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Myanmar/Burma Thread Strelok 02/21/2021 (Sun) 08:09:46 No. 10587
We should have a Myanmar/Burma thread. I think it's a big enough topic to justify having it separate from the Chink/Pajeet thread. >What happened? Long story short the Myanmar military has guaranteed 1/3rd representation in their version of congress. Aung San Suu Kyi had introduced a bunch of progressive reforms over the last few years and had frequent visits with Chinese despite Myanmar and China being in a technically hostile relationship. This is a big deal because Chinese nationals have been actively waging a civil war in Northern Myanmar. Suu Kyi lost international support after she approved the Muslim genocides back in 2017 in order to avoid a death sentence by the Myanmar military. The Myanmar military claims there was election fraud, but the evidence is more that this was a move to ensure national sovereignty as the current leader of the military would have been forced to step down/retire following the elections due to anti-military legislation congress passed in recent years. The military is using the excuse of Wu Flu to keep Myanmar's congressional body from officially convening by claiming that public officials violated COVID restrictions and utilized communication means to contact foreign countries when they were under investigation (something that is extremely illegal in Myanmar). Currently civil servants are protesting by manipulating the markets to crash the Myanmar economy with no survivors in order to try to justify UN interference in the form of foreign aid. Health workers, education workers, transportation workers, and banks are refusing to operate and holding protests. Foreign interference is expected. >Why does this matter? The military coup is aiming to restore the balance of power between military and civilian offices in government. If this fails, you can expect a war between Myanmar and China before the end of Biden's presidency as a means of China acquiring more territory. Specifically gemstone/mineral-rich territory that Myanmar already heavily exploits. This could give China an unprecedented economic edge to manipulate the precious metals market. Despite the military crackdown on communications and being an active part of the government, it is likely that the international community will use the protests as an excuse to start civil war in Myanmar since it could give them an excuse to plant western government military bases near China. >Who are the good guys? There are none. Suu Kyi is a progressive bitch, but the military are equally power-hungry and mostly working to preserve power structures that they failed to keep over the 2000s/2010s. Stop crashing and let me post the thread, damn it. >Flood Detected >When the thread didn't even fucking post God damn it.
Two folks killed by police. Jewtube link when anon.cafe inevitably refuses to let the file go through but posts my post anyways: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J205cE6NQHM
Maybe it's a bit too late to have a thread, i hope i'm wrong but it feels as if the happening already happened, it'll probably go the way of Thailand. As for China i doubt an actual war will happen, considering the military government will become/is an international pariah they'll have no option but ask for Chinese suzerainty. Despite their leanings https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=YNN0HAMm92w is a decent analysis.
Will it be entertaining if it happens?
>>10589 This happening won't be over until either a foreign government intervenes or the elections allegedly happen next year. The thing about Myanmar is they are probably one of the more developed countries in that region so their people have tasted degeneracy "market democracy" and aren't going to let it go so easily. If there is no election and the military has held power over this year, the demonstrations might turn into armed conflict. >>10590 Mildest scenario we get involves protests for 9 more months and a peaceful transition of power. Most likely scenario is foreign intervention and potentially shots fired. Best case scenario is millions of dead Chinks and possibly a decisive Tang victory.
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>>10591 >Most likely scenario is foreign intervention and potentially shots fired. So instead of Iran it's Vietnam 2: Electric Boomerloo or alternatively Somalia depending on how far Yamamoto takes his schemes, sasuga Bidup.
>>10591 >in re government intervention The chinese/indians won't openly intervene because then the entire Burma populace has a rallying cry of fuck whoever just intervened. If there's one thing the Juntra in Burma is good at, its not trusting the US government since there's only 3 power players in that region (China, India, USA). Also, we might see china pull a vietnam on some of the territory ceeded to the Burmese in the 70s.
>>10593 Are the Chinese any good at running covert operations though? Their abilities seem pathetic in contrast to the KGB during the Cold War.
>>10594 Its a different form of covert ops than the KGB. The soviets and the americans are a bit more shall we say "active" in their measures. I still think too many people underestimate the capabilities of their covert branch (except for direct action which they suck at, south sudan is a good example). For the Chinese their philospohy is much more passive. Why cause a coup when you can just pour money to both sides?
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China Is the Myanmar Coup’s ‘Biggest Loser’ A relationship decades in the making is now in jeopardy. https://archive.is/QtcqD tl;dr- China made good friends with the Suu Kyi government and has done an about face in recognizing the Military coup by playing neutral, making protestors riot outside Chink embassies in anger for following the status quo. China's fucked if the military doesn't maintain power but they could be at war with said military if they don't relinquish some of said power in next year's elections. Western countries step up pressure on Myanmar junta as protests go on https://www.reuters.com/article/us-myanmar-politics/western-countries-step-up-pressure-on-myanmar-junta-as-protests-go-on-idUSKBN2AN058 Over 2000 in queue and not going down so no archive: https://archive.is/wip/t3T10 tl;dr- Indonesia is leading the SEAnigger push to make next year's elections as fair as possible. Protestors are pointing to the American elections as an example of why they shouldn't have to have re-elections and thus have started protesting the Indonesian embassy as well. US sanctions two more Myanmar generals after protest crackdown US move follows military’s use of force against rioters over the weekend that left two dead. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/23/myanmar-more-action https://archive.is/wip/THerm tl;dr- America can't do shit so they're sanctioning military officials. Fail to realize this does nothing because the plebs who are ultimately the ones who sanctions could affect are already striking.
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I've been to Myanmar 2x+2 if you count work. Politically, they are similar to Thailand in that a foreigner may oversimplify the situation as being the military + the capital + the elite vs. the rest of the country. In Myanmar's case, he would say that Yangon is the capital and not the shitty little ghost town of nappy dog where he's had the unfortunate displeasure of being forced sober. Socio-economically, Myanmar is severely underdeveloped almost everywhere outside of Yangon, which itself is severely underdeveloped compared to most other SEA cities. Chinese SOEs are heavily invested in energy and supporting infrastructure. In typical Chinese fashion, FDI is coupled with the export of thousands of undersexed male Chinese workers to colonize the recipient country in Special Economic Zones. One SEZ of particular interest is Kyaukpyu, a high-priority target of Chinese FDI to exploit Burmese offshore oil. They have a brand-new oil pipeline that leads to a brand-new refinery in Kunming. They also have a semi-new gas pipeline and railroad going the same way. They are building a deepwater port and, to bribe the Burmese government for allowing them an Indian Ocean port, another SEZ. In short, the Burmese ruling class are on their knees sucking a tiny ritter Chinese cock for gibs. This is typical of countries targeted by Chinese FDI. Mostly for this reason, I doubt Myanmar can turn into another Syria.
>>10597 Any entities with incentives to run guns to the countryside ala the Viet Cong?
>>10598 Nit him but maybe the ethnic minorities. Issue is those are all along the Chink border.
>>10598 Not that I know of. Much of Myanmar is essentially lawless. The jungley hills bordering China, Thailand and Bangladesh are full of rebels, druglords and slavers. They must have connections with the touristy opium dens and brothels of Yangon and Mandalay. They might trade for firearms with corrupt officials. But rather than stealing weapons from the military, it's far easier and less risky for them to simply trade with the Thais across their long, remote and insecure shared border. For some reason, Thailand has lots of guns and gun violence. They also source tons of meth, opium and slaves from Myanmar.
>>10600 Isn't Thailand's problem commie rebels?
>>10601 Not commies, jihadis. Tbf tho every country has a problem with commies.
Now 18 protesters killed.
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>>10603 Bets on if we'll reach triple digits before the foreign intervention starts? Quadruple digits? When do protestors get labeled as insurgents?
>>10604 >foreign intervention. If you're talking about the US, not likely. I guarantee you China/India are already intervening with (((aid))). This entire coup I think was orchistrated by India possibly, they didn't like the fact that Suu was drifting to the US/China (remember, India is aligned with Russia, while the US is aligned with Pakistan in the Indian subcontinent).
>>10605 I could see that. China was threatening war with Bhutan to get at India because even though India and Bhutan have friendly relations, they don't have a military alliance. I could see India helping a Burmese coup in an act of retaliation against that.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56265962 https://archive.is/sPBg2 >At least 38 people were killed in Myanmar on Wednesday in what the UN described as the "bloodiest day" since the coup took place a month ago. >At least six people were reportedly shot dead during a protest in Monywa in central Myanmar. At least 30 others were wounded in the unrest, a local journalist told Reuters. >A volunteer medic told AFP news agency in Myingyan that at least 10 people had been injured there. "They fired tear gas, rubber bullets and live rounds," they said. >"They didn't spray us with water cannon, [there was] no warning to disperse, they just fired their guns," one protester in the city told Reuters. >In Mandalay, a student protester told the BBC that demonstrators were killed near her house. >"I think around 10am or 10.30, police and soldiers came to that area and then they started to shoot at civilians. They didn't give any warning to the civilians. >"They just came out and they started to shoot. They used rubber bullets but they also used live bullets to kill civilians in a violent way." >The military has not commented on the reported deaths. I don't believe that the Burma military can cut off internet but not drag foreign reporters out.
>>10607 I'm sure the usual suspects are hard at work funding the turmoil. Funny how they suddenly focus on anything that threatens the globohomo (((narrative))).
>>10607 I've also come across the term ˝Asian spring˝ and reports about Hong Kong protesters sending the protesters a handbook about how to protest. Too bad that the military of Myanmar is not as toothless as Shina. Also, considering how most adult males spend at least a few years as Buddhist monks, it might be just a question of time for monks to show up on both sides, to the bewilderment of the globohomo community.
i prayed so that everyone is ok but i guess life says "no".
>>10607 Will we see Napalm in South-East Asia again in our lifetimes?
>>10612 >That filename Juntas are shit but you won't convince me that they're the terrorists for wanting national sovereignty not beholden to others.
Also now that the video loaded, that wrist reveal was deliberate. That old fart is part of the problem and the amber mining in Burma is considered part of a greater smuggling/insurrection issue that the Myanmar military has contended with against the international community of historians/archaeologists who want cheap relics without reimbursing the people who were abused for decades now.
>>10614 Any idea how old the Burmese culture is? What people are the main group descended from? How in the world did a woman come into power there? Sage for politics, etc. here.
>>10615 >Any idea how old the Burmese culture is? Realistically their culture didn't begin to develop until about the 1200s. Burmese are an ethnic admixture of Han origins and Sino-Tibetan Austroasiatics (Thailand/Vietnam) that heavily adopted Indian culture when it spread through the region at one point in time (allowing for the large number of Buddhists in Myanmar today). That isn't to say the people didn't exist in that region (Burma is a collection of ancient ethnic minorities all under one banner), but they were largely considered backwoods jungle farmers living along rivers by virtually every society that passed through until the Indians took an interest in them and helped them develop a rich religious culture. The ruins that people smuggle shit out of in the Northern part of Myanmar are considered to come from a handful of ethnic minority groups that happened to be cut from a better cloth than their river/SEAnigger brethren (and who are mostly extinct or critically endangered today).
>>10616 I see thanks, Hitler-digits. So, pardon my ignorance, but is this the place with all those exotic looking centuries-old idol statues and temples rotting away in the jungles? Like scenes from Laura Croft?
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>>10617 Just think of Burma as being populated by river folk with a bunch of world heritage sites when you go jungle-delving. Like an Asian version of Northern Brazil/French Guiana.
>>10618 By river folk and smugglers.*
>>10607 >but not drag foreign reporters out. The foreign reporters aren't in the country, silly. they use stock photos and make shit up.
So it seems that shit is still happening over there. Claims of 183 dead now and the protestors are supposedly burning chinese-linked factories. I am interested in how this plays out. Afterall, the West appears to support the protestors, but Suu Kyi was clearly supporting China before the coup. China can win no matter what if it has the backing of both sides. But the populace could be led by the west to push against Chinese influence if Suu Kyi is placed back into power or the junta is toppled in general. Either way it seems the strategy is to keep protesting in what I assume are hopes outside countries outright intervene, but they are most likely only going to get China to appear to guard its interests. https://archive.ph/X0WdM
>>10621 Suu is smart (in the realpolitik) and flip flops on her backers like Italians, she was originally a western puppet before flipping to china and maybe now (?) flipping back to the west. The juntra was/ is(?) smarter and is willing to suffer economic damage in return for independence from both sides. The difference between Burma and China versus Moscow is that they were fully willing to open fire compared to the lacklusture response in 91' (and the fact they didn't have to be bankrupted by Chernobyl).
I have some understanding of the region and can provide secondary if anyone has a specific interest.
>>10623 Is there any country in the region that may give us some midly entertaining moments Armenia-Azerbaiyan style?
Looks like a hundred a day getting mown down now. What next?
>>10621 >that salute How did this even come about? Was it from years of mindlessly consuming images of independent and strong mary sues from western fiction or did they not understand the reference and thought it was something cool, mysterious and original enough to start doing? I also assumed most of these backwoods shitholes were too impoverished for entitled women to have the privilage of wasting time to protest instead of being a home maker.
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Thailand is sending Karens fleeing airstrikes back home. https://archive.is/HIRQ1 >Thai soldiers began sending back some of the thousands of people who have fled a series of airstrikes by the military in neighboring Myanmar, people familiar with the matter said Monday. But Thai officials denied that as the insecurity on the border added a new dimension to an already volatile crisis set off by a coup in Myanmar. >The weekend strikes, which sent ethnic Karen people seeking safety in Thailand, represented another escalation in the violent crackdown by Myanmar’s junta on protests of its Feb. 1 takeover. On Saturday, more than 100 people were killed in and around demonstrations throughout the country — the bloodiest single day since the takeover. >U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the surge in killings by the military on Armed Forces Day “absolutely horrendous,” and urged greater unity and commitment by the international community to put pressure on the coup leaders to reverse course and go back to “a serious democratic transition.” >“My message to the military is very simple: Stop the killing. Stop the repression of the demonstrations. Release the political prisoners, and return power to those that have really the right to exercise it,” he told reporters at U.N. headquarters in New York. >In response to reports of people fleeing the airstrikes, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha had said earlier Monday that the country didn’t want “mass migration” but that it was preparing for an influx of people and would take human rights issues into consideration. >But later, three people with knowledge of the matter said Thai soldiers had begun to force people to return to Myanmar. >A spokesman for Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, said claims that some Karen were being forced to return to Myanmar were “inaccurate.” >“Those reports cite information solely from non-official sources without confirming the facts from official sources on the ground. ... In fact, the Thai authorities will continue to look after those on the Thai side while assessing the evolving situation and the needs on the ground,” Tanee Sangrat wrote in a statement. >Myanmar aircraft carried out three strikes overnight Sunday >The bombings may have been in retaliation for a reported attack by the Karen National Liberation Army in which they claimed to have captured a Myanmar government military outpost on Saturday morning. The group is fighting for greater autonomy for the Karen people. >The government has battled the Karen fighters on and off for years >As of Sunday, at least 459 people have been killed
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>>10626 IIRC the civilized parts parts of the country are fairly westernized due to some US initiatives to get Myanmar into the global trade economy in the 2000s/2010s. Funnily enough these people are the result of Western influence and those Western influences are currently all ending trade deals that allowed these protest groups to form in the first place (https://archive.is/cpf27). It's going to be hilarious when this backfires in their faces and solidifies the military's position by putting all those Western-influenced protestors out of a job.
>>10625 >UN Security Council has to have a unanimous vote to do anything >China, Russia, and America are members Either Myanmar becomes the basis for a new coldwar proxy war or you just continue to see countries and the UN be deeply concerned for years, much like Venezuela since nothing is going to happen.
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Burmese government gets sick of Jewish bullshit and starts shooting journalists: https://archive.is/0SygB >Ten days after seizing power in Myanmar, the generals issued their first command to journalists: Stop using the words “coup,” “regime” and “junta” to describe the military’s takeover of the government. >Journalists refused >Since then, the regime has arrested at least 56 journalists, outlawed online news outlets known for hard-edge reporting and crippled communications by cutting off mobile data service. Three photojournalists have been shot and wounded while taking photographs of the anti-coup demonstrations. >Ms. Thuzar Myat, 21, noted that few people were able to document the protests in 1988, when the Tatmadaw, as the military is known, stamped out a pro-democracy movement by massacring an estimated 3,000 people. She said she saw it as her duty to help capture evidence of today’s violence even though one soldier had already threatened to kill her if she didn’t stop. >To keep from being targeted, journalists have stopped wearing helmets or vests emblazoned with the word “PRESS” and try to blend in with the protesters. Many also keep a low profile by not receiving credit for their published work and avoiding sleeping in their own homes. >Even so, their professional-quality cameras can give them away. >At the same time, soldiers and the police routinely search civilians’ phones for protest photographs or videos. >“Only the journalist’s action itself can guarantee that they will not be arrested,” said the spokesman, Brig. Gen. Zaw Min Tun. “If their actions violate the law, then they will be arrested.” All three journalists who have been shot and wounded say they were targeted by security forces. >The freelance journalist Ko Htet Myat Thu, 24, was taking pictures of protests on Saturday in Kyaikto, a town in southern Myanmar, when a soldier shot him in the leg, he said. A video of his arrest taken by a citizen journalist from a nearby building shows soldiers beating him and forcing him to hop on his good leg as they lead him away. >Another photojournalist shot that day, U Si Thu, 36, was hit in his left hand as he was holding his camera to his face and photographing soldiers in Mandalay >Of the 56 journalists arrested, half have been released, according to a group that is tracking arrests. Among those freed were reporters for The Associated Press and the BBC. >Ma Kay Zon Nway, 27, a reporter for Myanmar Now, live streamed her own arrest in late February as she was running from the police in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city. The sound of her labored breathing is audible as the police catch up and take her away.
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Also they finally shut down the internet: https://archive.is/y9TPR >Myanmar’s military government ordered broadband Internet shutdowns Thursday amid ongoing opposition >The escalation came as the country marked two months since the army’s toppling of the civilian-led government, which has faced some public resistance despite the military’s lethal response: More than 500 civilian protesters have been killed and more than 2,000 arrested since Feb. 1, according to local activists. >The United Nations’ special envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, on Wednesday warned that “a bloodbath is imminent” if the international community did not act to quell the violence. >Last Saturday marked the bloodiest day since the coup, with troops reportedly killing over 140 protesters in more than 40 locations across the country. >Reuters reported Thursday that official orders to halt wireless broadband services did not provide any explanation. Myanmar’s military previously shut down mobile Internet access and slowed service. >A lawyer for Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s deposed leader, also Thursday said that the detained opposition leader had been charged the week before in Yangon with breaking the country’s secrets law, the most serious allegation against her yet. The lawyer told Reuters that he had heard about the charges against Suu Kyi and several other members of her National League for Democracy only two days ago. >If convicted, she could face up to 14 years in jail. >The military said it intervened to oust Suu Kyi following claims of election fraud in a vote this past November. >In recent weeks, the military has escalated attacks against two opposition groups, the Kachin Independence Army and the Karen National Union
>>10631 What is that salute from?
>>10631 >with breaking the country’s secrets law What did she do?
>>10633 IIRC she circumvented a bunch of laws about radio and telecommunications and was caught in bed with Western journalists spreading false narratives. >>10632 Hunger Games. >>10630 >Makes the guy hop on one leg after shooting him in the leg That video cracks me up.
>>10634 Not him and not a big fan of her western approach but Myanmar's military have behaved like ultra glowniggers compared to Aung's flipflopping around jews and the fu manchus. A strong hand is always good but i don't see a doctrine behind the army mowing down hundreds of protestors as far as in the 70's, they weren't even commies by their words and nowadays they can only point at "foreign intervention" despite being tons of them. No monarchy or great party either, it's just a bunch of almost anonymous jarheads. All seems sketchy, especially with "secret laws" being called out of nowhere.
>>10635 I have my doubts that anything good can come from an Asian junta, however on the flip side of that, I'd rather every country be in a constant state of civil war than ever accept American or Chinese rule.
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Myanmar's military seizes country's London embassy. https://archive.is/hYU6j The ambassador said he was locked out when he spoke to local media, describing the incident as "a kind of coup, in the middle of London.” >Myanmar’s ambassador in London said Wednesday that he has been kicked out of the embassy building by the country’s military attaché. >Kyaw Zwar Minn said the embassy staff were asked to leave the building by a representative of Myanmar's military in the UK and he was told he was no longer the country's representative. >The ambassador said he was locked out when he spoke to local media, describing the incident as "a kind of coup, in the middle of London.” >“They are refusing to let me inside. They said they received instruction from the capital, so they are not going to let me in,” he said. >“This a coup. This is the UK. We are not in Myanmar, in Burma. They are not able to do this. The British government won’t allow this one, you’ll see that.” >Zwar Minn had declared his opposition to the coup and issued a statement demanding the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, the de facto leader of the ruling party the National League for Democracy (NLD), and civilian leaders. >He had also met with UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to condemn the atrocities by the military in Myanmar. The country’s state TV said he was being recalled for releasing an unauthorized statement. >At least 581 people in Myanmar have been killed since the country’s military seized control, said a Myanmar-based civil rights group. >As of April 6, a total of 2,750 people were under detention and 38 of them were sentenced, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).
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Celebrity model arrested amid crackdown https://archive.is/FFphU One of Myanmar's most popular celebrities has been arrested by the military as part of a growing crackdown on artists and actors. >Paing Takhon, a model and actor with millions of fans in Myanmar and Thailand, had been active in both online protests and in-person rallies. >Takhon's Instagram - with more than a million followers - has been taken down along with his Facebook account. >According to a Facebook post by Takhon's sister Thi Thi Lwin, around 50 soldiers with eight military trucks came to arrest him at around 05:00 local time (22:30 GMT Wednesday) on Thursday. >A close acquaintance of his, who did not wish to be named, told the BBC he was taken from his mother's home in North Dagon, a township in Yangon. >The 24-year-old had previously been seen participating in several demonstrations and marches. >He had also posted images of ousted civilian leader and pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi. >Arrest warrants for around 100 filmmakers, actors, celebrities and journalists have been issued for speaking out against the coup. >Earlier this week security forces arrested the country's best-known comedian Zarganar. >Last week, Myanmar beauty pageant winner Han Lay, spoke out against the coup in a speech at an event held in Thailand. Armed clashes break out in Myanmar between troops and anti-junta protesters https://archive.is/v7cUW >Protesters armed with homemade guns, knives and firebombs fought back against the troops in the town of Taze and more soldiers were brought in, the Myanmar Now and Irrawaddy news outlets said. >Fighting carried on into Thursday morning and at least 11 protesters were killed and about 20 wounded, they said. There was no word of any casualties among the soldiers. >Taze is near the town of Kale, where at least 12 people were killed in a similar clash between troops and protesters on Wednesday, according to news media and witnesses. >The incidents could signal a new phase in which the opposition has started using armed resistance >A member of the CRPH, which is attempting to restore the civilian government, will on Friday address an informal, virtual gathering of the 15 U.N. Security Council members in New York, diplomats said. >It will be the first public discussion of Myanmar by the Council’s members since the coup on Feb. 1. >The Security Council has condemned the violence against protesters, but has not defined the military takeover as a coup or threatened any action, due to opposition by China, Russia, India and Vietnam. >Myanmar is the world’s main source of jade, and a major source of rubies and other rare gems. >The U.S. Treasury Department said it would curb the junta’s ability to generate revenues. >An adviser to the CRPH told Reuters that at least six lawmakers from the National League for Democracy were now sheltering in India. >An Indian police official said they were among about 1,800 people who had entered from Myanmar since late February.
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>>10638 Forgot the images. It's important to always steal images from news websites when they force you to use inspect element to locate the image.
>>10634 >Hunger Games. Can they all die just for referencing this trash?
>>10640 I ended up looking it up. Apparently it was group of youth protestors from 2014 who used the symbol as a meme, at which point the Burmese and Thai governments became triggered and made it illegal. Then in 2015 some protestor used the symbol anyways as a "fuck the police" sort of thing and it's been big in Thailand/Burma ever since.
>>10637 >Ambassador thinking UK will do anything I doubt the UK will do anything drastic when touching an embassy can create a diplomatic firestorm. Wouldn't they also have to declare the military junta as an invalid government to justify the embassy being closed down?
>>10639 >It's important to always steal images from news websites when they force you to use inspect element to locate the image. Based Strelok. Thanks. Lol what a shitshow. >[popcorn intensifies]* Andrew Anglin was correct; it's foolish for a government of any sort to allow the CIA Communists to influence a culture through Facebook & Twitter. Shutting down those two sites nationally should have been priority one on day one. Now they have a bag full of rattlesnakes instead of peace and calm.
>>10642 >Wouldn't they also have to declare the military junta as an invalid government to justify the embassy being closed down? That's really their only recourse. The UK has always been one of the most involved European countries when it comes to Asian affairs, so they stand to lose the most if they close down the embassy since it would affect their relations with India, Thailand, etc. That being said, they do have a legal basis to shut it down unless the military junta declares a new ambassador (which would significantly complicate the situation). Right now I don't think the UK will do shit since making Asian hostile to them in the middle of all this Brexit stuff would put them at a disadvantage. Not unless France or America promised them some sort of economic concessions to put pressure on Burma, anyways.
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>>10632 >>10634 >>10640 >>10641 Hunger Games may have stolen it and these Rice Niggers may reference it, but that is the international Scout Salute.
>>10645 Yeah but I figured none of the other Streloks were former boy scouts.
>>10646 Why would you think that Strelok? I expect probably half of us were. It's commonplace for White military men, after all.
>>10645 I though it's the international sign for asking three beers.
>>10647 It's a lot less common from folks born in the 90s onwards, and alternative imageboards are about 70% men born in the 80s/90s (the rest being early 2000s or late 70s outside of rare ojiisan and baby exceptions).
>>10645 I thought that it meant "read in between the lines.''
>>10645 I thought it may have pre-existed. I doubt the gooks even know of the connection though.
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Myanmar security forces with rifle grenades kill over 80 protesters Soldiers used machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades to attack an organized group of protesters who had set up barricades to defend part of Bago. https://archive.is/AxHLM https://archive.is/9uuU5 >Myanmar security forces fired rifle grenades at protesters in a town near Yangon on Friday, killing more than 80 people. >Details of the death toll in the town of Bago, 90 km (55 miles) northeast of Yangon, were not initially available because security forces piled up bodies in the Zeyar Muni pagoda compound and cordoned off the area, according to witnesses and domestic media outlets. >Firing started before dawn on Friday and continued into the afternoon. >“It is like genocide,” the news outlet quoted a protest organiser called Ye Htut as saying. “They are shooting at every shadow.” >Many residents of the town have fled, according to accounts on social media. >An alliance of ethnic armies in Myanmar that has opposed the junta’s crackdown attacked a police station in the east on Saturday and at least 10 policemen were killed. >The police station at Naungmon in Shan state was attacked early in the morning by fighters from an alliance that includes the Arakan Army, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army. >Ousted Myanmar lawmakers urged the United Nations Security Council on Friday to take action against the military. >“Our people are ready to pay any cost to get back their rights and freedom,” said Zin Mar Aung, who has been appointed acting foreign minister for a group of ousted lawmakers. She urged Council members to apply both direct and indirect pressure on the junta. >The military appears to be targeting centers of resistance around the country, using overwhelming power against largely untrained, poorly armed protesters. In Tamu, a town near the border with India, members of a local defense group similar to the one in Bago claimed to have killed some members of the security forces on Saturday after coming under attack. >A small rebel group called the Kuki National Army, one of many ethnic armed groups that have been fighting Myanmar’s military for years in regional conflicts, said it had helped the Tamu protesters battle the security forces on Saturday >Myanmar’s military rulers said on Friday that protests against its rule were dwindling because people wanted peace, and that it would hold elections within two years. >Junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun told a news conference on Friday in the capital, Naypyitaw, that the military had recorded 248 civilian deaths and 16 police deaths, and said no automatic weapons had been used by security forces. >The death toll has passed 700, with more than 80 killed on Friday in one city alone, according to rights groups >On Friday, a spokesman for the junta, Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun, suggested that the military had been exercising restraint since the coup, telling reporters that it could be killing many more people if it wished. >“If we were to actually shoot the protesters with an automatic rifle, the 500 people you are talking about would have died within hours,” he said after being asked about the nationwide toll. >Over the weekend, rights groups accused the military of trying to intimidate protesters with a new tactic: death sentences in a military court. On Friday, state television reported that 23 people had been sentenced to die after a closed trial for killing a soldier on March 26 in Yangon. >The case was handled by a military court because the alleged killing — said to involve a robbery — took place in a district in Yangon that was under martial law. All but two of the defendants are in hiding and were tried in absentia. >The United Nations office in Myanmar said on Twitter that the violence in Bago “must cease immediately” and urged the military to let medical teams treat the wounded. I knew this was going to happen when the protestors started arming themselves with slingshots and spud cannons. Don't even know what I should say about either side, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight and you don't bring slingshots (a lethal weapon) to try and intimidate guys with automatic rifles and grenade attachments.
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>>10652 >rifle grenades That's nice, but I have to wonder if it becomes the new barrel bomb. I can already see the media going on about it until the Bidet-Kamehameha administration adds the ability to launch rifle grenades to the list of features in a new AWB ban.
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>>10653 >I have to wonder if it becomes the new barrel bomb. Improvised rifle grenades made out of cans soon?
>>10653 >until the Bidet-Kamehameha administration adds the ability to launch rifle grenades to the list of features in a new AWB ban. Weren't grenade spigots already on the last one? I assume they'll carry over most of the same feature list.
>>10654 Those were actually used in Syria, and then there was also this thing: https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/02/19/improvised-rifle-mounted-autocannon-bullet-launcher/
>>10653 That technically isn't a SKS, sterlok.
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Myanmar releases prisoners for New Year https://archive.is/N00dn (don't bother it's western propaganda, just including it for posterity since I stole a few lines from their article) https://archive.is/qsZPp >Authorities in Myanmar will release 23,184 prisoners from jails across the country on Saturday under a New Year amnesty, a Prisons Department spokesman said. >The releases were announced on the state broadcaster, MRTV, which said the junta chief, Min Aung Hlaing, had pardoned 23,047 prisoners, including 137 foreigners who will be deported. He also reduced sentences for others. >But few, if any, democracy activists arrested since the February 1 coup are expected to be among them. >Saturday is the first day of the traditional New Year in Myanmar and the last day of a five-day holiday usually celebrated with visits to Buddhist temples and rowdy water throwing and partying in the streets. >Pro-democracy activists called for the cancellation of the festivities this year and instead for people to focus on a campaign to restore democracy after the military ousted the elected civilian government. >"These detainees are mostly from before February 1 but there are also some who were imprisoned after," Prisons Department spokesman Kyaw Tun Oo told Reuters by telephone. >Asked if any of those being freed might have been detained in connection with the protests against military rule, he said he did not have details of the amnesties. >Detainees released on Saturday from Insein prison in Yangon included at least three political prisoners jailed in 2019, said witnesses and local reports. >The three are members of the Peacock Generation performance troupe who were arrested during that year’s new year celebrations for skits that poked fun at military representatives in parliament and military involvement in business. >Their traditional style of acting is called Thangyat, a mashup of poetry, comedy and music with a sharp undertone of satire. Several members of the troupe were convicted under a law banning circulation of information that could endanger or demoralise members of the military. The actors may have particularly angered the military because they performed in army uniforms. >Another freed prisoner was Ross Dunkley, an Australian newspaper entrepreneur sentenced in 2019 to 13 years in prison for drug possession. His release was confirmed by his ex-wife, Cynda Johnston, reported the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper. >Early prisoner releases are customary during major holidays in Myanmar and this is the second batch the ruling junta has announced since taking power. >After the release of more than 23,000 convicts to mark Union Day on 12 February, there were reports on social media that some were recruited by the authorities to carry out violence at night in residential areas to spread panic, especially by setting fires. Some areas responded by setting up their own neighbourhood watch groups. >In March, more than 600 people who were imprisoned for protesting against the February coup were released from Insein prison, a rare conciliatory gesture by the military that appeared aimed at placating the protest movement. >Those freed were mostly young people caught up in sweeps of street demonstrations, while those considered protest leaders were kept locked up. >Neither the military government nor those opposed to it show any signs of backing off from their struggle for power. Western nations have tried to pressure the military through diplomatic and economic sanctions with little effect. >Myanmar’s south-east Asian neighbours, concerned about regional instability, are trying to get the junta on the path to restoring democracy, or at least end its violent repression. >A spokesperson for Thailand’s foreign ministry said Min Aung Hlaing had confirmed he would attend a summit meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations on 24 April. >Tanee Sangrat said in a text message to journalists that Brunei, the current chair of the 10-nation body, confirmed it had proposed the date for a meeting at the group’s secretariat in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. Indonesia has taken the lead in calling for the special meeting to discuss the Myanmar crisis.
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Myanmar military junta arrests prominent trade union leader https://archive.is/sxc3B >One of Myanmar’s leading trade union leaders has been arrested as part of escalating attacks on anti-military figures by the military junta. >Daw Myo Aye, director of Solidarity Trade Union of Myanmar (STUM), one of Myanmar’s largest independent unions, is a central figure in the movement for workers’ rights. >She has been one of the most prominent union leaders in the civil disobedience movement, which has been organising national strikes and protests since the military seized power from the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February. >Myo Aye was dragged from her office by the army last Thursday and taken to a police station where she has been charged and detained. According to the union, she is due to be transferred to a prison in Yangon. >“We lost our pillar,” said a member of staff at STUM. “But … we are going to operate with the remaining staff. We operate within the law and we provide assistance to workers in accordance with the labour law. Our organisation will not collapse because she is not here.” >According to the latest figures from the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), 737 people have been killed by the military, and 3,229 individuals are detained or have been sentenced. >Chue Thwel, Daw Myo Aye’s daughter, said: “Since the beginning of the coup on 1 February, I thought they would come for her … I feel they arrested her to set an example.” >A spokesperson for the Worker Rights Consortium, a labour rights monitoring organisation, said: “With many labour leaders already in hiding or exile, the military’s arrest of Daw Myo Aye poses a serious challenge to the vital role of the Myanmar labour movement in the struggle to restore democracy.” Ex-U.N. chief Ban urges Guterres to engage directly with Myanmar army https://archive.is/4ZcFD >Former U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon urged his successor on Monday to engage directly with Myanmar's military to prevent an increase in post-coup violence and said southeast Asian countries should not dismiss the turmoil as an internal issue for Myanmar. >U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' special envoy on Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, has communicated with the military since it ousted an elected government led by Aung San Suu Kyi on Feb. 1, but the army has not allowed her to visit. >Guterres told the Security Council on Monday that a "robust international response grounded on a unified regional effort" was needed, urging "regional actors to leverage their influence to prevent further deterioration and, ultimately, find a peaceful way out of this catastrophe." >The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been trying to find a way out of the violence tearing at fellow member Myanmar. Junta chief Min Aung Hlaing is due to attend an ASEAN summit in Indonesia on April 24. >"ASEAN must make it clear to the Myanmar military that the current situation is so grave that it cannot be regarded only as an internal matter," said Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister who is now a member of The Elders global leaders group. >"The military's use of lethal force and the gross violations of human rights being perpetrated against the civilians are not compatible with the ASEAN Charter," he said. "These actions are clear violations of international law, and constitute a threat to the peace, security and stability of the region." >Ban also urged the Security Council to move beyond statements to collective action. However, some diplomats say Russia and China are likely to prevent any stronger action.
>>10659 >UN Nothing shows off their incompetence more then a near cold war situation where the security council is split and will never move itself. Of course it just means the individual countries have to do all the work, which makes the UN pointless if all the actions are done without it. More interesting then the UN is how Myanmar seems to be playing two sides with India and China both trying to gain favor with the junta. I can see that being their sole reason to stay in existence if both regional powers are playing nice and allowing the Junta to stay in power in return for favors.
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Outcry in Myanmar as military airs images of ‘tortured’ detainees https://archive.is/gAXAT >A monitoring group in Myanmar has appealed for international action, expressing concern over the torture and murder of anti-coup protesters in the Southeast Asian nation after the military broadcast images of six young detainees bearing severe signs of abuse. >The six detainees were arrested on Sunday in Yankin, a suburb of Myanmar’s biggest city, Yangon, according to MRTV. >The MRTV announcer said the six had been involved in a bombing on Saturday at 2pm (07:30 GMT), outside the Yankin government office in which three government soldiers had been injured. >Amid continuing protests, killings and mass arrests, the United Nations has warned the situation in Myanmar may be heading “towards a full-blown conflict” – similar to the civil war gripping Syria in the Middle East. >Kim Jolliffe, a researcher on Myanmar civilian and military relations, said the military’s decision to broadcast images of the six detainees was aimed at sowing fear. >“The Myanmar junta’s strategy from start to finish is based on the same gambit: ‘We can be more brutal than you. We can be more shockingly hurtful and terrifying than you’,” Jolliffe said in a tweet. “That is all they have. But it knows no bounds.” >ASEAN has been trying to find a way out of the turmoil wracking Myanmar but the military has shown little willingness to engage with its neighbours and no sign of wanting to talk to members of the former civilian government. >A Thai government official said on Saturday that Min Aung Hlaing would attend an ASEAN summit in Indonesia on April 24, his first meeting with foreign leaders since he seized power. >ASEAN’s invite has prompted outrage in Myanmar, however, with a newly formed National Unity Government – made up of deposed members of the elected parliament and other opponents of the military – appealing to the regional bloc to negotiate with it instead of the military. >Aung San Suu Kyi, 75, has not been seen in public since her detention on the day of the coup. >She now faces a raft of criminal charges that could see her barred for life from office. Myanmar junta cracks down on celebrations of new shadow govt https://archive.is/T5CdC >Security forces in Myanmar used violence on Monday against demonstrators who sought to celebrate last week’s formation of a shadow government to serve as an alternative to the military junta that has held power since a February coup. >Myanmar media and posts on social networks said the violence was especially intense in Myingyan, a town in central Myanmar >Marches were held in Mandalay, the country’s second biggest city, and elsewhere to show support for the “National Unity Government” announced Friday by protest leaders. Security forces reportedly broke up a march at dawn in Mandalay that included Buddhist monks. >Another news site, Myanmar Now, said security forces on Sunday launched attacks in Myingyan with the main target being a street stronghold set up by protesters, some believed armed with hunting rifles. >It said the stronghold, fortified with sandbags, was destroyed by government forces, rebuilt overnight and then destroyed again Monday morning. >Setting up street barricades is one of the tactics used by protesters. Often the strongholds last for just a few hours before being captured and destroyed by police and soldiers, then are rebuilt overnight. >Their defenders use homemade weapons, such as gasoline bombs, and security personnel respond with overwhelming force, frequently resulting in multiple fatalities. >The military has issued widely circulated wanted lists of more that 200 protest supporters -- including actors, internet influencers and medical personnel -- accused of endangering public order, a charge punishable by up to three years in prison. Arrests are also highly publicized. >government television stations on Sunday night showed photos of young people who had been arrested, looking badly bruised. The reports said they were accused of carrying out a series of explosions on Saturday in Yangon, the country’s biggest city. Their supporters charged they were tortured in custody. >On Friday, the protest movement advanced on the political front with its declaration of the National Unity Government, including members of Suu Kyi’s ousted Cabinet and representatives of ethnic minority groups and other allies. >Opponents of the coup had been seeking an alliance with ethnic minority groups as a way of strengthening their resistance. The minorities have kept up on-again, off-again armed struggles for greater autonomy in borderlands for decades. >In the north, armed guerrillas of the Kachin Independence Organization have launched a series of attacks on government military outposts, while the Karen National Union in the east, on the border with Thailand, has offered shelter to fleeing protesters in the territory it controls.
>>10660 It looks like ASEAN is the only real hope to find some sort of stability in the region, and right now Myanmar activists are treating them the same way they treated China when the Chinese tried to intervene/help stabilize the country around the beginning of March. The Burmese military are clearly not the good guys, but they at least seem to be more interested in Myanmar's interests rather than the international community's interests, and are making efforts to work with their neighbors (Thailand fuckery aside). >which makes the UN pointless if all the actions are done without it. I mean they always have been. In a way that's a feature since a unified UN front means someone is trying to really fuck up world hegemony, and Myanmar only really affects India/Thailand/China/Bangladesh. The only thing Bangladesh seems to give a shit about is trying to make the Myanmar Junta take back all their Islamic rapefugees since they're sick and tired of housing/feeding the rats. Speaking of which... Bangladesh calls on Southeast Asia to pressure Myanmar to take back the Rohingya refugees https://archive.is/yF7fn >Bangladesh hopes that Southeast Asian nations will put pressure on Myanmar to repatriate displaced Rohingya and bring them home, according to the foreign minister. >AK Abdul Momen said Bangladesh has been bearing the burden of the Rohingya Muslims, who have been seeking shelter in the South Asian country after a mass exodus due to a brutal crackdown by the Myanmar army in 2017. >The Rohingya are a persecuted Muslim minority from Rakhine state in western Myanmar. While there have been large migrations of Rohingya to Bangladesh since the 1970s, none was as quick and massive as the August 2017 exodus. >"Around 1.1 million persecuted Rohingyas are now being sheltered in Bangladesh," Momen told CNBC's "Streets Signs Asia" on Monday. "Our priority is that these Rohingya persecuted people should go back to their home for a decent living," he said. >Bangladesh took in the Rohingya out of humanitarian consideration, but the South Asian nation is now "facing difficulty with them," said Momen. He hopes that the member states of ASEAN — or the Association of South East Asian Nations — will play a strong role in the upcoming summit in getting Myanmar's military government to take back the refugees. >"Now that the Myanmar government has been invited by ASEAN (to) the summit in Indonesia, this is good news. At least they will go there and then maybe they will be pressurized by ASEAN, hopefully, to take their people back," Momen said. >While Bangladesh's foreign minister did not take a stance on the latest military coup, he emphasized that his government wants stability to return to Myanmar. Sorry, I tried pulling the video from them but they're using some JS bullshit and I can't seem to get it to download as it transfers the data to view it. Have an alternative video off of Jewtube covering more or less the same crap.
>>10661 >Attempted bombings of government buildings >Injured soldiers >Bruised-up female detainees Yep, they were definitely raped.
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>>10664 wtf you stole the post i was going to make
>>10664 Oh no, the real world doesn't work like my young adult fiction novels!
>>10664 >left side >dead eyes, devoid of any emotion >puppet hair >caked on makeup that doesn't even hide the bag under her eye >right side >sad eyes, meaning she can still feel human emotion >normal looking hair >tired but more healthy looking face >looks like all that she needs is a good dicking
>>10667 I imagine a good dicking is what the military police gave her for injuring their comrades. Probably also explains the black eye from resisting.
>>10664 they fucked her brown that's impressive
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Chevron Lobbies to Head Off New Sanctions on Myanmar The oil company is arguing against efforts to restrict its involvement in a gas operation in Myanmar that provides funding for the junta there. https://archive.is/af8WB >U.S. oil giant Chevron Corp lobbied lawmakers and government officials to protect its energy interests in Myanmar during the first quarter, as the administration of President Joe Biden comes under pressure to impose sanctions against the south Asian country’s military junta, according to federal disclosures. >Chevron is among a handful of international oil and gas companies with big stakes in Myanmar’s energy riches, which have become a crucial source of revenue for military rulers who seized power in February and imposed a bloody crackdown on political protests. >According to the lobbying disclosures, Chevron spent $2,170,000 on lobbying in the United States in the first three months of 2021. That work included discussions with lawmakers and officials in the State Department, the Department of Commerce and the National Security Council on issues in several countries including Myanmar, according to the filings. >Biden administration officials did not immediately comment on the lobbying. >Chevron’s holdings in Myanmar include a 28.3% stake in the Yadana natural gas field and a 28.3% stake in a pipeline that carries Burmese gas to Thailand. >A Chevron spokesman declined to comment on the details of its lobbying or the sanctions pressure, but said that shutting down the Yadana field would "could adversely affect its future production potential. >"It is a mature field that requires ongoing maintenance to maintain safety and future production," Chevron spokesman Braden Reddall said in an email. >The company has been disclosing payments to the government of Myanmar via the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a global initiative to increase transparency in international business. According to EITI data, Chevron paid around $50 million to Myanmar between 2014 and 2018. >Human rights group have been urging international oil companies, including Chevron, Total, Woodside Petroleum, and others, to cut their ties to Myanmar Opposition to the military’s coup has boosted ethnic armed groups, creating a new challenge to its lucrative jade and gems business. The military has been battling resistance to the coup including in Hpakant, the centre of the jade mining industry in northern Kachin state. https://archive.is/n7s9Y >Life in Myanmar’s jade-producing regions was always difficult and precarious, but since the military seized power from the civilian government on February 1, it has become even more dangerous. >In Kachin State’s Hpakant township, which has the world’s largest and most lucrative jade mines, there are more soldiers and police, access to mining sites has become more difficult and local markets have stopped operating. >“Many places are dangerous to dig jade now. There are only a few places where we can dig by hand or small machine,” said Sut Naw, a local miner who preferred to use a pseudonym for security reasons. >Police and soldiers are now guarding company compounds, he added, patrolling roads day and night. They also stop people on the streets or in their vehicles, checking for jade and other valuables and searching through people’s phones for evidence of resistance to the coup. >The military has long dominated Myanmar’s jade industry and continues to rake in immense profits. Myanmar’s annual jade and gems emporium, held from April 1 to 10, brought in $6.5m on the sixth day alone, according to state media. >“There is a huge risk that the military, in their desperate efforts to maintain control, will look to the country’s natural resource wealth to sustain their rule, to buy weapons, and enrich themselves,” said Keel Dietz, a Myanmar policy adviser with Global Witness >Escalating clashes between the Kachin Independence Army, the armed wing of an ethnic armed group in the resource-rich northern state and the military, known as the Tatmadaw, have raised questions over the control over the jade mines. >Shortly after winning elections in 2015, the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi pledged to reform the industry and in August 2016, suspended the renewal of mining licenses and the issuance of new ones. >Clashes have been taking place nearly every day. The KIA, so far, appears to have the upper hand – it has taken several Tatmadaw bases and claims to have obliterated entire battalions, killing hundreds of soldiers. >Some of the most intense fighting has occurred in and around Hpakant >On March 28, the KIA killed about 30 policemen who had raided a jade mining site operated by the Taut Pa Kyal mining company, according to Kachin State-based media reports. >Local news agencies reported on April 15 that the KIA and Tatmadaw had clashed in Mogok, a city that harvests rubies in the Mandalay region hundreds of miles from Kachin State.
>>10670 >armed conflict over minerals When does this break into a civil war in Minecraft?
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>>10671 >Armed protestors making compounds >Ethnic armies gaining territory in money-making outskirt regions >Ousted government officials have made military alliances with ethnic minority armies that oppose the junta >UN Envoy and other ousted politicians abroad being kicked out of their embassies >ASEAN summit in two days in which presumably they're asking the Junta to negotiate/the Junta is going to ask them to reach a compromise >Mass sanctions from Western countries >Western news media makes sure to parrot that this is an illegal coup to the point that I have to make modifications to the news articles I post to keep them neutral or at least /k/-slanted The civil war already began, Strelok.
>>10672 Burma is lucky that it's a mountainous and jungle shithole. Really difficult to invade. All they need is to get support from 1 Great Power and they'll hold
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SE Asian nations say consensus reached on ending Myanmar crisis https://archive.is/JeaUe https://archive.is/SnYvS >Southeast Asian leaders said they had agreed on a plan with Myanmar’s junta chief on Saturday to end the crisis in the violence-hit nation, but he did not explicitly respond to demands to halt the killing of civilian protesters. >"It's beyond our expectation," Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin told reporters after the leaders' meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that was also attended by Myanmar's Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. >"We tried not to accuse his side too much because we don't care who's causing it," Muhyiddin added. "We just stressed that the violence must stop. For him, it's the other side that's causing the problems. But he agreed that violence must stop." >According to a statement from group chair Brunei, a consensus was reached on five points - ending violence, a constructive dialogue among all parties, a special ASEAN envoy to facilitate the dialogue, acceptance of aid and a visit by the envoy to Myanmar. There was no mention of releasing political prisoners in the statement. >"He did not reject what was put forward by me and many other colleagues," Muhyiddin said. >"He said he (Min Aung Hlaing) heard us, he would take the point in, which he considered helpful," Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told reporters. >“There is a tremendous expectation on the part of the international community on how ASEAN is addressing the Myanmar issue. The pressure is increasing,” Muhyiddin said, and added that the current ASEAN chairman, Brunei Prime Minister Hassanal Bolkiah, and the regional bloc’s secretary general should be allowed access to Myanmar to meet contending parties, encourage dialogue and come up with “an honest and unbiased observation.” >Such a political dialogue “can only take place with the prompt and unconditional release of political detainees,” the Malaysian premier said. >It was not clear why Lee and Hassanal referred to the release of political prisoners when this was not in the consensus statement. >There was no immediate comment from Min Aung Hlaing. >A regular nighttime news bulletin on the military-run Myawaddy TV reported his attendance of the meeting and said Myanmar would closely cooperate with ASEAN on various issues, including "the political transition in Myanmar, and the process that will be implemented in the future". >The leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations also told Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing during the two-hour talks in Jakarta that a dialogue between contending parties in Myanmar should immediately start, with the help of ASEAN envoys, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said. >Myanmar's parallel National Unity Government (NUG), comprised of pro-democracy figures, remnants of Suu Kyi's ousted administration and representatives of armed ethnic groups, said it welcomed the consensus reached but the junta had to be held to its promises. >It was unusual for the leader of a military government in Myanmar to attend an ASEAN summit - usually the country has been represented by a lower-ranked officer or a civilian. >While ASEAN's non-interference policy makes it difficult to tackle contentious issues, the body is seen by the United Nations, China and the United States as best placed to deal with the junta directly. >ASEAN’s diversity, including the divergent ties of many of its members to either China or the United States, along with a bedrock policy of non-interference in each other’s domestic affairs and deciding by consensus, has hobbled the bloc’s ability to rapidly deal with crises. >The messages conveyed to Min Aung Hlaing were unusually blunt and could be seen as a breach of the conservative 10-nation bloc’s bedrock principle forbidding member states from interfering in each other’s domestic affairs. But Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said that policy should not lead to inaction if a domestic situation “jeopardizes the peace, security, and stability of ASEAN and the wider region” and there is international clamor for resolute action. >A formal statement issued by ASEAN through Brunei after the summit outlined the demands made by the heads of state in more subtle terms. It asked for the “immediate cessation of violence in Myanmar” and urged all parties to “exercise utmost restraint,” but omitted the demand voiced by Widodo and other leaders for the immediate release of political detainees. It said ASEAN would provide humanitarian aid to Myanmar. >Critics have said ASEAN’s decision to meet the coup leader was unacceptable. >Indonesian police dispersed dozens of protesters opposing the coup and the junta leader’s visit. More than 4,300 police fanned out across the Indonesian capital to secure the meetings, held under strict safeguards amid the pandemic. >The leaders of Thailand and the Philippines skipped the summit, delegating to their subordinates. >>10673 China's siding with ASEAN right now and wants Myanmar to cut the crap after their factories got destroyed. Burma is really on their own on this one.
>>10674 It'll be entertaining as long as it ends in a massacre.
>>10675 I mean from the sounds of it, Min Aung Hlaing basically told them what they wanted to hear and plans to get right back to what he was doing. He didn't agree to any negotiations involving political prisons, he didn't agree to end the violence, all he said was "yeah we don't want to be at war with these rebellious youth either, sure you can come in if you think you can act as negotiators." From the very start I don't think the Myanmar military actually wanted a civil war, they were just securing their power from an old cunt trying to depose them in favor of foreign investors, and then watched people flip shit when the narrative turned it into a military coup. I imagine they probably intended to return control of the political process to the civilians as their initial statements suggested before all this shit happened, and being stuck in their ways, the only real response they could give was brutalism to try to make the civilian sector shut the fuck up. Whether that's morally/ethically right or wrong isn't up to me to decide, but I don't honestly believe this "coup" was ever intended to be long-term.
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>>10674 Followup confirming the fun will continue. Myanmar activists slam ASEAN-junta consensus, vow to continue protests https://archive.is/3Mtc0 https://archive.is/OIeId Myanmar's pro-democracy activists sharply criticized an agreement between the country's junta chief and Southeast Asian leaders to end the nation's violent post-coup crisis and vowed on Sunday to continue their protest campaign. >Some scattered riots took place in Myanmar's big cities on Sunday, a day after the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in Jakarta, Indonesia, reached a consensus to end the turmoil in the country, but gave no timeline. >In the final statement at the end of Saturday's meeting, the language on freeing political prisoners had been unexpectedly watered down and did not contain a firm call for their release >The "five-point consensus" in the chairman's statement at the end of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting did not refer to freeing political detainees. However, the statement separately mentioned that the summit "heard calls" for their release. The summit was attended by Myanmar's junta leader Min Aung Hlaing. >The absence of a strong position on this issue caused dismay among human rights activists and opponents of the coup, fuelling criticism by them that the meeting had achieved little in the way of reining in the country's military leaders. >The five consensus points, however, include an undertaking for "all parties" in Myanmar to be involved in dialogue. >The other points of consensus were an end to violence, a special ASEAN envoy, humanitarian assistance and a visit by a delegation to Myanmar to "meet all parties concerned". >"Whether it is ASEAN or the U.N., they will only speak from outside saying don't fight but negotiate and solve the issues. But that doesn't reflect Myanmar's ground situation," said Khin Sandar from a resistance group called the General Strikes Collaboration Committee. >"We will continue the protests. We have plans to do so," she told Reuters by phone. >According to a statement from ASEAN chair Brunei, a consensus was reached in Jakarta on five points - ending violence, a constructive dialogue among all parties, a special ASEAN envoy to facilitate the dialogue, acceptance of aid and a visit by the envoy to Myanmar. >The five-point consensus did not mention political prisoners, although the chairman's statement said the meeting "heard calls" for their release. >"We realized that whatever the outcome from the ASEAN meeting, it will not reflect what people want," said Wai Aung a protest organizer in Yangon. "We will keep up protests and strikes till the military regime completely fails." >"ASEAN's statement is a slap on the face of the people who have been abused, killed and terrorized by the military," said a Facebook user called Mawchi Tun. "We do not need your help with that mindset and approach." >Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights Watch, said it was unfortunate that only the junta chief represented Myanmar at the meeting. >Phil Robertson also said political prisoners would need to be "involved in any negotiated solution to the crisis". >"Not only were the representatives of the Myanmar people not invited to the Jakarta meeting but they also got left out of the consensus that ASEAN is now patting itself on the back for reaching," he said in a statement. >Myanmar's parallel National Unity Government (NUG), comprised of pro-democracy figures, remnants of Suu Kyi's ousted administration and representatives of armed ethnic groups, said it welcomed the consensus reached but added the junta had to be held to its promises. >Besides the junta chief, the leaders of Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Brunei were at the meeting, along with the foreign ministers of Laos, Thailand and the Philippines. The NUG was not invited but spoke privately to some of the participating countries before the meeting. >At the summit, leaders and their representatives gave speeches on the situation in Myanmar, with coup leader Ming Aung Hlaing presenting his views last, said Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsieh Loong. >"He said he heard us, he would take the points in which he considered helpful," Lee said.
>Karen ethnic rebels capture Burmese military base on Thai border The memes are amplifying again.
>>10678 I'll never get over the fact that they're called Karens. Makes me chuckle every time.
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FNN had a nice photo collage of recent events so I'm stealing it. >1. The 19-year-old said he was repeatedly beaten while held in military detention. >2. His back shows the scars from being whipped with cable wires, after he was released from military detention. >3. The 19-year-old said he was detained after soldiers found images on his phone of him at protests. >4. An undated photo of dance teacher Khin Nyein Thu. >5. A former army cadet from Myanmar's military who defected across the border to India after being ordered to take part in raids and beatings of protesters.
Nevermind, thought there was only like 20 images, there's actually 106, so just have an archive link: https://archive.is/XfyBq
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>Images didn't post
>>10679 I feel sorry for them, they just want to speak with the country's management.
to what extent has the internet been shutdown, is it just at certain times? they can still get photos and videos out
>>10684 Officially as of the beginning of April, Myanmar has banned all wireless communications (radio, wifi, 4G, etc.) that are not for military use (since this is how the rebel groups communicate). All hardwired connections have mandatory overnight blackouts at the ISP level from curfew until the next morning and in theory are only supposed to be used by banks, large corporations, and government institutions. People using the few and far between hardwire connections are using them over tor, VPNs, etc. Journalists began to be arrested and shot at as regular protests about two weeks ago, which is why almost all of the photos in that CNN article are post-dated April 12th or earlier since most news agencies either pulled out or had their journalists pull out for them when they started getting shot at/tortured.
>>10685 So much for freedom of the press checking tyranny.
>>10686 This is Myanmar. They don't have freedom of the press. They never even signed the international conventions banning torture, anon.
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>>10686 >So much for freedom of the press checking tyranny. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt friend, and not assume you're some laughable neoLib cuck or some kind of glownigger gayop and just say >LOL what a farce Back when Benjamin Franklin was an important part of the press, it may have served some good purpose. For the past 150 years or so, it's primary aim has been to support the globalist kikes in their usurpation of every White nation's natural lords. BTW, you're not some kind of golem for the globalist kikes are you friend?
>>10685 All they really needed to do was simply fully block two sites: (((Kikebook))) and (((Twatter))). The Fucking CIA Niggers utilize those two platforms for this kind of rabblerousing far, far more than any others. They were stupid not to pull those two plugs from day one, and then everything else would have proceeded as normal. No muss, no fuss.
>>10689 Most American social media sites including Facebook, Instagram Twitter, Wikipedia, and most of the major news organizations were already blocked in Myanmar before this point. They banned them all on February 6th. The coup happened February 1st.
>>10690 Certainly a good idea. Mind providing some sauce Strelok?
>>10688 I'm pointing out that the global media is just a bunch of spineless grifters that are just there to be tourists, take photos, sell tall tales; when the shit hits the fan they scatter like the rats they are. They go around to the UN, the NGOs, they preach to the choir about how necessary they are, but they are just spineless cowards looking to make a quick buck. They use the reputation of men with far greater character than they like Franklin to justify their existence, pretending like they inherited that tradition of principled defense of rights and liberty unto death, but the fibre of the worst shitposter on /k/ has more mettle than them. And all this before taking into account that they sell any values they do have to be a mouthpiece for those that pay them.
>>10691 >Mind providing some sauce Strelok? Myanmar’s new military government orders to temporarily block internet access Tech Crunch: https://archive.is/YoI5U TheVerge: https://archive.is/0t27i Myanmar blocks Twitter amid outrage at coup DW: https://archive.is/uh1zq All of this happened during the /100rads/ period of the Burma discussion.
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>>10693 I see, good move you ask me. But then again, presuming that was actually true and not just corporate-controlled media hysterics posturing, why were all those sites filled with eye-witness images and accounts then?
>>10694 Are there not still foreign journalists and embassies in Myanmar? It would behoove the West to acquire and disseminate these images both inside and outside the country to undermine the junta.
>>10694 Why were all those sites filled with eye-witness images and accounts then? See >>10695 and third image from >>10677 Thailand is pro-west, Bangladesh is anti-Burma even if they aren't pro-west, and all of the news articles either take place in Yangon which has plenty of banking hardwired internet lines to run VPS services through, several days late out of the ethnic minority northern regions, or along the Thailand border. If you look past the major news outlets which just parrot whatever hearsay comes out of Yangon/Thailand, the stories are typically about a week or two apart and rarely "breaking news" suggesting a journalist is gathering scoops and then crossing the border to report them, such as the torture cases that have been emerging.
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>>10673 It seems I was wrong in >>10674 it would appear Russia is actually backing Burma based on this opinion piece. Since it's an opinion piece I'm not going to bother with my usual cleaning-up to make it more neutral. Why Russia is betting on Myanmar’s military junta Authors: Artyom Lukin, Far Eastern Federal University and Andrey Gubin, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies https://archive.is/FmwD3 >On 1 February 2021, Myanmar’s military junta declared a state of emergency and seized power from the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. The coup immediately created a political crisis and resulted in mass bloodshed, but the international response has been divided. >While the US-led West and its key Asian allies such as Japan and South Korea condemn the coup and imposed sanctions on the junta, other key powers are more ambivalent. In the UN Security Council, China, India and Russia have made efforts to shield the perpetrators from harsher censure and potential UN sanctions. >From the very beginning Russia has refused to condemn the coup, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs merely expressing hope for ‘a peaceful settlement of the situation through the resumption of political dialogue’. In the same statement, Moscow noted as an encouraging sign that the military intended to hold a new parliamentary election. Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti justified the coup by arguing that the Myanmar army, the Tatmadaw, is the only viable guarantor of the multi-ethnic country’s unity and peace. >The most visible manifestation of Russian support for the junta came in late March, when Deputy Minister of Defence Alexander Fomin became the highest-ranking foreign official to attend Myanmar’s Armed Forces Day parade in the capital Naypyidaw. While the military was violently cracking down on protestors, Fomin held talks with junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. He called Myanmar ‘Russia’s reliable ally and strategic partner in Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific’ and emphasised that Moscow ‘adheres to the strategic course of enhancing relations between the two countries’. >There are several reasons why Russia is emerging as the most high-profile supporter of the Myanmar military government. >Moscow’s close ties with Myanmar date back to the 1950s. Given that for most of its modern history the Southeast Asian country has been governed by the military, Russia has developed a working relationship with its uniformed rulers. Incumbent strongman general Min Aung Hlaing has visited Russia on numerous occasions, most recently in June 2020 to attend the Victory Day parade in Moscow, and is known as a champion of Myanmar–Russia ties. >Under Min Aung Hlaing, Myanmar–Russia military cooperation has received a boost. After China, Russia is the country’s second largest supplier of arms, being the source of at least 16 per cent of weaponry procured by Myanmar from 2014–2019. Myanmar’s military is now awaiting the delivery of six Su-30 fighter jets ordered in 2019, and in January 2021 the two sides signed contracts for a Russian air defence system and a suite of surveillance drones. >Thousands of Myanmar’s military officers have also received training in Russia’s military academies. Tellingly, the Myanmar commander-in-chief maintains an official account on Russia’s VK social network while being banned from Facebook and Twitter. It is not coincidental that the Kremlin’s main interlocutor with Myanmar is defence minister Sergey Shoigu, who happened to visit the country just several days before the 1 February coup. >Given this long-standing and profitable relationship with the Myanmar military, it stands to reason that Russia is not going to condemn the coup, let alone sanction the junta. Russian President Vladimir Putin has never been known for his sympathies for pro-democracy movements backed by the West, and the Kremlin hardly sees the English-educated Aung Sang Suu Kyi, whose two sons are British nationals, as a desirable alternative to uniformed rulers. >Moscow’s support for a military dictatorship could damage its international reputation, but with what has already transpired between Putin and the West, the Kremlin could hardly care less about its reputational fallout from Myanmar. In defence of its stance on Myanmar, Russia could also point to Western hypocrisy — neighbouring Thailand is ruled by generals with dubious democratic credentials, but the country remains in the West’s good graces due to being a ‘treaty ally’ of the United States. >It is unclear to what extent Moscow will coordinate its Myanmar policies with Beijing, Russia’s main strategic partner and a fellow autocracy. The Chinese government has refrained from condemning the military takeover, but compared to Russia it has been conspicuously less supportive — China’s relationship with the Tatmadaw has always been complicated, and Beijing is hardly happy about the coup. Article too long.
>>10697 >Whereas Moscow’s relationship to Myanmar is mostly limited to military-to-military ties, with scant social and economic interactions, China’s relations with its southern neighbour are more multi-dimensional. Beijing cannot afford to antagonise pro-democracy segments of Myanmar’s population, so it needs to adopt a more complex approach. >Moscow and Beijing are likely discussing the situation in Myanmar, but their strategies differ. Russia is driven by the desire to keep lucrative military contracts and possibly gain a foothold in the Indian Ocean. By contrast, Beijing is guided by more long-term strategic interests dictated by Myanmar’s immediate proximity to China’s Yunnan province. >Viewing itself as a global great power, Russia has a stake in maintaining a strategic presence in Myanmar, a geopolitically important country in the Indo-Pacific. To retain and expand Russia’s links with Myanmar, the Kremlin has banked on the generals. It remains to be seen if Moscow’s calculus will turn out to be the right one. >Artyom Lukin is Associate Professor at the Oriental Institute, School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. >Andrey Gubin is a Senior Researcher at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Moscow. Let this be a reminder to Strelok that I am just one man who looks at things from the angles presented to him, and that I am prone to mistakes. Makes sense why all of a sudden the news media picked this shit up when it was largely only international and Asian-oriented sources discussing it for months.
Some other videos that seem to be circulating.
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Based on the types of articles floating around the last couple days, I do believe all foreign journalists have been effectively kicked out of the country or sent into hiding, so I will likely be posting fewer news articles mostly about when such journalists in hiding are captured/smuggled out to share findings, and the ones posted will probably mostly be border skirmishes where foreign actors can view the carnage unless the situation changes.
I don't want to get too political we already seem to have a new batch of posters who see /k/ and read /pol/, but it looks like a defeat for the global democratic movement. similar to what happened with the Arab Spring. And if it turns into a civil war, then that gives more legitimacy to violence. Add in that the US doesn't seem to counter Russian and Chinese influence in Myanmar, and we can see this whole situation as one more step towards a warlike world.
>>10701 You plainly took a wrong turning somewhere in back of you. You clearly write and think just like some neoLib, aka, some over-socialized, highly privileged and coddled White woman. Politics and weaponry are inextricably-interlinked together, and have been since pre-history. All men know this instinctively. A people that survives, survives only because it has smart, powerful men to lead them and protect them. Females are plainly worse than worthless in any kind of major leadership role over a people. With extraordinarily few exceptions in history, it's simply a recipe for emasculation of a people and their eventual destruction. Look no further than the current crash of the West (if you can take the rose-colored glasses off for a moment) as clear evidence of the evil of allowing women to be involved in politics. Let the women manage the kitchen, while barefoot and pregnant. And any so-called 'democratic movement' is anything but a positive effect on a nation or a people group. The people themselves know far better how to manage themselves than a council of ultra-rich oligarchs in Brussels and Tel-Aviv do. Don't expect /k/ to have favor on such leftist views as you obviously are espousing here. One day -- under the Kingdom to come -- we'll all be able to beat our swords into plowshares. But that day isn't today. And until it comes fighting and warfare will always tend towards conservatism and wisdom, as well it should.
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>>10702 >thinking I've endorsed democracy in that post >not understanding that /k/ is inherently pro-war >>>/reddit/
>>10703 >Addressing one point out of the whole post. >Democracy=/=war >Doesn't even mention the other points made in the post, instantly sends to Reddit (a.k.a. Internet gulag). Did you even read his post? Or did you just forget the first half of the post while reading the second half?
>>10701 I mean I see democracy as the god that failed so I don't see this as a bad thing since it would seem to me that Western influences aren't actually interested in protecting "democracy" but rather in using "democracy" to force Myanmar to bend the knee to globalist rule. That being said, I don't particularly like the idea of the only two factions being a group of globalist cocksuckers and a boomer-tier outdated military junta with no sense or desire for compromise. This isn't the 1970s any more but it sure looks like it seeing Burmese military doctrine up until now. The only reason I have even an inkling of support for the military junta is because I'd rather a nation that handles its own problems first and international ones second instead of a nation that uses French democracy to push for genociding ethnic groups (Muslim or not) and is in the hands of China and the USA simultaneously.
>>10704 I've chalked up the events as a loss for globohomo, and in turn he accused me of being a woman and then started rambling about going barefoot. What the hell am I supposed to address out of all that nonsense?
>>10706 The /pol/ & /k/ question. He pointed out that politics and weapons are intertwined. I think politics are part of a war board, If it's not explicitly reduced to the "hands-on" aspect of war, namely strategies and tactics.
>>10702 Are you the same anon that makes everything about women? or are there more of you?
>>10708 He's probably the anon that periodically shows up every time /k/'s PPH goes up in order to make sure it drops again.
>>10708 I suspect it's this strelok over here >>15336 Same way of talking down to people without a strong point, though I agree that war/weapons and politics are strongly connected.
>>10705 >I don't particularly like the idea of the only two factions being a group of globalist cocksuckers and a boomer-tier outdated military junta with no sense or desire for compromise There are also those various ethnic groups and their small armed forces, but even a cursory reading suggests that their relationships are somehow complicated and yet it's obvious that they will side with the globalist cocksuckers. At least for the time being, I can see at least a few of them trying to carve out their own independent countries, at least if the opportunity arises.
>>10711 An independent small country inbetween Myanmar and Thailand and inbetween Myanmar and Bangladesh would be great. Issue with the Bangladesh one would inevitably demand control of the jade & ruby mines (or somehow put it in Chink hands). I can see the Karens telling the NUG to fuck off and shooting them in the back if the NUG gets any traction beyond demanding people recognize they "exist" when they're just a bunch of city children propping up ousted politicians for free.
>>10712 >An independent small country inbetween Myanmar and Thailand and inbetween Myanmar and Bangladesh would be great. Great for whom and why? I genuinely don't know enough about the region to understand the implications and consequences.
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>>10713 Myanmar's western border is full of Muslims (that's where the genocides happened in 2017 when all the Muslims fled to Bangladesh). Thailand is a military junta aligned with America while Myanmar's military junta has military ties to Russia and economic ties to China. A buffer state between them would be a good thing for everyone except journalists. Myanmar itself is a conglomerate of different ethnic groups all packed into one swamp country because none of them are independently able to defend themselves without international backing of some kind. Images related.
>>10714 What a fucking mess, I'll have to study the country's geography to make sense of it. But do they have any actual long-standing conflicts going back centuries; or is it simply a case of random tribes and villages being forced to exist in a single country after their areas were conquered by some ruler, and now they can't function in a Western-style state? Is there a single ethnicity (or group of related ethnicities) in charge, or is it even more complicated?
>>10715 The Bamar and Shan can be considered the ruling groups. Only the Kachin and Karen have long-standing conflicts with the Burmese central government, and the Kachin largely don't give a shit so long as they can mine jade/rubies unhindered, which is why this current government crackdown has them up in arms. The Bamar make up 68% of the country's population with the Shan making up 9% and the Karen making up 7%. All the other groups make up 5% or less of Myanmar's population. They've swapped hands for different governments, but they've basically been a multi-ethnic set of kingdoms working together since the 1050s, got split up by the Portuguese in the 1600s, and then ganged up again to kick out the Portuguese. Then they got conquered by the East India Company in the 1800s because some British nobles likes using the country as a retirement home until the Japanese kicked them out in the 1940s. You could say it's always been a multi-ethnic region, but British and later Japanese conquerors upset the balance of power to allow the Bamar people to gain an ethnic majority foothold after World War II and they've been holding onto power since the 60s more or less uncontested outside of the Karen regions.
>>10711 Aren't the rebel groups, at least the larger ones like the Karens, practically their own countries in all but name? It seems like a lot of those border areas are almost devoid of government control and are only significantly populated with minority rebels.
>>10714 >>10716 This looks like a real-life Free-for-All. I hope this won't end in another puppet state of the U.S.
>>10717 I can't speak for the others, but the Karens are to Myanmar as the Chechens are to Russia, just with smaller ethnic armies on both sides, if that helps explain things. The central Burmese military would crush the Karens under normal circumstances, but since everyone is rebelling, they can't direct their armies to any one region out of fear of another region gaining a foothold. Realistically this is a war of attrition where the longer the conflict continues, the more power the central Burmese military can consolidate/eliminate political dissidents. That's part of why the West is so eager to point out every little detail in the hopes of some politician in some western country gaining enough traction to declare war on Myanmar to justify everyone else jumping in. Myanmar's stability is important to the region because of their close proximity/sharing a border with both India and China (which is the only reason the UN hasn't called for peacekeepers to be sent to the region since it could spark a China-India conflict).
>>10719 There's also a chance if that seem likely to happen, you'll see a minor rappoachment of India-China to keep the west out of Myanmar, mainly because they both hate the west more than each other on such an issue. Neither side is willing to see a repeat of the migrant "crisis" in the EU caused by the US blowing shit up in Syria/Libya and would prefer a semi-stable Burma to a western warlord Somalia one. Now, what would be REALLY interesting is the Chinese taking back the land they ceeded to Myamar earlier. My guess, by the ASEAN meeting with the military it's a tact Chinese/India agreement of leting the ruling juntra stay. Because Cambodia/Laos/Singapore are Chinese aligned and the rest are India/US aligned (and vietnam is just anti-china in general). So the score so far is: Junta aligned: >Russia Lean juntra >China (begrudgingly) >Thailand (Maybe) >Laos Protester aligned >EU >US >Bangladesh Lean protesters >Australia Unknown, still in the wait and see bag: >India It's gonna be a fun show in a few months lads.
https://archive.is/QJedZ https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2021-myanmar-military-business/ Bloomberg ran an interesting article basically explaining how the Myanmar Junta is able to avoid sanctions because domestic industry is ran in a sort of hyper-capitalist nationalist-lite format where most of the country's core industries are partially if not fully owned by the military and where active duty and retired military are largely the shareholders as part of their benefits packages. It's apparently extremely inefficient, but because they focus on domestic goods like beer and rice where in some cases they have 60% market shared or greater, they're able to turn a hefty profit which is then distributed through the shareholders (current and former military).
>>10721 North Korea already proved that you can run a country on nothing but starvation and military power, and now Myanmar goes even beyond that, because the military doesn't even have full control, and yet they can still rake in the money just fine. Of course, having China to trade with helps a lot, especially because they have gems to trade with, but it's still hilarious that the best US and co can do is to issue some economic sanctions and tell everyone how very concerned they are.
>>10722 My favorite is still Thailand demanding the release of leaders/journalists while simultaneously deporting refugees back to Burma.
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>>10723 They've paid their lip service, and this is what really matters in this fucked up world.
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>>10723 https://archive.is/MTK8o >Three reporters and two activists from Myanmar have been arrested in Thailand for illegal entry and face possible deportation, the reporters' news organisation and local police said on Tuesday. >Broadcaster DVB (Democratic Voice of Burma) said the five were arrested on Sunday in the northern city of Chiang Mai and it appealed to Thai authorities not to deport them to Myanmar, where the news organization has been banned by the junta. >"Their life will be in serious danger if they were to return," said Aye Chan Naing, DVB's executive director, in a statement, which also appealed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for help. >The statement said they had fled the army crackdown in Myanmar since the Feb. 1 coup, during which dozens of journalists have been among thousands of people arrested. DVB and several other independent media organizations had their licenses revoked. >Thapanapong Chairangsri, the head of police in the San Sai district outside Chiang Mai, told Reuters that five Myanmar citizens had been arrested for entering the country illegally and would be brought to court on Tuesday. >He said they would be deported in accordance with the law, but added that because of the coronavirus outbreak they would be held in detention for 14 days before being handed to immigration authorities.
>>10720 I'd go ahead and put Japan firmly in the "lean junta" category. Apparently they've invested about a billion (USD) into Myanmar every year for the last several years in the form of business loans (contingent upon the Junta hiring Japanese companies to run business) and even recently forgave about $3.5 billion (USD) worth of debt as a sign of good faith. The most that Japanese businessmen have done against the Junta is use their shareholder status in Myanmar to convince the head of state to attend that ASEAN meeting a little ways back, and they've expressed a lack of desire to force the Junta to comply since it would mean shoving their loans they've given the junta down the drain. They have promised not to give the junta more loans, but this is likely because they don't want to be seen as actively supporting them.
Myanmar rebels claim police killings as Aung San Suu Kyi appears in court People’s Defence Force says at least 20 officers died and police station seized in fighting on Sunday https://archive.md/AAgAW >Dozens of Myanmar security force members have been killed in fighting, rebel fighters have claimed, as Aung San Suu Kyi appeared in person at a court hearing for the first time since her government was overthrown by the military in February’s coup. In one battle on Sunday, the People’s Defence Force (PDF) – a civilian anti-junta movement that fights back against security forces with homemade weapons – said at least 20 police had died and a police station had been seized in the town of Moebyel in Shan state in the country’s eastern fringe. The police station was burned down and rebel fighters took four security force members into custody, local media reported. Videos shared on social media showed what appeared to be the uniformed bodies of security forces and smoke pouring from the destroyed police post and a police vehicle. >Other pictures showed four men who were said to be police officers with their hands behind their backs, blindfolded with surgical masks. The town is about 100km (60 miles) east of the capital, Naypyidaw, and lies near territory held by some of the ethnic armed groups that have fought for greater autonomy for decades. Thet Wai, a PDF member, told Agence France-Presse: “I thought today is a day of conquest. But I am also worried because we have seen airstrikes and tanks today. They have much better weapons than us.” State television made no mention of the clash, and Reuters was unable to reach a junta spokesman for comment on the fighting. >Myanmar has been in chaos since the February putsch that deposed Aung San Suu Kyi, with the military using lethal force to crack down on dissent. The civilian death toll has climbed to at least 815 people, according to a local monitoring group, spurring some to form groups that fight back. Aung San Suu Kyi’s lawyer, Thae Maung Maung, said she looked in good health and held a face-to-face meeting with her legal team for about 30 minutes before Monday’s hearing. The 75-year-old Nobel peace prize laureate is among more than 4,000 people detained since the coup. She faces charges that range from illegally possessing walkie-talkie radios to violating a state secrets law, punishable by 14 years in prison. Suu Kyi “wished people good health” in her meeting with her lawyers and also made a reference to her National League for Democracy (NLD) party, which could be dissolved soon. “Our party grew out of the people so it will exist as long as people support it”, another of her lawyers, Khin Maung Zaw, quoted Suu Kyi as saying. >The European Union on Sunday denounced a proposal by the election commission appointed by the junta to dissolve the NLD. Since the army took power, there have been daily protests, marches and strikes nationwide against the junta. It has responded with lethal force, killing more than 800 people, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners activist group. Another civilian fighter told AFP at least 13 soldiers had been killed on Sunday at Demoso, in Kayah state, and that four of his men had been wounded. “We intended to seize their police station, but they used airstrikes and we could not stop their reinforcement trucks getting into the town,” he said. “We had to withdraw our troops from fighting.” The Mizzima news service said thousands of people had fled after dozens of artillery rounds landed in their neighbourhood. >The fighting continued through Sunday night, according to a senior leader of the Karenni National Progressive party – an armed group with a stronghold in Kayah state. He confirmed that the military was using tanks, helicopters and mortar attacks in Demoso and Loikaw, the capital of Kayah state. An alliance of four armed groups that are also against the coup battled early on Sunday with security forces in Muse, one of the main crossings to China, Myanmar media reported. A national unity government set up underground by opponents of the coup announced a new flag and command structure for the PDF, being set up to oppose the army. Meanwhile, the military chief Min Aun Hlaing, who removed Aung San Suu Kyi from power in the coup, gave a two-hour interview to Hong Kong’s Phoenix Television. The full programme is yet to air but in a snippet released on Sunday he offered reassurances to Chinese investors after a spate of arson attacks at factories in the commercial capital, Yangon. “Our citizens don’t hate China,” he said. “It happened for political reasons.”
>>10727 I assume they won't actually execute her? It'd probably be much simpler for them if they did (keeping her imprisoned for decades would only serve the Globohomo's interests, obviously), but it would be a sticky situation to choose. I suppose they could always just boot the woman out of the country, but that would bring issues as well. Hmm, it's a conundrum. I hope they find the wisdom somehow to get the country turned around to it's proper heritage, and away from modern Western (((influences))) soon though.
>>10728 >executing her That would make the US loose its shit and go full NK/Iran tier sanctions and then force anyone not Russia to bow down to them. That would just make the rebellions even worse imho. Remember that even China bowed to the US sanctions on Iran, the Russians simply don't give a shit because they are in it to stiff the US. >booting her out Then she just leads the insurrection safe and sound far, far, away, and you have no fucking idea who's running the show in Burma on the ground now. My guess, they will keep her in prison or under house arrest, or heavily restrict her movements outside of those two so they can at least keep the pretense of being receptive to the west. That, of course depends on the west not demanding a Maidan tier resolution. What would be hilarious is if the religon of peace does something stupid and unites the entire country against them agian.
>>10729 >My guess, they will keep her in prison or under house arrest, or heavily restrict her movements outside of those two so they can at least keep the pretense of being receptive to the west Could be. A slow burn is the least precarious move, and these 'gentlemen' in charge now (while they made the right move overall) don't strike me as having anything like Lukashenko-tier cajones.
>>10730 >cajones wat
>>10730 It's not even precarious, Suu is 75 and not too long for the world. They don't even have to neglect/torture her. Her children aren't Burmese citizens and haven't stayed in Burma for very long and likely are estranged from the ethics and reality of Burma from the average person's point of view (not to mention half white). The reason they can't execute her is because her father is considered the founder of the nation. Burma is perpetually stuck with weak leaders, but an even weaker opposition.
>>10728 The military originally claimed they would only stay in power for two years while they sorted shit out. While that seems like a lie, so long as they leave the old bitch alive they can keep making that claim and people won't lose their shit. Aung is the daughter of a decorated general and Myanmar has the same nonsense honor ideas that America has about their military so the Myanmar military is unlikely to execute her.
>>10729 America is already sanctioning Myanmar Iran-tier. I think I posted an article last month that digs into why the US sanctions are worthless. My guess is Chinese pressure since Aung got along with the CCP and the military didn't (which is why they are currently trying to get back Chink investors since Japan is the only other business partner in Asia not overtly or implicitly hostile to the junta.
>>10731 Americans (especially Americans in the South-West) use Cajones and balls interchangeably since cajones means drawers. >>10732 This anon sums up why they haven't done anything to her. Even if she's a cunt and the military hates her, her children pose no threat being in London and she's still the daughter of the junta's founder so they don't really want to kill her even before getting into international politics. I think the military leader is on record having said something to the effect of "her father would be turning in his grave" when the protests started.
>>10735 no, it's just a misspelling of cojones
>>10735 >Cajones means drawers As in the drawers of furniture like closets and such, not the boxers or jock straps. You probably meant cojones which is used as balls and to be fair it's also a bizarre term anyways, Southwest-wise, because it's a term mexicans never use, they regularly use "huevos" as in eggs or "tanate" as in rough leather bag. Cojones it's a caribbean negro term coming from very archaic spaniard spanish which also means leather bag, but due to its islander nature it's probably a loan word used in Florida or the surrounding areas. Spaniards use a similar term descojonar "balls off" which means laughing to the point of pain.
>>10734 The CPC stopped backing Suu in 2018 (maybe 2016?) visibly after and started backing the Juntra again. Mainly because the Juntra was not /as/ pro-western as Suu. I personally have some suspicions the Juntra coup was deliberately backed by at least India or China if not both. Suu pissed the CPC off with some shit pretty early on and it was heavily hinted at in the 2017 CPC national congress, it's not smart to basically bite the hand that feeds. >>10735 Her father was also more or less murdered with tacit British supplies support, and she ironically marries a britbong. Talk about Stockholm syndrome.
I guess it means the Chinese won the war against the gnat worshipping mobs and when they didn't get to hack the government the way they were tricked into because they think democracy is a big fucking game they found out the military industrialists are better hackers than white collar nerds.
Looks like a new round of 'let's see if the mob crashes the country into the ground because out of spite for being stopped from hacking the government in the name of "democracy"'. There is no stopping official military without official military. And everyone who is anyone who would ascend in the military hates rebel scum.
They won't execute her, she did a good job representing the mob into a government hacking attempt that is crashing the Myanmar market into the ground, to the benefit of western democracies stock markets, because everytime a country crashes its market into the ground out of irresponsibility it makes the developed and stable stock markets more attractive comparatively, thus increasing relative demand this strengthening prices and perpetuating the feedback loop of confidence of higher price expectations leading to higher prices. The democratic mob loves to sacrifice 1% of itself to the benefit of the 99% every convenient opportunity it gets.
>>10740 >And everyone who is anyone who would ascend in the military hates rebel scum. This is a case where no matter who wins, everyone loses. The rebels are commie globohomos and the military are despots who have a monopoly on most ventures and who rarely invest in updating the machinery and technology for local use along with playing in the smuggling business. It's stagnant but the best remedy by far is the military if they stopped being spooks, which doesn't seem to be happening. One wonders what would've happened if Aung's father didn't get killed by the junta, either a Singapore brother case or a Thailand part two.
>>10741 Why are you namefagging?
>>10743 Don't even give namefags the time of day. They aren't worth a response to.
https://archive.is/L1ETn It would seem the courts intend to depose of her. The Burmese military would be best off leaving her alive in jail since if they kill her she'll be seen as a martyr.
Myanmar military ruler extends coup with promise of elections in 2023 https://archive.md/7vJqq >Myanmar’s junta chief has said elections will be held and a state of emergency lifted by August 2023 – extending the timeline given when the military deposed Aung San Suu Kyi six months ago. In a televised address, junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said “we will accomplish the provisions of the state of emergency by August 2023”. “I pledge to hold multiparty elections without fail,” he added. The general’s announcement would place Myanmar in the military’s grip for nearly two and a half years – instead of the initial one year the junta announced days after the coup. He said the junta was ready to work with any special envoy named by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). “Myanmar is ready to work on Asean cooperation within the Asean framework, including the dialogue with the Asean special envoy in Myanmar.” Asean foreign ministers are to meet on Monday, when diplomats say they aim to finalise a special envoy tasked with ending violence and promoting dialogue between the junta and its opponents. In April, the junta agreed to a five point “consensus” with Asean, which called for an end to violence, political talks and the naming of a regional special envoy. >Myanmar has endured six months of turmoil since the military deposed Aung San Suu Kyi’s government and ended the country’s decade-old experiment with democracy. The junta has consolidated its position after a lethal crackdown on street protests, which have continued in a limited form despite the violence that has seen almost 1,000 people killed. In late July the junta cancelled the results of 2020 polls, claiming more than 11m instances of voter fraud. “Myanmar’s junta has responded to massive popular opposition to the coup with killings, torture, and arbitrary detention of people who merely want last year’s election results to be respected and a government that reflects the popular will,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “These attacks on the population amount to crimes against humanity for which those responsible should be brought to account.” Adding to the chaos in the country, tens of thousands of civil servants and other workers have either been sacked for joining protests or are still on strike in support of a nationwide civil disobedience campaign. A coronavirus outbreak has overwhelmed the healthcare system, with many hospitals empty due to a work boycott by pro-democracy medical staff. In June, the UN general assembly passed a rare motion condemning the coup and demanding the restoration of the country’s democratic transition. I guess the fun is over, at least for the time being.
>>10746 >I guess the fun's over It's the same situation as it was back in April. They haven't actually changed anything and it's all talk right now. The doctors left en masse back in March/April, the ethnic minorities are still fighting micro-wars against the Junta, and the Junta is still exploiting the land for Jade and other valuables.
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NUG calls for revolt against junta, declares state of emergency https://archive.is/hzf6T I'm linking an article, but let me provide context of the real conflict on the ground that the article is not discussing. >NUG forces keep launching bombs in population centers at economic targets owned by the Junta >Since they aren't Muslim suicide is optional >Junta is getting peppered in a three-front war (North, East, West) with different ethnic groups >But has superior numbers & firepower >ASEAN envoy gets Junta to agree to a ceasefire through the end of the year if NUG stops bombing city centers >Karen front (Eastern one between Thailand and Myanmar) refuses to honor the agreement >Basically say they would rather be genocided than go back under Junta ethnic rule >NUG is mostly trained, armed, and backed by Karens since they got to keep their guns when they submitted a few decades earlier >NUG faces losing legitimacy if they honor the ceasefire (NUG political class are all Western-taught elite from Europe, mainly the UK) >Junta will be able to regroup and take out the Northern front (reestablishing trade with China) even if civilian lives will be saved by the ceasefire >NUG decides to "officially declare war" because the military "can't be trusted" (they can't, to be fair) The NUG has no political or military power in Myanmar. They are just Myanmar Westaboos led by foreign actors. That being said, the Karen Front DOES have political and military power, and are mostly backing the NUG to keep other ethnic minorities fighting the Junta in other areas of the country in order to keep the junta out of Karen's ethnostate.
>>10748 Karen conquest of Myanmar when?
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Other less important but fun news from the Jungle River Kingdom: According to a local advocacy group, the Ukraine is “aiding and abetting the atrocity crimes of the Myanmar military.” https://archive.vn/snx9C >Sign agreement to end all arms sales with Myanmar to appease Western masters >Sell them motors and other non-weapon goods for weapons production for that sweet, sweet Jade mining money Ashin Wirathu Removed from Prison! https://archive.vn/AolHI Remember when Myanmar's militant Buddhists genocided Rohingya Muslims a few years ago? Remember Buddhist Bin Laden who led the charge? The one they arrested under Suu's government? The Junta likes that firebrand monk and are angry at the remaining Muslims for launching an ethnic revolt, so they officially pardoned him and told him to wreck havoc on the region.
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>>10750 To be entirely fair, the muzzies tried to genocide first, they just failed because they forgot the number of Buddhists is much higher. Now they're crying because they're getting beaten at their own game. Though, I've always had a soft spot for buddhist warrior monks. There's something about a member of a peaceful religion realizing that the sword is needed to keep safe that does something to my dried-up husk of a heart. Time to purge the enemies of the Buddha. I wonder if the idea will spread to other Buddhist groups and we'll see a general re-awakening of militant monks.
>>10751 >There's something about a member of a peaceful religion realizing that the sword is needed to keep safe Isn't a big chunk of the kung fu techniques aka chinese hand2hand martial arts known nowadays relate to buddhists carefully developing defense techniques in monasteries that utterly maim and disable the rival but without killing him? For example their late-game sword fighting i think aim at chopping arms and legs along with blinding or "drive weakening" (sudden castration) with the taoist brands being much faster and "artistic" supposedly to hide its teachings behind "muh ritual dances" from the government. Sticks too, hell even the multi-sectioned staffs aim to disarm and disable via joint dislocation from leverage movements.
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>>10752 Yeah. Buddhism used to have strong militant sects that'd rise up every time some ruler tried to act against monasteries or fuck with the Buddhist populace for being Buddhist. Consider the large amount of gold in your older Buddhist monasteries. If you don't have armed men on the ready, any ruler that's in financial trouble is just going to use them as a cashbox. Which is, incidentally, pretty much what happened when Nobunaga broke the militant monks in Nipland with the Mt. Hiei siege.
>>10752 >martial arts and sticks Sticks were a thing because they weren't considered a weapon and the gov (in Japan and China) tended to leave monks alone. >Modern day Chinese martial arts Neutered by the goverment to show offs. There are a few actual Taichi (the fighting ones, not the old man in park one) masters still around, but they are very rare now days. >>10753 >gold coating Ironically, the greatest threat to Bhuddisim (In China at least) was always itself. Especially the heretics who thought that gods have more temporal power then the emperor because the gods were in the hearts of people.
>>10754 That Buddha isn't just coated. It's the Phra Phuttha Maha Suwanna Patimakon, a 3m tall, 5.5ton chunk of solid gold.
>>10751 >Peaceful religion You realize historically Buddhism was more violent than Muslims, right? There's a reason the Japanese hate them.
>>10756 There's reason Japanese hated christian too. :^)
>>10757 They hated Buddhists for fucking with their state religion, their political system, causing massive foreign wars, and demeaning half of their population for 1100 years. They isolated from Christianity because they needed a spiritual restoration before industrialization.
>>10662 >Bangladesh calls on Southeast Asia to pressure Myanmar to take back the Rohingya refugees >back They are where they belong.
>>10667 >she can still feel human emotion She's commie chinkaboo gook, don't try to anthropomorphize it.
>>10750 >Remember when Myanmar's militant Buddhists genocided Rohingya Muslims a few years ago? How can we remember something that did not happen, Ahmed?
>>10756 >historically Buddhism was more violent than Muslims Do you think this is facebook, faggot?
>>10758 Dispute that Nobunaga had with Buddhists that one time?
>>10763 Those monks were basically ninjas. >>10757 >>10758 It had a lot to do with Jesuits doing political stuff in the shadows. It came to a head when they tried to have William Adams killed by accusing him of being a pirate and then years later tried to offer to smuggle him out of Japan. Well Anjin was having none of that so he promptly ratted on them to Tokugawa.
>>10754 >Neutered by the goverment to show offs. I meant the ones after the temple burning thing that scattered monks into civilian groups, from 1750 to around the previous days to the Boxer War. Older than that is ancient stuff that cannot be that observable in China but some hints supposedly appear in Okinawan fist forms and some other say in some Silat forms but the Javanese say it's older than chinese pirates teaching locals how to strike. A very good chunk of surviving kung fu styles seem to come from the same group of 8 or 12 people, and most of them knew each other and were rabidly mad about keeping the teachings alive, imagine all the stuff all over the world that wasn't registered or kept alive like mongol close-quarter combat or aztec paddle fighting that prioritized capturing the enemy alive by bonking them in the head, hell even old timey gladius fighting by both celts and romans seems intriguing due to them spending as much time with it as they did with marching.
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>>10763 It goes a lot deeper than Nobunaga. Japan was still part of the Sino-centric worldview in the 8th century and modeled Nara (capital at the time) after a Chinese city. This brought in the Buddhists and it became so bad they had to move the Emperor and Central Government to a different city... Twice. The Heian period almost brought Shinto to its knees, and around the 9th century the Fujiwara family came into power by utilizing these Buddhists and their backwards teachings to control the royal family from the shadows for about 300-400 years. Finally in the 12th century, both the citizenry and the nobility had had fucking enough of Buddhist monks constantly waging religious wars and killing their farmers and trying to fuck with their indigenous religion, so they completely overthrew the Buddhists influencing the royal family and then proceeded to have to fight off wave after wave of Buddhist uprisings. Ieyasu had to literally reform Buddhism from the ground up, import neo-Confucianism so that the Buddhist Samurai wouldn't cause citizen uprisings when all of their underlings were Shinto, and then claim that all Shinto practitioners were actually "practicing Buddhism" and to have family registries handled by Buddhist temples (the Danka system) just to get foreign interests and samurai acting through Buddhism to fuck off. Part of approving "Dutch Learning" in the 18th century was to get the Samurai to stop trying to LARP as warrior monks and start doing their job as administrators. They imported Neo-Confucian systems to prevent citizen religious uprisings against Buddhists (since it would result in another warring states period). Meanwhile in reality the famous Shinto shrines were seeing hundreds of thousands or even millions of visitors every year (during a time when Japan's entire population was only in the 30 million range). Finally after dealing with Buddhist niggers for over a thousand years, the 廃仏毀釈 (haibutsu kishaku) took place and Buddhism was almost eradicated from Japan. It WOULD have been if not for more of those fucking Samurai LARPers who refused to accept the Meiji restoration and housed Buddhist leadership in secret to prevent the niggerish, war-prone religion from disappearing from the island. Thankfully the Buddhists that remained cucked out and became subordinate to Shinto, and thus modern (Japanese) Buddhism is a much more peaceful affair since it is so watered down that it has about as much to do with the Buddhism that ravaged Japan as tofu has to do with meat.
>>10766 Been reading a manga about a know-it-all girl who gets sent back in time to Nobunaga's court and your description matches up 100%. Though the one part I'd like to understand better, from what I've read the religious wars were fought against warlords as well, not just different sects/cults.
>>10767 Yes. Some of that was subjugation attempt retaliation, some was territory disputes, a lot was warrior monks causing issues, and some of that was as >>10753 brought up because either the temples needed money or the warlords needed money (salt and food was a bigger concern than money back then which is partially why Buddhists were able to hoard money sometimes) so they would raid each other. I know which manga you are talking about, but I had left off shortly after the poop tax chapter last time I read it so I'm amazed they actually talked about Buddhism at all.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rifle_grenade#Modern_use >On 10 April 2021, during 2021 Myanmar protests, security forces killed at least 82 protesters in Bago town with rifle grenades. It's just a blip on the radar, but if the Tatmadaw manages to turn rifle grenades into the new barrel bombs, then I'm going to cheer for them.
>>10766 I'm not buying any of this. Buddhism is about as natural as Hanji writing system in Japan. Adopted from north east China/ Korean culture and cutsoms. These shogunates you uphold banned weapons for peasants to control them and these "volatile" religions. Specifically because the general that insituted that law used that exact same process to become samurai. Your narrrative is suspect.
>>10766 >killing their farmers and trying to fuck with their indigenous religion You imply the known japanese are native to Japan and the non-buddhists respected farmers, they did not. This reads like a tatami warlord typed this but i agree anyone will get mad at monks doing shadow power moves.
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>>10771 >You imply the known japanese are native to Japan Because they are. As native as "came to the island some 15,000 years ago, intermixed with another group about 3,000 years ago" can get, anyways. I hope you're not a serious believer in the Gook royal family theory. >and the non-buddhists respected farmers, they did not. This is your brain on anime. Many of the necessities we take for granted today like food and salt were hard to come by before the introduction of chemical fertilizers in the 1800s, and many of the luxuries we take for granted like iron were as expensive for the Japanese as something like Indium is today. I'm not going to get into early Japanese history because it should be fairly obvious how a group that are described by the Chinese as "a bunch of filthy farmer HikkiNEET runts that like to get drunk and have weird but strict social etiquette, and who stuck a woman in the emperor's seat so that everyone would stop fighting" would not be in-line with this idea. Equally I will gloss over everything from the Heian period until Nobunaga's time because Samurai frequently worked alongside farmers since Neo-Confucianism had not taken hold yet and being able to feed yourself was as important as your honor was. The only point in more "modern" history (last roughly 500 years) where farmers were treated exceptionally poorly was during the series of civil wars in the 1500s which almost starved the nation to death. Usually people associate Hideyoshi's reign with images of the earlier 1500s because it makes for cool anime and storytelling, however in reality Hideyoshi was a statesman and a military man focused on establishing a strict hierarchal society. Hideyoshi is also the one who took everyone's weapons and paved the way for the Tokugawa Shogunate. Up until then peasants were heavily armed, so it's easy to vilify the Samurai under his rule since they suddenly no longer had to worry about being poked to death with sharp sticks. Most people don't understand the difference, but a Samurai was a government worker in a sense while RONIN (浪人, literally "drifter") were the ones going around murdering peasants. These ronin stalked the countryside roughly from the time the Daimyo system was established until about the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, but they were generally seen as little more than bandits and vagrants with swords and sharp sticks until Ieyasu. When Ieyasu took power, he eliminated several Samurai houses while establishing Neo-Confucianism, which led to a mass increase in the number of ronin. They became endemic upon the early Tokugawa Shogunate and were rightfully pissed at having their land or houses taken away, and in response the ronin took out their anger on peasants quite often since they felt they still had their honor even though it was stripped from them. Ironic, because the samurai acted the same way during the Meiji restoration. In addition, because of how Ieyasu balanced power under his rule, the Daimyo were significantly weakened and had to rely on proper book keeping and human resource managing of their territories in order to not lose their houses. This meant that farmers, who now had family names proving they weren't spies and lords who were investing in them, along with a lack of wars to fight, had an unprecedented level of power under the late-term Shogunate (after the ronin died of old age or got murderhobo'd by angry villagers), and were allowed to travel outside their territory for business/pilgrimages without fear of fucking dying. At the end of the day farmers were at the bottom of a strict hierarchy through Japanese history, but so long as they respected that hierarchy they were treated fairly and could be expected to live long lives unless drafted into a war, but war was not particularly harmful to just farmers. Nobody got off the hook. They could not leave their territories because all life was disposable outside of your hold during various time periods (especially the warring states period and first 50 years or so of the Tokugawa Shogunate). However the Japanese political class and samurai were not the ones killing farmers indiscriminately like you were implying. When a famine struck, it was tough times for everybody and tough times bring tougher times for those at the bottom of a social hierarchy. Famines were common until the Meiji restoration where Japan just stole food from other countries (until they could get ahold of chemical fertilizers anyways). I got a little off-track there, but my point was that farmers were victims of circumstance in times when everyone was suffering, and rarely victims of wanton violence or discrimination, since they were literally the bread basket of Japan that even saw their lords working beside them prior to Neo-Confucian class systems.
>>10772 >"came to the island some 15,000 years ago, intermixed with another group about 3,000 years ago" >I hope you're not a serious believer in the Gook royal family theory. It is a fact some ancient chinaman tribe killed/mixed with most people inside Japan about 1800 to 1500 years ago, same with the Han killing a ton of people in Formosa 500 years ago, nowadays called Taiwan. There's a reason Japan has two different archetypes and based tons of their own dating & mating decisions on blood type. >projecting i'm an anime watcher Not winning this argument are you >salt was hard to come by before the introduction of chemical fertilizers in the 1800s Wrong, salterns were a thing everywhere since millennia ago, Japan had some in their west coast >farmers were treated exceptionally poorly was during the series of civil wars in the 1500s >in reality Hideyoshi was a statesman and a military man focused on establishing a strict hierarchal society after that >At the end of the day farmers were at the bottom of a strict hierarchy through Japanese history, but so long as they respected that hierarchy they were treated fairly >ronin took out their anger on peasants quite often Good going Mr. Hiderimoto-san, good going
>>10773 >Anime watcher projecting Usually I hear lines about peasants being treated poorly by folks who watch a lot of ronin anime disguised as samurai anime. At least IRL when it comes up.
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I knows that Buddhism has many major variants, with lots of sects within all those variants, but in general what is the basis of going to war in the name of the Buddha? Is it simply a case of giving people a choice between the dharma and rebirth?
>>10775 Buddhism teaches pacifism in it's scripture, but it is a lot like the Judeo-Christian "Thou call not kill" in that there are a lot of exception. In the Judeo-Christian case for example the actual meaning of the command is actually "Thou shall not murder" and killing in self defense or in the name of the law is not murder, equally there is no murder in war from a biblical perspective as a war in Gods name and for Gods glory is just. Similar Buddhist are allowed to defend themselves, train others in self defense and depending on the variant kill to prevent greater violence. Buddhism philosophizes a lot about the intention behind human actions, hot headed and selfish actions lead to bad karma and cool headed selfless actions leads to good karma. Usually violence is attributed to an unwholesome state of mind, but some variants argue that their involvement in conflicts is in the name of peacekeeping and to cool the heads of the parties involved. There are also a lot of Myths about Buddhas and Priests fighting Demons and non-human species, who get used to frame Buddhist fighting as a fight against evil. And then there are Sri Lanka Buddhist who based on national stories claim they are "The Chosen People" of Buddha, that Sri Lanka is the Holy Land of Buddhism and any non-Sinhalese is a dirty subhuman.
Updates, only raw links because archive is fucking up again. China is giving vaccines to all combatants in the face of mass loss of large amounts of financial support in Eastern/Central Europe, Indonesia, and Africa. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210922-shots-in-the-dark-china-sends-covid-aid-to-myanmar-rebels Suu Kyi pleads Not Guilty during court indictment. https://globalnews.ca/news/8208904/suu-kyi-trial-continues-myanmar/ Context: Junta arrested all the judges and lawyers that wouldn't tow the party line back in May/June. And amid all this, Thailand is intentionally dragging their feet on humanitarian aid laws in order to deport as many Myanmar illegals back as they can get away with, without upsetting the Burgers. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/9/13/myanmar-dissidents-face-fear-and-uncertainty-in-thailand
>>10775 Sorry for going off topic but what kind of handgun is he holding?
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Tatmadaw Targeting Civilians with Landmines https://archive.is/Oxog9 >Myanmar’s junta is laying landmines in residential areas while it conducts raids on civilian resistance forces in Kayah State. >On Wednesday morning, a displaced civilian in Demoso Township, Kayah State, was killed by a landmine in Kone Thar village while returning home with two others to fetch food, according to the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF). >The other two villagers were taken to hospital with serious injuries. On Tuesday evening, another displaced civilian in the township was seriously injured after stepping on a mine in Thay Su Le village while returning for food. >Junta forces raided the Demoso Township villages last Thursday. A KNDF spokesman told The Irrawaddy on Wednesday that military forces planted landmines in the villages. >Despite being reinforced and using heavy weapons and explosives, the regime forces were forced to retreat from the villages on Sunday after two days of attacks by Karenni armed groups. >Karenni armed groups urged villagers to be aware of the dangers of junta landmines when returning home. Reminder that Myanmar refused to sign any of the arms conventions in the last century so we basically get to watch what a total civil war without foreigners interfering looks like in real time.
>>10780 >two days of attacks by Karenni armed groups So that town was actually full of rebel forces, aka a legitimate target and a better designator would be "rebel base". Civilians that hide and assist rebels aren't civilians, they're the enemy supply corp. Fucking journalists.
>>10781 Yes and no. Kaareni forces are pretty much the only "good guys" (fuck the NUG), and the Tatmadaw is known to brutally rape/murder anyone who so much as sees them committing atrocities against civilians. The Tatmadaw was certainly there to wipe out rebels, but they probably planted the mines with intent to blow up civilians returning given their track record.
Allegedly "something big" is about to happen in Myanmar. Unfortunately due to radio/internet silence, we won't know what that something is until next week or the week after. https://archive.is/Mdfu0 https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/un-fears-civilians-myanmar-after-army-build-up-2021-10-08/
So India is working in cooperation with the Junta to eliminate insurgents now. Myanmar hands over to India 5 insurgents caught along border >Myanmar has handed over to India five insurgents belonging to an Indian rebel group operating in the remote northeastern region bordering Myanmar, police said Thursday. >An Indian air force aircraft flew the five from Myanmar to the Indian state of Manipur on Wednesday. They belong to the People’s Liberation Army, which is fighting for secession from India in Manipur since 1978, a police officer said on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to talk to reporters. >They were being questioning by police. Their group had claimed responsibility for killing an Indian army colonel, his wife, a son and four soldiers in an ambush last month. >This is the second time Myanmar authorities have handed over insurgents to India in nearly two years. In 2020, they transferred to India 22 rebels belonging to six insurgent groups operating in two northeastern states, Assam and Manipur, the police officer said. >India and Myanmar in recent years have signed defense cooperation agreements committing to peace and stability in border areas, and they promised to not allow anyone to use their respective soil for hostile activities against the other side. >Indian government forces are battling dozens of ethnic insurgent groups In the remote northeast. Their demands range from independent homelands to maximum autonomy within India. The rebels often cross over into neighboring Myanmar through a porous border after attacking Indian forces.
Myanmar public urges gas sanctions to stop military funding https://archive.md/kTV9W tl;dr- >Biden: "FUCK natural gas. Money printer go brrrrrr" >"Oh shit we're out of gas" >"Let's throw away all of those stupid democracy ideals because getting gas is more important" >"Can't get it domestically though or the hook noses will expose my child-fucking agenda" >"Also Japan and India will get mad at me since Myanmar was our trade for getting them in on Taiwan" >US proceeds to not sanction totalitarian regime
>>10785 Of course it's been this way since the end of WW2 at least and probably even before that. If the regime goes against all that you supposedly stand for but they support you then all is fine. Like in Afghanistan before the US pulled out, they actually had to tell the US soldiers stationed there to not interact with the locals because they were worried that all of the child fucking the Afghanis were doing would enrage the soldiers so much that they would go and murder all the Afghanis that they were keeping in power.
Why is this board so full of sandcurryniggers?
>>10787 What do you mean?
>>10788 Most people who hates on the chinese are typically Indian. They also seem to have a soft spot for arabs to destroy non-israel aligned middle east states too aparently.
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>>10787 >>10789 My "hatred" (disdain) for the Chinese is due to the fact that they have lowered QoL around the world while having a collectivist bugman mentality. In the housing market Chinese money laundering has driven prices up to incomprehensible levels due to trade wars with the jews. In the tools industry they have flooded the market with cheap plastic shit that costs more over its lifetime than the (mostly unavailable) locally/regionally produced tools (to the point where I look for Mexican brands because at least those have bare minimum quality standards). In the anime industry they have censored the fuck out of shows that were never meant for censorship, and in the food industry, we supply half of the country's staple grains while they have risen the price of most meat by about $3/lb for everything that isn't gutter-tier meat. Not that pork shoulder/chicken thighs are bad, but I want fucking steak and tender meat cuts damn it. I could go on and on but the only thing preventing Chink hegemony from ruining the Pacific trade routes is their military limitations imposed by Taiwan and Japan (since SK is already sucking sino-centric dick and Vietnam/Thailand are slave states). So yes, I support the poos since Islam is easier to deal with than neo-Confucianism. Also fuck the kikes and fuck Israel.
>>10788 Too many bleedinghearts for the invasive paki subspecies and "muh ebul buddhist regime" defending their sovereignity from them.
>>10790 >reee chinks bad only held in check by Taiwan and Japan Strelok, at the rate we're going, we're headed for at least 20-220 years of Chinese hedgemony, considering how we can roughly split the world into larger "civilizations" as a whole of the "west" (Euros+US+ ANZAC), Asia, Africa (literally all of it), Latin America, and the "East" (Eastern Europe + Turkey). As the larger "civilizational" empire declines, a new one takes it place while it still technically holds the "empire" notionally. For the west, most empires have an effective time span of 250 years. For Asia, it is a bit longer at 300, but I would consider that due to a lack of "age of intellect" (The most technological/cultural advances were always in an era of disunion and war). Rather, it has an extended age of affluence. Think about it for a second, if we take the life cycle of an empire, the US is currently in the "overextention and decline" era, while the "west" as a whole is as well. Let us look on a Macro scale, remember that nation state empires can fail to overcome the conquest phase and collapse immediately. *Denotes failed power in the conquest phase ! Denotes lack of "decline" and immediate collapse due to external events (Foreign invader, disease) European era (~1400s-YTD): France (987-1792) Portugal (1415-1600s) Spain (1492-1811) British (1503-1783) France!(1804-1814) Germany! (1871-1918) Austria Hungary (1804-1918) British (1783-1939) Germany* (1939-1945) American (1787-YTD) In the Asian countries (1868-??) Japan* (1868–1947) China, PR (1949-???) India (1947-???) Near East Byzantine Empire (395-1453) Kivan Rus (879–1240) Mongol Empire (1206–1368) Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569–1795) Russia (1547–1917) Soviet Union (1917-1991) Depending on who you ask, China is already past the age of conquests (Xinjiang + Tibet) and into the age of commerce. India may or may not become a proper empire if it decides to self-implode due to ethnicity issues. Africans haven't had a proper state since the 1400s and probably won't unless we get complete collapse across the world. Arabs might end up being the next major economic empire after Asia due to oil reserves until it gets steamrolled by a strong invader. Latin America I don't know.
>>10792 >he actually buys into the Chinese propaganda, when they are a chimera with globohomo and both will fail in unison
>>10793 >saying I bought into the propaganda +5 for your social credit, but no, it's just applying the seven stages theory. I'm sorry you feel that way. Personally, I say Chinese collapse in 20-40 years.
>>10794 History isn't predetermined and when enough worthwhile men have an awareness of their place in it, they can redirect its course by their strength of will.
>>10795 >Predetermined Not entirely, but heavily influenced. Many things are partial rolls of luck. Large scale nation-states are basically social organisms, they have rough lifespans and die eventually, the question is when. Had Budyonny not turned south to Liviv, the Miracle on the Vistula would most likely be a stalemate instead of a rout.
>>10794 Why would China collapse so soon? Don't tell it's the declining population meme by baizuos ultimately meant to import blacks and third worlders mainly to weaken China than actually fill jobs.
>>10797 China only has 20-40 years because Xi only has 10-30 at most. Without a strong horse central figurehead such as pooh bear creating unity via the boot, the extreme diversity of the chinese population will inevitably result in a collapse. Unfortunately for china, pooh bear's meteoric rise to power has mostly been the result of his exceptional talent at eliminating competition - meaning anybody that had any remote ability with leadership and political savvy. Which was great and good for him but means china has literally nobody that could theoretically fill the vacuum of power that will result when he kicks the bucket.
https://archive.is/LR6kw tl;dr- Main (pro-west) telecom company in Myanmar is selling to a Lebanese company that will likely share telecom metadata records with the junta. This will likely put an end to (or severely reduce) city bombings since urban insurgents rely on phones for communications. The fact that they had 7 months and didn't think this would be an issue is both sad and hilarious.
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UN accuses Myanmar army of war crimes, torture, killings (finally) https://archive.is/pRC3J In its first broad human rights report since Myanmar’s coup, UN says army has shown flagrant disregard for human life. >Myanmar’s military has engaged in systematic human rights violations, many amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity, the United Nations claimed in its first comprehensive human rights report since last year’s coup. >Security forces have allegedly shown a flagrant disregard for human life, using air raids and heavy weapons on populated areas and deliberately targeting civilians, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said on Tuesday. >Many victims were shot in the head, burned to death, arrested arbitrarily, tortured, or used as human shields, she said in a statement on the report, which urged “meaningful action” by the international community. >“The appalling breadth and scale of violations of international law suffered by the people of Myanmar demand a firm, unified, and resolute international response,” Bachelet said. >The military has said it has a duty to ensure peace and security. It has denied atrocities have taken place and has blamed terrorists for causing unrest. >The UN report said it was based on interviews with many victims of abuse, as well as witnesses, whose accounts were corroborated with satellite imagery, verified multimedia files and open-source information. >The UN report said troops had carried out mass killings in the Sagaing region, with some victims found dead with their hands and feet tied. >In Kayah State, burned bodies of women and children were found, some in positions indicating they had tried to escape and were burned alive, it said. >The report found detainees were tortured during interrogation, including suspension from ceilings, electrocution, injection of drugs and some subjected to sexual violence, including rape. >“We have really been able to identify a pattern over the past year, which indicates that this is planned, coordinated, systemic attacks; that there are clear indications that they would amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity,” UN human rights office spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told reporters in Geneva. >In the past year, the military has scolded the UN and pundits for interference in what it calls reliance on distorted information from partisan groups. https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sN5beOZrW_o
>>10800 But what is the general situation? Are there still protests going on?
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>>10801 On the ground? From what I've been able to find the city protests have largely stepped down after Telenor began the process of selling their phone contracts to a Myanmar-friendly country to wipe their hands clean amid accusations that they were installing surveillance tech to help the Junta out in catching guerillas. Thefts of bicycles, foreign clothes, and cellphones seems to be rampant in Yangon. The "last Western Journalist" was finally released and sent home about a month ago so news reports are far and few, most of them being little more than salt. The situations in the border regions are different. Apparently the Junta's not had luck with their "double down" tactics in the rural regions and every time they start to crack down on some rebel militia in one region, another region acts up forcing them to retreat and deal with them instead, etc. Rebel forces are largely getting whittled down in numbers but the Junta is getting whittled down by civil unrest and an emerging food crisis in the urban centers where they mainly hold power. Have some pictures of Myanmar protestors finding the time out of their days of resisting to #standwithukraine or something.
>>10800 Oh right, apparently according to hearsay this news came right after Myanmar offered to trade oil drilling rights to Thailand in direct currency translation instead of using USD as a medium Tuesday.
>>10802 'Democracy' is an illusion these days. It's Just the East NeoCommie block vs. The West NeoCommie block right now just like Orwell predicted: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-04-04-centralized-digital-currency-coming-no-privacy-autonomy.html
>>10804 Not quite. But """Democracy""" was never the answer. So-called Mob Rule does nothing but serve the globalist kike's and their cabal's interests. A true Republic is much better, and Fascism even better still. And probably the landed-gentry should have any real say in governmental transitions -- as in elections -- as was commonplace in cultures of the past. But honestly, with the spiritual outlaw Satan allowed on the loose, there's no form of human government that won't be corrupted into evil. In a way, this is obvs. by God's design. Our enemies are just tools (Satan himself being the 'tooliest') intended to drive us towards God as our Redeemer. No-one else can solve our multitudinous issues, as He seems to intend.
>>10805 >And probably the landed-gentry should have any real say in governmental transitions -- as in elections -- as was commonplace in cultures of the past. And I might further add the quite obvious as well: No women should be even remotely involved in the process. Period. That's a guaranteed fast-track to destruction, as back in the Garden of Eden, and The Western Tradition of today.
>>10798 >the extreme diversity of the chinese population will inevitably result in a collapse What are you talking about? China ethnically is over 90% han chinese. It existed for millenias and always reunited, the last reunification being in 1949, which may not be done yet if you count Taiwan. The wider world being a part of the equation is new, so it may change and has already changed some things, like remplacing the dynasties with parties, but for now I think it's business as usual for them. > pooh bear's meteoric rise to power has mostly been the result of his exceptional talent at eliminating competition - meaning anybody that had any remote ability with leadership and political savvy There always was a Xi that purged competitors there, it's a feature, not a bug. Even Mao's cultural revolution couldn't prevent sane and competent men like Deng Xiaoping from rising. Japan branded battle royals, but it was definitely a chinese invention for sure. A weak man getting to power there immediatly trigger any chinese with enough standing to raise armies and fight until a top dog is picked so he can manage a strong police state to keep everyone else in check.
>>10792 >Germany* (1939-1945) The German conquest period was between 1866 and 1870/71 when Prussia first successfully defeated Austria-Hungary and then lead the remaining German states successfully against the French, thus creating the German Empire. On top of that the German Reich gained Colonies between 1883 and 1914. Equally Modern Germany can be seen as being in the Age of Commerce, as losing two World Wars couldn't stop Germany from being an economic powerhouse.
>>10808 >between 1866 and 1870/71 when Prussia first successfully defeated Austria-Hungary Prussia never defeated Austria-Hungary. It was the Habsburg Empire they defeated so badly the Habsburgs had no choice but to turn their empire into the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
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>>10637 >“This a coup. This is the UK. We are not in Myanmar, in Burma. They are not able to do this. The British government won’t allow this one, you’ll see that.” How does one attain the post of ambassador without knowing what the fuck extraterritoriality is? Or is this just grandstanding for the (((Western))) press?
>>10810 >How does one attain the post of ambassador without knowing what the fuck extraterritoriality is? There's a quote from a guy that worked in the Carter administration about how as he rose through the ranks of the public service he expected at some point to find the ultra-competent people running the show, but found that even at the highest levels of the public facing government it was the same mediocre people doing a half-assed job.
>>10810 The malcontents have known what they were doing for decades, arguably centuries. Keep in mind it's the same sub-cultural "elite" within the country with the same sub-cultural mindset committing to extraterritoriality that did the Imperial shit for cheap international profits at no benefit to the citizenry back in the day. The rest are useful idiots who think that being the "good guys" lets them commit crimes against humanity in the name of the greater good because of 30 years of Hollywood capeshit indoctrination and covering up Ally WWII atrocities (or flat out admitting to them and saying "it's a good thing").
>>10811 That's why the founding fathers designed the entire political system to be extremely inefficient and long over in America, but unfortunately the rules of government we play by today would make them turn in their graves.
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>>10811 Why does that not even surprise me? >>10812 From what I've seen of the world, you're not wrong, but I don't quite see what that has to do with this ambassador being a retard.
>>10814 >but I don't quite see what that has to do with this ambassador being a retard. I didn't look at full context and thought anon was referring to a British diplomat which is sad because that was my post he quoted. It still kind of works in the sense that Myanmar is one of those weird countries where most of the population is culturally still in the 1600s just with modern firearms while the city folks this ambassador represent(ed) have been fully indoctrinated into Western mindsets over the last couple decades of "Burmese Westernification." You can see it in the PDF's shenanigans and terrorist bombings.
https://myanmar.liveuamap.com/ Apparently there's a live map for Myanmar, but it looks like Western journalists still can't get into the country so it only updates every few days or weeks. With summer approaching the conflicts should be ramping up. Also it looks like the Junta has changed its stand from "elections in 2022" to "guaranteed elections in 2023" to "we'll eventually have them once we kill the opposition" to nobody's surprise. I'm a little disappointed since it actually seemed like they would happen for a while there.
https://nitter.net/IrrawaddyNews/status/1531502970457956352 >May 31st: Junta forces dropped high-explosive bombs in an air raid on a People’s Defense Force base in Mingin, Sagaing Region on May 20, resistance forces said. Two female PDF medical troops died and at least 20 injuries were reported https://nitter.net/thinzashunleiyi/status/1527137499038253056 >Karen villagers fleeing & hiding from the Myanmar military jets bombing Lay Kay village, Thaton District, KarenState in April & early May.
>>10818 You could say Thayland was aTAKed.
>>10589 >As for China i doubt an actual war will happen, considering the military government will become/is an international pariah they'll have no option but ask for Chinese suzerainty. They look like screw-ups, and may provoke at least one of the neighbors. While the economy is still in the ass. Conversely, if the puppets win and invite NATO, China will react the same way as Russia did. Especially considering NATO did not contest grabbing Taiwan at all. The third option is civil war. The end result is much the same, except this time China won't bother with genocide, as they will do it themselves.
>>10772 Not bad, but the farmers weren't at the bottom of the hierarchy. They were ranked above artisans, who were ranked above merchants, who were really at the bottom (unless you count hinin, non-persons who had no standing). Over the course of the Edo Period, the merchants built up lots of wealth & power despite formally being in the lowest rank, and many samurai were indebted to them. Farmers may have been better off than before, but hard times still hit them disproportionately.
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So it seems China has officially endorsed Myanmar and given them their facial recognition technology to deal with rebel elements. It's been effective enough that the UN security council officially condemned the Myanmar Junta because their forces of "freedom and democracy™" are losing. I think Myanmar is shaping up to become the next US proxy war between America and China (with Indian support against the Chinese) in order to draw attention off of Taiwan (or to act as punishment if Taiwan is embargoed/invaded) given these recent events. Article talking about the Chinese facial recognition software: https://archive.ph/p2qbF UN Security Council thing: https://archive.ph/VSpDz "Illegal" protests happened, but clearly they no longer have any teeth since the military/police didn't even beat anyone (which has been standard Junta policy up until this point) suggesting the protesters have stopped getting violent: https://archive.ph/5HzBN
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It seems Lavrov spent the majority of his day in Myanmar between a military helicopter ride and in private arms dealings in the Junta strongholds. At the same time Myanmar is experiencing rampant inflation so they have allowed workers to retain 35% of their earnings as foreign currency to encourage currency competition to prop back up the Kyat. https://archive.ph/IFmrh
Apparently Biden's getting ready to sign an $850 billion defense budget deal that includes officially aligning with the NUG (rebel forces) in Myanmar. There was apparently supposed to be a vote by the UN security council on whether to sanction Myanmar today that Russia and China seemed "receptive" to but there hasn't been any further news on that despite the meeting allegedly having happened today. Russian news isn't reporting on it either. As a refresher, Myanmar is a major exporter of ore, oil, and jade to China, and a major importer of weapons from Russia.
>>10770 this, that post is wildly biased against Buddhism. The historical reality is that Buddhism and Shinto fused in Japan so there's lots of overlap. Overall, it's a based religion, not without its militancy as he said, but it tends to lack the fundamentalism and chimping out we've seen from Abrahamic religions. >>10776 this is accurate. The doctrine of 'skillful means' is relevant: you're allowed to kill in order to defend yourself and prevent greater violence, and to protect the aggressor from his own negative karma. Defending the Sangha (religious community) is also important and relevant to this.
>>10750 Based, the Muslims are invaders in the region and mainland SEA (with the exception of the comie areas) is all Buddhism has left nya~
>>10824 Any updates on this? Or to begin with, did the situation change, or is it still at the stage where soldiers shoot up random protests?
I'm reading more and more reports of fathers being part of rebel NUG-aligned forces while their sons are joining the Junta. Usually it's the other way around which makes this interesting that it seems to only be the middle-aged generations >>10827 Not directly, but suddenly NUG-aligned forces have been launching attacks on the Junta again with heavier equipment such as artillery that they did not previously own, suggesting that the funding is at work. https://www.barrons.com/news/one-dead-after-myanmar-rebels-attack-provincial-celebration-junta-01673793309 https://www.foxnews.com/world/myanmar-air-strike-destroys-2-villages-inhabited-ethnic-ethnic-rebel-forces-kills-5
>>10828 The interpretation I've been seeing with the generation gap is that pre-conflict, the military was considered a good job. Secure, well-paid, relatively comfortable; a better career than a laborer or farmer, so something to encourage your kids to do and be proud of. Then when the conflict started the parents opposed to things the Junta was doing, while the younger people who had been joining were tending to keep riding the career.
The Burmese junta has decided to put Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest for life instead of leaving the old woman in prison for life, likely in deference to her late father who was a junta ally and/or in deference to the illegal KNU gambling rings. The NUG has fallen into obscurity because stability is more important to Myanmar normalfags than liberty. The Karens (KNU) are still at it and seem to have formed a military junta "of democracy" to oppose the Junta with the NUG (national unity government) piggybacking off their success but ultimately being irrelevant, but they have been struggling after it came to light that they were getting their money to fight the war against the Burmese Junta by their political leadership running illegal gambling rings for the Junta (they have since been ousted). The Junta outlawed political parties back in March which has made it near-impossible for upstart pro-democracy (NLD) groups to make an impact on the elections, but elections are allegedly to be held still at "some point."
>>10830 >made it near-impossible for upstart pro-(((democracy))) [] groups Glowniggers must be seething, what with their favorite sham being defanged.
>>10830 Any interesting guns seen in use since the FGC-9 showed up?
Rebels have now taken two Chinese border crossings.
>>10832 Not really. Not that I can think of. It's all cobbled-together crap. Junta is mostly "losing" in areas because they can't be everywhere at once and the only thing that kept soldiers in (the shit economy) is a careful balance. Damned if the economy is good because nobody wants to be a soldier, damned if the economy is bad because then the soldiers know they won't get fed properly and will have to torture people (even bugmen don't like torture by default).
China wants Myanmar's Eastern border to have direct access to Thailand, apparently. They've started giving money/weapons to the NUG via their Wa state imperialist project in order to destabilize the border which is straining relations with the junta and doubling by harassing Thailand (China hates Thailand). Likely over the junta cracking down on Chinese jade smuggling in the North.
It should also be noted that the only reason Wa state exists as an autonomous zone is so that the local military can smuggle opiates and methamphetamine to various political classes around Asia/America, so this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back when opium prices skyrocket again for Americans. It also explains the real reason doctors have been avoiding prescribing opiates since the two large-scale producers (Myanmar and Afghanistan) aren't producing.
>>10835 >China hates Thailand Is that a relatively new development
>>10837 It's complicated. Thailand was never really China's friend in modern times, but they swapped from the ROC over to West Taiwan in the 70s for trade reasons. After Thailand got what they wanted from China they basically treated them like a nuisance from the 90s onward. China has to save face because Thai relations got them this far, and if they openly mock Thailand then the Thais will retaliate in-turn and fuck up Chinese maritime trade/energy production. Thai public officials put up with with the Chinese economically, but hate their guts culturally, so China needs a shared border with Thailand to prevent America from further cozying up to them further. Thais hate Americans too (albeit significantly less because Americans aren't their version of illegal immigrants the way the Chinese are), but they try to balance China and America the same way the Koreans do.
>>10838 >hate their guts culturally, >Thais hate Americans too Damn, could you elaborate on these parts too? I am now realizing that I know nothing about Southeast Asian attitudes. And if we are here, do you know anything about the attitudes of various groups in Myanmar towards international players? It seems to be sort of an ”ancap” trading with anyone for anything who is willing to pay kind of thing, and I heard that there are Japanese businessmen who invest in the region, but maybe I'm missing something here.
>>10839 >Damn, could you elaborate on these parts too? I can try, but I'm not a native and have only so much exposure to them. Thai were originally from Guangxi China about 1300 years ago and were chased out to the swamps which is already a minor source of asshurt, but the Thai see themselves as something of the "successors of China" while Chinese see Thai as backwoods inbred hillbillies that have usually been too much of a pain in the ass to conquer due to all the swamps. Prior to WWII, Thailand was constantly pushing out China's proxies/satellite nations to the south who were after cheap mining resources and natural resources that were abundant in their backwoods country. They fought off the Chinese so many times that they didn't have the manpower when the British invaded and so they basically said "yeah sure, whatever, you can be in charge we're just going to ignore you anyways" which royally pissed off the Brits. During WWII, Thailand sided with Japan mainly because they didn't give a shit about the conflict and Japan happened to be the closest superpower. This caused unprecedented asshurt among the British who considered themselves the owners of Thailand, and America was basically the only thing standing between Thailand and Britain ass-raping Thailand back to the stone age after the war. Britain couldn't argue with America because of Americans winning the war for them, so they had to begrudgingly give up their Thai colonies. Because of this, Americans became an ally of convenience for Thailand even though they considered the Americans to be equivalent to the British since the Americans had a sense of honor still until about the 1960s. The Americans brought chemical fertilizers to Thailand which allowed their city populations to absolutely explode at a level that makes the American baby boom look like a Saturday night at the bar without protection. During the Cold War period, Communist China did what they do best and constantly forced their proxies to invade Thailand to try and take land, but because of American guns and aforementioned chemical fertilizers leading to population explosion, the Thais kept curbstomping the Indochinese (Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia) and Burmese militants whenever they'd invade. Since Thai people kind of are hicks though they just went home when the fighting was done after raping a few bitches and killing the men. Thailand hated the Chinese as much as they hated the French, so they primarily stayed out of all the wars during the 50s-70s period unless America got involved. The second America got involved though, Thailand tended to jump on-board as well. This would have been ok except the Americans were experimenting with chemical agents/land mines and royally fucked up Thailand's Eastern border. This has been a cause of intergenerational asshurt towards Americans who refused to take responsibility for decades. In the 70s, Thailand was dealing with a bunch of crap from pro-democracy folks the way Myanmar is now and the pro-democracy crowd hated America because of their wars in Indochina. The king placated them by recognizing West Taiwan over the Republic of China and establishing economic ties with the communists. He also threw out some of the military leaders in favor of lawyers who were loyal to his side. This placated the mentally defective portion of Thai society and the industrial half of Thai society begrudgingly agreed to the arrangement since they figured maybe China had finally turned a new leaf. Instead, Thailand got Chinese colonialism which destroyed the working man's ability to earn money while the Chinese passed out communist propaganda to said people they were disenfranchising which created a bigger and bigger Chinese-lead "pro-democracy" movement in Thailand until finally the military was fed up with China's shit and had a "bloodless" coup in 2006 where they told Thai parliament to fuck off, told the king to fuck off, and formed a pro-monarchy faction that could not be voted out of power by the democratic institutions allowed to stay in place post-coup. This has lead to political instability in the country for the last two decades but Western nations won't acknowledge it because Thailand is nominally an ally. As of right now, China is allowed to run infrastructure projects because it's keeping the peace, but most Thai people see Chinese as illegal immigrants trying to take their jobs. The pro-democracy parts of Thailand hate the military junta who haphazardly manages to hold onto power while navigating murky waters, and the pro-monarchy party is losing influence, but still maintains a slim majority on power. The pro-democracy parties hate America because of Chinese propaganda while the military and monarchy hates China for finally managing to accomplish what they couldn't for the entirety of the 19th and 20th centuries (colonization of Thailand). China can't use their "colonialist oppressor" narrative on the Thai the way they do with Europeans because Thailand has a long history of kicking their shit in for trying to colonize their country, so they have to rely on economic diplomacy. The issue is a lot of Thai billionaires who have been in exile since the military coup are starting to come back to the country and undo Chinese propaganda for the last three decades with the power of money by cozying up to the junta which has China's panties in a twist since the Thai government could replace China with said billionaires and hire locally to finish the infrastructure projects, which is why China now wants a shared border with Thailand to put pressure on the country militarily. >And if we are here, do you know anything about the attitudes of various groups in Myanmar towards international players? The pro-democracy folks like the British and Americans, but they'll take weapons from anyone which is why they're currently accepting Chinese support since the British only gave them "thoughts and prayers" thinking they'd be crushed by the Junta in a year. The pro-junta folks are kind of a Nationalist-Corporatist entity in the sense that they are in central control of most of Myanmar's staple goods beer, rice, etc. ran through corporations where the junta are the majority shareholders, but they'll trade with anyone who wants to do business with them. However, they are Khmer Rouge-levels of brutal iron fist which isolates them from most of the Western world who wants an easier-to-control puppet state in that region. Because of this, China and Russia are their only real allies since the two also share an attitude of not giving too many shits so long as it benefits everyone economically. As mentioned earlier though, the Burmese military cracked down on smuggling so now Chinese billionaires are ass-ravaged that they aren't getting jade rocks at a severe discount, and since corruption in China relies on the gifting economy to avoid detection, this in turn means the CCP is angry at the junta for making it harder to be bribed by Chinese billionaires using jade and gold statues and jewelry. Most of the other Asian countries are trying to stay out of Myanmar because it's more trouble than it's worth, but they aren't going to give up their assets to the state junta unless said assets stop turning a profit/potential future profit. Everyone was ok with the junta arrangement until this most recent coup because Myanmar's situation was similar to Thailand, and most of them are only upset about the coup because it represents instability in the market which is hurting their oil shares. >and I heard that there are Japanese businessmen who invest in the region, but maybe I'm missing something here. During the bubble economy, Japan saw the housing market collapse coming and diversified their assets into all the neighboring Asian countries using government subsidies that were meant to allow for "Japanese economic colonization" abroad. The Japanese businessmen who did so were able to successfully navigate the domestic "pop" when the bubble economy collapsed. Japan has a large number of shares in Myanmar's brewing, rice, and oil industries because of this. Funnily enough, this is also why there are large number of Japanese businesses in Central and South America. >I am now realizing that I know nothing about Southeast Asian attitudes They can vaguely be split into three categories: >We hate America because of Vietnam and abandoning Cambodia >We dislike America, but we hate China significantly more because of their bullshit over the last thousand years which was ramped up to 11 under the CCP >Super powers gonna fight lemme just drink my beer and eat my fermented fish paste in peace brah, yeah sure heil Hitler or Mao or whoever the fuck you fags have in power right now
>>10840 >Thais haiting China There's one other thing that's also a big issue is what China pulled with Laos with the "demarcation" treaty in 1953 and again 90s. Basically, the origin "heartland" of the Lao people where they first fucked outa China is currently Sipsong Banna/Sibsongpanna/Xishuangbanna in Yunnan. There was a (partally) Chinese warlord in the post-Qing who tried to seceed because he realized that the Sun Yat Sun "Five (ethnic) groups under one banner"* didn't include the bunch of groups in the area and wanted indepdenence. In the 1953 the demarcation the demarcated the border but Zhou Enlai (Foreign Minister of the PRC) swapped a bunch of "useless" (not well habited land) for what is now parts of Banna that was considered the origin of the Lao people and historically one of their major priests with threat of force. This was confirmed in the 1990s treaty. Basically what it means is that China can just get some motherfucker to claim to be the spirtual leader of one of the many Lao tribes and cause ethnic strife between the groups or just claim Laos was "Chinese afterall" if they wanted. *Five groups under one banner is a Sun Yat-Sen thought of the "proper" ethnic groups in China. Han, Mongol, Manchu, Tibetans, Hui. After Sun's death and Chiang's Northern Expedition it fell into obscurity because: 1) The Manchu didn't matter becuase they weren't running the show in northern China (Fengian clique was) until the Japanese came in and installed Puyi again. 2) The Mongols fucked off and seperated into now (outer) Mongolia (Some of the major bands in Inner Mongolia would fight a long insurgency as Meijiang with the Japanese) 3) The Tibetans fucked off since it was a technical vassal state 4) The Hui were "semi-autonmous" (A state within a state) and really only held along because it was better than the Qing or the communists
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>>10840 > The pro-junta folks are kind of a Nationalist-Corporatist entity in the sense that they are in central control of most of Myanmar's staple goods beer, rice, etc. ran through corporations where the junta are the majority shareholders, but they'll trade with anyone who wants to do business with them. How does teak (the wood) for maintenance of our national treasures fit into this resource control?
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>>10840 >pic Sometimes the comment section can be a useful thing even on the boorus.
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Get CHINA out of Myanmar
>>10840 The blonde one has a penis, doesn't "she"?
>>10845 100% certified girl Strelok. I can understand the confusion though given the flag. She might not be best girl but she wins best personality participation trophy.

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