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True Tickling Stories/Greentext Anonymous 12/01/2021 (Wed) 17:19:48 Id: f0376c No. 8262
Tell us your real tickle experiences, as ticklee or tickler, planned or otherwise! >Be 20, just moved into shared student housing >Floor had 10 separate rooms and a shared kitchen, so It was pretty common to see most other people living there every day, and we were all comfortable with each other >My room is next to a qt 10/10 goth girl who liked to watch anime >One day she invites me to go watch Kill la Kill in her room or some shit >I expect to be just one of at least 3 others, but it turns out I’m the only one >She’s laying on her bed on her front, while I’m sitting on a seat next to the bed, right by her bare feet >As she watches, I can’t help but stare at her soles the entire time >Finally can’t help myself and tickle her feet a bit with my fingers >She arches her back and screams “MOTHERFUCKER” within a fraction of a second after I make contact >That immediately switches on the sadist in my brain and I pin her ankle and keep tickling >She jerks a little bit but then stays completely still as she laughs, totally letting me do it >When I finally stop she just says something like “I can’t handle that” and laughs >I say some shit like “H-Haha that’s really funny” >Never bring it up again >Never saw her again after I left college I’m 90% sure she was into me but I was far too autistic to make any kind of actual move. I hope you guys’s stories are more fun than that!
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>be me >meet cute girl >get kidnapped by cute girl >get spread and tied to a bed by cute girl >cute girl proceeds to tickle me to orgasm while whispering sweet nothings into my ear >wake up and realize it was all a dream and no one will ever love you or do fun tickle stuff to you and you will die alone Why live
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A boring voyeur experience but posting it anyways. >be 16 >be a volunteer youth councilor in a church summer camp >laying on grass with other (mostly female) councilors, all the same age or a year older than me >one of the older girls is a ditzy hot blonde shortstack laying on her back >another girl starts stroking her face with a flower she picked from the ground for whatever reason >blonde starts giggling and complains it tickles, but keeps laying down as it's going on >she keeps her eyes closed all the time and the other girl says "you don't see where I'm taking the tickling next" out loud and sweeps the flower on her neck before tickling her sides with her hands >another girl holds her arms as she is tickled for what must have been almost a minute >after stopping they just go play volleyball like nothing out of ordinary happened >keep sitting on the ground and chatting with others while trying to keep a poker face and hiding my erection Pic related is my internal face during that situation.
I got 2, never told these >4th grade >using my teacher's computer to print pictures for some poetry assignment >looking up pictures of tickling >still don't know what a fetish is, just know that i feel compelled to look at tickling >find pic related on google images >decide to print it out and use it as the image for my poem about "joy" or something >show it to a girl in my class and say some bs about how they're smiling so tickling causes joy? >clearly just trying to justify printing what i knew was weird >she looks at me like im a freak >fair >later at recess >jokingly drop the idea to my friends that it'd be fun to chase that girl and tickle her when we catch her >winds up getting really out of control with maybe 4 of us chasing her across soccer fields and pinning her down to tickle her >distinctly remember getting in trouble after she told on me with tears in her eyes >said some lame bullshit like "you were laughing so i thought you were having fun" yikes >Be 15,16 >Hanging out with some girls after school >It was me, my best friend who i had had a crush on since middle school (classic), and her two friends who i wasnt super close to >At some point we're all sitting on the floor just talking, whatever >best friend is a volleyball girl, tall and big feet >not even a foot guy but she was barefoot right next to me and i was obsessed >had to tickle em >eventually cant resist anymore and give her a little tickle >maybe i came up with some bullshit to make it seem natural, maybe i just did it out of nowhere, idk dont remember >she freaks out immediately and her friends get hype >the 3 of us pin her down and just wreck her >one of her friends is holding her arms up, the other one is tickling her upperbody >ive got her ankle in an arm lock, going to town on her foot >she's screaming and writhing around and kicking wildly with her free leg >honestly in heaven, a dream come true >fully torqued >she eventually begs us to stop and we do >we all stand up and she stays on the floor catching her breath for like a minute havent thought about that in years. i should text her or something wish i had appreciated those moments more when i was in them, they dont come by often
>Near the end of the year in a high school drama class, everyone's playing around while the teacher is away >Me and a couple of friends are hanging around with three cute girls >My friend starts doing push ups to impress them >One of the girls sits on his back, but he keeps going with no problem >She starts tickling him, and he immediately falls down >Another one of the girls joins in and he starts asking for help >My other friend goes to try to get them off, but one of them turns on him and manages to tickle him to the ground >I'm still just sitting and watching together with the third girl >Suddenly she starts poking my side, but it doesn't tickle at all >She says "Oh, you're not ticklish?" in a disappointed tone >I tell her that I am but that's not how you tickle and I'll show her how to do it >I start tickling her armpits >She's rolling around on the floor kicking her legs and laughing her ass off >She tries to tickle back but her arms are clamped down to her sides and she can't stretch them out to reach >At no point does she ask me to stop >Teacher comes back so we have to quit >Throughout the rest of the class her friends keep giving her quick tickles >Last day of school she comes up to me and gives me her phone number >Unfortunately I'm moving away to another in a few days >We talk on the phone a couple of times, but I never see her again In my personal experience, girls tickle way more than guys do, even if we're just talking about opposite gender tickling. Obviously guys almost never tickle each other while I've seen girls do it quite frequently.
>>8329 I think I disagree actually. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent more time around guys than girls, but I’ve seen WAY more guys tickle each other than girls. Actually reminds me of something else that happened to me in school. >Be in the photography darkroom for no particular reason >About 5 other (male) friends are also in there, just kinda messing around and talking >Someone switches the light off so we’re in complete darkness >Hear screaming laughter >Someone turns the light on and one of my friends is in the fetal position in the corner of the room >Everyone laughs, then one of them (huge tall guy) gets an evil look on his face and turns it off again >Spend the next half hour just pinning each other and tickling the shit out of each other mercilessly Pretty sure someone was reaching up under shirts and everything, it was pretty gay. Good thing I’m bi. Eventually a teacher heard us being noisy and told us to get the fuck out, and in retrospect we probably ruined a ton of people’s developing photos by messing with the lights.
>>8330 That sounds like a pretty unique experience. I've spent about an even time with both and I've only seen guys tickle each other a couple of times while I'd rarely go more than a few weeks without seeing girls doing it. I've even seen a girl use tickling in a catfight.
>>8331 Actually curious now. How'd well that got for the woman trying to tickle the other? It have any effect at all?
>>8332 >Another stupid fight breaks out in high school for the tenth time that year >Bigger girl is pulling on the other one's shirt and trying to get her to fall down >Smaller girl sticks her hands in the other girl's armpits, who tries to jump back but they both fall down >Still getting tickled, the bigger girl is trying as best as she can to look pissed and not laugh >Alternates between angry grunts/screams and laughing >Clearly on the back foot at this point, she's just trying to get the other girl's hands away from her >Most people watching seem to find this hilarious >Security guards come and break things up I usually hear people say that tickling would have no effect in a real fight, but I don't think so. Now this was a stupid school fight and not to the death, but I'd imagine the girl getting tickled really didn't want to look like a fool in front of half the school.
>>8333 That seemed to work out better than I expected. Half imagined that the girl trying it would have run into some problems and maybe a fist, but she didn't do too bad.
>>8333 That’s hilarious
>>8262 The funny shit is, just reading the way it’s written you can tell this guy is beyond a creep. Guaranteed failing basic hygiene.
>>8796 op or pic related?
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not a big story, but a thought/observation There was this asian girl I went to school with who was a few years younger than everyone else because she was an academic savant. BUT, she was also very aspergersy. She was pretty functional all things considered, but would have tantrums and shriek, stomp her feet, and point at people who upset her, along with various other behavior issues and quirks. One thing I remember is she had an odd fixation with tickling people/being tickled. and looking back I wonder if it was a fetish thing, or just another autistic quirk. Wonder where she is now? I hope she's well, nice kid despite her meltdowns.
>>8812 >she had an odd fixation with tickling people/being tickled How so?
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>be me age 12 >go to my best friends house and chill in the living room since his mom had a friend of hers over and it was a nice conversation >the guy starts to sit on her ankles while she is face-down >he starts tickling her feet and she playfully tries to slap him to make him stop >my friend joins in and starts tickling her armpits/sides >this goes on for a solid minute >mfw i was too shy to tickle her as well and missed the chance to tickle a 8/10 milf and her pretty soles
>>8813 she would sneak up on people and tickle them a lot, try to get them to tickle her, talk about tickling. Girl had zero volume control so it was easy to overhear her talk about it.
>>8806 Pic related, op sounds par for the course for /tk/ autists, self included of course
>>8817 There was a girl in the first high school I went to that also loved to tickle, kind of to the point that I would say she was a little obsessed with it. Difference was that she was a pretty, popular ballet dancer. I've written about her before so I don't know if I want to bother doing it again.
>>8819 yeah this girl wasn't exactly pretty or popular. rail thin with thick glasses. She did have friends, though, I think. small group of girls who sorta adopted her into their clique and treated her like the groups little sister, tried to keep her out of trouble n shit.
>>8817 Sounds like it could've easily been both tickle fetish autism and just regular autism. Suppose she was too young or you weren't close enough with her to try to talk about it and find out? Or were you just shy or not too interested at the time? >>8820 Sounds kinda cute honestly. >>8816 I sort of relate to this. I used to err on the side of being too eager and tipping my autist ticklefag hand a little too much, but here's a story about freezing up at the worst of times: >be me, age 12-13 >visiting at a friends house, playing videogames in the living room >his older brother is there, and so's his gf >probably 17-18, really cute and friendly, walking around barefoot and with a sleeveless that shows just a smidge of her torso >have the slightests of crushes on her for all those reasons >at some point friend leaves, and his older brother has a minor quarrel with his gf on the couch over who knows what >it escalates into a playful struggle, he overpowers and straddles her and then, IT begins >"NOT THAT! PLEASE NOT THAT!" she yells in a panic, already laughing >he holds her arms down to her sides and uses his mouth to nibble on her belly, ribs and sides >she's literally dying >holy shit is this girl ticklish >that struggle, tears, sweat and out of control laughter are the real deal >older brother then notices me staring like a moron >puts his weight on her to keep her from kicking and motions towards her legs >"Get her feet anon." >ohfuckitshappening.png >Gf looks at me with tears in her eyes and starts begging me not to, but he goes back to tickling her so she can only laugh and scream while shaking her head and looking at me with pleading eyes >"n-nah, you look like you got it" >would have a lot of explaining to do if I stand up rn >they calm down after a minute >that image of her lying breathless and disheleved on the couch will live forever in my mind though >friend returns, nobody is even tempted to talk about it, and the world keeps on turning I conspicuously asked my friend about it later and it was apparently a regular occurrence for them to roughhouse like that and for her to get the shit tickled out of her, so I guess she didn't mind it too much. I will never know if those feet were just as ticklish as the rest of her bros.
>>8823 I was cripplingly shy in school, still am a bit. But yeah she was also like 12 or something when I was 16, woulda been a little weird.
>>8819 Oh shit, I guess she's evil twin of a pretty, popular ballet dancer I used to know when I was a teenager, since the girl I knew HATED to be tickled or at least she made a point of how much she supposedly hates it. She literally occasionally posted about how ticklish she is and how much she hates it in early social media out of the blue without any context. I used to chat with her in MSN Messenger quite a lot for some time, but even though she sometimes referenced her ticklishness in those chats too but I never dared to pursue the subject further with her despite my skyshattering boners. As an additional detail she had a photo of her own feet in ballet shoes as her profile picture, which naturally fuelled my fantasies about a very non-consensual tickling session with her and might have contributed to my specific fantasies of cocktease airheads as tickle victims.
Tell us about the most intense/unbearable time you were tickled, /tkr/. I can’t get off to it anymore unless it’s REAL.
Just a few days ago got into an unprompted tickle porn scenario. >At a friend’s house and he needs to get something from under his bed, right at the back >He crawls completely under so only his ankles and calves are sticking out >Starts complaining about how it’s difficult to get back out. So of course >I pin his ankles down and start tickling, making mental notes of all of his worst spots >Took off his socks and kept tickling until it definitely stopped being acceptable Good thing he’s a nice guy and a little stupid, because I think most people would’ve immediately known about my fetish considering just how all-in I went with the tickle torture. But c’mon, this is like the tickle equivalent of the “Oh no step-bro! I’m stuck in the dryer and can’t get out” thing in regular porn. What, was I supposed to NOT tickle him?
>be me, 16-17 years old >having a sleepover at a friend's place with another friend of mine and his brother >this friend and his brother know what a tickle fiend I am since I've tickled this friend regularly with even the most minor of excuses >so when we're getting ready to go to sleep and I'm already tucked in the covers, his brother tries to tickle my feet >this fails because of said covers, because his technique is trash, and because my feet have tickle immunity >I look over at him in surprise, then smirk >he runs to the couch >I tackle him and start spidering my fingers all over his sides and tummy, making him go into a giggle fit before long Shame it was interrupted a few moments after I started with another call for us all to go to sleep, but it was pretty fun.
Here it is boys, my first green text > Be me, about to turn 20 > Recently quit my one-year job at Burger King to pursue an opportunity that didn’t work out > House sitting for a former coworker > “You can have company over just don’t throw a kegger” > As soon as I’m moved in immediately invite my 18 year old FWB over > She knows about my foot fetish but I’ve never had a dedicated tickle session with her before > Buy a bunch of shit at Walmart that I’ve seen in Tickle Abuse videos (electric toothbrush, hairbrush, baby oil, etc) as well as a blindfold/bondage at a sex store > She comes over and immediately goes to the tub to wash her feet > Lathers up with soap and makes a show of it, even crawls on her hands/knees back to the bedroom so her feet don’t touch the floor > ThisIsWhereTheFunBegins.gif Cont.
> I tie her up > Sex store worker insisted I go for silk rope bondage instead of handcuffs > “It’s more sensual” she claims > Realize I don’t know how to tie someone up with rope so she keeps breaking free > Also despite being one of the most ticklish girls I know, she isn’t laughing when I tickle her with my fingers > Try a riding crop with feathers retarded worker also told me to buy > Also doesn’t work > Toothbrush between her toes > nope.avi > Fingers? Nothing. > I say “fuck it” and lather her soles up with baby oil and go to town with the hairbrush > She laughs, but barely and not for long > We say fuck it, she cleans her feet off again then we go watch some Hillary Duff movie > Keeps poking me like she wants to try tickling again > “let’s try the top this time” > She takes her shirt and bra off and I try tickling her sides, belly, and tits > Tits aroused her but overall no tickling > We dry hump with our pants on for a bit > I ruin the mood by saying “woah” like Crash Bandicoot > She leaves, we don’t talk to each other for a long time > Saw her again just under a year later > She’s been dating a new guy for a while > Ask if she wants to reconnect as friends > Says yes, then the day before bails out > “I’d be too overwhelmed seeing anyone who isn’t my family or boyfriend right now” > Thatsbullshit.obj > Haven’t spoken to her since > They’re still together > I’m still single and browsing /tkr
>>25812 Dude that's like my nightmare, I'm honestly terrified that if I ever have the chance to tickle a girl I turn out to not be good at it.
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>>25812 >> I ruin the mood by saying “woah” like Crash Bandicoot
>>25814 Literally next level autism
>>25815 Yeah I felt like the biggest retard afterwards, she said it wasn’t a big deal but I’m pretty sure she was lying just to make me feel better
>be me, 17 or so >told my gf about the tickling thing >she doesn't understand it completely, but is open to the idea of trying it >one day she lets me tie her up and tickle her >didn't know nothing about bondage, so we used shoe laces as restrains (it was kinda magic ngl) >tickled her A LOT, several times after that. Normally she wouldn't let me tickle her, but when I explained her that it turns me on things changed >she even would let me tickle her during sex, wich was sexy af >she would paint her toe nails black just cause it was my favourite >in a 1 to 10 scale, she was probably a 7.5/10 ticklish (even more sometimes) being her neck, ears, thights and size 7 feet her most ticklish spots >broke up after some years >Never seen her again
>be 19 >met a girl on tinder >after some time i ask her out and she says yes >everything is incredibly fine, she's very kind, funny, interesting. Not to mention she's really hot >some hours later I invate her to my house >were having a fun time in my room, can't remember how but i end up poking her side, in a playful way >her reaction was wild, it was obvious that se was really ticklish >'No-Ho, do-ho-n't do that, i'm ticklish' >'oh really?' >started tickling her sides, she laughs hard but for some reason doesn't resist >being horny af, started kissing her and things just happened >told her about my fetish after some time, she agrees to try it >handcuff her and then the fun begins >her laughs is extremely hot and adorable at the same time, have no words to describe it >Doesn't matter how or wherer i tickled her, anything was enough to drive her crazy >probably one of the most ticklish girls I've known >i'll never forget the sound of her voice mixed with histerical laughter begging me not to take off her sokcs >her armpits and her feet were her most ticklish spots. 10/10 experience >only go out a couple of times >never seen her again i should text her...
If youre a lee and wanna get tickled regularly, follow this guide >download grindr >doll up your feet. Pedicures, get your nails done, trim hairs, lotion them up >Make an account that shows them bad boys off and put in your bio that youre looking for someone to worship them ajd play with them. >Your phone will blow up with messages. >Pick one that doesnt look like a psycopath >Take them out on a small "date". Go on a walk or something and talk about your interests. >Tell them youre straight but youre curious to try stuff with guys (no sex if you dont want to, dont even have to suck their dick). Gay guys love the shit oit of straight men, they see them as like foribidden fruit. So theyll most likely be interested. >tell them you have a "special interest" that youd like to try with them, with a shy playful smile that shows youre submissive. >Tell them you want them to tickle you to tears and be completely dominated. >Most will be super cool with this. >Go back to his place and prepare to get wrecked. Atleast this has been my experience. This also assumes youre cool with men playing with you, which I guess you need to be a small degree of bisexual to be cool with. But hey, its fun, and tickling is tickling.
>>25835 Sounds a lot like my early experiences with the fetish irl. Most girls are pretty chill about it as long as you approach the issue like a relatively normal person in my experience. I've never dated someone who wasn't at least open to trying it.
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>>25887 yeah, I thought it was weird seeing that other thread and realizing there really are people who feel like it's a completely out of the ordinary experience to actually get to do any of this shit to anyone irl.
I tried tickling my girlfriend's foot the first time we were in bed together and she warned me to never do it again. So I can kiss goodbye to sharing my fetish with her.
>>29262 She's probably just very ticklish. Real talk if you're open and comfortable with sharing each other's sexual interests you should tell her. The amount of girls that have claimed to hate foot fetishes and then were totally cool when I told them about it were much more than I expected, and a lot of them actually liked it
>>29265 I did do a few quick passes at the idea. I tried tickling her and she made me swore I wouldn't do it again unless I wanted to get kicked in the chin. I also joked about kissing her foot but she seemed reluctant, but I don't think she took it seriously. This is my first girlfriend so I'm a little anxious about how to go around it without scaring her. She's also inexperienced herself, so she's shy.
>>29262 The absolute state of lers
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i tickled my friend's feet while waiting for my cousin at my place. she arrived first and know that my cousin is always late i took that chance. i've always liked her feet, small (about size 6 or 7 which is perfect for me), no bunions and the best part of all is that she doesn't wear socks. i remember how soft her soles were when i tickled her. the only downside was that she's a heavy smoker so she had that smokers laugh. she didn't struggle and when i finished she called me a bastard with a smile on her face.
>>29266 The best way when in a relationship is to let it come naturally. If you're sexually active with her you could bring it up as something you like and see how she responds. The big lesson anon, if she loves you, she'll try it/put up with it for you. If not, either she's got some weird heavy related trauma or she's not the one
be 16 >my aunt came to visit >she has very cute and soft size 36 feet (eu) >the only thinking organ at that time was my dick >auntie decided to lie down and rest >I've been planning this moment for a long time >to tickle her (at least a little) and not look like a sick bastard >so I just walked up to her, sat at her feet and asked her: >-you seems sad -nah, I'm just tired... a little... -really? You fine? -yeah... >after that I started gently and "casually" tickling her feet >she was ticklish, but not insanely, not like "OH, FUCK, STOP IT, I'M GOING TO PISS/SHIT/CUM/PUKE" >she was able to resist about 5-10 minutes of finger/hairbrush tickling, but her toes were her weak point and I tried to tickle them first. >Her laugh wasn't hysterical, rather melodic and cute. >I'd say it was the best experience of my life, I've been dreaming about it for 5 years and finally I did it. >I hope she thought it was just a childish/game, but I forgot that I told her that she has very cute and neat soles and i like them >now i feel a little cringy, but I'm glad I did it
Oh fck, the following story is too shameful for me and too stupid to be real. >my dick remains my main and only thinking organ >I just wanted to find a girl, do a strange manipulation that human beings call coitus and lick/tickle/fuck her soles >No girl wanted to go out with me, let alone have sex >but suddenly one agreed, we talked, I managed to massage her legs a little (at the first date!!!) >on the third or fourth date we went to my home >I don't like bondage/humiliation/torture/violence so i didn't tie her up, she just lay down, I took off her socks and started tickling her soles >oh... crap... FUCK! I'm totaly fucked up! >she wasn't ticklish at all >literally, she wasn't ticklish at her feet, but only a litte at her thighs >so I just started licking her feet/pussy/etc >after that we went to bed >I woke up before her and started waking her up, but she didn't want to wake up >so I decided to tickle her feet again, just cuz i liked her feet and wanted to touch/massage/hug them >and then she woke up. she woke up from tickling. she started laughing a little and said she felt it. >I... just.... I was fucking surprised! She reclaimed her sensitivity. Sensitivity returned to her. I don't know if it is physically possible, but she swore that she felt tickled at that moment, but not before that. >after this meeting, we dated for a while (2 weeks mb), but then broke up. >and here I am, telling you this stupid story about disappointment, violation of the laws of nature by the feet of that girl and about her socks, which I was ashamed to ask for as a trophy.
>>37232 by the way, if you guys know how this could happen (I mean the situation with the sensitivity of my passion's legs), please share your knowledge.
>>37233 I've been through a similar experience. When I started dating my 2nd girlfriend, I snuck her over to my house and she spent the night. It was my first time being that close to a woman, but I didn't show any signs of my "interests" until the next morning. I tickled her sides and she was pretty sensitive, but when I went for her feet she barely had any reaction. Over the next two years I found out she had VERY ticklish feet and made her admit it constantly between laughs and squeals. Anyways, my theory is, the more relaxed someone is, the more likely they are to actually be ticklish. If someone is anxious or stressed and they aren't super ticklish, then they won't feel any tickling. In your case, the girl had just woken up so she probably felt pretty relaxed and could just calm down and experience the tickling instead of worrying about anything. Just my theory, could be right could be wrong.
>>37248 I think you're right, thx, anon Happy new year
Pretty sure I told this story before on here but whatever…I’ll share some more details >be early 20’s >meet cute gen-x style skater punk girl through mutual friend >curvy, wide hips, pink hair, Hispanic/Irish, gorgeous feet (size 9) >she’s pretty kinky into some stuff including bondage and already having a foot fetish >”gets off on anything done to her feet” >we hit it off immediately and she takes to tickling like a fish to water >is insanely ticklish but also a defiant lee; after tying her down and totally wrecking her for a good hour she would come back at me with “is that the best you got?” >total masochist >indulge some of her other kinks like spanking, caning, bastinado, hot wax, hair pulling, etc. Really not into inflicting pain but no reason why I can’t be as open minded as she is. >she’s also big into anal and has a huge oral fixation; constantly wants my cock in her mouth >footjob goddess >spent most “relaxing” nights on couch worshipping/tickling her feet and her sucking me off >Bondage tickle fucking is the stuff dreams are made of >share a lot of the same hobbies and interests as well >thinking I’ve found my waifu >then red flags >begin noticing a lot of troubling behavior; super clingy and obsessive, intense jealousy issues and needy as fuck (obsessedgirlfriend.jpg) >a lot of her masochism appeared to stem from childhood abuse and at least once during sex she blurted out “NO DADDY!” >the closer we got the more I realized this bitch is fucking crazy. >starts calling friends of mine telling them to back off to monopolize all my time >wants me to limit time spent with family as well to focus on her >that’s it we’re done >I try to end it multiple times, she won’t let me go. >finally have to physically throw her out of my apartment >starts calling, texting and emailing relentlessly; block her on all platforms >starts coming to my job to harass me >call the cops; threaten restraining order >she finally gives up >after that find out within a week she’s already with someone else >disappears from my life, only ever hear about her mentioned offhand by people that still know her >Why did you have to be crazy?! TT_TT But I moved on. Found an awesome laid back nerd girl tomboy with sort of a “sexy librarian” vibe. Not nearly as kinky but just open minded enough. I think the experience taught me that there’s more to be desired in a relationship than fetish indulgence.
>>37291 whats her full name and address
>>37293 Nah dude you don’t get it. I mean she wanted me to play out rape fantasies with her where I forced myself on her while she screamed and cried for help. Bitch was out of her god damned mind.
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>>37291 >>a lot of her masochism appeared to stem from childhood abuse and at least once during sex she blurted out “NO DADDY!”
>>37295 That picture freaks me out and I don’t know why.
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well, shit, i got three, and i'm horny enough to dwell in memories of my past. here's the story of M, the tickliest girl i ever knew. >be me >6th grade >failed 4th grade and also failed 6th grade due to bullying >feeling suicidal >still have hope in making some friends >see this girl at the front of the class, 7/8, black hair, not that curvy, but pretty face and nice voice >walk up to her and introduce myself >she looks at me >afraid of rejection >thinking "she probably knows i'm the failure" >"hi DQ, i'm M, nice to meet you!" >we started talking, she's very nice, kind of a nerd, but then again i'm a nerd in the body of a meth head >we're having fun, i sit in front of her >teacher is awol because she finished her lesson for the two hours so the classroom is in havock >as M and i were talking i grabbed a pen and i ran it on her palm, it was a hand game we call "queso", it involves writing the letters Q, U, E, S and O the fingertips and a cheese at the palm >the moment the pen rolls over her palm she squeals and squirms, pulling her arm back >thefuck? >"no DQ, don't touch me like that, i'm too ticklish!" >strange weird feeling inside me, i hadn't started drawing quite yet, it'd be a couple weeks before i did >"hey M, did that really tickle you?" >"yeah DQ, don't do it again" >"i don't believe you" >get a friend from a couple years back to walk over to pin her wrist down to the table >i splay her hand open and start tickling her palm >she reaches over to her mouth to cover it and stomps her feet while trying to pull away >so cute >we let her go, but from then on i liked to tickle her from time to time, i didn't know what was up with me or why i liked it >one day we get sent work for home in groups >work is from one day to another, so we had to reunite that afternoon >friends, M and i working on a group, including my previous friend who helped me restrain her and the class president >we gather at my place >at one point, to play with M, i commanded the others to grab her arms >attachedimage.png >lunge at her like a beast, tickle her armpits, ribs and sides >she's dying >i dig my hands under her shirt and onto her belly >she's laughing like crazy, shaking her head and trying to set herself free >eventually get so intense i knock her to the ground and i blow a raspberry on her tummy >a couple seconds go by until i realize what i had done >friends looking at me like i'm crazy >M is panting and breathing on the floor, heavily >"i-i guess i overdid it" >i help M up, we get back to my place and we play some NSMBWii >remain M's friend for the rest of my stay at that school in a way this one event was the one that made me realize i shouldn't materialize all of my fetishes, it wasn't kink-shamey per say, but it did make me realize how awkward it could be to bring them to life and being caught on it on a very bad situation.
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>>37303 next up is the tale of A, and a good trade. >still in 6th grade >chilling with newfound friends >most of them don't know about the tickling stuff but i'm getting used to it >sudden noise >over in the other side of the classroom is A >8/8, huge fucking tits despite being in 6th grade and being 15, black hair too, nice tan, generally nice face and generally girthy. >"who's she?" >"she's A DQ, she's the class whore" >"that's not a nice thing to say..." i think to myself >she was being bothered by some fuckboy messing with his gaybo friend in front of A >probably dumb shit, shouldn't get involved >lunch break >i'm walking back to the classrooms from having lunch because i didn't talk to many people anyways >sit outside classroom on a nice brick bench >context: the classrooms were all encapsulated on a weird sort of square, with two classrooms at the bottom and two at the right, entrance is from the left, exit is up >sit on bottom right, practically boxed in >pulled out ipod to play some vydia as i tend to do >put on earbuds >as i'm chilling, A suddenly comes down from the top >literal jiggle physics >due to school mandation all girls must wear skirts >notice massive thighs, she's basically got the genetic lotery >still, try to not look at her, i don't want to lose at subway surfers >she sits besides me and we chill >suddenly, tap on my shoulder >pause game >"hey, DQ, do you mind lending me your earbuds?" >think about it for a sec >lightbulb_click.wav >"i'll do it on one condition, i get to tickle you a little" >"yeah, sure, just give me the goods" >quickly wrap my hands around her sides and start tickling her >get a glimpse of her navel on her soft skin >feel like i'm about to go ape mode again >ignore the feeling >A had been smiling and chuckling as i tickled her, with her hands up to the sides of her head to stop herself from stopping me >once i feel like it was enough i handed her my earbuds >"thanks DQ" >she immediately logs off of reality >"huh..." >from then on out for the next two weeks or so we'd sit together, i'd tickle her and she'd borrow my earbuds trough lunch period >never engage in any conversation what-so-ever >other kids thought she was my girlfriend for a bit i don't know where A is right now, hopefully she's alright, and hopefully people starting liking her more, eventhough knowing that school's reputation when it comes to badmouthing and bullying i can totally still see her as a prick.
>>37304 finally, the last story is of An, friend with fetish rights. >context: at 8th grade on the previous school i was about to fail due to emotional personal problems, thus, my parents pulled me out of that school, and my parents being trough a though patch finantially had to made a desition, thus, mother and i moved from that shit ass city and went back to our home city to live with some of our relatives, and i saw it as a time to start my life fresh. >going to a new school down town >the school works in double periods, as in, if you beat one period it'll count as two, which would allow me to regain the grades i had lost and then some. >go into classroom, convince everyone to call me DQ irl >this is working! >make some friends, both of them stoners, one is B, she's a short girl with an attitude, really cool friend >the other one is J, super stoner, taught me some ropes and we became fast friends >other friends come in, can't remember them now >our group of friends grew troughout the grade >tried to tickle B once, almost lost the finger with which i poked her >vacation time, nice time chillaxing >come back to school after too months, and two newcommers had joined our grade >one of them is An >An is a 6/8, flat as a board, really nice personality, eagle nose, transfer student from Mexico, also really tall >still, add her to the group alongside someone who i'll call BF, forgot his name but he's kind of important, he's An's BF >An and I are super close, we talk about everything, much to BF's jealousy >we work on projects together, she had some very nice quips, she became a mainstay of our group >BF became more and more bitter about our friend group >one day we have yet another homework we had to have for the next day, so BF, An and I decide to meet up the next day >in the background i had made a bet with my senpai about getting a pic of An's bellybutton and i'd get free art, if i didn't pull it off i'd owe him something >lucky for me An arrived next day alone to my place >we go to my house, it's empty >first thing i do is i tell An about the bet, and i get to poke her navel, i ofc take some pics and got my chance to tickle her too >BF arrives later, we do the job and she never tells him anything >next day at school An and i are talking when suddenly >"you know DQ? i guess i can confide in you that i also got some weird fetishes" >pleasepleasepleaseplease >"i like Yaoi and i've drawn some stuff myself, nothing i'd ever show though" >bruh.mp3 >we start talking about fetishes for some reason >she literally tells me how she dislikes footfags >she also thought me liking tummies was cute and she didn't mind it if i did stuff with her >from then on we hung out a bit more, saw movies, did stuff >one particular day it was pouring like crazy and she was the only one to arrive, so i handed her some of my clothes but she decided to leave her pants off >i got a good chance to tickle her, both her belly and her feet >she wasn't that ticklish TBF, she'd sometimes flinch or squirm, but i never made her laugh >sometimes she'd send me belly pictures trough Whatsapp >we were really good friends until we graduated, she went back to mexico and thus we parted ways >halfway trough the last grade BF broke off of our group of friends and also broke up with An, she couldn't take shit no more because he wanted An for herself yes, i literally cucked a guy with my weird fucking fetishes and i got the best of the deal, An, wherever you are, i hope you're living your best life.
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>Be me, bisexual guy with a tickling and foot fetish and no recent sessions with either girls or guys.> >Get horny as fuck one day.> >Open up grindr, post sexy feet pics (spoilered images) and put in my profile description that I want to be tickled and have my feet played with by a fetishist, preferrably around my age (early to mid 20s).> >Get absolutely flooded with messages in the first hour.> >Fuck yes.> >Bunch of thirsty dudes that wanna lick my feet in my feed. Got my pick of the bounty.> >One guy in particular says he wants to tickle me. We chat for a couple of days where we explain our desires to each other. "Anon, that tickle fetish is pretty interesting. I'll do whatever you want me to do to you, as long as I get your sexy body".> >Go time.> >Random Sunday is here. "Anon, my parents wont be home for a couple of hours. Come over right now".> >Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck its actually happening holy shit> >Do a quick workout so I look extra hot. Shave, shower, Lotion up my peds with cocoa skin cream and put a pair of cute ankle socks on.> >Arrive at his place. We talk for a couple of mins. Im super nervous and he gives me a glass of water. Then we move to the bedroom.> >"Get naked Anon"> >Yes sir> >He looks at me lustfully and with a satisfied smile. Self confidence through the roof. I place my socked feet on his lap, and he slowly starts stripping them off.> >Feet are bare. Cool air caresses my peds. Wiggle my toes as I enjoy the sensation, and his eyes follow their movements. He grabs one and starts with a long lick up my heel and to my toes. Then begins to nibble all over the sole.> >Fuuuuuuck yes. I throw my head back as I moan in pleasure. Dick is getting harder. Having erogenous soles is lovely anons.> >He starts tickling my soles as he worships them. I giggle and squirm, struggling to keep my feet on his lap. He grabs my ankles and keeps them in place.> >Suddenly he lets go of my feet and throws himself on top of me, and begins goosing my sides and tickling all over my stomach.> >I burst out laughing. Upperbody is way more ticklish than feet.> >"Oh Anon, looks like youre very ticklish here huh"> >Yes> >I flip myself so Im facedown on his bed and position my arms above my head. Fave position to be tickled. I tell him to go all out and go after my armpits and sides.> >He gets on top of me, pins me with his body weight, starts tickling the shit out of me on the zones I told.him.about.>
[Expand Post] >I lose my shit. Bury my face on his pillow as I scream and laugh myself mad. He lays on top of me, begins to nibble and sloppily lick all over my ears and neck, and pins my flailing hands above my head.> >Fuckfufkcmeusnakdhsua.> >Im screaming like a banshee now. Ears are wayyyyy too sensitive. I shake my head from side to side trying to.throw him off, but he always just switches to the other ear after I cover one.> >Extremely turned on. I love being a submissive little toy like this. Dick is fully bricked up.> >Session continues for about an hour, with him alternating between giving attention to my feet, destroying my armpits and sides, and going after my ears and neck.> >Panting, sweaty, tired mess after its all done. Have a dumb smile on my face. Huge cumwad on my inner thigh.> >"Uh, that yours?"> >"Nope anon, that was all you"> >He didnt touch my dick at any point of the session. Realize I came really hard from the tickling alone.> >Nice.> Hello everyone. This happened to me about a month ago, give or take. I should call this guy back, because this shit was superb.
>>42696 Also sorry for the sloppy ass greentext. Its the first one Ive ever written lol
>>25687 That's what friends are for Anon! At least it was you and not a total stranger.
Does anyone have any stories of tickling someone’s belly buttons or getting your belly button tickled I don’t think they’re actually ticklish I’ve never seen someone ticklish there or many tickled there at all
>>43012 >Be me >18-year old freshman >Loser in high school >No experience with girls >Move-in day see cute skater girl moving in three doors down >Shaggy brown hair, tan skin >Only wears tank tops that show off belly >9/10 easy >Too autistic to say hi >feelsbadman.jpeg >Saturday before classes roommate drags me to party down the hall >Probably 15ish people >Everyone drinking cheap beer >Don't know if I'm allowed to have any >Stand around awkwardly hoping to be talked to >Be not talked to >Some dude says we should play spin the bottle >Social anxiety mode go >Me: "Uhh, I'm kinda tired." >Roommate: "Nah bro stay it'll be fun." >Too beta to disagree >Play a few rounds, all truths that 18 year olds think are raunchy >"Have you ever put anything in your ass before?" >Me: "No haha." >Spin the bottle >Lands on skater girl >"Dare" >Anon.exe has stopped responding >Ctrl+alt+delete bring up sperg manager >"Choose someone lick your belly button." >Awkward silence >Life flashes before my eyes >Going to be known as the Belly Button Licker >whygod.jpeg >Her: "Haha sure anon, how about you since you suggested it?" >Can't let them see my dick is hard >Me: "I'm kinda embarrassed, can we do it in the bathroom?" >Everyone saying that doesn't count >Her: "Haha yeah sure let's go." >Feel like this is a trap somehow >Stand up to go to the suite bathroom >Obvious Boner >She opens the door >Gets on the floor >Everybody walk the dinosaur
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>>8262 >be 18, enjoying school interval >sitting on a bench with a girl I recently became close friends with >she decides to lay on the bench and use my thighs as a pillow >I notice she raised her arms in order to do something with her hair >smirk and proceed to poke her armpit >she yells, covers her armpit and says "What was that for?" >"What, are you ticklish?" >"No, not at all" >"Sure" >I wait for her to let her guard down, then I start poking her tummy >she laughs and squirms >"I thought you said you weren't ticklish" >"Shut the fuck up" >"Oh yeah?" >I start to tickle her harder, every time she tries to cover one spot I go for another one, it's way too funny to see her laughing and moving around trying to avoid the tickles >I manage to sit on one of her arms when she tries to get away, keeping her stuck with an exposed armpit >from then on I start using both hands to tickle her and she soon starts to laugh hysterically, especially when I go for the exposed armpit she desperately tries to cover >after deciding she had enough, I stopped and let her arm go >she lays there, panting heavily, looking completely exhausted >I realize my dick was rock hard this whole time and get a little embarrassed >"Anon, if you do this again, I'm gonna murder you" >"Sorry" This is basically how I discovered I have this fetish.
>>43018 but where’s the belly button tickling
>be 16, invited to xmas party at crush's place >crush is a thin, mixed white-asian qt3.14. christian orchestra good-girl type >her parents are home, so pretty tame party. movies, food, etc. >go upstairs and see crush, and a girl mutual friend - a tall, average-to-cute blonde >blonde is lying on the couch & since i'm actually closer to her, I sit on top of her near her waist >still nervous as fuck, so tickling didn't even cross my mind >crush mentions the blonde is ticklish for some reason, so i dig my fingers into blonde's ribs >she bursts out laughing >keep it up for like 15 seconds then join the rest of the party >later, we're all talking having a good time >Sit and talk for a long time >Crush sits by my (male) friend and I >She says something snarky >Grab her ankle and rip off her sock >Guy friend does the same to the other foot >We both scribble our fingers over her pale soles >She falls back laughing while her feet remain in our grip >her ticklishness fades a little so we stop >later, the group watches a movie upstairs >couch pulls out into a bed >Sit against the back wall, cross-legged while crush lies down on her stomach facing the TV >Her soft, milky soles are facing me >Movie starts, and I reach for her ankle >She turns to face me, smiling, and I start massaging her feet >She seems satisfied and keeps watching the movie >I start alternating rubbing and light tickling every minute or so >Tickling doesn't last long, quick scribbles on her soles >Her body tightens every time >Giggling escapes her lips. >Continue for the rest of the night >Diamonds
Well Lads, tomorrow a girl (female) that I met online is coming over to my apartment to tickle torture me. Neither of us has ever had a tickle session before, and she says it's always been one of her biggest fantasies to make a cute boy break under tickle torment. I feel like I've hit the jackpot. She's even had different bondage toys mailed to my apartment so they will be here when she gets here, like a gag and a violet wand. She's planning on making me worship her feet, tie me up, sit on my face and make me eat her out, tickle me, edge me, spank me, etc. I'm very excited but also very nervous.Does anyone else have any experience being tickled by a cute girl? I want to make sure I'm the best sub lee for her that I possible can be. I can green text after if anyone wants it.
>>52043 For sure dude, keep us updated and enjoy!
>>52043 I'd say the best thing you can do is communicate. Let her know how you're feeling, see how she's feeling, make sure you're both comfortable. That being said, sounds like the time of your life bro. Have fun
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>>52043 My brother you're living the dream. Kudos!
>>52051 >>52052 >>52138 Holy shit lads, I had the absolute time of my life and I can't wait to see her again. >Meet for dinner and drinks to get comfortable >Head back to my apartment >After pouring us some wine, she immediately orders me on my knees to worship her feet >I do so for what must have been 15-20 minutes and I'm in heaven >After making out, she orders me to eat her out, but makes me stop before I make her cum >Orders me to be still while she tests my body for ticklish spots >Eventaully ties me to the bed, find out she did girl scouts so she knows a bunch of knots >I can barely move at all now >It's on.jpg >She blindfolds me and puts a ball gag in my mouth, carresses my body, licks my ear, gets me really turned on >starts with lightly tickling my body, but then gets more and more intense as we go on >Quickly discover that my upper ribs, feet, and thighs are my absolute worst spots >Every now and then stops tickling me to edge me >Uses various floggers and sensation play things like the violet wand I mentioned before on me >Tickling gets more intense, eventually she puts coconut oil on my feet (which feels really good), and then pulls out my hair brush >I quickly realize that in tickle videos where they oil up their feet, use a hairbrush, and the girls go crazy is not an act >The most intense tickling of my life with that damned hairbrush >by now I'm thrashing around more violently >She goes to edge me and accidently makes me cum sooner than she wants >goes back to tickling and now it feels 10 times worse after orgasm >Im begging and pleading for her to stop through my gag >Sits on my stomach and destroys my upper ribs >Get one hand free and try to stop one of her hands >She grabs my hand and holds her knee on it while she destroys the spot I was trying to protect >so fucking hot >After a while of post orgasm tickles, I'm exhausted and she unties me >I can only lay there for a bit trying to recover >She cuddles me and rubs my head, telling me she had so much fun >makes me eat her out to orgasm before we go to sleep It honestly feels too good to be true, like a tickle fanfic or video just came to life for me. There was some stuff we never got around to, like her sitting on my face, and she wants to push me even further with the tickles, so we are definitely going to meet again. I'm still recovering a bit now, but I've been horny all day remembering the experience.
>>52154 I'm insanely jealous of you, but I'm really happy to hear you had a great time dude!
>>52154 >She grabs my hand and holds her knee on it while she destroys the spot I was trying to protect Holy shit, anon. That's hot as fuck. Settings like you had a great time
>>52154 Oh man, you got your dream come true! Really glad to hear you had a hot experience like this and I hope this continues and develops further. Too bad you came earlier in the game, tickling does not feel that good after you cum but I can imagine your mind was just blown away and the level of excitement was off the charts!
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>>52154 He's ascended. My man's on another plane of existence
>be me at aerobics class >normal instructor isn't there for some reason >have girl from a more senior class substituting for us instead >turns out substitute is the older sister of one of the girls in this class >openly picks on her younger sibling for goofing off/not taking her seriously > at one point walks up behind her and smacks her on the bum for side talking >class is half way over, younger sister is still misbehaving >substitute has us do our normal routine which includes a glute bridge >walks by each one of us to make sure we're doing it correctly >gets to sibling as she starts to lift her stomach up >immediately gives her bare midriff a quick tickle >poor girl collapses her mat in a giggling fit >rest of the class goes by without disruption >never have substitute girl as instructor again
>>52424 Here's one I was personally involved in. It happened a few years before the one described above. >be me at church, about 13 or so >newcomer to the congregation decides to bring their kid >looks just like girl in attachment >only a couple years younger then me >looks adorable and acts very sweet >is so hyperactive she has to be watched outside the sanctuary >mom elects me to watch her because why not >gets placed in a room that normally serves as a daycare area >red gets bored pretty quickly >starts to act like a complete brat >tries to tackle me at one point >sidestep just in time >assailant lands flat on her stomach >casually trap her ankles and start tickling her bare soles >ask her if she's gonna stop and behave >is able to say 'yes' between fits of laughter >tickling subsides and I help her back up >spend the rest of the day playing board games >red stays calm and doesn't cause any more ruckus > cheerfully gives me a hug before leaving with her parents >later ends up going to a different church with the rest of her family >hopes she's doing okay
https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/Completely-destroyed-by-my-ler-M-M-Personal-Tale-980338321 Here's a short story on how I got rekt by my ler for the first time. It happened yesterday, and I'm still riding the high of having been tickled to insanity. Pic extremely related. (Spoilers, we discovered that my armpits are my death zones)
Holy shit I just remembered something and actually have something: >Be me >16 freshman year >tickle autist to the nth degree >No literally wouldn't shut the fuck up about it >All my close friends were aware and on occasion indulged and ultimately put up with me lol >I introduce a new friend we'll call Al to this side of me >She's a full blown furry so I didn't feel too bad about this >She immediately goes into detail about how her mom loves to tickle >This woman allegedly would chase people/her kids down to pin them and tickle them >boner.jpeg >Few weeks passed >Al invites me to her birthday >LOl ok >Informs me that she told her my mom about my fixation >Warns me she's going to try and tickle me all night >Doesn't register for some reason >"cool" > Night of the party >Go with friends >Party is at some sorta community building >Pretty standard sweet sixteen >Met her mom before hand >Pretty but kinda bland chubby woman with blonde hair and blue eyes >Immediately says "I heard about you" >Immediately panic and joke it off >A couple hours later >Laying on the ground for gift part >Gift giving ends >I'm still not laying on the ground, not paying attention >All of a sudden, I feel a significant weight on my back >can't move >all of a sudden fingers start digging into my ribs from behind >I try to move my arms but Al quickly pins my arms to the ground >completely vulnerable >she's teasing me >counting ribs, digging into my ribs >teasing me about how I'm probably enjoying this >I am ooze in my mind and rock hard against the community building concrete floor through my jeans >she stops >ok she's letting me up >instead: she turns around and adjusts to sitting on my ankles >fuck.jpeg >she quickly removes my shoes and just digs in >I'm loosing my mind at this point >can tell she's done this a lot >she gets in between my toes and even holds them down so I can't protect myself >I'm begging and giggling like mad
[Expand Post]>the torment lasts another 30 seconds >they get off me and walk away giggling to each other >I stay laying down letting my errection subside >I only bring all this up because I still wonder >In what context did she know about my tickling fixation? >Was she was aware she was actively causing me arousal? >It's a question I think about alot Hope my first green text was at least enjoyable
>>53599 Sounds like you had a run in with Laney from Tickle Horror lol
>>53600 Lmao no. This woman was a plump Midwestern housewife. She had some size on her which made it difficult to wiggle around.
https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/Hookup-Apps-Lead-to-Tickle-Murder-M-M-Personal-997703316 Here is a short recounting of an irl tickle session I had last night with a guy I hooked up with. I got fucking destroyed. Pic absolutely not related.
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got a few picrel stories I can greentext. inb4 larp, Im aware how INSANELY lucky I got. >about 3 years ago >Me, 18, home for christmas from uni but still working on uni work for submission before holidays truly kicked in >mother had a work dinner and was getting ready with her colleagues >would leave just me in the house so i'm ready for comfymode.exe >Mum tells me i'm having guests over, as some of her friends have kids who can't stay home alone >OhFFS.gif >No more comfy plans >One of her colleagues drops out of the dinner due to kid vomiting, lmao >I'm still anticipanting some loser coming over and me dealing with his personality >Doorbell rings >Some middle-aged colleague of my mum's, with her 8/10 teenage daughter >Immediately aware of my surroundings, but pretend to keep writing uni work >Normal "ohmigod how are you are you ready" from the ladies, I'm sat waiting for the daughter to be introduced >Doesn't happen for ages >Finally, mum comes over and asks if I'm okay to stay at home and make food for this girl >She smiles, tells me her name >Jess, what a cutie. Deffo could stay at home by herself but whatever Im definitely not complaining >Mum leaves with the squad, I'm sat with Jess. Immediately put on some music and ask if she wants to play some games >She's never played Wii before. I bring out some stupid games and suggest we just mess around until we find something we like >Ends up being WiiSports Resort lmao >We're up there swinging remotes like theyre tennis rackets, laughing at how shit the controls are >Fucking losing these sets! >IdeaBulb.jpg >"right whoever loses this one has to make the other some food!" >she's like "no fuck that, something else" >I suggest bring the other make tea or whatever >she's like "nah no food!" >"Okay, whoever loses has to do jumping jacks for 2 minutes!" >She agrees, we play, I win by some stupid luck >Jess does jumping jacks. I'm laughing but trying not to seem desperate to progress the evening too quickly >She finishes and seems eager to retaliate, says if I lose this, she gets to dare me something >"Fine, bring it on then!" >Stupid WiiTennis set commences, I intentionally lose but ham it up as though I'm annoyed >She thinks about a dare for a while, tells me I need to run up and down the stairs 20 times. >"Lolfine here we go" >Record pace >Another set, I win, I dare her to do the same >She's slow as fuck but we're giggling >We have a back-and-forth like this for a while. I kinda like her, she seems fun despite being a bit chavvy. She didn't seem nervous or weird, like some girls who would understandably be a bit more frigid in this kinda situation >I'm still playing it cool, despite a lot of stupid dares >At some point, we run out of ideas. She lost a game and it was my turn to dare and I was drawing a blank. >She's giggling and blurts out a suggestion >"Haha maybe we could roll me up in the big blanket on the sofa! >Immediately see the potential and agree, but quickly say something like "ahh too easy, you'll have stay wrapped up for 10 minutes. I'll help wrap you up" >We move to the sofa, she lays down on the blanket and I tuck her arms by her side and roll her up tightly, like 5 full spins so she's like a little pencil, with her head sticking out of one end and her shoes sticking out of the other end. >I'm suddenly feeling brave af so I go to her and boop her nose and kiss her forehead to tease her. She giggles >I go to the other end and lift her legs up on to my lap.
[Expand Post]>She immediately gets nervous >I decide to play >"Well now it's rude to have shoes on the sofa, right?" >I pull ger shoes off, she's laughing more nervously now, saying "oh my god no", I think it occurred to her what was gonna happen next >I'm still playing it cool, but decide to push the boat out >"Eww your shoes smell!" I smell inside her shoe, pure sweet warm ecstacy >I was aware I had just made her do jumping-jacks and run up and down stairs, but this was a next-level smell. The kind where you just know she hasn't changed her go-to shoes in a few months >"Eww ew!!" She's laughing and telling me to stop, I can see she's getting flustered, her cheeks go red >I put her shoes down and bring her feet up to my face. I tuck my knees underneath and rest her legs on top, so her feet are right where I want them >"ANON STOP haha omifuckinggod" >I hadn't even started >I left her in this position for a second to tease her some more, as her embarrassment was like juice for me >"So what's this then?" I poke at her socks, she immediately cackles, think she's definitely realised my intentions by now >I pull her feet closer, can smell them and it makes me diamonds >She's panicking and trying to wiggle away, I decide not to lose my chance >"What's under here?" and I pull her socks off >Her bare feet are small and dainty but her toes are longer than I expected, her toenails are long and unkempt >"OMFG ANON NO WHY" I'm laughing and make her feel embarrassed with an "aaawww cute!" >Immediately begin tickling her bare feet, she's laughing so hard I thought she was gonna choke >I can see her throw her head back and try wiggle side-to-side to get away >Double-down and pull her closer, her bare feet are centimeters from my face as I'm tickling them >They smell but I'm 100% fine with it >Cute af defense mechanism initiates, she's using one foot to shield the other >I just go for that foot instead >She's howling and stuggling, can see embarrassment rather than panic in her eyes >I turn my attention to her toes, sticking my fingers in between them and wiggling >She's shrieking and wiggling, Im in heaven >I get brave and bring my face forward, knowing her feet are flailing >Get booped on the nose, slotted perfectly under her toes >Intense smell >I'm still tickling. I arch my knees up so she can't see over and continue having my way >Return to her soles, even harder laughter after they've been given a break >Mental note that the ball of her foot is a hotspot >In between panicked laughter I hear "ANON LET ME GO ITS BEEN 10 MINUTES ALREADY" >fuck, didn't even set a timer on my phone. Oh well >"No it hasn't, it's only been 5!" >"grrr FUCK hahaha" >This frustrated sound catapulted me into another dimension, as if I wasn't there already. Decide to lean into it >"Having fun Jess?" "NO FUCK OFF HAHAA" >My idea to make her even more frustrated, I play This Little Piggy >"Jess, Jess...this little piggy went to market" >"HAHA FUCK OFFF ANON I HATE YOU" >Her chavvy demeanour was making so hot >"aaand...this little piggy stayed home" >wiggling her toes while she is defenseless to stop me.Not how I imagined spending my evening but i'll taks this any day over playing PS4 >With each toe, she was growling and kicking and scrunching her toes, but every timr she did, I just wiggled my finger between her toes and she was flailing them again to get me away from them >I go hard on her soles again, feeling evil and loving it >again I push the boat out, and move close towards them, her telling me to fuck off away from them >I hold my tongue out, hoping for an "accidental" incident >Fuck it, now or never, right? >Boom, full sole lands on my tongue before jolting away, and then again landing on my tongue helplessly >Salty as fuck >Think she didn't even notice, she's still giggling and growling >Keep trying my luck >Legit toes in my mouth for a second >Think she noticed something, I heard "OHMIGOD WHAT THE FUCKK HAHAHA" >I wasn't called out so I kept on doing it, sneaking licks of her chavvy smelly feet and relishing in the warm salty taste of these unkempt teen feet waggling helplessly about in my face >I knew she was cringing from embarrassment of someone seeing her bare feet, so I leaned into it >"Jess, you have such cute feet!", "Oh my god look at your little toes!", "Awww cute!" >Her face was bright red, I could tell she was getting tired of laughing but I still got the sense sh
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>>61114 Previous post fucked up thanks to word limit. cont. >Her face was bright red, I could tell she was getting tired of laughing but I still got the sense she wasn't overtly panicked or hating it, she was playing a little too (even if it got away from her!) (1/2) (2/2) >"Your feet smell ewww" >"Of course they do, theyre feet you dick" >"They smell even worse because you ran around a lot" >"Shut up what the fuck I hate this!" >"I love it, you're so squirmy! Lets see, where does it smell most?" >I start going "Here? or here?" and tickling random spots on her feet >I hear a very frustrated "fuuuuck hahaha" >Decide to be brave yet again. "Here?" and I snuggle my nose under her toes >BigSniff.png >"EW OMG DID YOU LICK THEM?" >"Haha no, do you want me to?" >"WHAT NO FUCK OFF" >Start teasing even more, "Eww Jess wants me to lick her feet! Gross!!" >She's wildly struggling, can see her cringing like "NO I DON'T WHAT THE HELL" >I keep teasing, knowing how worked up she was getting. Stuff like "Eww imagine the taste, you're minging!", and singing "Jess wants her feet licked, Jess wants her feet licked" while tickling the shit out of her >"GRRR FUCK OFF ANON!!" >She starts kicking madly >I'm thinking fuck, I need to get a handle on this >I begin to panic and tell her I'll let her go, but only because it's been 10 minutes and that she's so loud >tfw it was actually like 30 minutes >rest of the night was calm, made her food to try and "make it up to her" but she kept saying she hates me, I kept retaliating with an immature "smelly feet" >Could tell she was embarrassed but didn't actually hate me >fucking never wanted her to leave >made sure to swap snapchats before her mum came back >made her swear to not tell her mum but I wasn't bothered tbh, I would just downplay it like "nah we were playing WiiSports and messing around" >Got a few feet pics from her, but we never got together or anything, was one of those fleeting golden moments picrel in (1/2) is her profile pic from about 3 months ago. picrel in (2/2) is her feet. This is just one of my adventures, had a few others but this one among my favourites.
slow thread, huh? I'll give you another experience. Again, inb4 larp, I know how lucky I am. >UK latchkey child. Mum works a 9-5 but is always late asf and Dad is out of the picture >Very used to this dynamic, so happy to arrive home after school and make food, take care of myself etc >Have P.E. last class in the day, normally skip it and go home early but I have some friends who make it more bearable. We just walk around the track while people play football >Recently, in the last two weeks, some girls have joined us, including cutie named Megan who I've had my eye on for a while >Normal banter of running and racing each other and messing about, which gives way when the final bell rings and we grab our schoolbags, uniforms and other stuff from the locker rooms and set off home >I've grabbed my stuff and and I'm waiting at the exit for my mates to emerge from the locker rooms >qt3.14 emerges from her locker room >I decide to walk with her for a bit because my mates are taking ages. We're laughing and chatting normally >She's asking what my plans are, I tell her food and games until Mum comes home, then normal evening. My brother's fucked off to uni and I have the house to myself for a while >She's interested in hanging out if I have a football >Tell her yeah but I can only play for a while because I'm hungry and my front street's a mess due to cars parked everywhere >She's suddenly coming home with me. I'm suspicious but happy. She said her mum doesn't pick her up from town until later >We come home, still in P.E. gear and play some football. Keepy-uppies and then she takes shots at me in goals >Bit of fun. I grab a snack and she's exploring the living room >She asks about the gym gear laying about. Mats, bands, etc. I tell her mum tries to work out often and just leaves it set up in that corner of the room >She's messing around with it >Idea.jpg out of the blue >"Ever played the Escape Act before?" >"No whats that?" >I make up some story on Houdini wrapping himself up and escaping, and how it's now like a sport to do it >Somehow, SOMEHOW she agrees to try. Like enthusiastically. How did I get this blessed >She lays down on the mat and I waste no time grabbing the bands to wrap around her ankles and wrists. She's no even slightly nervous, think she's trying to prove a point >I lay her flat on the mat and roll her tightly inside, making sure to keep it tight around her shoulders and ankles >Suddenly I'm legit home alone with my crush wrapped up in a mat. Massive foot fetish, massive tickle fetish, instincts take over >I begin to tease her a little, telling her its easy to escape, and that I could do it while backwards. She's already wiggling but to no avail >I come down to her head and boop her a little. She's giggling but focused on escaping >I go down to the other end. "Hey Megan. How about I make it more difficult for you?" >"What do you mean, what are you doing?" >I pull off her shoes and give her a knowing smile. Think she just realised the danger >"Omg no give that back haha" >"Eww they smell!" They smell so good. I knew they would. >"Whatever my feet don't smell weirdo" >"Of course they do, ewww!" Keep teasing her and pull off her other shoe. Her socks are typical ankle socks, and I jab and wiggle at them to see if she's ticklish >Immediately seized up. I love it. "Aww are you ticklish?" >"No fuck off from there Anon!" >Keep teasing, as she's getting all worked up. "Does Megan have ticklish feet? Aaw" "Why would I go from here?" >She's wiggling a bit more so I turn her on her stomach so she can't see what I'm about to do >Aw few playful "HAHA NO!"s and I pull her socks off and put her bare feet on my lap >They're beautiful. Tiny toes, cute nails, perfect soles. I go nuts on them >She's laughing madly. She had this cathartic laugh, like she knows she's defenseless, and just lets it happen. It's wild >I wiggle my fingers all up and down her feet. She's kicking a little but really just lets me have them to myself. I bring them closer to my face by putting them between my knees and holding them with my legs >Perfect. I'm in heaven. I keep tickling, making sure to get in between her little toes. She squeals and laughs >I can smell her feet from here. It's so juicy, like feet pheromones. i don't know how to explain it >Decide to stick my nose into her toes to test the waters >She doesn't notice. I do it again, and again, tickling her toes and shoving my nose in her toes. It's the best, total control and power >She's laughing so much from it, and she doesn't even try to escape. Her bare feet are centimeters from my face and she just lets it happen >This goes on for like 5 mins before she's even suggesting I let her out
[Expand Post]>"Aww you couldn't escape?" "Well keep trying to get out!" >She wiggles inside really hard and her feet slam straight down on to my boner. Don't think she noticed. Coolly play it off like "Ha, almost got away!" >She's beginning to get frustrated, so I keep playing with her toes, pulling on them and wiggling my fingers in between them >"Megan your toes are so cute!!" >Playful "Aaah omg no not my toeess haha" >I bury my nose in between them like I was doing, snuggling and sniffing while she's giggling >All the while, she's still no further from escaping, and doesn't even seem to try >I'm focused on her feet. They're right in front of my face, all mine to play with. I double down on tickling and hold my tongue out, hoping she'll kick towards it >I get tired of waiting and sneak a lick anyways >Awesome. Tastes perfect, if not salty. >I got away with it. She didn't seem to notice. Sneak another lick of her toes while I'm ticking her heels. She's just laughing and giggling and telling me "Nooo omg" without actually telling me to stop >She really is the perfect girl! >Keep playing with her feet while she's on her belly. At some point, I'm tickling her with her soles and balancing her big toe on my tongue, which was the hottest thing ever. It was the most tantilising experience, I could go full suicide mode and suck her toe and she'd notice, so I had to let it tease me while I tickled her feet >tfw me, footfag, had my crush's big toe on my tongue while I tickle her bare feet as she tries to wiggle out of a trap I made up. Bliss >This whole thing had been going on for over 10 mins and she still wasn't begging me to let her out. I secretly think she enjoyed it. She probably did notice my nose and tongue taking advantage >I begin thinking that I still need to maintain a non-creepy image at school and that if I kept going, she'd definitely tell others >Fuck. I don't want to stop but I must >Eventually I give in and let her out. I make fun of her having smelly feet and give her a hard time for not being able to escape. She's surprisingly okay with it all, but tells me she's never trusting me again. I can tell she's joking. Not sure why she wasn't vexed with me but I'm cool and chirper about it all. Pretending like it wasn't the best thing ever. >She leaves a little while after and I see her around school. She treats me normally but every so often I can see her flirting with her feet towards me, kicking her legs towards me, stepping on my toes, etc. >We end up going out a few times and I ended up kissing her, but we never really took off because exams and life, whatever >I'll never forget her perfect feet tied at the ankles, held between my knees, so close to my face. I had her wiggling and giggling as her tiny toes were on my tongue. picrel. she went off to a different uni so she's definitely not in my future now. But i'll never forget, best ever
>>64239 Should've given her a little "break" by setting up your phone and then recording it
>>64239 Awesome story anon. Savor those memories.
>>61114 looks trashy as hell and the story is vomit-inducing, at least you enjoyed it.
>be me, 16yo M, high school >extremely sped, autism to the max, barely any friends >cute girls in high school that were semi nice to me, even be really good friends with one. >borderline obsessed with this girl. This pushes her away. No contact. >draw her and her friends in various fun tiggle scenarios >deviantart.exe >get called to admin office one day in the afternoon. >girlsfoundthetiggleporn.jpg >call to my parents, admin says “this needs to come down today.” >parents are thinking they’re going to need to lawyer up for whatever reason. >mfw the school only slapped me with “disorderly conduct” and suspended me for one day. >mfw I never heard more from the incident again >mfw disclaimer: all depictions are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental.
>>64251 Honestly wish I had done that, could have been juicy. I could blow loads at her laugh alone, the sounds of a defenseless tigglee. I was enjoying it too much. >>64274 I realise how lucky I am, but I know these experiences don't do my rampant fetishes any favors. I've got a few more if you're interested.
>>64276 >Trashy as hell Yes. That's the bit I loved. Her rough demeanor contrasted by her helplessness. It was awesome. >vomit-inducing explain
>>64277 Tell me you still have the drawings
>>64292 Several but it’s all old and cringe.
>>64315 post them you bitch
>>64315 I'll never judge the shit you did when you were younger. If you post them all, I'll post another one of my fortunate experiences. This time from uni.
Never had a rl tickle experience. Never had a gf. Never touched a bare female foot irl. Closer to 30 than 20 this year. Working a shit wagie job after years of neetmaxxing since my faggot boomer parents threatened to throw me out otherwise. Came to this thread looking for good feels and now I'm more blackpilled than ever.
>>64471 Keep going, anon. The job, even if it’s a wagie one, will actually be great for you. Loads of people meet a partner through work, plus women are more attracted to guys who DO something, even if the job doesn’t seem like much. Also if it doesn’t happen naturally maybe see if you can get a job in the womens’ shoe section of a department store, idk. But keep going : )
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>>64482 >if it doesn’t happen *naturally* maybe see if you can get a job in the womens’ shoe section of a department store, idk. what are you implying anon should do?
>>64482 Don't give him false hope that's just cruel
>>64499 nothing false about it imo. Being forced to leave the house can work wonders
>>64471 what was the closest you ever got to tickle some cutie feet? Did none of the anon experiences give you good feels?
>>64471 >>64492 It's alright, anons. 30 y.o. here. I rarely had tickling experiences before university (if I had at all), and there I only have a few. Nothing like you would read online tho, and in the seconds (not even a minute). Typically messing around stuff with friends, that others initiated, and maybe 1 or 2 times with a close friend I would, but nothing crazy. Maybe that's more than what you have had or expect to have, but life is just bs like that. I won't tell you that it will happen or to have false hope, but if anything, contrary to what motherfuckers will tell you, it's not your fault, but society's. Not because you/we are entitled to something, that is what mfers would say, but because there are no healthy spaces for people to naturally meet anymore. We're stuck in our homes, and modern alternatives like dating apps or whatever just suck. "jUsT gO oUtSiDe", suck your president's balls. There's nothing outside. Of course the odds of meeting someone inside your home are slim, but going outside just for the sake of it won't get you anywhere either. We need gathering places, typical ones are work or school. Before, people would interact more, and you would meet people through the people you know (family, friends, coworkers, else), but nowadays there's less need. People will tell you faggotery, or even make you believe you're the problem, when they're just truly lucky and unaware, delusional or just straight up garbage, so don't listen to faggots. It's sucks, and you have my empathy and I'm sorry, but it is what it is. Try to take the opportunities you get, and in your possibility try to improve your changes, but that's it, there's nothing really more you could do. Enjoy whatever tiny portion of life you can, like hot chocolate or your tickle porn, and don't let others to either make your feel worse, either by encouraging or discouraging you.
>>64514 Just keep an open mind. You get one shot at life, don't spend any of it being miserable and closing yourself off the the possibility of having these kinds of fun experiences!
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>>64514 >life didn't pan out like my fetish erotica >therefore- society is lying to me about everything hey retard, you know MOST normies rarely if every just sporadically tickle each other, and that people who do have "tickle adventures" with friends have to make a point to make that happen? Clearly you don't, which is why immediately pivoting to a "born to late, will never experience the company of another human being". >they're fucking LYING! don't buy their false hope! they're delusional, or unaware! and then you whine about OTHER people "discouraging you". God, what a fucking loser. I'm not even going to pretend to sympathize with you like the other anon, you sound like a real sad sack who should stay out of everyone elses way.
>>64721 What the fuck are you talking about. First learn to read, then you can properly take your meds, then kill yourself. Talking about projecting lol
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>>64739 die mad, faggot
I don't believe any of this shit.
>>64744 Not sure that has any bearing on anything bro
>>64744 whaaaaaaat? greentext is fake? what's next, gahowolf does an ESL moment?
>>64770 Nooo! Everything on the internet is real! Dave said so!
>>64744 They are real anon. Just like the TMF "True Stories" They are real anon.
still hoping this anon >>64315 will post his tiggledrawings
https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/Hell-s-Angel-M-M-TK-Personal-1044251749 Here's a story about how I got destroyed by my boyfriend last night
>>65013 gonna need you to XRay here for us normies without the degeneracy of Deviantfart
>>61115 This is SO hot, fuck yes
>>67010 So much fun bro. I'll have to try contact her again, I used to tease her that it happened. My favourite part was the frustrated sounds she made, while she was completely helpless. Made me diamonds. She was definitely embarrassed at the fact that someone was this close to her bare feet (never mind tickling them!), it was adorable
>>64239 SO jealous. That cathartic laugh you were talking about is so hot, like she's helpless and has only just recongised the her powerlessness. I'd kill to be either tickler or ticklee in this situation
True story of how I got my fetish. Back when I was a young teen maybe 13 or 14, I would hang out at my grandmothers with all my cousins after church. We got bored one day and decided to play truth or dare. I decided to dare my cousin, Ashley to let us tickle her for one minute. Ashley was a cheerleader and gymnast. Borderline 0% body fat. to my surprise, she agreed. Her big sister held her hands up, my little brother sat on her feet, and I positioned myself at her perfect muscular tummy. I counted down from 3 and we began. I viciously dug into her ribs and belly. Her sister tickled her pits with one hand while holding her hands up with the other. Little brother tickled her feet. She was SCREAMIMG. But she never once said stop. I was supposed to be counting down from 60 but I stopped around 30. I was in love with her laughter and wriggling body under my fingertips. She finally said “I think it’s been a minute.” So we stopped and she got up to run to the bathroom. I snuck by the door and listened to a massive pee stream into the toilet. We were so close to making her wet herself. We did this off and on for about a year at grandmother’s house. And since it was just tickling, no one ever questioned it. Fast forward to now, she is married and has a baby. we have a good relationship and are basically like brother and sister. I would never bring it up to her again, but she is the main source of my fetish. Sometimes I still jerk to the memories of making her squeal on that futon.
>>68235 I would have given anything to tickle her feet and hear how frustrated any helpless she was, see her wiggling and not being able to do anything to stop it
>>71113 You're supposed to post real stories
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>>71136 >deleted Lol.
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>be me on Fetlife >found a nice girl with tk fet on Fetlife >write a friendly introduction >she responds in a normal manner and ":3" >sounds good >she writes me her resume of roles and tastes >try to break the ice by talking about my point of view and some of my non-kinky hobbies and I ask what she usually does >she blocks me How have your experiences been talking to people? I have met people who just want to do the session without getting involved in personal life, which seems fine to me but emotionally cold if you are going to share something so deep with someone. What is your opinion?
>>71559 was probably a dude with fake pics who didn't think they'd get that far. Happens constantly.
>>71559 you were talking to a man
>>71137 what did I miss?

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