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GamerGate Radio

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Media/Journos drop ethics and declare Hillary "winner" of Democratic primary Veteran Leader of GamerGate 06/07/2016 (Tue) 09:03:41 Id: ec0059 No. 324791
So Hillary just fucking launched her first nuke of the campaign: on the eve of the California primary, which if Sanders wins, would bring him to spitting distance of Hillary and effectively force her to a super-tight first vote ballot she may not win, Hillary had her media cronies outright call her the "winner" of the Democratic primary, via shady as shit math involving the super-delegates. The backlash hit fast and furious, forcing some to amend things to make it "presumed" winner. But they are still pushing hard that Hillary has it won outright. And why would they do that? They want to derail the California primary and basically scare off Sanders voters by way of tricking them into thinking their vote doesn't matter and that Hillary has "won" and that the primary is "over". I'd say this reeks of the "Gamers Are Dead" article dropping scheme.
I for one am fucking sick of Bernie Sanders content on my fucking kikebook timeline. Regardless of your american political affiliations or which candidates you prefer on policy alone, Bernie supporters are by far the most obnoxious. Bernie fags are the ones shitting up other candidates rallies, Bernie fags spamming tweets and hashtags and re-sharing stupid images and kikebook posts, and it's non-fucking-stop. I'm so glad it's over. Some of Trump's policies are outlandish, but to his credit his supporters aren't in my face 24/7 with obnoxious garbage, and I don't see Hillary supporters fucking up other people's days.
>I'd say this reeks of the "Gamers Are Dead" article dropping scheme. No offense anon, if I'm not exactly eager to jump in the fray for either sanders or clinton. Unfortunately that's due to past instances where an aGGro wants GG to suddenly rally and go white knight for them, to prove to aGGros and the world that GG is really about 'freeze peach' etc. Both berniebros and clintonistas are not exactly sympathetic to GGs cause, and I have yet to see them go to bat for GG so far either. If anything I see berniebros to be the type to be aGGros, and clintonistas to demand freezing problematic ungoodthink peaches. Now I love peaches, so you understand my reluctance in aiding someone or a group who is not exactly a lover of peaches, ya know.
>>324797 Bernie friend here, I've been supporting GG from the beginning. This thread really has nothing to do with GG though.
Well, to be fair, even a retard could've predicted that Cuckifornian Democrats will vote based on what between the candidates legs.
>>324805 Yeah, we're not /pol/ or KiA. Let's not bring up election shenanigans unless either candidate specifically brings up the topic of video games. There's too many ways off-topic political discussions like this can go south.
>>324805 >Bernie friend >not Bernie bro Good. You're smart enough to not use the language of the enemy.
Fuck everyone. Nuke America now.
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The media has been conspiring against Sanders from the very start, pushing a false narrative against him, insisting him and his supporters are just hate-filled misogynist white males who want to ruin things for Hillary Clinton. I was a fan of Bernie at first, when he was still against unrestricted immigration and somewhat pro-guns, and was talking about class issues first and foremost. He's still better than Hillary, but he backtracked on those positions in order to appeal to to the very campus SJWs who are giving progressives a bad name. Ironically, it's when he started attracting SJWs in large numbers that his following became violent and crazed - they turned into something similar to what the SJW media had accused them of in the beginning.
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>>324825 Forgot to link to the article from the images. Read it, tell me it doesn't sound like exactly what the media did with GamerGate. https://theintercept.com/2016/01/31/the-bernie-bros-narrative-a-cheap-false-campaign-tactic-masquerading-as-journalism-and-social-activism/ https://archive.is/BDWIB Also, it's interesting to note how, once Bernie started attracting large numbers of SJWs, and they started rioting, the media narrative switched from "Trump supporters are insane and violent" to "Sanders supporters are insane and violent". If Clinton attracts those same SJWs to her campaign, I wonder how many times they'll have to riot before the media starts saying her supporters are insane and violent?
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>>324827 >I wonder how many times they'll have to riot before the media starts saying her supporters are insane and violent? Not gonna happen m8.
Can we all agree that America is now politically a lost cause at the federal level for at least a generation? Even Paul Ryan, the highest ranking elected so-called conservative in America finally revealed his SJW colors and called Trump a racist. Now Republicans are basically tripping over themselves to call Trump a racist. I don't know what to do now except maybe go SovCit and hope for the best. I guess there's always armed revolt, but I really don't think my asthmatic ass would necessarily live to see the promised land on that one.
>>324831 anti-racist /= SJW
>>324833 Except he's throwing the term around where it doesn't even apply. I'm Hispanic and support Trump asking for a judge who isn't Mexican, because personal beliefs could get in the way of the judicial process. Let's not pretend we don't have biases.
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>>324833 >anti-racist
>>324836 That's a dumb thing for the Republican nominee to say. The Republicans make a big deal out of the idea that you are not the circumstances of your birth. That's their whole argument for affirmative action being racist. Judges swear an oath and train for years to mete out judgements impartially. Trump really stepped in it when he said that maybe a Muslim judge couldn't be impartial in regards to him, because that judge is hypothetical, so there are no individual specifics to argue. Basically, when he talked about the Muslim judge, Trump argued that a black guy accused of a crime in America could only be impartially judged by a black judge.
>>324828 >Not gonna happen m8. Agreed. Her supporters are women and minorities, women can't be insane or violent. Only white cis men, who vote for Trump.
>>324860 Experiencing discrimination perpetuates it; just like an abusive child is likely to become an abusive parent when thew grow up and become parent themselves; so, if a "minority" who experienced discrimination in their life based on their race happen to go into to law and become a judge, are actually the MOST likely, either consciously or unconsciously, to be biased based on race; ergo, "privileged" straight white males who experienced no discrimination are "colorblind" and be inferred to make the most impartial judges because they can judge cases on their actual merits rather than racial fluff.
>>324866 Minor correction: "Those who experience discrimination are the ones who are most likely to perpetuate it; for good or for ill: [….]"
>>324866 Good luck convincing a majority of American conservatives to endorse a literally racist rejection of the idea of judicial impartiality.
>>324866 IMO the problem isn't the judge's mexican heritage. It's the la raza thing. The more I read and look into it, the less I believe it's just a harmless social club celebrating hispanic culture. It seems like it does have an axe to grind and it would make me wonder if a judge that belongs to that club can be impartial to Trump. >>324833 >anti-racist /= SJW That might've been true 10 years ago. It's current year now though fam m80 champ friendo. Anti-racists are often the most racist assholes around and yes, they are often SJWs. >>324805 >Bernie friend here, I've been supporting GG from the beginning. Well berniefan, I'll take you at your word for now. Look I'm not unsympathetic towards all people who likes boinie, and it's very possible that many bernfags shenanigans are false flag shillary operations. Or simply socjus cultists who wants to stir up shit. I even sympathize with berniefans that gets misrepresented since most msm has now become the Ministry of Truth, and I have no difficulty in believing it's very possible that 'berniebro' is a mostly a manufactured story. Ie: the threat of Obamaboys, cough clinton2008 cough. Shit's fucked up mang. Bluntly speaking for myself. Even if I want to help, I'd rather concentrate on the main cancer of current year clickbait yellow journalism in general. polite sage.
>>324874 aaaaand of course I fucked up the polite sage
>>324874 >That might've been true 10 years ago. It's current year now though fam m80 champ friendo. Anti-racists are often the most racist assholes around and yes, they are often SJWs. Sure. Especially people who bill themselves as diversity experts or anti-racism crusaders. But Paul Ryan isn't either. Ordinary people who are against racism usually aren't SJWs. The Republican Speaker of the House? Certainly not.
>>324861 Are you retarded? I was saying that Hillary is too powerful and corrupt to be held accountable for her crimes.
>>324874 >It's the la raza thing The leader of the particular group that the judge in question belongs to has been quoted as saying "California will be a Hispanic state" and "White people should go back to Europe", among other jewels. If I were Trump, I'd be asking for a new judge too. But of course, the media (excepting Breitbart) won't mention that. Typical leftist smear tactics.
Holy shit! A new assault weapons ban just passed the House. And after that 9th Circuit decision last week that said concealed carry is not constitutionally protected outside of one's home, too. R.I.P. Second Amendment
>>324876 >But Paul Ryan isn't either. Ordinary people who are against racism usually aren't SJWs. The Republican Speaker of the House? Certainly not. Superficial labels like republican and democrat are increasingly meaningless, look at the actions vs the platitudes. The GOPe is a large part of the problem, Ryan is a RINO and a yesman to whoever the status quo is. While Ryan is not a problem glasses wearing blue haired tongue pierced tumblrina, he would have no problem rubberstamping socjus edicts and policies.
>>324822 Now we know why communist countries are bloodbaths.
>>324825 I lost faith when he let his speech get hijacked by BLM protestors that may or may not have been backed by Shillary.
>>325418 Google "Black Hillary experiments 1988 -sex"

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