>Anon, I have had interviews for storage facilities, bicycle manufacturing, airport luggage, and delivery companies. EVERY SINGLE ONE required that I provide my own smartphone for the sole purposes of installing THEIR special application onto it, with said application tracking every' aspect of my life regardless of if I'm on the clock or not
Never once had this happen. Maybe you just live in a corporate dystopia? Have you considered fucking off to somewhere less shit?
>if said application was truly that important.
It wasn't, so they didn't. But now that you mention it, I am paid for my phone, monthly. Even though it costs less than my monthly phone bill, and the excess has long since exceeded the price I paid for the phone itself. So yeah, you should probably live somewhere less shit. I get my phone paid for and it's not even required. Though it does help a lot.
Never did that. And it wasn't a company app, to be clearer. It was slack. And it was dropped later because no one used it and the guy organizing it lost the logins. Since then, it's just a dropbox link.