/h/ - Hentai

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Rules and Meta Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 18:13:52 No. 2 >>11 >>2035 >>2499 >>5587 >>6026
Welcome to /h/, where we post hentai. The rules are, >1 : No 3DPD >2 : No BLACKED >3 : Irredeemable content including, but not limited to: Scat, Farting, Burping, Guro, Vore, Snuff, Hyper, Bara, et cetera must be contained to any thread designated for such content, and must be spoilered >4 : Contentious content including, but not limited to: Furshit, Futa, Yaoi, Pegging, NTR, Bestiality, Severe Bodily Deformation, Totcon, et cetera must be spoilered outside threads designated for such content >5 : OP may set personal thread rules to be enforced at the moderation's discretion. (This is normally an unwritten rule. For example, a thread titled "monstergirls" implies that yaoi should not be posted even if spoilered.) >6 : Keep a standard of quality. Incredibly poorly drawn art and unpolished AI outside of an AI thread will get warnings escalating to bans if posted repeatedly. May 11th, 2023:The board is now under new management. Rule 4 Rule 3 will not be retroactively applied to existing posts, but existing posts in violation of the rule may be spoilered Banner suggestions are welcome and highly encouraged. 300kb max and there needs to be /h/ in it somewhere. October 12th, 2023: Shortly after updating the rules, as would be expected, there have been posts pushing these rules to see where the line is. Black on black and non-explicit blacked were posted today. After some thought, I've decided rule 2 should be expanded and clarified. No dominant black males. None. No black supremacist porn. If you want to see African men fucking white women, black women, furries, horses, robots, or just jacking off, you can go somewhere else. March 15th, 2024: Added rules 6 & 7 5 & 6. These rules will not retroactively apply for deletion, but spoilering may be retroactively applied to existing posts. Added hyper and bara to irredeemable content. My definition of hyper is more strict than many as I think the term has been watered down to merely mean "disproportionate" to the current generation of anons. July 16th, 2024: Old rule 3 was been made more specific to allow for unspoilered furshit within its designated threads. Expanded into rule 4 as of October 7th, 2024. July 26th, 2024: Added a link to the meta thread to the rules page. October 7th, 2024: Rules 3, 4, and 5 condensed into rule 3. Part of rule old rule 3 that only addressed furshit is expanded into a new rule 4. Rule 6 renumbered to rule 5 and made more comprehensive. Rule 7 renumbered to rule 6. Strikethrough edits made to the existing changelog for clarity in light of rule shuffling. Note about the old rule 5 removed as it has been condensed into rule 3. See >>5587 for old rules. October 14th, 2024: Added totcon to contentious content rule 4 and Burping to irredeemable content rule 3. December 17th, 2024:Added poor AI containment to rule 6
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 12/17/2024 (Tue) 23:19:36.
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I added this banner, but I feel like the /h/ is too small. The whole thing may be too fucking big as well
>>2 (OP) is western art allowed?
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>>11 I guess it's fine. Keep it to one thread please
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Just a heads up: Since the site has been going offline for random periods of time, and because not everyone wants (or knows how) to use the onion address on Tor, Acid has deployed a Tor2web proxy that allows anyone to access the onion link through their regular browsers without the need of additional software. The proxy is located at https://redchannit.net/, and from there you can access to and post on /h/ or any other board without problem. Proof in case you don't believe me: >>>/site/532
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Made some 300x100px banners, including one based on the current banner.
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>>145 Neat, added them.
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Adding a new rule: >No advertising other sites so I don't have to go there again to check if they're full of cp or not they were
As someone who's managed to go the majority of his life without really delving into hentai much at all can I get a run down on the good sites to find content? I've specifically been struggling with finding quality animated hentai videos. I'd prefer to be able to torrent this stuff for maximum quality but I also need to a method of discovery. Any pasta/list of the go to major sites for any content would be great though.
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>>358 I actually don't watch videos very much so I can't help you there. As for images, most quality stuff are on Pixiv because jap artists don't draw ugly shit for the most part.
>>358 Sankaku Complex Exhentai Rule34.xxx nhentai.net hanime.tv Danbooru Just a few starter websites if you want to find hentai.
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>>407 Worth noting that Danbooru won't have as much stuff as Gelbooru because they don't allow just anything. E-Hentai.org is good for finding doujinshi or even full artist galleries
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New banner. Courtesy of GG.
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>>408 >because they don't allow just anything Don't you read gelbooru ToS on allowed content? >kirishit Ah, figures.
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Does this board have a spoiler image yet? If not, here's one.
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>>1232 Looks like it'll fit more on >>>/delicious/
Is there a way to download images from threads without getting a bunch of other grabage?
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>>1341 Like, a webscraper? I imagine JDownloader would help with that. You won't be getting original source images though so there might be artifacting because artists still love using lossy formats. Since the topic was brought up, does anyone know why Google Reverse Image Search and SauceNao says the file cannot be found when used on an image from here? It's tedious to have to save it to my desktop just to reverse search it.
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benner >>1333 that's not a puffy vulva ;^) >>1341 no. the anti-hotlink system prevents using automated scrappers. the only way is to save them one by one >>1379 hotlinks are disabled to discourage sjw cunts from mass reporting boards with the hosting/registrar/cdn companies
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too lewd?
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>>1381 Inconvenient but makes sense >>1493 We already got a lewd one so it's fine. Added
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/h/ LIVES!
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>>1858 Fixed.
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Have a banner krita crashed on my 3 times while making this.
>>1886 Krita sucks. Either use Clips Studio or gimp.
>>1888 What I usually hear is that Krita is good for creating original art, but Gimp is better for editing, cropping, splicing images together, making memes, stuff like that.
>>2 (OP) Heads up: since this place seems to being targeted by pedos, reminder that https://prolikewoah.com/d/ exists and we can bunker up there to weather the storm
Is this a good banner?
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To the mod/admin that cleared up the spam here, thank you.
is 3dcg allowed?
>>2250 Non-realistic, yes. Just don't post anything that looks like 3DPD.
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>>2181 Sure, added
Personally I think the board really needs more text, more discussion. But, that me not seeing a point to porn boards for porn's sake. What do others think? Is just putting some porn down good? Do you like pornboards for that sake? If not, is there anything we can do to stimulate more discussion? Should we not try? It's not a big deal I guess. There are other boards to post on for discussion, but I'm curious of peoples thoughts and opinions.
>>2356 We have the QTDDTOT thread over here. >>1778 but I guess we could start an H-ova discussion thread or general hentai discussion thread about general on goings relating to lewd artist and 2D lewds in general.
>>2 (OP) Rule breaker at >>2494 (2483)
>>2499 NARK
>>2356 >is there anything we can do to stimulate more discussion? Yes. Talk about porn. It's that simple. But there aren't enough anons.
>>2504 I try to talk lots, hardly ever get any interaction
>>2504 I mean whats there to say? >i came >sauce >this is gross >this is hot I mean regardless of the type of pornography or the format of the website. That is the conversation. Everytime. Just variations on those four really.
>>2507 Deep philosophical debate about school curriculum spurred on by what's written on the chalkboard in the background Fashion sense (too often, there is none) Trivia about a genre, it's current relevance, whether it's dying down or peaking, whether the artist does a lot of it or it's rather unusual for them That loli has black skin, niggers are gross, she needs to be scrubbed clean with steel wool. What kind of coffee do you think is in that woman's cup? When I was a child, I found hentai just like this, except at the end my dad stormed into the room and beat me with jumper cables. This reminds me of the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. It all sparked because some mercenaries got drunk as fuck and decided to overthrow their local government, then the government called for aid from Carthage, and the mercs called for aid from Rome, and the two super powers of the world proceeded to violently destroy each other until Rome was left standing on their salted earth and broken buildings. Because some dumbass mercs got drunk and thought it'd be hilarious to take over the city. People died. A LOT OF PEOPLE. But it was hilarious so it's cool. Have you seen hentai based on the Roman Republic?
>>2508 You seem fun anon. Have you ever tried having a conversation with people who aren't horny, ignoring you, and jerking off? Because you should try it. You'll get exactly the conversations you want. But here? Motherfuckers just wanna bust a nut.
>>2509 I don't understand the point of coming her for that instead of going to gelbooru, pixiv, lolibooru, or any number of porn sites.
Threads on first page >NTR thread >Blacked thread >Trap thread >Slut thread >Feet thread >Transform thread (which is full of awful gender bending and futa shit) All this while the loving sex thread is at the bottom of the catalog, without a single post in 5 months. https://archive.ph/slibk What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
>>2549 OK but which thread has the most discussion in it? Let's all contribute something to that one
>>2549 Are you surprised to see that on a site populated by benis loving gaymergays? I guess some of this stuff could be used and advertised on prolikewoah's /d/edicated /d/egenerate board, too. I need to rack my brain as to how many vanilla ones I have which I don't think is that much as they tend to have a theme of some kind rather than being straight up normal.
>>2549 Fuck v*nilla and fuck you.
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Acid decided, despite some disagreement from at least one other admin, that obscene text featuring children is forbidden. A lot of people think this is overly cautious and premature. /h/ BO, what do you think? I just want your thoughts on the matter
>>2633 Seems that ruling was quietly overturned and removed from the global rules without announcement, last I checked.
>>2633 Does that mean that the kora copypasta is banned?
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>>2777 Was the only cute thing about that post let me say
It's been five days since I made a post on this board. In that time, four days ago, a single post was made. Somebody do something about this. I can't take it anymore.
>>2815 Youmu a cute, and a sexy phantom. >>2820 If the lack of an active user base upsets you then perhaps you should try telling all your friends, family, local clergy, fellow co-workers, and neighbors about this sweet new image board hosting site and how it's the tree free speech spiritual successor to OG HotWheelzChan before the cripple sold out either out of spite or because he was cohered by glow fags so he could go live in Cyprus or whatever to try and reproduce with selective sperm and egg harvesting for whatever asinine reason, I dunno I guess /pol/fags saying he should be sterilized got under his skin that much? Whatever either way, this board would be more lively if you informed people it existed is the point I'm making here.
>>2821 >Shilling No way fag.
>>2878 >all social interaction promoting positive things are inherently shilling so don't you DARE discuss alternative tech, plant tree's, pick up trash, or volunteer at local community charities because you'll be a shill, SHILL! I mean in a sense sure but then anything is shilling at that point so why care?
>>2879 Youmu based
>>2879 Please explain how planting trees and picking up trash are shilling.
>>2815 Hello Board Owner, i was wondering. Would it be ok if i made a thread for the subject of Female Circumcision?
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>>3144 Anime girls aren't circumcised anon-kun. If you want to talk about the actual subject and aren't being a shitter then /b/ or /ero/ would be better
>>3160 I am still wondering what The Board Owner is thinking.
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>>3161 i am the bo
>>3171 I don't see the Board owner tag in your name.
>>3121 >Please explain how planting trees and picking up trash are shilling. I am shilling, shilling for a better future to pass onto the next generation. >>3007 Indeed she is, to bad she's a wagie for a glutenious ghost. >>3144 Female circumcision is just as backwards as male circumcision... No actually it's arguably... Objectively even worse in fact since it completely removes any ability to feel pleasure during intercourse and is even horrifically painful, not to mention it causes a lot of serious and completely avoidable problems when conceiving a child. At least male circumcision can on some very rare occasions actually have a legitimate medical purpose, it's just over practiced because of dumb Amerilard beliefs and because Americunt parents are to lazy to teach their children basic hygiene like how to wash a foreskin. You know it's a backwards tradition when it's mostly Somalia and Yemen that still practice it for whatever asinine reason. I don't mean to kink shame, especially on here of all places and I don't care since it's just drawings after all but it really is a fucked up and unnecessarily cruel tradition.
"Amerilard beliefs?" Fuck off and die, foreign scum.
Hey hey hey, enable r9k. I'm not combing through hundreds of images in a thread to find out if I'm posting dupes.
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>>3206 I always found it annoying when I wanted to post a specific image but couldn't bc someone else posted it in a different thread. I don't think it's a big deal if you post dupes here and there. It's not like someone is going through every image in every thread and getting into an autistic frenzy when they see the same image
>>3208 R9k is gay. The BO is right.
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Now accepting submissions for a spoiler file. Keep it square and under 200x200.
>>11 Ignore this fag >>12 Western art is fine, so long as you have some standards.
Hey mod, I could understand why you deleted my image in the QTDDTOT buy why did you delete the images on the shortstacked thread? They're not even blacked but 2D nonwhite short stacks.
>>4297 Two of those three images featured negro men, one stereotypically so. One I think was accidentally deleted and since I had unlinked two of the three files hoping to preserve the rule abiding one, it could not be restored. If you're also talking about pic related, I assumed you deleted this yourself over its duplicate images in your next post. I don't recall deleting it and it's not in the logs. I can restore it if needed.
>>4298 You deleted one of the images with a purple shortstack, that I don't get.
>>4299 >You deleted one of the images with a purple shortstack, that I don't get. The purple one was an accident. The other two were intentional. See the first half of >>4298
>>4300 You also got rid of the previous two post the one with the dark skinned chick and the abhuman shortstack. I "deleted" it because you got rid of the image and all it showed was a stub with the poster's "name".
>>4302 >You also got rid of the previous two post Board logs are public. You can see for yourself that after the initial wave of deletions when I took over the board which preceded you making those posts, I've only deleted two posts, the negro one, and a spam bot thread.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 05/16/2023 (Tue) 12:06:09.
Who the heck is reporting a 1.5 year old on topic post as spam? >>3308 (121)
>>4459 Sorry, I didn't notice the time stamps. It's not that often I visit this place.
>>4461 Even then, why report it? It's on the topic of the thread, and /h/ is a dump friendly board
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How's pic related for this board's custom spoiler image?
>>4464 Too generic and doesn't represent the board. Spinning is neat, but it's distracting having moving images you have to manually hide if you want it stop, and the hide button is small and located closely to the open-in-new-tab button. /v/ is working on custom spoilers for video files and they prefer an animated spoiler that just flashes twice every 4 or so seconds.
>>4511 (2132) This post was reported for calling loli pedo. Anti-loli sentiment is not against board rules, but if someone repeatedly shits up a thread just to shit on a particular fetish, I'd consider deleting their shit and updating the rules. And no, it's not against global rule 2. >Legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork is not prohibited and is not to be conflated with pedophilia or any content banned under this rule. This means 2D is not be conflated with pedoshit in regards to the enforcement of global rules upon 2D content, not in regards to one's beliefs.
Thanks to the globals for cleaning up some of the fart/scat spam while I was at work.,
Good board thus far, btfos blacked spamming pedotrannies and their jewish handlers.
>>4980 Board will pretty much always be dead. It's just me keeping up 1/24th PPH and the assfag posting at maybe 1/148th PPH. It's still better without niggers, but only pure autism futilely keeps me here.
>>4981 Meh... I can't find much to discuss, really. For material, boorus are so much superior
>>4987 Oh, I'd discuss if there were people. But there's not, so I just use the board as an autistic online porn archive for other anons to enjoy my curated tastes.
>>4988 okay sooo uuuuhhh... lazy tagging, it's pretty lame, isn't it?
>>4992 You say this like there's nothing to be said about it. There's plenty to be said, though I feel the topic is only tangential to /h/. It's a real pain in the ass that people uploading things don't do some basic tagging. There is absolutely zero practical use to uploading things to boorus if no one looking for that content can find it, and possibly no one may go out of their way to ever tag it. The only reason I can see for doing this lazy shit is your account might get good goy points for uploading. Lack of tagging was an absolute bane upon download subscriptions and those who use booru tags for Hydrus. However, Hydev saw this former issue and created a workaround so that tag subscriptions that check for files with x tags every once in a while can still get files that were not initially tagged properly, but then tagged later. Whenever it runs a check for new files on a booru and finds one, it will then keep checking previous files with the tag(s) before that upload until it hits an arbitrary limit you can set (default is 100) while ignoring any urls it has already seen. This limit is also the same as the number of files it will grab at once, so if it maxes out, you may want to run a manual download of that tag with a larger search limit. Even for those who use the booru tags for their personal Hydrus collection, lack of tagging is now becoming less of an issue with machine learning based auto-tagging, since ML can now recognize and generate images. The mistakes it makes with missing tags are far less than boorus and the mistakes it makes with mistagging seem to be roughly the same as boorus since it's trained off of them. I personally do not like either, nor do I care for the Public Tag Repository community tagging as it seems pretty barebones. Boorus, the PTR, and AI tagging are going to use a lot of tags I don't like, like using the xgirls tags for futanari. Everything in my cartoon porno collection is manually tagged except for artist tags from subscription downloads, and I've tagged about 23K files so far. About 14K of these are /h/ material. I still have about 5k files to go, but I've been hovering around that number for over a month because since Hydrus makes file organization and searching so much more perfect, I've been more motivated to crawl boorus looking for artists and fetishes I like to add to my collection. I've already gone through about 140+ artists so far over the last half year. I currently have 27 to go before I move on to my list of, currently, 44 characters, then 25 fetish tags/promising tag combinations. I rarely add more artists while going through the artist list, but I plan on adding more as I discover them while going through the character and fetish lists. The most artists I've had in my backlog at once has been about 110 or so near when I started. I mainly check Gelbooru, Rule34.xxx, and AllTheFallen as my primary boorus. On occasion I'll check other boorus if I happen to come across the fact that an artist has more shit there. If I can hardly find anything for a good western loli artist, I may check Baraag. Having these things in Hydrus makes it incredibly easy to find the files and topics I want, and even filter out what files I already posted in particular threads. Immensely more so than the old archaic folder sorting. Since I took over /h/ primarily to clear out the nigger porn, I've usually made at least one post a day in various threads. Once I finish my active collecting and tagging in Hydrus and return back to more passive collection of smut, I plan to pick up the pace of my dumps on /h/ and make a bunch of new threads. That's still probably 6 months away though. Not sure about my timeframe, as since I've started collecting my estimates towards finishing have been hovering around 3-4 months for several months now. I'm going to start including how many files I add a day and put in my calculations to get better estimates. But I digress. Yes, lazy tagging sucks, but it's quickly becoming a non-issue thanks to machine learning. I imagine it won't be long before many boorus themselves adopt ML tagging, if they haven't already.
>>4993 kek, just my luck you're a gigaautist about tagging, respect. I tried for a while, but the infinite spam of lazy bot uploads made it all seem pretty hopeless. I really do have some optimism now because of ML. Honestly, they should just ban (maybe not instantly and permanently) accounts for lazy tagging, at least for missing important "obligatory" tags such as faggotry, scat, etc. It's so bad I've just begun to blacklist certain creators instead, it's more efficient. tbh I have next to no clue about Hydrus. What's this about download subs and x tags?
>>4995 >I tried for a while, but the infinite spam of lazy bot uploads made it all seem pretty hopeless. Relative to other anons, my collection is small, and I am very picky, in spite of having some bizarre tastes. >Honestly, they should just ban (maybe not instantly and permanently) accounts for lazy tagging Many sites set a minimum required number of tags for uploads. However, more uploads = more activity so they set the bar low, or forget the bar entirely because it's better for site activity metrics. Big sites have autists going around tagging low tag files anyways. Those poor autists. >tbh I have next to no clue about Hydrus. What's this about download subs and x tags? >>>/t/14270 Read about it. It's amazing. Instead of collecting your files in messy folders that suffer from the issue of deciding which folders files that fit into multiple folders ought to go in, and which folders supersede others, you just have your own personal collection on your computer tagged and can search the tags with Hydrus. Hydrus comes with a variety of features that make organization much easier >No folders, just tags, and searching is fast even on a potato, faster than Wangblows' own built in file/folder keyword search >You can keep partial folder functionality by turning folders into tags when importing files from your computer >Automatically makes sure you don't have any exact copies of files with the same hash >Built in duplicate processing lets you weed out low quality duplicates and easily find sets of alternate imagesets to be grouped together >Downloaders let you run a manual scrape of files from a certain site >Subscriptions auto-scrape files with certain tags/keywords from boorus, imageboard threads, social media, and more, which is most useful for following creators without constantly going to different sites >First pic related. Most of these options have suboptions, and you don't even have to touch most of them to get great use out of Hydrus >Second pic related. You can use it to organize any files really, not just porn. But those things more than likely require some amount of personal tagging >It's your own personal booru on your computer, so you can choose the tags, including sorting memes, and adding tags based on where you've posted things before so you don't repost them, or temporary tags for things you plan to use somewhere and then remove later >If certain booru tags are unideal, you can make them display as your ideal tag on Hydrus when it grabs the file >Hydrus keeps track of all the urls it scrapes, so every file imported to Hydrus with a downloader or subscription has one or more urls attached that will take you to where Hydrus found file or any files with the same hash. <filenames can no longer have capital letters, because tags aren't case sensitive and filenames must be turned into tags to be retained in Hydrus It's a very powerful tool. The dev is active here and has been on 8chan since near the beginning of the site, first working on Hydrus since shortly before 8chan began. Now with ML tagging, I think adoption of Hydrus will pick up more, even for non-porn usage.
>>4995 >you're a gigaautist about tagging A bit. I've been manually tagging my files since August 2022 shortly after I first got Hydrus. That's nearing a year and a half now, and though I estimated I had about 24,000 files to tag from about eight years with this computer, I've processed about 26,000 now because in the last half year I've added about 7300 files.
>>4996 >>4998 Sounds neat. I don't really have much management trouble as of now though. I'm currently just 'collecting', and I'd say I'm pretty picky, so I don't have a huge collection. Might try it because the current method I use to export/backup from Sankaku is a little clunky. Thanks for the QRD. If only I had a gazillionbytes SSD... I wonder if I could just download everything and have the ML provide more accurate tags, lel
(82.30 KB 268x331 chestexploitable.png)

Files in this post >>2613 (736) were reported for niggerdry and unlinked, however a third file was unlinked due to a error in how unlinking functions. If you do not reload the page and attempt unlink multiple files at once, all files after the first unlinked file in the post will move down one place in order even though the page has not visibly updated their positions. I will request this error be addressed, and a second "unlink but not deleted" trashbin be created. In the meantime, for the better preservation of smut, If only one file in a post of multiple files needs removing, I will save and repost all remaining files myself before sending the original post to the trash bin.
>>3889 (1043) was reported for niggery. I am going to dismiss the report as I think the intention here is a swarthy complexion, not a nigger. A cursory glance at other works by the artist supports this. I understand your frustration however. The Japs aren't as bombarded with niggers and nigger propaganda and don't as much see a skin tone difference as representing niggers. I often see a fair skinned guy turn two or three shades darker the moment a sex scene starts because "muh contrast". I hate the inconsistency, and I hate how it sometimes looks like a nigger. But here, I feel is not a strong enough case of that.
>>5361 That jap must've been grilling in the sun 12 hours a day for months. Honestly, I still don't think he'd be that black. Idk, looks like 100% a nigger on my monitor, but it's your call.
>>5361 I really can't wait until the boorus and other sites implement AI for this shit so I can filter shitskins, including classic asiatic contrast(TM) niggers. The fatigue is real. Guess I'll just nofap until then.
I'd prefer a local AI that auto-lightens all the niggers and "tanned Okinawans". Too much good art is wasted by the nigger propaganda otherwise. It pains me to see it, which is why I've made edits myself, and made a thread for such edits >>5391
Several old posts were reported for scat. While I appreciate the identification of this literal filth, the OP rules post states that rule 4 does not apply retroactively to posts made before I became BO, but such posts may be spoilered. All these posts were already properly spoilered, and I have added an explicit scat warning to the couple of posts that didn't already have it. Given some explanation of the particulars of the rules are in this thread, but not in the actual rules page, I'm going to add a link to the rules page.
>>5401 I get it. I suppose I am growing more intolerant every day. At this point, it leaves me feeling like a hobo digging through the dumpster to find good images, especially after Sankaku implemented a blacklist paywall. It's too nasty. I'll spare myself the ocular molestation.
Rules updated. Cap of old rules for clarity. >>2 (OP)
>>2 (OP) Rules update. Cap of old rules for transparency.

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