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Hamtaro Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 16:56:23 Id: 3dc8fc No. 20629 >>20632 >>22165 >>22449 >>25383 >>29135 >>37706
Why didn't Hamtaro take off the way Ojamajo Doremi did? The characters were just as good if not better then what Doremi had but Doremi was the show that was remembered and Hamtaro was forgot about. Anyway; Hamtaro thread.
>>20629 (OP) easy... on Ojamajo Doremi you had lolis 24 minutes on each episode... in Hamtaro you had lolis only 5 minutes XD
>>20632 And they didn't use all of the primary ones (Laura, Kana, June, Kylie and later Mindy) in every episode either. In fact in later episodes they sometimes only show up for 1 minute tops.
>>20634 listen japanese character called with occidental names hurt in my heart so much... So sad the 90% doujinshi of this anime includes drugs... I think artist will can make something much better
>>20651 There was a archive of Hamutaro doujins but it stops early on the the shows run (the rest of the archive likes say forbidden), it lasted until 2006 when the show ended and the site went 404'ed, theres more then whats uploaded on Sad Panda. https://web.archive.org/web/20020414040806/http://www.globetown.net:80/~naocha/rkdoujin.html And the drugging mostly if not only came from 1 guy who was Chouchin Ankou.
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>>20629 (OP) Hiroko (Laura) Haruna looks like Yukari Akiyama from Girls und Panzer
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>>20654 Ruined.
>>22842 Explain how?
The fact that Pop'n-Pastel rarely updates nowadays is sad, he was one of the greats over at Pixiv.
The only time PalComix did Laura/Hiroko and I wish they did more with the human characters of Hamtaro.
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>>25070 I fixed some of the anatomy to 2 of the pictures.
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Stop giving adult breasts to lolis.
>>26969 >>27253 I never will understand the fetish of loli with a bigger breasts...
>>27254 Blame Haruka/May for that.
>>27506 Artist? These are hot
>Only appears on the cover. >Doesn't have a story in said doujin.
>>33869 >>33870 >>33871 I think you should stick to an AI thread for these, especially things that need touching up, else one could easily flood other threads with AI art.
>>33876 Thanks for the heads up.
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Nude edits, please
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Nude Edits
>>34458 >>34459 you get in bad board
>>34458 >>34459 >>34495 2 of those were already done. https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/5585963 https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/5585962 No idea if the other 8 will be shopped.
Mother daughter "bonding" time.
>>34704 Update.
Doujin that hasn't been uploaded to Sad Panda yet. https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHOA96860
>>35950 God, Kana is sex
>>35952 So is Hiroko/Laura.
>>34784 Nice! Can you there be big breast edits of those, too, like we've been seeing other big breast Laura edits?
>>36079 Gross. Post those pics in their own thread where they belong. >>242
>>36079 We'll see about that.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIYNmrJ6XN/ Small comic with Hiroko in it.
>>34784 >>36088 >Okay. I'll be waiting right here.
>>40200 We really need more people supporting and drawing Laura and Kana.
Sorry for the last picture being so small, I couldn't find the full size one.
>>35219 Sad Panda now has this Doujin.
Don't worry, it's chocolate.
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>no porn of the hamsters WEAK
>>44492 loli board
>>44503 Yea, this thread is about Laura and her friends.
Laura has such a yummy body with a sexy smile!
>>46201 Those she does have.
If anyone wants to dump the full set here or on Sad Panda then please do so. Source: https://fantia.jp/posts/3059206#post-content-id-5379304
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>>53494 (13322) did you find anything? ive been looking for their artwork for a while too
>>53815 I don't think they did anything Hamtaro related.

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