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Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 05:23:34 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to /loomis/ ! This board is intended for the discussion of a variety of artistic subjects, with an emphasis on illustration, painting and animation. If you're looking for books, video lectures and demonstrations on these subjects, please see the old /loomis/ resource hub archived at: https://bit.ly/3mW0abp
Edited last time by loomis on 05/01/2022 (Sun) 22:59:36.

Draw Thread Anonymous 09/30/2020 (Wed) 02:39:21 No. 349 [Reply] [Last]
Moe Anthropomorphism Edition
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>>6762 >>6761 yeah, hah.
>>6758 > Do you have any advice for exercises I could do or copy that would help me with that? For me "Scott Robertsons How to Draw" helped me tons with that. I think practicing simpler designs with a lot of focus on keeping the three-dimensionality of the details helps a lot. Also, just using thin lines and maybe very selectively making a line thicker or fade into a shadow shape.
>>6758 Focusing on keeping the structure and perspective of details intact is what I would focus on during practice for some time.

Loomis Feels Thread 2: the New Normal Anonymous 07/13/2021 (Tue) 05:14:38 No. 3408 [Reply] [Last]
Tell me how (You) feel (´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `) Old thread: >>146 Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5xbsqZrqgo
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>>6746 Literally everyone gets paid to "do what they do". If you're a high enough proficiency to earn a living making art than you ought to. If you're just musing and larping though you wouldn't be alone, either.
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>>6340 AI is only an issue for stupid gay illustrators. And I'm being very specific when I say illustrators, because they are soulless faggots that only create stock images. Artists need not fear AI, since, like anons say, its about the creative process as a hobby and also the fact that if you are creating art professionally no AI can replicate a human because AI is homogeneous. Even if it is trained on your works it will only ever be able to create a middle-of-the-road derivative of you. But you alone can create a new and unique artwork.
>>6764 this is not mine if someone assumes

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Practice Thread 2: the Second Practice Thread Edition Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 06:11:59 No. 3859 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for people of all skill levels to dump their works-in-progress and studies Old Thread: >>3 Resources: Northern Kentucky University Drawing Database - Marc Leone "the Basics" Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtd6uwNFl9k&list=PLMXbAPr21di-Ox-dmDwL2riWedei1dn9S[Embed] Ctrl+Paint.net Free Video Library https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library/ Anatomical 3-D Models: https://pastebin.com/9VgmQQPk Random Figure Poses: New and Improved!

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by loomis on 03/29/2022 (Tue) 19:16:24.
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skully bois
>>6744 It's good that you're trying but you're missing a lot of the nuance in the details. Really be mindful of the shape of the contours in things like the hollow in the skull where the cartilage of the nose is affixed. When it comes to the teeth and other similar , repetitious details here's a tip: measure in halves. Start with the full width of the area, then dividing that in half and then those halves into quarters and less. I've found this to be the best way to get an accurate approximation. So like this: | | | | | | | | | |
>>6750 thx for the tips. I'll keep them in mind going forward. My teeth need better spacing & variety in size. Lack of depth inside the nose depicting a hole hollowness is missing. Awesome tips, I appreciate it.

The Last Hill Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 07:30:17 No. 6741 [Reply]
Has anyone ever actually done this? It seems like it's a little too advanced for the instructions he gives you previously. Like the fenceposts are in single point perspective while everything else is in two point and I think all but the first part are going towards a false horizon. Thoughts? Any brave Anons out there who've already traversed this and have any advice?
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>>6742 The last exercise in Fun With a Pencil. You have to recreate this image by finding the perspective of the structures in it, but he never touches on curved structures or mixing one point with two point.
>>6741 I feel like this one is a bit of an oversight on Loomis' part. It really is way too advanced for anything covered in the book-it's maybe something more fitting for someone who'd worked through Creative Illustration
Having said that, FWaP is an excellent book, among the best I personally think.

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Krita Anonymous 10/18/2020 (Sun) 03:03:28 No. 533 [Reply] [Last]
Krita remains the most versatile and overall best free drawing, painting and animation software I'm aware of. It is extremely competitive and even superior to many commercial software options. Find it at https://krita.org/en Newest Stable Release 4.4.8 (8/25/21) https://krita.org/en/download/krita-desktop/ Krita 5.0 Beta! https://krita.org/en/item/second-beta-for-krita-5-0/
Edited last time by loomis on 11/03/2021 (Wed) 07:32:29.
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>>6734 Wish I knew fam, wish I knew.
>>6739 Alright, time to make my own then, with blackjack and hookers.
>>6745 I would love a Krita fork that just removed any vestige of corporate ai slop that they intend to implement in the future. It is open source after all.

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Anonymous 09/17/2020 (Thu) 17:19:12 No. 130 [Reply]
Is there someone wants to donate this book so I can disassemble the spine and scan it? I used to have this book but it went missing when I move out from my old apartment to a smaller room. It already took up space before so a digital copy would be nice but for some reason, there's no ebook from the official publisher. I've been searching every nook of chans and normet socials and none of them have the scanned book so I guess I need to start it myself then. I'll give my contact if someone interested to participate in this because I have the access to an library archive scanner.
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Is it really that good?
>>6194 maybe. I wouldn't know. btw, check this out for JC & FX Leyendecker's art dump for studies. https://www.flickr.com/groups/leyendecker/pool/
>>142 There are scanners designed for books that don't require disassembly.

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OE KA KI Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 00:54:34 No. 6678 [Reply]
Oekaki is BACK, bitches! You see this thread, right? Then stop whatever you're doing and draw something with it right now! Take your time or doodle something quick, it doesn't matter. Just have fun and draw something!
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>>6695 He looks really sad and pain from his elmet. Good job for rendering real sadness and pain.
>>6698 amen
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NG murder collab Cool drawing 06/19/2024 (Wed) 18:51:48 No. 6714 [Reply]

QTDDTOT Anonymous 12/31/2020 (Thu) 10:05:18 No. 1309 [Reply] [Last]
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread: There's no QTDDTOT edition
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what software can I use on desktop to collage images together onto one canvas. So I can post collection of my draws onto one image or page. is it possible in krita?
>>6694 >is it possible in krita? Y...yes? It's possible in pretty much any image editing software, from paint to photoshop. You just mean putting all of your images onto one large canvas, right? You can shrink them down and fit them on whatever size image you'd like. Are you the same anon who has been posting weird disjointed questions about perspective and how to get "successful numbers" and shit for years?
>>6696 > Are you the same anon who has been posting weird disjointed questions about perspective and how to get "successful numbers" and shit for years? nope. bvt thx for the help

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shit comic 88 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:36:27 No. 6692 [Reply]
wtf is this XD Im looking for wecomics on comicfury and i see this shit. when did the standard get THIS low
Mods, please remove this post. It's a thread that belongs into the comics thread or shitposting thread. Is most likely a bad actor trying to reduce this boards quality. Keeping this place organized is important. thx.

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Drawpile Thread: Finally Home Loomis 12/11/2023 (Mon) 00:33:15 No. 6643 [Reply]
Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits! Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro Server is accessible 24/7 A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there! Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, read the room; let's try and get the most out of each theme! -2.2 Beta Users: Exercise caution when using the new brushes, until we can get the server updated your work could be altered after a cache reset -for high quality, raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive here: https://mega.nz/folder/hbAURDBB#htWRoOsPOG30XnMmKV_zNA
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>>6672 Awesome to hear, Chad. Good to see you're still around, healthy and healing.
is the drawpile server down, I can't access it?
>>6684 Nah it's up man. We did an update recently though so maybe it was just bad timing

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Learning how to draw in 6 easy steps Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 17:58:18 No. 1991 [Reply] [Last]
>What is the purpose of this thread? The point of this thread is to establish for people the foundations of what is required in order to become a great artist. The people this thread is best aimed at are those so-called "experts" wanting to get back to the basics, or newcomers wanting to know how to start their journey towards becoming an artist. >Does the "six steps" mean I will become a great artists within the week? No. The purpose of the "six steps" is to establish a foundation for all art and drawing. You're not going to become an expert overnight because drawing is a skill that you need to develop over time. However, it's pointless to constantly bang your head against a wall for hours on end because that will do nothing except burn yourself out and become frustrated. To put it one way, it's a better learning process to spend 10 days sketching for an hour than spend one day sketching for 10 hours. >So, how does the "six step" process work? All you do is spend 15-60 hours everyday, drawing each successive step of the process. That's it. >What happens if I miss a day You just continue on with the next day as if nothing every happened. Spending double the time is not going to make up for the day that you lost. >What if I just don't feel like doing it one day? If you don't "feel" like it, learn to work through it because what you're doing is building a habit. If you're still having a "hard time", just get out your supplies, and set them up as if you were going to still practice. If you're still not "feeling it", perhaps drawing isn't your thing and you need to find a new hobby. >How was this process developed? Referring to resources that other artists have recommended in regards actually learning how to draw. So, here we go...
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>>6674 Anon, I hate to say it but he said 15-60 hours. An obvious exaggeration, but the more time you can spend the better... unless you feel like you're just spinning your wheels endlessly.
>>6675 >the more time you can spend the better That is just my way of getting myself into the rhythm of things. Start off with really small time investments then once I get into it more, I can put more time in. I've noticed if I start out trying to force an hour+ a day learning whatever, I'll quickly start viewing it as a chore and not something that I want to do for fun which will kill it for me.
>>6674 My wife has tried this method for the past two months and the improvements she made is terrific. However, your best bet when hitting an art block where you don't achieve any further improvements is to try and draw something completely different from what you're trying to learn. Like switching from faces to still life for a week.

Shitposting Thread #1 Anonymous 04/08/2021 (Thu) 23:26:15 No. 2303 [Reply] [Last]
Let off some steam, Bennet
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>>6515 I'm glad you guys are still around. If you know of other loomis anons lost on other boards, please, get the team back together.
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To whom it may concern: If you're lurking, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.

Arms and Armor Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 06:30:17 No. 6604 [Reply]
Just keeping a thread open for fantasy and historical artists for various military dress and fantasy equipment that I think is worth drawing. I can post stuff on request if necesary.
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>>6611 I loved that book >>6621 Osprey is a treasure
>>6611 I swear I remember there being something like this but for architecture and medieval villages and castles too but for the life of me I always have trouble remembering what it was called.
>>6658 I remember those as well and I also have no clue. All I remember is they were really cool

Anyone there? Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 20:11:24 No. 6599 [Reply]
Is this board dead? Are you drawing anons...?
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>>6649 Good work, are you thinking of making something real with them? Make sure to post that too
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>>6651 That's the plan. Got a piece of mahogany just big enough to cut in half, glue together and turn into a guitar body (plus squashed headstock depending on if I do an extreme cutaway (picrel). Would like to have a go at a 7 string 26.5 inch scalelength guitar, but finding exact measurements to start with the body (rather than placing the bridge after having a completed neck) is proving difficult. Might have to sneak a ruler into a guitar shop. I could start with the dragons, might have to. If that means nothing to non guitarfags it's because I don't know what I'm doing.
>>6652 Righteous

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