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Xenoblade Thread: You will know that Xenoblade X leaked Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 21:21:04 Id: 0c0d80 No. 1079549 >>1079721 >>1080462
Wanted to make a quick thread considering that Xenoblade X just leaked out and that Xenoblade 4 is an inevitability considering how successful the series was on the OG Switch. I do wonder how they'll approach the series going forward and if they'll just build on top of Xenoblade X instead of the Klaus trilogy. Perhaps we'll get Xenoblade X2 rather than Xenoblade 4 all things considered. Either way I've heavily enjoyed this series and look forward to see where Nintendo and Monolith Soft take this series. Especially now where we've reached a point where the story of Klaus is basically finished and that the series will basically have to do what the original Xenoblade did. Should be interesting to see what happens. >Favorite Xeno Game >Favorite Waifu >Favorite port
Edited last time by Mark on 03/14/2025 (Fri) 21:47:53.
Xenoblade 2 was my favorite. From the music to the characters to the story to the world to the combat, basically everything about it. I did enjoy 1 and 3 a ton though and think they're all really good games save for 3's ending falling really flat. Probably not going to bother with the X remake though, as if it's the censored version I have no interest in touching it on a matter of principle, since I love making shorter characters in games and am tired of such a thing disappearing from the medium as a whole out of some form of prudishness or other moral panic. As for best girl. I'm going to have to go with Poppi, both from a character and aesthetics point of view. All three forms are equally good. Crossette is my favorite of the rare blades from XB2, though, and is a close second alongside Morag. If I had to pick someone outside the XB2 cast it'd go to Melia.
>>1079561 I agree, although I DO wish Xenoblade 2 didn't have the gacha elements. Other than that it's the best Xeno game.
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>>1079549 (OP) >I do wonder how they'll approach the series going forward At the end of Future Redeemed the worlds re-converge and it's heavily hinted the blue thing falling toward the planet is Kos-Mos from the end of Xenosaga 3. Future Redeemed was full of Saga references in the ending. Also Takahashi hinted he hasn't revealed Mythra's kid yet on purpose. So it's likely we're not completely done with those characters, but since the planet is back together the "Klaus" part would indeed be over. Xenoblade X (the original anyway) had no connection to other Xeno lore and in fact things about it's setting are at odds with Saga. The only place it could be is way in the future of the Blade worlds after they combined I guess, but it would be really weird for none of the other races to exist. I don't know what the new stuff added to X changes or re-contextualizes but vanilla X felt very stand-alone other than stuff like Nopon.
Despite being removed from DE the boob slider is still in the game code. All that's left is to wait fro decensor mods. https://gbatemp.net/threads/xenoblade-chronicles-x-cheats-and-mods.668404/page-32#post-10611699
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Rex won.
>>1079549 (OP) >Favorite Xeno Game Hard to say, I like the first game in terms of plot build-up and characters. What I dislike about the second game is that the exploration can be a pain the ass because you need to grind to hell to level up your Blades to access areas that are difficult to reach, which is why I prefer the third game in terms of exploring the open world. >Favorite Waifu Somewhere between Ethel and Eunie. >Favorite port I played all the games on the Switch except X. >>1079721 It was kind of a shame that they didn't made any Xenogears reference in Future Redeemed, since that was the game that started the Xeno (meta) series. Lot of people are very disheartened that game is left in cold storage by Squeenix.
>>1080462 >Xenogears Sadly with the way that series is tied up in copyright and such the most Takashi can do is just reuse it's plot points a lot, which he does. Bamco, for all their faults, seem more willing to play ball with Saga.
Remember when Pyra/Mythra’s English VA had a nuclear meltdown over the XC3 ending photo? I mean who the fuck played XC2 in English but the sheer amount of copium and projection she was emitting was some of the dumbest shit I had ever witnessed on the internet
>>1081157 Yeah that was a shame. Showed she never understood what she was working on. Probably why they used a sound-alike for Glimmer.
>>1081194 It's retards like her that is precisely why I only ever play in Japanese. Japanese VAs "become" their characters rather than projecting their weird misinterpretations on them. Suck it Skye, Mythra's straight and loves children, which is why she had steamy lovemaking with Rex
Quick note that there's a 60 FPS mode in Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition that is assumed to be for the Switch 2. https://archive.ph/I0BjS
>>1081157 I played XB2 in English. Played the first one in English because Euro VA's are usually more professional about this kind of thing and just higher quality in general since VA is treated as a serious profession over there, so continued it for two and found it a really good dub (yes, even Rex, he's supposed to start off as a wuss). Find it really funny that one of the American VA's is the one to blow a blood vessel over it, not helping the stereotypes around burger voice actors being terminally online twitter retards with that one.
>>1081589 Speaking of XC3's ending photo, there's a weird subsect of tourists who insist Nia's a dyke and the relationship shown is polyamory instead of polygamy, which is fucking stupid as Nia only ever crushed on Rex. It's a harem relationship. No lesbo crap involved. Feels like another layer of weird copium
And their "evidence" is Nia using the fake Aegis swords in XC3, even though that was probably just fanservice. I know she has always had a strong friendship with Pyra as well as Mythra, but it was never anything more than friendship
>>1081589 >one of the American VA's Skye is British actually. She just did an American accent for Pyra and Mythra. >>1081598 >>1081607 I mean Rex literally put a baby in her. Of course, there's no reason she and Mythra couldn't be scissoring while Rex was dumping his baby batter into Pyra's womb. Same goes for Pyra and Mythra while Nia was being impregnated.
>>1081611 Pyra and Mythra is basically incest though. Get your weird yuri fantasies and take them elsewhere. There was none of that crap going on between them
>>1081157 IIRC, I heard that some anons pointed out that the English voice actor of Noah of XC3 is also a retard. But I don't exactly know what was the topic during that time.
>>1081662 I'm intrigued. What happened there? I've never heard of this
>>1081548 >Filename Blame the faggot trying to take down the site with Apngs and gifs.
>>1081644 >Pyra and Mythra is basically incest though. Yes and? They're married to the same guy and were implied to be impregnated on the same night. Sorry but that's as horny and degen as it gets. Saying the girls are lesbians is retarded. Saying they don't do anything with each other when they probably all sleep in the same bed is equally unlikely. The entire scenario is hentai bait. Pyra and Mythra were literally drawn by a hentai artist. >Get your weird yuri fantasies and take them elsewhere. They're married to and get impregnated by a guy. Kind of a shit a yuri if that's what you're going for.
>>1081719 >Saying they don't do anything with each other when they probably all sleep in the same bed is equally unlikely. This is a retarded take as well. We don't even know if they all sleep in the same bed. They could sleep in different rooms for all we know. Stop forcing your weird headcanons, you're just as bad as Skye
>>1081594 I doubt that. Monolith is fully part of Nintendo at this point and I don't think the big N is too keen on a PC port like that. >>1081611 Oh, could've fooled me on that one. I know they hired american VA's for a lot of the blades, figured Mythra was the same case. >>1081662 >>1081668 It's why I said usually, Was thinking of him and a couple of British TV actors who also do VA work. Think he either had a case of TDS or made a long rant about Brexit and used references to XB3's plot in such, one of the two, I forget. >>1081719 I imagine it to be something more like these pics. Yeah they might all be in the same bed together or same room if all doing it at once, but taking turns. In the end you're never going to get official confirmation or implied confirmation in the games so I find debates about such bedroom routines to be quite retarded. Reminds me of the shipping wars you'd see back in the day in various game fandoms and such. I remember Tales Of fans being pretty bad about that, especially the fujos.
>>1081754 >you're just as bad as Skye Ah yes, I can totally see that considering I like the implications of their relationship and she had a meltdown that they wanted to touch cock at all. Totally the same. Lots of harem stories have the girls interact with each other while the guy is busy with other girls. It's extremely common. This is because the harem stories know that the guy is still the most important part anyway. The sex that matters most is penis in vagina sex for the purpose of procreation. The other stuff is just messing around. But lots of guys find it visually appealing and since, you know, the guy still fucks and impregnates all the girls anyway it doesn't really matter. That isn't yuri. Yurifags would have a meltdown at the idea of a guy involved at all (this is, in fact, Skye's problem). But girls interacting in the background while the guy is busy with another girl? That shit happens all the time in harem stories. And, like it or not, Pyra and Mythra are doujinbait. Nia too, really, especially her blade form.
>>1081773 I still call bullshit. I doubt Takahashi intended for your weird dyke fantasy to be what happened. NONE of the girls touched each other, dumbass, they all only love Rex
>>1081769 > I find debates about such bedroom routines to be quite retarded So do I, can we have an actually worthwhile discussion please? Is XCXDE worth a damn or do I wait for the uncensored mod?
>>1081780 >dyke fantasy I don't think you know what that word means.
>>1081798 Women doing sexual shit to other women is inherently dykery and you're retarded if you think otherwise. Besides, you literally have NO confirmation for your headcanon
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>>1081803 Neither do you. But again, a woman isn't a dyke if a man impregnates her. By definition. But I have to say, given your sperg out, you do sure sound a hell of a like lot dyke cuck.
>>1081809 >Neither do you. I do, they all only express interest in men, it's literally shown in game that the women only have romantic feelings towards Rex >Muh boogeyman Actually insane Now can we stop derailing this thread with retarded bullshit and actually discuss the games?
>>1081813 >I do, they all only express interest in men I mean Nia goes "nice bod" when Mythra gets in the bath. The fact that I think the girls would want to fuck and marry Rex but also be fine touching each other seems to have completely broken your brain. In your mind they can either only be in Mormon style straight relationship or full on dyke and nothing in-between is possible. >Now can we stop derailing this thread with retarded bullshit and actually discuss the games? You're free to stop responding to me any time. I won't keep making posts about it if you stop engaging with mine. Bet you have too much pride, though. You seem like the type who can't stand to not have the final say on something.
>>1081817 Oh fuck off that was a boob envy joke
>>1081818 Sure, and right after that in anime is when they typically start grabbing each other's boobs. This is basic stuff. Don't try and tell me a lot of Xenoblade 2 isn't following standard anime tropes.
So does anyone know what the new stuff in X is? Did they connect it to the rest of the series or what? I don't plan to play it until someone releases some kind of uncucked patch.
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I enjoyed Xenoblade DE a while back on Switch, but I have yet to get into Xeno 2 & 3 before trying out Xenoblade X DE. And they're not short titles by any means. There seems to be a early purchase DLC bonus (until April 6th) from the eshop that gives extra items but I sorta assume they're a cheat by giving an extra edge in stats & else so I guess it's safe to skip it. >>1081862 >So does anyone know what the new stuff in X is? From a simple research, the Switch version of X adds >new story content >four new characters (some of them that were meant to be on the WiiU version but were cut initially) >new skells >BLADE levels are removed (secondary type of experience that you increased by doing Division-related tasks. If you wanted to do all basic missions and progress through the game, you had to ensure this was kept up) >can choose and swap your party from the menu, no matter where you are >party members no longer need to be in the group in order to gain experience >quests and materials are easier to track >affinity points are easier to obtain >changing the time >can autosave >quick cooldown bar (Pressing the Y button while highlighting your Art on cooldown will consume some of that gauge and allow you to use the Art) >battle points (BP) that allow you to upgrade your Arts can now be reset and redistributed to your liking >cleaner UI apparently
>>1081927 I've been playing my Japanese games solely in moonrunes already, and X DE looks to have enough extra content and QoL gameplay changes that I'm willing to look past the lack of breast slider and fundoshi bottom
>>1081933 How long did it take you to reach that point?
Remember to fuck your rabbit-eared skells, ok?
>>1081960 My mistake for replying to you then, I guess your goal is to bait anons for your inane "purity" test and derailing the thread further.
>>1081961 It's a real problem on /v/ where these tactics are used to destroy otherwise good threads. Still, I guess I'll start the game when someone applies the undub patch from the WiiU version or fixes the major localization/censorship issues via mods. Not like I'm paying Nintendo or anything so it should be fine.

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