/site/ - Site Meta

Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Remember to follow the Rules

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/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423 [Reply] [Last]
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
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>>9707 Did they get tricked by LCP again?
>>9698 I was just coming here to complain about the lack of proper error message. I kept getting some generic message and tried a bunch of different things that didn't work until the only thing left was trying to debug the issue and then I saw the actual reason in the developer tools. It can't be that hard to get the proper message to the user. >>9702 > I'll consider raising it a little bit That would be welcomed too. I used to encode a lot of stuff to upload to threads so having more space is always nice.

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8chan Rules Enforcement and Corner Case Rulings Compendium Anonymous Board owner 11/21/2021 (Sun) 23:49:51 Id: 0a02ed No. 4481 [Reply]
This is a locked thread for archiving the causes and outcomes of corner case rulings vis-a-vis the site's Global Rules. It may be cited as an explanation for rules and policies. The Global Rules page is the "what", this thread will archive the "why" and the "how" for specific instances.
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Ruling18: Shilling, Blackpilling, and Other Psyops. Global Rule 4 has long contained a provision prohibiting "psyops" against the site. Out of respect for free speech, and to avoid false positives or the appearance of policing opinions, this ruling is invoked only sparingly and only when predictable patterns of disruptive activity are noticed, and not merely on the basis of one isolated event. If this ruling is invoked in matters of controversy, a general policy is held that "the truth vindicates" - meaning that objectively true information, shown in its full context and without malice or leading the reader, will be exempted so that we can err on the side of free speech, even if such content would be inconvenient to the site. Many times the malicious users to whom this ruling would apply are already breaking the rules of the site because they are spamming the disruptive content and/or evading bans, and so those rules will generally be invoked against them first. Typically when prohibited psyops are detected by themselves the content will simply be deleted, but global staff may use their own judgement in assigning bans for persistent or particularly malicious posters of it. The most common activities that constitute prohibited psyops are: <Shilling Meaning marketing a website, article, meme, false narrative, product or service by faking unironic community enthusiasm, favorable reviews, or public or staff support, particularly when done for profit. <Datamining Meaning an organized attempt to disguise the solicitation of user metadata and/or personal identifying information as ordinary posts or traffic, particularly when done for profit. <Blackpilling Meaning a malicious attempt to demoralize or otherwise inhibit the interests, passions, or energy of the community to discourage users from participating in the site, a board, a thread, or some other allowed activity in order to hinder or limit user participation. <Death Memes Meaning a malicious attempt to create a false impression among the community that a board or the site is "dying" or otherwise in some perilous or compromised state, with the intent of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by provoking users into abandoning it. <Derailing and Diluting

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Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 16:30:03.
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Ruling19: Raids, Raiding, and Raiding Raiders The Global Rules of the site do not generally prohibit the act of raiding, regardless of whether such raids occur between boards on this site, or are conducted by anons from this site upon other locations. However any raid, or series of raids, which spills over or gets out of hand (e.g., a board is spammed beyond the ability of local staff to handle, or retaliatory actions from other sites pose a threat to the communities here, the site as a whole, or other parts of our infrastructure, or doxing and /i/nvasion tactics start being used which may violate the law) may fall afoul of Global Rule 4's "harm to the site" clause and become prohibited that way. >Why? Board raids are ancient imageboard culture, dating back to the era of Gaia Online, Habbo Hotel, and Ebaumsworld. This site aims to protect and preserve as much of old imageboard culture as possible, and our general policy is that top-down moderation of the site should be kept to a minimum. The typical raid is a relatively harmless affair, done for the lulz and the only price paid is the minor frustrations of its intended victims. In sum, raids are meant to be fun and so long as they don't actually wind up causing measurable harm to the site or spill over into other Global Rule violations, then it isn't our place to tell anons and boards what they can and cannot do for their amusement.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 16:29:51.

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The Orange Box Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 23:54:58 Id: f413fc No. 9460 [Reply]
Throw ideas to improve the site in a nutshell.
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>>9460 Overhaul the whole front page and make it look like this ffs
>>9567 To this day I am unsure what "velocity" meant other than a thread being active.
Shift-click to hide a thread from catalog. An old feature from Prime.

Files missings Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 02:12:13 Id: 47865b No. 9685 [Reply]
One thread and a few pics from other posts are missing. The thread was active and it was not intentionally deleted. There is 404 error. https://8chan.moe/nunubua/res/623.html

Board Owner Support and Migration Requests Codexx Root 12/13/2020 (Sun) 05:27:09 Id: abfacc No. 1651 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for Board Owners to get support for running their boards. How do I create a board? First, you should see if the board you want to create already exists. Some boards may be marked abandoned, in which case you can put in a board claim. If the board doesn't exist, you can create one yourself. Create an account or log-in by visiting the lightning bolt symbol next to the CSS dropdown at the top of the page. Once there, make sure you have a verified e-mail address. Then, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and find the board creation section. Enter the URI, name, and a description. After you fill out the captcha and submit, you'll have your very own board. How do I claim an existing board? A board will be marked abandoned if the Board Owner has not logged in for a few weeks. Sometimes, this indicates they've gone missing. If the BO cannot be reached then we will hand the board over to a willing replacement. We recommend sending an e-mail to the administration address of 8moeadmin@protonmail.com. Please include your username on the site and the board you are requesting. How do I create custom CSS? There is an upload field on the board settings page for custom CSS. Upload your file there. Custom board assets such as background images, mascots, icons, music, etc should be posted in the appropriate thread on >>>/res/. This board is for board assets only. This way, you don't need to clutter your board with a pinned asset, or worry an uploaded image will fall off the site. How do I create custom JavaScript? This feature is currently disabled. Soon, you'll be able to request custom JS be activated for your board. You can leave that request here.

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>>9658 It's because of shitty browsers. Hopefully in the future there will just be a checkbox by the name field instead, especially for boards that have no name field.
Can a board volunteer ask to move a thread like a BO can?
Hi, sorry if I'm being too impatient but do the admins check their emails anymore? I sent an email a few days ago about how email verification seems to be broken but got nothing.

Email Confirmation? Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 03:04:10 Id: d33077 No. 9666 [Reply]
Hello, I tried with gmail, cock.li and protonmail and none of them ended up receiving an email from 8chan. I tried emailing codexx and the admin email 2 days ago. Anyone know what other steps I should take? Thank you.
>>9666 Please?
>>9666 >>9668 Hi, anyone?
Nvm, messaging them on twitter or asking on the IRC should help

8chan Broadcasting Service Codexx Root 11/17/2020 (Tue) 09:20:00 Id: 3ae7e9 No. 1519 [Reply] [Last]
This is the official support thread for https://8chan.tv/ What is this site? A place for anons to stream anything they'd like. You can stream any video you'd like, and users can join chat anonymously. Streams can also be embedded elsewhere for easy sharing. Chat is built around XMPP, so you can connect with any Jabber client. Streams are generic RTMP streams, so you can connect and view them directly. For example, you can watch a stream in VLC instead of on the website. What can't it do? The site supports uploading videos and storing clips, but these features are currently disabled. If there's strong interest, I can make it available, but I'd need a way to pay for storage space. Why should I use this? The goal is to provide anons with an easy, convenient way to get a media stream. Other sites actively police uploads to enforce "community guidelines". It can be inconvenient to share some media as a result. The site isn't working well! Leave a reply here describing the problem. If you're having performance issues, I can help diagnose. If the site is being used heavily and begins to struggle, I can download more RAM to make it go faster.

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Edited last time by codexx on 01/16/2023 (Mon) 02:25:50.
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>>7656 >Intel GPUs Keep us posted on this, I'm very interested in trying AV1 encoding myself
The query occupants failed check happens about every 5 seconds, it will actually run over the screen, and cover the entire chat side

holy shit these captchas are fucking ridiculous Anonymous 03/17/2023 (Fri) 05:13:04 Id: 2b050f No. 7844 [Reply]
look at this shit. i just blew threw probably 20 captchas to post in /b/ and here are just a few of them. these never used to be this fucktardedly hard. i can't count the number of times i decided not to post at all because of these. do something
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>>9601 >305526, c5922c, c6c0eb, 6cd2fc Are you a bot, anon?
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>>7844 Thanks to the captcha i found this nice font so I can't complain too much.
>>9605 >c6c0eb I don't know what it is but there is no way it is 0

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Censorship strikes again why is TOR not allowed again Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 06:04:11 Id: 60b173 No. 7987 [Reply]
We were able to post using TOR but now it shows the message Tor users are not allowed, the site was doing well for the free speech cause but now seems like twitter or kikebook of sorts What happened, when will this be fixed, don't let ZOG win, allow TOR again
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>>7987 It's fucking scandalous, this site has everything to succeed (you can moderate your own thread, post many pictures, many file types, no size limit, etc, edit your text, it's literally a better 4chan in terms of ergonomics) yet is still dead for the most retarded reasons like this. How is it even our problem if pedos post CP? It's literally like punishing the whole class because one pupil acted bad. Maybe do your work and get rid of the CP, we're not responsible. People come here because 4chan is, despite being highly frequented, is ruled by leftards and constantly spammed by nigger-lover troons and moderation is retarded (you either say the most hateful stuffs with no consequences or get banned for saying nigger without even criticizing nor insulting them, or your thread get nuked for no reasons because why not) We come here because we can't post on 4chan under VPN. All this is a farce, I've literally read people saying in /meta/ that allowing CP was a good way to increase site's visitor numbers since pedos are numerous online. What a hypocrisy. Growing up on them and then punishing us because suddenly you decide what you allowed was forbidden, and instead of getting rid of their posts, taking safety from everybody. Do your job, moderate your site, and allow torposting or fuck off. No we don't want to create an account, no we don't want to give our email, no we don't want to pay, no we don't want to drop torposting. It's clear now? Reminder than even Reddit, (yes) allows posting from TOR. Are you worse than Reddit, 8chan?
>>9597 Torposting is off right now because of the bugs we're dealing with on the new server, not because of users. It'll be back ASAP.
>>9597 >wall of sperging Onionheads never gonna make it

Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 04:42:10 Id: f713dc No. 7462 [Reply]
why da fuq i gotta enter two captchas when posting for the first time? the first captcha i enter should solve the global captcha automatically
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>>7466 Yes, but the per-post captcha should just automatically solve the global one. I only browse incognito because I don't want any shit her to persist in my history just in case, so I have to solve the global every time I come to the site.
Now come on. It's the board owners that set the captcha rules for a board not the 8chan general site.
it's true, it's retarded once should suffice

nigger Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 19:12:15 Id: beb647 No. 7471 [Reply]
>check site after a long time >it's literally all spanish boards >gay faggot nigger retard splash screen that blocks archive.today like gawker >people getting banned for mentioning crypto >4chan-tier anti-dox rule >general paranoid schizophrenic niggery >there's still a gaymergate thread >multiple minute long delay in posting if your post errors out for no legitimate reason Is it just an agreed-upon rule for all the post-8chan splinter sites to be run by absolute fucktards that do their best to give no reason to use their site over 4chan?
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>>7472 >t. (((Vampyr))) Opinion discarded.
>>7471 >>it's literally all spanish boards Actually it would be half of the boards (at least if we talk about the most active ones). >>gay faggot nigger retard splash screen that blocks archive.today like gawker It is to prevent the chan from being blocked from sites like Archive Today or Wayback Machine due to false reports. The problem is that the [Archive] link is not updated and many anons are still using it since they probably aren't aware that now you can only archive threads from https://archive.8chan.moe (which is half-assedly implemented shit, but that's another story). > >4chan-tier anti-dox rule It seems to me that this is to prevent the chan from being arbitrarily blocked by Cuckflare. >>7472 And yours the same. >>7476 >(((Vampyr))) Since when does that guy speak Spanish?
>>7471 >Is it just an agreed-upon rule for all the post-8chan splinter sites to be run by absolute fucktards that do their best to give no reason to use their site over 4chan? Leggit question. Also you can't torpost anymore.

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I GOT BANNED FROM /V/ Anonymous 08/25/2023 (Fri) 04:38:31 Id: 997d33 No. 8426 [Reply]
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>>8426 >>8427 Appeal your ban and I'll lift it.
>>8427 Why do you type like you're underage? Why do you only capitalize the letter "I" of all things?
>>9574 stfu retard and nta

Email Confirmation Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:23:49 Id: 076857 No. 8855 [Reply]
Trying to get an email confirmation for my account, but nothing arrived. I double checked the email and checked the spam folder. Still nothing.
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>>8856 I also sent an email here. (not sure I typed it correctly).
>>8919 Lmao you all should've gone with JSchan. Lynxchan is dogshit and Stephen Lynx is a literal favela monketranny
Email sent.

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/8flags/ ad Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 11:18:10 Id: ac68c9 No. 9543 [Reply]
Go visit >>>/8flags/ A board for /ck/ foodies, /k/ommandos, /vr/ retro gamers, /an/ animal lovers, /mu/ songbirds, /u/ dykes, /mlp/ bronies, /fast/ Chris Chan with Grace-chan the party princess.
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RETVRN Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 01:42:50 Id: 41ba3e No. 9568 [Reply]
God I miss the vichan look and feel, It's just not the same without it
>>9568 I've never really liked how 8moe looked or felt, would there be any way to implement a "classic" style in the dropdown menu? It's mostly CSS after all, right? This is something I asked about way back in 2020 but I never heard anything.
>>9571 This, Give us the vichan look, smuglo.li got it so right.

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FUDge Zone Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 01:29:35 Id: afe190 No. 9469 [Reply]

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