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GamerGate Radio

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CRASH OVERRIDE NETWORK has confirmed staffer outed as sexual harrasser Veteran Leader 08/08/2016 (Mon) 19:00:42 Id: bb8fdb No. 326318
THEY JUST KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT >loosely create organization for helping people fix holes in their online profiles out of fellow goons trying to earn back their 10 bux >said goons are thirsty virgins and use position of power to beg for chat sex and dirty talk >pretend it didn't happen and "NOT ALL SJWs" Crash Override Network and Robert Marmolejo: How an Online Abuse Helpline May Have Enabled Sexual Harassment https://medium.com/@mombot/crash-override-network-and-robert-marmolejo-how-an-online-abuse-helpline-may-have-enabled-sexual-1436a36c7cc8#.7pjq2q7ui The “Zoe Post” was a lengthy journal entry detailing the relationship between Zoe Quinn and Eron Gjoni, uploaded to the internet by Gjoni after he discovered that Quinn had engaged in multiple affairs. In this journal entry, Zoe Quinn was implicated in performing sexual favors in exchange for positive coverage of her indie video game title Depression Quest. For gamers, this was a confirmation of what they had suspected for years: there is a very real problem with journalistic corruption in the video game industry. This event precipitated the heated, years-long cultural and political debate known as #GamerGate, a controversy that has seen threats exchanged, friendships destroyed and the cultural landscape of an entire hobby irreversibly altered. Because the blog post detailing Zoe’s affairs became Ground Zero for #GamerGate, Zoe became the target of much scrutiny and verbal abuse from gamers who saw her as the embodiment of unfair games media practices. Zoe, for her part, sought to utilize this experience as a “woman dealing with online harassment”. She created Crash Override Network(CON), an online support group for victims of wide-scale internet abuse. The CON website describes itself as “a crisis helpline, advocacy group and resource center for people who are experiencing online abuse”. However, recent events cast a pall over everything which Zoe Quinn and Crash Override Network have achieved in the wake of #GamerGate. Many video game journalists, indie game developers and anonymous internet posters provided moral and financial support for Zoe Quinn during her ensuing legal battle with Eron Gjoni. Invariably, many of these people were vocally against #GamerGate, which they saw as an organized harassment campaign which Gjoni had baited into attacking Quinn. Using private chatrooms to communicate, they formed a community which eventually came to be called “anti-#GamerGate”. It was from this community that Quinn recruited staff for her Crash Override Network.
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One of the people who Quinn recruited as volunteer staff for her new harassment support network was Robert Marmolejo, a member of the YouTuber atheist community who regularly hosted his own podcast. Formerly known on twitter as @UnseenPerfidy, Marmolejo was extremely performative in his attacks against #GamerGate. He regularly characterized anyone that participated in the twitter hashtag as a serial abuser. Although it was not publicly disclosed, Marmolejo was eventually enlisted by Zoe Quinn and entrusted with jointly operating the Crash Override Network’s various social media accounts. This was revealed to the author through a leaked chatlog from one of CON’s Skype meetings, which can be viewed in full at the end of this article. As a member of Crash Override Network’s staff, Marmolejo was tasked with communicating and counseling victims of online abuse. However, Marmolejo may have abused the trust and private information of his clients to approach them and attempt to solicit sex. Israel ‘Izzy’ Galvez (@iglvzx), another staff member of Crash Override Network, has written that ‘over 20 women have come forward to reveal that Marmolejo sexually harassed them’. Alarmingly, some of the victims have indicated hesitation to speak out about the harassment they received from Marmolejo due to his reputation as being a “popular male feminist”. If these accusations prove to be true, they will regrettably not be the first instance of a man adopting the rhetoric of progressive politics and women’s representation in order to further their own sexual agenda. Jian Ghomeshi, Hugo Schwyzer, Charles Clymer, Devin Faraci, and Matt Hickey have been similarly indicted. For my part, as someone who has been mistakenly accused of harassment by anti-#GamerGate and who has sometimes been the target of harassment by their well-meaning supporters, I wonder what impact Marmolejo’s actions will have — if any — on Zoe Quinn’s future prospects as a leader in online abuse prevention.
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>>326319 >a woman calls out your organization for having your right hand nu-male sexting her >immediately follow for damage control >dat ghastly pic right after >that cuck in the bottom right concentrated cancer all in one screencap
>>326320 other people followed are Laura K Dale, tranny game dev and former UK editor of Destructoid, and two amateur journos(one of which claims video editing credentials, just before Chelsea tweets all about carrying a big camera around LA shooting stuff). She never stops networking with scum, does she?
THIS KEEPS HAPPENING Who remembers that black guy who was listed in the sex offenders register and who moderated Anita's chat thing/stream or whatever it was called. A real shit storm when he was exposed eh,now its happening again
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https://twitter.com/davidsgallant Its the "I masturbate to gg" again These twitter people have so little tact and decorum its funny to watch them backpedal and go i was only pretending to retarded its only a joke. And there he goes making a tasteless joke so soon after this incident Hes gone into protect mode and appears to have lost a fuckton of followers only 148 naw he had way more than that
>[1/5/2015 1:44:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: alex, i am almost certain at this point hotwheels is criminally liable. the combination of awareness of baphomet, adding features to protect it, etc, all RIGHT after a swatting. >[1/5/2015 1:45:08 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I’d like to think so but we’ve also learned the system is broken because the internet isn’t real >[1/5/2015 1:45:25 PM] Knife Horse: the problem is he’s not in the US >[1/5/2015 1:45:54 PM] Knife Horse: we have to hope law enforcement does things the hard way >[1/5/2015 1:46:01 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: conviction in absentia is a thing >[1/5/2015 1:46:30 PM] Knife Horse: I’d settle for his website getting vanned >[1/5/2015 1:46:39 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Just don’t get seduced by the notion that anyone will actually give a damn unless we have a line right to the FBI. >[1/5/2015 1:47:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: The system is broke as FUCK. That crushed Zoe when things looked like they would work, but didn’t, because we got invested for a sec. >[1/5/2015 1:47:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob has a contact, but he can’t say much or wasn’t given much info >[1/5/2015 1:47:33 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Zoe has the chance to enact larger change with the book, but for now, we need private ways to shut down 8chan.
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>>326331 Keep going….
>>326325 > Who remembers that black guy who was listed in the sex offenders register and who moderated Anita's chat thing/stream or whatever it was called. Yeah, that was Valis77.
OP cares too much.
>>326343 someone has to, ZIDF
Some old background material on the con that is CON: There were 20+ news articles promoting it at launch http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Crash_Override_Network Twitter named Crash Override Network as a "trusted resource" and promoted it through the @safety account https://archive.is/cASO7 "Zoe says a lot of BLM activists have used Crash Override Network." https://archive.is/5KfGc (at the UN! see thread >>298074 for more on that) from @StephenAtWar, one of Zoe's supporters: https://archive.is/Y2FEJ > If you've asked Crash Override for help and all you got back was an email telling you to read their tumblr it's b/c you're not famous enough. All they do is skim the messages for anything from someone famous to rub elbows with... Crash Override actually dropped a case halfway through because the client got fired and no longer had a platform to sing CO's praises. About StephenAtWar: https://archive.is/UbqeC http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/939178-gamergate
Scum seems to attract scum. SJWs protect each other. Glad this is coming out.
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Another one exposed himself
http://archive.is/krLiq Good ol David gallant always knows the right thing to say in tense moments
This is starting to seem to be like a form of virtue-signalling combined with self depreciation. It's like the kid in junior high who keeps saying how much of a loser he is in order to get girls to try and console him. Not only that but it seems like they might be trying to reveal their mistakes before other people do, so they can seem like they are apologizing before they can be called out. Or maybe I"m just reading way too much into it…
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Thanks for the public support, Brietbart. A legit news story vetted by lawyers always means something in the long game http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/08/10/crash-override-network-twitter-anti-harassment/
>>326318 >Crash Override Network >CON You CANNOT make this shit up.
>>326383 How BADLY do you have to hate yourself to talk like that? Jesus fuck, these people are seriously fucking mental. That's not figure of speech either. They are ACTUALLY mentally insane. They show bipolar tendencies, paranoia, severe self loathing, manic depression. Jesus these people need help, and the cult of feminism is only fanning the flames. If they weren't all such humongous, hypocritical twats I'd be tempted to feel sorry for them.
>>326318 >Many video game journalists, indie game developers and anonymous internet posters provided moral and financial support for Zoe Quinn during her ensuing legal battle with Eron Gjoni. Invariably, many of these people were vocally against #GamerGate, which they saw as an organized harassment campaign which Gjoni had baited into attacking Quinn. Using private chatrooms to communicate, they formed a community which eventually came to be called “anti-#GamerGate”. Isn't it funny how a bunch of powerless anons publicly talking about SJW fuckery are a "conspiracy", but actual industry professionals, with actual privilege and power, plotting in secret, isn't a conspiracy? Isn't it funny how the "anti-sexist" anti-Gamer side has turned out to have dozens of actual sex offenders, while the supposedly "sexist" pro-Gamer side is composed of actual victims of doxxing and harassment? >>326383 The only sin he admits to is doxxing people who were following someone he disliked. Which is SJW SOP, so seeing him renounce that is a good start, tho just a drop in the bucket. >>326410 >How BADLY do you have to hate yourself to talk like that? You can bet that hanging around SJWs, he's constantly being told what a horrible person he is simply for being born male. Endless abuse like that takes a toll on the psyche.
Kicking this.

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