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Girls Frontline 2 Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 20:55:04 Id: 4b34e3 No. 1047130 >>1047265 >>1047274 >>1047995
https://gf2exilium.sunborngame.com/ So this just came out globally recently. Is anyone playing it? Any fans of the original mobage/kusoge? This one plays a lot like XCOM, kind of. The similarities end pretty quickly when compared to XCOM but it's the best one most people will be familiar with. The visual style is 3D anime, but in my opinion, tastefully done. Not a shill by the way
>>1034975 There's already a gachashit thread, all of you retards can stay there nobody with any taste in actual games likes this shit.
That's cool and all, but I count zero ninja turtles in this title, and four in this one. Therefore, it sucks.
>>1047165 The fuck is up with the goggles, is Don supposed to be some trendy, hip faggot now or something?
>>1047174 They keep giving him "nerd gear" to indicate "he's the tech guy" instead of just letting his personality say that.
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>>1047130 (OP) >established as being clumsy >gets her real suckers confused with her bomb suckers >blows her own head off I'll stick with best girl, thank you.
Honestly, a big component of why this game is not being discussed more despite the very rabid fanbase is the publisher split which makes it very confusing for consumers. https://archive.fo/BJ5UZ To wit, there are TWO publishers, Darkwinter and Haoplay. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3347400/GIRLS_FRONTLINE_2_EXILIUM/ https://gf2-us-cdn-launcher.sunborngame.com/prod/download/launcher/1.0.0/GF2_Launcher_pc1_1_0_0_OverSeas_Mica_1732302259_6_1000005.exe >Darkwinter (Mica themselves) <NA, Australia, Africa, some parts of Asia and South America https://store.steampowered.com/app/3308670/ https://gf2-dl.haoplay.com/pc/GF2_v1.0.1.exe >Haoplay <JP, HK, KR, most of Europe, most of South America On top of that the Global release is going to be staggered a year from the domestic CN release. So I might dip in for launch rewards but not really stick around, unless the bikini skins are coming up fast. Also there's the Raymond controversy that's still lingering, Mica had to be bullied into giving the players what they wanted.

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And as can be seen from the Steam links, at least one of them isn't online. How Mica managed to screw up and not have the PC client ready on launch day, who knows, but that definitely dampened player count. >>1047130 (OP) By the way you don't need to post .gifs.
>>1047270 That sounds like a really shitty situation
>>1047270 >Also there's the Raymond controversy that's still lingering, Mica had to be bullied into giving the players what they wanted. Tell me more
a nice ad
>>1047130 (OP) Is the gameplay actually good?
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>>1047990 Reminder many tools exist that allow you to download Douyin videos without the obnoxious watermarks and black bars. My next war to declare >>1047512 I could write up an enormous wall of text, but others before me have done a decent job of recapping, see 2nd image.
>>1048063 I read that shitshow, and while I don't really understand it (yet), I can see why some nips/chinks might have gotten upset about it. Writers these days have to be aware of these sensitive topics. Do you remember the controversy around Kannagi?
>>1047995 >gameplay It's a gacha, anon. You buy gifs of cute girls holding guns with real world currency and a 0.0001% drop rate.
>>1048126 So to explain the cultural background of the controversy: >MICA sees that Mihomo is making mad dosh off of Genshit Impact, and part of it is because Mihomo heavily panders to fujos and yumejos with male bishie characters like Vente at launch >they want some of that action >they see that Mihomo had a game that was primarily male-targeted, Honkai Impact 3rd, and yet managed to pivot to have Genshit Impact become a general audiences game >they start testing male units in a gaiden game Project: Neural Cloud >"we can do that too" >unfortunately they're not the only people who've noticed >CN gamers have noticed with increasing frequency how many male-targeted developers have tried chasing the fujo yuan, and essentially they figured out what took #GG several years to realize within months, that once an IP starts pandering to women and queers the leftists inevitably demand and pressure the devs to start covering up the women while the men become male strippers; eventually the IP gets desexed altogether >this is deemed the "mixed toilet" genre (as in, if a girl were to scream rape in a hypothetical mixed sex bathroom, a guy would always be at a disadvantage), aka what the Western canon is at the moment >unlike the Westerner cucks the CN gamers actually take preemptive action and organize with various responses; one of them is termed the ariofuto boycott movement, or "I won't play if there are male characters" https://archive.is/RViB0 >Begun, the gender wars have >Daiyan incident happens in closed beta test; did not help that the game took place after a time skip where the GFL1 player character and Daiyan/Type-95 are separated, and Daiyan/Type-95 was one of the most popular GFL characters, being modeled after the PLA QBZ-95 bullpup assault rifle >alarm is sounded as the players interpret it as a coded attempt by MICA to pander to female players and expand the game's audience into a "mixed toilet" one >MICA traditionally has had a reputation of telling players to fuck off when they make a poorly received decision; toothbrush is sent as an in-game gift not long after the controversy starts being spread on social media >gets interpreted as an intent to double down and that's when the complete destruction of GFL2's reputation in CN is declared with a heavy review bombing campaign >Snowbreak: Containment Zone >>1037401 (1034975) sees this controversy, having tried to go the GA/mixed toilet route themselves and nearly facing EOS from it, and steals GFL2's thunder by pandering to its jilted fanbase and nabbing them up, changing the course of the CN gacha industry forever >MICA tries to hang on for a while sticking to its guns, but near-nil revenue month after month is having them bleed red >finally start trying to win CN audience back by rewriting the Daiyan event, uncensoring characters, putting out lewd skins, etc, but it's too late as their stubbornness made them persona non grata and a radioactive laughingstock in the CN market >Break the "Global launch" glass >We are here in this thread So all the sexo advertising you're seeing of GFL2? MICA covering its tracks trying to be revisionist with whitewashing. This shit is still going on to this day, as women smouldering from their defeat in the gender conflict have started attacking Snowbreak: Containment Zone and it's spilled over to other games like Azur Lane: Promilia and Wuthering Waves. The CN gamers were especially prescient as Genshit Impact was struck by a number of controversies by the demographics Mihomo courted like the infamous "whitewashing" one a while back.
>>1048158 Why the fuck wouldn't the game have released globally before? Why space out the release times on a fucking gacha? This didn't work out for FGO because that game's NA server is perpetually two years behind, and it's looking at a potential EoS this upcoming year of 2025 or early 2026 as what could be the last story chapter gets released. What will the NA players do when the JP server inevitably ends? Obviously they'll jump ship as well. Was GFL2 released earlier for JP audiences as well? Or is it just for the CN audiences? i.e. Was JP part of the global launch? >Wuthering Waves Involved in some kind of gacha scam which cost them a lot of good reputation earlier on after its release IIRC >Heaven Burns Red Yuri game through and through but apparently written by an actually competent team. Still seems too gay to me. Funny how Blue Archive seemed to capture the zeitgeist of the modern gacha player so well by having no male characters besides (You) and also putting out great character designs for the loli camp and hag camp alike. Granblue Fantasy, Reverse:1999, take notes...
>>1048158 I should point out mihomo STILL makes most of their money from men. The fujo stuff is more of a side business. There hasn't been a limited male character in Genshit for a looong time. ZZZ has had exactly one limited male with a second coming out in a couple of weeks that they are literally burning by giving him away for free and running at the exact same time as the most anticipated female character in the game. Even the current running male limited was basically thrown into a write off period between two high profile female releases and they likely figured most players would skip. Star Rail is about the only mihomo game that gives the fujos any rope at all and even then the gender balance is still largely screwed female and the male banners sell way less.
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Why does /v/ have so much gachashit now? This board has no right to critique casuals on AAA slop when people here play Chinese mobile slop.
>>1048221 I think culture in general is changing. Remember when Blue Archive replaced in popularity Touhou Project on Comiket? Even if we're at fault i don't think we can stop this shit anymore. I myself don't play gacha, because why the fuck i would play pay2win pack roll slot pachinko machine like tomorrow i am going to hit unpassable obstacle in it until i pay for packs with random bitches? But have you seen the characters? They are everywhere in bunch of doujin content regardless. I think its just weebs that were in just for the girls don't have a disdain for gacha that came from phone-priority market.
>>1048221 Sadly gachashit games are the only games left with hot girls and no censorship or poz for the most part.
>>1048221 Because just like 2hu, nobody actually plays gacha, but faps and enjoy the girls
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>>1048221 There are a massive number of weaboo gooners who only consume media based on muh dick, such as >>1048229. Something being good is irrelevant, that's why there's so fucking much isekai wish fulfillment and harem anime.
>>1048231 >gooners You have to go back.
>>1048236 That term has become mainstream enough anons should stop sperging whenever they hear it, and I'm actually from 8prime, how about you fuck off to haflchan with your culture war talking points and cumbrain drooling?
>>1048239 >mainstream >stop sperging Why are you here?
>>1048230 This, I don't know why anons get it twisted.
>>1048239 >cumbrain You have to go back... to reddit.
>>1048239 >jews have ordered everyone in their media complex to say it therefore I demand you be okay with me saying it because I have to fit in with what their society tells me I have to be Legitimately kill yourself in real life.
>>1048239 >be 8chan/gamergate >fight for allowing sexualization of bitches >constantly make huge stir and drama over lacking sexualization of bitches in immediate vicinity of a video game >if bitch is censored by mere lighting flash the game is unplayable, bitch must have her pantsu visible at all times >drag normalfags into it as well just to keep bitches sexualized >get accused for sexualizing bitches by modern cuckchan memes such as "coombrain" >anon using it claims he was in 8prime when more than half of gamergate topics were bitches clothing, other half being faggotry and decrease of white people on screen
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>>1048602 >t. coombrain
ayo whats with all this slang policing fam? makes y'all look like incel chuds fr fr no cap
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>>1048606 >addiction shaming = zoomer niggerbabble
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>>1048609 >>1048604 Severe case of cuckchan. Needs to be strapped to masturbation machine and tortured with having to cum on anime pictures.
>>1048614 Isn't that game mediocre?
>>1048662 >feminist shit about respecting women feeling didn't work to desexualize the market >gotta make up some shit for imageboard people specifically to shame themselves for sake of lowering amount of female cleavage on screen
>>1048158 Informative.
>>1048679 You know you just ignore obvious bait posts and talk about topic >>1048181 what even is the current most popular game? I know ZZZ is getting popular but thats a whole rpg game like genshin
>>1048684 Nikke is actually gaining popularity in both eastern and western markets. Granblue is still popular, blue archive is slowly on its way to dethrone it. Genshin and zzz are catering to a different mrket though
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The gacha is awful, the game is comically monetized and the gameplay itself is largely autoable. All that said, I'm sticking it out for a while since huffing story copium and GFL and PNC are probably going to EOS by the time the global servers for GFL2 catch up to current CN. >>1048230 GFL was the one gacha people played for the story. It annoys me that GFL2's genshit gacha has driven away most of those people and replaced them with literal coombrains, because they pay the big bucks to roll dupes of their "waifu"/favorite digital cumrag.
>>1051396 Gacha and comic monetization always makes games more awful. The only gacha games worth anything are games with gacha you can ignore, that are almost as good when you ignore the gacha.
>>1051423 Any kind of gambling in games is gay unless there is skill involved t. Game Corner slot master
>>1048684 >what even is the current most popular game? Probably something by Mihomo. Genshin, ZZZ, and Nikke are very normalfag-friendly pieces of shit, so they are generally at the top of the sales boards. For a good while, Uma Musume was very big and successful, and it achieved that while being restricted to Japanese (devices) only. I think Uma Musume has plateau'd however, and that much is blatantly obvious considering it just got the "Incase of emergency, release global version" glass broken. I couldn't see it being popular anywhere else but Japan, though. Nobody gives a shit about horseracing except a scant few autists in America, and those ones don't play video games, much less watch anime. I think it would be interesting seeing porn, however. Uma Musume's developers and community stressed that they don't want to see porn of the horses because the Japanese must always bend the knee to the yakuza, and they own much of the horseracing industry nowadays. Yakuza won't do shit overseas though.
>>1051467 Nikke had a spike in sales due the 2nd anni with two gacha skins, three normal skins and two banners of the most limited class. Now it's back to normal with significantly weaker characters and a chatgpt tier christmas event. And the fanservice is pretty much over since the company went public in April and its launching on chinkland around Q2.
Looks like Makiatto will be one of the upcoming characters for the new banner. >>1051396 >The gacha is awful According to the Jewtuber Pseychie, GFL2's gacha has a 50/50 rate system, similar to Genshin. I heard that a lot of people don't like this system.
>>1051858 Running with WAAAA next on global is pure moneygrubbing since they know most people blew their free rolls on Suomi and Makiatto is a mid tier unit unless you get her first dupe. >GFL2's gacha has a 50/50 rate system, similar to Genshin. I heard that a lot of people don't like this system. Yeah, the 50/50 sucks. mica refused to round the edges of the genshit system like other new did, like having farmable dupes or 100% rates. The whale centric design is why the game underperforms in China in my view, the people who would spend hundreds every patch are already playing much bigger gacha, while the GFL and PNC all 10 of us fanbase had to go from 10% monetization to 100%.
Where's the porn?
>>1051858 >a 50/50 rate system, similar to Genshin. I have lost many hours of my life due to this system, never again.
It seems that a separate studio is developing a TPS Girl's Frontline game in the works called Project Net. I'm not sure if they want to rival with other gacha shooters like Snowbreak and Strinova. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ECa9t16mw5Q
Looks like Ms. Raymond/Daiyan (Type 95) will be next.
I guess I'm going to bump this thread by asking if the Miracle Sweetheart costune for Yoohoo is available at all for Global, and if so, how to obtain it? Was it time-limited? How do I check the Dolls on rotation for pulls?
>>1051396 Is GLF2 story bad?
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Somebody reverse-engineered the 2D characters of the game and you can manually change the expressions of your liking. https://srpg-kr.github.io/live2d/
>>1081916 That doll just came last month in CN, there is no way she's coming for global until Q4 or late Q3. >How do I check the Dolls on rotation for pulls? Pretty much random since global isn't following the original CN banner schedule.
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>>1082029 Who the fuck are these characters. Where are my anthropomorphic guns? Where is best girl?
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>>1056491 I would be down for a GFL shooter, even if it means it'll be like The First Descendent with perhaps less grind or predatory transactions since Nexon wouldn't be involved but >Mobile UI >No Tommy Gun in sight Not looking good.
>>1082038 The girls are free from the bondage of the futuristic military industrial dystopia so have decided to take on their own names, although some retain their gun name. It is pretty lame.
>>1082140 >have decided to take on their own names Well they probably should stop choosing. Krolik sounds like a brand for dog food.
Doesn't seem that bad, gameplay-wise, but the infinite style and gacha just doesn't fit my lifestyle anymore. I'm going full on zero tolerance for fomo or any other predatory tactic, so if the game has rotational lootboxes, season passes or any other type of "you need to be there" style content i'm out immediately. I'm also pretty tired of live-service "infinite" games that you're supposed to play for all eternity, i don't mind if the game has 400 hours of content, it needs to end at some point. ironically enough, old dead MMOs with pivate servers has become some of my favorite games to play, like PSO1, PSU and Tera.

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