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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Nukes Edition Anonymous 05/16/2021 (Sun) 13:10:08 Id: 19d701 No. 28264
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
[Expand Post]•STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute Visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn >>>/ss/ - 2D Ara/Boy love Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest. >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement. >>>/pol/ - Politics & Political Incorrectness >>>/polarchive/ - Redpill Archive & Dumping Ground >>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your own Adventures @ RolePlay >>>/c/ - Cuteposting & Blog Posting >>>/vapour/ - Aesthetic Appeal & Nostalgia >>>/vr/ - Retro Video Gaming.
Edited last time by kazu on 05/16/2021 (Sun) 19:38:43.
Where is everyone?
>>28264 >nukes edition How come?
>>28265 Sleeping.
>>28266 The jews and the mudslimes are nuking each other
>>28268 Good.
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>>28268 Cool, the hamas-israel thing? If anything i hope they dont damage the historical buildings.
Everyone gets cancelled for everything now. Absolute state of North America
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>>28268 India (and its people) expressed their support to Israel because fuck beef-eaters
Remember, the shit eaters don't need to destroy the site to win, they just have to make it so tedious and to force us to wade through so much shit (not the good kind of shitposts) that using this site is more trouble than it's worth. I just hope mods understand this and go heavy with deleting the nonsense until it dies down. >>28273 >Aus flag shit fucking sucks. They own our money, our previous Prime Minister "discovered" he had jewish heritage after he became Prime Minister (and after he ran the jewish bank of Australia). I feel like Cassandra of Troy sometimes. Nobody fucking listens.
So who all have supported who? I heard IGN posted pro-Palestine and immediately backpeddled
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I know it's an MMO but rabbit boys are tempting me.
>>28276 >the first image
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Is this America? Because it looks more like South Africa https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cjvE0vE2bVw >>28273 lol, my nation's flag is there.
>>28275 IGN fought with IGN Israel over it. They then removed the Palestine flag and placed a Red Cross link to the same charity page for Palestine.
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>>28276 But I don't want boys, I want girls, with huge titties, fat asscheeks, thighs that can crush helmets. Is there any girls that needs KK-cup bras in that MMO?
>>28275 I doubt anyone since they're all just a fucking media arm now. Maybe some UAE devs?
>>28278 >lol, my nation's flag is there. >brazil luciano pls go
>>28273 my nation's flag is NOT there, and I'm not sure if this is a surprise or not.
>>28275 >>28281 Why would anyone want to support either side? Serousily just because the kikes are well Kikes doesn't mean Muslims barbarians should be treated like people.
>>28282 >Luciano Nice try but...how in the world did you guess my nationality? >>28275 Isn't it funny how LiveLeak was terminated shorty before this new conflict started?
>>28284 Kikes were dropped there by the (((allies))) it isn't their shit, you lackadaisical fucking queer.
>>28286 Why should I give a shit about Muds who have been trying to destroy us for generations? No one should support Israel or Palestine and just let them kill each other, seriously just let the near east kill each other and only worry if they try crossing from Anatolia or by sea into Europe or etc.
>>28285 >Isn't it funny how LiveLeak was terminated shorty before this new conflict started? What are you insinuating, Anon? nothing anti-semetic I hope.
>>28288 >>28284 Exactly, none should be supported at all.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/6RItv
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>>28280 no 'cos Sqeenix is a bunch of gay niggers
>>28273 My country is not there. Maybe the only good thing commies do here except they just love sand niggers.
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/c/ is having a gondola drawpile where everyone adds a gondola. Get in here faggots >>>/c/578
>>28273 Country's flag is not on that list.
>>28284 >Why would anyone want to support either side? Because Hamas is stationing those missile installations on top of hospitals and schools.
>>28296 To be fair it's something they'd do despite the kike shill rhetoric.
>>28296 >turning schools into FF8 I dont know it sounds pretty based to me
>>28297 It's something a lot of recent wars have involved. The Vietcong used a similar tactic of strapping infants to their bodies at meat shields, and it worked as a propaganda tool because just look at how much the American soldiers were villainized for wanting to live another day.
>>28299 War is a real nasty game.
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>>28273 >tfw my country is not in that list
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>>28275 Do the kikes have a Gundam buried under the temple?
>>28302 Take a closer look and you'll understand :^)
>>28275 Fireworks?
>>28276 Rabbit boys were made to be ** RAPED**. >>28294 >>310961 Did my part with a Gondola dressed as a monke
>>28306 >It's been a week >/hebe/ still exists
>>28307 Did not mean to reply.
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>>28301 It took me a whole minute to realize that was a bald man with hairy back and not a life size silicone hairy ass torso
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The PS5's most antcipated title of the year is coming soon from the director of The Last of Us Part II
It really hurts to see my bitcoin transactions from 5 years ago... -2,000 USD here +305 USD there -12,000 USD somewhere These were all such insignificant figures back then...
>>28311 How do you think the dude that bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins feels? >>28310 >a jew makes a game about palestine >featuring a most muslim cast of characters >they're all fucking gay and trans >can't shoot the menorah >but you can wipe your ass on a prayer mat in a mosque >muslims explode >druckman plays the jew card, calls them all anti-semitic >twitter does cognitive backflips to win gold in the mental gymnastics >the game is shit anyway >awarded GOTY by people who never even played it but who write about it for a living >the game doesn't actually sell because the target audience for the game don't play games or will not support capitalism >playstation dies in your lifetime >turns normalfags against israel and jews >boogaloo #2 begins it turns out this was the best timeline after all
>>28273 didn't japan support israel too? why didn't that faggot mention them
>>28313 Because the jews fear the Samurai, to receive pity and charity from something you perceive as an inferior being and an enemy is the clearest sign that you are not the chosen people.
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>>28312 >normalfags against pissrael and kiken Please be true. >>28311 I briefly felt like throwing up when tossing a few G on DeFi. One small fuck-up in the process and all that money is gone forever. It's a stressful video game.
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>in less than a year we're back to having to deal with forever war shit >after several peace agreements they fuck it up Can it fucking not? We're still dealing with the issues of two dying political parties attempting overthrow of the populace, and a european communist terror group operating domestically
>>28310 needs to be monochrome with an ign review plastered in the corner
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>>28315 >>28311 I'm feeling confident in the bubblefags now. I have less than $1000 in, but if history does repeat itself, it looks like Tesla and btc are primed for a 30%+ permanent pullback. If thats true, I expect a movement anytime in the next 6 months Incidentally, I dont have a margin account but I was considering moving some equity gains into one so I can buy options and soft short Tesla https://mobile.twitter.com/MichaelaArouet/status/1393557152099442688
>>28306 wow, Doom text is so hardcore that spoilers don't even work with it. >>28307 >/hebe/ Wrong, it's >>>/sm/. >>28313 I think he only included countries whose leaders have shown open support for Israel during this recent conflict. That's why India wasn't mentioned despite all these pajeets sucking cut kike dick.
>>28319 Pajeets hate Muslims with a passion so seeing Arabs get rockets thrown makes them happy.
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>>28319 I want to tongue his asshole while he makes cute moaning sounds.
>>28319 wrong
>>28321 Enjoy the worms.
So now that the sjws are turning against the jews, do you think the ZOG is going to walk back and put a stop to western libshits? I would very much love to go back to playing vidya and let the jews clean up the mess they made.
>>28324 Nope. The lefties just hate Israel, not the jews.
>>28325 Actually it's more that israelies are considered an issue for them manipulating other minority groups for political allegiance. Kinda like how if it wasn't for the massive amount of illegal votes they want to cash in on, doesn't stop them from calling black people too retarded to go to the dmv, while still pretending they "care" about them.
>>28324 No. Even between kikes there's a bit of a distinction between Israeli and the rootless international clique. Some kikes are even actively against Israel because its settlement didn't follow their prophecies. And once the situation has blown over we'll probably go right back to muh greatest ally shilling.
>>28323 Even women can get worms. Hell you can get worms just from petting your dog & not washing your hands.
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>>28320 I'm aware of their disdain for Muslims, but i still find their behavior pathetic beyond redemption. >>28321 I personally don't find rimming appealing (poop comes from there, eww), but I admit that some drawn buttholes look really aesthetically pleasing, hence why I save them. >>28324 Doubt it unless it escalates into a full war between countries rather than just some muslims throwing cheap rockets while Jewsrael repels them with expensive missiles paid by America. After the conflict ends (probably with Hamas/Hezbolah's being out of ammo or with Americlap scaring them) normalfags and SJW will forget about it and return to their usual consumerism and bitching.
>>28329 The thing is I don't like the jew nor the muslim, but what they are doing in Palestinia is trully a massacre. Still, the best result would be both killing eachother.
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>>28331 Rolling the dice for ending. If it rolls even, ending 1. If it rolls odd, ending 2. 2d6 = 7
>>28332 Well that's that, hope the explosive sandy puss is worth it.
>>28323 >not playing CoC irl
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>>28329 2D buttholes never poop, they are pristine and perfect. Only made for licking and fugging. Unless the artist actually draws them pooping but anything involving scat is an insta-blacklist for me.
>>28329 >Doubt it unless it escalates into a full war Are you retarded? war never end Isreal never ended the war on Gaza strip or the West bank. Since day one Isreal was at war with the Palestine
>>28318 This graph gets posted every time bitcoin dips, and every time it rises back up. Bitcoin is like gold, except there is no paper bitcoin to inflate the supply. Bitcoin is not going up in value, the USD that is going down.
>>28337 >Bitcoin is like gold Except bitcoin is literally useless. Your shit's a glorified fiat
>>28330 >Still, the best result would be both killing eachother I concur. Let's not pretend that the muds didn't act like Muds and attack the kikes because it's what they do. Neither side is remotely trust worthy period and the sooner they kill each other the better.
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>>28331 I deeply hate artists who just draw human bodies and slap country flags, brand logos or site logos on their heads and call them "avatars". Fucking nips have been "humanizing" everything for decades (like with Hetalia in case of countries, or OS-tans, or 2hu, or Cancolle, or that horse anime, or Kemono Friends, etc) with no problem, yet westerners are unable to think beyond logos. >>28335 I know. I'm just not fond of the idea of putting my tongue in an asshole (male or female), although I would put my cock in it. >>28336 Yes, but right now things aren't violent enough as they were during the first days. Right now it just looks like an expensive show of firecrackers.
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>>28340 >>28335 >all this talk about 2D buttholes Sure is peak video games in this thread.
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>>28341 Rabbit boys are video games.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore
>>28341 The dolphin fears the goobergaber
>>28338 >Except bitcoin is literally useless You say that as if the US dollar is any different
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>All this faggot shit Goobergaper? More like Boyholegaper
>>28346 Good thinkin anon, we should kill all the homophobes! Based 8chan stands with the LGBTQP community :)
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>>28346 Have some fat titties.
>>28276 damn rabbits
Visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn >>>/ss/ - 2D Ara/Boy love Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest. >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement. >>>/pol/ - Politics & Political Incorrectness >>>/polarchive/ - Redpill Archive & Dumping Ground >>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your own Adventures @ RolePlay >>>/c/ - Cuteposting & Blog Posting >>>/vapour/ - Aesthetic Appeal & Nostalgia >>>/vr/ - Retro Video Gaming. Can someone else add this as part of the general lay out like they do with the #gamergate OP? I hate being the only one to do this.
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>>28350 I can edit it in if you like?
>>28350 Everytime I check /tg/ there is no change.
>>28351 Please do. >>28352 I posted a yugioh thread there but it didn't even trend. >>>/tg/308
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>>28350 No, fuck you. I will discuss and post anything porn and hentai here.
>>28353 Is YuGiOh still a thing?
>>28353 Done
>>28355 yes but only mobile shit
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>>28355 Yes, the game's still alive and kicking. Just recent cyber darks got a bit of support and declaration of rebirth is getting printed instead of just remaining an anime exclusive card. There's a ton of legacy support for old archetypes so that they've become relevant again such as egyptian gods, sacred beast, white night, vampires, and so on that makes them playable at least to meta defining at best like thunder dragons and neos spacians.
>>28355 Yes but every deck is an OTK deck now, you either win with your opening hand or you move to the next game. Also effects have never been more homogenous.
>>28353 Isn't there a YGO thread on /v/ already? >>28350 Doesn't Crow also have a monopoly on /tg/ related activity on smug even with ZZZ/tg/? Would be better off if you shilled the most active webring boards in place of the abandoned 8moe ones even if we're on rough terms.
>>28360 It's mostly about the yu-gi-oh! and other card game related video games and I think the thread died. I thought that it would be nice to give one of the dead boards some more activity like I did with /h/ for a while.
>>28361 You can still bump the thread with the new cards anon.
>>28360 I guess I could or maybe with some new cards that are soon to come out.
I also want to talk about VIDEOGAME asses
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>>28364 >Wants to talk about asses. >Post dick with zero ass.
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Everyone in this thread needs to repent to jesus. Right now.
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>>28364 vidya ass you say? faggot
>>28366 >all those 1s Christian thread?
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>>28341 Ok, I'll stop after this post. Honestly I was posting shota butts as a subtle way to make people want to browse /sm/, but I think I'll take a more direct approach and just link these threads: >>>/sm/74 >>>/sm/1668 >>>/sm/5259 >>28350 Give me the raw text and I'll help you to post it in the future. >>28352 /tg/ is overshadowed by smug's /tg/, same with /u/ (smug /yuri/) and other boards that already have a presence in the webring. Haven't you noticed how most of the boards that appear in the navbar are 8moe-exclusive?
>>28366 (blessed)
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>>28366 Bless these quints
>>28369 >/tg/ is overshadowed by smug's /tg/ And they also have slow activity. But it's confy.
>>28366 Blessed Digits check out.
>>28366 (checked) Jesus never had a problem with the gays. That said we should talk more about vidya. I finished RE7's DLCs yesterday.
>>28364 Where are the asses?
>>28366 This thread is now consecrated to the Lord Jesus.
>>28366 checked, guess I'll have to find a vidya nun with a huge ass then.
>>28369 Here you go, anon.
>>28369 I need an adult because i wish that was me
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>>28374 Did you enjoy crocodile hunting and chris's punching simulator?
>>28381 Turns out Jesus has a much bigger haren than Muhamad, no wonder they keep blowing up.
>>28383 >when nuns die they go to heaven and join jesus's harem as hot nuns Not gonna lie that sounds nice, good on you J.
>>28381 Nuns were made to birth more christian souls.
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>>28374 >Jesus never had a problem with the gays Debatable. While he never said anything one way or another directly, he is still not against the Law set in the Old Testament. Matthew 5:17-20 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. While my personal belief is being gay is not a sin, based of what I've seen from gay people when society openly accepts them, a lot of the acts they partake in ARE sins. I'm not going out of my way to persecute someone for being gay, but I will call out any BS I see from someone who expects to get away with it just because they are.
>>28382 Yes! It was really neat to just punch monsters & spear gators. It was a lot harder than Not A Hero & it took me a bit to get the hang of fighting Swamp Man Jack but I got it. More games should celebrate just peak physical violence versus monsters.
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>>28381 thread needs more nuns in tight dresses to lust after tbh
>>28379 I need a child
>>28389 I think that goes without saying around here.
>>28386 >While my personal belief is being gay is not a sin, based of what I've seen from gay people when society openly accepts them, a lot of the acts they partake in ARE sins. That's a fair stance I agree with. Thing is everyone sins. Everyone. No matter their sexuality. So I can't say being gay is in itself sinful & wrong but the types of gays that are the loudest are the most sinful sorts of people. Reveling in one's own lust is never good.
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>>28391 SJW's like pedo journal here that scream shit like loli is somehow equal to cp deserve a noose.
>>28392 It's equal to cp because both are in essence data, you fucking retard. But of course you have to protect your hypocrite ass from realizing your pedo tendencies.
>>28391 We've seen this time and again this past 10 years; those who scream how virtuous they are are usually the least. They're the modern day Pharisees.
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>>28387 >anon had fun This makes me happy, will you give 8 a try? >>28388 Nightcore is shit.
Kotaku: IGN Takes Down Article And Tweet Sharing Palestinian Aid Groups https://archive.is/4gicl This comes after it was condemned by IGN Israel. Kotaku: As Palestine Suffers, A Call For Action https://archive.is/h2wRa L'Atelier: Meet the More Digital, and More Diverse, Dungeons & Dragons https://archive.fo/SJqES Paste: It's Time to Reckon with Mass Effect's Police State Heart https://archive.is/C7UzD
>>28386 When in doubt, refer to the 7 deadly sins as these all have tangible effects on your person and those around you, even though they are all inherent aspects of the human condition. Everyone lusts after some one or some thing, but to be lustful is to indulge in lust with reckless abandon, and this indulgence leads to sinful behavior, namely "crimes against nature" like sexual proclivity in ways that bear no fruit, like anal sex. The tangible effect is disease, homosexuals are rife with disease because you don't go poking around in the waste chute without expecting to get dirty. I still don't think there is such a thing as exclusive attraction to your own sex, or at least a predisposition to same-sex attraction as that implies a genetic basis but would be completely unexplainable as to how such a genetic trait could survive beyond one generation. Fetishes exist, and "homosexuality" should be regarded as nothing more than that.
>>311149 I mean you faggots always go on about how unfairly you are being treated and how the rules and userbase are hypocritical.
>>28398 Which is entirely true.
>>28398 You say as you respond to a someone who dared to have the wrong opinion and is now banned for it.
>>28384 An evergrowing harem of pure ladies does sound nice. >>28395 >nightcore It's not nightcore, just a loli voice. You're right that nightcore is shit though.
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>>28395 Definitely gonna play 8 when I can. I really dig the gothic setting. I just hope my PS4 lives long enough for me to do so. I'm still paranoid it'll brick on me.
>>28275 Iron Dome is the coolest shit ever. It's the only reason why I want to visit Israel.
>>28392 Would be useful to have one in the States to keep Mexicans away.
>>28366 Jesus Christ be praised
>>28397 >homosexuality I was under the impression that that is a trauma regarding being raped as a child
>>28406 They just attribute the underage gay sex to being the cause of the gayness when in reality the opposite is the case.
>>28406 Then it's neither fetish nor a sexuality, it's a trauma induced fixation. That's how I would refer to it anyway.
>>28378 Danke. I updated it with a couple of new boards and sorted everything alphabetically because its current order triggered my autism. Here's how it looks now: Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest: >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/bane/ - Baneposting >>>/c/ - Cute, comfy and blog posting >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/co/ - Comics and cartoons of western origin >>>/comfy/ - Even more comfyposting >>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your own Adventures @ RolePlay >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/from/ - Talk about games made by From Software >>>/g/ - Everything about Gondola >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement >>>/liberty/ - Discussion of private property norms, Austrian-school economics, and natural rights >>>/monarchy/ - Discussion about the past, present and future of monarchism >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/pol/ - Politics & Political Incorrectness >>>/polarchive/ - Redpill Archive & Dumping Ground >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/vapour/ - Aesthetic Appeal & Nostalgia >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/vr/ - Retro Video Gaming >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy Visit the following boards to discuss lewds: >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/rule34/ - Self-explanatory at this point >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/ss/ - 2D Ara/Boy love >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo Visit non-English boards to talk about their cultures and hobbies:
[Expand Post]>>>/de/ - German board for topics of general interest to Germany >>>/hisparol/ - Spanish board for "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories >>>/ita/ - Italian board for topics of general interest to Italy
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>>28410 Why wouldn't you molest your own son? :^)
That reminds me, whatever happened to the Christfag?
>>28410 I will start posting this everytime someone posts stonetoss because of how good it is. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KXYFi8j0jD0
Edited last time by kazu on 05/16/2021 (Sun) 21:12:10.
>>28410 No joke, I'm pretty sure someone from my middle school days (who was also a cunt) is probably now a huge faggot because his father who was also a school bus driver is a fucking tranny.** I think we should go back to posting vidya and nuns.
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>>28413 >>28410 >Muh redpilled comic >Direct Jewtube Link Fuck off to wherever you came from.
>>28413 I thought Kazu got removed from his position due to /hebe/ drama? So what's the update on that?
>>28416 Kazu was both a /b/ vol and a /v/ vol, Kazu was removed of his position by the /b/ BO over the /pg/ debacle that created /hebe/.
>>28408 >>28406 I ended up a faggot and mellowed out to only posting gfur on /v/ after college 8 years ago. I had a shitty time at school and got teased a lot and didnt have a proper coping mechanism and cried a lot and hated my teachers. So I would say general emotional trauma is a good indicator of faggotry. My parents were chefs and were out a lot, especially my dad, but I have a good relationship with him, so in my case I wouldnt claim daddy issues so much as not having as solid of father figure as others VIDEOGAMES
>>28418 Sorry, to clarify; grade school was horrible, I gayed out a bit in college, and then life was good
>>28418 Well, I don't want to end up adding to the trash pile but I ended up a faggot due to all the bullying I received from both my classmates and parents who were afraid that I was gay because I "walked weird"
>>28414 I think it would be cool if the rule against derailing threads was enforced for more than just the censorship of people kazu doesn't like. But nah fuck that lets have hundreds of posts discussing the origins of homosexuality while we share drawings of naked little boys.
>>28421 Its that or glownigger spam. At the very least, discussing why we ended up that way can be used to find patterns in perhaps SJWs and such. For example, we could postulate trannies lacked a father figure and crave attention, or suffered some other childhood trauma. Then, we can find ways to keep those involved away from VIDEOGAMES
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>>28421 I still prefer this to the election and vaccine faggotry.
>>28396 >IGN backpedals after IGN Israel kvetches
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I have never read the OP of these threads
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>>28414 >>28421 >posting [...] nuns (and) drawings of [...] little boys If you insist :^) But seriously, how come /sm/ and /cb/ are dead if this thread, the fastest on the site, is full of homos? Go post there already, not just with pics, but with discussion as well.
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>>28366 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. >>28386 >Debatable. While he never said anything one way or another directly, he is still not against the Law set in the Old Testament. "Jesus never said anything about" is a dumb argument. There are lots of things He didn't say anything about because it should be self-evident. https://babylonbee.com/news/jesus-never-said-anything-felony-home-invasion/ >he is still not against the Law set in the Old Testament. The problem with this is that the detractors will then say "hurr, durr, why you eating pork and wearing mixed fibers then?". There are different types of laws, such as moral or ritual. The moral laws prescribe what it good because that is how the world is meant to work. Rituals laws were put as reminders for the ancient Hebrews of the nature of their covenant and that covenant has been fulfilled through Christ. That is why Christians can eat non-kosher meat but still are not supposed to steal, lie, murder or sodomize.
>>28427 >The problem with this is that the detractors will then say "hurr, durr, why you eating pork and wearing mixed fibers then?" https://biblehub.com/matthew/15-11.htm
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>>28426 This is a site that barely has enough users to fill this thread and is too rulecucked to be appealing to anyone new. So the best you can hope for is this thread moving on to a topic you're interested in discussing and hoping that the mods decide to allow you to talk about it.
>>28428 I will add that the next verse, Matthew 15:12 is a good one. Jesus offended the proto-rabbis with his comment.
>>28429 >rule cucked Opinion discarded
>>28345 You can thank President Dick for that one.
>>28431 None of the thousands of people who used to post on 8chan decided to come here. Aside from the handful of people that were still clinging to 8kunt this site has attracted no one, and even amongst those handful of people you couldn't get them all because they wanted more than just jims 8chan minus the loli ban.
>>28386 Take the religious autism to /pol/: >>>/pol/8366
>>28433 Uh okay? Why are you here then?
It's funny how after Dolphin's name was dropped the thread went from dead to being suddenly being spammed in under 3 minutes. I'm sure it's (((pure coincidence))).
>>28435 I'm on all imageboards, they're too fractured now to just pick one. Since this site basically amounts to this thread I can just have a tab of this thread open. I have /qresearch/ open on 8kunt and /cow/ open on julay despite the fact that I despise them, beggars can't be choosers when it comes to imageboard activity anymore.
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>>28437 > I have /qresearch/ open on 8kunt
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>>28437 > /cow/ open on julay Go bait somewhere else.
>>28436 >I'm sure it's (((pure coincidence))) Nigga, the /cow/s were talking about dolphin's spam just after it happened: https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/102181.html#102893
>>28440 Various shit stirrers are shitting up the meta and this thread.
>>28438 >>28439 You might want a hugbox but I don't, besides fucking with the boomers and cattle is fun.
>>28442 >You might want a hugbox <Yet goes on /cow/
>>28443 Its a hugbox for them, it isn't one for me. Neither is this site but why should I give a shit? Contention is what creates substantive discussion after all, circlejerks are totally devoid of substance which is why all these isolated circlejerk sites are so dead. If I have to raid hugboxes to create my own content then so be it.
>>28351 >>28350 I don't think having it just there would be very effective. No one reads the OP.
>>28444 >Using /cow/ at all
>>28446 Like I said if imageboards weren't so fractured I wouldn't need to. I never needed to go to /cow/ on 8chan because those users were posting throughout the site anyway so I'd come across them in topics I was interested in discussing. Thats just not the case anymore so I have to go to them and get involved in discussions they're having on topics I'm interested in, just like I have to come here to this thread and hope theres a discussion that isn't being stifled by the mods that I'm interested in partaking in. In doing so the activity of the sites are boosted because instead of the little engagement that happens in a circlejerk suddenly theres a ton of engagement that happens during a disagreement and thats how I've managed to squeeze some content out of these places during this imageboard drought.
>>28437 >>28442 >>28444 >>28447 Confessions of a PPH addict. That being said, it just goes to show how much damage the diaspora is doing. I've been idling wondering if it might be possible to construct an omni-board where all the disparate sites could have their most recent activity displayed up front much like the landing page here does and where say, going to /tg/ gives you a 'board' that is actually a composite of posts from all /tg/s on all sites (bonus points for grabbing the style CSS from each site so you can tell at a glance where the material hails from) which supports posting. Ideally, it would have the option to merge threads so that if multiple different boards are talking about the same thing you can just create your own mega-thread where you can see all pertinent discussion with your post appearing on every board if not a reply and only appearing on the board of the post you're replying to otherwise. That second to last bit though might not be viable considering how easy it would make spamming.
>>28448 You mean create an "overboard" for all imageboards? Why not just setup an RSS feed for the boards you use at that point?
>>28448 Confessions of someone who still wants to actively use imageboards rather than spend 5 minutes making a post and then come back tomorrow to see if anyone else but me has even been to the site yet. Your solution sounds convoluted, there was nothing wrong with how imageboards worked before. The problem is that the userbase we used to have is fractured so there is no one community anymore, and so all the communities of all the different boards have isolated themselves to their own sites and now they can't handle the differing opinions of other anons. All these boards have drawn different lines in the sand of what is and is not permitted and now they can no longer mesh. Like /cow/ not being able to handle lolicon or you guys not being able to handle lolicon being equated to pedophilia, on 8chan it didn't fucking matter what you liked or didn't like, you were expected to deal with it. I don't know whats changed but it seems like thats no longer the case in the minds of the people on these circlejerk imageboards.
>>28450 Not much as actually changed as since on 8chan people made different boards if they did get along now people make their own sites. Things didn't drastically differ but just now we are on 8chan rump sites.
>>28451 Except all the boards on 8chan intermingled, they weren't isolated hugboxes. You'd see a lot of spergery over jews on /v/ because /pol/ was just as popular of a board and those users all meshed together. Not the case anymore, hell I'm treated like a fucking traitor or something for even acknowledging that I crosspost.
>>28450 >on 8chan it didn't fucking matter what you liked or didn't like No, it was the same position that things existed right now. People got tired of /fur/, /monster/, /a/, and /v/ being a bag of dicks for whatever reason; so they splintered off and made /furry/, /chaos/, /kemono/, /animu/, /vg/, and so on. The only difference NOW is that those splinterings are across entirely different sites rather than the same site. That's also excluding how some people were such PPH whores that they abandoned 8chan within the first year and returned to Cuckchan (Such as the case with /d/, but that's also excluding how Hospital was downright insane for that particular BO).
>>28453 Meh, most of the boards you named are/were porn boards. Not really much of a loss.
>>28454 >Hentai <NOT an instrumental part of imageboard culture <NOT an instrumental part of general internet site activity <NOT the entire backbone of the internet, itself Fuck off, rapefugee!
>>28452 > intermingled Yes and no. It's around the same degree as they do now just slighty worse then before.
>>28452 >You'd see a lot of spergery over jews on /v/ because they're in positions of power in western countries and are verifiably using said power to negatively influence western civilization. correct.
>>28455 Anon, I don't care about discussing porn. If I want porn I just go to any booru site and jerk off, be done with it and carry on with my day.
>>28453 Its really not the same considering whenever new boards were made to escape rulecuckery it had the entire sites userbase to prop them up and if they were just better then they'd become the defacto board on the site. Its different now, and how this site came about is a perfect example of how. Leaving 8kunt fractured /v/s community and there wasn't even much left of it to begin with so these tiny fractured communities create their own platforms and then what? Nothing because you aren't on a site with tons of people interested in various topics intermingling anymore you're in a little clique alone on an empty site, so all there is to do is circlejerk and thats exactly what people have been doing on these sites while lowering their own ability to handle someone who likes something they don't like or has a differing opinion.
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>>28458 Imageboard threads are the superior method of viewing fap material. It keeps the hand free at all times and all the material is viewable quickly. The general classification also allows for a wider variety and easy switching between images, concepts and collections.
>>28456 I don't see how you can believe that when now this board is isolated and alone and its dead as fuck as a result.
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>>28461 >I don't see how you can believe that when now this board is isolated and alone and its dead as fuck as a result. Like much of the webring?
>>311268 Lord forgive me
>>28463 Yes, when they were all on the same site they all had a decent level of activity because they all intermingled. Now they're all isolated on their own sites and despite linking to eachother they aren't intermingling so now they're all barely alive hugboxes.
>>28465 Half of the userbase was /pol/, they didn't come back.
>>28465 > when they were all on the same site they all had a decent level of activity because they all intermingled Expect most of them didn't do that much if you look at /a/, /tg/ some of the others. They kept to themselves as for why there was actual actively was 8chan was well known well the webring is a collection of rump states that few are even aware of.
>>28459 >Its different now No, it's not. I've seen an incredibly high amount of overlap across here PLW, zzz, and /mlpol/. Thus far, the only complaints I've seen made towards "Muh disconnectivity" all (((coincidentally))) come from the same type of posts centered around rallying board wars.
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>>28465 Your definition of a hugbox is incredibly wide. The general meaning has a "hugbox" enforce a positive opinion through moderation or unreasonably aggressive response by the userbase. If you think who I think you are banning obviously forced discussion on a topic by outsiders not relating to thread,board or site topic to derail threads repeatiedly does not count as enforcing a hugbox, it is called removing bad actors from having their way. You want to argue about it that much make a debate board. >>28466 Good riddance, that board under the Turkroach was a hugbox creating some of the most braindead posters on the site they then decided to come here.
>>28469 I meant if you are who I think you are.
Also, here's something to throw out there: What would you actually do to have the site administrators calibrate together? The past few weeks have shown that some boards just want to be left alone to do their own thing, meanwhile others react without a second thought because of the flimsiest reasons.
>>28465 You're discounting the massive loss of userbase after the chairnigger and his Jewish buddies cried until 8ch was taken down. The listed users over the entire webring is less than what /pol/ or /v/ alone would hit on a good day
>>28471 End the webring entirely. Should've been done already.
>>28466 Fair enough but we're at way less than half of the activity we used to have. >>28468 Why would prolikewoah or zzzchan even have video games boards if they were just willing to be here instead? >>28469 This entire conversation is just as much a derailment as the one about fags or christianity in this thread yet you won't censor them because you're specifically enforcing the rules in such a way to enforce a hugbox. I'm sure if the general sentiment of this site was anti-gay then you would be censoring what they have to say on the grounds of derailment as well.
>>28474 >Why would prolikewoah or zzzchan even have video games boards if they were just willing to be here instead? Because of the different atmospheres of the sites. Why is it surprising that the same people will post different content on sites focussed around similar subjects?
>>28473 The webring is a good idea. This desire to have all users on a single site is sentimental nonsense.
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https://archive.is/pQPqt https://archive.is/1lJPk https://archive.is/354Fr So tired of Western Voice Actors. She's blocking everyone who points out the hypocrisy.
>>28476 This. In order for a webring to work you need people to actually use the webring, rather than just having it exist as a list of backup sites for when your favourite one goes down.
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>>28475 By atmosphere anon meant... this thread and MARK
>>28476 Its not sentimentality, its common sense. Like the post above you saying that we now have 3 /v/s with different "atmospheres" and barely any activity in each one, how does this make more sense than all of us being on one site?
>>28476 >>28479 The real problem is that the webring is simply a lot more inconvenient than it was on 8chan. You can't pin your favorite boards to the top of the site, you can't watch different threads on different sites and not all the different sites on the webring are linked to by every other one. It's not exactly an ideal situation.
>>28480 Oh, yes, God FORBID that someone want to use a site for other reasons than just to shitpost in the biggest and mostly widely archived blogpost in history, or because it is operated by a specific BO.
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>>28477 Can't wait for voice AI to become a run-to-click app for anyone with a beefy video card for number crunching. It'll be neat and lessen VA cancer.
>>28481 >Its not sentimentality, its common sense. With that level of logic, why post on an imageboard in comparison to the more populated Twatter or Kikebook?
>>28477 >now when do we get a re-voiced Chie in the Persona games? You know, since you're not asian. She's gonna need some Bufudyne to recover from that burn
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>>28480 yeah kind of a shame /vg/ on 8chan never surpassed the proper /v/ its almost like we're all slaves to the mentality of 4chan board names
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>>28474 >Why would prolikewoah or zzzchan even have video games boards if they were just willing to be here instead? Because those boards have different people using them and the board is not the same person. Regardless they can post on multiple videogame boards. PLW's and Smug's arguably existed before this site came to being. >What is censorship, community management, the fall of 8chan and the resulting diaspora >Not GG related Hugbox implies overmoderation or userbase overreaction to coddle opinions and userbases, not removing faggots deliberately going off-topic so they can fuck the thread. Recent happenings have somewhat forced anons to consider what 8chan was and what happened to the remaining boards. >All derails are equal You're an election and several years late of no operations being done to complain about the somewhat loose and selective moderation of the GG thread. Loli will never be considered CP and you pushed this shit for long enough fuck off back to your shithole you narcissistic twat. When you push your bullshit in obvious ways repeatiedly both the userbase and the moderation align in kicking you out for the sake of not repeatiedly interrupting discussion. >>28477 Finally some fucking videogames. It's like these vermin don't know what a fucking tan is, or the definition of voice acting and it's point of it truly being about voice performance and being able to insert it into whatever character you want.
>>28482 Sounds like a casual filter to me.
>>28489 Usability is a necessity for any website. That's the reason 08chan died.
>>28481 The thing is the /v/alkans aren't much different from each other >Mods are all fucking retarded >Much of the userbases use each board >Over all speed is similar >>28487 /vg/ was a stricter board that didn't have much going for it other then "We aren't Mark" even places like ZZZ/v/ didn't much care for /vg/'s culture as they follow something similar to 2015/v/ but with no Mark and less off topic.
>>28484 They can already do that for decades. Just hire one voice actor, throw his voice samples in Wavestudio, modulate it to sound right, and there you go.
>>28490 >That's the reason 08chan died. 08 died because of fags bitching about "Muh cheeze" and spam, and Acid's attempts to solve the situation just resulted in bogging down the site's usability.
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>>28492 No comparison between having to go 200% manual autismo for days when you can just write the words with appropriate expression markers and done.
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>>28477 >character is an artificially created nonhuman that's (I think) genetically based on a white woman >but she has dark skin >woah she's a nigger
>>28485 Anonymity for one, though to be fair these sites are all so dead that its pretty easy to pick out people who post regularly. But still I'm not about to use a site that requires identifiable information from me. >>28488 This thread isn't any more or less fucked being derailed by this topic than any other, and it doesn't interrupt anyone because this is fucking text. If the fags wanted to keep posting boypussy while talking about the first time they sucked a dick nobody is stopping them and it would be just as relevant as 95% of the other things discussed here.
>>28481 Having one site that can be nuked doesn't make sense. Decentralization makes sense.
>>28480 >>28487 Fuck you guys, I miss Problem Sleuth.
>>28498 Having a bunch of sites that can all be nuked doesn't make sense compared to a single one that can't.
>>28500 What are you talking about?
>>28501 Dumb faggot thinks this site is invincible, like the original 8chan was.
>>28500 >a single one that can't Are you clinically retarded? This isn't a war between countries where one country having more landmass and a bigger army than all the rest combined suddenly makes it immune to invasion.
>>28503 "having more landmass" makes it easier to find a host that won't cut you off at a single report, what motive do they have to protect these dead little sites whose complaints provide more trouble than is even worth it to host them?
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>>28477 Don't you just love the fact that she has Chie as her profile picture while she's boasting about not playing a character whose a different race than her.
>>28504 You seem to be under the false impression that bigger suddenly means more immune. That is not the case. And besides, even if each individual smaller site gets removed from their own provider, they will still likely be able to get onto each other's providers. The movement of one site is fairly easy to track and act in accordance to, meaning that although it is harder to deplatform from one of them, it is a lot easier to deplatform from all of them. The smaller sites on the other hand have an easier time to deplatform one from one of them, but they will have a hard time deplatforming all of them from all of them. Smearing a singular target is easy, just keep dragging the name through the mud until it succeeds, but smearing a swarm is harder due to the fact that there are far more names to be tarnishing at the same time, focus is lost and as such these weaker targets also get weaker attacks on them.
>>28466 I find funny how despite being the biggest board /pol/ didn't manage to get their shit together and set up a bunker, causing /pol/fags to scatter everywhere and have 20 boards with 0PPD that don't trust each other and what's worse, return to cuck/pol/. >>28476 The webring is a bugged piece of shit. It's time to return to web 1.0 and have an Affiliate Sites page with cute animated banners for every "friendly" site. >>28500 >a single one that can't And that site is?
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I've mentioned a few times in here how I'm looking after a few thousand dollars for myself and my dad, both in stocks and crypto right? >Dad on good terms with his boss >They both have a small amount of crypto >Boss wants to put his money to work for him >Hey let's get anon to help! >Has like $10,000 in his restaurant mortgage that he wants to put into a single shitcoin >And another $8,000 in a 50:50 stock/crypto split >Spent an hour doing KYC and DD and gently steering him away from such a risky fucking move >mfw
You would not believe how many people I’ve seen make the “xd lol where are the anti censorship people to complain about what happened to ign? Guess they only care about anime tits amirite fellow enlightened liberals?” take today.
>>28509 >where are the anti censorship people to complain about what happened to ign Posting on another site because they kept getting banned?
>>28509 Remember them so you laugh at them when their shit gets censored. Then you shoot them.
>>311346 Fuck off glownigger.
>>28506 Bigger means more money involved and more money involved means more of a vested interest in keeping the money flowing rather than cutting it off because people are whining at you incessantly.
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>>28508 Use https://coin360.com/ to scare them into (not) buying crypto. Big red numbers always ALWAYS scare normalfags. Adjust the performance (1 day, 1 week, 1 month) to fit your narrative, and voila! You will convince them to either invest in your shitcoin or get the fuck out of the market.
>>28512 Nobody would. It's happened on Earth before. It's happened on other planets. It's happened on the Moon. It's happened on Venus. Nuclear war always destroys all life on a planet. Always. Life is a spark of light. Do spread light…
>>28515 Did /cow/ decide to link this place to Qboomers?
>>28516 He's fucking with you anun
>>28516 Does everyone on this webring feel compelled to jump at every single shadow they see?
>>28509 >Guess they only care about anime tits amirite fellow enlightened liberals? Yes. Why do they always feel the need to complement our superior testosterone levels indirectly?
>>28507 >It's time to return to web 1.0 and have an Affiliate Sites page with cute animated banners for every "friendly" site. I wouldn't mind if they had the same spirit as those old Geocity pages like what /vr/ looks like.
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>>28520 >100x500px >only .jpg and .gif allowed >max 200kb >bg is either plain white/black or an image that makes everything hard to see >site's domain either taking most of the image or being barely legible >obligatory cute/funny/edgy image >artifacts out the ass to save space
>>28521 Are these supposed to be cuckchan ads?
>>28513 It should be fairly obvious at this point that nobody actually gives a shit about money, it is all about control. Though even if it was, they could just pull the same shit they pulled with that pipeline in America and say that the damage to their reputation would make it not worth doing what they're being payed for.
>>28522 Yes, I bought ad space for all of their vidya boards. Read the reply chain.
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https://archive.vn/K8uc9 Partial Recap >Lost 5 billion dollars as of last year >Owe 70 billion dollars worth of debt to citybank >Layed off 28,000 park workers >Cancelled plans to reopen in the summer last year. >Universal Studios suffering 94% loss of revenue on top of laying off many workers possibly in the hundreds to low thousands. >Disney+ Fails to meet subscriber count expectations by 7 million >Marvel Studios cancelled a bunch of comics from last year shown b >>>/co/7696 >Cancelled the ducktales reboot >The live action Mulan bombed both domestically in China and domestically and engaged in a ton of controversy with china. Last year and this year has been pretty god awful for disney. They not gonna go out so easily but it shows they're bleeding more so then they usually are.
>>28524 >shilling this site when all it will do is attract a couple of cuckchanners who will immediately be banned for saying the wrong thing and leave its your money to flush I guess
>>28525 I'll bet you 10 internets they'll get bailed out.
>>28528 ayyyyyy
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iConquer has been updated for the Attention Hungry Games Revival. A lot of events have been rewritten to fix typos and to make them more gender-neutral to fit the boards participating. Some new events have also been added to the rotation. The feast could have more events added to rotation but this is the definitive version of the game. The death rate is set to very high, arena events are on, and the event rate for players getting their speech cards and declining the feast has been decreased. https://brantsteele.net/hungergames/r.php?c=jcGPcJo5
>>28508 Maybe take $1000 and play with crypto if it's not that big a deal. I made a $70 profit with $100 just by buying the dip. Alternatively, I think putting it on Ethereum for the long term isn't too risky. When Proof of Stake arrives at the end of this year, that's going to be a big deal and the price will go up because it's a new paradigm and that will be a big deal. Obviously do some reading and get into it yourself but there are some events that it's sensible to invest for. That said, it's a wild time. Elon Musk is actively manipulating the market. He pumped doge and Bitcoin, bringing the market up, and then started shitting on them. It's rallied a few times now, but then he will post some FUD and it crashes, literally by up to 50%. The latest event is literally today where he went on a 10 tweet tirade about how he gets how money works because he invented PayPal and how Bitcoin is fucked because of its transaction costs and time (which it is).
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>>28508 Put 1k into safemoon, shiba inu, cardano, stellar (XLM) and XRP. Tell him to also invest in drones and AI. This may seem risky but life is nothing but taking risks. If everything goes well then there's no need to thank me Good luck anon.
>>28532 >safemoon You can't buy it except with Trust Wallet or some even sketchier services, and there are a lot of horror stories coming out about Trust Wallet where people watch their money get stolen right in front of them. They need to sort out their stuff before I could recommend it as anything other than an extreme risk investment. >ripple A total gamble given they're in the process of receiving the SEC's big, thorny cock. Everyone is talking tough and saying they're going to win because the case is sloppy, but I think the SEC always wins in the end. Besides, the behavior of the company was pretty poor. I prefer Stellar Lumens. >Shiba Inu >fucking joke currency that just gave half it's supply to vitalik for no good reason >the first thing he did was to literally destroy it's launch on Binance it by giving away one billion dollars of it to the pajeets so it crashed hard >he can do this over and over again as much as he wants to trash the coin and is incentivised to do so as it's a shitcoin competitor to Ethereum and he gets good press More broadly, there is so much of it that it'll never reach the prices that Doge is at. I can't recommend it until vitalik commits to burning his entire supply. There is apparently a new Shibaswap market coming online soon, in addition to some staking and new linked shitcoins, but I can't see how that is going to fix the fundamental issues here.
>>28533 Ok, I'm behind. Vitalik has committed to burning his Shiba Inu. It's a good start, then: >I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!
>>28531 Anon, he never manipulated the market. When he tweeted "Dogecoin to the moon!" what he was really doing was teasing his (then) unannounced satellite of the same name. >>28532 He thinks TaaS (transportation as a service) is viable because he saw ads about Whitney Tilson that show up fucking everywhere. He's also interested in 5G.
>>28532 >shiba inu Didn't Vitalik kill it by selling a truckload of these shitcoins in one swipe because the retarded creators of that shit gave him 50% of the total supply? Also lol at cryptofags in general.
>>28533 I kinda fucked up first with TW buy accidently buying normal binance coins first but then I found out that i can just convert it to smart chain then swap to safemoon using that. I now own 86mil+ safemoon, imagine if I owned that much bitcoin or if it manages to get to the same price as bitcoin eventually? Its a really simple process dude the only way to lose money is to be a retard or perhaps have a shit internet connection? If your money disappears try contacting their customer service or your bank, simple as that. <ripple >A total gamble Everythings a gamble with stocks and cryptocurreny. I found out about bitcoin back in 2015 back when it was $250 and an anon back then was even saying that its too late to invest in it, I wonder how he feels about bitcoin now? >>28535 5G is fucking gay. Starlink is the future.
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https://archive.fo/hgZSF Marxists fears Christian fighters.
>>28525 And they'll get bailed depite all those tax cuts because propaganda and nepotism.
>>28538 >Marxists fears Christian fighters. You can tell that libertarian Manlet ass hurt over him being a anti-communist Christian conservative.
>>28538 How does Joe Rogan feel about all this?
AT&T in advanced talks to merge WarnerMedia with Discovery, deal expected as soon as Monday >The likely structure of the deal will combine Discovery with all of WarnerMedia, which will become a new publicly traded company co-owned by AT&T and Discovery shareholders, the people said. AT&T is likely to spin out WarnerMedia in a so-called reverse morris trust and merge it with Discovery, said the people. >AT&T shareholders will own the majority of the economics and the voting power, said the people. The exact split between the two companies couldn’t be determined. Discovery has a $16 billion market capitalization and a $30 billion enterprise value. AT&T acquired Time Warner, since renamed to WarnerMedia, for $85 billion in equity value in 2018. >If approved by regulators, the deal effectively reverses AT&T’s years-long plan to combine content and distribution in a vertically integrated company. https://archive.ph/71cL1 Bitcoin slides after Elon Musk appears to suggest in a tweet that Tesla might dump its holdings of the cryptocurrency When will (((libertarians))) and (((redditors))) learn to stop listening to (((Elon Musk)))? https://archive.ph/WnGnF
>>28542 >Bitcoin slides after Elon Musk appears to suggest in a tweet that Tesla might dump its holdings of the cryptocurrency He said he "doesn't deny" that he sold their holdings. As in, he could have just been saying "we don't comment on our financial transactions" in a roundabout way. Regardless of what he did or did not do, the market still reacted.
@anitasarkeesianIsrael did not exist until 73 years ago when they were a settler colony that took over Palestine and have been violently maintaining their position ever since. >the Limits of Progressive Politics”. American activists will fight for social justice but ignore the plight of the Palestinians. And this has got to end. >Early on in FemFreq days I had a major corporate funder threaten to pull out if I didn’t consider firing an employee who merely tweeted about the war crimes Israel was commiting against Palestine. >My work wasn’t even about global politics and neither was the company >The political power Israel has is because they are allies with countries like America who support their state sanctioned violence. >Even mentioning the barbaric and violent atrocities they commit is unacceptable in many American political and activist circles. https://archive.ph/z713v WTF I like Anita Sarkeesian now! Anita Sarkeesian versus Israel >I'd suggest she stick with video games, but honestly I'd rather she didn't... >Here is a rather vapid, rather horrifying tweet from the leading, premiere and most holy of video game feminists, Anita Sarkeesian What do we do with all the Jews, Anita? >If Israel isn’t a country, and this whole region belongs to the actual country of Palestine, where should all the Israelis? >Back to Germany and Poland where they were always treated with such love and compassion? >Oh, and Anita our ancestors colonized the United States. Remember, the United States wasn’t a country before it was a country! https://archive.ph/7SabW Jews already turning on newly alt-right icon Anita Sarkeesian and the left stopped caring the white taking land from the red man now. I guess redskin looks dangerously close to orange man.
>>28535 Looking at his tweets and remark on SNL, he has literally alternated between pumping and shitting on doge. He bought and then pumped Bitcoin and then sold a heap of it and is now shitting on it. If this was the share market, he would be in court for that, at least. He has an active interest in pushing the market around, and I'm not so naive or infatuated with his Hollywood aspergers to think that he isn't profiting off this. >>28537 >call customer service >implying customer service can undo blockchain transactions or will comp you for vanishing money Are you for real? >ripple Sure; it's a gamble, but you can't recommend it to some guy who is looking for guaranteed returns without unpacking the situation. I've read the details of the case and I think the SEC is loosely correct. I also think that the US is out for blood on crypto. >>28544 Anita Sarkeesian is based now? I guess I have to delete my folder with memes depicting her as a hook nosed jewess.
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>>28545 >Falling for the Jewish taqiyya
>>28324 >So now that the sjws are turning against the jews, That suggest Jews are smart enough to stop funding people who hate them >do you think the ZOG is going to walk back and put a stop to western libshits? No. Most Jews outside of Israel believe in their own propaganda.
>>28545 >Anita Sarkeesian is based now? She not only anti-Israel. She sees Jews as the most white supremacist people on earth. >I guess I have to delete my folder with memes depicting her as a hook nosed jewess. >>28324 So realistically no more or no less a Zionist shill like Donald trump. Better question did trump learn his lessons on trusting and supporting Jews after they backstabbed him?
>>28542 >Another merger Absolute state of old media
>>28549 Everything tends towards consolidation. You either bet on a large cap company to acquire more shit, or a midcap company to get bought out
>>28544 This reminds me of a AI Dungeon story in which Anita became an anti-feminist. Don't have a copy of it though.
>>28551 >AI dungeon Too soon.
>>28548 An Armenian is just a jew who followed a rolling coin into a church.
>>28553 and stayed for the communion wine
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Since everyone is posting off-topic news might as well post mine. There are rumors about Pornhub and Mindgeek being more fucked than the people who bought Bitcoin two days ago, and that the executives are trying to sell the company because being cucked by credit card companies hurt them too much. These statements came from the women who started the TraffickingHub movement that fucked with PornJoo in first place, so shit may be really happening.
>>28555 I thought pornhub and mindgeek was one of the most profitable companies in these times. How come they lost their shit in few years?
>>28555 >Anti-trafficking The endgame for these people is just to ban porn altogether under the pretense of helping women. Either way Pornhub/Mindgeek deserve what they're getting. There are much better alternatives anways.
>>28557 Banning all 3DPD porn is probably a good idea anyways.
>>28556 Same reason 8chan did funnily enough, making gratuitous blanket bans over content in the name of protecting the chilluns.
>>28558 Yeah but they'll go for hentai if you give them more ammo like that. Either way they'll never be able to get rid of porn/hentai off the internet even if the web became more like China/Australia. There's always ways to circumvent corporate/state censors.
>>28556 Feminists in the warpath targeted their credit card processing and got them blacklisted by the SJWs running Mastercard and Visa. Huge websites like pornhub can make huge money, but due to their server size and bandwith costs also cost huge money to operate. They tried switching to crypto payments to stay afloat, but normalfags don't use that shit. So no money and huge bills for a few months and presto.
>>28555 I thought the point of the stunt they did where they DELETEd FUCKING EVERYTHING was to appease the credit card companies so that they would re grant them their fundamental right to charge for the services they provide. If they deleted the source of their business for no real gain then they're retarded. That said I would have expected their revenue to mainly come from ads rather than... whatever they were charging for given that I have no idea who would be stupid enough to pay for fucking pornhub.
>>28555 Also traffickinghub? They claim pornhub/mindgeek is related to sex slave and trafficking because they "have connections" with them. When 90% trafficking happen via seaports, arab countries to reach to epstein like people for sex slaves. I have no doubt top jews behind mindgeek are aware and connected with powerful people responsible for actual trafficking, but since this is feminists behind it, its just for "spreading awareness" and not actually do something. >>28561 So jews jewing jews. No wonder every whore is jumping to self-pimping on onlyfans
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Also that ceo looks like a washed up whore with makeup and sanpaku eyes
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>>28553 >>28554 Perfectly describes anita sarkeesian
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>>28525 >Last year and this year has been pretty god awful for disney. Don't forget allowing Kathleen Kennedy to sabotage The Mandalorian, which was the one thing Star Wars has done that's proved popular, which made by far the biggest impact on Disney+ subscribers, and which starred a strong female character people actually like that was fired for not being woke enough, and managed to have an original EU novel published with zero publicity that sold more than The High Republic that was Kennedy's pet project. The drama at Lucasfilm is more interesting than anything they've done since Disney acquired them. >>28541 Joe is fucking weird. He seems incredibly left when he has leftist guests on, but when he has right wingers and comedians on he's so much happier and talking so much more shit. He also has fucking retarded views, like believing there should be no borders, and yet he (used to) live in a gated community (before bailing out of California when it was clear that voting Democrat just makes things worse) so now he lives in Texan California, i.e. Austin, and there's a better than 50% chance that history will repeat and the entire area will go to shit due to voting Democrat and just repeating the failed Jewish state of California. >>28544 >Anita goes anti-Israel I love everything about this. The infighting will be glorious. yet another golem turning on its jew creator.
>>28566 >The drama at Lucasfilm is more interesting than anything they've done since Disney acquired them. I'm just going to wait for the book to come out that details everything (Because I realize just how little of a shit I give about rumors and want to see some fucking action take place instead of just endless talk).
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>>28567 >>28566 Basically from what I heard, Kathleen and her lackeys tried everything to sabotage Mandalorian, Jon Favreau used his pull in Disney to give Filoni every butter to melt, under the eye of Kathleen. The reason Luke Skywalker was so hidden even when leaks about Mando were coming every week was that they literally hid it from everyone, including Kathleen who would no way in hell allow any mainstream character to appear in the show. That's why they had to "cheaply" deep fake Luke's face, no new actor, no special CGI that would have raised eyebrows, nothing. Filoni purposefully kept in under wraps and even had fake shoots to show the bosses they were doing something else with ending. Kathleen and her snakes crapped themselves after the show but since the huge positive reception she couldn't even touch Filoni. But now the two factions are clearly defined in lucasarts - Kennedy and Filoni. Kennedy got Gina fired (she never liked her) and is trying to use Mando to push her lackey's shows. People need to know its Filoni that fought and saved starwars
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>>28568 All rumors but I don't doubt there's some hint of truth to Filoni having to save this sunken ship. However I still highly doubt Kathleen will ever be fired & Obi-wan the live action series is still being made. >>28569 Anon, a lot of the changes he made through Clone Wars were approved by George Lucas first.
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>>28570 George is not innocent either, he was butthurt that Genndy did it all better while fitting seamlessly between Episodes 2 and 3, and in a fit of autistic rage he retconned vibroblades because "METAL SWORDS CAN'T BLOCK LIGHTSABERS REE" and thus invented the gayest of all gay weapons: The Darksaber (melee weapon not Hutt superlaser weapon). Filoni Wars was a mistake and it gave us cancer such as (((Rebels))).
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>>28571 Vibroblades are still a thing. They're in Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, & Bad Batch. Rebels wasn't poorly written. It just suffered from an obvious budget decrease. A drastic budget decrease.
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>>28572 >Vibroblades are still a thing But can they block lightsabers? >Rebels wasn't poorly written They retconned the B-wing into having its prototype be some mini-death star bullshit developed by some random Calamari, instead of the heavy starfighter/bomber it was designed to be by motherfucking Ackbar himself. I'd take a hundred Sun Crushers before supporting anything tied to Disney.
>>28569 Atleast he gave us ahsoka ;)
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>>28573 >But can they block lightsabers? Don't think they ever had the opportunity. That is a retcon. It's not meant to be a Death Star. it's a blockade buster made to attack cruisers. >>28574 I won't defend her appearance in The Mandalorian though. There was no reason they couldn't have her voice actress play her or get her montrals right.
>>28576 >It's not meant to be a Death Star. You know what I meant, the composite laser bullshit was unnecessary.
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>>28574 >>28576 >posting old hag ahsoka smh tbh
>>28577 I think that's a pretty minor thing to complain about. You can complain about Thrawn but they kind of had to rewrite him considering the old EU isn't considered canon. You should gibe Favreu & Filoni some credit by recanonizing Jango as a foundling.
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Sometimes I really miss /sw/, but I feel they fucked up royally by trying to stay with (((Julay))) even after all the bullshit with (((/cow/))) was revealed.
Just remember that Yidsney hates the fact that true Star Wars fans consider Legends as canon.
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>>28438 >>28439 I don't get why you're acting like this. I myself even browse leftycuck's boards, as they may know something's up before this place or another IB with an active /pol/. Heck, the monkey embryo news was super old by the time this thread talked about it. You should quit with your purity spiraling bullshit, anons. All empires who burnt bridges and forgot how to make alliances inevitably fell. Even more so, all empires that refused to learn from their mistakes or other ones' accomplishments. >>28448 >>28450 That's what the Webring was meant to grow into if it wasn't administered by autists and your admin didn't pick the worst possible hill to die on. >>28455 nigger the real backbone of the internet was tech talk and file sharing, porn&hentai only became popular in the 2000s and they replaced the original discourse. Now we're feeling the heat with transactional internet becoming the dominant one over the pornographic one. >>28471 I'd encourage anons to create their own bunkers and cooperate to make the Webring plugin better by blacklisting specific boards, so that SFW websites don't have to see pedobait.
>>28525 Streaming services killing huge companies is the best thing of the last few years. None of these faggots realized that people care about low effort but high upload quantity of trash flicks and the only two services that have done this instead of letting people rewatch shit they saw when they were young are Netflix and Amazon, maybe Hulu if you're burger.
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>>28580 >>28582 >>28579 where are /sw/ now? having jango back is main thing I praise filoni for >>28578 >>28471 >>28448 >better webring integration That would be the good solution to this problem. In the mean time, encouraging similar boards to browse each other, have them notice other boards like anon's /comfy/ and /c/ here, both I browse.
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>>28512 >every creative shitpost is glow!
>>28557 What alternatives are those?
>>28516 We did have some last year. Maybe? If so, just ignore them. They are old news since Trump dealt the wrong cards and played like a fool. :4d chess my ass.
LGBT activists BAN police from Pride events in New York City to create ‘safer space’ for ‘marginalized,’ leaving gay cops baffled >New York City Pride marches and events will no longer welcome police officers, organizers have announced, claiming their presence can be “threatening” to participants. >The sense of safety that law enforcement is meant to provide can instead be threatening, and at times dangerous, to those in our community who are most often targeted with excessive force and/or without reason,” the organization announced in a statement over the weekend. >Pride marches in New York City, which are meant to represent LGBT individuals, are an annual event that attracts millions to the city. >While there is often a police presence for such large events in the Big Apple, organizers say the new ban is meant to “create a safer space” for “marginalized groups.” https://archive.ph/hHUGr Would it be ironic if this got police to finally strike or boycott black/leftists neighbors calls like in the 70s? Tensions Among Democrats Grow Over Israel as the Left Defends Palestinians >Divisions within the party have burst into public view, with the party’s ascendant left viewing the Mideast conflict as a searing racial justice issue that carries echoes of U.S. politics. https://archive.ph/AlP0f Jews brought this on themselves for pushing critical race theory in America and backstabbing Trump. It’s like poetry it rhymes.
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>>28584 >where are /sw/ now? having jango back is main thing I praise filoni for They were one of (((Robi's Chosen))) that got migrated to the new site when he decided to shut down and rebrand the site, can probably spot it on the webring.
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>>28513 A bigger drop in the ocean or a smaller drop in the ocean, both are still raindrops. You are acting like this site supplies them with such endless millions that people are going to starve to death if the company does not do what we want exactly the way that we want it.
>>28590 I'm acting in accordance with how self serving human beings are. If you can't understand how someone whos receiving thousands of dollars from you a year would be more inclined to tolerate constant complaints about you than someone who receiving a couple hundred at best then I don't know what to tell you. Just to clarify I don't think this site is big by any means, its just one of a countless number of small fry imageboards that the average host would drop with a little pressure because the pittance they get for hosting those dead sites isn't even worth dealing with the complaints. 8chan during its heyday that was crowd funding tens of thousands of dollars in upkeep costs is the kind of site they'd be more inclined to protect, and they did. It took 8chan losing the vast majority of its activity and jim probably hardly paying cloudflare fuck all as a result for them to finally decide that dropping 8chan is a net gain.
>>28588 >Trump I thought Qanons weren't here? Great. Now pedokikes and Qtards alike on this site that is in a fucking confusing situation because Acid is being a kike about it.
>>28591 That and the "real" news coming from the Dems who think they won that shit with 8chan being truned into 8kunt.
>>28588 How can a public event on public street ban the fucking police? >be criminal >ban police from my house >never get arrested Absolutely absurd. Cant wait to hear about the uptick in rapes and child abuse
>>28594 Its simple they can't - they see cops on street, they tard out on them, cops beat them straight, they cry "we banned them from OUR parade and POLICE attacked us", funded news show cops bad. They are simply following their leftist programming, and right now BLM is more powerful than pride. So they hate cops now. Same as now Israel is more priviledge points than poor muslims, so they support Palestine now. In actuality, they are revealing they were never about "love all". They hate cops and gay cops most, as they view them as traitors.
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>>28294 from /c/ gondola thread
>>28595 >They are simply following their leftist programming, and right now BLM is more powerful than pride. It’s the trannies and dykes running the LGBT shit show. Fags are moving towards being right learning because of them being kicked out LGBT believe it or not. >So they hate cops now. Same as now Israel is more privileged points than poor Muslims, so they support Palestine now. People warn /pol/ about this for years. Jews will relabel themselves as whites and allow white nationalism to become mainstream to save themselves from the golem left turning on them. 30 years ago you would laugh at how hard right France becoming.
>>28585 >creative >(1) the glownigger cries out in pain as it strikes you
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https://archive.is/VD5Zb https://archive.is/Chstw Well, Gamers™?' Looks like you don't actually care about censorship!!!
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>>28599 >First Liam >Then Matt >Now Pat Man ecelebs are such fucking faggots
>>28599 >"now" is the time Fuck your false-equivalency pronounfag, IGN going to bat for mudslimes against their jewish masters and having a civil war is not videogames.
>>28599 Can't anyone with a disposable twitter reply to them "Fuck you. You had years to care about censorship and you did nothing. Now when it's your turn don't expect us to offer you what you didn't bother to offer us."?
>>28599 For fuck's sake, I commited the mistake of clicking the archives and read the comments. They are unironically saying that if it's not about porn Gamers™ don't care. I hate this fucking world full of faggots. And I guess anyone calling them out of their bullshit is blocked and ignored.
>>28600 >some eNobody >also a tranny "eceleb" is the new "racist"; as a label that means absolutely nothing
>>28600 Since the split most of the SBFP became massive faggots over time. Pat has no one to balance him out. Woolie is retarded and thinks his opinions matter and can't get a decent co-host and is becoming a Redditor. Matt is boring and his content is only as interesting as his source material, faggot has nothing to add and his voice is annoying. Liam was always a petty SJW nigger and his failed attempt to court Paige marred him forever. >>28602 How about "The people that tried to do something about it were doxed, banned and shamed off most of the internet". >>28604 Unfortunately those fags were a favorite among various fags due to being eccentric videogame-based while liking "cool games". Quite a few, on this board even, lamented their split Polite sage due to eceleb faggotry
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>>28602 Theres some of that in twitters naughty corner, but a lot of it just seems to be people parroting the same talking point over and over which points out that people are dying and thats enough to get you put in the naughty corner now I guess.
>>28599 >spend all your time either being fence-sitting faggots or outright hostile because <how dare you want to see a product as close to its original source as possible >completely incapable of being able to separate the Japanese branch from US/EU branches; because some degenerate with a worthless english degree decides to flex their hallucinogen-addled creativity when it isn't necessary, that doesn't mean "it's as the original devs intended" >constant belittlement because inferior products altered by woke bullshit is still somehow better than the original >flagrant misrepresentation, unceasing arrogance and over-simplification of statements >years of arguments, archiving, and proof to counter and it STILL DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER <lol b00bz lol horny teenagers, lol grow up, lololololololololololololololololoolol >shit finally quiets down, virtually every ounce of resistance from the vanguard is long since spent and all that's left is forced inevitability >IGN does some shit that isn't fucking videogames >they delete said shit that wasn't fucking videogames because the side they chose ranked higher on the "privilege" scale of the oppression olympics <WAAAAAAH HOW DARE YOU NOT CARE ABOUT SOMEONE BEING SILENCED You worthless assholes didn't give a fuck when we were silenced and most of you not only laughed but actively proved that you don't deserve anything nice ever. This is the world you brain dead fools chose. Suck it down like you told everyone else to. If anyone feels like fucking sending this or a crop of this to them, do it, I don't fucking care. These people have a broken brain and it's completely incurable.
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>>28599 I thought that if a company alters their own content, it was not censorship. What gives?
>>28608 The usual rule of "It's okay when we do it".
>>28599 What? They want us to literally oppose Israel?
>>28599 Wait IGN got shut down?
>>28610 >die for israel goy <die for palestine shitlord >>28607 >shit finally quiets down, virtually every ounce of resistance from the vanguard is long since spent and all that's left is forced inevitability They're faggots for giving up too, goddammit. Letting these shitheels go unopposed just means more damage to clean up later -- I don't give shit that it's tiring. >>28611 No, they just put up a donation link to Palestinian victims, IGN (((Israel))) threw a fit and forced them to take down the palestine flag but they still have the link up with a generic Red Cross..
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>>28612 >dying
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>localizers censoring and butchering games and lying to their contractors that it's necessary >social media monoliths abusing their positions to purge wrongthink in every way >deplatforming for wrongthink a regular occurrence >Sony outright forbidding games from their platform >blatantly corrupt press <hurr durr gaymur titties who cares >one of aforementioned corrupt press makes pro-palestine article (unrelated to their field, even) >local branch with opposite values gets angry and makes a post >outlet decides to backpedal with no real pressure on them and removes article <waaaahhh censorship save me gaymurs
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>>28599 Two faced asshats got it coming after years of ignoring the warnings #GG and the like gave them and it's biting them in the ass. In order to save face among their lot by pulling a DARVO on us. I'm pissed at how disingenuous they are but I'm also happy it's falling flat on their faces as well.
>>28599 Always find it funny when fat ugly soyboy fucks depict themselves as manly in their online profile pictures.
>>28599 Well since wanting big fat juicy bouncing funbags and thick thighs and japanese school girl outfits in games earned me the title of Nazi, I'm no longer obligated to care about the welfare of Jews or Muslims.
>>28608 Limmy probably started to stop feeding his son to send money to Palestine you can't make this shit up
>>28599 1) It wasn't about video game 2) It wasn't about a video game company 3) It's IGN internal policing removing their own stuff 4) Who cares about games """journalism"""
>>28555 Well I'm not condoning porn jews, just saying but maybe whores shouldn't record themselves having sex in the first place.
>>28620 stop blaming the victim! they were just children! 18-to-25-year-old children!
>>28621 >18-to-25-year-old children! That reminds me something I actually heard on the news when they talked about some victim of whatever, "[...] the victim is a child about 20 years old [...]" ???
>>28620 If you were a talentless hack that had the opportunity to trade their reputation for money instead of flipping burgers I'm sure you'd be tempted too. But its only after you have all the money you need and you realize the true ramifications of destroying your reputation that the regret sets in and thats where the damage control of all of a sudden being sex-negative and going on a war on porn starts.
>>28622 The human brain is not fully developed until 25 so they have a point. It should be illegal to have sexual thoughts about people under 25 imo.
>>28624 Yes and No, IMO. When you are a teen is the period where you learn to be an adult while having some parent supervision. Back then when I was around 11-12 years old, I would already take bus and train by myself when class would end early and my parents were working and couldn't come and pick me up. Granted it was a different time, but if you restrict what people do because they are "kids", how and when will they grow up?
>>28625 >restrict what people do because they are kids That's what my mom did. I'm now 29 and all kinds of fucked up. Don't make that mistake.
>>28625 I started doing work when I was 6 or 7 years old, many rural farmers still let their sons or daughter drive the tracker and heavy machinery when they reach 12 years old.
>>28627 Yup, that's a buzzard. Them city folk wouldn't be able to tell 'em apart like we do way down south. Yup.
>>28625 >how and when will they grow up? Considering the society of manchildren and soyboys we find ourselves in I think the answer is that they don't. People are so quick to assume physical and mental development are the same but they aren't. Mental development comes in the form of increased potential, if you don't take advantage of that increasing potential then you won't develop further. The fact that our society is actively dissuading people from developing mentally in order to own the pedos just goes to show how badly we need to get our priorities straight.
>>28624 >The human brain is not fully developed until 25 so they have a point. >Citation needed
>>28624 Pretty much. It's why feminists in the early 2000s have pushed to further increase the AoC to 21 or 25.
>>28630 Trust me bro
>>28630 >Although brain development is subject to significant individual variation, most experts suggest that the brain is fully developed by age 25. For some people, brain development may be complete prior to age 25, while for others it may end after age 25. The mid-20s or “25” is just an average age given as checkpoint for when the brain has likely become mature. >It may seem logical that those aged 18 to 25 are completely mature, the brain still is maturing – specifically the area known as the “prefrontal cortex.” Changes occurring between ages 18 and 25 are essentially a continued process of brain development that started during puberty. When you’re 18, you’re roughly halfway through the entire stage of development. The prefrontal cortex doesn’t have nearly the functional capacity at age 18 as it does at 25. https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/02/18/at-what-age-is-the-brain-fully-developed/ Scientific sources are linked below in the article How come we know this and below 25 porn is not illegal child porn?
>>28633 Because we started using the post-hoc rationalization of brain development being the reason for it to be illegal before we found out when the brain is actually fully developed, but to change it now would make basically the entire porn industry felons overnight so that'll never happen.
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>>28633 Because according to conservatives: Something something something godless degeneracy And according to natsocs: Something something something jews
>>28600 Pat & Woolie still unironically think that Naoto is trans & Sanji is gay. They were always faggots. It's just that they were overshadowed by Matt & Liam being worse.
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>>28633 You know what you are doing
>>28636 *Kanji
>>28596 Bretty gud >>28599 So censorship in gayming is NOT when devs cave to pressure/are forced to alter their creations due to a bunch of faggots, but instead when IGN the gayming news site does a completely off topic donation page for fucking Palestine and gets told by their own fucking company to stop that. The fact that these niggers then try to turn this incident on the people they have constantly shit on and pushed to deletion/banning on most big sites is a fine cherry on top of this cancer.
>>28636 >>28638 Kanji is gay! The whole language should just be hiragana!
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>>28584 Im thinking how all the drawfags could communicate with each others across boards. There's loomis here, hentai and art boards have drawfags, good drawthreads on smug, how to get all to have these places known without trawling many sites. It should be natural and likable like "drawpile happening in /c/, get in here faggets" or "good thread on /loomis/ over pencil shading, check in" and not shameless advertising on broad topic "hey guys check out my board on which tablet you should buy". It will take anons effort though
>>28471 >Calibrate Collaborate. I rarely fucking do this, but it's collaborate. Skin color isn't the only thing that separates man from nigger
Upcoming GG game have it's story mode "be like a movie" without any controller input It's currently unclear if that means that is in reference to some compilation of the game's cinematics or will extend to the player not even having to play the actual fights: https://archive.ph/cKz4j
>>28643 April fools was last month
>>28643 Man the new Guilty Gear just keeps getting worse and worse the more they reveal, FighterZ' autocombo bullshit was the beginning of the end for the ArcSys people knew and loved. The fightan thread or the vidya news thread could have used that news but whatever.
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i hope israel nukes turkey and then turkey's allies nuke israel in retaliation and then the entire world suddenly recognises that the world has been made infinitely better and therefore doesn't drop any more nukes.
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>>28646 God I love being tolerant
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>>28640 Heh >>28646 I miss when severe mental illness like trannies were actually treated through psychological means.
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>>28646 >oh god its behind me isn't it
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>>28652 Guess who has rebelled against his masters
>>28653 It can't get anymore obvious, the star of david is literally pointing at current year man.
>>28653 That would imply him also attacking his (((masters))) safely living outside Israel.
>>28653 Why is Israel's flag next to a miscolored Trans flag? :^)
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>>28646 No it isn't, it's celebrate Norway day.
>>28648 What happened to that shark fan?
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>>28645 >spoiler Then post it over there. Shit gets lost in these threads. >>28646 >against -phobia A hideous/horrifying piece of art is very fitting for this.
>>28659 He got called racist
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>>28659 Twitter outrage mob flipping their shit over literally nothing as usual.
>>28646 Celebrate the day visiting the following boards and threads: >>>/sm/ >>>/cb/ >>>/h/54 >>>/fur/379 and >>>/fur/2465 >>>/co/ (because Frank is a faggot :DDD)
>>28662 Uh, I thought they absolutely hated Harry Potter after J.K Rowling came out against troons?
So... if AT&T sold warner to Discovery, what changes are expected? >>28661 >>28662 Oh, the spirit animal thing. They sure know how to break the will even of the passionate who just want to talk about sharks.
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>>28660 That's a 10 out of 10 translation lmao
>>28599 >13 replies >nobody has said that the real reason nobody said anything about IGN is because the people who usually would give a fuck about this was banned from popular social media and gaming forums years ago First they came for the GAMERS, and I didn't say anything... >>28643 This gives me an idea: they could use the engine to make a sort of GG anime and distribute it online for extra free publicity. >>28662 >trans and disabled icons The jokes keep writing themselves.
>>28662 >>28667 >Hey, it's insensitive and inappropriate to females to use "female" as non-females and they've asked you not to. There's lots of alternatives, such as male, faggot, and genetic dead-end (if you don't mind eugenics)
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>>28653 Don't you find it a bit suspicious many of the checkmarks and blue faggots are turning on israel now? Like not even a shift towards usual "peace" and "saving lives" its straight up israel bad palestine is now my friend. What are they insinuating? They certainly don't change their tune when it doesn't benefit them.
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>>28667 >nobody has said I did. >>28639 >>28662 (checked) >spirit animal These fags always make a mountain out of a molehill. I don't blame the sharkfag for fucking off after getting piled on by these braindead niggers. Maybe now he will find a platform for a group besides the mentally ill.
>>28669 Wokeness dictates that brown people are more important that long nose people.
>>28641 Well, have you tried?
>>28669 I bet they can see how the dominos are falling and want to make sure that once the western world is under shariah law that they don't proceed to behead all the jew loving westerners and instead see them as kafir allies.
>>28646 Every single one of those smiles is uncomfortable. >>28658 This.
>>28673 I wonder if furries who draw goat people will get sparred.
>>28675 Are you trying to summon the undertale fag?
>>28669 It all feels like a huge gayops to be honest. Like something promoted by foreign intelligence.
>>28675 depends on the goat i imagine
>>28676 >Implying the mudniggers won't aknowledge Israel Murderer's deeds in wiping the underground clean.
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>>28678 >undertale fag Doesn't leave much to the imagination.
>>28674 The lack of corneas makes them look like lizard people
>>28673 I want to see muzzies try to take over the equally violent but Christian-flavored spic lands.
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>>28676 No, I was not >>28680 Go away chromosome hoarder
>>28682 Then you should push for progressivism in those countries and make the change you want to see as they raise their AoC to insane degrees and kill all their babies so they're forced to open their borders to ensure there will still be a country in a few generations.
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My take on the palestine jew situation: >I am biased against the jews >I have seen plenty of videos from people in Palestine showing the missiles are indeed coming from literally where civilians live The evidence suggests Israel is in the right. I haven't researched anything, so I must be missing something
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>>28680 Goat is not for lewds
>>28678 Only if you are a sandnigger.
>>28685 Not defending the jews here, but mudslimes love using hospitals, churches, and other civilian locations as cover for their bs. They know any country assaulting those locations will be taking a big PR hit that progressive journalists and such will jump on without hesitation.
>>28686 I think we can agree on that in a general sense. I'm not into the shit I just thought I needed to reference which character I was talking about, turns out the post wasn't even directed at me anyway so just fuck my shit up fam.
>>28688 I'm gonna shoot hot cum EVERYWHERE
>>28688 why does it have such a tiny head why is this goat ugly? why is it ugly anon?
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>>28688 Look at that disgusting fat gut sticking out and protruding before anon's eyes. Very disrespectful.
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>>28692 every big girl has a small head, except that one snake sister from one piece; its just how fetish proportions work out
>>28695 >goth Why do you like poser arthoes anon.
>>28695 Disgusting, if the artist wanted her to have huge breasts and immense ass, it could've made her 4 meters tall while retaining normal proportions.
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>>28697 >prefers to be emasculated than have a girl with a pinhead Even more disgusting tbh.
>>28695 Literally every chubby/BBW/even SSBBW fan I've ever talked to has said it's better when they're short and fat, with a more normal or big(normal anime size) head I have never in my life met someone that liked the tiny head giant women Hell, even giantess lovers keep the heads proportionally big. It's bizarre
>>28699 >emasculated Any woman that can leisurely carry those breasts will emasculate you even at just 170 cm tall
>>28701 >170 cm What's that in american?
>>28702 Every measurement of distance I have to deal with in America has been metric The only time I ever see imperial used in this country is penis size and height Just for distance though
>>28702 3 teeth, 2 chickens and half a calf.
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>>28693 high effort shitpost
>>28703 >Every measurement of distance I have to deal with in America has been metric Are you military?
So, Pfizer has applied for full FDA approval for their vaccine. How long until we're required to take the jab to do anything?
>>28660 What an insufferable faggot.
>>28707 Never because even normalnigger radio says there likely wont be checks for who actually is vaccinated in daily life.
>>28705 Nice work. Though if Helltaker is already fucking demons, 3 of which are dogs, I don't think he would realistically have a problem fucking Luci as a goat.
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>>28699 >>28702 Feel free to doublecheck, but those breasts weight 105 kilos if she is 170 cm tall. She carries it effortlessly with good posture, if her thin back can do that, what do you think her thick as fuck arms can do? This girl can bend fucking steel bars like they are popsicles sticks. Near that, anything is emasculated. Therefore, it's preferable that she have more natural proportions but be super tall, that way she can retain breasts that are bigger than a person's chest, each, while looking much more reasonably proportionated. That would also let her have long thighs while retaining the same hip circumference rather than those stubby legs.
>>28711 That crop top is clearly giving her enough lumbar support to pull it off.
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>>28571 >>28569 >Rebels wasn't poorly written. It just suffered from an obvious budget decrease. A drastic budget decrease. Clone wars was PG might have changed later on on Cartoon network right before adultswim's lineup and rebels was TV-Y7 on the children's morning block the Disney channel. You have to tone it way down for Disney channel and get approval from the head of Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy. I honestly think when they channeled clone wars the first time around they gave faloni rebels just to keep him from going anywhere else. >>28646 >>28651 >>28649 Reminds me of something
>>28709 Don't be so naive. That's always how it starts out.
>>28712 Dude, imagine carrying a 105 kilos backpack in front of you, fucking with your balance and posture, yet supporting it with your back muscles as if it weighs nothing, even your feet will have to work double time to counteract all the torque it would generate. Your whole life, every day, every hour, every second, forever. That's not something a human can accomplish. She have super human strength beyond anything a man can ever achieve. For comparison: https://archive.fo/GR5VP >Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan routinely carry between 60 (27 kg) and 100 pounds (45 kg) of gear including body armor, weapons and batteries <The heavy loads shouldered over months of duty contribute to the chronic pain suffered by soldiers like Spc. Joseph Chroniger, who deployed to Iraq in 2007. A trained and conditioned military age man can do less, for less time, while maintaining a less than perfect posture, and ends up with chronic pain. That girl will emasculate you regardless of how tall she is.
>>28660 Jesus, how old is this shit?
>>28669 almost like people have nuanced opinions on certain topics and your retarded tendency to assign beliefs to them because they belong to a certain group is braindead oh sorry, i mean, paid controlled opposition!!!!!!!!
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>>28713 It wasn't a matter of rating that lowered Rebels compared to Clone Wars. Even Clone Wars never allowed anything brutal more than lightsaber stabs. The problem is... well look.
>>28716 Look at the left side of the video.
>>28669 Leftists have always hated Israel. Look up the Japanese Red Army and Baader–Meinhof gang.
>>28719 >5102 Meaning?
>>28719 >2015 Of course, these are relics from a different era. A bit cringe-worthy even.
>>28716 It says it right there, 2015. I tried digging it up because I hadn't had my fill of watching a normalfag being utterly baffled in the face of the mental degradation that is being a tranny but its like it was erased from the internet without a trace. Either that or my google-fu is slipping, maybe someone else can find it.
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AT&T announces $43 billion deal to merge WarnerMedia with Discovery https://archive.md/pkqqv
>>28725 Something something about corporations being so big you don't know who runs them and terror something.
>>28685 the yids have leveraged international support to facilitate land grabs, excluding palestinians from their places of religion in israel, their fishing areas, restricting most imports, restricting freedom of movement, etc >the jews LITERALLY calculated the bare minimum number of calories the palestinians needed to survive when choosing how much food could enter (https://imeu.org/article/putting-palestinians-on-a-diet-israels-siege-blockade-of-gaza) >act all surprised and outraged when a generation of people raised in the world's largest concentration camp want to kill them They're bad people. I don't care about sandniggers, but I'll choose simple hate over people who like to see others suffer, particularly given how much control the yids have in the global stage. It's in everyone's best interest to see israel evaporate off the face of the earth, turned to glass.
>>28727 Israelis won't just disappear if that was to somehow happen, all it would mean is greater numbers of them in direct positions of power in america and europe.
>>28685 You've got to think the situation through from the start: The Brits administer the region and try to be fair about things. The Jews don't like that and start murdering civilians left and right. The Palestinians, noticing that the Brits do fuckall, start shooting back. The Brits leave, Israel is formed after a lot of murder, and they continue that tradition to this day. Israel has no right to exist in the first place, they started it, which makes the Palestinians right, no matter where they shoot their rockets from. Israel should be ended, anyone that doesn't want to remain in Palestine gets a ticket to an uninhabited island where their borders are fixed so they don't start jewing their neighbors out of land again, anyone that doesn't gets to remain, sans any weaponry they might possess.
>>28714 They are already memes spreading about in relation to how those with the vaccine are opting to continue wearing masks, while those who haven't gotten sterilized jabbed are running around without a mask.
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Game journalists should be publicly shamed, bullied, & harrassed in the streets. This is old news from 2 years ago BUT PC Gamer thought it prudent to drag it back up. I beat Sekiro's final boss with cheats and I feel fine https://archive.md/lr9Ue https://archive.md/S73kM
>>28731 The copest of copes
>>28731 The absolute state of game journalism in 2021. WHO CARES?
>>28568 The Mandalorian fucking sucked, the only reason normalniggers liked it was because it wasn't as bad as the sequel trilogy which isn't an achievement. >>28599 Leftists are once again the biggest hypocrites in the entire universe, in other news the sun is very hot. >>28643 The last game did this too, though GGS should've made a proper story this time around instead of doing it again.
>>28730 When the vaccines get full FDA approval, employers will try to make it mandatory in order for you to work for them.
>>28733 The article is from two years ago.
>>28711 >Ultra booby goth asskicker We'll never have that in comics or videogames, aren't we?
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>>28723 Finding old stuff really is a chore sometimes. Especially when people kill their websites/channels.
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>>28737 Thank God, that's a massive combination of shit taste.
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>>28740 What do you liike, then? that better not be gay shit.
>>28742 Flat chested tomboys with tanlines and sporty outfits.
>>28743 Wouldn't splatoon fall under that, giving you at least one game vs. oddly shaped tiddy goth girl enthusiast?
>>28739 Who is this insufferable faggot?
>>28744 Thank god for Splatoon.
>>28745 The insufferable faggot from up here: >>28660
>>28747 I get that but who is he? Just some rando nobody on an rando nobody's stream?
>>28748 He's a colossal retard being mocked for being a colossal retard. Why shouldn't he be mocked?
>>28749 Because it's just boring to do.
>>28750 Schadenfreude is helluva drug, you should try it sometime.
>>28751 Nah. I had way too much of that to even bother now.
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>>28599 >Demean everyone who stood up against censorship in media and gaming as nazis who only care about sexual content >do everything in your power to deplatform them and even dox some of them for seven years >"DUHHHH WHERE ARE ALL THE ANTI-CENSORSHIP CRYBABIES NOW GAMERS™ AMIRITE" They made this bed, they can lay on it.
>>28599 Go fuck yourself Pat as this isn't censorship.
Final fantasy xiv has been under attack by SJW's leftist groomers into adding in male viera. While a good addition their appearance has largely been designed to appeal to twitter SJWs idea of andron/gay twink men. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP: Email FF XIV's customer support and feedback channels. Show support to threads on the official forums for a change to the way that male viera is designed, before they are released. LINK: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/436647-Critical-Male-Viera-height-slider-tall-option.-Show-your-support.
>>28755 They can bitch all they want, but the Viera in XIV are based on the ones of FFXII, which were all female.
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>>28755 Oh fuck off. Everyone loves the male Viera.
>>28755 Don't care, game has a barely functional website, sub fee, and a trash art style. If you want to "help" games then help good games that respect their users time and money instead.
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>>28745 What >>28747 said. He is a vidya speedrun faggot. >>28755 I haven't cared about Final Fantasy in years.
>>311866 >too bad the game is shit. It could be said about all MMOs though. >>28757 >male Viera. Since when these were actually a thing?
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>>28760 They always existed. They just were never in the games till now.
>>311873 Every old MMO people namedrop as being allegedly good is actually just fucking terrible. I mean that sincerely, literally every single one. It's like the ultimate bluff people make because these games are all either dead and have no more servers running or are so universally fucking terrible no one bothers to take the time to play them to form an objective criticism about their issues. But every single time I investigate one of these epic oldfag MMO's they're actually unbelievably fucking bad.
>>311873 I just hate people and multiplayer games. >>28761 Cool.
>>28755 So that's why I've been seeing so many gay rabbits lately. Does the game at least try to justify the addition through the lore?
>>28762 >I only played heard about trash MMORPGs, therefore they're all trash The eternal newfag
>>28731 This is two years old and even normalfags mocked at this retard for being such a colossal pussy. >>28754 Yeah, I thought "it's only censorship when the government does it" right, Pat? >>28755 >Final fantasy xiv has been under attack by SJW's leftist groomers into adding in male viera >While a good addition their appearance has largely been designed to appeal to twitter SJWs idea of andron/gay twink men Why are they mad, they added more twinks into the game which is what them and the fujofags wanted?
>>28762 >But every single time I investigate one of these epic oldfag MMO's they're actually unbelievably fucking bad. PSO is a good game, and I first played it long after the official servers shut down.
>>311876 >>28766 Name one >>28767 None of the phantasy star games are really MMO's. They have always had basically every system that people cry about in nu-MMO's with instances and such. They're good games, but not good MMO's.
>>311884 Why don't you ban pedophiles already you capcodding retard?
Serious question: Why don't we weaponize the Jews again? Start emailing IGNs advertisers complaining about their "antisemitism" and claim that the changes in the article are a "coverup". We might get some of them to drop just due to the SJW doublethink.
>>28768 You do realize you just defeated your entire argument, right? You just admitted that a good MMO does exist, EXCEPT that you don't want to call it an MMO.
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>>28768 >Good MMO game is posted >That game doesn't count >>28770 That would be nice, but do we have a good list of legit jewish names we could use to fuck with them? I genuinely don't get the American obsession with Jews and I wholly attribute it to you fags being ruled by them from tip to hilt. You fags even have your special variant of the word for the specific application for them as if the general blanket of "racism" isn't enough.
>>311876 In my case it's mainly by handling wastes of data like you.
>>311890 He is not wrong, they will be the only ones alive in 10 years to pay for the printing of money of today
>>28771 >>28772 If you're using a genre as your qualifier then it is to be expected that you're willing to operate within the standards of that genre. You're just appealing to the same non-sense that developers try to get away with calling things like Destiny an "MMO". If phantasy star is an MMO than every game with online multiplayer is an MMO. And therefore every good game with online multiplayer is now a good MMO. You're either retarded or arguing in bad faith. Probably both.
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>>311884 >>28770 I see you, bitch!
>>28772 > genuinely don't get the American obsession with Jews and I wholly attribute it to you fags being ruled by them from tip to hilt You've never been around Germans have you?
>>28776 Oh shit backtraced! Consequences are about to change once the cyber police hear about all these pedos.
>>28669 >>28673 >>28728 What if the plot is to deliberately sacrifice Israel to lower the guards of the bad goyim while they fully assume control of America, Canada, and the rest of those kike-suckers. Like taking advantage of their 109 status as a smokescreen.
>>28779 What level of omnipotence do you expect jews to have to be able to pull off obtaining complete control over america from the shadows? Is there even an example of this happening in history? The method muslims go with is actually scary because its based in reality, theres past examples of them moving into countries until they become the majority and then using that power to change the rule of law to ensure the proportion of muslims continues to grow and now they're 99% muslim.
>>28777 >American obsession with Jews >obsession <you're mentally sick for noticing continuing patterns of behavior A lot of the current #PalestinianLivesMatter bullshit is actually turkroach in origin (at least in Europe), as well as, the Quatari Royal Family owns majority-stakes in major social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook which they leverage to push their own pet issues. It's all an op, as no one actually cares about "muh poor oppressed terrorists", not even Mudslimes, except as a way to shit on their fellow inbred deceitful semitic thieving parasites; the jews. It's all so tiring.
>>28772 >I genuinely don't get the American obsession with Jews The Darby translation of the Bible by John Darby and the later Scofield Study Bible.
>>28780 >What level of omnipotence do you expect jews to have to be able to pull off obtaining complete control over america from the shadows? The financial kind that allows them to intimidate anyone they don't like with bankruptcy, primarily. But mostly I'm just speculating from the question of "what would the Jew have to gain from letting Israel get slandered" as a thought exercise.
>>311884 >>28770 at least its the hot bunnygirl from mha this time
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>>28780 >The method muslims go with is actually scary because its based in reality, theres past examples of them moving into countries until they become the majority and then using that power to change the rule of law to ensure the proportion of muslims continues to grow and now they're 99% muslim. What's happening in Europe with Muslims right now is terrifying and needs actual attention >>28781 > turkroach in origin I'm not surprised.
>>28783 >they just have to simultaneously blackmail an entire country into silence Yeah that sounds like an average level of omnipotence job, no biggie.
>>28783 >what would the Jew have to gain from letting Israel get slandered Exchanging their sandnigger territory for actual clay somewhere, likely in Europe. Most western jews find israel insufferable unless they need somewhere to go after being caught diddling kids.
>>28646 That explains all the pro-pedo posting we've been getting recently
>>28786 The entire world uses the United States Toilet Paper as the reserve currency and it’s entirely controlled by a small group of jews and their jew friends they give power to. It took over 100 years and 4 generations to get to where it is now and yet you actually believe that it’s entirely infeasible even though it’s literally their descendants and their friends that are still in charge and that they’re running the show today. Something I’ll never understand about retarded people is that they can fully comprehend when and how a house can stay within a family for generations but when a continually growing financial system backed by the world’s premier superpower and military passes from one jew to his jew kid, it’s a conspiracy theory (a term that was made to silence and shame asking rather fucking benign questions about money and power).
I did a sweep of IGN and the prognosis doesn't look good. Their affiliate advertisers: Walmart Newegg Amazon Dell Microsoft Humblebundle.com T.Mobile i.e. all companies who are possibly too big to care and too far Left to want to. Their registrar might be a possible weakpoint, if for no reason than to make them answer to a few hundred abuse complaints: http://cscdbs.com domainabuse@cscglobal.com I'll let you guys mull it over. If you think we could get something going I can take it up with the KiAs and try to get numbers.
>>28789 I believe its so entirely feasible that it tracks all the way back to the time in which things like owning land were prohibited for jews which pigeonholed them into becoming bankers and that showcases itself in the disproportionate number of jewish bankers today because of the point you made yourself.
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>>28788 >Everything is cute >Everything is funny >And you have to point it all out
>>28791 There was also some of the local bishops in Europe (Particularly Italy) abusing their power to declare that Christians couldn't setup banks because it was a "sinful act" to hoard or loan money instead of giving it to the poor or donating it to the church.
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https://archive.is/Zxyv7 >Just like in Mass Effect, where one single dialogue choice can ultimately have galaxy-spanning consequences further down the track, the tiniest decisions can have the largest impacts. The controversy surrounding the ending of Mass Effect, and the toxicity with which some fans campaigned against that ending, was -- for many -- prototypical of Gamergate, a movement that was, in and of itself, prototypical of dangerous online groups like QAnon. In all cases, large amounts of outrage generated from relatively obscure corners of the internet grew and took on lives of their own.
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>>28669 If you actually believed that those fucks are under some grand Jewish conspiracy to destroy the west then you are geniuently fucking retarded. They are just a bunch of sellout niggers that sell out to the highest possible bidder and useful idiots. They turned on Israel mostly because most of those fucks geniuently believe the shit that they are spewing, while others don't want to look bad while the public opinion shifts. They aren't going to defend Israel every step of the way, because there isn't any grand Jewish conspiracy to influence them. There are merely interest groups which include Zionist interest groups which influence what they have to say. And if going with Zionist agenda is no longer profitable, or the public doesn't like it, they have to turn away from it to safe face, with some of them being geniuently disillusioned with Israel.
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>>28646 I swear, gays, lesbians and bi fucks would have a far easier time with actually being accepted by society if they just told trans fucks to fuck off. Literally no one would give a shit what they're doing in privacy of the bedroom, if they didn't align with people who want to cut off people's dicks and sew skin to vaginas, bitching that you aren't inclusive enough if you don't do that.
>>28792 >>28798 This is as shit as saying normie as opposed to normalfag, getting senzawa to actually say cunny on stream would be something though. Probably would've been easier when she was getting shitfaced on stream back in the day but she wasn't mainstream then so it wouldn't have had the same impact anyway.
>>28799 It would also require to stop with pride parades as well.
>>28786 >Yeah that sounds like an average level of omnipotence job, no biggie. As if the jews are any stranger to nepotism. Silencing the country wouldn't be the easiest feat sure, but I'm fairly convinced if they leaned on Google and the like, they'd clamp the normalfags down from being able to communicate on a scale where they'd have the power to do much. It's happened before -- and banks/payment processors know to shut down alt websites even if they're as good goy as can be. Ask Torba. >>28799 Seeing as homosexuality is born of childhood trauma just like trannies are, both communities probably tolerate eachother for the sake of casting the widest net of children to molest and thus get their rocks off and create more of themselves.
>>28599 Aren't there any e-celebs that are not huge gigantic faggots like these chucklefucks that talk about gaming censorship and corruption in the vidya industry. Razorfist seems like the only guy that I can find to be decent at best but the rest are dogshit. >>28669 When I browsed into Twitter to see the state of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, many people there were against the Israelis for oppressing the Palestinians and invading their cities, they even compared the prime minister to fucking Hitler. From what I've understand, Leftist really despises Colonialism that they go against the oppressors who prey on their victims because of racism and other crap the Left like to spew from their mouths. What I'm curious if these faggots really give a shit on Jews since the kikes are the ones that indoctrinated them on diversity and shit. >>28646 I wonder what drives people to become trannies.
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>>28777 I met some and made a couple of book burning jokes with them, they're hard workers. >>28782 Most European nations are christian and they don't protect them as hard as clappistanis do. There is whining but US has them more and those that do outside of it for or against them tend to be fringe weirdos or really high in the EU parliament, which no one but Germany,France and maybe Finland really trust. >>28785 >What's happening in Europe with Muslims right now is terrifying Thats only really a case with UK, France and Sweden, Italy has more of a nigger thing going on. Germany has a mix and they're the fore-front wanting everyone else to conform. Most other countries are left alone, because they aren't as important or desirable and it's more of a big-city thing in any case. Americanshave no room to talk over racial identity or voting population after being proven to be the 56%. >>28790 There's no point in going after them over it now that the thing's resolved and IGN has been a long time customer and has made a big name for itself with multiple country specific branches . Gawker and by extension Kotaku was more specific and controversial figure with a longer tabloid history than a videogame one. "We" could go a ladder up and find the lesser known source but I fear they'd be too big to take down or unconcerned with email campaigns. A campaign and dig can be made another time for a blunder closer to the scale and subject GG is comfortable with, like journalists abusing their positions for telling lies or parasitic HR/e-celeb/clique vermin pushing their shit onto other stuff. Another plan of action CR or NISA to fuck up again for example or expose more cancerous manga groups to capitalize and expose that. Resetera has been having their dirty laundry aired without our help unless we want to pull a deep op on them even if their relevance is only due to industry connections. Sony would be a nice target and a chance for blunder is mminent, but that'll have to wait now that they've been getting scalped to hell. Treehouse has been wiped or ingrained into NoA, with their biggest offenders gone with now being mildly bad.Is Silverstring media still relevant after that pixel art game that had it's writing botched by them? >>28794 >(((We're))) still trying to recover over this completely unique shit-show >Please ignore every other controversy regarding underwhelming releases and endings that ever happened before or after it. >Oy vey it's was just like the Shoah2:Gobblydook Imagine being dormant for years and still being their boogeyman of worthless faggots too shit to be movie reviewers.
>>28801 Yes but pride parades would probably disappear on their own if people bitched enough about them, in a free speech society, you could technically organise a pride parade but you could also mock the LGB people for that. The problem really is that they are making them into a protected caste when no one should be a protected caste and should be able to be ridiculed and mocked. As long as law doesn't make gay relationships illegal, they don't have anything to complain about. Personal prejudices aren't the job of the fucking government to stamp out.
>>28599 but aren't gamers dead? why would they want a ghost to protect them? SPECIALLY a ghost which THEY know its W/L ratio in terms of battling censorship... and a ghost which they themselves have called antisemitic, why would they need the help from the evil nazis now?
>>28802 >As if the jews are any stranger to nepotism. Nigger, EVERY human group and nationality practices nepotism. The Jews are not fucking special in this regard. They are also not the only group in power using nepotistic practices to influence everything. I understand calling out nepotistic actions of a culture which practices a fucked up religion, but that doesn't change that you fucks are blaming everything on them and fall into this weird fucking belief of them basically being fucking omnipotent, naturally-evil manipulators hell bent on destroying everything. Everyone from Saudi Arabia, Israel, small LARP-cults that politicians get into, corporations, and fucking China tries to influence US politics with varying degrees of success. And the US as well as US politicians sometimes have a business of doing what those interest groups tell them. This is what politics is, constant power games between interest groups and individuals. It's not specific to the Jews, and it's ridiculous to boil it down to this single group being the only problem, when the issue is far more complex.
>>28755 Dude I don't give a shit about FFXIV, it's a fucking subscription based shitfest like WoW filled to the brim with middle aged people who gave up in life. Also nice fucking falseflag, gonna screencap the post for Twitter?
>>28802 Big tech isn't a requirement for word to spread on something thats as crazy and nationwide as what you're describing. Silencing an entire country isn't humanly possible, but of course that doesn't matter since you attribute super human abilities to jews, I really don't understand the inferiority complex.
>>28800 The difference is, nobody is trying to make them say it.
>>28792 >>28798 >>28800 >100% Certified Organic Posting™
>>28794 I've noticed a lot of game journalists have been retroactively defending the ME3 ending after the remaster was released, is EA paying them to do this? >>28799 The reason why trannies associate themselves with gay people is two fold, it makes their delusional insanity look more legitimate as just another offshoot of homosexuality and lets them use gay people as a shield, so anyone who criticises trannies will be accuse of being a homophobe as well as a transphobe. >>28803 >Razorfist seems like the only guy that I can find to be decent at best but the rest are dogshit His political takes are on point but his opinions on vidya are fucking atrocious.
One day "Everything Will be Coming Up Millhouse!"
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>>28811 >shizoposting
>>28804 >I met some and made a couple of book burning jokes with them, they're hard workers. Many of them bend over super hard out of guilt for WW2 very hard. >Thats only really a case with UK, France and Sweden It's gonna spread everywhere is left uncheck >Most European nations are christian and they don't protect them as hard as clappistanis do. Christianity has been falling out of favour for a while now in even the right wing of Europe. >which no one but Germany,France and maybe Finland really trust. You underestimate how deeply brainwashed the populace has become in the west, I've spoke to so many Americans, Euros and Leaf fags who are thoroughly conditioned. It's getting very sad but I'm still holding on with how more are slowly waking up.
>>28814 >pointing out that I keep trying (and failing) to force a meem means that you are "X" person I don't like It's like you're a bot.
>>28813 You don't seem to get why we post here. None of us actually think we're 'changing society' at this point, we're just having discussions. People who get their asses tickled by gg threads don't actually appear to know anything about them.
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Diaper Baby Patrick DOES NOT support free speech. https://archive.md/X1e8t
>>28812 >The reason why trannies associate themselves with gay people is two fold, it makes their delusional insanity look more legitimate as just another offshoot of homosexuality and lets them use gay people as a shield, so anyone who criticises trannies will be accuse of being a homophobe as well as a transphobe. The transniggers were the true kikes all along.
>>28818 The fact that people think that not having free speech is acceptable is disgusting. But perhaps this is what we deserve. If people do not wish to be free, then maybe our fate is to be under the boots of some autocrats who will keep fucking us over every step of the way.
>>28817 I'm just here to make fun of you.
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>>28812 > gay people >gays >people Ahahaahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Oh, you weren't joking?
>>28812 >I've noticed a lot of game journalists have been retroactively defending the ME3 ending after the remaster was released, is EA paying them to do this? Because they are still mad that WE DARED HATE ME3! It's something to look at as they are still trying to spin ME3's narrative after nearly ten years. >>28812 >His political takes are on point but his opinions on vidya are fucking atrocious. His takes on Comics are also dog shite and he tried saying Frog Albums sold more then Manga which is fucking straight up wrong. >>28818 Pat is such a fucking faggot.
>>28820 Nah fuck that.
>>28807 >>28809 Why do you guys keep using the word "omnipotent"? I don't think they're gods, but I do think they're annoyingly powerful (either through monetary control or, as someone mentioned before, selfish traitors acting as shabbos goyim).
iirc there was a video of an island where niggers logged down all trees to make fire or earn money. Anyone knows which island it was or how the island is called?
>>28827 Wasn't it in a Haiti?
>>28828 That's what I thought of too but Haiti still has trees.
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>>28755 FF14 is shit. FF11 is superior in every way. Let the SJWs have their rabbit boys. Not like it affects FF12 canon due to alternate universes or other stupid shit.
>>28826 I honestly started using the word "omnipotent" because it is a nice exaggeration. What I mean is that they aren't as powerful as you think compared to other interest groups, and that they aren't really the problem, or at least not the main problem. Nothing that the Jews do is really specific to them or coming from their nature. They do what any outside interest group does to get power. They aren't special in any way, and the problem is to begin with, with the fact that the system allows any outside group or really any large interest group to gain large amounts of power.
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What if 8kunt goes down and all the qoomers flock here? Will Acid jus tell them to fuck off or will he allow them to have a board like the pederasts from /hebe/?
>>28827 You mean easter island? It happened quite a long fucking time ago and they were oceaniggers rather than jungle monkeys but.
>>28834 were we the qoomers all along?!
>>28834 >loli pee board >no lolis peeing whatsoever
>>28833 I don't mean that one either. It was just one overpopulated island. I wish I still had the webm which I lost in an HDD crash. Always backup your shit or you'll regret it one day.
>>28669 The golem are just adhering to the progressive stack. Who knew it would backfire on their (((masters))).
>>28820 >If people do not wish to be free, then maybe our fate is to be under the boots of some autocrats who will keep fucking us over every step of the way. It isn't that they hate free speech. They hate the responsibility that goes with it. They hate that others disagree with them and that they have to defend their opinions with facts. It is a lot easier simply to call someone a bigot/*phobic/*ist than it is got them to justify their stance. Especially if you are as retarded as progressives.
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Jewtube is getting sued. >Conservative comedian Steven Crowder is suing YouTube over its content moderation practices and policies, which Crowder says are misapplied to silence conservatives >“As of last Thursday, May 14, my lawyer Bill Richmond and I have filed a notice of a lawsuit against YouTube and are seeking an injunction to prevent them, to stop them from currently deplatforming us,” Crowder said. “We’ve officially sent a notice of a lawsuit. Very different level – this is the big one, boys and girls.” >Crowder’s lawsuit against YouTube is the second Big Tech company he has launched a legal battle with this year. In February, the conservative comedian announced that he was suing Facebook for censoring his content without justification, among other issues https://archive.is/GtE8E >>28820 >perhaps this is what we deserve If they don't want any rights then they can fuck off to china since they love it so damn much anyway. Stop dragging everywhere else down with their idiocy.
>>28839 >got them *for them
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>>28669 > Don't you find it a bit suspicious many of the checkmarks and blue faggots are turning on israel now? That's because they're Islamists. Guess who are major investors in Twitter. https://archive.is/7Bnu5 https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Soliya https://archive.is/DH5XJ http://www.mideast-times.com/home_news.php?newsid=3847
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R84E6K7WmJI Must have been Haiti. I give up.
>98 % of the forests have been cut down I was sure there was a tiny overpopulated island full of trash where they cut down all trees.
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>>28835 >were we the qoomers all along?! Unironically yes. We were both fighting against the same monster.
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>>28804 I should add that this could blow up to something else and more interesting, maybe an eye can be kept up on it in case it leads to some videogames. Digs can always be made and shared outside with no negative consequence, however. The more people can comprehend the true state of affairs and the world surrounding them the better, regardless of the time or place. >>28807 >>28831 I don't disagree that pushing everything onto Jews is short sighted and is dramatically missing the big picture. However the U.S.A is the top dog for a while now and their government, media, business and banking is over-represented by them and have been in charge and pushing their shit everywhere else since WW2. If that wasn't the case pointing them in even the most innocuous way wouldn't be considered a problem but instead a matter-of-fact statement. >>28815 >It's gonna spread everywhere is left uncheck As will everything else and any other idea eventually. Expecting anything to be eternal is a fundementally limited worldview. >Christianity has been falling out of favour for a while now in even the right wing of Europe. Religion in general is falling out of favor due to "enlightenment", that shit will eventually stop or go for the muds next when their warzone settles down or their population settles down. I wish you clappistanis got out of the Right-wing/Left-wing sham as anything but incredibly broad classifications and demonizations. >You underestimate how deeply brainwashed the populace has become in the west, I've spoke to so many Americans, Euros and Leaf fags who are thoroughly conditioned. It's getting very sad but I'm still holding on with how more are slowly waking up. And you forget how we ended up here, what started it all and how we keep going on. No one could see them migration to 8chan being successful as it was, it getting deplatformed, the various sites still managing to find their way back or still go on despite everything. Despite everything and everyone that tried to take and drag us down, people are still here talking shit about faggots who want to shove their shit everywhere.
>>28846 > clappistanis I'm West Indian
>>28847 Are you a tech support scammer?
>>28844 A quick search says that it was Easter Island: https://infogalactic.com/info/Easter_Island#Ecology
>>28846 >I don't disagree that pushing everything onto Jews is short sighted and is dramatically missing the big picture. However the U.S.A is the top dog for a while now and their government, media, business and banking is over-represented by them and have been in charge and pushing their shit everywhere else since WW2. If that wasn't the case pointing them in even the most innocuous way wouldn't be considered a problem but instead a matter-of-fact statement. I never said that USA isn't influenced by Jewish group. I have merely said that Jews aren't doing this from some evil nature that they possess, merely because it's effective and they have the means to, and that they aren't the only group that is influencing USA. As I said, I do not mind criticising it, as I see the Jews in power as nationalists and cultists of a dangerous religion. But I simply hate when people are giving in to their tribal instincts and ignoring the important subtelties and details to immediately jump to easiest conclusions. I hate collectivist thinking of any kind, and I want to call it out and its fallacies whenever possible, no matter the ideological associations. My ID might have changed though I have no idea why
>>28847 Fair enough, but I still think you're a fag that is still down in the dumps and doesn't understand Jewrop's situation t. born and raised Tax escape-artist. >>28850 I swear there was a vid or a webm of some high position EU hag going on about her vision of the EU countries and her people were going to bring that to fruition by forcing it onto them. Anyone got webm?
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>>28851 >Anyone got the webm?
>>28848 Jesus West Indian means Caribbean >>28851 >still down in the dumps I'm not Black pilled or sad I'm surprisingly white pilled all things considered, I just understand that many people are drones but I'm seeing how more and more people are questioning the narrative especially due to how the 1% is ruining everything.
>>28853 Oh, i'm sorry. How do you all expect me to remember all your non american countries?
>>28850 >My ID might have changed though I have no idea why Acid's nigger coding routs IDs through IPv6 or something which changes randomly. Most people have IDs that change every day at best or couple hours at worst -- especially Torfags.
>>28854 Half of this thread/board is not burger
>>28855 Don't the admins just need to mark various exit-node IPs as TOR through a bit of testing on their own? I have no idea how this shit works I'm just spitballing here. >>28856 Good, Americans during their elections or drama tend to be some of the worst posters imaginable.
>>28851 >Jewrop's situation I do understand it and North America's but the issue is many don't want to actually admit a multitude of the core issues. I've been saying for years that this belief of "That's only an X issue or this can't happen because of x" is naïve and ignorant. >>28857 >Good, Americans during their elections or drama tend to be some of the worst posters imaginable. Not like us non Burgers are any fucking better with our shit either.
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>>28315 >stressful video game There is no need to be upset, just make your charts look like water dragons or whatever this is.
>>28857 Americans tend to be retarded about politics in general, but to be honest this is because they were kind of better at politics than Europeans for some time. Most Europeans were never really as anti-government as USA was, so seeing a situation in which our governments are corrupt fucks is just everyday occurence. But USA kind of figured out a way to make them not fuck up everything simply by not giving them that much power... so for a long while they haven't really seen their government being that corrupt and were raised in belief that they are still a free country, which makes them dissillusioned with their culture eventually, which makes them go immediately towards extermism. It's one of the reasons why Marxism and Fascism are getting a comeback despite being old garbage ideologies that can't really answer the problems of our age.
>>28855 >>28857 I always wondered why that happened. Here I thought I was going insane.
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>>28860 >It's one of the reasons why Marxism and Fascism are getting a comeback despite being old garbage ideologies that can't really answer the problems of our age. Hence NatSoc
>>28862 I would argue with you about this if not for the fact that it's 4 in the morning here.
>>28860 >Americans tend to be retarded about politics Everyone on this godforsaken Earth is absolutely retarded about them.
>>28857 >>28861 Lynxchan flags tor nodes by comparing them to a list that tor publishes. They only publish that list for IPV4 addresses and not for IPV6, so Lynxchan has nothing to pick up on. Its a know issue but pretty well out of our hands unless we want to get hacky.
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>>28860 Marxism is popular because it is funded by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Organization of Islamic Conference, and the British Crown as an organized psyop. Fascism was starting to get popular because it was the only movement opposing that bullshit.
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>>28794 How much money did EA give these fags to have them still defend it after all these years? Although, they may just be asshurt that their ""entitled"" consumers rants was the first big thing that put people off a majority of games journalism.
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>>28862 >National Socialism teaches that the Race/Folk is primariy <Which is why National Socialism is fixated upon the concept of the "Aryan", a race of people that originate from the region of Iran, with said "Aryan" inhabitants practicing a religion that is considered to be the "origin" of monotheism that Christianity is slandered for creating >National Socialism is no totalitarian <Ignoring all the totalitarian laws that were enacted under the banner of National Socialism >>28866 >Fascism was starting to get popular because it was the only movement opposing that bullshit. The irony is that Fascism is just another flavor of Socialism. Just like it's counterparts of Marxism and Nazism. Also, it doesn't help when you've created a society where it's citizens feel "guilty" for having managed to become more successful than everything else. >>28867 >How much money did EA give these fags to have them still defend it after all these years? What makes you think they're getting paid? They still shill DmC for Christ's sake.
>>28867 >they may just be asshurt that their ""entitled"" consumers rants was the first big thing that put people off a majority of games journalism. This might be the trigger.
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This explains a bit of jewtubes behavior when it comes to content claims on videos. >YouTube’s Takedown Numbers are a Mystery, But Content-ID is a ‘Cash Cow’ >Google transparently reports the billions of copyright takedown requests it receives for its search engine. However, finding out how many videos are flagged and removed on YouTube appears to be quite the challenge. We gave it a go nonetheless and can also conclude that the Content ID system is a cash cow >At the Senate hearing last December, Oyama said that YouTube paid more than $5.5 billion in ad revenue to rightsholders from content that was claimed and monetized through Content ID >What YouTube didn’t highlight is that it made billions in revenue from these same videos as well. Revenue that would have (partially) been lost if the videos had been taken offline >Monetizing ‘infringing’ videos instead of taking them offline has essentially transformed the anti-piracy tool into a cash cow that generates massive amounts of money for copyright holders and YouTube https://archive.is/IlVME
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>>28859 >Just make your charts look like water dragons I feel the need to reflect on my life
>>28870 Is this how they've been keeping youtube alive despite it being otherwise a complete moneysink only kept around for propaganda?
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>>28818 >phallusjah >guy who used to make training sims for CIA and FBI Fuck glowies and fuck their games. America's Army series sucks
I see a lot of chatter about Safemoon, DeFi and PancakeSwap. I assume this is the current meme altcoin that is being shilled heavily?
>>28875 (checked) Alternate coins are a full 100% meme. The only one that got anywhere is Dogecoin. The only two coins worthwhile are Bitcoin and Etherium, and you might want to wait until the two coins are done with their price dropping. Right now they're dropping massively in price so it's a good time to buy, but Elon might be prepping up some more memery to lower the exchange of Bitcoin a bit more.
>>28876 I never get a good pulse on what this Elon Musk faggot is about. He's apparently one of the only richfags who aren't part of a preexisting (((cabal))), but who is he really? Why do ledditors hang off every word he says in such numbers that his word alone can raise an irrelevant currency to (temporary) greatness and sink established cryptos?
>>28876 Depends on what you mean by "worthwhile". It's just as accurate if not more accurate to say the only "worthwhile" "cryptoCURRENCY" is Monero.
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>>28877 Cult of personality/charismatic sciencetechdoctor man. You've seen it before in Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Fauci, etc. At the very least, he knows how to shitpost on twitter, and piss off the SEC and people who cross him >>28876 >you might want to wait until the two coins are done with their price dropping I think I posted it before and anon said this picture is a meme, but I still stand by it. I think it will spike once and then back down, hard. I had the idea to short Tesla stocks via options, but even 1 option, 6 months from now, and at reasonable OTM put would end up costing me like $10,000, plus whatever the stock costs when I exercise it. Fuck that. But I did see this and I was glad I reached the same conclusion: https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1394418473481113605 >>28878 Every root coin (for lack of a better term) that defines a network has a certain character that makes it considerable; for example Bitcoin is slow and energy intensive to trade, but it is considered a store of value. Ether is faster and has more functionality. Monero has true anonymity built into it (for now) so that has exceptional utility down the road- normalfags don't care about privacy, though, so it would be difficult for it to gain mainstream traction.
>>28877 >but who is he really? You ever heard of the Paypal Mafia: https://infogalactic.com/info/PayPal_Mafia
>>28812 >so anyone who criticises trannies will be accuse of being a homophobe as well as a transphobe. That's why you double down on calling them faggots because they expect you to feel bad when they call you what 'phobe they can think of but when you take it in stride they don't know what to do.
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>>28871 I should have stopped back in before Jackbox to collect (You) for doodling, in two weeks then.
>>28879 >normalfags don't care about privacy, though, so it would be difficult for it to gain mainstream traction. Darknet drug marketplaces are relatively mainstream in the junkie demographic and monero is perfect for that
New WarnerMedia Merger Could Restore The SnyderVerse >The latest comes from tipster Mikey Sutton, who posits that the impending merger between WarnerMedia and Discovery could result in a boardroom reshuffle, one that removes the current crop of executives from the picture and wipes the slate clean. >Admittedly, it definitely can’t be ruled out by any stretch of the imagination depending on who ends up in charge, but there are a lot of its and buts between now and then. >Essentially, the deal is said to be worth up to $100 billion, which would make it the biggest media merger ever, a record already held by WarnerMedia after Time Warner was absorbed into the AT&T empire. That would put the entire Warner Bros. https://archive.ph/sLzig Amazon is in talks to buy MGM for $9 billion >Amazon has reportedly offered $9 billion for the company, according to Variety, following a scoop from The Information earlier in the day that suggested a range of $7-10 billion for a potential deal, and Variety suggests that $9 billion was also the amount that MGM was reportedly hoping to get. >Between those factors, the fact that MGM has been up for sale since December 2020, and the jealousy that comes with the sudden impending existence of a new media giant earlier today as AT&T spins off WarnerMedia and combines it with Discovery, it wouldn’t be very surprising if Amazon and MGM made a deal. >The Information was slightly less bullish in its report today, though, writing that “The status of Amazon’s discussions with MGM is unclear and it’s possible no deal will result.” >In December, The Guardian reported that MGM has a library of 4,000 films and 17,000 hours of TV. James Bond in particular is one of the most valuable film franchises ever made >a list that’s only growing smaller as the Disney umbrella and Marvel Cinematic Universe swallow as many rivals as it can. https://archive.ph/5uwvy Almost like already seeing the streaming service bubble beginning to pop.
>>28872 It's most likely still a net negative or at the very least just barely breaking even. Google is seeking a monopoly, not a profit.
Google ties up with 30 publishers to start news platform in COVID-ravaged India >Alphabet Inc's Google on Tuesday launched its Showcase news platform in India with 30 domestic news publishers, at a time when the country is trying to weed out misinformation surrounding a ferocious second COVID-19 wave. >Indians have become increasingly reliant on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for information related to the crisis amid a shortage of critical medical supplies. >Google will pay the partnering publishers for their online content and allow them to curate it, while allowing users limited access to paywalled stories. >It did not reveal further financial details. Today's announcement comes at a particularly challenging moment in India, with Indians seeking out authoritative news and information as the COVID-19 crisis deepens >The world's second most populous country is going through one of the deadliest outbreaks, with the total COVID-19 caseload crossing 25 million on Tuesday. >The Indian government has also been at odds with social media platform giants. Last month, it asked Twitter to take down dozens of tweets that were critical of its handling of the virus outbreak. >Google's service was globally launched late last year and has been in use in more than 12 countries, including Germany, Brazil and the United Kingdom. https://archive.ph/PGl4q Not a good day to be a poo. India lashed by strongest cyclone to ever hit west coast as it reels from Covid disaster >India was slammed on Monday by the strongest storm on record to reach its west coast, hampering authorities' response to the Covid-19 crisis in some of the country's hardest hit regions. >Tropical Cyclone Tauktae, a storm with wind speeds equivalent to a high-end Category 3 hurricane that formed in the Arabian Sea, made landfall Monday night local time in Gujarat. It strengthened slightly as it hit the western state with maximum sustained winds of 205 kilometers per hour (125 mph), according to the United States' Joint Typhoon Warning Center. >By Tuesday morning, it had weakened from an "extremely severe cyclonic storm" to a "severe cyclonic storm," according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). https://archive.ph/b1saY Nature is flushing away the poos.
>>28886 >Nature is flushing away the poos. Should be noted that the US government has weather control weapons, so it isn't necessarily nature doing that work.
>>312184 It's an internal conflict within a crop on a political issue and the site is supposed to talking about games yet seems more focused on political shit.
>>28888 The thing is that it is pretty limited what you can talk about regarding games, even regarding the retarded bullshit games journalists do. I would say the board would be much more active if people were to simply make videogame generals. Which unfortunately has the inevitable consequence of promoting cancer, but would nonetheless make the place more lively and would guarantee videogame discussion from the fact that you are talking about a specific one rather than very vaguely about all of them. It is specifically the fact that it is vague that makes it so easy to derail.
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>Ebay bans virtual child porn and other hentai Took them long enough ffs.
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>check porn artists for lewds >see this There's no way in Hell this is going to last but holy fuck if it sticks.
>>28862 >>28860 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCkyWBPaTC8 fuck looking twenty minutes for an invidio instance that actually works >>28884 >Almost like already seeing the streaming service bubble beginning to pop. Who cares if old media dies, as long as the DMCA and it's cancerous offspring are alive we're fucked The Music Industry and (((Disney))) are the ones to blame. >>28891 People on Twitter are either radical leftists, bleeding heart liberals or right wing trolls, of course they all hate Israel.
>>28890 I support banning things based purely on moral outrage even if it makes the problem I originally tried to tackle even worse
Morocco sends wave after wave of niggers and criminals into the spanish fronteer. The army is about to be deployed there. A morocco/spanish war is about to spark and I'm not sure which side would the superpowers be.
>>28894 Source would be nice.
>>28868 DmC was big with journalists because it appealed directly to them. Never played it mind you, but every clip I have seen drips of hipster faggoty, reddit humor, and even a Fox News/Bill O'riley stand in as a boss. Mass Effect though? I remember they would not shut the fuck up about Mass Effect. It was shilled to hell and back at the time of its relevancy. Especially its main selling point of the "choices matter" aspect. Not to mention the literal ads that littered the sites at the time. There is no way EA money was not involved in that process and their defense of the series after fan backlash.
>>28867 >How much money did EA give these fags to have them still defend it after all these years? Why would you pay your useful idiots when they do it for free? Gamers don't like this, therefore we love this! They're reactionary morons with no actual standards of their own. >>28877 >He's apparently one of the only richfags who aren't part of a preexisting (((cabal))), but who is he really? He's the random chance that some tech dude got fucking rich the same way the cabal got rich, by starting his own fucking bank (Paypal). Traditional media and systems were slow to embrace the internet so it left a vulnerability in creating a new banking/payment processor. They're not very smart because then they let it happen again with cryptocurrency and now they're struggling to shut the gate after the horse has bolted. >>312184 >what do you mean it's hard to do anything when all we've done is get you banned and deplatform you?
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>>28896 To some certain extent, they did. I fucked up with killing Wrex sometime when I was younger. I didn't think about improving my paragon or rengen until later in 2 much later. But eh, EA not fucking at least bringing in the original devs to do some great changes for what could have saved 3 and let them do what they wanted to make back before 2013 wold have been better. Fuck this stupid trash of a "legendary" edition.
>>28868 >The irony is that Fascism is just another flavor of Socialism. Just like it's counterparts of Marxism and Nazism God how I fucking hate commies. Both the racist and more-racist variety.
>>28898 >But eh, EA not fucking at least bringing in the original devs to do some great changes for what could have saved 3 and let them do what they wanted to make back before 2013 wold have been better. Fuck this stupid trash of a "legendary" edition. Everyone involved in the original team will have gotten work experience during that time, improved their skillset and, most importantly, gotten themelves better paying jobs with better working conditions. That jacks up development costs and is seen as unjustifiably expensive by shareholders. The amount of money is a drop in the ocean compared to how much is dumped into marketing, but that doesn't stop shareholders from being penny-pinching kikes.
>>28868 >fixated upon the concept of the "Aryan", a race of people that originate from the region of Iran Complete bullshit. Arier was used for Europeans (primarely Germanics) who were not Jews. >with said "Aryan" inhabitants practicing a religion that is considered to be the "origin" of monotheism that Christianity is slandered for creating In NS Germany they had "positive Christianity" in order to get the Jews out of the minds of people and heathendom. >Ignoring all the totalitarian laws that were enacted under the banner of National Socialism How much more or less totalitarian were they compared to other governments are they? Or to governments prior or following? What are you gonna do when your workplace requires you to get the jab? Refuse? Too bad you're not a soldier in the third realm getting offered voluntary vaccines. You don't take them, you get fired. Drafting? USA had that until 1973.
>>28868 >The irony is that Fascism is just another flavor of Socialism. Fascist Italy didn't even nationalise corporations. Meanwhile NS Germany did nationalise some while privitising others.
>>28902 >privitising privatising
asking here since someone would be most likely to have it or find a way of getting it I checked furiously for archives of an old fire emblem thread I made on fatchan (before it was nuked and while people were still deciding what site to use) so I could see my old posts in it would anyone happen to have an archive of it? Wayback, google cache and archive.is gives me nothing. Here's the URL: https://fatchan.org/v/thread/1880.html
>>28887 >weather control weapons sauce?
>>28894 This isn't even any news. Morocco used to do this shit all the time because they really want their clay back from the Spanish, the EU has to support them monetarily even though they keep writing stern letters to the Spanish government about keeping walls that mind you, we're told that do not work by the same kind of people who live in gated white communities, overall the entire Barbary coast should go back into European hands (which kind of already is with the French armies all about there but still).
>>28884 >Essentially, the deal is said to be worth up to $100 billion Bullshit! Otherwise, AT&T wouldn't have sold the company for what amounts to peanuts in comparison.
>>28818 At least he finally admits it, so any further discussion when he tries to lecture on censorship are null and to be easily discarded. >>28840 If Crowder loses what precedent does it set? Why does he believe he has the means to go up against these mega corops?
>>28909 >steerable hurricanes What the hell. This is some "playing god"-tier shit.
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>>28909 also interesting a comment in that article from 2016 from some boomer chick prophecies of mandatory vaccines along with a lot of other doomsaying shit about FEMA death camps and depopulating 3 billion people. Also mentions Agenda 21, A UN action plan which does indeed refer to creating "sustainable populations" Pretty spooky. I wonder how close we are to that stage of things.
>>28906 With the US backing up Morocco they felt daring and with every monetary help they are getting they are arming themselves to start shooting us and try to invade Spain. We should just drag those hordes to french borders and see how the EU like their "refugees".
>>28868 >Ignoring all the totalitarian laws that were enacted under the banner of National Socialism While I get that Nazi Germany had strong laws during their time, I'll argue that their actions were somewhat justifiable because of the Jews' influence during Weimar Germany when they were pushing for lots of Hedonism and usury. >>28894 I'm Puerto Rican. Here in my island, there were Dominicans who arrived here illegally and the cops were stopping them on their tracks. What pisses me off the most that some of my people here were supporting these fuckers when they arrived on the beach saying "Run!" or "Don't let them catch you!" I swear to God, some retards think that every illegal immigrant is an innocent person, but they might not realize that some are criminals that don't support a foreign country and cause more problems.
>>28909 Isn't this just as believable and credible as "The U.S., that's responsible for 1% of the world's carbon emissions and pollution in the ocean, going completely green energy will save the planet"?
>>28913 You don't understand, they are literally letting them in, opening the moroccian side fence and letting the niggers and the infiltrated go in the frontier line.
>>28910 >diverting rivers What the hell. This is some "playing god"-tier shit. >moveable mountains What the hell. This is some "playing god"-tier shit. >artificial islands What the hell. This is some "playing god"-tier shit. >lightning directors/collectors What the hell. This is some "playing god"-tier shit.
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>>28910 God itself is nature, and if we can control nature itself, then we will be superior to God. Its only a matter of time, unless society collapses and the world becomes idiocracy. Imagine how alien civilizations with thousands of years of technological progress ahead of us are like? Can't even fucking imagine it.
>>28916 >>diverting rivers <Humanity has been doing that since antiquity. >moveable mountains <Hannibal and Xerxes both did this >artificial islands <Just nature being nature >lightning directors/collectors <Achievable with a fucking kite and a key
>>28916 none of those things besides moving mountains is particularly impressive anon, and hurricanes aren't largely static entities (like 3 out of 4 of what you've said), or small in scope and impact (lightning)
>>28910 You thought Yuri leading a mind control faction in Red Alert 2 was a meme, Anon?
>>28920 It's also assuming that the military understands how the weather actually works. For example, decades ago, just for kicks, the military detonated a nuke above the stratosphere to see what would happen. Several months later, all of the radiation that was initially present had completely dissipated, much to their astonishment. Fast forward to recent decades, some theories state that lightning may be the cause of it.
>>28919 We've been diverting rivers for thousands of years, Genghis Khan diverted rivers as a fucking weapon to wipe out towns/villages I'm not actually sure about movable mountains We already made artificial islands, check out Dubai and the Palm Jameirah and the World Islands right next to it, they fucking made those islands simply because they can. I'm directing lighting (electricity) into my computer RIGHT FUCKING NOW. >>28920 If anon was serious he probably lives in a third world country and probably never seen anything particularly impressive in his life.
So, are there any more stupid comments saying gamers should support IGN because they got a non games related article removed?
>>28918 Wrong. God is everything, mountains, space, nuclear missiles, and humans. We are part of god, and god is part of us. That's why universal consciousness exists, why shit like telepathy and astral espionage works, and why aliens are visiting us from billions of lightyears away. You wouldn't get it though, unless you took dmt.
>>28923 >We've been diverting rivers for thousands of years I was thinking more of how the Egyptians made those artificial lakes to prevent the Nile from flooding every other year, and how the Babylonians diverted the Euphrates to establish their empire (Which Cyrus diverted again several centuries later in order to conquer Babylon).
>>28921 Next thing you're gonna tell me is that there's a chronosphere in a Germany NATO base and a psyhic dominator in San fran turning people into literal faggots? I still dont get how did nobody in San fran noticed A FUCKING NUCLEAR REACTOR on Alcatraz island. You would think yuri's superweapon would be found out from environmental activists complaining about it
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>>28925 You fucking idiot thats exactly what nature means. You wouldn't get it though, unless you used a fucking search engine.
>>28913 >Their actions were somewhat justifiable The Nazis were genocidal fucks that I don't see anyone being able to actually rationally defend. And I'm not talking about the holocaust.
>>28924 I haven't gone looking for them but here's a couple I saw: Alanah Pearce: https://archive.is/MvAFv >If you say you care about censorship but you are dead silent about this, you do not care about censorship. Some of her old tweets being linked in the replies: https://archive.is/q2UiV >The government is not allowed to silence/censor a company, which, of course, includes social media. Those companies can privately censor themselves/the users on their platforms however much they like, but the government itself can’t do it. https://archive.is/gjy7D >Private companies can be biased however they like. Your right to choose which you do and do not use. TheSerfsTV: https://archive.is/O17yS >Ethics in journalism crowd: *crickets*
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>>28917 I really wish that there was a better way to stop these faggots for doing illegal smuggling. >>28929 >The Nazis were genocidal fucks I'm not defending the Nazis, but can you be more specific on what you mean by this?
>>28933 I'm curious as well because an overwhelming amount of the genocide claims made against the Nazis were created by the USSR to cover up their genocides. I know they weren't appreciative of the Fags of the gypsies, but not to the point of mass slaughter.
>>28930 And of course all replies are the same felation to these journalists. I hope they get what they deserve.
my tummy hurts
>>28929 >The Nazis were genocidal fucks Even worse. The were german.
>>28908 Win or lose his lawsuit likely won't have any massive effect beyond him personally. So long as they continue to abuse section 230, shit won't change. >>28917 >direct linking to jewtube
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>>28939 It's almost like IT'S A EUROPEAN BASED FANTASY!
>>28939 Retards like these won't bat an eye when there are works of fantasies that are not based on Europe and have almost all non-white characters.
>>28939 The only reason these nobodies complain is to try and force their way into roles they wouldn't be able to get otherwise. Which is why you will never see these rejects campaign for more whites in majority asian/black/etc stories and films. They don't give a fuck about diversity and I do not understand how most people (who defend this behavior) have not figured this out.
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never forget
>>28942 They already said that white people shouldn't get any roles because of oppression, and lack of representation, and that white roles should go to people of colour. Yeah, they are hypocrites, go figure.
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>>28929 >genocidal You ridiculous faggot. Allied bombing killed supply lines to camps. Yet again, none of this would have happened if not for the Anglo menace butting in. Nobody likes Poland.
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Seems like IGN employees are still pissed about their charity getting axed. >An Open Letter to Leadership at IGN, Ziff Davis, and J2 Global >We, the undersigned, are calling for an all-hands meeting that includes IGN upper management and anyone at J2 Global or Ziff Davis who had a hand in the decision, by the end of the week, in which we would like full transparency about the reasoning and process behind the post’s removal. We ask that the management body responsible for the decision accept that responsibility publicly. We ask that management recognize IGN’s editorial authority and autonomy with regards to what it publishes, regardless of whether that work is news, reviews, features, guides, video content, or promotion of initiatives our staff feels are important, such as issue awareness or charitable support. While we want to make sure all voices on our team — IGN management included — feel able to weigh in on what we say as a site and how we say it, we are adamant that corporate leadership does not get the final word in editorial decisions >Finally, we ask that management work with our staff to re-publish the piece. We are open to doing this through a process that incorporates management feedback and concerns about how its content is perceived, but we firmly believe that we must be allowed to advocate for humanitarian causes freely across all our channels https://archive.is/7wf66
>>28946 >Nobody likes Europe. FTFY
>>28948 But the rest of the world is like 3/5ths a man, so why would their opinions matter?
>>28943 What happened to common core? discarded or widely used?
>>28950 many states adopted the standards
>>28942 >>28941 >>28940 >>28939 Buy your copies of the movies now in 4K with all the bonuses because they’re not going to scan them into any higher quality before they put deepfake faces on the actors for the sake of retroactively adding diversity to the films. You know that in 10 years that the diverse versions will be the only one’s you’ll be able to get your hands on a-la Star Wars since every normalfag and their mom moved to streaming networks instead of owning media and generally couldn’t give a shit anyways. All the time when addressing this topic I bring up that HBO CGI’d masks onto all their movies last year for propaganda’s sake last year and you could only watch those versions but nobody every fucking listens.
>>28939 That faggot doesn’t even look asian.
>>28952 >Buy your copies of the movies now in 4K with all the bonuses because they’re not going to scan them into any higher quality before they put deepfake faces on the actors for the sake of retroactively adding diversity to the films No, pirate copy of old classics will be semi-permanently available forever. Albeit only the actually good ones that fans care enough to keep around.
>>28952 Picture didn’t go through what the fuck shit. My bad.
>>28953 >as a man of swarthy decent I'm appalled at the lack of olive skinned actors in this movie
>>28939 Ah yes, the mysterious classical fantasy race: The Asian
>>28933 They were perfectly okay with committing genocide on Polish citizenry and were carrying it out under occupation of Poland. It's not really the case of USSR coverup, because both countries were committing genocide on Polish citizens. >>28946 Yeah, that's totally why they also barred Polish people from educating themselves and evicting them forcibly from their homes as well as ordering public executions. Are you fucking retarded? I'm not even talking about camps, there is enough fucking shit to pile onto Nazis without even mentioning the camps. Generalplan OST might not have had any official documents saved, but we have enough proof to see that there was a fucking precedent for that, including even Mein Kampf itself. Even Hitler himself said that Poles cannot be germanized, what the fuck do you think he was going to do with them after occupying half of Poland? Hitler also says that they need to claim land for Germany in the East. If he does not want to Germanize the eastern populations, then tell me, what the fuck is he doing to do with them? Because seeing the actual actions in occupied Poland as well as his views there seems to be only one fucking possibility.
>>28958 >If he does not want to Germanize the eastern populations >does He is still alive?
>>28955 Tell me that's a fucking joke.
>>28959 You get what I mean.
>>28961 Yes, absolutely. Is he at the Antartic base or the Moon one?
>>28954 I entirely believe that ISPs are going to get nationalized in the near future when public majority shifts perception as internet as a consumer service to internet as a public utility or “human right” to be managed by bureaucrats and payed for by increased taxes. When that happens, the P2P networks and file sharing services will be shut down permanently and your internet license will be revoked (even though the process of nationalizing the service was campaigned as a “human rights” issue). This isn’t even a niggerpill since the same thing happened to electric companies 100 years ago and history likes to rhyme. So I don’t think they’ll be around forever or they’ll be so difficult to access that you’ll need to know someone in real life who has a copy like the Star Wars Holiday Special in the 80s and 90s. Final point is that I wouldn’t rely on fans to keep archives since eventually they’ll get lazy or bored or move on and the lifeblood of maintaining a fan collection will wane in time. So since fandoms die off and normalniggers ruin the internet, I’m getting copies of everything I like now so I can scan it, enjoy it, and keep multiple backup drives worth of shit in climate controlled bins if a disk or drive fails. Ultimately if they come to my house to confiscate “illicit media” then I’m already dead so I don’t worry about that.
(1.38 MB 640x360 HBO Mask.mp4)

>>28960 I’m entirely serious AND it was praised by the media and the masses alike; they all loved the new versions of the films.
>>312375 I know & that's why the Amazon series is dead on arrival. Just as bad as the Mordor games.
>>28964 Oh man, where can I get the COVID approved version of Friday the 13th?
>>28964 I could have sworn that was just the PSA and that they didn't edit entire movies.
>>28964 That Ad for euthanasia experimental gene theray vaccination doesn't prove edits of those movies exist.
>>28968 >he doesn't know You missed the entire thread where we talked about it
What's the next thread edition will be? >>28958 Yeah, the Germans were fucking crazy, but the Poles aren't also innocent either. The Poles were treating the Germans like shit in their homeland before WW2 even started. >>28964 I fucking hate this so much, knowing that there's a high survivability rate from the fucking virus among young people.
>>28969 You're a liar and a scoundrel and you probably spell honor like a Brit.
>>28970 I don't think that it was good either, that being said, if you want to go this route, then technically, the Poles were slaves to Russians, Germans and Austrians for a shit ton of time after the partitions of Poland took place. I do not think that any kind of civilian abuse is justified. It shouldn't a grudge match, but if we look at the grudges of every nationality here, it is far older than this.
>>28970 >The Poles were treating the Germans like shit in their homeland before WW2 even started. You do realize that is probably in response decades of the Western Europeans being prejudice against Poland any way they could, meanwhile the Eastern Europeans wanted to control the territory of Poland while doing everything to drive it's populace away because they may "infect" the "pure Slavic" nations.
(946.57 KB 900x675 Marks_gluttony.png)

>>28945 >Mark acts like a faggot on twitter. And the sky is still blue.
>>28960 Just an ad.
>>28968 >>28975 It’s literally in the GG Deepfreeze for everyone here to see as >>28969 referenced. Check the OP you niggers.
>>28905 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Popeye https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1964-68v28/d274 https://archive.is/VFdiO https://archive.is/GV4PM ENMODCOM is the regulation adopted by the state disallowing the usage of weather weaponry, but weather control technology is widely available so I could see China employing it against India, especially after that border skirmish that happened months ago. They could even be more directly behind the virus currently filling graves (metaphorically, they cremate folks there) in India than it simply being a nasty variant of the one they let get out. The US also been trying to mend fences between Pakistan and India in recent years (with little success) so making things worse for the region seems counterproductive. US companies would also be against it since they've outsourced heavily to India and if things got so bad they had to shut down call centers they'd be forced to spend money setting up elsewhere or, god forbid, paying AMERICANS to do that job.
Isn't the bakery open?
(5.54 MB 640x360 AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

We're waiting...
>>28978 >>28979 >>28980 Sorry, was fapping to why would anyone want to know this? Gonna bake a 2hu themed bread.
>>28981 Why not a "Gamers don't care about censorship" edition? but do as you wish as you are baking.
>>28982 Could do that one, I haven't pressed "post" yet. What pics should it include?
>>28981 >why would anyone want to know this? I just want to be close to you, anon.
>>28983 It's a fucking shame there aren't captions of people now calling Gamers to fight for their freespeech when they didn't care about freespeech to begin with. Or drawfags related to that.
>>28982 do "it's only censorship if it happens to me edition"
Here's some if you want.
>>28939 >Ludy Lin That's a name as American as apple pie. >>28950 Widely used. Plenty of states had people push back against it, but as it stands there are only eight states that have resisted adopting it: Alaska, Nebraska, Indiana, Virginia, Oklohoma, South Carolina, Texas and Florida. Minnesota rejected most of it but still kept it partially (specifically the butchering of the English language), while the rest adopted it starting 2010-2012 in its entirety.
>>28986 >if meant to say "when"
>>28985 >Or drawfags related to that I missed these. I only saw the screenshots about IGN (that I will use for the next thread).

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