unofficial ggrevolt. The board doesn't have a team rep, and there's only like 2-3 of us active in the icup thread.
>>323702 Some board offsite no one gives two fucks about.
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>>323706 >>323707 If you keep splintering your board like this its going to drive your users away cause they won't know which of these is active. just pick one and build it up instead of making all these these boards erewhere
>>323708 All of those links lead to endchan/ggrevolt/, except for the ones Coleslaw word filtered.
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>>323709 dryboneschan how is the place has it become active yet or is it still 8chn metadrama? looks like thats all there is there.
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After radio silence, I have the team up and ready. Mostly. They're in a playable state, and aside from heads, and minor aesthetic tweaks, the team is looking good. Here's the results from the 1st two scrimmages the team went through. Two - nil victory over Spain, with goals from Viv, and /v/ 5 nil victory over a PES All Star team who couldn't keep up with the in-form forwards and midfielders it's lookin good kiddos
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>>324293 nice work hotpocket i hope Acid sends you an extra supply of nutritious microwavable food products for the month
Also can we get some Vivian playing football fan art?
>>324293 >Gilda scored a goal >Freya scored a goal >Vivian scored a goal >/v/ scored two goals Well done. If even the moe retard can do it, anyone can. Have lewds.
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Working on faces now. >inb4 'you suck' Top L-R Uncle /pol/, Vivian, Freya, Gilda, Full McIntosh Bottom L-R And N, Punished /v/, Danielle, Based Gamer Jesus, Aposematism Now to other matters. We need an anthem, and we need goalhorns. I'm not so up on the music of GG, so I'm not sure what would go well with whom. Suggestions?
>>324454 >>324454 >I'm not so up on the music of GG, so I'm not sure what would go well with whom. Suggestions? Something like this might work https://vid.me/y6ag/tenacious-gg-gamers-are-dead
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>>324634 I like that one. It's bretty gud. I dug a little though and found the old GG Sings albums and put this together. We may have to put it to a vote.
>>324651 >>324651 Thats nice too. I would vote for Gamers are dead because its more high energy. >MFW Pol is going to have the best tunes as usual.
>>324651 >>324634 >>324670 So we're putting the anthem thing to a vote: http://www.strawpoll.me/10549755 Have fun with that one faggots. In terms of goalhorns, I think I like embed related for Punished /v/'s specific horn, specifically starting at around 2:38-ish. As for the generic goalhorn, I was thinking something along the lines of maybe Wily's Castle from MegaMan 2, but that doesn't seem to have enough "punch" to it. It's a goalhorn, we just did great things, we need hype. Suggestions?
>>325350 I voted for the wrong one because I cant even fucking use a mouse properly.
It looks like this ain't even happening anymore. Unsticky?
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This had so much promise too. All the boards coming together to support their teams shame it could only hold once. Unsticky
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Yeah it looks like the main guy running it is too tied up with IRL stuff. A shame. I never had much to contribute but I enjoyed the end result quite a bit. Kudos to the people who worked on it - you guys tried your best.
>>326058 >>326085 Why isn't it happening?
Almost missed this in the sliding. Shame but understandable, it's a lot of effort to do this. Maybe next year.
>>326093 Anons are happy as long as their team/representative is competing with others. Any game with a competitive mode that can have AI run wild (preferably with a decent custom character creator) would work. ICUP is great, but there's also wrestling. Mugen/Salty Bet could work if boards pick a fighters from the same tier to use. /tg/ was even talking about a YuGiOh or Magic The Gathering tournament in the past with other boards (the YuGiOh one was onna be /v/ vs /tg/ with older format- but it fizzled out. MtG had them making rough themed decks for the major boards). Hell, you could just have Mario Retardy and have each board pick the 3 characters they'd prefer to use (so you don't get multiple boards wanting to use the same character).

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