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GamerGate Radio

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NeoGAF's Stupidity Thread Gawker Media's Creditor 06/19/2016 (Sun) 01:49:58 Id: a4d65b No. 325220
Since NeoGAF loves to talk about blaming GamerGate, let's discuss their stupidity. Share images, links, and videos too.
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I got a couple.
Why anyone would visit that dump for vidya discussion is a mystery to me I'd much rather use gamefaq and I did way back in the day cankt even remember my account.
>>325324 I've never been to NeoFAG ever, so I'm a good objective source for this; apparently console devs were going to that site for direct feedback from fans for awhile. I'm not a consolefag, but I believe it was God of War, Halo, Naughty Dog devs that were most prominent and visible on their forums. Anyways, it was a trickle into a deluge, more and more devs kept going there to shill directly and get their egos stroked, the forum users and admins got huge heads as a result(despite never doing anything creative or helpful to the industry ever) and eventually got press passes to E3 for a few years, legitimizing them. Since GamerGate happened and the regressive SJW-infiltrators went public(they had been creeping in silently to assume command since 2008ish), devs started ignoring it, and E3 has since cut off their press passes, delegitimizing them as a cool space for the real industry workers. Now it's a fully-infested but dying DJW hellhole because their user loss(abandonment or ban rate) far exceeds their new membership or conversion. They're like Something Awful in full decline. At least, that's how it's been explained to outsiders like me from multiple sources
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NeoGAF is also shit terrible in Final Fantasy XIV. They have a Free Company guild called Gather Against Fate <GAF> and they're the biggest shitters and floor kissers with a meme reputation that triggers them on the Ultros server.
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Coincidence? It may be possible that Tyler Malka is the murderer of the 20-year-old woman. We all know he likes to creep and stalk on women.
>>325323 >cuckyB >jun 2014 How come he said this then went full-cuck ghazifag during the uprising? Seriously, why they work together if they hate eachother so much?
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