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Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Please change your board re-claiming approach or we migrate our communities out of 8chan.moe Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 03:00:38 Id: a9123e No. 6163 [Reply]
I shouldn't have to re-login when I'm still logged in just to prevent you from handing over the board to some troll who nukes everything. Instead of discreetly handing away the board over without providing any notice to the current BO (most of us use throwaway emails) or community to a potential board nuker, you should first actually post a thread with your admin/mod tag on that board notifying the community that someone has claimed the board and the BO has one week to re-login. For example another board /loomis/ was recently sabotaged by a new board owner (the original one was always there and posted frequently and did mod actions, but didn't re-login) who proceded delete several threads. I on principle will refuse to re-login to my own board, because that's a really stupid system you have where a BO who's still logged in can get his board stolen by a board nuker because you're not willing to make any effort to actually check whether the board even needs a new BO or not and post a notification on the board about a board claim. You are aware that you have several rivals (anoncafe, zzzchan et al.) from your childish webring drama who will exploit this process and nuke boards to bring them over to their own sites, right? If you don't change this broken policy within a week then I'll have you know that I and a few other board owners will be migrating our boards out of 8chan.moe, we all know how to do server and site administration, configure BIND9 DNS servers, find the cheapest and best VPS & domain registration deals (e.g. there are various excellent DMCA-ignoring pro-free-speech VPS providers based in Russia for example, not just your basic bitch pro-censorship globohomo Western VPS providers that you normies settle for), mask domain registration and hide identity with Bitcoin payments, set up reverse proxies, PHP programming (Lynxchan is an undocumented overengineered ANTI-MODULAR piece of trash and Node has ZERO advantage over PHP, the former of which requires a fucking server restart just to modify some code, what a garbage server runtime environment and language, I pity you having to deal with that shit, no wonder it takes days for you to figure out how to fix a simple thumbnail problem on the front-end lmao because of your piece of trash imageboard software that is hard to test and overhyped language for hipsters and corporate yuppies which by the way was never even designed for backend development but for client-side scripting, even the Node creator Ryan Dahl admitted Node was a huge mistake and is promoting Deno as a replacement), MySQL tuning, locking down several points of entry/directories with nginx for security hardening, etc. etc., so don't think we're just puffing hot air.
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>>6169 >don't log in (even to see your own board reports which is important in and of itself Did you even read his post? He remained logged in. There was no need to login again see reports. >>6163 >>6170 >Muh board nuker and archives You know this site has post restoration options and regular sitewide backups in case of sabotage, right? Nothing is lost as long as you report the problem to the administration before cobwebs start forming on your board. >>6296 I agree with >>6295 Automatically putting a countdown announcement a few days, or a week, before the board ever goes up for claims seems like a good idea. It will also expedite how quickly a board is claimed once the BO lets it go up for grabs through, since everyone using the board will be well aware when it goes up for claims.
>>6296 if an anon isn't able to log in for a period of time (let's say work is busy or some shit or life gets complicated), there should be an option to increase the login's impact, like say, maybe the longer you own the board, the more time you get from a login? Like maybe 5-8 weeks for BOs who have maintained activity for longer?
>>6169 >>6296 When jschan fetches account data for a valid session cookie, it first checks a cache. If the account data is in the cache (short TTL, like 1 hour), it uses that. Otherwise, it fetches the account from the database, updates the account last active date, then caches the account/session data again. This way the user does not have to logout and log back in to be considered active, and the 1 hour cache means you don't need to write to the database on every single request by logged in users. As long as they browse the site while logged in, their last activity will be at worst 1 hour inaccurate (or whatever the TTL of your cache is). I don't know how lynxchan handles login sessions, but it would be pretty stupid if you can't patch it to do something similar.

Why the fuck did you ruín the catalog view for mobile? Anonymous 06/29/2022 (Wed) 17:01:01 Id: a33701 No. 6052 [Reply]
I don't need to say more do I? Pic unrelated.
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>>6110 Then it might be on mobile only.
The catalog page uses JavaScript to provide sorting and search functionality. Previously, the way the page was built was preventing thumbnails from lazy-loading and had a number of other small issues. The new JavaScript appears to have an issue where it takes a moment to reload, and on mobile it is sometimes failing to reload. It's a known issue and we are working on it. On mobile, you can try using the side catalog in the meantime as a workaround. For the fastest response, please keep bug reports in the latest changelog thread. It is the thread checked most often.
>>6097 For me, it's Qinqiu.

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Filter boards by language Anonymous 06/17/2022 (Fri) 15:14:49 Id: 021c61 No. 5865 [Reply]
It would be interesting to have this option in https://8chan.moe/boards.js as 8kun has (see attached image). Especially because it could be a complement to what is discussed in >>>/hispachan/11762 and easily find all the boards in Spanish that have been created lately.
>>5865 Seconding >t. pastafag
>>5865 is there an Eastern European slav site or image board that isn't kremlin owned or 4chan tier where I could shitpost? would rather listen to an Serb and Bulgarian argue then read spic shit at least it's funny reading it in broken English, spics aren't even funny they just fing retarded boring shit.
>>5914 >other slave nation too poor since separated from USSR that they can't afford imageboard

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How much it takes to receive the confirmation e-mail? Anonymous 06/13/2022 (Mon) 04:42:02 Id: e6211f No. 5806 [Reply]
Because I remember asking for it months ago, and I never received it, and I double checked the spam section.
It's usually inmediately, which mail are you using?
>>5815 Outlook (hotmail.com), should I use another?
>>5821 >Outlook (hotmail.com) >should I use another? yes

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Replying Imoto-chan 05/22/2022 (Sun) 06:49:43 Id: 000000 No. 5577 [Reply]
Dumb but how do you reply to people's comments on your post? And how do you keep track of your posts on who replies and not?
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>>5579 Thank you. And backlinks where is it located?
>>5586 By default, at the top. If you want them at the bottom then you can set that in the Settings menu.
>>5577 Cute anime girl

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Mouseover on long filenames causes annoying element wrapping Anonymous 05/17/2022 (Tue) 05:25:23 Id: 784f94 No. 5527 [Reply]
Filenames are truncated to a certain length. On mouseover, it shows the full filename. If the filename is too long, it can trigger an erratic wrapping behavior. You can reproduce it with this post: https://8chan.moe/b/res/352013.html#q413312
1 post omitted.
>>5532 Any ETA on the update?
>>5533 The original plan was by the end of May. We've got a little over a week left and a lot of work to do, and there is much testing to be done. But if it's not ready as we go into June then I will have to make some decisions about what to keep and what to push out to the next update. Or, by some miracle, it'll all come together in the next week.
>>5555 Those quads can't be wrong. Keep up the good work. And please >>5648

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Can we have a new thread form on the catalog? Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 17:21:42 Id: 101d14 No. 4526 [Reply]
I only browse boards through the catalog and there's no form to make a new thread there. I have to go to index to make a new thread.
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>>4712 >>4528 >>4526 You could do this before, but for some reason the incompetent retards who run this site disabled it.
OP here... will this ever be implemented?
>>5470 It is now. Nice.

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==Eh (toi) !== Anonymous 05/25/2022 (Wed) 14:56:53 Id: 6b99ec No. 5609 [Reply]
Oui, (toi) ! Dis-moi voir, tu cause français ? Alors tu pourras peut-être jeter un œil à la traduction du defaultLanguagePack.json sur laquelle j'ai travaillé et me corriger ou donner des pistes de travail qui te semblent plus pertinentes. Il y a des lignes que je n'ai pas su traduire ainsi que certaines expressions volontairement laissé en anglais, d'une parce que c'est un language trop spécifique et je voulais pas faire trop de radicalité (après tout pourquoi ne pas partir en mode grenouille extrémiste ?) En te remerciant anon.
This is a draft of the french translation of the defaultLanguagePack.json I worked on. You can add it but it's not yet polished. Some lines are not (yet) translated because I simply don't know how to translate them to french. I also tried to find the right balance, letting some specific / technical expressions in english on purpose. Was not really sure if I could go full autisme on this one. If you can decipher the frawg language, feel free to correct and / or give suggestions on things that can be enhanced.
Version définitive / Definitive edition ici >>5640

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User Support / Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread PART TWO Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 23:31:35 Id: 17476e No. 4757 [Reply] [Last]
Making a new (unofficial) thread because the other one is full and the admins haven't done something about it. This is a catch-all for site troubleshooting, such as features not working as intended, or for discussion of global rules, policies, and administrative decisions. If you're a regular user and have an issue, post here and we'll do our best to resolve it. Resolved petitions may be merged into this thread for posterity.
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>>5209 I'll profile the memory usage and see if we can cut it down. We've made a lot of tweaks to accommodate websockets, so it would be nice to verify there's no memory leaks.
Why does the verifaction take so much time and when I cancel it it blocks me from posting?
>>5412 This happens when Proof of Work (PoW) is enabled. You need a bypass to post. When PoW is on, you need to generate a token to get a bypass. When you cancel it, you don't get a bypass, so you cannot post.

LynxChan 2.7 + Aleph Changelog: Love Letter Edition Codexx Root 02/20/2022 (Sun) 08:26:48 Id: 7c5adb No. 4917 [Reply] [Last]
Apologies for the late changelog, but 2.7 was a little unfinished and I wanted to see it polished off. This is a combined changelog for 2.7.0 through 2.7.5. Functionality Added Multiboard menu for users with JavaScript enabled. This will let you create, name, and manage Multiboards. This is a first iteration and we have a few ideas for how to improve it. Refactored a number of forms. Custom Thumbnails are now available. Let us know if you think any file formats should have their own thumbnail! You can now send multiple reports at once. Style & Markdown Dice now preserves each roll. These can be viewed by hovering over the roll. 10d6 = 45 Markdown FAQ has been updated. Fixes Fixed board message formatting regression. Fixed Loading text sticking around after a hover reply loads. Fixed some issues with filtering/hiding. Improved XSS security. Thanks to ipsec for bringing this issue to our attention.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>5385 That primarily affects messages from the backend, so (most) error messages and post dates should be converted. We're working on adjustments to the frontend that will allow other text to be automatically translated. Hopefully that will be ready soon.
>>5246 >>5248 Can you explain why my performance will randomly tank for no good reason when I have a tab of this site open which miraculously disappears and never happens again the moment I open the task manager to see whats going on? Along with the fact there's been no effort to fund the site through donations or ads in the entire 2 years its been running leads me to believe money is being made from it some other way.
>>5395 Can't say I've ever experienced consistent performance issues while running the site. At least not these days. I used to have constant memory leak problems with imageboards but I fixed that by putting my swap file onto an SSD instead of an HDD. I'm pretty sure Acid runs (owns?) a firearm store and Codexx is a full time programmer. I doubt the money they could harvest from some shitty browser based crypto miner would even make a dent compared to their yearly salaries. I think the most logical conclusion is that between the two of them the cost of the site just isn't a significant financial hit.

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Anonymous 05/04/2022 (Wed) 23:04:32 Id: 3ae3b7 No. 5366 [Reply]
Weird anomaly on /ask8chan/, my board. Hello, recently there is some post that don't have an image and all have specific subject and name. I'm sure it's from one guy or that's just normal cause? Thanks I just too lazy to download anything. Pics not related to threads.
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>>5367 Thanks anon but how in the world they can create a thread without an img? This is an imageboard by the way.
>>5369 As a BO it is your job to set the board up to your own liking. Requiring a picture for a new thread is a checkbox setting inside your boards settings panel. Click key. Click board. Click setting. Click save. Done.

Please fix my CSS!!!!! pururin 04/14/2022 (Thu) 13:42:12 Id: ad0377 No. 5167 [Reply]
Custom CSS for my board >>>/digi/ stopped working overnight please fix this i'm begging you
https://8chan.moe/digi/custom.css shows up empty What the hell is happening?
Codexx, where are you?
it's back for now, THANKS

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8chan chatroom nine11#3JE9z6 02/04/2021 (Thu) 06:58:35 Id: 792288 No. 1924 [Reply]
Is #8chan @ irc.rizon.net the official 8chan.moe chatroom? Do we have a Matrix chatroom?
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you too ?
For future posters trying to contact staff via irc. At 9AM utc the room is full with people. If you join a #8chan but no one in the room, you join at wrong network. I dunno about hexchat but if you use mirc, you don't need alt+O to join network. Right now the guy I'm suppose to contact is in top of room list but idk if names are always there whether they online or not

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2.6 Changelog Codexx Root 08/02/2021 (Mon) 07:42:53 Id: 70ccc8 No. 3436 [Reply] [Last]
Changelog 2.6.0: Libertarian Edition Policy You may now request your board have custom JavaScript enabled. All custom JS must be non-obfuscated and compatible with the AGPLv3 license so both users and admins can check for malicious usage. You may not redirect users off-site, nor track them in any way. A number of pages have had their wording corrected. These pages have now been vetted by an attorney. "Wrong or Expired Captcha" should now occur less often. Style & Markdown CSS has been reworked. There should now be fewer files and a simpler hierarchy to traverse, along with less contradictory rules. This may break compatibility with some themes, but fixing them should be easier than making them. Please look at any of the site themes for an example of how to style a custom CSS file. Dice rolls now support adding and subtracting, and have had some bug fixes. Lain Theme Added Moe OS Theme Added Secret Themes Added Fixes Fixed some features not working correctly with replies added by WebSockets. Captchas should no longer reflow the page

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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So not only can you not report multiple posts at once despite the check boxes being exposed in the UI for whatever reason, but you get "Flood detected" when reporting posts for the same reason back to back. It's like everything about the report system is designed to make it as unappealing as possible to interact with.
>>4750 It went away but now it seems the upload box issue has returned once again.
Hidden threads reappear after refreshing the page.

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8chan Happenings Thread Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 07:03:02 Id: 0fd632 No. 268 [Reply]
Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning 8chan and related imageboards and similar stuff here.
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Why does the Rule 34 board keep vanishing?
>>4761 Hotlink block. Visit it from the boards list or a crosslink. >>>/rule34/
Not really inside 8chan, but I think 8kun is hacked now

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