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GamerGate Radio

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"IS GAMERGATE TOO POWERFUL?" Veteran Leader of GamerGate 04/03/2016 (Sun) 23:35:17 Id: b84ddd No. 321071
Yes. http://www.dailydot.com/topics/opinion/ http://archive.is/v21nu This salt nourishes and sustains me. tl;dr: Daily Dot opinionist whinges about #GamerGate being the final boss of the internet. dance bread?
>>321071 >They claimed responsibility when the United Nations pulled a report on cyberviolence in 2015, even though it was simultaneously shot down by several gaming advocates, including game developer Zoe Quinn >including game developer Zoe Quinn
Local chinese cartoon imageboard infested with Gamergate: "I'm getting stronger every day"
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>>321071 >P-Please stop Goobergeebers please >please
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>GooberGobblers too streng! >but they only have 4 thing ever done >but they'll never stop! >pls don't talk to them ;_; I don't have an Asuka laughing hard enough for this, so this will have to do.
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>mfw GG is too strong and will continue into 2017
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>>321071 >So in short, Gamergate wanted to keep sexual content in Japanese video games, so they attacked someone who previously showed support for sexual content in Japanese video games. Basically, it made no sense.
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>This week, Nintendo of America fired marketing representative Alison Rapp after she endured a months-long barrage of harassment at the hands of Gamergate supporters and white supremacists. >white supremacists woah shit That came out of nowhere, didn't it?
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>>321107 >Still using the harassment card even though Nintendo shot that accusation down Journos will never learn, we all know she was fired because she's a pornstar in her second job. Her second job is the reason why MundaneMatt is defending her.
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>>321109 So, are there any actual lewds of her out there?
>>321110 Stop thinking about your dick Matt.
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>>321110 Yes, but they are physical photo prints (and one photo CD in the possession of Rapp) and the goony beard men who bought them aren't sharing.
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This is "IT" To use WWII/The_Patriotic_War as a metaphor: #GamerGate's "Stalingrad" has been won! GAMERGATE'S "LONG WINTER" IS NOW OVER! Gamergate's: "Stalingrad" with SJW is undisputable victory! NOW IS THE LONG PUSH INTO (SJW) BERLIN! http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=7095 https://twitter.com/ClarkHat/status/716242082696921088 (We've won! There is nothing left to do, but to not give up, gamer girl!)
Niggers, literally… that it: We've won. Everything after this is "bonus points." I am shocked and amazed… and greedy I wonder how far we can take this… ufufufufu…
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>>321071 Where were you when Gamergate became the final boss of the internet?
>They took credit when sites like Breitbart, The Escapist and TechRaptor clarified their ethics policies to visibly show their support for the movement. >When it comes to actual victories against companies or news organizations that weren’t already in Gamergate’s pocket, You heard it here first, ladies sockpuppets and gents shitlords, we have companies and news organizations in our pockets.
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>In their own words, Gamergate won’t stop until social justice advocates are too afraid of harassment to speak out for equality in video games. …Says she, and proceeds to link to this… https://archive.is/VXd7J …an archive of the fucking Redchanit reddit board. Jesus fuck, send help - I'm having trouble breathing over here.
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>>321138 And not the sites like Buzzshit, Gawker that are pissing around the socjus kool aid.
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>In their own words, Gamergate won’t stop until social justice advocates are too afraid of harassment to speak out for equality in video games. Listen, and understand! Those goobergeebers are out there! They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are triggered.
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>>321153 >feels good man
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>>321153 Judgement day is here.
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>>321160 One more shitpost
>They claimed responsibility when the United Nations pulled a report on cyberviolence in 2015, even though it was simultaneously shot down by several gaming advocates, including game developer Zoe Quinn Never mind that old 5 guys was at the fucking UN backing the fucking report before it became a complete joke.
That article might make for a fun drinking game. Every time you read a statement that's just flat out factually incorrect take a shot. You'll fucking die from alcohol poisoning but what a way to go.
>GamerGate won't last more than a month >GamerGate is dead >GamerGate can't do anything >GAMERGATE IS TOO STRONK!!!1!
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>>321118 Matt…
>>321071 GamerGate is the worst thing on the internet despite only being interested in videogames, in a world where GNAA and Anonymous and LulzSec and Cicada 3301 are still a thing. Okay. Sure. Not sure if we're the Jews or the Reptilians behind the Illuminati anymore, our meme magic is that powerful
At this point GG has reached a point where its both dead and more powerful than the Illuminati at the same time. Schrödinger's cat would envious.
I can't believe these people are still scared of a # that is at leat 30% spam,25% bait.20 % off topic nonsense and the rest actually relevant gg related news. Its been 2 years already wtf
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>>321217 Because those things either are too underground to know about or are on the side of social justice. GG is mainstream bait.
>>321249 We Obi-Wan now!
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>>321328 >or are on the side of social justice. I'm still shocked that "Gay Nigger Association of America" is something allowed on the SJW's side unironically. The name, their past, all of it!
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>>321357 There's the true believers and there's trolls like Teridax that use it as a cover for white knighting queef quinn.
>>321400 shut up Teridax.
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>>321424 He deleted his post after lurking here? Dumbass fucker.
>>321071 >So in short, Gamergate wanted to keep sexual content in Japanese video games, so they attacked someone who previously showed support for sexual content in Japanese video games. Basically, it made no sense. More like giving them a taste of their own medicine, that's what. This author bitches about how we helped oust someone with ideas supporting localization-induced censorship. They justify this bitching by saying that Rapp supported the idea of leaving Japanese media alone back in 2011, but then they completely fail to realize that anyone can change his fucking opinion in the course of 'five years. The fact that Rapp's current pro-censorship SJW ideals run counter to her paper in 2011 should be indicative of this.
>>321363 Don't forget weev dated Shanley, who's an SJW nutjob.
I stopped reading when she said white supremacists for the second time. God damn are these people fucking stupid.
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>>321363 Best pic of him so far
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>>321554 Think this is my best pic. >tfw trolls get butthurt.
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>>321573 >Gets caught >Tries to protect his profile to cover his tracks >mfw What a fucking retard.
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>>321071 They should be reveling in their new found underdog victimhood status. Punching up against the meritocratic patriarchal oppressors is the narrative they always wanted, after all. >>321573 >Watamote avatar Wait, is this why AntiSocialJW's primary twitter account got suspended? What a spiteful little troll. …Okay, I'm now wondering just how did this GNAAt know what Watamote is? Don't these goony bearded fucktwats hate anime?
>>321573 Epic master troll gets trolled in. The fact that he regards himself as hot shit but gets butthurt and goes into protect mode on twatter to hide is a testament to his non existence Epic troll skillz >>321925 This particular GNAA hates anime especially Loli's try spamming him with lolis to provoke a reaction
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>>321939 Can't he just like ignore this shit like a normal human being? Or is he triggered by lolis because of repressed memories of him bullied by little girls in kindergarten coming back to haunt him (which would make the GNAA name make a whole lot of sense on another level)?
>>321107 U didn't know? You are in the third reich nao.
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>>321925 >…Okay, I'm now wondering just how did this GNAAt know what Watamote is? Don't these goony bearded fucktwats hate anime? Only NERDS like anime! He's one of the COOL KIDS who makes fun of those nerds who like anime. He's essentially every SA Goon's spirit-animal: an insecure twat.
OP your not making any sense. Gamers are dead. Remember? How can something thats dead be too strong? That is a complete paradox OP you are making no sense.
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>>322928 >>322928 A Paradox like that brings to question my own existential meaning of life and why i continue to exist despite strong evidence that suggests i shouldn't. >>321071 I prefer Mid-Boss the real boss is hiding out in some castle somewhere
>Apr 1, 2016, 12:53pm CT | Last updated Apr 1, 2016, 12:54pm CT
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>>321328 >invoking Cultural Marxism is antisemitic Way to blow your cover, faggot.
>>321107 Nazi's don't scare people anymore. Now you're a white supremacist. Oh you don't like being called a white supremacist? Most racists don't. Hitler didn't. You Nazi. Love -The American Left.
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>>323957 While I don't believe the Jews are Reptilians bent on subjugating the master race(s) through subterfuge and communism, every time I hear "Cultural Marxism is some kind of wacky conspiracy theory" (usually from an actual Cultural Marxist and/or Jew), I hear in my head: "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ(-STEIN)! DON'T LOOK BEHIND THAT CURTAIN!" >>324370 >"poo in the loo" >designated shitting on/in ANYTHING other than a toilet >[CURRENT MILLENNIUM] Some humans races are OBJECTIVELY better than other human races. There a difference between being a "Supremacist" and just being "Supreme"; irregardless of talk of "space program by 2020" or not.
>>324377 >Some humans races are OBJECTIVELY better than other human races. > irregardless
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>>321107 I didn't choose the moonman life, the moonman life chose me.
>>321324 It's because they know that people are pushing back against them. Think of it this way, villains always create those who would overthrow them/destroy them/return to normalcy. SJW's helped create us, Feminists helped create MRA's and so on.
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I expect a five page essay on this by Monday.

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