For me, the only usable Desktop Environment is Xfce4 (and perhaps Mate). I use Ratpoison on my laptop and IceWM on my desktop (I have also tested LabWC).
Ratpoison is manually tiling WM. It's basically Tmux but for managing GUI windows. By default all windows are maximized and you can use ctrl-t n to switch to another ("next") window or you can use ctrl+t 2 to switch to window number 2 (and so on). There is also a command for switching to a window by searching for it's title, but I forgot the keybinding... The great thing is that Ratpoison can show all keybinding with ctrl+t ? (it lists even custom ones!). ctrl+t is the default Ratpoison "prefix key". All Ratpoison commands start with the prefix key but you can change the prefix key if you want, and you can define keybindings that don't need the prefix key (like making WinLogo + r execute your program launcher). Ratpoison is very simple to use and configure but some people want that their WM manages windows in a more dynamic or automatic way. It's also extremely lightweight.
IceWM is basically a clone of Windows 95 GUI with additional features (like optional support for sloppy focus). I used to use OpenBox but the development of it has stalled, unfortunately. Both OpenBox and IceWM are very simple to configure, too.
LabWC is a clone of OpenBox for Wayland.
>Haven't tried it yet, but from what I've seen looks like something for mobile or touch screens.
Gnome 2 was great but Gnome 3 is basically the Windows 8 of Linux world. Avoid. Mate desktop environment is a clone of Gnome 2.
You should try Debian testing.
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