/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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8chan's fallback plan (external copy) 【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Cartoon Loli】【Anime Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Furry & Kemono】

Anon 01/31/2024 (Wed) 05:46:35 No. 16435 [Reply] >>16520
Well, since shotakot's not going to update the list at >>4523, I might as well (try to) make a new one... https://www.pixiv.net - The most popular art gallery in Japan. Requires an account (and your region set to Japan) to display NSFW and full res images. https://hiccears.com - It seems to have a big focus on shota content. Requires an account to display NSFW content. https://pawoo.net - Microblogging platform for Japanese artists based on Mastodon and hosted by Pixiv. Powered by Mastodon. https://baraag.net - Another Twitter-like platform based on Pleroma and mostly populated by Western artists. https://twitter.com - "A lot of artists still like it even when Twitter mods purge loli/shota content from time to time. Is recommended to use niter.net to get images at full res." Actually, no one does anymore; Elon Musk bought Twitter and completely killed it. https://gelbooru.com - The biggest booru with free access to shota content once you enable it on its settings page. https://booru.allthefallen.moe - Loli and shota-centric booru with lots of Western art. (I can't believe no one mentioned the outages!) https://tbib.org - The Big ImageBoard, it does automated imports from Pixiv and other sources. https://lolibooru.moe - Loli-centric booru with some loli x shota content. https://booru.foalcon.com - Pony booru with a focus on loli/shota and foal hentai. https://rule34.paheal.net - Recently loli/shota content has been deleted from this site, so save your favs in case they disappear. https://rule34hentai.net/ - Allows 3DCG loli/shota, but requires an account to view it. https://allthefallen.moe/forum - The biggest loli and shota community, with a dedicated subforum for all kinds shota. https://shotaworld.com - A shota-centric community created after Shotachan closed down. https://forosdz.com/foro/shotacon.349/ - A Spanish forum with sections entirely dedicated to shotas (and lolis). https://arca.live/b/otokonoko - Korean forum with a section for traps (otoko no ko) that allows shotas.

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>>16516 Shota community? What shota community?
>>16435 Are you sure you have no suggestions, anyone?
>>16516 I think I need proof that "shota community is almost dead since years ago."

Feminization Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:24:19 No. 16443 [Reply] >>16486 >>16511
Thread for feminizing cute boys. Bonus points for chastity, age difference, mothers or motherly figures doing the feminizing, and non-con/dubcon.
>>16443 No offense OP but there's already a more appropriate board for that subject. >>>/trapshota/ Sauce on the second image?
>>16486 That board is beyond dead, and there have been other sissy threads on this board
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thebrushking Anon 12/14/2020 (Mon) 05:33:55 No. 3323 [Reply] [Last]
This artists only posts SFW on his Pixiv and Twitter, but he has done lewds in the past (and presumably still does but keeps them in a private Discord). Sadpanda has some pics (the ones I'm going to post) but the gallery hasn't been updated in a while, so if anyone has something new I'll be really thankful for it.
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No more updates?
dead thread?
Bump! Hopefully someone finds this thread that can share some not already released newer cuties. :3

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Astro boy pride dan1966 01/16/2024 (Tue) 08:57:12 No. 16322 [Reply] >>16324
Astro Boy at gay pride
>>16322 This is terrible & looks nothing like Astro Boy.
>>16324 fuck you

South Park Shota Anon 07/02/2021 (Fri) 22:28:24 No. 5996 [Reply]
All contributions are appreciated and welcomed
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>>13398 >mfw I'd do that work for free

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Commissions General Anon 12/03/2023 (Sun) 23:46:50 No. 16007 [Reply] >>16008
If you know of any shota artists currently doing commissions, please link their twitter/baraag/pixiv/etc If you're an artist yourself looking for clients, feel free to advertise yourself here. Sharing pictures you've commissioned from others is fine too.

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>>16007 I myself only know a couple currently accepting comms. So i apologize for a lack of contribution. Leryn https://baraag.net/@leryn Ollie https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/10116749

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(For spanish speakers shotacons) Crear un zine sobre shotas en español Pancho431 11/12/2023 (Sun) 12:54:50 No. 15850 [Reply]
Negros estaba tirado en mi cama y dios me hablo, viendo que hay cierto sector acá en el chan que es hincha de los jovencitos 2d me pregunte... Porque no hacemos un zine (revista virtual para los negros, aunque podría ser un blog virtual fácilmente) donde recopilemos, historias creadas por nosotros, anecdotas pedrosas, pequeños ensayos o hasta dibujos, para ver si se puede juntar a un grupo que este interesado en esto. La cosa seria no poner porno, que sean dibujos sfw o erotismo en texto, porno hay en todos lados últimamente, aveces dan ganas de usar la mente y no solo cagarsela a pajas.
les dejo mi discord si hay algun interesado -pancho431- , creare un server si o grupo dependiendo de cuenta gente tengamos
PE Usa este hilo, nadie bumpea por aqui
Deja de usar "negro" para referirte a los anónimos, refugiado mal parido. >>15851 >Discord Mátate

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Artistic shota pics Anonymous 10/29/2020 (Thu) 23:59:19 No. 2797 [Reply] [Last] >>12050
Images that look like they were made to be printed on books or to be framed rather than looking like the average cutesy/lewd shota pics. Pics normalfags wouldn't consider creepy or weird if they saw them in your PC.
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>>2797 >Pics normalfags wouldn't consider creepy or weird if they saw them in your PC. I don't care what people think I LOVE WILLIY
Sabudenego is the GOAT
>>15822 That's not a shota. Just a femboy.

Anon 03/08/2021 (Mon) 05:38:44 No. 4467 [Reply]
Male age regression? No one else here wants to be brought back to a helpless age? Going from a strong self sufficient adult to needing someone to take care of you? Any clean images of guys being transformed into helpless kids, toddlers, or babies?
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Lewdsmith published a 7-part age regression comic in 2021 on Pixiv. I can't seem to find a copy of it anywhere.

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Boku no Pico Thread Anon 11/10/2020 (Tue) 04:06:37 No. 2982 [Reply] >>13333
These two are so iconic for western shotafags, but I can never find art of them. Post some here!!
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>>2982 /sm/ needs to stream the Pico trilogy some night.
>>9045 Do they still sell that onahole?
>>3508 doesn't matter, link's dead, and I never got to see it...

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Kisses Anon 10/14/2021 (Thu) 21:41:00 No. 7852 [Reply]
Boys kissing
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>>15548 Here's the only one I have.
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>>9786 It's definitely more intimate. For some reason fags are more likely to suck dick rather than exchange a kiss. Shame too, boys kissing are really cute.
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kinda cute doe frfr no cap

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Shota anime recommendation lists, index and search engines lists, index and search engines 09/24/2023 (Sun) 13:23:15 No. 15525 [Reply]
Hello, in these places I have found beautiful people who share beautiful things, and somehow I feel the duty to thank them. And what better than with something that nobody tells you, or a board that nobody has done: ranking.net There there are lists of all kinds where they compare many things both anime and manga or just characters themselves, to search you must use Japanese terms as directly would be: "ショタ" although as I said they compare many things so feel free to research other topics and keywords. I think as far as shota is concerned it's a very good ranking. The longest MyAnimeList there is about shota anime (directly in "Search Interest Stacks" you can also search for manga or other kind of topics or more such lists): myanimelist.net/stacks/19243 I think they are very good recommendations anidb.net/tag/1894 anidb is like the site with more tags, it even has more than animenewsnetwork (I think or maybe they compare), but in anidb you can sort by "weight" that is how much the anime has the tag you are looking for, or how much the tag is present in the anime, I think as such it lets you browse well but it may ask you to login if you want +18 stuff. animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/search/genre Another one that also has the shota tag anilist.co

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loli/shota web hosts? Anon 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:57:53 No. 15519 [Reply] >>15521
Been thinking about making a knockoff danbooru with some interesting software modifications. I'd like to host shota on it, but I don't know any good providers off the top of my head. Anybody know of any? Oh yeah, and bonus points for it not complying with DMCA
>>15519 Nearly Free Speech! You better use it! It doesn't compile with DMCA! ...Or does it?

Translated Works Anon 06/28/2021 (Mon) 05:23:07 No. 5921 [Reply] [Last]
I have been translating various small pieces (mostly single images and minicomics) with the help of random anons. They would translate the text while I would clean the images and typeset everything. Anyways, I decided to post all shota-related translations I've made so more people can enjoy them. Additionally, if anyone knows Japanese (or another language) and wants to translate an image or comic I'd be glad help to help with the clean up and typesetting.
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>>10666 Would love someone to translate this.

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SFW Vol.6 Anon 12/17/2022 (Sat) 01:34:02 No. 12823 [Reply] [Last]
Post clean Shota pics
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