/site/ - Site Meta

Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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(used to delete files and posts)


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The backup domains are located at 8chan.se and 8chan.cc. TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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Banner Thread Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 01:16:17 Id: 4a09b9 No. 1998 [Reply] [Last]
Requests, suggestions, contributions, ideas, and discussion Continuing off of >>1985 check there for some logo resources. Banner specs, if you're not aware: >300x100 px >Maximum 1MB file size Requests: >Post a picture or gif, and specify what you were thinking. >Larger images will be the easiest to /banner/ >General or board specific banner ideas are welcome as well. Banner images will resize to the default 300x100 ratio. To have any height/width ratio put this in the CSS: #bannerImage {height: unset !important} For CSS support use >>1650
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>>2172 Added to /u/'s banner. Thank you. I will remember to specify that next time.
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Here's a banner for /site/
>>2172 I didn't notice it last time, thank you for the wonky font. They looks fun

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Purge abandoned boards Anonymous 04/23/2021 (Fri) 19:46:27 Id: b91bdc No. 2298 [Reply]
Delete the boards marked as Abandoned that haven't had a single post in the last three months. This will save resources (storage, shekels, global volunteer manpower), free URIs for people who want to use them on different boards, free space on the board list, and reduce the amount of potential attack vectors for bad actors (like glowniggers posting illegal content on an unmaintained board or trolls parking URIs for no real purpose).
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>>2335 There are lots of abandoned boards with less than 10 posts that nobody would miss and only clutter the board page and the webring plugins. Some cleanup wouldn't do harm.
>>2298 This is why board creation shouldn't just be a free for all. You end up with dead boards that were never going to be active because some faggot thought it would be a good idea at the time but now doesn't care for the board. The fatass running this site won't bother deleting them though because it requires doing something.
Eh, imo boards should only be deleted upon request of someone wanting to take it under these criteria. Archive boards could get fucked under this for example, or backup boards and whatnot. It would be a shame to lose a board's content forever if it had a good amount of posts, but just happened to not have activity for a few months. Though as some people say, not all boards are created equal. This should be handled on a case by case basis rather than by any automated method imo.

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Alternative Css Styles Thread Anonymous 05/12/2021 (Wed) 19:49:16 Id: a6aa36 No. 2716 [Reply]
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These are the ones I have made or saved.
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>>2734 And here screenshots of each theme.

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On Abandoned Boards Anonymous 03/31/2021 (Wed) 15:43:34 Id: 9e7c35 No. 2199 [Reply]
How would one be able to acquire one of the abandoned boards' moderating rights?
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>>2277 BO deleted it along with his other boards.
>>2278 Oh. Goddamit I was rused. At least 1 of his board is a shitposting general I can whine in.
>>2277 >>2278 >>2285 Come to /c/. One of the reasons I created it was because I grew tired of seeing boards like /anime/ and /pure/ be deleted for no reason.

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User Support / Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Codexx Root 12/13/2020 (Sun) 04:48:24 Id: a20824 No. 1650 [Reply] [Last]
This is a catch-all for site troubleshooting, such as features not working as intended, or for discussion of global rules, policies, and administrative decisions. If you're a regular user and have an issue, post here and we'll do our best to resolve it. Resolved petitions may be merged into this thread for posterity.
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Webms and MP4s are no longer working on my mobile waterfox browser Did something change recently?
I too can not watch mp4s here anymore. They just load forever. I swear it wasn't like this last week.
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No obvious limit on uploads but it fails anyway when I add too many files. pls fix

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Suggestion to make the site TOR and redchannit only for a week after sunday Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 11:42:58 Id: 927650 No. 2097 [Reply]
Mark's a fuckup and he'll be doing an interview on Q within a documentary thatll be releasing on Sunday. I suggest laying low for a bit and placing the site for TOR only to avoid glowniggers/hotwheels fucking up the place over loli and newfags/spam flooding all the boards. Disconnecting from the webring for a bit might also be a good idea to minimize damages.
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>>2114 If they do they're gonna find out that we're not Jim. We don't shill for shekels or try to make ad money here, so their retarded activity has zero value. Not to mention what they already cost us once. Free speech means free speech, so they could theoretically have their board but they won't have any red carpet special treatment like they got on 8kun, and without which I'm pretty confident that anons would take care of the rest.
>>2103 >I get the sense they just don't know what to make of this place: they're digging for a QAnon narrative, and we have nothing to offer them. It's been proposed before and as a definitely not secret journalist trying to probe you have you taken a stance on a Qnigger ban as the one exception to free and open board creation?
>>2097 >faggot refuses to have a rational argument >instead opts to act like a defensive faggot and get beaten by a superior shitposter from the promised land >get blown the fuck out when he realizes his entire argument is collapsing on out of itself >failed highschool physics so opted to go to bdsm community to get abused How does that make you feel?

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TORpedo spammers Anonymous 07/15/2020 (Wed) 17:37:30 Id: 4315f9 No. 342 [Reply]
I occasionally get some faggot spamming my threads using TOR, is there a way to block him from doing so? I don't want to disable it permanently from my board, I just want to ban it for a few hours a day.
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May I recommend a simple solution of rate-limiting TOR posts per board? And then a more complex solution of requiring an in-browser proof-of-work for tor posting, with the work size exponentially proportional to the tor posts rate.
>>1144 Proof of work is coming in the next LynxChan update. The problem with rate-limiting is that a bad actor can block genuine posters by spamming and that's not fair to them. Proof of Work will allow us to throttle bad actors by banning their bypass while people just trying to post won't be bothered.
>>342 >faggot refuses to have a rational argument >instead opts to act like a defensive faggot and get beaten by a superior shitposter from the promised land >get blown the fuck out when he realizes his entire argument is collapsing on out of itself >failed highschool physics so opted to go to bdsm community to get abused How does that make you feel?

Mods Anonymous 12/24/2020 (Thu) 10:42:23 Id: 69c362 No. 1800 [Reply]
Explain What's with the wating for validation shit. Are you dealing with a spammer or something.
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>>1803 An i7-6500u.
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Anyone else get a post like this? It is only 1 so I think it is by human, but the words is like generated by script
>>1802 yeah. the system tries to bruteforce a hash, it is supposed to use a lot of cpu power. if you use the java version and disable js validation in the settings here, you can use it and it should be faster.

Testing webm Anonymous 07/12/2020 (Sun) 22:05:36 Id: 1db7f8 No. 324 [Reply]
Don't mind me, just testing if iOS 14 added webm support

Anonymous 01/08/2021 (Fri) 11:38:19 Id: cc4403 No. 1863 [Reply]
Since you two faggots seem to love making weird shit like video hosting sites why don't you make something useful like an archive.is alternative?

Moving a board from another website to 8chan Anonymous 12/28/2020 (Mon) 14:02:16 Id: e52f25 No. 1818 [Reply]
Hello, Acid, I've been mulling over your proposal for quite some time now and I really think it's in my and my users' best interests if we joined you with our own bunker. I'd like to ask if you could help out with moving the currently available threads onto our equivalent board on 8chan, and on that note, would like to understand how the system for mirroring posts actually works. I don't want to disclose WHICH board it is yet because some of my users may not like it in the immediate and I need a few days to mediate with our group. Thanks in advance, lad. We're in this picture if you're wondering. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out who we are by a process of elimination.
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Can /hentaiporn/ be brought here as well? I really want to see it on here, rather than going to 8chan. I really hope that'll change soon, since 8chan is pretty much dead anyways.
>>1840 The content can be mirrored, but since the board is maintained I think it would be better if they were convinced to move, or at least set up a bunker here. Having the BO request a mirror of the board and offering to maintain it is more likely to keep the community together. I would recommend you let them know you're a regular and would like to see the board moved. Given how 8kun is falling apart, there's a good case for it. If they're interested, I'd be happy to work with them to move the board. I will also try to maintain a clone of it in case the site dies suddenly. Boards which are dead or up for claims on 8kun can be moved in by creating the board here and then sending me an e-mail to request a migration.
>>1841 Sorry, I meant 8kun, but hopefully someone will made it on here someday.

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Any interest in lewds/porn hosting sites by the administration? Anonymous 12/20/2020 (Sun) 06:02:36 Id: 5e54d2 No. 1746 [Reply]
Has Acid and co ever thought about making porn hosting sites? technically 8chan can host lewds but the filesize limit obviously prevents most video content from being posted Or would it just be too much hassle with the exorbitant costs, probable lack of income, and all the dangers and efforts of opponents that come with it? Was just thinking about it with the fall of Pornhub (and by extension, all pornhub-related networks which is a lot of places, and more will come with Mastercard and Visa likely not stopping) Gallery or booru sites would be convenient too, what with the logistical inconveniences of using imageboards to browse for lewds (formatting of the site and whatnot), though I was mainly thinking about video content with this post since the former at least seem safe for now (but that could easily change as well), but something like a gallery style viewer would be cool, and it would be nice to contribute to a less autistic place than sad panda (and by extension, make lewds a little more decentralized in doing so)
>>1746 Just go on allthefallen or gelbooru if you are that desperate.

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Take Over /jp/ Anonymous 08/05/2020 (Wed) 21:18:15 No. 723 [Reply]
Does anyone want to take over /jp/? Now that /japan/ exists and has taken the place of a board for Japanese culture, I was thinking of making /jp/ into a place for Japanese-speakers, such as like /de/, however I don't know enough Japanese to have a full conversation in one, let alone run and moderate a board in Japanese. So if anyone wants to take it over for the purpose of this, I'd be willing to hand it over. Just share your username here or email me at NekoNyuh@cock.li if you want it. Also, if possible, please provide some proof that you can actually speak and read Japanese.
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>>723 Bump >>728 Don't know enough to hold a conversation, can still read that though.
foreign language boards seem to be a staple of 8chan spinoffs.
>>723 /librejp/ exists, but they have a home at Sportschan and a bunker at Endchan.

8mule Triumvirate /site/ Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 12:11:59 Id: bac04a No. 108 [Reply]
A meta for /monarchy/, /fascist/, & /liberty/ + crossboard fun & games. Other boards welcome.
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monarcy, facist, liberty, essentially all boards besides /v/ and maybe /co/ and /pol/ are dead. /co/ and /pol/ are on life-support.
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>>1452 /monarchy/ was always a dead board. It's just dead dead now. Double dead. The fate of /monarchy/ is unknown. I wouldn't hold it against them if they washed the board completely and started over. Would be for the best. >facist They're fine. >liberty idk how they are. >besides /v/ and maybe /co/ and /pol/ are dead /ck/ is a pretty decent board.
>>1452 How can something be on life support when it was only just born?

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Redchannit / Project Crescent Isle 2.0 Acid Board owner 12/13/2020 (Sun) 06:51:12 Id: 012171 No. 1653 [Reply]
Original Thread Archive: https://archive.is/Y2T07 Welcome to the official Project Crescent Isle thread. This thread is only for Crescent Isle/Redchannit/Tor related issues including: >System updates >Bug reports >User feedback >Questions, comments, and technical support In the classic Dreamcast RPG Skies of Arcadia, the heroes are a band of Blue Rogue air pirates; swashbucking heroes pursued across the world by an evil empire. In the middle of the game the party discovers a tiny, uncharted island in the corner of the map and they turn it into a hidden fortress paradise. A base of operations, safely hidden from their enemies in a place called Crescent Isle. What is Crescent Isle? It is a clearnet portal to 8chan's tor server (.onion) created by combining a specially configured proxy server called Tor2Web with an HTTP Accelerator cache, all hosted on a dedicated server and with its own domain. What does it do? It allows anons to potentially post on any number of imageboard .onions from the clearnet, using any browser and viewing/posting from anywhere, without needing to use Tor Browser themselves. And they can do it almost as fast as using the site on the clearnet due to the aggressive dynamic caching system that front-loads things like thumbnails and CSS.

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>>4053 I'm investigating this. It looks like congestion in the tor circuit between the proxy and the main .onion, but I'll try to get a better idea and see if I can force it onto a different leg if so.
>>4089 Have you figured anything out yet? Using this site is becoming more and more difficult. Forget posting, a lot of times now I can't even LOAD the damn site to even lurk. And captchas take forever to load too and they desynch all the time too so it takes 2 or 3 attempts to even get a good one.
>>4325 I think tor is fucked in general lately. Every tor address I try to open goes incredibly slow, however opening the clearnet address through a exit node actually works super fast.

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Project Crescent Isle: Early Launch Edition Acid Board owner 07/28/2020 (Tue) 23:34:24 Id: 298ab9 No. 532 [Reply] [Last]
Hello everyone. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: >>825 I've been teasing this project for a couple of months as I worked out all the implementation details, so here's the payoff. In the classic Dreamcast RPG Skies of Arcadia, the heroes are a band of Blue Rogue air pirates; swashbucking heroes pursued across the world by an evil empire. In the middle of the game the party discovers a tiny, uncharted island in the corner of the map and they turn it into a hidden fortress paradise. A base of operations, safely hidden from their enemies in a place called Crescent Isle. What is Crescent Isle? It is a clearnet portal to 8moe's onion created with the implementation of a specially configured Tor2Web multiproxy coupled to an aggressive HTTP accelerator cache, and protected from DDoS by a CDN. What does it do? It allows anons to potentially access any number of imageboard .onions from the clearnet, using any browser and viewing/posting from anywhere. And they can do it almost as fast as using the site on the clearnet due to the CDN and aggressive dynamic caching system. How does it work? There is a separate server that is currently running the open source Tor, Tor2Web, and Varnish Cache software programs, all specially configured to play nice together and with LynxChan software. The system uses a single .onion site as a default (8moe in our case) but through the use of specially configured custom subdomains a single Crescent Isle server can proxy traffic for any number of imageboard sites on an opt-in basis.

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Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/11/2020 (Tue) 02:17:39.
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is it wise to do this for nanochan and nntpchan too?
>>1296 Last I recall nanochan specifically went out of their way to break clearnet portals being able to access their site. Of course this was with the original owner so maybe things have changed.
>>532 sauce

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